Dealing With That Annoying Ratio Code!: F4E-III/FN-4AEL
Dealing With That Annoying Ratio Code!: F4E-III/FN-4AEL
Dealing With That Annoying Ratio Code!: F4E-III/FN-4AEL
atio codes can be very pump cover surface
difficult to diagnose
because of the many
different components that can
cause them. Diagnostic trouble
codes P0781, P0782, P0783,
P1731, P1732 and P1733 all indi-
cate incorrect ratios, but with no
specific gear. Diagnostic trouble
codes P0741 or P1728 are also
ratio codes, but it’s easy to mis-
take them as strictly being torque
converter codes.
In some cases you may even
get codes pertaining to solenoid
operation, solenoid performance,
or solenoid failure with an aster-
isk next to it saying: “*this code
could be a mechanical concern.”
The PCM looks at the shift
timing, If the shift is too early or
too late, and the problem occurs
between three to five time con-
secutively, it’ll set a code. The
PCM has a window for a specific Figure 1
shift time. Once the timing is off • Seals and gear provide the volume of fluid
one way or the other, a code sets. In • Drums required to charge the torque converter,
most cases the customer will never feel • Speed Sensors valve body, cooling system, lubrication
the difference, so they bring the car to • Accumulators system, and clutch pistons. The pump
your shop to check the code. You check support and gear is shaft driven by the
the code, clear it and take the car for torque converter cover.
the test drive. And you guessed it: no Reprogramming The side clearance should be no
problem found. First and foremost, always check more than 0.0015"; 0.002" or less is
This is why ratio codes are so diffi- for updates to the computer. 80% of the preferred. Any wear in the pump gear
cult to diagnose. But with some simple time, reprogramming the computer will housing can reduce volume, which
checks you can easily track down and fix the problem. To check for Ford-spe- causes the pressure to drop (figures 1
repair the problem. The following are cific calibrations, go to the Motorcraft and 2).
some areas to look at when diagnosing web site, This One way to verify a pump or a
ratio codes: will save you a lot of valuable time by pressure control problem is to discon-
• Reprogramming keeping you from chasing ghosts. nect the electronics from the transmis-
• Pump Assembly sion, putting the unit into failsafe mode;
• Filter The Pump Assembly forcing maximum line pressure.
• Valve Body Wear The pump assembly, support If disconnecting the electronics
Figure 4
GEARS September 2008 11
F4E-III/FN-4AEL Dealing with that Annoying Ratio Code!
A high-pressure or low-
pressure problem can be
caused by the pressure regu-
lator valve assembly (figure
5). Always inspect the valves
during disassembly. Check the
valve for scoring and make
sure the valve bore is clean of
Wear in the 1-2, 2-3, or
3-4 shift valve assemblies
can cause ratio codes simply
by not allowing the valve to
stroke properly, slowing the
shift timing to more than the
PCM is expecting.
Speed Sensors
The vehicle speed sensor (VSS)
is located above the differential on the
transmission case. The VSS drives a Figure 6
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exclusive TDAC (Transmission Data Acquisition & Control) System.
Figure 8
If the VSS or TSS fails, all or some or erratic pressure rise. proper frequency. Why check it both
shifts may be missing, or you may When checking these sensors, ways? Because the sensor could be
experience erratic shift patterns, stall- check the voltage signal with your developing a good voltage signal, but
ing when you put the transmission into meter to AC or DC, depending on the the frequency could be erratic or out
gear, late or early shift speeds, no TCC, type of sensor. Then check it again for of specs.
A ratio code
from a F4E-II/
FN-4AEL can be
a scary thing;
there’s not much
information in the
code, and there
can be a whole
world of different
causes. But in
most cases, that
ratio code traces
back to a simple
Figure 10
The accumulators and springs
aren’t interchangeable. The springs are
different lengths and the accumulator
pistons are bore specific (figure 10).
They also need to be installed into the
case correctly (figure 11).
A ratio code from a F4E-II/FN-
4AEL can be a scary thing; there’s
not much information in the code, and
there can be a whole world of different
causes. But in most cases, that ratio
code traces back to a simple transmis-
sion problem… a problem that you’re
more than familiar with diagnosing
and repairing. It just takes a little care
and understanding to trace it back to
its source.
Figure 11
1155 N. McKinley Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90059 Tel: 866-EVT-Parts (388-7278) Fax: 323-758-9999