Week Topics
1 Revision
2. Importance of Computer as a
processing tool
3. Devices
4. Types of computer
9. Pointing devices
11. Revision
Computer Processing
Computer processing is an action or series of actions that a microprocessor, also known
as a central processing unit (CPU), in a computer performs when it receives information.
The CPU is a type of electronic “brain” for a computer system, and it executes a series of
instructions that are fed to it by software programs installed onto a computer’s hard drive
and loaded into random access memory (RAM). Though modern computer systems have
become much faster and more complex than their earlier counterparts, they still perform
the same basic type of computer processing.
Some of the important characteristics of computer as a tool for processing are described
The data processed using computer system is done at a very fast rate which other machine
cannot.Speed of computer maybe defined as the time taken by a computer to perform a task. It
takes only a few seconds for the calculations that we take hours to solve. Its speed is measured in
term of MHZ (Mega Hertz).
The computers are the accurate machine that can perform large number of tasks without errors,
but if we feed wrong data to the computer it returns the same wrong information called GIGO
(Garbage In Garbage Out).
Reliability: Computers are the most reliable machine that has ever Exist in
human history therefore any information obtained from computer processed
data is highly reliable.
The capacity of computer of performing repetitive task without getting tired is called diligence.
A computer is free from tiredness, lack of concentration, fatigue etc therefore it can work for
hours without creating any errors.
The capacity of computer of performing more than one task at the same time is called versatility
of computer. Versatility means the capacity to perform different types of work completely.
Computer has mass storage section where we can store large volume of date for future use. Such
data are easily accessible when needed. Magnetic disk, magnetic tape and optical disk are used
as mass storage devices
Computer is an automatic machine which works without the intervention of the user. The user is
required to give the data and utilize the result but the process is automatic.
In general, a device is a machine designed for a purpose. A computer can be considered a device.
Peripherals are sometimes used as synonyms for devices or any input/output unit.
Class of devices
1. Mechanical devices :
A machine is a tool containing one or more parts that uses energy to perform an intended
action. Machines are usually powered by mechanical means. An example of mechanical
device is a Generating set.
2. Electrical device :
A device that produces electricity or powered by electricity. Electrical circuit devices
have no decision making capability: Example is an electric Iron
3. Electronic Device :
This is a device that accomplishes its purpose electronically with the capability of making
decisions. These include lightweight consumer electronic device that looks like a hand-
held computer which has operational capabilities.
Early counting Device
The earliest counting device. It was invented so many years ago.
Napier’s bones
Invented by John Napier In 1614
Slide Rule
Analytical Engine
Charles Babbage developed a machine called Analytical Engine in 1833. He is the Father of
Computer Science.
Punched Card
Dr. Herman Hollerith developed punched cards to solve the problem in American census in the
year 1886-1887
1. Define Device
2. State the classes of devices
There are three basic kinds of computers. The following are the three types.
Digital Computer
a computer that processes information in digital form. They convert the data into digits (binary
digits 0 and 1) and all operations are carried out on these digits at extremely fast rates. Digital
Computers are much faster than analog computers and far more accurate. Computers used for
business and scientific applications are digital computers.
Analog Computer
A computer that represents data by measurable quantities in order to solve a problem, rather than
by expressing the data as numbers. Computations are carried out with physical quantities such as
voltage, length, current, temperature etc. for example voltmeter, Speedometer, ammeter. Analog
computers operate by measuring rather than counting, but accuracy is poor. An electronic
weighing scale is an example of an analog computer.
Hybrid Computer
Hybrid computers utilize the best qualities of both the digital and analog computers. In these
computers some calculations take place in analog manner and rest of them take place in digital
manner. Hybrid computers are best used in hospital where analog part is responsible for
measurement of patient’s heart beat, blood pressure, and then the operation is carried out in
digital fashion to monitor patient’s vital sign. Hybrid computers are also used in weather
The computer can be used in different fields such as
The computer helps people to connect with other computer users worldwide. One can
browse through much more information over the internet than you could do in a library.
All financial transactions such as deposit, payments funds transfer e.t.c are done by
computer software. It provides security, speed, and convenience.
One can book air tickets or railway tickets using the Internet, and make hotel reservations
Computer is widely used in telecommunication industries for overall connectivity,
maintenance, engineering and monitoring of the networks. Also, all mobile phones have
software in them, making it easier to handle certain tasks.
Computers are used in the military with Software embedded in almost every weapon,
such as in controlling flight and targeting, in ballistic missiles.
School E-Learning
You can take online exams and get instant results. You can also check your examination
results online which saves one from a lot of hassles
Shops and supermarkets use Computer software that calculates a customer's bills, as well
as keeps track of how much is made monthly.
Weather Analysis
Supercomputers are used to predict weather conditions
State the uses of computer
Through video conferencing you can see each other and talk with
any body living in any part of the world
Efficiency and productivity can be raised.
Running cost becomes lower in the long term.
Tasks can be completed with little human intervention (i.e.,
Overall security can be raised due to less human intervention.
Customer services can be improved due to more efficient
management and operations.
Computers with communicating capability can share data and
information with other computers.
Disadvantages of using computers for information processing include
Initial investment cost can be high.
Extra cost is required to employ specialized staff to operate and
design the data processing system.
Some jobs may be lost due to computerization and thus lower the
morale of staff members.
Some staff has to be trained or retrained.
Face-to-face interactions among staff may be reduced.
Makes you vulnerable to cyber crimes
One can be laud into cybercrimes or even be a victim
Too much use of the computer a student can cause ill effect on
his / her education
1. What is computer processing ?
2. State 4 advantages of using computer for information processing
3. State 4 advantages of using computer for information processing
Prolong Use of the computer can cause the following on our health
2. Causes poor blood circulation Due to Using computer for long hours This causes
fatigue in the limbs, painful cramps and blood clots.
3. Skipping meals : While working on a computer we often tend to forget to eat and
end up skipping meals.
6. Causes headache : Using computers for long hours can cause severe headache
7. Poor eye sight : Constantly staring at the monitor screen stresses out our eyes and
makes them dry and sore.
8. Can lead to insomnia : staying awake and giving up sleep to use computer and
internet could cause adverse effects to the brain and health
9. Has an ill effect on education: Students can easily access social media sites and
explicit contents which are biggest distractions for the youngsters.
10. Makes you vulnerable to cyber crimes: One can be laud into cybercrimes or even
be a victim.
11. An unhealthy addiction : once you have become an active user it isn’t very
difficult to get caught in the addiction.
1. State 7 advantages of the computer
2. Mention 4 disadvantages
Classification By Size
Standard keyboard, laptop-size keyboard, thumb-size keyboard and numeric keyboard.
Standard keyboards are used with PC, laptop-size keyboard come with laptop, not sale
alone. Thumb-size keyboard are small enough to be carried to anywhere.
Sit up tall.Push your hips as far back as they
can go in the chair. Adjust the seat height so that your feet are flat on the floor and your
knees equal to, or slightly lower than, your hips.
Position the source documents directly in front of
Take short 1-2 minute stretchbreaks every 20-30 minutes. After each hour of work, take a
break or change tasks for at least 5-10 minutes. Always try to get away from your
computer during lunch breaks.
A pointer represents a small symbol on the screen. It usually appears on the screen in
Graphical User Interface (GUI) environment. A pointing device is an input device. It is
used to control the movement ofthe pointer or cursor on the screen. It can also be used
1. Sending command signals to the computer.
2. Selecting items on the screen.
3. Selecting commands from commands menu.
4. Drawing graphs etc.
Most Important Pointing Devices
The most important pointing devices are as follows:
1. Mouse
2. Trackball
3. Pointing Stick
4. Joystick
5. Touch Pad
6. Touch Screen
7. Light Pen
8. Digitizer/Graphic Tablet
Mouse is the most commonly used pointing input devise. It is used to control the
cursor or pointer on the screen and to give commands to the computer. It is very easy to
use. The mouse is attached with the computer by a cable or wireless connection.The top
of mouse contains one wheel and 2 buttons. These buttons can be clicked or double
clicked to perform different tasks.
4- Pointing Stick
It looks like a pencil eraser. It exists between keys of keyboard. It is used to control the
movement of a pointer on the screen and is normally used with laptop computers.
5- Joystick
Joystick consists of a vertical handle or hand-held stick mounted on a base. It is used to
control the movement of pointer on the screen. It is basically used to play video games
6- Touch Screen
A touch screen is a special video display screen. Input is given to the computer directly
by touching the screen with user fingertip.
7- Light Pen
The light pen is a hand-held pointing input device.It looks like a pen connected with
the computer by a wire.Input is given to the computer directly by touching the screen
with pen.