RF and Microwave Circuit Design Assignment
RF and Microwave Circuit Design Assignment
RF and Microwave Circuit Design Assignment
1. Explain three basic frequency conversion operations of rectification, detection, and
2. Explain PIN diode characteristics
3. Explain Single pole PIN diode switches
4. Explain PIN diode phase shifter
5. Draw Equivalent circuit of a reverse-biased varactor diode and explain.
6. Explain about different diodes like Gunn Diode . IMPATT diodes: Tunnel
diodesBARITT diodes:
(1) Explain stability analysis and limitations of amplifier.
(2) Explain how to design an amplifier for less than maximum gain, with a corresponding
improvement in bandwidth.
(3) Derive the equations for constant-noise figure circles and show how they are used in
transistor amplifier design.
(4) Explain in brief types of lossless feedback amplifier.
(5) Explain a balanced amplifier using 900 hybrid couplers.
(6) Explain how low noise figure is achieved in cascode amplifier.
(7) All problems to be solved related to this chapter.
(1) Explain two port oscillator design
(2) Explain how transistor model is used for producing the negative resistance in the
design of two port oscillator.
(3) Draw oscillator design flowchart and explain in brief.
(4) Explain characteristics of hyperabrupt-junction diode.
(5) Explain in brief analytical approach to optimum oscillator design using S parameters.
(6) Explain Nonlinear active model for oscillator.
(1)Explain analysis of periodic structures with reference to filter design.
(2)Explain K-β diagram and wave velocities.
(3) Explain the process of filter design by image parameter method.
(4)State the image parameters for T and π network of filter design.
(5)Explain the process of filter design by insertion loss method.
(6)Explain how impedance and frequency scaling is performed with respect to filter
(7) What is role of Richard transformation in implementation of filter? Explain in brief.
(8) Explain kuroda’s identity.
(9) All problems to be solved related to this chapter.
(1) Explain advantages, disadvantages and applications of MMIC.
(2) Explain the characteristics of material used for the manufacturing of monolithic
microwave integrated circuits.
(3) List MMIC fabrication Techniques and explain.