BSBHRM523 Coordinate The Learning and Development of Teams and Individuals Final Draft.
BSBHRM523 Coordinate The Learning and Development of Teams and Individuals Final Draft.
BSBHRM523 Coordinate The Learning and Development of Teams and Individuals Final Draft.
Learner Workbook
Diploma of Government Human Resource
Unit of Competency
Version Control
Version Date Author Description
1.0 Bob Arie Creation
Table of contents
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This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to coordinate the learning and
development of teams and individuals. Particular emphasis is on the coordination of
strategies to facilitate and promote learning and to monitor and improve learning
The unit applies to individuals who have a role in coordinating the development of a
learning environment in which work and learning come together. At this level work will
normally be carried out within complex and diverse methods and procedures, which require
the exercise of considerable discretion and judgement, using a range of problem solving and
The training is targeted at Learning & Development Officers in the Human Resource
Divisions of organizations.
Learning Outcomes.
By the end of the session the participants should be able to:
Identify potential formal and informal learning opportunities
Identify learning requirements of teams and individuals according to requirements of
organization and available learning opportunities.
Coordinate implementation of learning plans and ensure that learning plans reflect
diversity of needs.
Review relevant organizational procedures and ensure they support individual and
team access to learning opportunities.
to develop their knowledge, skills and attitudes so they remain proactive staff
members who can adapt to change, and continue to contribute to the organisation.
To help them do this, the organisation should create a culture that values employee
learning by providing regular workplace monitoring and feedback, formal
performance appraisals, support programs and
planned professional development programs.
learning is a learning method in which the learner sets their own expectations and
Informal learning and training can occur on a regular basis where guidance,
information and/or instruction are provided to an employee as they perform their
regular daily duties. Informal learning is dependent on the willingness of people to
accept the guidance and instruction provided by those with greater knowledge of
organisational policies and procedures, broader experience and more highly
developed skills. It is the learning culture within an organisation, or department or
team, that determines the success of informal learning.
You can assist a staff member to be more effective in the execution of their duties
• providing advice or responding to a question (increasing knowledge)
• demonstrating techniques (improving skills)
• addressing shortcomings in their approach (adjusting attitudes and providing a safer
work environment).
Activity. List the types of formal and informal learning opportunities experienced at
the workplace.
Question and answer. Discuss the following questions in your table groups and provide
appropriate answers to them.
1. List the advantages of both types of learning.
2. List the disadvantages of both types of learning.
This diagram below illustrates the distinction between these 2 learning opportunities.
Figure 1.
Structured Un-planned
Methods: Methods:
The following features can influence the type of learning that fulfils the training needs of the
individual, the job performed and the organisation goals.
Formal learning Informal learning
Eager and self- motivated learners
The learners are generally motivated and Informal learners are usually continuously
eager to learn. However, formal learning motivated, more attentive and eager to learn
requires strategic content to maintain the the
level of motivation of students throughout skill, in contrast to formal learning because
the course. they learn in a contextual environment and
from experiences
Spontaneous learning
Informal learning is spontaneous and occurs
wherever and whenever. The learner has
impetus to get acquainted with a new topic
Process of life-long learning
Formal learning does not continue through A spontaneous and lifelong learning activity
life, but a pre-defined time frame provides is informal learning. We learn from seniors,
results for a period and guidelines to be team members, or from co-workers. It
followed with the set program to achieve the continues throughout our working career.
targeted goal.
Quantifiable learning
Formal training/learning is always Informal learning is quite difficult to
measurable. it is a learning or transfer of quantify and measure in a set time frame, it
KSA, imparted by is not measurable or pre-designed to
qualified instructors in which you acquire accomplish a set of KSA.
certain levels of competency or
When deciding which one is appropriate, ensure it should be measurable? For training such
as compliance training, onboarding, job skills training, soft skills training and product
training. These courses affect the success of your organisation and it is an essential metric to
be tracked to know that your employees get the information they need to perform effectively
in their roles.
When the material is' nice to know' but not necessarily essential, informal learning typically
comes into practice. What is more important here is to nurture conversations and promote
independent learning so that your staff feel that they can acquire information in a self-
directed manner. So, it's a stage in the right direction if your employees feel supported in
learning, no matter the method.
70% 20 %
Experiential Learning or Social learning or learning
Learning through doing. Advance from others.
Performance support & Access to experts or social
Knowledge management networking & collaboration
Formal structured learning.
Learning courses, classes and training
Activity. Give examples of one of this method of learning model that you have been
engaged in at your workplace.
…………………………………………………………………… .
Attract &
retain talent
Motivate &
Develop people
Learning &
Build an
Create a value
based culture
The strategic role of L&D is to manage the development of people, and to do so in a way that
supports the key business priorities of the organisation.
A learning and development strategy outlines the processes of upskilling or re-skilling
employees to develop their capabilities, skills, and confidence. The goal of learning and
development (L&D) is to ensure that employees have the right knowledge and skills to
succeed in their roles and contribute to the organisation’s wider business performance.
Therefore, identifying the valid training need is essential in identifying accurate skills sets
that will develop the KSA of the employee to improve performance to contribute effectively
to the overall organisation goals.
This can emerge for a number of reasons in the following range of areas.
Skills Tasks
Task-specific skills Learning how to carry out a task; for example, writing a report,
Where to get the data when undertaking Training needs analysis or skills audit.
Once you have a list of requirements and a list of the employee’s current competences via a
skills audit, you can compare the two. This gap analysis or training needs analysis (TNA)
effectively identifies the training needs of those teams and individuals working in your area
of responsibility.
The result of the TNA should be a record of:
• the training that is required
• priority and timing against each training need identified
• options for the delivery of the training – use the list of formal and informal options to
determine the most appropriate in terms of meeting the organisations and the person’s needs,
cost and time effectiveness, and the most appropriate location.
Team learning needs.
If you have identified a training need for the whole team, you need to plan an effective
approach that encourages learning and maintains the team’s enthusiasm and confidence. It is
not appropriate to discuss or single out the performance of an individual in such a setting.
Maintain the focus on team delivery with due recognition of outstanding performance and
meeting of targets, if warranted.
organisation’s requirements, you might divide the questions into those for the job, those
relating to professional development needs and those that concern career paths.
Before you start, be clear about the purpose of the TNA, what type of questions you want to
ask and how you are going to collate the responses.
A skills audit form includes the following information about candidates:
• Whether they need training in a specific area.
• What type of training they need.
• How important they consider the training need.
• How urgent the need is for training or development.
• Their training delivery and/or location preference.
• Their time preference for undertaking the training.
When identifying potential learning and development programs, use this list to ensure they
cover these essential elements.
Does the learning program:
• cater for individual employee needs and aspirations?
• have support at all levels of the organisation?
• support membership and involvement with professional networks?
• contribute to change and improved work practices?
• provide encouragement for participation in workplace learning, value a positive
workplace culture and overcome barriers to learning?
• provide an efficient feedback system dedicated to analysing and evaluating learning?
1.2.6. Learn how to identify learning and development needs at a range of levels, and
leverage the results to enable greater business performance.
Develop and implement learning plan.
Once learning needs have been identified, you need to prepare appropriate learning plans to
outline the relevant opportunities and related activities to address these needs. Learning plans
are used as a record of the knowledge and skills that need to be gained, and the chosen
mechanism for meeting these.
The development of a learning plan is best undertaken jointly by the person or team to be
trained, yourself, human resources staff and training specialists, if relevant. Once a learning
plan is developed, you may need to seek approval prior to implementing the plan. Areas for
training could be focused on part of the current job responsibilities and also towards
succession planning and future job options. Many organisations have an appropriate
procedure to follow and a template that you complete.
A learning plan should be completed for each individual even if they are part of a team. The
individual should be familiar with the template and have input in terms of ideas and options
for completing the plan.
In general, an individual learning plan should contain:
details of the employee, their position and team role, and their supervisor’s name
the competences required and the area for training, the learning activities to be
undertaken and justification of the area and activities
details of how the training will contribute to personal goals and performance
details of the learning activities, including when, where, duration, cost and resources
Learning plan
Employee Supervisor
Name: Name:
Position: Position:
Location: Location:
Learning/training need and To understand new legislative compliance requirements that
standard to be achieved. will affect the organisation’s operations
Organisational fit and priority 1
ranking (1 = High to 5 = Low)
Preferred option for training External workshop to be held on 17 November at Melbourne
(Include: when, where, duration Conference Centre from 9 am to 5 pm. Cost of the session is
and cost). Attach documents if K180 plus John’s wages for the day.
Organisational support (for Training will occur through a full-day external workshop and
example, resources, access to mentoring sessions with direct manager following workshop.
equipment, time away, WHS These sessions will allow for consolidation of skills and
issues knowledge and ensure that progress towards deadlines is
met. Mentoring sessions will be held twice a week
Any special needs or English is John’s second language, so he may need assistance
requirement in understanding terms and meanings. This will be provided
during mentoring sessions.
You may need to develop a learning plan for the whole team by focusing on the area/skills
needed, who needs to be trained, and when and where the training will take place. Creating a
table in addition to the individual learning plans can be very useful for tracking team learning
requirements. This table can be linked to the individual plans and reviews on the outcome of
training included in the evaluation and review of the training.
Group Activity.
Let us assume you are the learning and development officer of a certain government
department. You are now tasked to identify training needs for a group of junior officer and
match this with the Unit of competency from the training package then develop a training
Case Study.
You have just been tasked the role of facilitating a short training for a group of participants.
You have consulted the profile for each participant and deduced the following information
about the participants.
Total of 20 participants attending the training. 12 females and 8 males. One participant a
male is bound to the wheel chair, a female has hearing problem and uses a hearing aid
inserted on her ear. This training is a practical session on how to bake a cake and the training
is conducted in a kitchen in a controlled training environment.
1. what would you state in your training plan?
2. How would you conduct the training taking into account the individual learning needs?
3. How would you organize learning for persons with special needs?
4. How would you evaluate the skills level of each learner?
1.4. Review relevant organizational procedures and ensure they support individual
and team access to learning opportunities where required.
The policies and procedures related to the organizational the learning strategy should be
reviewed in order to ensure they remain relevant and contribute to the overall organizational
effectiveness. These policies and procedures should be then changed to make sure that
processes are taken to identify any gaps between current policies and procedures and what
is necessary to address them.
Policies and procedures are only as operative as they can be applied and are thus known and
understood and regularly reviewed and/or updated by all the relevant personnel. Policies are
the stated position of the organization on a particular issue. They provide the written basis for
the operations of an organization and are secondary to legislation and the governing
document of the organization only.
Policies and procedures are live documents that need to be developed and changed within a
company, whenever changes may occur. While the core policy elements may remain the
same, the details according to the industry and the organizational changes should vary.
The oversight and revision of the policies is a crucial element of an effective management
policy and procedure plan.
Group Activity.
1. List down all the relevant legislations and policies governing learning and development in
the workplace.
2. Who are the roles of other stakeholders affected by these legislations and policies?
3. Discuss your experience in effective use of legislations and policies at your workplace.
1.5. Consult with training and development specialist and use their advice
to contribute to learning opportunities.
broad generic skills to participate in the giving and receiving associated with learning.
Continuous learning also contributes to an employee’s career path.
Learning outcomes.
By the end of the session the participants should be able to:
Coordinate strategies to ensure workplace learning opportunities are used by teams
and individuals.
Coordinate implementation of policies and procedures to encourage team members to
assess their own competencies and identify their own learning and development
Communicate benefits of learning with others in the team and organization.
Recognize workplace achievement by relevant recognition, feedback and rewards.
actions that will guide and shape the business. The organization will be able to answer such
questions as,
Who are we?
Who do we serve?
What do we do?
Why do we do what we do?
An effective strategic plan allows an organization to articulate, not only where an
organization is heading but also the actions, they need to make to maintain focus on their
direction to achieve a successful future.
Each vision and mission statement will be part of the strategic planning process but have
different objectives for your organization. These statements may be written for the whole
organization or relevant to individual department.
A mission statement is the precise explanation for your organization’s existence and
describes the organization’s purpose and overall intentions. The mission statement supports
the vision and provides communication of the purpose and direction to employees, customers,
vendors and other stakeholders.
Questions to consider when creating mission
statements should include:
• Why does our organization exist?
• What is the purpose of our organization?
A vision statement looks to the future and creates an image of the organization and what they
want to achieve. It should be aspirational, inspirational and offer challenges to your
Questions to consider when creating vision statements should include:
• Where is the organization headed?
• What problem are we seeking to solve?
• If we accomplished all strategic goals, what would we look like in ten years?
Management committees must ensure that the organization is operating in a way that is
consistent with their mission, vision and purpose, as well as their values or ethical principles.
Businesses should be planning, monitoring and reviewing these values statements as the basis
for their policies, activities, decision-making and expenditures. Reviews should be done
periodically, according to current and impending circumstances of the business environment,
and to assist committee members in staying familiar with the organization’s mission, vision
and values.
Group Activity.
Complete this simple workforce plan in line with your organization strategic goals.
It is essential to examine and review options for deploying quality policies and processes in
organizational learning.
These options may include:
• Quality management plans when compiling the policy framework
• Information checked according to the framework and regulatory requirements
• Regular internal checks
• Stakeholder feedback
• Influence of internal and external environments (quality assurance steps)
• Mapping the regulatory guidelines to the policies and procedures
As part of the organizational learning strategy, a variety of quality requirements will need to
be established to ensure that the learning is appropriate for the organization and that all
learning is achieved and recorded according to the requirements specified in the documented
policy framework.
For several reasons, people want to learn. As a Project Manager, you can help assess the
advantages of learning in your workplace by knowing the reasons people learn. You should
sell the learning method to your team and top management with this concept to foster their
help and buy in.
Learning helps people to:
● Enhancing their skills
● Boost their capacity to advance in their professional career and be rewarded
● Satisfy their individual ambitions.
Possible impact:
There will be times when people need training to learn a new skill, to boost efficiency or
minimize mistakes.
One-on-one training impacts by continuing to increase their workloads to cover the team
member off the phone, the remaining members of the team.
Team members will also help the learner by sharing their time and expertise to answer
questions and by providing input on the success of the learner. If the learning method is not
marketed to the other members of the team, their support is doubtful and the learning
process's effectiveness will be diminished.
So, for your team and the company as a whole, what are the advantages of learning?
The following benefits for the team and the organization as a whole are given by learning
opportunities for people and teams:
● Achievement of team and business priorities
● Enhanced performance
A hallmark of successful management has long been employee appreciation. But today, as
the talent market escalates, it has become more critical than ever how companies regard their
Developing a recognition program is a beginning, so that's a good first initiative if you're not
one! And it's not something that intelligent businesses do once and embrace as good.
The ways they compensate workers are continually reevaluated by great organizations. This
means that they fulfill both their people's and the market's expectations.
This becomes even more of a challenge as businesses expand, and leaders must reconsider
the way they add value to the experience of employee recognition.
Let's look at what employee appreciation entails before we jump forward.
Group Activity.
Questions and Answers.
1. List down internal and external regulatory structures and bodies that regulate or quality
assure learning and development for organizations.
2. What are some of the communication strategies you would use to disseminate information
of an upcoming training?
3. How would you rely information on the outcome of the training to the employees and the
senior management?
4. Name an example of an award or recognition you would initiate for excellent employees
for completing trainings.
presented in the correct format, you need to monitor the organizational guidelines, protocols
and quality management processes properly. All requirements for organizational learning
strategy should be examined and planned to ensure that both policy and strategic
requirements can be met.
There are several components that should be included in the organizational learning strategy
and it is important that all of them are planned to ensure that the strategy's operating
efficiency is achievable. The components of the organizational learning strategy may include:
● Personnel in charge of the implementation
● Organizational goals, aims and objectives
● Integrated strategic activities
● Organizational policies and procedures
● Organizational control and assurance activities
● Organizational roles and responsibilities
The development of the organizational learning strategy is a good way to ensure that
organizational learning requirements can be analyzed and planned carefully for successful
learning outcomes.
Learning Outcomes.
By the end of the session the participants should be able to:
Monitor team and individual learning performance to determine type and extent of
any additional work-based support required.
Use feedback from individuals and teams to identify and recommend improvements
in the future learning arrangements.
Suggest adjustments, negotiated with training and development specialist, for
improvement to learning.
Record and report learning and development of teams and individuals.
There are a variety of assessment methods you may choose to use that are required to be
relevant to the evidence you are collating, as shown here.
Observations of an individual performing or demonstrating a specific task or
set of tasks and a record of the performance via an observation checklist that highlights the
relevant knowledge and skills expected
Formal tests
Short-answer tests and multiple-choice quizzes to provide an indication of the
level of knowledge
Verbal tests
Questions and recorded answers (either by note-taking or audio recordings) to provide an
indication of the level of knowledge
Reviewing and copying original documentation of completed courses such as degrees,
certificates or other qualifications, statements of attainment.
Have any WHS issues arisen, such as the need for specific WHS resources
or the need for further WHS training?
Additional support
Once you have evaluated the feedback received from learning opportunities, you will be able
to analyze the data to determine whether and what additional support may be required in
future learning opportunities. The supports you identify may be applicable to an individual or
a whole team.
Additional support identified may include:
• additional coaching
• appointing a mentor
• refresher courses at appropriate intervals
• external consultants appointed to supplement in-house training
• time away from work tasks to practice the new skills
3.2. Use feedback from individuals and teams to identify and recommend
improvements in the future learning arrangements.
After the strategy has been put into place, it will be necessary to ensure that a thorough
evaluation is made of the full implementation of the organizational learning strategy. Many
can be learnt from the end-to-end evaluation of implementation, including valuable
information to be used to enhance the current strategy and information to enhance future
strategy implementation activities.
Evaluation of learning strategies should verify the overall improvement contribution of the
strategy as determined by the measurement of an individual capacity development and
enhanced organization capacity (for example, as measured with human capital or employee
capacity measures).
The evaluation process takes place throughout the implementation process of the learning
strategy. It determines the efficiency and value-added efficiency of a strategy and related
The improvement phase provides evaluations, reviews and valid insights for the community,
organization or participating stakeholders (learners, facilitators / teachers, supervisors,
designers, providers, etc.) in order to determine the commitment, the desired result of their
investments and not only their involvement. Reporting and recording the ability to satisfy a
known' competency' deficiency is the only way to map and report that learning investment
has led to tangible improvements. The major challenge for the educational designer, learning
manager or learning provider, however, is to demonstrate that this added value occurred in
an effective, continuously improvable learning strategy.
One of the models used when conducting a summative evaluation is Kirkpatrick’s Four
Levels of Evaluation. Donald Kirkpatrick created the model specifically for evaluating
training programs. Today, it is considered a standard in the fields of education and training.
After completing this module, you will be able to:
● State Kirkpatrick's Four Levels of Evaluation and their purpose
● State the three most common target areas measured by a Level One evaluation
● Identify the item types used in Level One evaluation survey
● Create a Level One evaluation survey using the three evaluation item types
The four levels of evaluation
Level 1: Reaction
Level 2: Learning
Level 3: Behavior
Level 4: Results
A dedicated employee will most likely improve your business by improving himself and by
enhancing his role. If they do not have the authority or the space to do so, how can they
achieve any innovative results
For a number of purposes, this should be carried out. They would like to remain informed
about professional processes, for instance, and have a deep interest in employee growth.
Leaders are responsible for managing expenses will worry as to whether the costs involved
will result in employee changes and whether the amount or quality of work will be
Another consideration why leadership figures would indeed be involved in the results and
success rates of operations could be to see how they could be incorporated within the
organization somewhere else. For instance, only a single team or department within the
company could have planned and performed learning and growth, and if it is viewed as a
success, the practices may be replicated elsewhere.
To present reports to superiors, you should follow the proper protocols, such as writing them
out and leaving them on their desk or delivering the details during a briefing.
Depending on the specifications of the organization and the sense of learning, the type and
structure of the documents used can differ. It is possible that the assessor would have a
standard format for recording their results from various forms of examination for a
certification. There might also be structured documents and templates in an organization that
has formal processes and an audit program that may be used to document training
practices and levels of competence. The learning plan may be a clear document in a less
formal environment that documents the learning objectives, the expected and actual learning
events, and the findings from skill evaluations.