Grammar 4 - Adj Adv
Grammar 4 - Adj Adv
Grammar 4 - Adj Adv
Kita dapat menggunakan lebih dari satu adjective dalam sebuah kalimat.
Biasanya adjectives ini merupakan perpaduan antara fact adjectives dan opinion
Kata sifat size & length ditempatkan sebelum kata sifat shape & width:
– A large round table
– A long narrow street
Gunakan “and” jika terdapat lebih dari satu kata sifat colour:
– A black and white dress
Untuk menyatakan waktu tertentu. The first two days / the next few weeks / the last
ten minutes, etc.
– I didn't enjoy the first two days of the course.
ADVERBS / Kata Keterangan
Adverbs adalah kata yang menerangkan kata kerja (verb), kata sifat (adverb), dan
kata keterangan yang lain (other adverbs).
Berikut fungsi dari adverbs:
The adverb is placed after the verb it The bus moved slowly.
Adverbs modify adjectives, making them You look absolutely fabulous!
stronger or weaker.
Some types of adverbs can modify other She played the violin extremely well.
adverbs, changing their degree or
Tidak semua kata yang berakhiran –ly adalah adverbs, ada juga adjectives yang berakhiran
–ly :
Enough dapat ditempatkan sebelum noun ataupun dapat digunakan tanpa noun.
– I can/t run very far. I don/t have enough energy.
– There were too many people and not enough chairs.
Enough/too ... for somebody/something
Does Joe have enough experience for the job?
Enough/too ... to do something
Does Joe have enough experience to do the job?
Enough for ... something to ... do something
The bridge is just wide enough for two cars to pass each other.
quite, pretty, rather and fairly
Quite, pretty, rather and fairly dapat digunakan sebelum adjectives atau adverbs.
Quite dan pretty memiliki makna yang sama.
Pretty biasanya digunakan dalam percakapan (informal).
I'm surprised you haven't heard of her. She's quite famous / pretty famous.
(=less than 'very famous', but more than 'a little famous'
• Akan tetapi rather dapat juga untuk menyatakan positive ideas ('unusually' or
'surprisingly': )
– These oranges are rather good. Where did you get them?
Menyatakan bahwa dia tidak menyangka jeruk yang dimakan “ternyata” enak. (surprise)
• "Adjectives, Adverbs - Englisch-Hilfen." Diakses pada 18 Mar. 2020.
• "Functions of Adjectives | English Grammar | EF."
resources/english-grammar/functions-adjectives/. Diakses pada 18 Mar. 2020.
• "The adjectives in English Grammar - Summary - Englisch-Hilfen." Diakses pada 18 Mar. 2020.
• "Using adverbs in English | English Grammar | EF."
resources/english-grammar/using-adverbs-english/. Diakses pada 18 Mar. 2020.
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