1 - Quiz 1
1 - Quiz 1
1 - Quiz 1
Total points: Total percentage Points obtained obtained Score
46 10%
General instructions:
Nickname: cap
5. What ___ her Nickname?
Nationality: Japan
6. What ____ her profession?
Part II. Prepositions (1 points each correct answer) 10 pts
1- ________________________
2- ________________________
3- ________________________
4- ________________________
5- ________________________
6- ________________________
7- ________________________
8- ________________________
9- ________________________
10- ________________________
Part III. Verb to be (1 point each correct answer) 10 pts
a) are b) is c) am
Uses vocabulary
Uses vocabulary
appropriate for the Uses vocabulary
appropriate for the Uses several (5 or more)
audience. Extends appropriate for the
audience. Includes 1-2 words or phrases that are
Vocabulary audience vocabulary by audience. Does not include
words that might be new not understood by the
defining words that might any vocabulary that might
to most of the audience, audience.
be new to most of the be new to the audience.
but does not define them.
Facial expressions and Facial expressions and Facial expressions and Very little use of facial
body language generate a body language sometimes body language are used to expressions or body
Enthusiasm strong interest and generate a strong interest try to generate language. Did not generate
enthusiasm about the and enthusiasm about the enthusiasm, but seem much interest in topic
topic in others. topic in others. somewhat faked. being presented.