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UBS Strategy Outlook 4Q2023

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For professional / institutional /

qualified investors only

Strategy Outlook
UBS Hedge Fund Solutions
Fourth Quarter 2023

2 Macro thoughts and

portfolio themes 4 CIO model portfolio and
sub-strategy outlook 5 Strategy outlook
Relative Value
Equity Hedged
Credit / Income

The views expressed are as of the date of this material and are a general guide to the views of UBS Hedge Fund Solutions LLC (HFS), a division within
UBS Asset Management. All such information and opinions are subject to change without notice.
Macro thoughts and
portfolio themes
Risk sentiment turned negative in Q3 as hawkish Federal Reserve (Fed) rhetoric,
concerns over fiscal sustainability, and a surge in oil prices culminated in a notable sell
off in equities and rates.

While conventional 60/40 portfolios (FIRV). Overall, we are pleased with our geopolitics, warrant higher rates for
were challenged as correlations across outperformance (versus traditional risk the foreseeable future. Further
asset classes turned positive, UBS assets) as it showcased the key role corroborating the case for higher real
Hedge Fund Solutions’ (“HFS”) broad hedge funds can play in a well- rates is economic resilience. Despite a
based diversified and broad based diversified strategic asset allocation. general slowdown in some of the
neutral hedge fund strategies generally That said, we recognize that a 5% risk- forward-looking growth indicators, the
produced positive returns for the free rate is a formidable benchmark private sector is in much better shape
quarter. Within Trading, curve which we strive to beat without than it has been in previous cycles. US
steepening positions benefited from altering the consistency of our returns. consumers, particularly homeowners,
the move higher in long-term rates, continue to enjoy historically low
while natural gas trading in We believe the repricing in Q3 reflects mortgage debt payments, rising real
commodities was also additive to market participants coming to terms income (albeit decelerating), and 15
returns. In Equity Hedged, the risk-off with a higher-for-longer rate years of accumulated wealth (via
tone bode well for managers’ short environment, aligning with our views. financial [and housing] asset inflation).
positions. These gains were While COVID-induced supply shocks Trends like these have helped sustain
supplemented by income derived from have mostly faded, the inflationary GDP growth, which in turn, may
ABS and agency mortgage strategies, forces stemming from secular dynamics require restrictive monetary policy to
as well as cash/futures basis trading such as an aging population, the prevent a rapid pick-up in inflation.
within fixed income relative value energy transition, and tectonic shifts in

2 UBS Hedge Fund Solutions – Strategy Outlook, Fourth Quarter 2023

Portfolio positioning
We expect a prolonged period of higher cost of capital will inevitably result in some form
of recession. The recent rise in treasury yields and the escalating conflict in the Middle East
may also increase the risk of recession and/or a left tail event (relative to last quarter).

As such, we maintain a defensive (as they have done so historically). In with cash yielding 5%, we place
positioning across our allocations. Equity Hedged, our allocations are increasing emphasis on sourcing short
FIRV and macro strategies remain core primarily driven by bottom-up factors; duration, carry-oriented strategies
allocations as they are expected to in addition to market neutral/multi-PM that offer less correlation to broader
benefit from a continuation of strategies, we position ourselves with markets. This is mostly complemented
elevated rate volatility. Tactical Macro sector specialists trafficking in more by allocations to more trading-
Trading managers may also offer inefficient, alpha-rich pockets of the oriented corporate long / short
positive convexity should there be a market, as well as with managers who managers that can be nimble in
more pronounced deterioration in have demonstrated expertise on the turbulent markets.
economic conditions and asset prices short side. Within Credit/Income, and

3 UBS Hedge Fund Solutions – Strategy Outlook, Fourth Quarter 2023

CIO model portfolio

Strategy Sub-strategy Q4 2023

Forward looking
target weight % – We plan to increase exposure to short duration income-
focused strategies while maintaining our core allocations to
Equity Hedged Fundamental 14
trading-oriented corporate long/short managers. We are
Opportunistic Trading 11 maintaining agency MBS exposures, having added to these
allocations in the past few quarters.
Equity Event 1

Equity Hedged total 26 Commodities

Relative Value Quantitative Equity 3
– We continue to reduce our allocation to commodities as
inflation has been moderating, with our remaining exposure
Merger Arbitrage 1 focused on gas/power strategies, complemented by strategic
Capital Structure/Volatility Arb 7 long investments in less correlated green materials.

Fixed Income Relative Value 13

Agency MBS 6

Relative Value total 30

Credit / Income Distressed 1

Corporate Long / Short 10

Reinsurance / ILS 2

Asset-Backed 5

Other Income 5

Credit / Income total 23

Trading Systematic 3

Discretionary 12

Commodities 5

Trading total 21

Niche & Other Niche & Other total 1

Increasing target weight

Decreasing target weight

4 UBS Hedge Fund Solutions – Strategy Outlook, Fourth Quarter 2023

Strategy outlook

Trading Relative Value

We believe that the outlook for developed market (DM) macro We continue to favor fixed income relative value (FIRV)
strategies could improve with a more persistent trend of curve strategies and plan to maintain our allocations. Q4 and Q1
steepening in the US and other G3 markets. Managers could tend to be beneficial for FIRV managers, with opportunities
also benefit from short rates in Japan if inflationary pressures arising from potential year-end funding dislocations and the
continue. Additionally, we expect DM-focused managers to release of issuance schedules; thus, our 6-month forward-
perform well in a recessionary environment, be it via front-end looking return expectations for the strategy remain strong.
longs or bull steepeners, as well as short positions in equities
and credit. We maintain our allocations within emerging Meanwhile, our outlook for capital structure/volatility
markets (EM), after having added to this segment in previous arbitrage remains positive as the 2025-2026 maturity wall
quarters. While EM managers were challenged amid the risk- could lead to a surge in new issuance and corporate actions
off tape in Q3, the opportunity set still appears to be attractive, which should benefit the opportunity set.
with potentially better entry points into some of the receiver
trades and FX carry trades in countries that still hold a material
real rates buffer. In commodities, we continue to reduce our
target allocation, with our remaining exposure focused on gas/
power strategies, complemented by strategic long investments
in less correlated green materials.

Citi Economic Surprise G10 Index German vs US Invoice Spreads

350 100 -26

250 90 -28

80 -30
70 -32
Index Level


60 -34
50 -36
40 -38

-250 30 -40

-350 20 -42
Jan Jul Jan Jul Jan Jul Jan Jul Oct Dec Feb Apr Jun Aug Oct
2020 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2022 2022 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023

US EU UK Japan German 10y US 10y (RHS)

Source: Bloomberg; Daily data; Jan 2, 2020-Oct 4, 2023. Discretionary trading Source: Bloomberg; Daily data; Oct 6, 2022-Oct 17, 2023. Data illustrates
strategies generally tend to underperform when the index is closer to zero, German and US 10y “invoice spreads” over the last year. Short swap spreads
which indicates that economic data releases are generally in line with market have been additive to manager performance this year across both macro and
expectations. Macro managers tend to perform better on macro data surprise, be FIRV strategies. The underperformance of cash bonds (sometimes expressed
to the upside or downside. US numbers continue to surprise to the upside, while via futures, as shown here) against swaps is expected to continue as central
negative news in Europe seems to have been more priced in and the backdrop banks continue the QT process while governments need to issue more debt
is generally improving. There is less variation in the UK and Japan. Indices are to fund higher fiscal needs. Indices are for illustrative purposes only. Please
for illustrative purposes only. Please see end notes for index descriptions. see end notes for index descriptions.

5 UBS Hedge Fund Solutions – Strategy Outlook, Fourth Quarter 2023

Equity Hedged Credit / Income

We strive to maintain a low-beta construct. Our allocations As rates reach peak levels, we continue to seek short duration
mostly consist of sector specialists trafficking in more income opportunities with lower correlation to corporate
inefficient, alpha-rich pockets of the market (e.g., technology/ credit spreads, expressed through a mix of thematic funds
AI), as well as managers with more diversified exposure that and co-investments with attractive carry. One example of this
have demonstrated strength on the short side. This is also is an opportunity in US residential real estate debt that,
complemented by allocations to market neutral/multi-PM despite strong fundamentals, was attractively priced due to
strategies. funding pressures faced by regional banks. Elsewhere in
credit, our exposure to agency MBS remains full as it provides
We maintain minimal exposure to China given the weak a source of carry without credit risk given the government
economic rebound thus far and underwhelming government guarantee. The strategy also benefits from multi-decade low
stimulus. While we have seen signs of stabilization in markets, prepayment speeds. We plan to maintain current allocations
liquidity constraints may present additional challenges for to corporate long/short approaches. The opportunity is
managers with a focus on short selling. After 30 years of expected to remain as corporate distress, default activity and
depressed inflation, Japan may be transitioning to the next overall dispersion picks up, providing opportunities across
phase of the economic cycle, where rising inflation and higher fundamental long/short, event-driven, stressed and special
interest rates could create a healthy amount of dispersion in situations. Our allocations to corporate long-biased and
equity markets that is conducive for fundamental investing. distressed remain underweight. Distress in the corporate
sector has increased, spreads remain tight and better entry
points will likely emerge later in the credit cycle.

Short Alpha Investment grade and high yield cash spreads

8 1200


2 800
Short Alpha (%)

Spread (bps)


-4 400


-10 0
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep
2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
High Yield Investment Grade

Source: Bloomberg; Monthly data; Jan 1, 2023-Sep 29, 2023. Data illustrates Source: Bank of America Merrill Lynch; Daily Data; Jun 30, 2018-
the short alpha (calculated as SPX index minus the average of GSCBMSAL Sep 30, 2023. Indices are for illustrative purposes only. Please see end notes
index, MSSHRTUS index, MSXXSHRT index, GSTHVISP index). Please see end for index descriptions.

6 UBS Hedge Fund Solutions – Strategy Outlook, Fourth Quarter 2023

Contact information

North America Europe Japan Asia Pacific

Stamford London Tokyo Hong Kong
Tel. +1-203-719 1428 Tel. +44-20-7901 5838 Tel. +81-3-5208 7406 Tel. +852-2971 8077

Tel. +41-44-234 7200

To view our full range of products, register at www.ubs.com/alternatives

7 UBS Hedge Fund Solutions – Strategy Outlook, Fourth Quarter 2023

Index descriptions

The use of indices is for illustrative purposes only.

Citi Economic Surprise US 10y invoice spread (TYAISPS Comdty)

The Citi Economic Surprise Indices measure data surprises Invoice spread based on TYA Comdty. Invoice spread is
relative to market expectations. It represents the sum of the calculated as the difference between the yield of a forward
difference between official economic results and forecasts. A starting interest rate swap with a maturity date equal to the
positive reading means that data releases have been stronger maturity of the Cheapest to Deliver issue minus the forward
than expected and a negative reading means that data yield of said futures contracts.
releases have been worse than expected.
S&P 500 (SPX Index)
BofA Merrill Lynch US High Yield Master II (H0A0) index The Standard and Poor's 500 Index (S&P500) is a
The BofA Merrill Lynch US High Yield Master II (H0A0) index capitalization-weighted index of 500 stocks. The index is
tracks the performance of below investment grade US dollar- designed to measure performance of the broad domestic
denominated corporate debt publicly issued in the US domestic economy through changes in the aggregate market value of
market. Qualifying securities must have a below investment 500 stocks representing all major industries.
grade rating (based on a composite of Moodys, S&P and Fitch)
and an investment grade rated country of risk. In addition, GSTHVISP Index
qualifying securities must have at least one year remaining The GS Very Important Short Position (VISP) list tracks short
term to maturity, a fixed coupon schedule and a minimum exposure of hedge funds. The equal-weighted basket consists
amount outstanding of USD 100 million. Original issue zero of 50 S&P 500 constituents with the highest total dollar value
coupon bonds, 'global' securities (debt issued simultaneously in of short interest outstanding. The VISP basket is designed as
the Eurobond and U. S. domestic bond markets), 144a a short hedge for the Hedge Fund VIP List (GSTHHVIP) to
securities and pay-in-kind securities, including toggle notes, replicate the performance and long / short nature of hedge
qualify for inclusion in the index. Callable perpetual securities fund holdings.
qualify provided they are at least one year from the first call
date. Fixed-to-floating rate securities also quality provided they GSCBMSAL Index
are callable within the fixed rate period and are at least one An equally weighted basket of the 50 highest short interest
year from the last call prior to the date the bond transitions names in the Russell 3000. Names in the basket have a
from a fixed to a floating rate security. DRD-eligible and market cap greater than $1billion. This basket is updated on a
defaulted securities are excluded from the index. monthly basis.

ICE BofA U.S. Corporate Index MSSHRTUS Index

The ICE BofA U.S. Corporate Index consists of investment- MSSHRTUS is an informational index that represents an equally
grade corporate bonds that have a remaining maturity of weighted basket of 50 conviction shorts in the US, as defined
greater than or equal to one year and have $250 million or by Morgan Stanley's proprietary Crowding Factor. It provides a
more of outstanding face value. In addition, the securities in gauge of short alpha performance within this focus universe,
the Index must be denominated in U.S. dollars and must be rather than through traditional short interest lenses.
fixed-rate. Fixed-to-floating rate securities also qualify
provided they are callable within the fixed rate period and are MSXXSHRT Index
at least one year from the last call prior to the date the bond The Morgan Stanley High Short Interest basket consists of
transitions from a fixed to a floating rate security. 150 names within the Russell 3000 that have a float-adjusted
market cap greater than $1bn and rank high on several
German 10y invoice spread (RXAISPE Comdty) metrics including short interest % of float, days-to-cover, and
Invoice spread based on RXA Comdty. Invoice spread is short interest variability. The basket systematically rebalances
calculated as the difference between the yield of a forward each month when new data becomes publicly available and is
starting interest rate swap with a maturity date equal to the liquidity weighted with a 2.0% cap.
maturity of the Cheapest to Deliver issue minus the forward
yield of said futures contracts.

8 UBS Hedge Fund Solutions – Strategy Outlook, Fourth Quarter 2023

Risk considerations

The strategies described herein are speculative and entail portfolio may be subject to greater risk and volatility than if
substantial risks which may place your capital at risk. An investments had been made in the securities of a broader
investment in these strategies includes the risks inherent in an range of issues. There can be no assurances that any
investment in securities, as well as specific risks associated particular strategy (hedging or otherwise) will be successful or
with limited liquidity, the use of leverage, short sales, options, that it will employ such strategies with respect to all or any
futures, derivative instruments, investments in non-US portion of its portfolio. These strategies can be highly illiquid,
securities and illiquid investments. The Fund invests largely in are not required to provide periodic pricing or valuation to
other unregulated hedge funds. Such a portfolio of hedge investors, and may involve complex tax strategies.
funds may increase an investor’s volatility for potential losses
or gains. The strategies may be highly leveraged and the volatility of
the price of its interests may be great. The fees and expenses
A particular manager of any strategy, from time to time, may charged by any individual manager of a strategy may
invest a substantial portion of the assets managed in an substantially offset any trading profit.
industry sector. As a result, the manager’s investment

9 UBS Hedge Fund Solutions – Strategy Outlook, Fourth Quarter 2023


The views expressed are as of October 2023 and are a reflection of UBS Hedge Fund Solutions LLC’s best judgment
general guide to the views of UBS Hedge Fund Solutions LLC at the time this document is compiled and any obligation to
(HFS), a division within UBS Asset Management. This update or alter forward-looking statements as a result of new
document does not replace portfolio and fund-specific information, future events, or otherwise is disclaimed.
materials. Commentary is at a macro or strategy level. Furthermore, these views are not intended to predict or
guarantee the future performance of any individual security,
Please note that past performance is not a guide to the asset class, and the markets generally, nor are they intended
future. Potential for profit is accompanied by the possibility of to predict the future performance of any UBS Hedge Fund
loss. The value of investments and the income from them Solutions LLC, portfolio or fund.
may go down as well as up and investors may not get back
the original amount invested. This document is a marketing Except where otherwise indicated herein, the information
communication. Any market or investment views expressed provided herein is based on matters as they exist as of the
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A number of the comments in this document are based on
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different from expectations. The opinions expressed are a

10 UBS Hedge Fund Solutions – Strategy Outlook, Fourth Quarter 2023

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11 UBS Hedge Fund Solutions – Strategy Outlook, Fourth Quarter 2023

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