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Model - Cyk: Installation and Commissioning Guidelines

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FORM 160.

82-CL1 (611)

*TO: _______________________________________ JOB NAME: _______________________________
_______________________________________ LOCATION: _______________________________
_______________________________________ CUSTOMER ORDER NO. _____________________

YORK TEL. NO._____________ YORK ORDER NO.____________ YORK CONTRACT NO.____________


MODEL NO.____________________________ SERIAL NO.___________________________________

The work (as checked below) is in process and will be completed by _____________ / _____________ / _____________
Month Day Year


Condenser Relief Valves..........................................
The CYK Chiller is a factory assembled 2-stage Com-
Condenser Transducers...........................................
pressor unit designed to maximize the unit footprint and
operate at elevated discharge pressures. Hot Gas Valve...........................................................
Condenser Wiring Harnesses..................................
Condenser Insulation...............................................
The unit shipment should be checked upon arrival to
insure that all of the major components, boxes, and Condenser Paint.......................................................
crates have arrived without damage. Any damage Condenser Water Box Shipping Blanks
MUST be reported to the transportation company in Place.....................................................................
immediately for their inspection. All boxes should be
opened and inventoried with the packing list. Nitrogen Pressure in Vessels...................................

The initial site inspection should include, but not be lim- Economizer
ited to, the following components. Record and docu- Economizer Bypass Valve (LCV-117).......................
ment any deficiencies.
Subcooler Valve (LCV-114)......................................
Compressor Components Economizer Liquid Outlet Valve (LCV-116)..............
Compressor Body..................................................... Economizer Flash Gas Valve (PCV-116)..................
Oil System Piping..................................................... Economizer to Low Stage Compressor
Oil Return System.................................................... Vent Line (PCV-117).................................................

Shaft Seal................................................................. Economizer Sight Glasses.......................................

Transducers, wiring harnesses................................. Control Panel and Components

PRV Linkages and VGD Linkages............................ User Interface and Display.......................................
Compressor Oil Cooler Package.............................. Internal Wiring and Components..............................

Condenser / Evaporator Shell Components Is there any evidence of water infiltration?...............

Evaporator Relief Valves.......................................... Panel Mounts and Enclosure...................................

Trained personnel should install the CYK in accor-
Evaporator Transducers...........................................
dance with the installation information. Proper rigging
Evaporator Wiring Harnesses.................................. devices (i.e. spreader bars, chains, slings) must be in
Evaporator Insulation............................................... good repair and positioned properly to avoid damage
to the components. Each shell package has (2) lifting
Evaporator Paint....................................................... holes on each end sheet, which should be used to lift
Evaporator Water Box Shipping Blanks the units. Stacked shells must be separated before in-
in Place..................................................................... stalling. Each shell must be lifted and positioned indi-
vidually when installing.
FORM 160.82-CL1 (611)

GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR UNIT 3. If the unit was shipped form 7 (split shells) assem-
INSTALLATION ble shells, and interconnecting economizer liquid
line piping and inter-stage vapor piping.
1. Floor or mounting pads must be level and capable
of supporting the unit weight. 4. Install the refrigerant relief valve piping.
2. Clearances for the sides, top and ends must be 5. Install drain and vent valves in the evaporator and
adequate for Compressor, motor service and tube condenser.
removal. Verify the piping connections properly
oriented. 6. It is suggested that outlets be provided in the con-
denser water and chilled water piping for pressure
3. Driveline and shells must be placed on isolators gauges and thermometers.
of the correct rating and properly positioned. Rig-
ging should remain in place until the isolators are 7. All water piping must be cleaned and flushed prior
installed and bolted in place. to being connected to the unit or shells.

4. Insert spacing blocks under each corner of the 8. Strainers are to be installed in the chilled water
unit to support the shells while the piping is in- and condenser water circuits to protect the ves-
stalled and supported. sels and pumping equipment.

5. After all piping is installed, unit charged, and wa- 9. After the evaporator, condenser and refrigerant
ter in the shell tubes, rotate the leveling bolts one piping have been pressure tested, the refrigerant
at a time to level the unit. (See installation instruc- suction line, chilled water, oil return piping and
tions in job manual) evaporator vessel water boxes must be insulated.
Evaporator water box insulation should be remov-
6. All field installed intercooler piping, valves etc able for service.
should be cleaned prior to installation.
10. Supply 3 Phase Auxiliary power to the unit for the
7. All gaskets, flange bolts and studs must be of the Compressor oil pump drives.
proper size and torqued to the value required for
the bolt diameter. 11. Install and wire flow switches, high-pressure cut-
out and any interconnecting control wiring as re-
8. Do not remove any flange covers until the final quired.
piping is ready to be installed.
9. All components should remain sealed and
charged with Nitrogen until ready for assembly to 1. All electrical wiring must conform to all National
reduce the risk of contamination or oxidation and local electrical codes.

10. All piping must be fitted so that all bolt holes align 2. Qualified personnel regularly engaged in this type
without any external force applied. of work must perform all wiring.

11. Relief valve piping must be installed in accor- 3. All wiring must be of adequate size and insulation
dance with ASHRAE 15 and all local codes. quality and in accordance with the YORK draw-
4. Field wiring includes but may not limited to the
The following lists of tasks are the minimum require- motor starter fault / contacts, motor starter run
ments that must be completed prior to starting the unit. interlocks, remote hard wired start/stop, flow con-
See the job manual for more detailed installation in- trols and, building automation systems.

1. Install the unit shells, economizer, driveline and

isolators if required. All components should be
properly aligned and leveled prior to bolting in
2. Install the chilled water and condenser water pip-
ing. Support all piping as necessary to reduce the
risk of stress on the unit components. Piping sup-
ports should not be spaced any greater than 10
feet apart.

FORM 160.82-CL1 (611)

START UP GUIDELINE FOR THE 6. Leak test the entire refrigerant system, reduce
REFRIGERANT SYSTEM the system pressure and repair any leaks.
Re-test with nitrogen and trace refrigerant
The steps listed below should be performed in the
to 80% of the relief valve setting.......................
order in which they appear. The liquid refrigerant is
not charged into the system until the control check 7. Disconnect the Compressor high discharge
out is completed. This should allow for minimal re- pressure switch and verify calibration to site
frigerant recovery processes if a component requires conditions. ........................................................
removal for repair.
This control cannot be calibrated
Do not energize panel until Step 19 in after the system is charged with
checklist. refrigerant.

8. Evacuate and dehydrate the system to

1. Assemble all shipped loose piping, 1mm Mercury....................................................
valves and intercooler connections...................
9. Charge the high and low stage oil sumps
2. Based on the P and I diagram. Verify the flow (approx 20 gal per sump)..................................
direction arrows (→) on the
Do not run the oil pumps while the
Subcooler control valve (LCV-114)................... unit is under a vacuum.
Economizer bypass valve (LCV-117)................
Economizer liquid level valve (LCV-116)..........
Economizer vapor outlet valve (PCV-116)..........
10. Charge the refrigerant system with vapor only
Economizer to low stage vent Sol. to above 34 degree saturation temperature
(PCV-117)......................................................... for the refrigerant in use. ..................................

Hot gas valve TCV-100..................................... Do not charge liquid refrigerant at

this time. Control panel check out
High Stage Discharge check valve................... should be performed before charging
Low Stage Discharge check valve.................... liquid refrigerant.

Oil return check valves.....................................

3. Open all isolation valves in the refrigerant 11. Confirm that the control panel is free
circuit including the vapor returns from of metal shavings and debris............................
the oil sumps located at the rear of the
12. Remove the Compressor couplings before
oil sumps...........................................................
Do not open valves that will open to
the atmosphere. 13. Confirm that all the field wiring has been
Ensure high and low stage current
transformers (IT160A, IT160B) are
wired to control panel. Reference
4. Check all the Relief Valves that they are wiring diagram in job manual.
the correct pressure settings and in
the correct position on the chiller......................
14. Verify all panel wire connections for
5. Charge the system with oxygen free dry
tightness on terminal connections....................
nitrogen and trace refrigerant to 80%
of the lowest relief valve setting........................

FORM 160.82-CL1 (611)

15. Confirm that the power supply voltage to Testing of the pumps has to be done before
control power transformer (T1) is correct, any Proximity Probe Check.
and is of the proper capacity and voltage.
Reference wiring diagram in job manual..........
16. Verify the fluids are in the Compressor oil
sump. (¼" wide red line is full, 1/8" red line
is empty)........................................................... 29. Press the HOME key and select LOW STAGE
17. Remove coupling hubs from high and COMPRESSOR Screen. Press PRV Cal to
low stage Compressor...................................... start the calibration. When complete press
End Calibration.................................................
18. Open all circuit breakers in the panel...............
30. Select the VGD key and calibrate the
19. Energize Main Power Disconnect..................... Low Stage VGD................................................
20. Close CB1 and check for 120VAC at terminal 6. 31. Press the HOME key and select the HIGH
DC Power Supply
Cal to start the calibration. When complete
Check the out puts from Power Supply.
press End Calibration.......................................
32. Select the VGD key and calibrate the
1000 0 VDC............................................... High Stage VGD...............................................
1001 5 VDC............................................... 33. Perform Proximity Probe calibration for both high
1002 12 VDC.............................................. stage and low stage Compressors (Home \ X
Stage Compressor \ XS Prox Calibration). When
1004 24 VDC.............................................. the calibration is complete press the key to end
the calibration.
21. Close CB-2 and check for 120VAC at terminal 33
for Low Stage PRV and VGD Power Verify reference value agrees with reference val-
supply................................................................ ue on label inside panel noted on the inside of the
Panel Door.
22. Close CB-3 and check for 120VAC at terminal
34 for High Stage PRV and VGD Power If the Compressor is pressurized the shaft
supply................................................................ will have to be rotated by hand in the nor-
mal rotation direction to seat the thrust
23. Close CB-4 and check for 120VAC at
terminal 9 of Relay R8......................................
bearing position.

24. Close CB-5 and check for 120VAC at

terminal 47........................................................
34. Press the HOME key then the CONDENSER
25. Confirm oil heater operation with an ammeter at Screen key and select the SUBCOOLER Screen.
contactor M1A and M1B. The panel will cycle Manually operate the Subcooler level valve
the heater from 90 –120°F (48.8°C). (LCV-114) and the economizer Bypass valve
Heater internal thermostat setpoint is LCV-117 to insure they open and close correctly.
150°F (65.5°C). ................................................
Check the Valve Positioner against the Panel
26. Ensure all the valves in the Lubrication Display at 25, 50, 75 and 100% to ensure that
System are open............................................... the valve and the panel correspond to
Linear Operation...............................................
27. Log in to the service mode
(Select User 2 and Code 1380)........................ 35. Return to the CONDENSER Screen and select
the HOT GAS VALVE Screen. Manually operate
28. Start both oil pumps one at a time, with the the hot gas valve (TCV-100C) insuring the
manual auto station to verify oil pressure. Use valve opens and fully closes. Check the Valve
the "Lubrication Lock" feature to run both Positioner against the Panel Display at 25,
pumps automatically at 36 PSID....................... 50, 75 and 100% to ensure that the valve
and the panel correspond to Linear

FORM 160.82-CL1 (611)

36. Return to the CONDENSER Screen and select 41. Verify the LOW STAGE Compressor motor ro-
the ECONOMIZER Screen. Manually operate tation. Coupling center hubs must be removed
the economizer level valve LCV-116 to ensure before proceeding!
the valve opens and closes correctly. Check
This must be done by using a MOMENTARY
the Valve Positioner against the Panel Display
START switch. De-energize the control panel and
at 25, 50, 75 and 100% to ensure that the
install the momentary switch between terminal 3
valve and the panel correspond to Linear
and terminal 24.
Re-energize the control panel and momentarily
37. Press the HOME key and select the SET-UP
press the start switch to verify proper motor rota-
Screen. Select the TEST OUTPUTS button and
manually test
After Low Stage Motor rotation is verified,
LS Liquid injection FCV 113A.......................
de-energize the control panel and remove
HS Liquid injection FCV 113B ...................... the momentary start switch...............................
Economizer bleed valve PCV 117................ 42. Check all relays and terminal strips for
excessive heating with IR thermometer.
LS oil return solenoid operation........................
Excessive heating can be defined as
38. Press the HOME key and select the CAPACITY a 20°F (-6.6°C) rise above ambient..................
43. Verify that the pressure sensors, level
Screen. Verify that the set points are
sensors, and temperature sensors are
adequate for the system design........................
reading correctly.................................................
39. Press the HOME key and select the
After all the controls have been tested and
confirmed that they operate correctly the
ANTI - SURGE Screen. Verify the set
unit can be charged with liquid
points for the anti-surge operation.
(PD1 - PD2 - MVP1 - MVP2)............................
Reference Surge Control Setpoints 44. Start the condenser water pumps and the
evaporator water pumps to establish flow
Calculation in this document.
in both vessels. ................................................
Check the BAS System for their flow readings
of the chiller / or use a Pressure Gauge to
obtain the Differential Pressure across the
Evaporator and Condenser Inlet Outlet
Both high stage and low stage coupling water boxes. Check these pressures
hubs must be removed before proceeding against the Design Specifications.....................
with compressor motor checks.
Verify Cooling Tower / Condenser entering
water temperature conditions...........................
The unit can now be started and tested for proper op-
40. Verify the HIGH STAGE Compressor motor ro- eration.
tation. Coupling center hubs must be removed
before proceeding!
This must be done by using a MOMENTARY
START switch. De-energize the control panel and
install the momentary switch between terminal 3
and terminal 77.
Re-energize the control panel and momentarily
press the start switch to verify proper motor rota-
After High Stage Motor rotation is verified,
de-energize the control panel and remove
the momentary start switch...............................

FORM 160.82-CL1 (611)


Use this form to estimate the initial surge control points peratures are required for this calculation. This infor-
PD1 and PD2. These points will be required for the 2 mation can be found on the sales order or engineering
stage and single stage unit operation. The unit design data sheet.
entering and leaving condenser and evaporator tem-

STEP ONE Single Stage Operation PD1 = High Head

Two Stage Operation PD 1 = High Head 1. Enter 95°F (35°C) or the single stage
design leaving condenser water
1. Enter the design leaving condenser
temperature 1.
water temperature 1.
A. Convert the leaving condenser
A. Convert the design leaving water temperature to
condenser water temperature
pressure A.
to pressure A.
2. Enter the design leaving evaporator
2. Enter the design leaving
water temperature 2.
evaporator water temperature 2.
B. Convert the design leaving
B. Convert the design leaving evaporator temperature to
evaporator temperature to
pressure B.
pressure B.
3. Subtract
3. Subtract Evaporator pressure B from
Evaporator pressure B from Condenser pressure A
Condenser pressure A
(A – B) = PD1 PD1.
(A – B) = PD1
PD1. The result is programmed into single stage PD1
The result is programmed into 2 stage PD1 Single Stage Operation PD2 = Low Head
STEP TWO 1. Enter the lowest expected leaving
condenser water temperature
Two Stage Operation PD2 = Low Head (Most single stage operations will
1. Enter the lowest expected leaving be 60°F (15.5°C)) 1.
condenser water temperature
A. Convert the lowest expected
(Most two stage operations will
leaving condenser water
be 95°F (35°C)) 1.
temperature to pressure A.
A. Convert the lowest expected
2. Enter the design leaving evaporator
leaving condenser water
water temperature 2.
temperature to pressure A.
B. Convert the design leaving
2. Enter the design leaving evaporator
evaporator temperature to
water temperature 2.
pressure B.
B. Convert the design leaving
3. Subtract
evaporator temperature to
Evaporator pressure B from
pressure B. condenser pressure A
3. Subtract (A – B) = PD2 PD2.
Evaporator pressure B from
The result is programmed into single stage PD2
Condenser pressure A
(A – B) = PD2 PD2. In most applications PD1 and PD2 as
calculated above will allow for smooth
The result is programmed into 2 stage PD2 operation throughout the entire operat-
ing range and will not require further

FORM 160.82-CL1 (611)

STEP THREE Lower the system head to the setpoint in the two stage
PD2. With the hot gas valve closed (hot gas valve
Calculate MVP1 and MVP2 can be placed in manual for this test) the compres-
The initial setpoint for Two Stage MVP1 should be 40 sor should not surge. If surge does occur increase the
The initial setpoint for Two Stage MVP2 should be 20 MVP2 by 5% or until surge stops.
The initial setpoint for Single Stage MVP1 should be 20 If the compressor does not surge then lower the MVP2
The initial setpoint for Single Stage MVP2 should be 10 by 5% increments until the unit surges. When the surge
point is found increase the MVP2 by 5% or until surge
Start the chiller in the two stage mode and
monitor the system head as displayed on
the system screen. If the compressor vanes are open above
70% and the unit surges the entering con-
denser water temperature may be above
design or the leaving chilled water is be-
Raise the system head to the setpoint in the two stage low design. In these conditions changing
PD1. With the hot gas valve closed (hot gas can be MVP1 or MVP2 will not stop the surging.
placed in manual for this test) the compressor should
not surge. If surge does occur increase the MVP1 by 5 Operate the chiller in the single stage mode and adjust
% or until surge stops. MVP1 and MVP2 in the same manner as in the two
stage mode.
If the compressor does not surge then lower the MVP1
by 5% increments until the unit surges. When the surge
point is found increase the MVP1 by 5% or until surge

P.O. Box 1592, York, Pennsylvania USA 17405-1592 800-861-1001 Subject to change without notice. Printed in USA
Copyright © by Johnson Controls 2011 www.johnsoncontrols.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Form 160.82-CL1 (611)
Issue Date: June 8, xx, 2011

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