(Translated) Sinh viên khóa 24 ngành Điều dưỡng bảo vệ khóa luận tốt nghiệp năm 2023
(Translated) Sinh viên khóa 24 ngành Điều dưỡng bảo vệ khóa luận tốt nghiệp năm 2023
(Translated) Sinh viên khóa 24 ngành Điều dưỡng bảo vệ khóa luận tốt nghiệp năm 2023
In the afternoon of June 24 and 25, 2023, the Nursing major of Van Lang University held the
graduation thesis defense in 2023 for 10 students of course 24. The graduation thesis was a
significant and memorable milestone in the student's life. This is an independent scientific research
project that allows students to systematize their school-learned knowledge and skills, as well as
apply and develop scientific discoveries to solve a practical problem in the field they are studying.
After more than 6 months of hard work, developing the topic ideas, conducting research and surveys
at hospitals with the support of the guiding lecturer, Course 24 Nursing students confidently
presented their topic in front of the council and answered their critical questions.
Inspired by current health industry concerns, the students went directly to hospitals to conduct
surveys, carefully monitor the processes, then calculate and generate the most realistic data possible
to develop and choose their topics.
MSc. Ly Thi Phuong Hoa, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Nursing, praised the Course 24 students for
their dedication to science and tireless efforts to complete the thesis meticulously and thoroughly.
Diabetes is a chronic disease that affects both developed and developing countries. There are 573
million people worldwide infected with the disease, including 3.5 million in Vietnam, where the risk
of foot ulcers accounts for 25%. This complication, however, can be avoided if the patient
understands and practices proper foot care process. Based on the aforementioned concerns,
student Nguyen Hanh Nhu Quynh conducted a "Survey on knowledge and practice of self-care of
diabetic patients' feet," with the research subject being a patient diagnosed with type 2 diabetes
who is currently being treated as an inpatient at Thong Nhat Hospital's Department of Endocrinology
and Orthopedic Surgery.
A pressure ulcer is a necrotic tissue lesion that develops between the bone and the hard substrate.
Despite many advances in the care of high-risk patients, treating pressure ulcers remains a
challenging issue for medicine in general, and nurses in particular. To Kim Hong, a student with the
topic "Survey on knowledge and attitudes of nurses about care for pressure ulcer prevention,"
conducted a questionnaire survey with nurses, providing data based on the factors of number of
responses, age, experience, and education of nurses.
MSc. Doan Thi Ngan, Critical Commissioner gave compliments to student To Kim Hong: “This is a
pretty good topic, with investment in survey implementation. As the first student to defend a thesis,
she gave a very confident presentation. The council admires her meticulousness, thoroughness,
problem-solving and method of implementation of the thesis.”
Congratulations to the Course 26 Nursing students who successfully defended their Graduation
Thesis. With a solid foundation from Van Lang University and special equipment for health students,
it is hoped that this will serve as luggage and motivation for nurses to continue to devote and
progress further in their careers.
2. Survey on nutritional status of patients with chronic renal failure undergoing dialysis at the
THESIS SUPERVISOR: MSc. Doan Thi Ngan, MSc. Tran Thi Tay Nguyen
3. Survey on knowledge and practice of caregivers of stroke patients at the neurology department
THESIS SUPERVISOR: Specialist Level 1 Doctor. Prof. Le Van Tam, MSc. Vu Long
4. Survey on knowledge and attitudes of nurses about care for pressure ulcer prevention
THESIS SUPERVISOR: MSc. Nguyen Thi Ngoc Can, MSc. Do Thi Thuy Linh
THESIS SUPERVISOR: Specialist Level 1 Doctor. Prof. Le Van Tam, MSc. Vu Long
THESIS SUPERVISOR: MSc. Nguyen Thi Ngoc Can, MSc. Do Thi Thuy Linh
7. Evaluation of compliance with the steps of the care procedure for the abdominal drainage system
at the hospital
THESIS SUPERVISOR: MSc. Nguyen Thi Ngoc Can, MSc. Do Thi Thuy Linh
8. Assess the level of adherence in the history of patients being treated for hypertension at the
THESIS SUPERVISOR: MSc. Ly Thi Phuong Hoa, MSc. Nguyen Thi Tien
9. Relationship between information sources and knowledge of breastfeeding practices among
mothers giving birth in hospital
THESIS SUPERVISOR: MSc. Phan Thi Thu Huong, MSc. Luu Ngoc Tien
10. Survey on knowledge and adherence to medication for type 2 diabetes in outpatients
THESIS SUPERVISOR: MSc. Ly Thi Phuong Hoa, Dr. Specialist Level 1 Doctor. Pham Minh