Grammar 4 - Adj Adv

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• Apakah itu adjectives?

Adjectives adalah kata sifat yang memodifikasi kata benda (noun).
Kata sifat dapat menjelaskan:

feelings or qualities, He is a lonely man.

nationality or origin, I heard a French song.
a thing's characteristics, The knife is sharp.
about age, He's a young man.
about size and measurement, This film is long.
about colour, Paul wore a red shirt.
what something is made of, She wore a cotton dress.
about shape, I sat at a round table.
express a judgement or a value. That was a fantastic film.
Adjectives ending in -ing and –ed
(boring/bored etc.)
Ada banyak kata sifat yang berakhiran –ing dan –ed. Namun apakah perbedaannya?
Perhatikan contoh berikut:
– Jane‘s job is boring.
– Jane is bored.

Boring menerangkan pendapat (opinion) Jane mengenai pekerjaannya.

Pekerjaan Jane membuat bosan / membosankan.
Bored menerangkan perasaan (feeling) Jane mengenai pekerjaannya yang membosankan.
Jane bosan.

Jika ada kalimat yang menyatakan,

“George always talks about the same things. He’s really boring.”
Artinya George adalah orang yang membosankan, George membuat orang bosan
karena kerap mengatakan hal yang sama berulang kali.
fact adjectives & opinion adjectives

Kita dapat menggunakan lebih dari satu adjective dalam sebuah kalimat.
Biasanya adjectives ini merupakan perpaduan antara fact adjectives dan opinion

– Fact adjectives memberikan informasi yang sebenarnya mengenai benda

(factual information) yaitu mengenai age, size, color, etc
– Opinion adjectives memberikan informasi pendapat akan benda /
menyatakan pendapat seseorang mengenai sesuatu atau seseorang.
Aturan Penggunaan Adjectives
Usually (but not always) we put fact adjectives in this order:

Kata sifat size & length ditempatkan sebelum kata sifat shape & width:
– A large round table
– A long narrow street

Gunakan “and” jika terdapat lebih dari satu kata sifat colour:
– A black and white dress

Gunakan adjectives setelah kata-kata: be/get/become/seem.

– I'm tired and I'm getting hungry.

Gunakan adjectives to say how somebody/something looks, feels, sounds, tastes or

– The dinner smells good.

Untuk menyatakan waktu tertentu. The first two days / the next few weeks / the last
ten minutes, etc.
– I didn't enjoy the first two days of the course.
ADVERBS / Kata Keterangan

Adverbs adalah kata yang menerangkan kata kerja (verb), kata sifat (adverb), dan
kata keterangan yang lain (other adverbs).
Berikut fungsi dari adverbs:
The adverb is placed after the verb it The bus moved slowly.
Adverbs modify adjectives, making them You look absolutely fabulous!
stronger or weaker.
Some types of adverbs can modify other She played the violin extremely well.
adverbs, changing their degree or

Ada banyak adverbs yang dibentuk dari adjective + -ly:

Adjectives and adverbs 1

Tidak semua kata yang berakhiran –ly adalah adverbs, ada juga adjectives yang berakhiran
–ly :

Kita dapat gunakan adverbs sebelum adjectives dan adverbs lainnya :

– The food is extremely good
Adverbs dapat juga digunakan sebelum past participle (injured/written/etc.):
– The meeting was badly orgainised
Adjectives and adverbs 2
(well, fast, late, hard/hardly)
– Good adalah kata sifat, sementara well adalah kata keterangan.
• Your English is good. adj
• You speak English well. adv
– Kita gunakan well bersama dengan past participle, bukan good.
• She is a well-known writer.
Fast/Hard/Late lately = recently
– Fast/hard/late dapat digunakan sebagai adjective maupun adverbs.
Kita dapat gunakan hardly+ any/anybody/ anyone/anything/ anywhere:
so and such
Kita dapat gunakan “so” dan “such” untuk mempertegas/memperkuat makna.
enough and too

Dalam kalimat, “enough” dapat ditempatkan setelah adjectives ataupun adverbs.

– I can’r run very far. I'm not fit enough.

Bandingkan too ... dan not ... enough:

– You never stop working. You work too hard. (=more than is necessary)
– You’re lazy. You don't work hard enough. (=less than is necessary)

Enough dapat ditempatkan sebelum noun ataupun dapat digunakan tanpa noun.
– I can/t run very far. I don/t have enough energy.
– There were too many people and not enough chairs.
Enough/too ... for somebody/something
Does Joe have enough experience for the job?
Enough/too ... to do something
Does Joe have enough experience to do the job?
Enough for ... something to ... do something
The bridge is just wide enough for two cars to pass each other.
quite, pretty, rather and fairly
Quite, pretty, rather and fairly dapat digunakan sebelum adjectives atau adverbs.
Quite dan pretty memiliki makna yang sama.
Pretty biasanya digunakan dalam percakapan (informal).

I'm surprised you haven't heard of her. She's quite famous / pretty famous.
(=less than 'very famous', but more than 'a little famous'

Kita dapat gunakan quite dengan beberapa cara, yaitu:

Rather memiliki makna yang sama dengan quite dan pretty.
• Rather biasanya menyatakan negative ideas (things we think are not good)
– Paul is rather shy. He doesn't talk very much.
Menyatakan negative ideas bahwa Paul memiliki sifat pemalu dan tidak banyak bicara.

• Akan tetapi rather dapat juga untuk menyatakan positive ideas ('unusually' or
'surprisingly': )
– These oranges are rather good. Where did you get them?
Menyatakan bahwa dia tidak menyangka jeruk yang dimakan “ternyata” enak. (surprise)

Fairly is weaker than quite/rather/pretty.

– It’s fairly good (it is not very good and it could be better).
– My room is fairly big, but I'd prefer a bigger one.
Quite bermakna 'completely‘ bila diiringi dengan adjectives berikut:

Quite juga bermakna 'completely‘ bila diiringi dengan beberapa verbs.

I quite agree with you. (= I completely agree)

Not quite = not completely

Are you ready yet?
Not quite. (= not completely)
Daftar Pustaka
• Ali, Faidlal Rahman. (2010). English Grammar Completed Edition. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Widyatama.
• Barduhn, S., & Hall, D. (2016). English for Everyone–English Grammar Guide. DK Publishing.
• Murphy, R. (2012). English Grammar in Use (Fourth Edition). Cambridge: Cambridge University

• "Adjectives, Adverbs - Englisch-Hilfen." Diakses pada 18 Mar. 2020.
• "Functions of Adjectives | English Grammar | EF."
resources/english-grammar/functions-adjectives/. Diakses pada 18 Mar. 2020.
• "The adjectives in English Grammar - Summary - Englisch-Hilfen." Diakses pada 18 Mar. 2020.
• "Using adverbs in English | English Grammar | EF."
resources/english-grammar/using-adverbs-english/. Diakses pada 18 Mar. 2020.
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