1 Highest capacity in an optical disc can be obtained by using laser beam of Light.
a) Green b) Red c) Blue d) Infrared
2 From where is the laser beam not reflected in video disc?
a) From a flat b) From a pit
c) From a land d) From a glass
3 The most common compression technique that is used to create CD quality audio is based on
perceptual encoding technique is called
a) JPEG b) H.323 c) SIP d) Predictive encoding
4 In Audio and Video compression, each frame is divided into small grids called picture
element or
a) Frame b) Packet c) Pixel d) Mega pixel
5 Encoding of colour and modulation of audio carrier use the following modulation techniques in
SECAM system of France
a) A.M. for both b) F.M. for both
c) F.M. for colour and A.M. for audio d) A.M. for colour and F.M. for audio
6 Value of sub carrier in PAL system is
a) 3.58 MHz b) 4.43 MHz c) 5 MHz d) 7 MHz
7 What is the number of fields per second in India?
a) 25 b) 50 c) 625 d) 15625
8 The value of kell factor is about
a) 0.3 b) 0.5 c) 0.7 d) 0.9
9 Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG) is used to compress
a) Frames b) Images c) Audio d) Video
10 The outdoor unit is connected to indoor DTH received by
a) Wave Guide b) Coaxial cable c) Twin flat feeder d) Optical fiber
11 Which of the following TV uses CCFL as back lighting?
a) LCD b) LED c) OLED d) CRT
12 Compact disc surface doesn’t wear out because the sensor is
a) Electric b) Magnetic c) Mechanical d) Optical
13 What is the rotational speed (rpm) of the compact disc at the Center?
a) 200 b) 500 c) 800 d) 100
14 I signal in NTSC color TV system is located at 57° with respect to
a) Color burst b) R – Y c) B – Y d) G – Y
15 Which type of quantization is most preferable for audio signals for a human ear?
a) Uniform quantization b) Non uniform quantization
c) Uniform & Non uniform quantization d) None of the mentioned
16 The number of lines per field in the United States TV system is
a. 262 ½ b. 525 c. 30 d. 60
17 The signals sent by the TV transmitter to ensure correct scanning in the receiver are
Multimedia Communication Technology MCQ
a. sync b. chroma c. luminance d. video
18 In India, which monochrome TV system is used
a) 525 line system b) 625 line system
c) 819 line system d)None of these
19 TV broadcasting system in India is as per CCIR
A. system B B. system I C. system M D. system X
25 In Audio and Video Compression, voice is sampled at 8000 samples per second with
a) 5 bits per sample b) 6 bits per sample
c) 7 bits per sample d) 8 bits per sample
26 For speech, we need to compress the digitize signals at
b) 128 Khz b) 256 Khz c) 64 Khz d) 1152 Khz
27 Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG-2), was designed for high-quality DVD with
a data rate of
a) 3 to 6 Mbps b) 4 to 6 Mbps c) 5 to 6 Mbps d) 6 to 6 Mbps
28 In PAL system, phase of R-Y signal is changed every alternate line by
a) 90° b) 180° c) 270° d) 360°
29 Which type of quantization is most preferable for audio signals for a human ear?
a) Uniform quantization b) Non uniform quantization
c) Uniform & Non uniform quantization d) None of the mentioned
31 In India, which monochrome TV system is used
b) 525 line system b) 625 line system
d) 819 line system d)None of these
Multimedia Communication Technology MCQ
32 TV broadcasting system in India is as per CCIR
A. system B B. system I C. system M D. system X
37 In Audio and Video Compression, voice is sampled at 8000 samples per second with
a) 5 bits per sample b) 6 bits per sample
c) 7 bits per sample d) 8 bits per sample
38 In PAL system, phase of R-Y signal is changed every alternate line by
a) 90° b) 180° c) 270° d) 360°
39 In Audio and Video compression, each frame is divided into small grids called picture element
a) Frame b) Packet c) Pixel d) Mega pixel
40 Encoding of colur and modulation of audio carrier use the following modulation techniques in
SECAM system of France
a) A.M. for both b) F.M. for both
c) F.M. for color and A.M. for audio d) A.M. for color and F.M. for audio
41 The outdoor unit is connected to indoor DTH received by
a) Wave Guide b) Coaxial cable c) Twin flat feeder d) Optical fiber
42 I signal in NTSC color TV system is located at 57° with respect to
a) Color burst b) R – Y c) B – Y d) G – Y
1. c) Blue
2. b) From a pit
3. d) Predictive encoding
4. c) Pixel
5. d) A.M. for colour and F.M. for audio
6. a) 3.58 MHz
7. b) 50
8. c) 0.7
9. d) Video
10. b) Coaxial cable
11. a) LCD
12. d) Optical
13. c) 800
14. a) Color burst
15. c) Uniform & Non-uniform quantization
16. b) 525
17. a) sync
18. b) 625 line system
19. C. system M
20. c) 0.7
21. d) Video
22. b) Coaxial cable
23. d) Optical
24. a) Color burst
25. c) 7 bits per sample
26. c) 64 Khz
27. b) 4 to 6 Mbps
28.b) 180°
29.b) Non-uniform quantization
30.b) 625 line system
31.C. system M
32.d) Video
33.b) Coaxial cable
34.d) Optical
35.a) Colour burst
36.c) 7 bits per sample
37.b) 180°
38.c) Pixel
39.d) A.M. for color and F.M. for audio
40.b) Coaxial cable
41.a) Color burst
42.a) LCD