DRAFT OPCRF 2024 - Template
DRAFT OPCRF 2024 - Template
DRAFT OPCRF 2024 - Template
Performance Targets
Organizational Outcomes Alignment (Target Outcome/Ouput of the Rating Scale
Bureau/Center/Service/Division aligned with the
Outcome/Output Indicators in the GAA) Performance
Indicators AVERAGE
Objectives Timeline Weight Allocation Means of Verification (MOVs) Actual Accomplishment RATING
Program/Subprogram (Quality, Efficiency,
Key Result Areas (KRA) Value Description Timeliness)
(Based on Office Mandate and Attribution (numerical, statistical, (expected outcome/ 5 4 3 2 1
Functions) (Refer to the Program/Subprogram trend) output/service)
indicated in the GAA)
Completed policies are:
a. consistent with the existing
laws, policies and guidelines
b. aligned with the agency
strategic goals and directions
c. directly addressing the
identified policy issues or gaps
d. supported by due diligence
through a completed staff work
(including policy options,
implications, scenario analysis, Completed policies have Completed policies have Completed policies have Completed policies have
and recommendations) documented instances of non- documented instances of documented instances of non- documented instances of
Quality d. compliant with the DepEd observance of any one (1) of non-observance of any two observance of any three (3) of non-observance of any four
guidelines on policy items a, b, c, d, e, and f. (2) of items a, b, c, d, e, and items a, b, c, d, e, and f. (4) of items a, b, c, d, e, and
1. Recommended to the Office of the Secretary development process (i.e., policy f. f.
reforms, policies, and guidelines pertaining to the analysis, consultation with
overall Agency Human Resource and relevant stakeholders, policy
Number of policies
Organizational Development that are aligned with Within the rating review)
10% 5 issued, reviewed, and List of approved policies
the agency commitments and strategic goals; in period e. complete with critical policy
consonance with the policy development elements including
guidelines and complete with the implementation and M&E plan
necessary/required technical documents, f. complete with presentation
evidence, staff work to guide sound executive materials (e.g. IEC materials,
decision and approval. Executive Briefers)
Completed 76-99% of Completed 51-75% of the Completed 26-50% of the Completed 0-25% of the
Efficiency All targeted policies are issued
targeted policies targeted policies targeted policies targeted policies
Completed 76-99% of Completed 51-75% of the Completed 26-50% of the Completed 0-25% of the
Efficiency All targeted policies are issued
targeted policies targeted policies targeted policies targeted policies
Number of teaching
Within the rating
5% 20,000 and non-teaching M&E and PIR Reports
1. Achieved targeted number of teaching and period
positions filled up
non-teaching positions filled up
All targeted schools are Completed 76-99% of Completed 51-75% of the Completed 26-50% of the Completed 0-25% of the
sufficiently covered. targeted schools. targeted schools. targeted schools. targeted schools.
Completed with a delay of Complete with a delay of one Completed with a delay of
Completed ahead the targeted Completed within the targeted
Timeliness one (1) month from the (1) quarter from the targeted one (1) semester from the
period of conduct period of conduct
targeted period of conduct period of conduct targeted period of conduct
All targeted schools are Completed 76-99% of Completed 51-75% of the Completed 26-50% of the Completed 0-25% of the
sufficiently covered. targeted schools. targeted schools. targeted schools. targeted schools.
Completed with a delay of Complete with a delay of one Completed with a delay of
Completed ahead the targeted Completed within the targeted
Timeliness one (1) month from the (1) quarter from the targeted one (1) semester from the
period of conduct period of conduct
targeted period of conduct period of conduct targeted period of conduct
Cross-cutting strategic
direction and management
Teacher deployment analysis
concerning deliverables within
completed and complete with
the structure of Operation,
information about the school on:
Support to Operation and Teacher deployment analysis Teacher deployment Teacher deployment analysis Teacher deployment
a. the exisitng parameters or
General Management and completed with documented analysis completed with completed with documented analysis completed with
service standards
Strategic Leadership and Supervision of the different instance of non-conformity in documented instance of instance of non-conformity in documented instance of
Quality b. emerging and current realities
Performance Management programs any one (1) of the critical non-conformity in any two any three (3) of the critical non-conformity in all of the
c. curriculum offering, standards
1. Basic elements in items a, b, c, and (2) of the critical elements in elements in items a, b, c, and critical elements in items a,
4. Achieved 96% target percentage of schools percentage of schools and delivery
Education Inputs Program; Within the rating d. items a, b, c, and d. d. b, c, and d.
meeting the standard ratio for senior high school 5% 96% meeting the standard d. requirements of subject M&E and PIR Reports
period specific concerns and other
2. Education Human teachers ratio for teachers
duties and functions
Resource Development
All targeted schools are Completed 76-99% of Completed 51-75% of the Completed 26-50% of the Completed 0-25% of the
sufficiently covered. targeted schools. targeted schools. targeted schools. targeted schools.
Completed with a delay of Complete with a delay of one Completed with a delay of
Completed ahead the targeted Completed within the targeted
Timeliness one (1) month from the (1) quarter from the targeted one (1) semester from the
period of conduct period of conduct
targeted period of conduct period of conduct targeted period of conduct
Performance planning,
Performance planning, Performance planning,
Performance planning, Performance planning, monitoring, evaluation, and
monitoring, evaluation, and monitoring, evaluation, and
monitoring, evaluation, and monitoring, and evaluation are adjustment/calibration are
adjustment/calibration are adjustment/calibration are
Timeliness adjustment/calibration are conducted with a delay of conducted with a delay of at
conducted with a delay of one conducted with a delay of
conducted in accordance with three (3) weeks based on the least four (4) weeks based
(1) week based on the two (2) weeks based on the
the prescribed annual timeline. prescribed annual timeline. on the prescribed annual
prescribed annual timeline. prescribed annual timeline.
(Office accomplishments that are enabling, supportive, and/or contributory to the achievement of the organizational commitments and Key Result Areas indicated in Part I-A); Accomplishments can be a process, service, and/or output)
Performance Targets
(Target Outcome/Ouput of the
Bureau/Center/Service/Division that are enabling, supportive, Performance RATING SCALE
and/or contributory to the achievement of the organizational Actual Results/
Indicators AVERAGE
Key Result Areas (KRA) Objectives Timeline Weight Allocation outcomes and KRAs (Part I-A)) Means of Verification (MOVs) RATING SCORE
(Quality, Efficiency, Accomplishments (QET)
Value Description
(numerical, statistical, (expected outcome/ 5 4 3 2 1
trend) output/service)
a. determined appropriate
Established interfacing Established interfacing Established interfacing
personnel responsible for each Established interfacing
protocols and mechanism are protocols and mechanism protocols and mechanism are
interface procedure protocols and mechanism
completed with non- are completed with non- incomplete with non-
Quality b. defined processes of interface are not completed and with
compliance of any one (1) of compliance of any two (2) of compliance of any three (3) of
ensuring horizontal and vertical non-compliance of all the
the items in items a, b, c, and the items in items a, b, c, the items in items a, b, c, and
alignment items in items a, b, c, and d.
d. and d. d.
c. clear communication and
coordination processes between
Developed interfacing protocols and mechanisms Guide to Communication
and among CO and Field Offices
between and among HR implementers and Within the rating Number of HROD Protocol for HR Implementers
2% 1 d. clear and streamlined
counterparts in CO and field offices in addressing period interfacing guide and Counterparts in CO and
processes ensuring efficiency in
bottlenecks, issues, and concerns Field Offices
addressing bottlenecks, issues,
and concerns
Achieved 76-99% completion Achieved 51-75% Achieved 26-50% completion Achieved 0-25% completion
Achieved 100% completion of
of the interfacing protocols completion of the interfacing of the interfacing protocols of the interfacing protocols
the interfacing protocols and
Efficiency and mechanisms between protocols and mechanisms and mechanisms between and mechanism between
mechanisms between and
and among CO and field between and among CO and among CO and field and among CO and field
among CO and field offices.
offices. and field offices. offices. offices.
Cloudbased repository of
historical data and information
ensures the following: Cloudbased repository is Cloudbased repository is
Cloudbased repository is Cloudbased repository is
underdeveloped with underdeveloped with
underdeveloped with underdeveloped with
Quality a. list of engagements incomplete information on incomplete information on any
incomplete information on any incomplete information all
b. DepEd role and commitments any two (2) in items a, b, c, three (3) in items a, b, c, and
one (1) in items a, b, c, and d. items a, b, c, and d.
c. legal bases and d. d.
Executive Support d. completeness of necessary
Established cloudbased repository of historical data/information
Within the rating Cloudbased
data and information for easy reference of future 2% 1 Web-based data link
period repository
actions and engagements with interested parties
Achieved 76-99% completion Achieved 51-75% Achieved 26-50% completion Achieved 0-25% completion
Achieved 100% completion of
of cloudbased repository of completion of cloudbased of cloudbased repository of of cloudbased repository of
Efficiency cloudbased repository of
historical data and repository of historical data historical data and historical data and
historical data and information.
information. and information. information. information.
HR Portfolio Knowledge
Management System (KMS)
have the following features:
Achieved 76-99% completion Achieved 51-75% Achieved 26-50% completion Achieved 0-25% completion
Achieved 100% completion of
Efficiency of HR Portfolio KMS completion of HR Portfolio of HR Portfolio KMS of HR Portfolio KMS
HR Portfolio KMS established
established KMS established established established
Establsihed mechanisms to
ensure the following:
Established 100% of Established 76-99% of Established 51-75% of Established 26-50% of Established 0-25% of
mechanisms for the audit, mechanisms for the audit, mechanisms for the audit, mechanismsfor the audit, mechanisms for the audit,
Efficiency inventory of workforce including inventory of workforce inventory of workforce inventory of workforce inventory of workforce
deployment and other HR including deployment and including deployment and including deployment and including deployment and
actions. other HR actions. other HR actions. other HR actions. other HR actions.
developed and ready for rollout
with the following key
installed: underdeveloped with non- underdeveloped with non- underdeveloped with non-
developed with non-
completion of any one (1) of completion of any two (2) of completion of any three (3) of
Quality completion of all of the key
a. automated processes the key components and the key components and the key components and
components and features in
b. electronic databases features in items a, b, c, d, features in items a, b, c, d, features in items a, b, c, d,
items a, b, c, d, and e.
Developed MATATAG HR DRIVE for c. generation of analytical and e. and e. and e.
organizational effectiveness, operational reports
efficiency, and client satisfaction d. functioning system facilities
DRIVE for the
Within the rating e. integrated HR systems
6% 1 following HR MATATAG HR DRIVE
(a) HR Suite period
components: HR
(b) Office Performance Dashboard (OPDash)
(c) HR DOTS Achieved 76-99% completion Achieved 51-75% Achieved 26-50% completion Achieved 0-25% completion
Achieved 100% completion of
(d) CSat of the MATATAG HR DRIVE completion of the of the MATATAG HR DRIVE of the MATATAG HR DRIVE
Efficiency the MATATAG HR DRIVE for
for organizational MATATAG HR DRIVE for for organizational for organizational
organizational effectiveness
effectiveness organizational effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness
Achieved 51-75%
Achieved 100% completion of Achieved 76-99% completion Achieved 26-50% completion Achieved 0-25% completion
completion of FAQs per
Efficiency FAQs per Division on major HR of FAQs per Division on major of FAQs per Division on major of FAQs per Division on
Division on major HR
services HR services HR services major HR services
Performance Targets
Organizational Outcomes Alignment (Target Outcome/Ouput of the Rating Scale
Bureau/Center/Service/Division aligned with the
Outcome/Output Indicators in the GAA) Performance
Objectives Indicators Means of Verification AVERAGE
Timeline Weight Allocation Actual Accomplishment RATING SCORE
(based on Office Functions version 3) (Quality, Efficiency, (MOVs) (QET)
Key Result Areas (KRA) Value Description Timeliness)
(Based on Office Mandate and Attribution (expected outcome/ 5 4 3 2 1
(Refer to the Program/Subprogram (numerical, statistical, trend)
Functions) output/service)
indicated in the GAA)
(Office accomplishments that are enabling, supportive, and/or contributory to the achievement of the organizational commitments and Key Result Areas indicated in Part I-A); Accomplishments can be a process, service, and/or output)
Performance Targets
(Target Outcome/Ouput of the
Bureau/Center/Service/Division that are enabling, supportive, Performance RATING SCALE
and/or contributory to the achievement of the organizational Actual Results/ Means of Verification
Indicators AVERAGE
Key Result Areas (KRA) Objectives Timeline Weight Allocation outcomes and KRAs (Part I-A)) RATING SCORE
(Quality, Efficiency, Accomplishments (MOVs) (QET)
Value Description
(numerical, statistical, (expected outcome/ 5 4 3 2 1
trend) output/service)
(Office accomplishments in compliance with the Performance-Based Bonus (PBB) oversight requirements.)
Budget is utilized with 6-10% variance from Budget is utilized with more than 15%
Budget is utilized according to the BUR Budget is utilized with 1-5% variance from BUR Budget is utilized with 11-15% variance from BUR
BUR target, based on the official BUR report variance from BUR target, based on the
target, based on the official BUR report of the target, based on the official BUR report of the target, based on the official BUR report of the
Efficiency Finance Service/Section/Unit (i.e. 98% of the Finance Service/Section/Unit (i.e. 93-97% of the
of the Finance Service/Section/Unit (i.e. 88-
Finance Service/Section/Unit (i.e. 83-87% of the
official BUR report of the Finance
92% of the budget allocation is utilized within Service/Section/Unit (i.e. Below 83% of the
budget allocation is utilized within the FY) budget allocation is utilized within the FY) budget allocation is utilized within the FY)
the FY) budget allocation is utilized within the FY)
Quarterly basis: Quarterly basis: Quarterly basis: Quarterly basis: Quarterly basis:
Budget is utilized according to the quarterly Budget is utilized with 1-5% variance from the Budget is utilized with 6-10% variance from Budget is utilized with 11-15% variance from the Budget is utilized with more than 15%
Timeliness disbursement program (i.e. 98% of the quarterly disbursement program (i.e. 93-97% of the quarterly disbursement program (i.e. 88- quarterly disbursement program (i.e. 83-87% of variance from the quarterly disbursement
quarterly BUR target is utilized by the end of the quarterly BUR target is utilized by the end of 92% of the quarterly BUR target is utilized by the quarterly BUR target is utilized by the end of program (i.e. Below 83% of the quarterly BUR
each quarter) each quarter) the end of each quarter) each quarter) target is utilized by the end of each quarter)
Process improvement Streamlined core processes Within the rating period 5% Improvements/reduction on all of the service
Improvements/reduction on 4 service standards
Improvements/reduction on 2-3 service
and management of service 1. no. of documentary requirements Improvements/reduction on 1 service standards
standards standards
provisioning of frontline and 2. total processing time 1. no. of documentary requirements
1. no. of documentary requirements 1. no. of documentary requirements No change in no. of documentary
other office deliverables to 3. transaction cost 2. total processing time
Quality 2. total processing time 2. total processing time
3. transaction cost
requirements, total processing time,
4. client steps/agency action steps
ensure ease of transations 3. transaction cost 3. transaction cost transaction cost, process steps, signatories
5. no. of signatories 4. client steps/agency action steps
and/or 4. client steps/agency action steps 4. client steps/agency action steps
5. no. of signatories
digitalization/digitization 5. no. of signatories 5. no. of signatories
Streamlined and/or digitized all office core Streamlined and/or digitized 76-99% of the office Streamlined and/or digitized 51-75% of the Streamlined and/or digitized 26-50% of the office Streamlined and/or digitized 0-25% of the
Efficiency processes identified in the QMS planning core processes identified in the QMS planning office core processes identified in the QMS core processes identified in the QMS planning office core processes identified in the QMS
documents documents planning documents documents planning documents
Check Check Check Check
Check Box Box
3. Provides feedback and technical assistance such as coaching for performance improvement Check
Box 62 Check
Box 77 ✘ Check
Box 92 Check
Box 122
and action planning. 218
Check Box ✘ 107
4. States performance expectations clearly and checks understanding and commitment. Box 63
Check Box 78
Check Box 93
Check Box 123
Check Box Box
5. Performs all the stages of result-based performance management system supported by Box 64
Check Box 79
Check Box 94
Check Box 124
evidence and required documents/forms. Check Box
216 109
Box 65 Box 80 Box 95 Check Box 125
People Development 1. Improves the skills and effectiveness of individuals through employing a range of
215 Check Check Check Check
development strategies. 110
Box 66
Check Box 81
Check Box 96
Check Check Box 126
2. Facilitates workforce effectiveness through coaching and motivating/developing people within
a work environment that promotes mutual trust and respect.
Check Box 111
3. Conceptualizes and implements learning interventions to meet identified training needs. Box 67
Check Box 82
Check Box 97
Check Box 127
Check Box Box
4. Does long-term coaching or training by arranging appropriate and helpful assignments, formal Box 68
Check Box 83
Check Box 98
Check Check Box 128
training, or other experiences for the purpose of supporting a person’s learning and development.
212 113
Check Box
Box 69 Box 84 Box 99 Box 129
5. Cultivates a learning environment by structuring interactive experiences such as looking for
Check Check Check Check Check
future opportunities that are in support of achieving individual career goals.
211 114
Box 70 Box 85 Box 100 Box Box 130 Part II-B Total Score
Rating Scale
Competencies Behavioural Indicators 5 4 3 2 1 Remarks/ Observations RATING SCORE
(Role Model)
(Consistently Demonstrated)
Check Box Box Check
(Most of the Time
Check Box Box (Sometimes
Check Box
Check Box Check Box
(Rarely Demonstrated)
Check Box
1. Sets personal goals and direction, needs and development. Check 120 113 106 99
2. Understands personal actions and behavior that are clear and purposive and takes into account personal goals and values congruentCheck
Check 285
Check Box Box Check292 Box
Check Box Check299
Check Box Box Check
306 Box
Check Box
Box 131
to that of the organization
Check Box
119 Check
286 Box Box 112 Check
293 Box Check
105 Check
300 Box Box Check
98 Box
307 Box
3. Displays emotional maturity and enthusiasm for and is challenged by higher goals Check
Box 132
111 Check Box
118 Check
287 Box 294 104 Check
301 Box 97Check
308 Box
4. Prioritize work tasks and schedules (through Gantt charts, checklists, etc.) to achieve goals Check
Box 133 Check Box
Check Box
401 CheckCheck
402 Box Box CheckCheck
403 Box Box Check Box
404 Box
5. Sets high quality, challenging, realistic goals for self and others. Check
Box 134
Check Box(RA 6713). 117
Check 288
Check Box Box 110
Check Box Box 103
Check Box Box 96
309 Box
Check Box
1. Demonstrate the values and behavior enshrined in the Norms and Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and EmployeesBox Check 135
Check Box
145 Check
116 Check
289 Box Box Check
109 Check
296 Box Box Check
102 Check
303 Box Box Check
95310 Box
Check Box
2. Practice ethical and professional behavior and conduct taking into account the impact of his/her actions and decisions. Check
Box 136
Check Box
144 115 290
Check Box 108
Check Box Box 101 Check
304 Box 94Check
311 Box
3. Maintains a professional image: being trustworthy, regularity of attendance and punctuality, good grooming and communication. Check
Box 137 Check Box 92 Check Box 58
Professionalism and Ethics
Check Box
143 Check 313 Box
Check Box Check
75 330 Box
Check Box CheckCheck
347 Box Box Check Box
364 Box
4. Makes personal sacrifices to meet the organization’s needs. Check
Box 138
Check Box 114 291
Check Box 107
Check Box Box 100 Check
305 Box 93Check
312 Box
Box 139 Check Box 91
5. Act with a sense of urgency and responsibility to meet the organization’s needs, improve system and help others improve their effectiveness. Check Box 57
Check Box
141 Check
314 Box Check
74 Check
331 Box Box Check Box
348 Check Box
1. Achieves results with optimal use of time and resources mist of the time. Box 140 Check Box 90
Check Box
140 315
Check Box 73
Check Box Box 349
Check Box 366
Check Box
2. Avoids rework, mistakes and wastage through effective work methods by placing organizational needs before personal needs. Box 141 Check
Check Box 89
139 Box Check
316 Box 72andCheck
333 Box Check
350 Box Check Box
Box 142
3. Delivers error-free outputs most of the time by conforming to standard operating procedures correctly and consistently. Able to produce very satisfactory quality of work in terms of usefulness/acceptability completeness with no supervision required.
Check Box
138 Check
381 Box CheckCheck
385 Box Box Check Box
389 Check
393 Box
Check Check Box 88
Results Focus
4. Expresses a desire to do better and may express frustration at waste or inefficiency. May focus on new or more precise ways of meeting goals143
137 Box
Check 317 71334 351 368
5. Makes specific changes in the system or in own work methods to improve performance. Box 144 Check Check Box Box 87 CheckCheck Box Box 70 Check Box Check Box
Examples may include doing something better, faster, at a lower cost, more efficiently, or
improving quality, customer satisfaction, morale, without setting any specific goal. 136 Check 318 335 352 369
Check Box Check Box Check Box
Check Box Check Box Check Box
Box 145 Check Box 86
135 Check 69
1. Willingly does his/her share of responsibility
Check Box 319
Check Box 336
Check Box 353 Box
Check 370
Check Box
2. Promotes collaboration and removes barriers to teamwork and goal accomplishment across the organization. Check
Box 206
134 Box Check
382 Box CheckCheck
386 Box Box Check Box
390 Check
394 Box
Teamwork 3. Applies negotiation principles in arriving at win-win agreements. Check
Box 207 Check Box 85
Check Box
133 Check
320 Box Check
68 Check
337 Box Box 354
Check Box Check Box
4. Drives consensus and team ownership of decisions Box 208 Check Box 84
132 Check Box Box Check
321 Box 67Check
338 Box Box Check
355 Box Check Box
5. Works constructively and collaboratively with others and across organizations to accomplish
Box 209 Check 7
organizational goals and objectives. Check
123 Check
282 Box Box Check Box
397 CheckCheck
398 Box Box Check Box
399 Check
400 Box
1. Can explain and articulate organizational directions, issues and problems. Check Box 76
2. Takes personal responsibility for dealing with and/or correcting customer service issues and concerns.
122 Check
283 Box Box Check
329 Box 59Check
346 Box Check
363 Box Check Box
121 284 Box Check
384 Box CheckCheck
388 Box Box Check Box
392 Check
396 Box
3. Initiates activities that promotes advocacy for men and women empowerment. Check Check Box 83
Service Orientation
Check Box
131 Check
322 Box 66Check
339 Box Check
356 Box Check Box
4. Participates in updating office vision, mission, mandates and strategies based on DEPED strategies and directions. Check
Box 210
Check Box 383
Check Box Check387
Check Box Box Check Box
391 395 Box
5. Develops and adopts service improvement program through simplified procedures that will further enhance service delivery. Box 211 Check Box 82
Check Box
129 Check
323 Box Check
65 Check
340 Box Box Check
357 Box Check Box
1. Examines the root cause of problems and suggests effective solutions. Foster new ideas,
Box 212 Check Box 81
processes, and suggests better ways to do things (cost and/or operational efficiency). 128 Check 324 64341 358 375
2. Demonstrates an ability to think “beyond the box”. Continuously focuses on improving Check Box Box 213
Check Check Box CheckCheck Box Box Check Box Check Box
personal productivity to create higher value and results.
Check Check Box 80
127 Box Box 215 Check 325
Check Box Check
63 342
Check Box Box 359
Check Box 376
Check Box
Innovation 3. Promotes a creative climate and inspires co-workers to develop original ideas or solutions.
Check Box 79
Check Box 326 Box 62
Check343 Box 360 377
Box 216 Check Box 78 Check Check Box Check Box Check Box
4. Translates creative thinking into tangible changes and solutions that improve the work unit
and organization. Check
125 Box 327
Check Box Check
61344Check Box Box 361
Check Box 378
Check Box
5. Uses ingenious methods to accomplish responsibilities. Demonstrates resourcefulness and
124 Box 217 Check Box 77 60345
the ability to succeed with minimal resources. Check 328 362 379
Box 218
Box 218 Part II-C Total Score
Final Performance Components Weight Allocation Obtained Score Rating Overall Rating
(Score x Weight Allocation)
A. Commitment to Organizational
PART I B. Innovating and Intervening
A. Organizational Effectiveness 15%
PART II B. Leadership Competencies 2.5%
C. Core Behavioural Competencies 2.5%
Ratee-Rater Agreement
The signatures below confirm that the employee and his/her superior have agreed to the contents of the performance as captured in this form.
Signature: Signature: