The Orbit
Anatomy of The Eye
2021 / 2020 الدكتور يونس إسماعيل خلف الفهداوي
inferior orbital rim, the orbital process of the palatine bone forms a small
triangular area in the posterior floor.
IV-The medial wall is less distinct ; the ethmoid bone is paper-thin , the
lacrimal bone, the body of the sphenoid forms the most posterior aspect of the
medial wall and the angular process of the frontal bone forms a small part of it.
The eyeball
Anatomy of The Eye
2021 / 2020 الدكتور يونس إسماعيل خلف الفهداوي
the outer surface of the anterior sclera is covered by a thin layer of fine elastic
tissue the episclera which contains numerous blood vessels that nourish the
at the insertion of the rectus muscles the sclera is about 0.3 mm thick;
elsewhere it is about 1mm thick.
around the optic nerve the sclera is penetrated by the long and short posterior
ciliary arteries and the long and short ciliary nerves , the four vortex veins
draining the choroid exit through the sclera slightly posterior to the equator ,
usually one in each quadrant.
the nerve supply to the sclera is form the ciliary nerves.
histologically the sclera consists of many dense bands of parallel and interlacing
fibrous tissue bundles , the histologic structure of the sclera is remarkably
similar to that of the cornea.
The cornea :
The cornea is a transparent tissue comparable in size and structure to the
crystal of a small wrist watch (fig. 3,4,5). it is inserted into the sclera at the
limbus; the circumferential depression at this junction being known as the
scleral sulcus .
the average adult cornea is 0.54mm thick in the center about 0.65mm thick at
the periphery and about 11.5mm in diameter .
from anterior to posterior it has five distinct layers :
- epithelium (which is continuous with the epithelium of the bulbar
conjunctiva) it has five or six layers of cells .
- bowman's layer is a clear acellular layer ; a modified portion of the stroma.
- stroma account for about 90% of the corneal thickness . it is composed of
intertwining lamellae of collagen fibrils about 1µm wide that run almost the full
diameter of the cornea. They run parallel to the surface of the cornea and by
virtue of their size and periodicity are optically clear.
- descemets membrane is a clear elastic membrane that appears amorphous
on electron microscopy and represents the basement membrane of the corneal
Anatomy of The Eye
2021 / 2020 الدكتور يونس إسماعيل خلف الفهداوي
- endothelium is the inner most (and only one layer), it is cannot regenerate
when damaged, by pumping action, it keeps the cornea in dehydrated state and
hence optically clear.
sources of nutrition for the cornea are the vessels of the limbus , the aqueous
and the tears . the superficial cornea also gets most of its oxygen from the
the sensory supply of the cornea is by the first (ophthalmic) division of the fifth
(trigeminal) cranial nerve.
the transparency of the cornea is due to its uniform structure , avascularity
and deturgescence.
Anatomy of The Eye
2021 / 2020 الدكتور يونس إسماعيل خلف الفهداوي
there are two layers of ciliary epithelium: an internal non pigmented layer
representing the anterior extension of the neuro retina and external pigmented
layer representing an extension of the retinal pigment epithelium. the cilliary
processes and their covering ciliary epithelium are responsible for the formation
of aqueous.
The ciliary muscle is composed of a combination of longitudinal , circular and
radial fibers ; the function of the circular fibers is to contract and relax the
zonular fibers which originate in the valleys between the ciliary processes (this
alters the tension on the capsule of the lens giving the lens a variable focus for
both near and distant objects . the longitudinal fibers of the ciliary muscle insert
into the trabecular meshwork to influence its pore size.
The aqueous :
Anatomy of The Eye
2021 / 2020 الدكتور يونس إسماعيل خلف الفهداوي
aqueous humor is produced by the ciliary body entering the posterior chamber.
it passes through the pupil into the anterior chamber and then peripherally
toward the anterior chamber angle . fig. 3
The retina :
The retina is a thin semitransparent multilayered sheet of neural tissue that
lines the inner aspect of the posterior two-thirds of the wall of the globe.
it extends almost as far anteriorly as the ciliary body ending at the point in a
ragged edge the ora serrate (fig. 4,6 )
the outer surface of the sensory retina is apposed to the retinal pigment
epithelium and thus related to bruchs membrane of the choroid and the sclera .
in most areas the sensory retina and the retinal pigment epithelium are easily
separated to from the sub retinal space such as occurs in retinal detachment
but at the optic disk and the ora serrata the retina and retinal pigment
epithelium are firmly bound together thus limiting the spread of sub retinal fluid
in retinal detachment . the inner surface of the retina is apposed to the vitreous.
Anatomy of The Eye
2021 / 2020 الدكتور يونس إسماعيل خلف الفهداوي
the epithelial layers of the inner surface of the ciliary body and the posterior
surface of the iris represent anterior extension of sensory retina and retinal
pigment epithelium.
The layers of the retina starting from its inner aspect are:
(1)internal limiting membrane.
(2) nerve fiber layer : containing the ganglion cell axons passing to the optic
(3) ganglion cell layer .
(4) inner plexifrom layer, containing the connections of the ganglion cells with
the amacrine and bipolar cells.
(5) inner nuclear layer of bipolar , amacrina and horizontal cell bodies (6) outer
plexifrom layer, containing the connections of the bipolar and horizontal cells
with the photoreceptors.
(7) outer nuclear layer of photoreceptor cell nuclei.
(8) external limiting membrane .
(9) photoreceptor layer of rods and cones .
(10) retinal pigment epithelium .
Anatomy of The Eye
2021 / 2020 الدكتور يونس إسماعيل خلف الفهداوي
Anatomy of The Eye
2021 / 2020 الدكتور يونس إسماعيل خلف الفهداوي
- it passes beneath the inferior rectus to insert onto the sclera with a short
tendon at the postero-temporal segment of the globe just over the macular
Nerve supply :
1-The oculomotor nerve (III) innervates the medial, inferior and superior rectus
muscles and the inferior oblique muscle.
2- The abducens nerve(VI) innervates the lateral rectus muscle.
3- The trochlear nerve (IV) innervates the superior oblique muscle.
- the two extremities of the levator aponeurosis are called its medial and
lateral horns. The medial horn is thin and is attached into the medial palpebral
ligament , the lateral horn inserts into the orbital tubercle and the lateral
palpebral ligament.
- the levator belly passes forward forms an aponeurosis and spreads like a fan.
- the muscle including its smooth muscle component (mullers muscle) and its
aponeurosis form an important part of the upper lid retractor .
( the palpebral segment of the orbicularis oculi muscle acts as its antagonist).
Anatomy of The Eye
2021 / 2020 الدكتور يونس إسماعيل خلف الفهداوي
I- Eye brows :
The eyebrows are folds of thickened skin covered with hair . the skin fold is
supported by underlying muscle fibers. the glabella is the hairless prominence
between the eyebrows. Fig. (9)
Anatomy of The Eye
2021 / 2020 الدكتور يونس إسماعيل خلف الفهداوي
A . anterior margin:
1. Eyelashes :- the eyelashes project from the margins of the eyelids and are
arranged irregularly, the upper lashes are longer and more numerous than the
lower lashes and turn upward ; the lower lashes turn downward.
2. glands of zeis :- these are small modified sebaceous glands that open into
the hair follicles at the base of the eyelashes.
3. glands of moll :- these are modified sweat glands that open in a row near
the base of the eye lashes.
B. posterior margin:
the posterior lid margin is in close contact with the globe and along this
margin are the small orifices of modified sebaceous glands ( meibomian or
tarsal glands).
C. lacrimal punctum:
at the medial end of the posterior margin of each lid a small elevation with a
central small opening can be seen on the upper and lower lids.
the puncta serve to carry the tears down through the corresponding canaliculus
to the lacrimal sac.
Sensory nerve supply :
the sensory nerve supply to the eyelids is derived from the first and second
divisions of the trigeminal nerve(V).
Anatomy of The Eye
2021 / 2020 الدكتور يونس إسماعيل خلف الفهداوي
palpebral portion of the gland cuts off all of the connecting ducts and thus
prevents secretion by the entire gland.
The accessory lacrimal glands (of Krause and wolfring) are located in the
substance propria of the palpebral conjunctiva.
Tears drain from the lacrimal lake via the upper and lower puncta and
canaliculi to the lacrimal sac which lies in the lacrimal fossa , the nasolacrimal
duct continues outward and slightly backward from the sac and opens into
the inferior meatus of the nasal cavity .
Tears are directed into the puncta by the combined forces of capillary
attraction in the canaliculi, gravity and the pumping action of horners muscle
(which is an extension of the orbicularis oculi muscle).
Nerve supply by lacrimal nerve(sensory) , great superficial petrosal nerve
(secretory) and sympathetic fibers .
Ciliary ganglion
The parasympathetic ciliary ganglion is located about (1 cm) in front of the
annulus of zinn on the lateral side of the ophthalmic artery, between the
optic nerve and the lateral rectus muscle. Fig. (11)
It receives three roots :
I- a long (sensory) root from the nasociliary nerve . it contains sensory fibers
from the cornea, the iris ,and the ciliary body.
II- a short (motor) root arises from the lower division of the oculomotor
nerve (which also supplies the inferior oblique muscle).
the fibers of the motor root synapse in the ganglion and carry
parasympathetic axons to supply the iris sphincter.
III- the sympathetic root comes from the plexus around the internal carotid
artery, the fibers passes through the ganglion and innervates vessels of the
eye and possibly the dilator fibers to the iris.
Branches of the ciliary ganglion : (short ciliary nerves)
Anatomy of The Eye
2021 / 2020 الدكتور يونس إسماعيل خلف الفهداوي
The postganglionic short ciliary nerves are (6 to 10)and these arise from the
ciliary ganglion .
each short ciliary nerve contains sympathetic, parasymbathetic and sensory
Only the parasympathetic fibers are thought to synapse in the ciliary ganglion
((sympathetic fibers from cell bodies in the superior cervical ganglion and
sensory fibers from cell bodies in the trigeminal ganglion , all passing directly
through the ciliary ganglion without synapsing)).
The short ciliary nerves travel on both sides of the optic nerve and together
with the long ciliary nerves pierce the sclera around the optic nerve, they
pass anteriorly to from a plexus in the ciliary muscle that supplies the cornea,
the ciliary body, and the iris.
Visual pathway
The visual pathway transmitted neural stimuli( image) formed by the retina
mainly to the visual centre in the occipital cortex. Fig. (12)
Some fibers conveys stimuli to the mid brain to serve the pupillary reaction
or reflex.
Anatomy of The Eye
2021 / 2020 الدكتور يونس إسماعيل خلف الفهداوي
it is a 1.5 by 1.75 mm, oval ,with a disc shaped depression ( the physiologic
cup) . the main branches of the central retinal artery and vein pass through
the center of the cup. Fig 6
b- orbital portion : this part extends from the globe to the apex of the orbit.
c- Intracranial portion : after passing through the optic foramen the optic
nerves lie above the ophthalmic arteries and above and medial to the
internal carotid arteries. the optic nerves then pass posteriorly over the
cavernous sinus to join the optic chiasm.
**{lesion of the optic nerve causes ipsilateral field loss (and blindness) with
ipsilateral afferent pupillary defect}.
Anatomy of The Eye
2021 / 2020 الدكتور يونس إسماعيل خلف الفهداوي
V - Optic radiation :
the optic radiation connects the lateral geniculate body with the visual cortex
of the occipital lobe. the fibers of the optic radiation leave the lateral
geniculate body and run around the temporal horn of the lateral ventricle
approaching the anterior tip of the temporal lobe ( loop of meyer ) they then
sweep back ward toward the visual area of the occipital lobe.
**{ lesion causes visual defects similar to L.G.N. }
VI - Visual cortex :
the visual cortex has six cellular layers, is the thinnest area of the human
cerebral cortex , and occupies the superior and inferior lips of the calcarine
fissure on the posterior and medial surfaces of the occipital lobes.
macular function is extremely well represented in the visual cortex and
occupies the most posterior position at the tip of the occipital lobe.
The posterior cerebral artery, a branch of the basilar artery supplies the
visual cortex almost exclusively.
**{lesion causes visual defects similar to L.G.N. and radiation but with
macular sparing }.