Histophathology Nov2019
Histophathology Nov2019
Histophathology Nov2019
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E-ISSN: 2347-5129
P-ISSN: 2394-0506
(ICV-Poland) Impact Value: 5.62 Histopathology in the fish Channa punctatus,
(GIF) Impact Factor: 0.549
IJFAS 2019; 7(6): 47-54 Heteropneustes fossilis and Anabas testudineus exposed
© 2019 IJFAS
www.fisheriesjournal.com to diazinon
Received: 21-09-2019
Accepted: 25-10-2019
Mohammad Sohidul Islam, MD. Mansurul Haque, MD. Nazim Uddin and
Mohammad Sohidul Islam
Department of Zoology,
MD. Hasanuzzaman
Jahangirnagar University,
Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh Abstract
Pesticides deteriorate the normal function of vital organs of fishes and in case of high concentrations, it
MD. Mansurul Haque totally damaged those organs. Histological changes in gills, liver, heart, intestine and kidney of three
Department of Zoology, common fish species (Channa punctatus, Heteropneustes fossilis and Anabas testudineus) have been
Jahangirnagar University,
studies to observe the effect of Diazinon as it has become a very common pollutant in the aquatic
Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh
environment. Six different concentrations (2.5. 5.0, 10.0, 15.0, 20.0 and 25.0 mg/l) of pesticide had been
MD. Nazim Uddin applied in the test aquaria (Chari) to experience the major alterations of the vital organs of the three
Directorate of Secondary and treated species of fish. Lower concentrations (2.5 to 10.0 mg/l) had no remarkable effect on the treated
Higher Education, Dhaka, organs, whereas, Curley gill lamellae, irregular blood vessels in the liver, muscle fiber destruction in
Bangladesh heart, blended Submucosa and glomerular necrosis were found in C. punctatus from 15.0 to 25.0 mg/l
doses. Lamellar fusion, sinusoid vacuoles, fused villi and hemorrhagic renal tubules were observed in H.
MD. Hasanuzzaman fossilis and bent in secondary lamellae, irregular blood vessels in liver, fragmented muscle fiber in heart,
Institute of Food and Radiation ruptured villi as well as necrotic glomerular were noticed in A. testudineus in the same doses of Diazinon.
Biology, Atomic Energy The present study demonstrated that pesticide (Diazinon) disrupted the normal function of the sensible
Research Establishment, organs of fishes by damaging them in different ways.
Bangladesh Atomic Energy
Commission, Ganakbari, Savar, Keywords: Histological alteration, pesticide, ecosystems, freshwater fishes
GPO Box- 3787, Dhaka- 1000,
1. Introduction
Pesticides are regarded as important tools for pest control in agro-farm and forestry though it
has become the contributor to gradual aquatic ecosystem degradation that recommended as a
greater part of the natural environment [1, 2]. It boosts the crop yields in one hand, contaminates
the water bodies through spray drift and leaching from the soil surface that induces the
ecological balance and hazardous health effects on a diversity of non-target creatures including
fish on the other hand [3]. In recent years, Pesticides have become a growing concern of
bioaccumulation as well as the persistence of various pesticides in the aquatic environment
comprehended a great threat to the overall ecosystem including human beings [4]. Since 50
years ago pesticides present in surface waters were reported in Canada, North America and
Europe. After that a large number of reports had been documented revealing the toxic effects
of these pollutants to the aquatic ecosystem [5, 6]. C. punctatus, H. fossilis, A. testudineus,
Barbodes gonionotus and some other indigenous small fishes use paddy fields and adjacent
aquatic ground (canals, lakes, ponds, swamps and inland water bodies) as breeding and
nursing of their fries, hence they played as biological indicators of ecotoxicological studies.
Pesticides with high concentration attenuated the survival, growth and reproduction of these
indigenous fish species [7] and exposed some visible effects on fish. This is because, fishes are
very sensitive to contaminated water occurring by pesticides, and certain physiological and
biochemical processes may damage when pesticides enter into different organs of fish [8].
Organophosphates are extensively used pesticides in the agriculture sector and it accounts for
approximately 50% of global pesticide use (John, 2007). Diazinon (0,0-diethyl 0-[6-methyl-
Corresponding Author: 2(1-methylethyl)-4-pyrimidinyl] is a widely used organophosphate insecticide for agriculture
Mohammad Sohidul Islam and domestic pest control. It is also used to restrain a variety of Hymenopterans and
Department of Zoology, Hemipteran insects including aphids, beetles, scales and pill bugs [10, 11]. After application in
Jahangirnagar University,
Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh
the agro-farm, Diazinon easily washes away into the surface water and ultimately brings into
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International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies http://www.fisheriesjournal.com
adjacent water bodies, ponds, rivers and lakes where they Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh with the
contaminate the aquatic ecosystems and affects the aquatic photoperiod of 12D:12L. Fishes were fed twice daily with
organisms. The recent work that has been done on evaluating earthworm and dead fishes were immediately removed to
the effects of Diazinon on different species of fishes [12-23] and avoid possible water quality deterioration. The water of the
so on. Due to their low cumulative ability and short experimented Chari was changed regularly that maintained
persistence in the environment organophosphorus (Diazinon) the better possible effects of Diazinon.
insecticides have fully replaced the chlorinated insecticide in
1970’s and at the beginning of 1980’s [24]. Though 2.2 Insecticide formulation
organophosphorus pesticides are extensively used in fish Insecticide was purchased from the local authorized dealer in
culture in order to suppress some parasitic diseases i.e. Savar market. 200 ml stock solution was prepared following
monogeneoses and arthropodoses [25, 26], some important the EC% active ingredient (mg/l) with the formula of
organs i.e. kidney, gills, stomach, brain, muscles and genital (200×60)/1000= X (X= amount of Diazinon 60EC), 200-X=
organs are damaged by its residual effects. DW (distil water). Finally, 200 ml stock solution = (X+DW)
Fishes are the main source of protein in human food among ml. The desired dose concentrations for 20L tap water were
other aquatic organisms. So it is necessary to find out the formulated with the aphorism of S1V1= S2V2 (Here, S1=
adverse effects of pesticide pollutants on fish as they have a 200mg/l, S2= 1 mg/l, V1= dose concentration, V2 =20L). The
direct link with the food chain as well as contamination of selected concentrations of chemicals were poured into the 20L
water bodies occurring by pesticides imbalanced the aquatic tap water in the Chari with a micropipette and stirred the
system [27]. Fishes are severely affected due to insecticides in solution gently with a glass rod for mixing completely.
different ways, mostly affected to crucial organs i.e. gills,
liver, heart, kidney, intestine etc. Among them, gills are 2.3 Histological study (Dissection and Slide preparation)
primarily attracted because they are the first organs to be For the histological investigation, the fishes (20×3) were
exposed by pollutants [28]. The water-born toxic particles exposed to various concentrations of Diazinon (2.5. 5.0, 10.0,
infected kidney as it regulates the extracellular and 15.0, 20.0 and 25.0 mg/l) with three replications for each
composition of fluid volume as well as the acid-base balance group. The control group fishes (20) had not treated with
of fish. Insecticides disrupt the functions of the kidney and insecticide. After 04 days (96 hours), both the control and
most cases it causes temporary or permanently derangement insecticide treated fishes (randomly selected three fishes in
of homeostasis [5]. Through these backdrops, the present study each concentration) were dissected and examined for
has been conducted to investigate the toxicity effects of histological study by the use of dissecting tray and surgical
Diazinon on some histopathological indices of the three tools (scalpels, forceps, needle etc.) following the methods of
indigenous freshwater fish species i.e. C. punctatus, H. Keneko [29] and Schalm et al. [30]. Gill, Liver, Heart, Intestine
fossilis and A. testudineus that would facilitate knowledge for and Kidney were dissected sophisticatedly and kept in plastic
the management of freshwater reservoirs regarding Diazinon vial with 10% formaldehyde. After fixation for 24 hours, the
application in agriculture fields. sections of tissues were dehydrated by ethyl alcohol for
removed water fromthe tissue block and then embedded
2. Materials and Methods within a small cube of paraffin. The paraffin embedded tissue
2.1 Collection and maintenance of experimental fish blocks were sectioning accomplished by using a microtome.
species: Three experimented fish species- C. punctatus with The microtome drives a knife across the surface of the
12 to 16 cm length and 24 to 30 gm weight, H. fossilis with 13 paraffin cubes and produces a series of thinsections (5µm)
to 18 cm length and 25 to 32 gm weight and A. testudineus with acontinuous ‘ribbon’. Then the sections were mounted
with 4.3 to 7.1 cm length and 10.6 to 28.3 gm weight were on individual microscope slides and stained with hematoxylin
collected from the local water bodies (beels) in Dhamrai area andeosin. In the end, the sections of tissue were permanently
located in Savar district, Bangladesh. Selected fishes were mounted under a coverslip. After preparation, slides were
transported in plastic containers and reared in 5 clay pots viewed under Olympus CX41microscope (X10) and
locally called Chari of 18×5×10 inches in size with 20 liters photographs were taken for further analysis.
of water receptivity of each. All samples were cleaned with
0.5% KMnO4 solution for five minutes to set free external 3. Results
infections and acclimatized them under tap water in a large Histopathological observation of different concentrations of
glass tank with 100 liters capacity for a week. Water Diazinon was done on gills, liver, heart, intestine and kidney
temperature 26±0.17º C with pH 6.5±0.02 and 7.3±0.22 mg/l of three treated fish species are presented in Table 1. The
dissolved oxygen were maintained in the test Chari. The specific changes of the different organ of the insecticide
experiments were conducted in the Department of Zoology, exposed fishes are described herein-
Table 1: Alterations appeared in the selected organs of the experimented fishes due to insecticide (Diazinon) treated with different
Name of Insecticide Effects on organs of fish
Fish species concentrations (mg/l) Gills Liver Heart Intestine Kidney
Channa Curly and bent Blood vessels Necrosis and fragmentation Submucosa Hemorrhage renal
punctatus lamellae irregular muscle fibers disintegrated tubules
Rupture Submucosa Necrotic changes
20.0 Lamellar fusion Destruction blood vessels
sinusoids blended in glomerulus
25.0 Blending and Vacuoles in Fragmentation muscle fibers Villi fused/ Necrotic changes
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3.3 Anabas testudineus were attained in ruptured and fused condition (Fig. 4, F&G).
3.3.1 Gills: Lower concentrations of Diazinon had not
remarkably affected to gills of A. testudineus and it has gone 3.3.5 Kidney: Kidneys of the experimented fishes became
upto 10.0 mg/l. Curly form and bent of secondary lamellae infected by Diazinon at 15.0 mg/l concentration. At that stage,
were noticed from 15.0 to 25.0 mg/l concentrations. Lastly, renal tubules were hemorrhagic while glomeruli were
the gill lamellae were found destructed in the present highest changed in 20.0 mg/l concentration level. Severe necrosis in
treated dose (25.0 mg/l) (Fig. 1, H-J). tissues was observed in 25.0 mg/l dose at 96 hours of the
3.3.2 Liver: Liver tissues were normal upto 10.0 mg/l observation period (Fig. 5, F&G).
concentrations of both control and insecticide treated fishes.
Abnormal structure of blood vessels and sinusoids started
from 15.0 to 25.0 mg/l concentrations level. Irregular blood
vessels were found in 15.0 mg/l concentration unit and it turns
to hemorrhagic in 20.0 mg/l level. Severe necrosis in liver
tissues was observed in this concentration. Some vacuoles
were seen in sinusoids in the highest exposed concentration
(25.0 mg/l) of insecticide at 96 hours observation period (Fig.
2, G-I).
Fig 2: Histological photomicrograph of control and diazinon affected liver tissues of three fish species; A-C = C. punctatus; D-F = H. fossilis; G-I = A.
testudineus; * = control; + = 20 mg/l; ++ = 25 mg/l concentration; S= sinusoids; BV= blood vessel; RS= rupture of sinusoids; BD= bile duct; DBV=
destruction of bile duct; H= hemorrhage; V= vacuole; IRBV= irregular blood vessel; N= necrosis.
Fig 3: Histological photomicrograph of control and diazinon affected heart tissues of three fish species; A-C = C. punctatus; D-G = H. fossilis; H-J = A.
testudineus; * = control; + = 20 mg/l; ++ = 25 mg/l concentration; MT= muscle tissue; BV= blood vessel; MF= muscle fiber fragmentation.
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