The Complete Smeg Oven Symbols Guide by Fantastic Services

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The SMEG Oven Symbols Guide


The “ECO” setting: The ECO The “Pizza function”: This
function is great for cooking small function is designed to help you cook
quantities of food. This mode is really pizza in up to 5 minutes, depending
energy-efficient since it only activates on the filling you have used.
the SMEG oven’s grill, bottom heating, and fan However, it is also suitable for cooking pies,
elements. cookies, baked vegetables, and fish.
The “Bottom heater only” The “Top heater only” setting:
setting: Provide base heat from With this SMEG oven dial on, you
lower element can brown food with near surgical
precision, from lasagnes to any
meals that come with a lavish amount of
The “Upper & bottom heater” The “Grill only” setting:
setting: Conventional, Static Conventional grilling – Only works
cooking with both upper and bottom with door closed.
heating element.
The “Half grill only” setting: Set The “Fan with grill” setting: With
up this way, the grill will only emanate this setting on, the fan will attenuate
heat from its centre, making this the otherwise significant heat coming
function suitable for cooking smaller from the grill. This allows you to
food portions. For best results, make sure to easily grill a variety of meats and other foods.
position smaller items (sausages, cheese We recommend using the top two shelves of the
toasts, etc.) at the upper shelves, while keeping oven for grilling and the one at the bottom for
larger foods on the lower shelves. heating up cool dishes.
The “Fan with half grill” setting: The “Fan with upper and lower
With this setting on, the fan will once heater” setting: The fan spreads
again attenuate the heat coming from the heat from both heaters evenly
the grill but only half. This allows you throughout the oven, allowing you to
to slowly grill a wide range of foods. test recipes where slow cooking is mandatory.
Preheating is required for optimal results.
The “Circulaire heating only” The “Circulaire and lower
setting: Besides not having to heating” setting: These are the
preheat your appliance, the circular SMEG oven controls to use for
heating will also allow you to cook a dishes whose fillings require extra
variety of foods simultaneously (think fish and heating power.
pasta) without blending their flavours together.

The “Circulaire and upper The “Circulaire heating with top

heating” setting: If you are a fan and bottom heater” setting: This
of food that features a crispy topping, is essentially your appliance’s “party
you need to try this setting ASAP out. cooking” mode. The heat, generated
We recommend using this in combination with by both heaters, will be “caught” and evenly
the grill only setting to brown your dishes extra distributed by the circular element to ensure that
fast. your dishes are well cooked, regardless of how
big they are or what utensil is used.
The “Microwave”: With the The “Microwave and grill”
microwave mode enabled, you will be setting: With the grill on, you can
able to thaw and heat almost any brown your food in no time, while the
food without changing its microwave function will ensure that
appearance, smell, or taste. Oh, and it’s pretty the inner goodies of your tasty creation are
energy-efficient, too! It’s mostly suitable for fat- cooked quickly and to perfection.
free meals. Can be combined with other oven
settings for even better results.
The “Rotisserie with full grill” The “Rotisserie with half grill”
setting: Like with the setting above, setting: The description says it all –
but with one key exception – you can enable this setting to use the grill and
use the grill to its full potential. the rotisserie simultaneously.

The “Bread proving” setting: The “Snowflake” setting”: If you

Here, the air inside the oven is thought this was a built-in freezer
heated at a constant 40°C, creating option, you would be wrong. Instead,
the perfect environment for proving your food will be defrosted using
yeast-type dough for bread, coffee cakes, and solely the cool circulating air that is created by
whatever else you have planned for the your turning fan.
upcoming party. Just turn the setting on, place
the dough in the special cavity and bake away.
The “Defrost by weight” setting: The “Defrost by time” setting:
With this setting on, the oven will With this function, you can manually
defrost your meal for an optimal set for how long you want your meal
period of time depending on how to be defrosted.
much it weighs. To begin defrosting, simply
enter the food’s weight using the number pads.
Gas burner only setting: This The “Warm-up” setting: Enable
setting will shut everything but the this to warm up any dish or to prevent
gas burners off. However, according the one you just cooked from cooling
to the SMEG cooker instructions,
running both the gas burners and the rotisserie
is completely possible.

The “Reheat” setting: This is The “Rapid preheat” setting:

perfect for reviving the original taste Just set the desired temperature, turn
of cooked meals that have been kept the knob, and your oven will preheat
in the fridge. in no time.

Meat cooking setting: With this Fish cooking setting: With this
function, you can select between 5 function, you can select between 5
meat cooking presets at any given fish cooking presets at any given
time. You can also manually adjust time. You can also manually adjust
the cooking time. the cooking time.

Vegetable cooking setting: With The “ECO-logic” setting: Looking

this function, you can select between to reduce your monthly energy bill?
5 vegetable cooking presets at any Using ECO-logic will allow you to limit
given time. You can also manually the amount of energy that your
adjust the cooking time. appliance draws from your power grid,
improving its energy efficiency.
The “Electronic control” Pyrolitic setting: This is essentially
setting: If you want to have full the oven’s self-cleaning function.
control over every cooking process, Switch your appliance to Pyrolitic
feel free to try this setting out. With it mode when you need to remove
enabled, you can control the temperature inside grease and other build-ups with nothing but the
the oven with a precision margin of 2-3 °C, power of heat.
ensuring that heat-sensitive meals, like cakes
and puddings, will turn out just fine.
ECO Pyrolitic setting: Like the Vapor clean setting: Another oven
Pyrolitic setting, only less intense. cleaning function based on steam.
Use it when you have to deal with The steam method is great for
lighter build-ups. This SMEG cooker loosening deposits found in hard-to-
mode lasts for up to 1.5 hours, after which it will reach areas in your appliance.
require manual reactivation.
Fresh touch symbol: If you see Telescopic rails symbol: This
this on your oven, then your SMEG means that your model comes with
model uses the so-called “cool door” telescopic rails. They allow you to
technology. This means that the outer easily glance at your hot dish without
space of your oven’s door will not exceed 50°C having to grab a pair of heavy duty oven mitts
at all times. This also means that the sides of and removing the entire utensil.
adjacent furniture will not sustain any heat
damage from the oven.
The “Inner door glass” symbol: The “Air cooling system”
If you see this on the “dashboard” of symbol: This feature indicates that
your appliance, this means that your your oven has a dedicated system
oven door can be removed and that maintains safe surface
cleaned in just a few simple movements and temperatures even when you use the appliance
without any tools whatsoever. If you don’t see for prolonged periods of time.
this symbol, you would have to clean your oven
door without detaching or opening it.
The “Enamel interior” symbol: If Removable roof liner symbol:
you see a SMEG model with this Perhaps one of the most ambiguous
symbol on it, it means that its enamel of SMEG oven symbols out there,
interior is lined with a special antacid this icon indicates that the upper
layer that facilitates the cleaning of any grease interior part of your oven is protected by a
that adheres to its surface. special component – a roof liner – that can be
easily removed and even washed in the
Fingerprint-proof stainless steel
symbol: If your model has this
symbol included, this means that your
hands will not leave any pesky
fingerprints behind should you happen to touch
the appliance.
* Selection by food type • Recommended function
Food Type

MEATS * * * * *
Roast Lamb & • • •
Roast pork • •
Steak •
Chops & • •
Hamburger •
CHICKEN * * * *
Whole chicken • • •
Chicken breasts • •
& fillets
Chicken legs & •
Grilled Chicken •
FISH * * * * * *
Whole (baked) • • • •
Fillets • • • •
Meatballs in •
BAKING * * *
Bread •
Cakes •
Scones •
Custards •
Quiche •
Pavlova&souffle • •
Toast and • •
cheese on toast
Au gratin dishes • •
Roast meat, • • •
potatoes, fruit

Times given are based on a preheated oven.

Food Shelf Temperature Time

(°C) (minutes)
Steak 4 180 – 190 8 - 10
Lamb or Pork Chops 3 160 – 175 8 - 12
Chicken Wings or 3 160 – 175 10 - 15
Chicken Fillets 3 160 – 175 10 - 15
Kebabs 3 160 – 175 10 - 15
Sausages 3 160 – 175 10 - 15
Fish Fillets 3 150 – 160 15 - 20
Fish Fingers 3 160 – 175 10 - 15
Hash Browns 4 180 – 190 8 - 10
Cheese Toppings 3 160 – 175 8 - 10
Cheese on Toast 4 180 – 190 6-8


Times given are based on a preheated oven

Food Shelf Temperature Time

(°C) (minutes)
Baked Whole Fish 2 160 20
Roast Pork Fillet 2 160 40
Roast Chicken 2 160 100 - 120
Meat Loaf 2 160 60
Quiche 2 160 60
Lamb Curry 2 140 – 160 120
Meat Pie 1 150 – 160 60
Lasagne 2 160 – 175 30
Apple or Fruit Pie 3 160 40
Apple Crumble 2 160 40 - 50
Sponge Cake 3 160 25
The functions described below are the main 4 used for everyday meals.

Family Roast Fan Grilled Steak Pies, Pizza, Baking Cakes

Quiches Scones
Super Fan Forced Fan grill - (closed door Fan Forced Fan Assisted

Operate oven Operate oven Operate oven Operate oven

temperature between temperature between temperature between temperature between
150 ºC – 175 ºC 160 ºC – 200 ºC 140 ºC – 180 ºC 140 ºC – 180 ºC
Preheat – 5 - 10 Preheat 5 minutes on Preheat until oven Preheat until oven
minutes max temperature. Turn cycles at required cycles at required
thermostat to 180º C temperature temperature
during cooking
Meals: Family meals, Meals: Grilled steak, Meals: Cooking pies, Meals: Baking biscuits,
roast chicken, roast chops, sausages, pizza's, quiches, potato cakes etc, on middle 2
pork, roast lamb, beef chicken pieces. dishes, general heating shelf levels. General
etc,. Includes Browning cheese such as sausages rolls, heating and warming,
vegetables and other toppings. baked fish and casseroles.
foods on different Use upper 2 shelf rack warming. Multi level
levels. positions. baking.


The oven function combines fanned hot air produced from the very hot fan element, and
conventional top and bottom element cooking to allow food to be cooked very quickly.
This allows cooking in multiple levels at a time.
- Temperatures should not be higher than 180 ºC;
- Ideal for large items which requires through cooking for example for large roasts, turkey and ham;
- This function can also be used to start the cooking of a large item which can then be completed on
a slow bake (thermo-fan) or fan forced cooking.

Cooking with just the fan element is ideal for all multi-level heating and baking. It gives
even heating and allows food to be placed on any shelf position. Keep temperature
under 180 ºC and preheat the oven.


This oven function combines fan and conventional heating to allow food to be cooked
very evenly and quickly on multiple levels at the same time. It differs from the fan
forced cooking in that the heat is reflected from the top and the bottom element.
It is ideal for roasts poultry, biscuits, cakes and general baking.

- Do not use the very top rack or lower element cover positions.
- A maximum of 2 levels of baking is recommended.
- Temperatures should be 20 ºC – 30 ºC lower than required in conventional ovens.
This is the main method of grilling in your Smeg oven. The fan grilling system offers
fast, healthy grilling at a lower temperature with the door closed. This method of grilling
uses the thermostat to control oven heat, grilling without the need to turn the food.

The oven combines fan and conventional grilling to allow even grilling, which the fan reducing the
risk of burning.
- Temperatures should not be higher than 200 ºC;
- Grill on one level only. Upper shelf position 3 or 4. Other food can be in the oven at the same
- Ideal for all forms of grilling, snacks and crisping of pasta toppings plus grilling of chicken pieces,
steak, sausages and bacon.

Cleaning up after grilling will prevent the transfer of smells to the next food you cook. Also, if there
are oil stains they may become much harder to clean if left to the next burning.
Allow oven to cool. To aid this, turn function controller to conventional heat and leave the
thermostat off. This will run the oven fan.

Can only be done with the door closed.

- Use this function with caution! Only for short periods of time for browning and crisping.
- Maximum operating time is ten minutes;
- Do not leave this function on while the oven is unattended.
- Watch food carefully to prevent burning;
- Be careful when opening the oven door! First, crack the door for a few seconds. Then after 10-15
seconds open fully;
- The door is closed during grilling. Cook only on one level. Use high rack position 4;
- Set the temperature from 175 ºC to 225 ºC to control the grill heat, otherwise, use the high
temperatures for intense fast browning only;
- Ideal for fast snacks that require crisping or browning for example Cheese on Toast, Grilled
Tomatoes, Bacon.


The oven operates with both the top element and the bottom element only. The lower
element is situated under the removable lower element cover.
With heat provider from top and bottom, this function, unfortunately, cooks food of all
kinds. Do not use this function in preference to fan forced. Heating and cooking from these
elements are slower than fan cooking functions.

- Cook on one level at a time. Use centre rack position or 2nd from the top;
- Temperatures should not be higher than 200 ºC. Preheat the oven for 10 to 15min;
- Ideal for slow cooking of casseroles and delicate backing such as souffles or pavlova.


The oven operates with fan only, no heating, to quickly thaw out any type of food.
Food can be placed on multiple levels.
For faster thawing use the "Circulaire and lower heating element" function at a low
temperature of 50 ºC.


The oven combines fan and conventional upper heating of foods without drying out the
bottom of the food.
- Maximum temperature 150 ºC
- Cooking on one level only. Centre to high shelf position.
- Ideal for cooking of vegetable dishes, pasta and au-gratin dishes.


The base heating system operates with the lower element on. It is a slow and gentle
bottom heat, ideal for browning the bottom of dishes when the base has not cooked

Food should be placed on the lower element cover or rack position 1.

As this function produces only a low heat, the thermostat setting should not be higher than 120 ºC.

Credits: Smeg Service UK

6. Recommendations for Multi-Function Ovens

Because your Smeg oven has many cooking options you may wish to experiment with different
functions to cook various meals and food types.

Always cook meats elevated on the wire rack or grill tray. The moving hot air from the fan ensures
the food is cooked completely without turning.

Do not open the oven door often to test food or baste.

The Oven door switch - Your oven has a door micro switch. This switch will automatically turn
off any element and the oven fan when the door is opened. This prevents the loss of heat when the
door is opened during cooking.

You can Not grill with the door open!

Static grilling is possible for quick grilling with the door closed.

Watch your cooking temperatures and times. These ovens heat very quickly on super fan forced and
fan grill settings.

As a guide, lower normal cooking temperatures a minimum of 20 ºC – 30 ºC for recipes used in

conventional ovens.

- Lower all cooking temperatures by 30 ºC, fanned cooking does not require very high
temperatures, try around 160 ºC and move up or down slightly from there.

Temperatures above 200 ºC are not normally required. For fan cooking 160 ºC – 175 ºC is very

The use of 250 ºC or maximum thermostat setting should be done with caution.
- Do not use covered roasting dishes, oven bags or add additional moisture to your cooking.
- Defrost food thoroughly before cooking. Use the defrost function to speed up this process.

Warming the oven prior to cooking is always worth doing. Normally 5 minutes at the desired
cooking temperature is all that is needed. During winter condensation is the oven increases. During
this, it's recommended to preheat on conventional heating for at least 10 minutes before
cooking food on a fan function.
Main Oven Cooking Information

Food Weight (Kg) Function Runner Temperature Time

position from (°C) (minutes)
the bottom
Lasagne 3 Static 1 or 2 220 – 230 40 – 50
Pasta bake 2.5 Static 1 or 2 220 – 230 40

Roast veal 1 Fan assisted 2 180 – 190 70 – 80

Pork loin 1 Fan assisted 2 180 – 190 70 – 80
Pork shoulder 1 Turbo 2 180 – 190 90 – 100
Roast rabbit 1 Circulaire 2 180 – 190 70 – 80
Turkey breast 1 Fan assisted 2 180 – 190 110 – 120
Roast pork neck 1 Turbo 2 180 – 190 190 – 210
Roast chicken 1 Turbo 2 190 – 200 60 – 70
Grilled Meats 1st 2nd
surface surface
Pork chops Fan with grill 4 250 – 280 7-9 5-7
Pork fillet Grill 3 250 – 280 9 - 11 5-9
Beef fillet Grill 3 250 – 280 9 - 11 9 - 11
Liver slices Fan with grill 4 250 – 280 2-3 2-3
Sausages Fan with grill 3 250 – 280 7-9 5-6
Meatballs Grill 3 250 – 280 7-9 5-6

Salmon trout 0.7 Fan assisted 2 160 – 170 35 – 40

Pizza Circulaire 1 280 8

Bread Circulaire 2 190 – 200 30 – 35
Focaccia Circulaire 2 180 – 190 15 – 20

Bundt cake Circulaire 2 160 – 170 50 – 55

Tart Circulaire/Static 2 160 – 170 30 – 40
Short pastry Circulaire 2 160 – 170 20 – 25
Jam tarts Circulaire 2 170 20 – 25
Paradise cake Circulaire/Static 2 170 50 – 60
Profiteroles Circulaire 2 150 – 160 40 – 50
Sponge cake Circulaire 2 150 – 160 45 – 50
Rice pudding Circulaire/Static 2 160 – 170 50 – 60
Brioche Circulaire 2 160 25 – 30
Apple pie Static 3 180 60

The times indicated in the table do not include preheating times and are provided as a guide only.
Auxiliary Oven Cooking Information

Food Weight (Kg) Function Runner Temperature Time

position from (°C) (minutes)
the bottom
Lasagne 3/4 Static 1 or 2 220 – 230 50 – 60
Pasta bake 2 Static 1 or 2 220 – 230 40

Roast veal 1 Static 2 180 – 190 70 – 80

Pork loin 1 Static 2 180 – 190 70 – 80
Pork shoulder 1 Static 2 180 – 190 90 – 100
Roast rabbit 1 Static 2 180 – 190 70 – 80
Turkey breast 1.5 Static 2 180 – 190 89 – 90
Roast chicken 1 Static 2 190 – 200 55 – 60
1st 2nd
surface surface
Pork chops 1 Grill 2 250 – 280 7-9 5-7
Pork fillet 1 Grill 2 250 – 280 9 - 11 5-9
Sausages 1 Grill 2 250 – 270 7-9 5-6
Bacon 0.8 Grill 1/2 270 6- 7 3-4

Salmon trout 1 Static 1 250 – 270 14 – 16

Pizza 1 Static 1 280 8

Focaccia 0.8 Static 2 180 – 190 15 – 20

Tart Static 1 170 – 180 35 – 40

Short pastry Static 1 170 – 180 20 – 25
Rice pudding Static 1 170 – 180 50 – 60
Apple pie Static 2 180 60

The times indicated in the table do not include preheating times and are provided as a guide only.

Static Fan Assisted Circulaire / Turbo Grill Fan with grill

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maintenance services, provided within the UK. Using high-grade equipment that is
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