Constructionstages Enu
Constructionstages Enu
Constructionstages Enu
Construction stages 19
Creating a Construction stages project 19
Construction stages setup 19
Load factors 19
Results 19
Construction stages manager 20
Creating a new construction stage 20
Parameters of a construction stage 20
Load case permanent or long-term 21
Prestressing 23
Gamma min Gamma max 23
Variable load cases 24
Defining the changes to the structural scheme 24
Clearing the whole stage 25
Phased cross-section 25
Mesh size for beams with phased cross-section 26
Sectional characteristics of phased cross-section 27
Sectional characteristics for multi-material sections 27
Defining the introduction of a new phase of the cross-section 29
Running the calculation 30
Results of construction stages analysis 30
Chapter 0
Prestressing 54
Pre-tensioned prestressed concrete 54
Introduction to prestressing 54
Materials of Prestressing Tendons 54
Properties of pre-tensioned tendons 54
Types of Prestressing Units 58
Short-term losses 58
Stressing bed 60
2.1.1 Theory 62
2.1.2 Implementation in SCIA Engineer 63
3.1.1 Theory 65
3.1.2 Implementation in SCIA Engineer 65
Bore hole pattern 67
Graphical window 69
Definition of coordinate system 69
Input of regions and holes 69
Reference point 71
Sectional strand pattern 72
Graphical window 74
Info-table 74
Legend 74
Stand properties 74
View parameters 76
Debonding lengths 76
Ultimate limit state checks 76
Serviceability limit state checks 76
Ultimate limit state checks - using transmission length 76
Beam strand pattern 77
Graphical window 79
Info-table 79
Bore hole information 79
Legend 79
Stand properties 79
Calculation of losses in selected strand 80
Strand geometry 80
View parameters 80
Debonding lengths 80
Template buttons 80
Results 81
Filtering the results 81
Post-tensioned prestressed concrete 86
Source geometry 86
Circle + tangent 88
Circle + radius 88
Symmetrical parabola + tangent 88
Parabola + tangent [begin] 89
Parabola + tangent [end] 90
Parabola + vertical axis 91
Group of points fitting 92
Toolbar 93
Input table for XZ plane 94
Input table for XY plane 94
Main control buttons 95
1.1 Type of projection 97
1.2 Limitations + constraints 100
2.1 Projection 101
2.2 Tendon entry 102
2.3 Setting for using Hanging nodes 102
Internal tendons 103
Select allocation 112
Edit tendon geometry 112
Table edit geometry 112
Tendon losses 112
Calculation info 112
Default values 112
Chapter 0
SCIA nv SCIA Nederland B.V.
Industrieweg 1007 Wassenaarweg 40
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All information in this document is subject to modification without prior notice. No part of this manual may be reproduced,
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or indirect damage because of imperfections in the documentation and/or the software.
© Copyright 2016 SCIA nv. All rights reserved.
Chapter 1
Modern civil engineering structures can achieve considerable economy in construction by combination of hybrid systems of
steel and concrete or precast and cast-in-place concrete. The design of such systems takes advantage of individual material
properties. The economy and speed of construction are increased also by the application of hybrid methods of construction.
The main load- bearing members, formed by suspension or stay cables, hangers, 1D members or arches, are very often
constructed in advance and are used as auxiliary systems for other parts of the structure to reduce overall construction time
and costs. The design of the structures combines both precast and cast- in- place techniques to obtain economy in con-
struction, and maintains a high standard of quality while reducing the time needed to complete the construction.
During the construction these structures pass through different static systems; boundary conditions change, new structural
members are assembled or cast, post- tensioning is applied and temporary support elements are removed. In many struc-
tures concrete structural elements of various ages are combined and the concrete is gradually loaded. Therefore, during
both construction and throughout the service life of concrete structures, account must be taken of the creep and shrinkage
of concrete. Rheological properties of concrete can influence the serviceability of the structure in decisive ways. The bearing
capacity of the structure can also be influenced by the redistribution of internal forces caused by creep. Therefore soph-
isticated methods are needed for the structural analysis.
Construction stages, Prestressing, and TDA are modules of SCIA Engineer designed for the analysis of prestressed con-
crete and composite structures with respect to step- by-step construction, change of boundary conditions, and rheological
effects of concrete. The modules allow for the structural analysis of both prestressed concrete and composite structures,
successive assembling or casting of structural elements, progressive construction of cross-sections, gradual application of
loads and prestressing, and removal of temporary structural elements. Special construction technologies can be modelled,
such as cantilever segmental construction with both precast and cast-in- place segments, launching, cable stayed struc-
tures, making simple 1D members continuous including successive casting of composite slab, or gradual construction of
multi-storey buildings.
The implementation of these modules is the first step towards the change of design and analysis of concrete structures in
SCIA Engineer. But the possibility to run the calculation in smooth sequence with respect to the step-by-step construction or
the introduction of time as new variable in the analysis are not the only two aspects of the issue. Also new material para-
meters - rheological properties of concrete – are taken into account in the calculation and a new feature of a real value is that
the program responds to modern concepts of the analysis of prestressing in theory of structures. The post- tensioned ten-
don is considered only as an external load at the moment of prestressing. This load is calculated as the load, which is equi-
valent to the effects of the tendon stressed just after short-term losses. The tendon becomes an integral part of the structure
after anchoring. Its stiffness is added into the stiffness matrix of the structure. Since that, all loads carried by the structure will
automatically cause the change of prestressing of that tendon. Both tendons and composite parts of cross-section are mod-
elled by eccentric finite elements. Full strain compatibility between eccentric elements connecting two nodes is ensured
along the whole length of elements. The TDA module in SCIA Engineer allows for a new structural model of so far unat-
tainable quality.
Note: Each of the three mentioned modules can be used separately (e.g. module
Prestressing in linear analysis, Construction stages for the analysis of 3D steel frame struc-
ture, etc.). However the user loses some of the features in such situation. Therefore, also
the descriptions of these three modules will contain frequent links to other modules from
this "little-family".
Use of post-tensioned tendons (including free tendons and cables of suspension bridges)
without construction stages
When a linear calculation is performed, the stiffness of elements of post-tensioned tendons is not added to the stiffness mat-
rix for any analysed load case. The linear calculation does not make it possible to assemble two stiffness matrices of the struc-
ture for the solution of the system, i.e. to create two left-hand sides.
Consequently, it means that we assume as if all loads (load cases) were applied in the instant of prestressing when the
prestressing force is being introduced into the tendon. It means that, for example, a load case containing a uniformly dis-
tributed load applied to the main beam of a suspension bridge completely ignores the free tendons – the deck deforms and
the tendons remains unstressed – the force in the tendon in the corresponding combination is equal just to the prestressing
The use of prestressing is thus limited to construction stages calculations and the simplification to a linear calculation may in
many projects result in incorrect results.
Chapter 2
- 10 -
Brief introduction to prestressing
- 11 -
Chapter 4
- 12 -
Implementation of construction stages and TDA
- 13 -
Chapter 6
Note: The procedure listed below is not a complete tutorial. It just emphasises operations
that must be done in addition to standard steps that are done during the preparation and
analysis of a structure.
The E modulus option must be selected in the Construction stages Setup dia-
1. Open service Construction stages.
2. Start function Setup.
3. Set the Type option to E modulus function.
4. Confirm with [OK].
- 14 -
Modulus of elasticity changing over time
Note: Make sure that Beam settings and global time adjustments in individual construction
stages correspond with the time used for the definition of the E modulus functions.
- 15 -
Chapter 7
Invitation: Modules Construction stages, Prestressing, and especially TDA are very power-
ful tools, regardless of whether used separately or combined together. They all require a
certain level of professional expertise and advanced experience with SCIA Engineer in gen-
eral. It is therefore recommended to arrange a specialised training with the technical sup-
port department in order to understand properly the general principles, main features,
overall capabilities and practical application of these modules. Please call your local dealer
to obtain more information.
- 16 -
[1] Navrátil J.: Time-dependent Analysis of Concrete Frame Structures (in Czech), Stavebnicky casopis, 7 (40), 1992, pp.
[2] CEB-FIP Model Code 1990, Final Draft 1991, BULLETIN D’INFORMATION No 203, Comite Euro-International Du
Beton, Lausane, 1990.
[3] Navrátil, J.: Predpjaté betonové konstrukce [Prestressed concrete structures] (in Czech), Akademické nakladatelství
CERM, s.r.o., Brno, 2004.
- 17 -
Chapter 9
Preparatory operations
Adjustment of parameters
It is necessary to input some specific data for a TDA analysis or ACS (Analysis of Construction Stages) analysis. These data
can be input in one setup dialogue. This dialogue contains item for both TDA and Construction stages analysis. In addition, a
few other parameters for mesh generation, calculation, materials, etc. must be set in a specific way.
Individual parameters are described in separate chapters dealing with:
Note: The TDA part of the setup dialogue is available ONLY if TDA module is available, i.e.
if e.g. the project is of Frame XZ type.
- 18 -
Construction stages
Construction stages
Load factors
Gamma min Gamma max are attached to permanent load cases of both types – load (gG ) and prestress
Permanent (gP). The load factors gGmin(<=1) , gGmax(>=1), gPmin(<=1), gPmax(>=1) are specified (for each load
(long-term) case) in each construction (or service) stage. If long-term variable load is selected in the combo box Per-
load case manent or long-term loads, only maximum factor gQmax is asked, because gQmin is automatically taken
as zero (when all variable load is removed). At the same time additional factor y<1 will appear.
See above.
load case
Long-term Factor y specifies the long-term part of the load. If the dead, prestressing or variable LC is applied in a con-
part of vari- struction stage, it can never be applied again (exclusivity), because the configuration of the structure could
able load be changed in next construction steps and the results would be different.
Name of generated ultimate com- Specifies the mask for the automatic generation of names of maximal load case
bination (max) combinations.
Name of generated ultimate com- Specifies the mask for the automatic generation of names of minimal load case
bination (min) combinations.
Name of generated serviceability com- Specifies the mask for the automatic generation of names of serviceability load
bination case combinations.
Note: Concerning the generated names of load case combinations, the sequence {O} is
substituted with the appropriate number during the generation of the combinations. For
example, the combination name mask F{O}-MAX gives combinations named F1-MAX, F2-
MAX, F3-MAX, etc.
Note: This very same dialogue may also contain parameters for TDA. These TDA para-
meters are available only in a project that supports time dependent analysis. See also TDA
- 19 -
Chapter 10
Note: When a new construction stage is created, the parameters are set to values defined
in the Construction stages setup.
- 20 -
Construction stages
Order of
stage (informative) Gives the sequence number of the stage.
Contains a short description of the construction stage. It is useful to say in a few words what happens in the
current construction stage. The comment helps the user to keep clear image of the construction process.
The name is also used in the generated names of result classes and generated load case combinations.
E.g. for combinations, this description is the only unambiguous identifier of the generated load case com-
Global time in days. This time will be assigned to all actions of the current stage. The global time must be
Global time
greater than the global time of the previous stage and lower than the global time of the next stage.
The number of subintervals on the detail time axis. The subintervals following the first time subinterval are
Number of generated in log scale. This parameter has an impact on the accuracy of solution of concrete creep.
See also Time axis.
humidity Ambient moisture in percentages.
Defines, whether the current stage is the last construction stage. If ON, then the next construction stage is
the first service stage. The user cannot change the structure from that time, but he can add dead load and
variable load (no prestressing!). Therefore no changes in configuration of the structure (changes of cross-
Last con- section, prestressing, etc.) are possible in service stages.
stage If a variable load is assigned to a construction stage before (including) the last construction stage, it is "con-
sumed" and cannot be used again in another construction stage. If a variable load is assigned to a service
stage (i.e. into a stage following after the last construction stage), it can be reused freely in another con-
struction stage.
Selects the load case that is assigned to the construction stage.
Load case
Note: Read the comment below the table.
min, Load factors.
Variable Allows for input of a variable load case into the construction stage.
- 21 -
Chapter 10
combination with other permanent loads, e.g. the self-weight of diaphragms, surfacing, etc. The self-weight of the 1D mem-
ber can be applied in any construction stage (at any time) independently from the time of installation of this 1D member.
Therefore the input of the permanent load is not tied up with the 1D members or composite parts of 1D members added at
the current (active) construction stage.
(2) Second possibility of the input of own weight can be applied only on 1D members added at the current (active) con-
struction stage on added composite parts of 1D members. The appropriate load case must be of "self weight " type. No
input of other loads is possible in such a load case. Therefore, if the "self-weight" load case is specified in current con-
struction stage, only an increment of structural own weight is applied. The increment is defined as the self-weight of that part
of the structure (structural elements or their composite parts) that is installed in the current construction stage.
The two approaches will be demonstrated on a simple example.
Example: Introduction of self-weight into the model
Let’s assume a beam of a T-cross-section that is made in two phases: (i) core cross-section, (ii) composite slab.
The cross-section consists of two stages: 1 = the "core" beam, 2 = the composite slab.
We’ll describe three model situations, two of which employ the first approach (user-calculated permanent load) and one of
which uses the second one.
We do not say which situation is better and which one is worse, we just describe them here to explain the consequences of
different approaches. It is up to the user to decide which procedure of modelling best reflects the unique conditions of a par-
ticular project.
In this situation, the user is fully responsible for the introduction of the self-weight into the model. On the other hand, the pro-
cess is fully under his/her control. First, the "core" beam is produced. Then, the composite slab is cast. And only at the very
end, the self- weight is introduced in its full size. To sum up, until the composite beam is completed, it is not subject to any
- 22 -
Construction stages
Once again, in this situation, the user is fully responsible for the introduction of the self- weight into the model. First, the
"core" beam is made and is subjected to no load. Then the self-weight is introduced in its full size. Finally, the composite slab
is cast. To sum up, the "core" beam is subjected to the self- weight of the whole cross-section before the composite slab is
In this situation, the self-weight is introduced automatically and in parts. First, the core beam is cast and is automatically sub-
jected to the self-weight of the completed part of the cross- section, i.e. of the "core" beam. When the composite slab is
made, its self-weight is calculated and added to the existing self-weight of the "core" beam.
It is clearly seen from this very simple example that the calculation stages analysis allows for almost innumerable possibilities.
The user must therefore think in advance and must be aware of (i) what he/she wants to model and (ii) what he/she in fact
Note: If the Construction stages module is combined with TDA module, other possibilities
open. E.g. it is possible to model casting on a formwork (so that even the situation C does
not result in the instant introduction of the self- weight), removal of the formwork in a spe-
cified time (and possible simultaneous introduction of the self-weight), etc.
One load case (type permanent - prestress) can be specified and assigned to the current stage. Each of the "permanent –
prestress" loadcases is again exclusively assigned to one construction stage.
- 23 -
Chapter 10
the same time additional factor y<1 appears. Factor y specifies the long-term part of the load. If a permanent, prestressing
or variable LC is applied in a construction stage, it can never be applied again (exclusivity), because the configuration of the
structure could be changed in next construction steps and the results would be different.
In fact, no load factors are applied in TDA calculation (creep analysis) itself. Therefore, the results of creep load cases that
are generated by TDA will also have no load factors included in themselves (better said load factor equals to 1.0). After the
calculation has been performed, both SLS and ULS combinations are generated automatically. For ULS combinations all
factors for dead load gG , prestressing gP, quasi-permanent gQ load, and creep gC are applied using both their maximum
(>=1) and minimum (<=1) values.
All combinations required by the codes (for EC2 persistent and transient, accidental, seismic, rare, frequent, quasi- per-
manent) must be defined manually as "envelope combinations".
Two types of variable load can be applied in service stages: short- term load case and long- term load case (quasi- per-
manent). This classification has no connection to types of load cases specified elsewhere in SCIA Engineer. Therefore, the
long-term variable load case is identified only by specifying the long-term part of the load (using coefficient 0 Ł y Ł 1). The
long-term part of the load is then used for creep analysis in TDA. Quasi- permanent load is applied together with other loads
at specified service stage in TDA. Once the long-term load case is applied, it can never be applied again, because the quasi-
permanent part (y) of the load will be applied in TDA and it will cause an additional creep of concrete. The quasi- permanent
part (y) of the load case is assumed to stay on the structure until the end of its service life. The results of long-term load cases
are also calculated by standard ESA and they are applied (by zero or full value) in all combinations generated for this and fol-
lowing service stages. It means, it is assumed that the quasi-permanent part of variable load can be removed from the struc-
ture (or variable load can be applied by its full value) for short time (with no influence on creep). The long-term load cases
cannot be applied in construction stages (only in service stages).
- 24 -
Construction stages
Phased cross-section
This chapter is related to the Analysis of construction stages and Time dependent analysis.
Modules Construction stages and TDA can use all types of database cross-sections in SCIA Engineer. A new feature called
"phased cross-section" has been introduced for those modules. Phased cross-sections consist of two or more parts, each of
which can be of different material. Phased cross-sections allow for modelling of composite structures. The cross-section is
built-up step-by-step starting by phase 1. Each phase of the cross- section is modelled by means of separate finite elements
- 25 -
Chapter 10
with eccentricity in the longitudinal direction. Therefore, stress redistribution between two different phases of cross- section
will appear in TDA analysis due to creep and shrinkage of concrete. If any phase consists of more separate parts (of the
same or different materials), only one finite element will be generated for that phase between two nodes of the FEM mesh.
Sectional characteristic of individual parts will be transformed to one material. The generated finite element will have trans-
formed cross-sectional characteristic. For that reason no stress redistribution can be expected in the analysis between indi-
vidual parts of one phase.
Phased cross-sections can be created as a General cross-section. General cross-section can be defined by means of a poly-
gon drawing or by conversion from other types of database cross- sections. Also some pre-defined bridge cross- sections
can be defined as phased. Up to ten phases can be defined for one cross-section.
Detailed information on general cross- section module is given in chapter Cross- sections > General cross- section. The
important limitation in SCIA Engineer is that only one phased cross-section can be defined for one 1D member! Therefore it
is not possible to use the phased cross- section in the arbitrary beam (i.e. the 1D member consisting of several sections
made of different cross-sections).
One important condition must be fulfilled when a phased general cross-section is created. The condition is clear from the fol-
lowing picture.
- 26 -
Construction stages
It is possible to view some results and also to select the way for the determination of shear- related parameters: Ay/A and
Az/A (see the note below).
Note: It is up to the user to review the shear-related values and select the correct (or most
correct) one manually.
- 27 -
Chapter 10
- 28 -
Construction stages
- 29 -
Chapter 10
Note: When the Time Dependent Analysis is started, the program may issue a warning that
some solver and mesh parameters must be re- adjusted in order to meet the analysis
requirements. You may either select the automatic re-adjustment and continue with the cal-
culation, or cancel the calculation and make manual adjustment according to chapters
Mesh setup and Calculation setup.
As each construction stage is assigned one load case (and this load case is exclusive for that construction
stage, i.e. it is not used with any other construction stage), the results for load classes show the contribution of
the particular construction stage to the overall distribution of a given quantity.
The program automatically generates result classes during the Construction Stages Analysis. Two result
classes are generated for each stage: ULS class and SLS class. (ULS class takes into account load factors
gamma, SLS takes them equal to one (1)). The classes are numbered from 1 to the number of the last analysed
stage. The results in each class show the current overall state (condition) of the structure after the particular con-
struction stage.
- 30 -
Nonlinear construction stages
Project parameters
In the Project setup > Functionality item Nonlinearity and sub item 2nd order – geometrical nonlinearity must be selected.
This parameter defines the geometrical configuration used for the connection of a new member in a
new construction stage.
Connection of a tangent: the new member is attached to the "old" member in the direction of the tangent to the deform-
new member ation line of the "old" member
parallel: the new member is attached to the end of the deformed "old" member in the direction parallel
to the direction of the new member on an undeformed structure.
The picture demonstrates the two options. The left hand side of the picture shows the tangent option. The right hand side,
on the other hand, contains the second option.
- 31 -
Chapter 11
The linear construction stages were developed mainly for the calculation of prestressed structures. It allows the user to
model the construction process and life cycle of the structure. Despite the original purpose to apply this module to concrete
structures, it can be in general used with any material. The user can add or remove supports, members and tendons. For
each construction stage, the safety factors can be set for the permanent and variable load cases including the prestress load
cases, thus resulting in a bandwidth of min/max stresses/forces/deformations/reactions. Additionally, the user is able to
model the segmentally constructed cross- sections by adding the newly cast (concrete) or installed (steel/timber/other)
materials during the construction stage.
- 32 -
Nonlinear construction stages
The module of Linear construction stages is based on the superposition (linearization) of load cases. Therefore, the user
can easily verify results by adding and removing individual load cases.
Note: Module Time dependant analysis (TDA) cannot run without this module.
The drawback of this module is that 2D members can only be added to the structure and not removed. Also, Young’s mod-
ules cannot change and hinges can be neither added nor removed.
This module is based on the 2nd order-theory of Newton-Raphson method and requires a proper mesh and incrementing
of the load. It generates non- linear combinations, each representing a construction stages. Safety factors are all equal to
1.0, i.e. there is no bandwidth of results (min/max).
- 33 -
Chapter 11
The drawback of this module is that it does not work for 2D members and TDA.
- 34 -
TDA (Time Dependent Analysis)
TDA setup
These values must be set for the TDA.
Load factors
gamma- These parameters, that are common for all construction and service stages, can be specified for generated
creep creep load- cases. In fact, no load factors will be applied in TDA calculations. Therefore the results of creep
min(<=1); load-cases that are generated by TDA will also have no load factors included in themselves (better said load
gamma- factor = 1.0). After the calculation has been performed, both SLS and ULS combinations are generated. For
creep ULS combinations all factors (gamma min and gamma max) for dead load, prestressing, quasi- permanent
max(>=1) load, and creep will be applied using both their maximum and minimum values.
If this checkbox is ticked, a temporary output text-file is generated in the directory for analysis data and tem-
porary files.
text file
Time history
The number of subintervals on the detail time axis. The subintervals following the first time subinterval are
Number of generated in log scale. This parameter has an impact on the accuracy of solution of concrete creep.
See also Time axis.
Ambient moisture in percentages.
Beam history
Each member has it’s own history of in local time axis containing e.g. time of casting, end of curing, etc. All data set in the
setup dialog are related to local time axis of relevant 1D member. The origin of the local time axis (zero time) is set to the
time, when the appropriate stiffness of macro is introduced (added) into global stiffness matrix of the whole structure ("birth
of member"). The relevant member in highlighted in a special colour in the drawing in main graphic window. The origin of
local time axis is then located to global time of current construction stage.
Time of casting of concrete in days. It is possible to input negative value. In such case the stiffness of the
Time of casting elements between the time of casting and the birth of macro (zero local time) is not included into global
stiffness matrix. At the same time the age of concrete elements is correct.
Time of curing of concrete in days. In case of "phased cross- section" it is time of curing of concrete of
Time of curing
phase one in days.
Time of curing
Significant only in case of "phased cross- section". It is the time of curing of concrete of the second
of composite
phase (of composite parts) in days. This input value is in fact the duration of curing of concrete com-
parts of cross-
posite parts of the cross-section – it is related to the local time axis of the composite part.
Line support The age of concrete is respected when calculating its modulus of elasticity. At early stages the fresh
(formwork) concrete should be properly supported by formwork (centring). It is therefore possible to define line
- 35 -
Chapter 12
support of 1D member.
Time of releas-
ing of dis-
placements in X
Self-explanatory. X, Z are axes of global co-ordinate system.
Time of releas-
ing of dis-
placements in Z
Note: The TDA part of the setup dialogue is available ONLY if TDA module is available, i.e.
if e.g. the project is of Frame XZ type.
Material setup
These values must be set for the Analysis of construction stages and TDA.
Standard materials available in SCIA Engineer material database can be used in TDA and ACS modules. The number of
material characteristics for concrete is increased and the influence of ageing (code dependent) is introduced. Also the data
of composition of concrete are added for TDA purposes to take into account creep and shrinkage of concrete. New pos-
sibility to define measured values of mean compressive strength of concrete is accessible for EC2 concrete.
On ticking the checkbox Measured values of mean compressive strength (influence of ageing) (in the material editing dia-
logue opened from the Material database manager) new edit- boxes become accessible. The user can input measured val-
ues of mean compressive strength of concrete at age of concrete t1 and t2 (t1<t2). One of the input values can be equal 28
days. This feature of the program could be used especially for rapid hardening concrete or in case of any arrangement
made to speed up the hardening of concrete (in prefab industry). Taking into account the input parameters, the modified
CEB FIP 1990 [2] functions for the development of strength and modulus of elasticity (ageing) are used.
Some data are code-dependent.
Water content Content of water in concrete.
Type of cement It can be either slow hardening, normal hardening, rapid hardening or rapid hardening, high strength.
Mesh setup
These values must be set for the TDA.
- 36 -
TDA (Time Dependent Analysis)
Calculation setup
These values must be set for the TDA.
l Number of sections on average member (element) = 1 (detail results of internal forces at intermediate sections can be
obtained by refining mesh).
Time of casting of concrete in days. It is possible to input negative value. In such case the stiffness of the
Time of casting elements between the time of casting and the birth of macro (zero local time) is not included into global
stiffness matrix. At the same time the age of concrete elements is correct.
Time adjusted (available only if hardening is sped up by heating or steam curing)
for time of cast-
ing Time of casting of concrete in days recalculated due to the effects of heating or steam curing.
Time of end of Time in days when curing of concrete is ended. The concrete does not shrink during the curing.
curing In case of "phased cross-section" it is time of curing of concrete of phase one in days.
- 37 -
Chapter 12
Time of curing
Significant only in case of "phased cross- section". It is the time of curing of concrete of the second
of composite
phase (of composite parts) in days. This input value is in fact the duration of curing of concrete com-
parts of cross-
posite parts of the cross-section – it is related to the local time axis of the composite part.
The age of concrete is respected when calculating its modulus of elasticity. At early stages the fresh
Line support
concrete should be properly supported by formwork (centring). It is therefore possible to define line
support of 1D member.
Time of install-
ation of form- (informative) The time is equal to the time of casting.
Time adjusted
for time of install- (available only if hardening is sped up by heating or steam curing)
ation of form- Like the item above but recalculated due to the effects of heating or steam curing.
Time of releas-
ing of dis-
placements in X
Self-explanatory. X, Z are axes of global co-ordinate system.
Time of releas-
ing of dis-
placements in Z
Time of releas-
(informative) The time is equal to greater of previous two values.
ing in rotation
The 1D members with defined local beam history are marked with symbol LBH.
Note: When a 1D member is added into the model using the Construction stages service, it
physically appears in the model and is added into the stiffness matrix. On the other hand,
- 38 -
TDA (Time Dependent Analysis)
Local beam history may specify that such a 1D member is e.g. a few days old and the con-
crete already partially or fully hardened.
Time axis
The time is a new quantity in TDA analysis. First of all, the user defines global time as one of the parameters of each con-
struction phase. This time is be assigned to the current stage. Additional time nodes are generated for TDA, see local history
of a 1D member. Therefore, number of time nodes is greater than the number of stages. Additional time nodes required for
proper accuracy of creep analysis can be generated in the dialog Time axis edit. Logarithmic scale is used for the time axis
drawing in the dialog Time axis edit.
First of all the user inputs the global time of the first construction stage, which is the first time node on the "Time axis of con-
struction stages". For example if we assume (local) time of casting of first macro –3 days, then it is recommended to input
time of the first stage +3 days (but it is not necessary). If we do so, the time of first construction stage in global time axis will be
still +3 days also after merger of the local axis to the time axis of construction stages. The origin of the time axis is always
moved to the time of casting of the first member! Now we have "Merge of local time axes" (time axis of stages + local time
axes): t0, t1, t2, …, ti, tj, … tn, and we need to generate detail time nodes ti+k, k=1,2, … until ti+k<tj (to ensure the required
accuracy of creep analysis). It is done automatically.
l graphical window,
l property window,
l input window.
l number of subintervals,
l stage node number,
l time axis of construction stages,
l merge of local time axis,
l detail time axis,
l number of all subintervals.
The graphical window supports standard features of SCIA Engineer graphical windows:
For more information, refer also to the introductory text to this chapter and look at the procedure at the end of the chapter.
Property window (of the Time axis edit dialogue)
This window enables you to show or hide required information in the graphical window. It is also possible to adjust colours of
individual diagrams and set the scale of the text and the picture.
Please, read also the procedure at the end of this chapter.
Input window (of the Time axis edit dialogue)
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Chapter 12
Here the number of subintervals can be input for the selected interval.
Procedure to edit time axis (change the number of subintervals)
Note: A small number of subintervals is suitable for the first analysis and tuning of the
model. The accuracy is not perfect, but the calculation is fast and necessary re- calculations
do not take too much of your precious time. Once the model has been tuned, it is highly
recommended to increase the number of subintervals in order to obtain satisfactory accur-
acy of the results.
Finite Element formulation
The method used for the time- dependent analysis is based on a step- by-step procedure in which the time domain is sub-
divided by time nodes. The finite element analysis is performed in each time node. Linear ageing viscoelastic theory is
applied for the creep analysis.
The cross- sections of the structural members usually consist of various materials, e.g. concrete girder or composite slab,
prestressed tendons or reinforcement that are modelled by individual elements. Therefore the centroidal axis of the ele-
ment is to be placed in an eccentricity, relating to the reference axis, which connects the nodes. Full compatibility at adjacent
surfaces of two eccentric elements must be ensured. That’s why the finite element with two external and one internal nodes
is used. The internal node is situated at the centre of the element. To fulfil the requirement for compatibility of two eccentric
elements fixed to common nodes, the axial and transverse displacements are approximated by the polynomial function of
order 2 and 3, respectively. All elements with different eccentricity, which connect identical nodes, create the substructure.
The static condensation of internal node parameters is used, thus the full compatibility between eccentric elements is ful-
The cross section of the element is constant along the length of element. It is assumed linear distribution of normal forces
and bending moments and constant distribution of shear forces along the length of the element. Relatively detailed sub-
division of the structural member on finite elements is therefore required.
Modelling of prestressing
The prestressing force is not constant along the length of the tendon and over time. It has to be considered at various sec-
tions and at various construction stages respecting the prestressing losses. Some of the losses are calculated in advance by
the "pre-processor". These are short-term losses and are marked "A" (in "a"dvance), see below. Since the tendons (or
- 40 -
TDA (Time Dependent Analysis)
groups of tendons) are modelled as individual eccentric elements, the calculation of the other losses will be included in the
"m"ethod (marked "M") for the structural analysis itself. The TDA solver calculates these types of losses automatically and
they are displayed in Results > Tendon stresses.
Losses during tensioning (before or during transfer of prestressing):
l Anchorage set loss, A
l Losses due to sequential prestressing (caused by the elastic deformation of concrete), M
l Losses due to deformation of stressing bed, A
l Losses due to elastic deformation of the joints of segmental structures sequentially prestressed, M (if the joints are
included in the structural model
l Losses due to steel relaxation, A
l Losses caused by the temperature differences between prestressing steel and the stressing bed, A
Note: Refer to chapter Short- term losses for the procedure how to calculate and display
these losses.
Note: Refer to chapter Tendon stresses for the procedure how to calculate and display
these losses.
Losses at service:
l Losses (changes of prestressing) caused by life load, M (calculated in standard SCIA Engineer solver)
The local time axis for prestressed elements includes two nodes. The time of stressing is identical with the time of the stage.
An additional time node is generated as the time of anchoring (installing of prestressed element into stiffness matrix). Time
increment to anchoring is a virtual time. The purpose of introducing this time is to distinguish the moment of equivalent load
application and the moment of installing the prestressed elements into stiffness matrix. These time nodes are identical for
pre-tensioned tendons and they have no links to the time information required for calculation of losses.
Strain equivalent to the relaxation to be passed in long-term is applied in several time nodes following the time of anchoring.
The increments of internal forces and deformations caused by the relaxation are added to the results of dead load cases of
construction or service stages, or they are added to "empty" load-cases generated automatically for creep and shrinkage
effects. The effects of creep, shrinkage, and relaxation are mixed together (they cannot be separated, because they inter-
act in the reality).
Solution strategy
Creep and shrinkage of structural members are predicted through the mean properties of a given cross-section, taking into
account the average relative humidity and member size. The creep, shrinkage and ageing effects may be taken into account
according to the design recommendations of EC2, CSN 73 1201 and CSN 73 6207 (the latter two being Czech standards).
The method used for creep analysis does not require any iteration in one step and does not restrict the type of creep func-
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Chapter 12
tion. It is based upon the assumption of linearity between stresses and strains to assure the applicability of linear super-
position. The development of modulus of elasticity over time due to ageing is taken into account.
The method used for the time-dependent analysis is based on a step-by-step computer procedure in which the time domain
is subdivided by discrete time nodes ti (i = 1,2, ... n) into time intervals. The solution in the time node i is as follows:
1. The increments of strains, curvatures and shear strains caused by creep during the interval <ti-1,ti> are calculated. Cor-
respondingly the shrinkage strains are also calculated.
2. The load vector dFp is assembled as equivalent to the effects of generalised strains calculated in the step 1.
3. The stiffness matrices K of the elements are calculated for the time ti and the stiffness matrix of the whole structure Kg is
4. The system of equation KgdDg= dFp is analysed. The vector of increments of nodal displacements dDg is added to the
vector of total nodal displacements Dg.
5. The elements are analysed in the central co-ordinate system (the co- ordinate system, in which x–axis is created by
centroids of cross- sections of the element). The increments of internal forces and increments of elastic strains are cal-
culated from the increments of displacements of the element nodes.
6. The changes of the structural configuration carried on in the time node ti are introduced.
7. The increments of generalised strains of the elements that are prestressed (or loaded by changes of temperature) in the
time node ti are calculated. The losses of the prestressing due to the deformation of the structure are automatically
included in the analysis through the increments of internal element forces.
8. The load vector dF z is assembled as equivalent to the effects of generalised strains calculated in the step 7. The incre-
ments of other types of the long-term load applied in the time node ti are added to the load vector dFz.
9. The system of equation KgdDg= dF z is analysed. The vector of increments of nodal displacements dDg is added to the
vector of total nodal displacements Dg.
10. The increments of internal forces and increments of elastic strains are calculated from the increments of displacements of
the element nodes.
11. The increments of internal forces calculated in the steps 5 and 10 are added to the total internal forces. The increments of
elastic strains calculated in the steps 5 and 10 are added together and saved to the history of elastic strains as the incre-
ments in the time node ti.
12. Go to the first step of the time node i+1.
Note: When the Time Dependent Analysis is started, the program may issue a warning that
some solver and mesh parameters must be re- adjusted in order to meet the analysis
requirements. You may either select the automatic re-adjustment and continue with the cal-
culation, or cancel the calculation and make manual adjustment according to chapters
- 42 -
TDA (Time Dependent Analysis)
a) Calculation of envelopes for internal forces resulting from the mobile loading system
positioned in the critical section:
5.a. In the tree branch Mobile loads > Setup for generated load cases define the rule for the generation of envelopes. It is
necessary to specify the unit load and loading system, the name for the generated load case and select the components for
which the envelopes should be generated. Unnecessary parameters may be disabled.
6.a. Run the linear calculation in order to produce the appropriate envelope load cases and feed them with results. The gen-
erated "envelope" load case can be included into the defined combinations.
7.a. The envelopes of the extreme values of internal forces (bending moments, shear forces, etc.) produces by the mobile
load can be reviewed in service Results.
Note: The results stored in these load cases after the linear calculation do not take into account possible construction stages.
Only the subsequent TDA or stages analysis will feed the load cases with correct values.
b) Calculation of the extreme values of internal forces due mobile load positioned in pre-
defined sections:
5.b. Mobile loads > Detailed analysis – perform what is termed utilisation of influence lines for the selected result type, i.e.
generate new load cases for specified sections and for the selected loading system, track and internal forces (the load gen-
erated into each load case can be reviewed).
6.b. It is possible to define new combinations with the generated load cases. Then the TDA calculation must be performed in
order to feed the load cases (to get the results for the load cases).
7.b. The distribution of the extremes of internal forces (bending moments, shear forces, etc.) produces by the mobile load
placed into the selected section can be reviewed in service Results.
a) + b) Insertion into the construction stages and execution of the TDA calculation:
8. Generated load cases can be added into the corresponding construction stage in the construction stages manager using
the action button Variable loads.
9. Run the TDA calculation.
10. In the dialogue Load cases, combinations > Combinations new "user combinations" containing both "TDA" and "mobile"
load cases can be added. The execution of the calculation of the combinations is then sufficient to update the newly input
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Chapter 12
Important note:
1. When the envelopes of internal forces due to mobile loading system placed into the critical section are calculated, no ten-
dons are placed into the structure (into the stiffness matrix) during the calculation and, therefore, the total resultants have no
meaning in the evaluation of the results. The calculated results are, in fact, the total resultants. Consequently, the option
"total resultant" is already marked and disabled for such combinations. As a result, no change of prestressing due to variable
load occurs in the tendons (Lmin, Lmax = 0).
2. The calculation of the extreme values of internal forces due to the mobile load placed in advanced into the specified sec-
tions takes into account the tendons located in the structure and, therefore, the total resultants are meaningful (particular
load cases are generated). As a result, the change of prestressing due to variable load is reflected in the tendons.
Dead load of segments and also the equivalent load due to prestressing of segments is defined precisely in the time of install-
ation (attachment) of segments. Loads imposed by possible crane motion or prestressing device can be input as variable
loads in the given construction stage or as loads on a completed part of the structure. Dead load of the closing joint is,
- 44 -
TDA (Time Dependent Analysis)
according to Table 1, applied after 20 days and not in the time of casting, which is 15 days, when this load acts in reality. The
reason is that in fact the joint in the model does not exist between days 15 and 20 and therefore, it is not capable of trans-
ferring any load. The same applies to other construction approaches described below.
The deflections of a half of the symmetrical structure calculated after the installation of segment 4 made in 1000 days after
the two cantilevers have been made monolithic are given in Fig. 9. The deflection curve shows apparent breaks that are not
real in fact, but they result from the fact that the deflection of the free-end of the newly attached segment of the model is zero
in the time of attachment.
Fig. 11 shows the deflection of a half of the symmetrical structure calculated after the installation of segment 4 in 1000 days
after the two cantilevers have become monolithic in the joint. It is clear that the deflection curve is smooth except the break in
the point of attachment of the cantilever to the closing joint. The deflections calculated between the ends of the cantilevers
are not real. Correct values may be obtained (i) by interpolating between values in the ends of cantilevers or (ii) by pre-
venting the generation of finite elements nodes between the ends of cantilevers when defining the mesh parameters. Sin-
gular points in the deflection curve in the ends of the cantilevers occur not only in the model, but also in the real structure.
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Chapter 12
Dead load of segments is applied in the time of prestressing of the segments. Similarly to the dead load of closing joint, also
the dead load of segments acts in fact in the time of casting. However, the appropriate segments do not yet exist in terms of
stiffness in that time (neither in the model nor in the real structure) and are not capable of carrying any load. In the real struc-
ture, the load is transferred by the casting carriage to the previous segment as a point load. Considering the fact that a
“young” concrete is subject to loads, the demand of an engineer to take account of “correct” time moments of dead load
application is justified. This can be modelled by means of a set of point loads that will be input into the load case applied on
the existing structure (the previous segment) in the time when a new segment is being cast. In the time of prestressing (and
application of the dead load of the new segment) the set of point loads must be applied with the opposite sign in order to pre-
vent doubling of the dead load. Also the load from the casting carriage can be additionally input to this set and in case of e.g.
a bridge of a constant cross-section, both load sets (loading and unloading) can be moved along the structure together with
the casting of a new segment. If also the effect of this load on creep of concrete should to be taken into account, the set of
point loads must be defined in a permanent load case and not in a variable one.
- 46 -
TDA (Time Dependent Analysis)
Once again, apparent breaks can be observed in deflection curves in Fig. 12. These breaks result from the fact that the
deflection increments relate to the time of segment casting.
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Chapter 12
In the second construction stage, casting of segment 1 is modelled by the change of appropriate cross-section from stage 0
to stage 1, see Fig. 13b. Similarly to “precise levelling”, the fresh concrete of the first segment cannot be subject to dead load
for the same reason. Therefore, the dead load of the first segment is applied only in the time of prestressing of the first seg-
ment, see Table 4. Once again, a set of point loads can be used to model the real dead load. Subsequent construction
stages can be seen in Fig. 13 and Table 14.
- 48 -
TDA (Time Dependent Analysis)
For better understanding, Fig. 14 shows the deflection of a half of the symmetrical structure calculated after segment 4 has
been stressed in the time of 1000 days after the two cantilevers have become monolithic in the joint. The deflection curve is
again smooth except the break in the point of attachment of the cantilever to the closing joint.
Standard results
When the Time Dependent Analysis has been performed, you may review all the standard results as in case of a normal
static linear calculation: deformations, internal forces, stresses, reactions.
For more information, refer to sub-chapters in chapter Results.
Tendon stresses
Note: The principles for displaying of results are described in chapter Results.
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Chapter 12
Imagine a two span continuous beam built in two construction stages: left span in the first stage (assigned load case 1),
second span in the second stage (assigned load case 2).
Both spans are prestressed and have a beam strand pattern defined. The left span contains 5 strands, the second one only
- 50 -
TDA (Time Dependent Analysis)
Now, set Selection to All. Select All by selection in combo box Tendons.
Set Load to Load cases and select LC1. This load case is assigned to the first construction stage when only the left span
exists. When you press [Refresh], tendon stresses are displayed only on the left span.
Similarly, if you select LC2, only tendon stresses in the right span are shown.
- 51 -
Chapter 12
And finally, let Selection to All and keep All by selection in combo box Tendons.
Set Load to Classes and select Class 1. This class corresponds to the first construction stage when only the first span exists.
Press [Refresh], tendon stresses are displayed only on the left span.
Select Class 2 that corresponds to the second construction stage, when both spans exist. Press [Refresh] and tendon
stresses are displayed on both spans.
- 52 -
TDA (Time Dependent Analysis)
Detailed results
It is possible to display detailed results for a single beam strand pattern
Procedure to display detailed results
Explanation of abbreviations
Stress after transfer.
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Chapter 13
1. Bore hole pattern is defined, i.e. the location of holes in the "face-plate" is defined.
2. Sectional strand pattern is specified, i.e. which holes of the "face-plate" are "filled" with a strand/wire/bar.
3. Beam strand pattern is input, which means that the shape of the strands/wires/bars along the 1D member is defined (this
step is subject to certain limitations that will be explained later).
Type of stressing
See the figure below the table.
Anchorage set
Anchorage set at stressed end of tendon.
Initial stress Specifies the initial stress at stressed end of tendon (before seating).
Stress during correcting Defines the stress at stressed end of tendon. The amount of relaxation can be
- 54 -
Pre-tensioned beam
Input of overhang
a) The user defines the real length of the tendon - this length includes also the overhang length (only prestressing losses are
calculated on this real length of the tendon).
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Chapter 13
b) The user inputs the overhang-length on both ends. These overhang lengths are then subtracted from the total real
length of the tendon. The length of the tendon used in the FEM calculation equals to the real length of the tendon decreased
by the overhangs on both ends.
Beam with length of 10.0m, tendon with length of 11.0m and overhangs 0,5m on each end. ==> The tendon length for cal-
culation of losses = 11.0m; tendon length for FEM calculation = 10.0m
- 56 -
Type of stressing
Type 1
Type 2
Type 3
Type 4
Type 5
- 57 -
Chapter 13
l Cold-drawn wires P
l Strands Lp, Ls
l Cold-drawn wires w
l Indented wires w
l Strands s
l Plain round bars b
l Ribbed bars
Short-term losses
Short-term losses can be calculated in advance, before the solver is run:
Besides of those losses, calculation of some other losses is included in the method for the structural analysis itself. Three
codes are supported for the calculation of losses in SCIA Engineer:
l EC2,
l CSN 73 6207,
l CSN 73 1201.
- 58 -
1. EC2: we introduce effective cumulative angle g=a+kx over a distance x, where x is horizontal co-ordinate, a is intended
angle over a distance x, kx is unintended angle over a distance x.
2. CSN 73 1201 and CSN 73 6207: the exponential functions for friction calculations are approximated by first two members
of power function.
The losses of prestressing caused by steel relaxation are introduced at three levels.
At first level - the correction of relaxation is calculated, namely the relaxation which appears during keeping the stress con-
stant before anchoring. In fact, this is not a loss of prestressing. On the contrary the total relaxation considered in the struc-
tural analysis is decreased by this value. The relaxation at this level is applied for types 1, 2 and 3 of stressing sequence only
(see Properties of pre-tensioned tendons > Type of stressing).
At second level – the short-term relaxation loss is calculated. The calculation is performed according to procedure of stress-
ing and anchoring for types 1, 2 and 5 (see Properties of pre-tensioned tendons > Type of stressing).
At third level – the long-term relaxation loss is calculated for all five types of stressing sequence. This relaxation loss will occur
after anchoring. Therefore it has an impact on the long-term behaviour of building structure and it should be applied as one
of the loads in time-dependent analysis. In SCIA Engineer implementation the strain equivalent to relaxation to be passed in
long-term is applied in several time nodes following ttr (see Properties of pre-tensioned tendons > Type of stressing).
The calculation of all of the relaxation losses mentioned above is based on the following principles. The differences between
the procedures applied for different national codes are only in different definition of material characteristics. Firstly the final
relaxation loss is calculated, which depends on the level of stress at given section related to the characteristic tensile
strength. In the second step - the relative decrease of stress related to the final relaxation loss is calculated according to the
duration of time interval when the stress is applied. The only simplification is that there is no effect of the changes of steel
stress during the interval on the magnitude of relaxation in this time interval. For example - at third level – the losses of
prestressing due to creep and shrinkage of concrete do not influence the amount of steel relaxation (insignificant).
The final relaxation loss is not defined in EC2 (only the relaxation up to 1000 hours). Therefore the estimate of the relaxation
up to 30 years is used according to CEB FIP 1990 Model Code [2].
1. Select the beam strand pattern for which the losses should be calculated.
2. The properties of the strand pattern are shown in the Property window.
3. Click button [Edit strand patterns].
4. The editing dialogue for the selected strand pattern is opened on the screen.
5. Select one strand which you are interested in.
6. Its properties are displayed in the bottom right corner of the dialogue.
7. Click action button Losses.
8. A preview window is displayed. The preview window is split into two parts. In first part some details of tendon parameters
are displayed together with the table of results. Using the toolbar at the top of the window, all the information can be expor-
ted to a file (HTML, TXT, PDF, RTF) or directly to printer. In the second part a diagram, the distribution of various losses
along the length of the tendon is shown. It is possible to change the scale of the diagram or the text. And the pop-up menu
(pressing right mouse button), offers some basic functions for the picture: zoom, print, copy to clipboard or save to an
external file.
- 59 -
Chapter 13
Stressing bed
Length of
prestressing self-explanatory
- 60 -
Coefficient of
thermal expan-
sion of stress-
ing bed
Temperature of
units and stress- self-explanatory
ing bed at stress-
Temperature of
units at the time self-explanatory
when bond
Temperature of
stressing bed at
the time when
bond exists
It indicates whether the loss caused by the shortening of stressing
Loss due to bed due to stressing of all prestressing units will be calculated. The
deformation of stressing bed is an auxiliary structure between abutments where
stressing bed the formwork is placed. It might be of a limited stiffness relating to
high forces applied during stressing.
Shortening of
stressing bed
due to stressing self-explanatory
of all prestress-
ing units
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Chapter 13
2.1.1 Theory
The effect of elevated or reduced temperatures within the range 0 – 80°C on the maturity of concrete may be taken into
account by adjusting the concrete age according to formula B.10 from EN 1992-1-1.
- 62 -
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Chapter 13
There are concrete characteristics in the bottom part of the dialogue. These characteristics are informative for the user only
and the values depend on the selected class of concrete.
The program recalculates from these input values new adjusted time ti(adj) according to formula B.10. This adjusted time is
adapted to the time dependent construction stages analysis. The user has possibility to see it in the Beam settings in Local
time axis. The maturity of concrete of the beam for which Beam settings are defined will be adapted by adjusted time of cast-
- 64 -
3.1.1 Theory
For pre- tensioned members, the effect of increasing the temperature while curing the concrete on the relaxation losses is
considered. An equivalent time teq is added to the time after tensioning t in the relaxation time functions, given in 3.3.2(7), to
take into account the effects of the heat treatment on the prestress loss due to the relaxation of the prestressing steel. The
equivalent time can be estimated according to formula 10.2 from EN1992-1-1.
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Chapter 13
- 66 -
Note: More information about the technology used for the production of pre-tensioned 1D
members can be found in [3].
- 67 -
Chapter 13
The dialogue for the definition or editing of a bore hole pattern consists of the following parts:
l graphical window,
l definition of coordinate system,
l section of the input of regions and holes,
l definition of reference point.
- 68 -
Graphical window
The graphical window displays the selected cross-section and the defined pattern of holes. It supports standard features of
SCIA Engineer graphical windows:
A region is always rectangular and is defined by its position in the cross-section and its size. The holes are always regularly
distributed across the region. You may specify either (i) the number of holes in the horizontal and vertical direction or (ii) the
position of the first hole in each direction and the distance between the holes in that direction.
Specifies the name of the region.
Left bot-
tom y
Defines the coordinates of the bottom left the corner of region.
Left bot-
tom z
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Chapter 13
Specifies the width of the region.
Specifies the height of the region.
You may select the type of definition of the holes in the region:
Type Grid – you define the number of the holes in each direction
Increment - you define the position of the first hole in each direction and
the distance between the holes in that direction
No. of
holes y
Inputs the holes for type Grid.
No. of
holes z
First hole
Inputs the holes for type Increment. Defines the position of the first hole.
First hole
Dy Inputs the holes for type Increment. Specifies the distance between indi-
Dz vidual holes.
Hole dia-
meter Defines the hole diameter.
Holes may be input directly by their position in the cross-section.
(informative) Shows the number of the hole. The number are assigned
automatically by the program.
Specifies the name of the hole.
The coordinates defining the position of the hole.
Hole dia-
meter Defines the hole diameter.
Holes can be copied. In that case you specify if you make just a single copy or a multiple copy, input the distance between the
copies and, if required, also the number of copies. In order to copy a hole, simply use button [Copy] next to the list of holes
and fill in the copy-dialogue.
- 70 -
Note: When you define the holes in regions, it may happen that some holes "fall" out of the
cross-section (especially if the cross-section is not rectrangular). These outside holes do
not have to be specially treated as they are automatically filtered when you define the sec-
tional strand pattern. That means that strands can be put only into real and proper holes.
Reference point
The reference point can be used to position the bore hole pattern in the cross-section of the 1D member when the sectional
strand pattern is created (you are asked to position the bore hole pattern on the cross-section). Normally, you may accept
the default setting. Only if you decide on a special configuration of the bore hole pattern, it may be convenient to "play" with
the reference point and use one bore hole pattern for different final location of strands in the 1D member.
- 71 -
Chapter 13
Note: For more information about the editing dialogue read chapter Defining a new bore
hole pattern.
Note: More information about the technology used for the production of pre-tensioned 1D
members can be found in [3].
- 72 -
10. The editing dialogue for a sectional strand pattern opens on the screen.
11. Define the new sectional strand pattern.
12. Confirm with [OK].
Note: This positioning of the bore hole pattern on the cross-section may become important
later when you decide to change the height of the cross- section. The position of strands is
related to the reference point and is not affected by the change of the dimension. You may
choose the reference point which most suits your needs.
The dialogue for the definition or editing of a sectional strand pattern consists of the following parts:
l graphical window,
l info-table,
l legend,
l strand properties,
l view parameters button,
l debonding length button,
l control buttons.
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Chapter 13
Graphical window
The graphical window displays the selected cross-section and the defined pattern of holes. It supports standard features of
SCIA Engineer graphical windows:
This table is located in the top left corner of the dialogue.
The legend has two roles:
l (informative) it explains the symbols used in the graphical window (each type of strand uses a special graphical mark or
l (active) it is used for the input of individual strands into the bore holes.
Alternatively, you may define these two properties in the property window of the required strand (see below).
Stand properties
Whenever a defined strand is selected in the graphical window, its properties are shown in the Properties window.
- 74 -
Note: In the property window you may use selection- by-property. Select one strand, in the
property window select the property you are interested in, click the "funnel" icon in the top
right corner of the property window and the program selects all the strands that have the
same property. The selected strands are highlighted in the graphical window. This feature
can be used for both active and informative properties.
Note: It is possible to make a multiple selection of strands in the graphical window. Press
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Chapter 13
[Ctrl] and click the left mouse button. When the multi- selection has been made, you can
change a required property to all the selected items at once.
View parameters
This button opens a dialogue with view parameters. Their meaning is more or less self-explanatory.
Debonding lengths
A set of various debonding lengths can be defined through this button. One debonding length can be then assigned to a
strand in the property window.
Transmission and anchorage length
For all codes except Eurocode, the transmission length is the only value (related to the development of bond) appearing in
the output document..
For EC-EN, in addition to the transmission length also term anchorage length is defined. The anchorage length is calculated
automatically by the program.
Transmission length l_pt is the length over which the initial prestressing force is transferred into concrete.
Anchorage length l_bpd is the length over which the limit prestressing force is transferred into concrete.
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Procedure to define a new beams strand pattern from sectional strand pattern
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Chapter 13
6. In case of arbitrary beam the Cross- section manager opens on the screen and you must select the required cross- sec-
7. The Sectional strand pattern manager opens on the screen.
8. Select the required bore hole pattern.
9. Position the bore hole pattern in the cross-section.
10. The selection (or input) of a pre-stressing load case may be required during this. The load case is required for storage of
11. The editing dialogue for the beam strand pattern opens on the screen.
12. Confirm with [OK].
The dialogue for the definition or editing of a beam strand pattern consists of the following parts:
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l strand geometry,
l view parameters button,
l debonding length button,
l template buttons,
l control buttons.
Graphical window
The graphical window displays the selected cross-section and the defined pattern of holes. It supports standard features of
SCIA Engineer graphical windows:
This table is located in the top left corner of the dialogue.
Note: If the bore hole pattern is changed, all already defined strands are deleted.
The legend has two roles:
l (informative) it explains the symbols used in the graphical window (each type of strand uses a special graphical mark or
l (active) it is used for the input of individual strands into the bore holes.
The procedures for input and removal of strands and for adjustment of special properties are described in chapter Defining
a new sectional strand pattern.
Stand properties
Whenever a defined strand is selected in the graphical window, its properties are shown in the Properties window. The
meaning of the properties is described in chapter Defining a new sectional strand pattern.
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Chapter 13
Strand geometry
Yp; Zp coordinate of the centre of gravity of entire strand pattern
Yp, deb; Zp,
coordinate of the centre of gravity of all debonded strands
Yp, drap; Zp,
coordinate of the centre of gravity of all draped strands
n total amount of strands in strand pattern
Ap total area of entire strand pattern
Ac total cross-sectional concrete area without the area of strands
Ap, deb total area of all debonded strands
Ap, drap total area of all draped strands
coordinate of the centre of gravity of the combined cross-section -
Y; Z
concrete plus pre-stressing steel
moment of inertia for z/y- axis of combined cross- section. (z- axis
Iz; Iy
being strong axis)
moment of inertia for z/y-axis of combined cross- section without the
Iz,c; Iy, c
strands (z-axis being strong axis)
Wy, top; Wy, section modulus for z/y-axis of combined cross- section at top of sec-
bottom tion
View parameters
This button opens a dialogue with view parameters. Their meaning is more or less self-explanatory.
Debonding lengths
A set of various debonding lengths can be defined here. One debonding length can be then assigned to a strand in the prop-
erty window.
Template buttons
[Create template] A new template is saved to the project.
[Create from template] The strand pattern is loaded from an existing template.
- 80 -
1. Select the beam strand pattern for which the losses should be calculated.
2. The properties of the strand pattern are shown in the Property window.
3. Click button [Edit strand patterns].
4. The editing dialogue for the selected strand pattern is opened on the screen.
5. Make necessary changes.
6. Confirm with [OK].
Tendon stresses
Result diagrams in graphical window
Note: The principles for displaying of results are described in chapter Results.
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Chapter 13
Both spans are prestressed and have a beam strand pattern defined. The left span contains 5 strands, the second one only
- 82 -
Now, set Selection to All. Select All by selection in combo box Tendons.
Set Load to Load cases and select LC1. This load case is assigned to the first construction stage when only the left span
exists. When you press [Refresh], tendon stresses are displayed only on the left span.
Similarly, if you select LC2, only tendon stresses in the right span are shown.
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Chapter 13
And finally, let Selection to All and keep All by selection in combo box Tendons.
Set Load to Classes and select Class 1. This class corresponds to the first construction stage when only the first span exists.
Press [Refresh], tendon stresses are displayed only on the left span.
Select Class 2 that corresponds to the second construction stage, when both spans exist. Press [Refresh] and tendon
stresses are displayed on both spans.
- 84 -
Detailed results
It is possible to display detailed results for a single beam strand pattern
Procedure to display detailed results
Explanation of abbreviations
Stress after transfer.
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Chapter 13
Use tree menu function Library > Post-tensioning > Tendon source geometry.
When the property table of a tendon is displayed during its input or editing, click the three-dot button [...] in item Source geo-
- 86 -
Note: The proportions of individual parts of the edit dialogue were deliberately distorted in
order to fit the picture into one printed page.
Type of input
In general, there are two type of input:
(i) the tendon "passes" the individual vertices following the input type of curve, i.e. the tendon does not directly goes through
the vertex,
(ii) the tendon goes directly through the vertices – this is called "points fitting".
For the first input type, the following options are available.
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Chapter 13
Circle + tangent
Circle; parameter is the distance between vertex and tangent point, see Fig. 1 – Circle - types 0 and 1.
Circle + radius
Circle; parameter is the radius of circle, see Fig. 1 – Circle - types 0 and 1. Radius and two tangents determine the circle.
Length of tangents is calculated automatically.
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Chapter 13
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Chapter 13
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Note: The proportions of individual parts of the edit dialogue were deliberately distorted in
order to fit the picture into one printed page.
Import from file Imports the source geometry from an external TXT or XML file.
Export to file Exports the source geometry into the external TXT or XML file.
Opens the Tendon source geometry manager and allows you to
Import from lib-
import another tendon source geometry to the currently edited
Vertical scale Changes the vertical scale in the graphical preview windows.
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Chapter 13
Show/hide dot
grid Shows/hides the dot grid.
Dot grid settings Enables you to adjust the dot grid so that it meets the needs of the
current project.
Input table
Coord X X-coordinate of the vertex of the source geometry.
Coord Z Z-coordinate of the vertex of the source geometry.
Curve type Type of curve "in" the vertex - see paragraph Type of input above.
Curve para- The parameter of the curve selected in the item above - see para-
meter graph Type of input above.
- 94 -
Input table
Coord X X-coordinate of the vertex of the source geometry.
Coord Y Y-coordinate of the vertex of the source geometry.
Curve type Type of curve "in" the vertex - see paragraph Type of input above.
Curve parameter The parameter of the curve selected in the item above - see paragraph Type of input above.
Note: It is not allowed to input three successive points in one line. In other words, the dir-
ection of the tendon must change in each input vertex.
Alternatively, the source geometry can be also edited through the property table of an existing tendon.
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Chapter 13
Editing the tendon source geometry from the property table of the post-tensioned internal tendon
Procedure to edit the tendon source geometry through the property table
1. Select the tendon whose source geometry is to be edited (in fact you may select any tendon).
2. The properties of the selected tendon are displayed in the property table in the property window.
3. Click the three-dot button in item Source geometry.
4. The Tendon source geometry manager opens on the screen.
5. The source geometry of the selected tendon is highlighted in the list of all available source geometries.
6. Click button [Edit].
7. The Edit geometry dialogue is opened on the screen.
8. Modify the shape of the tendon.
9. Confirm the changes with [OK].
10. Close the Tendon source geometry manager.
Note: It is important to keep in mind that the tendon that is input in a 1D member through
the source geometry, remembers that it was created this way. Moreover, the tendon keeps
the link to its source geometry. Consequently, once the source geometry is edited in the
Edit geometry dialogue and the changes are confirmed, the shape of all (repeat: All) ten-
dons based on this source geometry that have been already input into the model of the
structure change their shape accordingly.
Hanging nodes
Prior to the introduction of hanging nodes, the projection normal (perpendicular) to the structural member was observed as
insufficient due to the problems with recalculation of strain load of tendon to structural member in some cases. These cases
you can see on following figures.
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Chapter 13
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Chapter 13
b. The possibility to fix selected point of the tendon to selected point of the element 1D. Then it is necessary to define the
point on first 1D element (e.g. by distance from the beginning) to which the beginning of the tendon is fixed, and the point on
last 1D element to which the end of the tendon is fixed.
Projection of intermediate points – this option is relevant only in case of Hanging nodes
• Proportionally – user defines the length where the tendon effects are projected on
o Way of location – begin
§First node – the beginning of projected tendon effects to the beam is from the first node of the allocated beam
§Location – distance from the beginning of the beam
- 100 -
2.1 Projection
For tendons allocated on 1D members (beams) is possible to projection the tendon perpendicularly on beam or pro-
portionally. For tendons allocated on 2D members (slabs) is perpendicularly projection only.
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Chapter 13
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Internal tendons
Description This item allows the user to add a short description, if required.
Defines the number of the tendon.
(informative value)
Shows the type of the tendon (internal / external).
Selects the layer of the tendon. Each layer can be assigned to a dif-
ferent layer, if necessary.
Selects the type of the geometry input.
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Chapter 13
member and, if necessary, modified in its shape to follow the shape of the
1D member. The tendon is not stretched to fit the length of the 1D mem-
ber. But, it may be curved to follow the real shape of the 1D member. The
latter may be used to simplify the input of tendons in curved 1D members.
The tendon is defined by its "projection" into plane. Then, it is allocated to
the curved 1D member. The shape of the tendon is modified, so that the
local x-axis of the tendon follows precisely the local x-axis of the 1D mem-
Direct input
For this type of geometry input, the user defines directly the shape of the
tendon in the graphical screen where the 1D member to-be-reinforced is
displayed. In order to define exactly the shape that is required, an addi-
tional toolbar is added to the top of the command line. This added toolbar
allows for the input of circular and parabolic intervals.
Reference line with source geometry
This possibility is a kind of combination of the two previous options. For
more information read a separate paragraph at the end of this chapter.
Specifies the material of the tendon.
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Number of
tendon ele-
Defines the number of wires or strands in tendon.
ments in
Number of Specifies the number of identical tendons (e.g. in walls of single or multi
tendons in box section, etc.) which create a group. For details see the picture
group below the table.
(informative value)
Shows the sectional area of the tendon.
Diameter of Defines the diameter of the tendon duct. The parameter is used for the
duct test of tendon geometry only.
This item opens an extra dialogue where the user can select which 1D
members are allocated to the tendon. In general, more than one 1D
Allocation member can be allocated to one tendon, as e.g. in the case of several
shorter 1D members running one after another that are reinforced by
one long tendon.
The user must select a load case from a list. The list contains only the
load cases the Load type of which is set to Prestress.
Load case
The effects of the prestressing of the tendon will be stored in this load
Type of stress- The type of stressing is analogous to pre-tensioned tendons.
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Chapter 13
The program offers four options. Simultaneous anchoring of both
Prestressing ends is neither economic nor practically feasible.
The options offered in the list are self-explanatory.
Coefficient of
friction in
Friction coefficient for curved part of tendon.
curved part of
Coefficient of
friction in (only for CSN / STN standard)
straight part Friction coefficient for the straight part of tendon.
of tendon
Unintentional (only for EC2, NEN)
angular dis-
placement The unintended angular displacement of the tendon.
Anchorage set
Defines the anchorage set at the beginning of the tendon.
Stress during
Defines the anchorage set at the end of the tendon.
Duration of Specifies the duration of keeping constant stress during the cor-
keeping stress rection of relaxation.
Initial stress –
begin Initial stress at the beginning of tendon (before seating).
Defines the part of the tendon at its beginning which is taken into
Overhang of account when calculating the losses, but not when creating the struc-
tendon not tural model. This is useful in the case that the 1D member (and ten-
included in don) protrudes beyond the theoretical support and the user does
structural not want to include this part of the structure into the model, but
model - begin wants to have proper losses and tendon geometry for the export
into CAD.
Overhang of
tendon not
included in Analogous to the previous item.
model – end
between sec-
Defines sections where results are presented.
tions for out-
(These items are available only if the Geometry input is set to Direct input)
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Circle: the parameter is the distance between the vertex and the tangent
point, see picture below.
Circle + radius
Circle: the parameter is the radius of the circle, see picture below. The
radius and two tangents determine the circle. The length of the tangents
is calculated automatically.
Symmetrical parabola + tangent
Parabola: the parameter is the distance between the vertex and the tan-
gent point (beginning or end of parabola), see picture below. The length
of the tangent and the axis of symmetry of the parabola determine the
Curve para-
Here the corresponding curve parameter can be input.
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Chapter 13
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Chapter 13
Select allocation
The allocation of the tendon to particular 1D member(s) can be made through item Allocation in the property table of the ten-
don (which is displayed in the property window during the editing). This option (in the property table) allocates the 1D mem-
ber in a simple table.
On the other hand, action button Select allocation starts an interactive function that enables the user to select the allocated
members directly in the graphical window.
Tendon losses
This action is not strictly an editing one, but it is useful during the design of the tendon as well. This action button starts the cal-
culation of prestressing losses and shows the results in a separate dialogue. For more read chapter Prestressing losses in
an internal tendon.
Calculation info
This button opens a report summarising the parameters of the tendon necessary for the calculation.
Default values
This action button sets all the tendon parameters to the default values (i.e. the values pre-adjusted by the manufacturer of
the program).
- 112 -
External tendons
Description This item allows the user to add a short description, if required.
Defines the number of the tendon.
(informative value)
Shows the type of the tendon (internal / external).
Selects the layer of the tendon. Each layer can be assigned to a dif-
ferent layer, if necessary.
Material Specifies the material of the tendon.
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Chapter 13
Number of ten-
don elements in Defines the number of wires or strands in tendon.
Specifies the number of identical tendons (e.g. in walls of single or
Number of ten-
multi box section, etc.) which create a group. For details see the
dons in group
picture below the table.
(informative value)
Shows the sectional area of the tendon.
The user must select a load case from a list. The list contains only
the load cases the Load type of which is set to Prestress.
Load case
The effects of the prestressing of the tendon will be stored in this
load case.
Stress after anchoring
The stress in the tendon after anchoring.
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