Jea 2020 02 003
Jea 2020 02 003
Jea 2020 02 003
It is often a challenge to achieve uniform flow in turbulent swirl flow and to predict the flow within the nozzle as measurement
diagnostics face difficulty to capture both mean flow and turbulence. The purpose of this study is to numerically investigate the near
wall flow characteristics and turbulent behavior for the effect of different tangential inlet numbers of an incompressible turbulent
swirl air jet. In this regard, axial-plus-tangential flow based swirling nozzle is considered for the simulation using finite volume
method, where turbulence is approximated by the Shear Stress Transport (SST) k-ω model. The results show that axial and tangential
velocity at the wall vicinity response the most. Moreover, the turbulent flow characteristic for no swirl flow is nearly uniform, but
for swirl flow it fluctuates abruptly near the inlet section where the swirl has introduced. The skin friction coefficient for 2TP is the
maximum for swirl flow and for no swirl condition the skin friction coefficient is nearly uniform. Due to the swirl introduction the
pressure drop characteristics near the nozzle center response quickly and near the wall vicinity this property changes slowly. The
magnitude of swirl decay fluctuates before the nozzle converging section however after the nozzle converging section the swirl
decay is nearly constant. The local swirl near the inlet is highly unpredictable although after the nozzle converging section the local
swirl profile is nearly similar for 2TP, 3TP and 4TP.
Keywords: Turbulent; Nozzle; Swirl; Aerodynamic; CFD; Pressure.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
*Corresponding Author Email Address: [email protected] Published by: SciEn Publishing Group
M.T. Khan et al. /JEA Vol. 01(02) 2020, pp 43-52
behaviors for an aerodynamic swirl nozzle appears to be limited
in the literature. As such, the current numerical study will bridge Vˆ Vˆ Pˆ 2Vˆ
this gap by investigating non-swirling and swirling flows from (2)
an aerodynamic nozzle for the same initial and flow conditions.
The paper will examine the effect of number of tangential ports Here, V is the velocity vector, and 𝜌 and 𝜇 are the density
on mean and turbulence flow development along the length of and dynamic viscosity of the fluid, respectively. Since the
the nozzle. current problem is turbulent in nature, RANS approach is
applied to solve the mean and turbulence quantities. In RANS
2. Methodology approximation, each variable is composed of time-averaged
part (steady) and turbulence part, as shown below:
2.1 Problem formulation
An aerodynamically generated swirl nozzle, which is
ˆ (3)
where is
capable of seamless transition from non-swirling to highly
a variable used in equations (1) and (2). Upon
swirling jets, is considered in this study. The nozzle is axial-
implementing the equation (3) into the governing equations and
plus-tangential entry type and consists of three tangential
using equation (1) and setting time-average of turbulence
around the nozzle periphery and an axial port at the bottom of
equals to zero, the resulting RANS equations emerge. The
the nozzle. Detailed dimension of this nozzle is available in
RANS equations are similar to the governing equations, except
[4],[28], hence is not repeated here for brevity. The uniform ̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
′ ′
an additional term (𝜌𝑢 𝑖 𝑢𝑗 ) in equation (2). This additional term
flow was ensured by the flow settling chamber with
honeycomb. The aerodynamic swirl flow was generated when is known as turbulent shear stress, which governs the
both the uniform axial and tangential flows from different turbulence characteristics. The shear stress components are
number of circumferentially oriented and inclined ports mix determined via mean velocity gradients by the Boussinesq
together farther downstream. In this case, three variants of hypothesis:
tangential ports: 2-Tangential ports (2TP), 3-Tangential ports
(3TP) and 4-Tangential ports (4TP) are considered. The exit of 2 u u j
uiuj kij t i
the nozzle has diameter (D) 40 mm, with a total length of 577
3 x j xi
mm. A three-dimensional view with the relative orientation of (4)
tangential ports is shown in Fig. 1.
M.T. Khan et al. /JEA Vol. 01(02) 2020, pp 43-52
2 r 2UWdr
S 0
2 R r U 2 0.5W 2 dr
0 (7)
R 2
S 0
R rU 2 dr
0 (8)
Finally, the local swirl number is defined as, (b)
S * (r )
U (9)
2.5 Validation
The simulation data of the swirl nozzle is first tested with
different turbulence models and validated by comparing with
experimental data [4] at the nozzle outlet plane with three
tangential ports for the case 𝑄𝑟 = 0 and 1 (Fig. 4). It appears
that SST k-ω model predicts the flow behavior well for both
non-swirling and swirling cases. As such, SST k-ω model will
be used for the data presented in the ensuing results and
discussion section. Fig. 4 also shows a good agreement
between the numerical prediction and the experimental data for
𝑄𝑟 = 0. A slight deviation is observed for 𝑄𝑟 = 1, but
importantly, the numerical data predicts well the profile (c)
behaviors and peak locations. The deviation is attributed to the
possible measurement inaccuracy associated with CTA X-wire Fig. 4 Different turbulence models against experimental data
and experimental flow settings [13]. This results an [4] for (a) U/U_b for Q_r= 0, (b) U/U_b for Q_r= 1 and (c)
overestimation of the mean velocity components than their W/U_b for Q_r= 1.
corresponding true values. The deviations may also be partly
attributed to the inability of RANS approach to accurately 3. Results and Discussion
capture highly swirling flows. This section includes presentation of mean and turbulence
controlling parameters, such as velocity, boundary layer
thickness, pressure drop, wall shear stress and turbulent shear
stress for the effect of different number of tangential ports at
two flow conditions (Qr = 0 and Qr = 1).
Swirl decay along the length is shown in Fig. 5 for the 3TP
case. The swirl number is calculated using the Equation (7) and
Equation (8). It is observed that near the nozzle inlet the swirl
number 𝑆 is highly fluctuating and after the converging section,
the swirl number is nearly constant. Initially, the swirl number
decreases from the inlet. When the tangential port has
introduced the value of swirl number increases and
immediately after the increment the swirl number drops again.
In the nozzle converging section the magnitude of the swirl
number rises again at first and then the value decreases and
finally increases before coming at a constant magnitude. In case
of 𝑆 ′ the values initially increasing from the nozzle inlet come
(a) to a constant magnitude after the nozzle converging section. It
is evident that the swirl number 𝑆 shows a very unpredictable
nature before the nozzle converging section.
M.T. Khan et al. /JEA Vol. 01(02) 2020, pp 43-52
higher near the inlet and towards the nozzle exit, the velocity
magnitude decreases. The axial velocity magnitude is
proportional to the number of tangential ports and the velocity
magnitude is zero at the wall due to no-slip condition. The axial
velocity vectors at 𝑥/𝐷 = 4.75 is symmetric from the
centerline when swirl is induced (Fig. 7b-d), however, the
velocity distribution becomes asymmetrical as the flow
approaches the outlet. The velocity distribution is more
symmetrical along the radial direction for 2TP than 3TP & 4TP
with a slight decrease near the center except for exit plane. At
𝑥/𝐷 = 14.425, velocity reduction near the center is highest for
Fig. 5 Swirl decay along the length of the nozzle for 3TP case.
M.T. Khan et al. /JEA Vol. 01(02) 2020, pp 43-52
Fig. 7 Axial velocity vectors at different axial locations for non-swirling (a), and swirling flows: (b) 2TP, (c) 3TP and (d) 4TP.
M.T. Khan et al. /JEA Vol. 01(02) 2020, pp 43-52
Fig. 8 depicts the boundary layer thicknesses along the observed. In every case of swirl flow the Skin friction
length of the nozzle for both non-swirlign and swirling (2TP, coefficient at the nozzle exit is the maximum. Although the
3TP and 4TP) conditions. It is observed that the magnitude of Skin friction coefficient along the axial location is not
boundary layer thickness at 2TP is pretty low compare to the significantly changing however, near the exit it suddenly
other. For swirl flow conditions the boundary layer thickness at increase. The overall distribution of the Skin friction
the beginning is small and near the exit the boundary layer coefficient is not similar for all the case.
thickness increases. At the middle of the nozzle the boundary
Fig. 11 displays the pressure drop at different radial
layer thickness is nearly constant. However, for no swirl flow
locations for swirling flow (3TP). The inlet pressure is taken at
condition the boundary layer thickness higher and then the
the reference pressure and pressure drop is calculated based on
boundary layer thickness gradually decreases towards nozzle
the pressure of the nozzle inlet. It is observed that the pressure
Fig. 10 Skin friction coefficient along the nozzle length. Fig. 11 Pressure drop along the nozzle length for swirling
Fig. 12 presents the radial distribution of normalized at 𝑥 ⁄𝐷 = 1.275 and 𝑥 ⁄𝐷 = 4.45 the overall turbulent flow
turbulent normal stress components at various axial locations. characteristic is very small in magnitude. On the contrary at
It is observed that the turbulent flow characteristic near the wall swirl flow condition (𝑄𝑟 = 1) near the inlet of the nozzle at
is very high at 𝑥 ⁄𝐷 = 9.4 and 𝑥 ⁄𝐷 = 14.425 at no swirl flow 𝑥 ⁄𝐷 = 1.275 the overall turbulent flow characteristic is very
(𝑄𝑟 = 0) although at the center of the nozzle the turbulent flow high. However, the turbulent normal stress near the outlet
characteristic is very low. Moreover, near the inlet of the nozzle section at 𝑥 ⁄𝐷 = 9.4 and 𝑥 ⁄𝐷 = 14.425 is small in these
M.T. Khan et al. /JEA Vol. 01(02) 2020, pp 43-52
locations. While at no swirl condition the turbulent normal introduction of swirl flow. The overall magnitude of the
stress characteristic at the center of nozzle is very low at swirl turbulent normal stress is very small in no swirl flow condition
flow condition, the 𝑢′ 𝑢′ and 𝑤 ′ 𝑤 ′ component is very high at but for swirl condition it is very high.
the nozzle center especially at 𝑥 ⁄𝐷 = 1.275 due to the
Finally, Fig. 13 presents the radial distribution of very high. However, the overall turbulent share stress at 𝑥 ⁄𝐷 =
normalized turbulent shear stress components at various axial 9.4 and 𝑥 ⁄𝐷 = 14.425 is very uniform along the radial
locations. It is observed that for no swirl flow (𝑄𝑟 = 0) the location for swirl flow. The overall magnitude of the turbulent
turbulent shear stress component 𝑢′ 𝑣 ′ and 𝑣 ′ 𝑤 ′ near the wall is flow characteristic is very small in for swirl flow compared to
very high at 𝑥 ⁄𝐷 = 9.4 and 𝑥 ⁄𝐷 = 14.425 although at the the swirl condition.
center of the nozzle the turbulent share stress component is very
low (Fig. 13a and Fig. 13c). However, the 𝑢′ 𝑤 ′ component at 4. Conclusion
𝑥 ⁄𝐷 = 4.45, 9.4 and 14.425 is reducing near the wall of the An incompressible turbulent swirling air jet is investigated
nozzle. Near the inlet of the nozzle at 𝑥 ⁄𝐷 = 1.275 the overall numerically. In this regard, an axial-plus-tangential swirl flow
turbulent share stress is uniform and does not deviate much for is considered for non-swirling ( Q r = 0) and highly swirling
no swirl flow (𝑄𝑟 = 0). On the other hand at swirl flow ( Q r = 1) cases. Finite volume based commercial software
condition (𝑄𝑟 = 1) near the inlet of the nozzle at 𝑥 ⁄𝐷 = 1.275 ANSYS Fluent v17 is used in the simulation to investigate
all the three component of turbulent share stress is fluctuates mean flow and turbulence characteristics. Governing equations
are approximated by the RANS equations and turbulence is
highly and the magnitude of overall turbulent share stress is
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