SB 424

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Piper Aircraft Corporation Lock Haven, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.

“FAA DOA SO-l Approved” Tune 21. 1974

Subject: Wing Reinforcement Modification

Models Affected : Serial Numbers Affected :

PA-28151 Warrior 28-7415001 to 28-7415530 287415532 to 28-7415534
incl. and 28-7415537 to 28-7415538 incl.

Compliance Time: Within the next one hundred (100) hours of operation or
annual inspection whichever occurs first.

Purpose : To provide material and instructions to remove the gross

weight reduction, reference Piper’s telex dated June 11,
1974 and F .A .A. Airworthiness Directive dated June 12,
1974 regarding this same subject.

Instructions: Contained in Wing Reinforcement Modification Kit, Piper

Part No. 760 878V.

The installation of Piper’s Kit No. 760 878V will allow the
aircraft to return to the original gross weight configuration,
both normal and utility category respectively. Normal cate -
gory maximum gross weight 2325 lbs. Utility category
maximum gross weight 1950 lbs.

Subsequent to fulfilling all the requirements of this publication,

remove the reduced gross weight placard and Piper’s telex
dated June 11, 1974 and destroy. Replace Page 3-2 of the
Airplane Flight Manual Report VB-573 with Page 3-2 supplied
with Piper Kit No. 760 878V.

Material Required:- One (1) each per aircraft Wing Reinforcement Modification
Kit, Piper Part No. 760 878V.

Availability of Parts : Your Piper Field Service Facility.

Effectivity Date : This Service Bulletin is effective upon receipt.

Summary : Owners will be contacted by the local Distribution Service

Administrator to arrange scheduling of your aircraft for
this modification. Material and labor relative to compliance
will be provided free of charge as long as the modification is
accomplished by the Piper Field Service Facility. (over)
Service Bulletin No. 424 Page 2 of 2

Summary : (continued) A Service Publication Compliance Form is enclosed with

copies of this service release mailed to affected owners
of record. This form is to be filled out according to
instructions on the form reverse side and left with the
Piper Field Service Facility performing the modification.

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