Syllabus 4th Major J2
Syllabus 4th Major J2
Syllabus 4th Major J2
4st Semester
Learning outcomes:
Provide basic understanding of coordination compounds, their bonding and applications.
Importance of metal ions in biology and knowledge of various enzymes and their activities
Understand the structure and importance of metalloproteins, synthetic oxygen carrier model
Understand balancing of redox reactions, trends in standard potentials, redox indicators,
nuclear forces and application of radioisotopes
Understanding of electronic, magnetic, and spectral properties of inner transition elements
and applications ofthese elements
Nuclear subatomic particles, nuclear forces (Meson theory), nuclear size and density. stability of
nucleus: n/p ratio, binding energy, packing fraction, structure of nucleus- Shell model and Liquid
drop model.Types of nuclear reactions, nuclear cross section, isotope separation methods.
Radioactivity: natural and induced. Radioactive decay- α-decay, β-decay, γ-decay; neutron,
emission, positron emission and electron capture. Group displacement law and radioactive series.
Measurement of radioactivity: ionization chamber, geiger counters, scintillation counters.
Application of radioisotopes in chemical reactions (agriculture and medicine), Carbon dating,
neutron activation and isotope dilution analyses
Radiation chemistry: Units of radiation; LET and G-Value. Dosimetry, radiation chemistry of
Books Recommended
1. Coordination Chemistry; Banerjee, D.; Tata Mc Graw Hill; 1997.
2. Concise Coordination Chemistry; Gopalan, R. & Ramalingam, V.; Vikas; 2003.
3. The Biological Chemistry of Elements; Frausto de Silva, J.J. R. & Williams, R.J.P.; Oxford;
4. Bio-inorganic Chemistry of Elements; Hussain Reddy, K.; New Age; 2005.
5. Concise Inorganic Chemistry; J.D. Lee; 5thEdn., OUP/Wiley India Pvt. Limited, 2008
6. Chemistry of the Elements; N. N. Greenwood, A. Earnshaw; 2ndEdn., Elsevier India, 2010.
7. Principles of Inorganic Chemistry; B.R. Puri, L.R. Sharma and K.C. Kalia; 33rdEdn., Milestone
Publishers & Distributors/ Vishal Publishing Co., 2017
Practical (2 credits: 60 Hours) Max. Marks: 50, Min Marks: 18
Books Recommended