Vocabulary, Countable and Uncountable Nouns
Vocabulary, Countable and Uncountable Nouns
Vocabulary, Countable and Uncountable Nouns
1. Flour - Harina
2. Pasta - Fideos
3. Rice - Arroz
4. Bread - Pan
5. Meat - Carne
6. Cheese - Queso
7. Milk - Leche
8. Juice - Jugo
9. Ice cream - Helado
10. Jam - Jalea
11. Honey - Miel
12. Tomato sauce - Salsa de tomate
13. Tuna - Atún
14. Sweet corn - Maíz dulce
15. Coke - Coca cola
16. Water - Agua
17. Wine - Vino
18. Oil - Aceite
19. Toothpaste - Pasta de dientes
20. Glue - Goma
21. Shampoo - Shampoo
22. Chocolate - Chocolate
23. Salt - Sal
24. Sugar - Azúcar
25. Pepper - Pimienta
26. Yoghurt - Yoghurt
27. Cream - Crema
28. Tea - Té
29. Coffee - Café
30. Cling film - Film Transparente
1. Melon - Melón
2. Mango - Mango
3. Watermelon - Sandía
4. Cucumber - Pepino
5. Tomato - Tomate
6. Potato - Papa
7. Plum - Ciruela
8. Grapes - Uvas
9 h
9. Biscuit - Bizcocho
10. Banana - Banano
11. Pineapple - Piña
12. Apple - Manzana
13. Cherry - Cereza
14. Strawberry - Fresa
15. Burger - Hamburguesa
16. Cucumber - Pepino
17. Onion - Cebolla
18. Pear - Pera
19. Mushroom - Champiñones
20. Orange - Naranja
21. Carrot - Zanahoria
22. Lettuce - Lechuga
23. Broccoli - Brocoli
24. Cookie - Galleta
25. Cupcake - Cubilete
26. Lemon - Limón
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