Case Notes
Case Notes
Case Notes
Atty. Florencio Canlas, an NBI agent, Nelson Lidua for private respondent.
testified that on 18 September 1996, Facts
Cynthia, accompanied by her mother,
complained before him and NBI What has given rise to the controversy
Supervising Agent Rolando Vergara that at bar is the equation by the respondent
she was raped by her father Artemio. Judge of the right of an individual not
She then executed a written to "be compelled to be a witness against
statement,10 which she subscribed and himself" accorded by Section 20, Article
sworn to before Atty. Canlas. III of the Constitution, with the right of
any person "under investigation for the
The defense did not present Artemio as commission of an offense . . . to remain
a witness. Instead, his counsel de parte, silent and to counsel, and to be
Atty. Isabelo Salamida, took the witness informed of such right," granted by the
stand and testified for the defense. same provision. The relevant facts are
not disputed.
At the close of the people's case, the him on the first day of the administrative
private prosecutors made a written offer investigation, February 9, 1986 and
of evidence dated June 21, 1988,6 which agreed that the proceedings should be
included "the (above mentioned) recorded, the record having thereafter
statement of accused Felipe J. Ramos been marked during the trial of the
taken on February 9, 1986 at PAL criminal action subsequently filed
Baguio City Ticket Office," which had against him as Exhibit A, just as it is
been marked as Exhibit A, as well as his obvious that the note (later marked as
"handwritten admission x x given on Exhibit K) that he sent to his superiors
February 8, 1986," also above referred on February 8,1986, the day before the
to, which had been marked as Exhibit K. investigation, offering to compromise his
liability in the alleged irregularities, was
The defendant's attorneys filed
a free and even spontaneous act on his
"Objections/Comments to Plaintiff s
part. They may not be excluded on the
Evidence."7 Particularly as regards the
ground that the so-called "Miranda
peoples' Exhibit A, the objection was
rights" had not been accorded to
that "said document, which appears to
be a confession, was taken without the
accused being represented by a lawyer." [ G.R. No. 127073, January 29, 1998 ]
Exhibit K was objected to "for the same
reasons interposed under Exhibits 'A'
and 'J.'
In short, Marcos and Dans were
WON exhibits A and K should be separately charged under Criminal Case
admitted into evidence Nos. 17451 and 17452 for accepting
employment in and/or acting as
Chairman and Director, respectively, of
WHEREFORE, the writ of certiorari is the PGHFI while the latter had pending
granted annulling and setting aside the business (the lease agreements) with
Orders of the respondent Judge in the LRTA, which they both also headed.
Criminal Case No. 3488-R, dated With regard to the other cases, Criminal
August 9, 1988 and September 14, Case Nos. 17449, 17450 and 17453,
1988, and he is hereby ordered to admit the accusations against both of them
in evidence Exhibits "A" and "K" of the stemmed from the contracts they signed
prosecution in said Criminal Case No. in representation of the LRTA and of the
3488-R, and thereafter proceed with the PGHFI which were allegedly entered
trial and adjudgment thereof. The into “under terms and conditions
temporary restraining order of October manifestly and grossly disadvantageous
26, 1988 having become functus officio, to the government.”
is now declared of no further force and
It is clear from the undisputed facts of
this case that Felipe Ramos was not in
any sense under custodial interrogation,
as the term should be properly
understood, prior to and during the
administrative inquiry into the
discovered irregularities in ticket sales in
which he appeared to have had a hand.
The constitutional rights of a person
under custodial interrogation under
Section 20, Article IV of the 1973
Constitution did not therefore come into
play, were of no relevance to the inquiry.
It is also clear, too, that Ramos had
voluntarily answered questions posed to