Name: KNAPMAN, Christopher A

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Pay Advice

Gladstone Regional Council ABN 27330979106

Name: KNAPMAN, Christopher A

Employee No: 3250

Entity: Gladstone Reg. Council Fortnightly

Branch: GRC Outdoor
Pay point: Self Service

Job title: Labourer B238 Pos: 10881

Pay period: 17-APR-2021 to 30-APR-2021 Banked: 04-MAY-2021

This pay Multiplier Rate Hours/Units Amount

Work & Leave

Normal B238 1.00 35.63 67.50 2405.39
Public Hol B238 1.00 35.63 8.50 302.90

Total taxable payments 2708.29

Pre tax deductions
CFEmpeeCmpSS MyNorth Super (Wealth Personal Super) -162.50
FAA Pre Tax GRC Deductions -153.57

Total taxable income 2392.22

Tax paid -460.00

Net pay 1932.22

FAA Post Tax GRC Deductions -363.18

Residual pay 1569.04

Your residual pay of $1,569.04 banked into Account 305241328 at ING/923100

Employer payments
CFEmpERSGC MyNorth Super (Wealth Personal Super) 257.29
CFEmpERCont MyNorth Super (Wealth Personal Super) 67.71

Leave Balances Hours Days

Personal Leave 40:18 5.30

Annual Leave 217:44 28.65
Long Service Leave 0:00 0.00
Annual Leave (OnCall) 40:50 5.37
Time Off in Lieu 8:30 1.12
RDO 0:00 0.00

.... Continued on next Pay Advice ....

Pay Advice

Gladstone Regional Council ABN 27330979106

Name: KNAPMAN, Christopher A

Employee No: 3250

Entity: Gladstone Reg. Council Fortnightly

Branch: GRC Outdoor
Pay point: Self Service

Job title: Labourer B238 Pos: 10881

Pay period: 17-APR-2021 to 30-APR-2021 Banked: 04-MAY-2021

.... Continuation Pay Advice ....

Summary Hours This period YTD This period YTD

Ordinary time work hours 76:00 2708.29 50343.29 Less tax 460.00 12012.00
Ordinary time leave taken 0:00 0.00 8255.63 Less STSL 0.00 0.00
Leave loading 0:00 0.00 0.00 Plus untaxed payments 0.00 64.00
Overtime 0:00 0.00 3810.01 Monies for disbursing 1932.22 45323.39
Other hours 0:00 0.00 204.21 After tax - super 0.00 0.00
Allowances 0.00 3042.37 After tax - medical 0.00 0.00
Payouts 0.00 0.00 After tax - unions 0.00 0.00
Other lump sums 0.00 0.00 After tax - other 363.18 6681.76
Total taxable payments 2708.29 65655.51 Bank deposits & net pays 1569.04 38641.63
Pre tax - super 162.50 3516.48 Employer paid - super 325.00 7032.97
Pre tax - other 153.57 4867.64
Taxable income 2392.22 57271.39

Please be advised your ATO employee identifier is 12581

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