Helicobacter Pylori-Associated Iron Deficiency Anemia in Childhood and Adolescence-Pathogenesis and Clinical Management Strategy
Helicobacter Pylori-Associated Iron Deficiency Anemia in Childhood and Adolescence-Pathogenesis and Clinical Management Strategy
Helicobacter Pylori-Associated Iron Deficiency Anemia in Childhood and Adolescence-Pathogenesis and Clinical Management Strategy
Clinical Medicine
Helicobacter pylori-Associated Iron Deficiency Anemia in
Childhood and Adolescence-Pathogenesis and Clinical
Management Strategy
Seiichi Kato 1, *, Benjamin D. Gold 2 and Ayumu Kato 3
Abstract: Many epidemiological studies and meta-analyses show that persistent Helicobacter pylori
infection in the gastric mucosa can lead to iron deficiency or iron deficiency anemia (IDA), particularly
in certain populations of children and adolescents. Moreover, it has been demonstrated that H. pylori
infection can lead to and be closely associated with recurrent and/or refractory iron deficiency
and IDA. However, the pathogenesis and specific risk factors leading to this clinical outcome in
H. pylori-infected children remain poorly understood. In general, most of pediatric patients with
H. pylori-associated IDA do not show evidence of overt blood loss due to gastrointestinal hemorrhagic
lesions. In adult populations, H. pylori atrophic gastritis is reported to cause impaired iron absorption
due to impaired gastric acid secretion, which, subsequently, results in IDA. However, significant
gastric atrophy, and the resultant substantial reduction in gastric acid secretion, has not been shown
in H. pylori-infected children. Recently, it has been hypothesized that competition between H. pylori
and humans for iron availability in the upper gastrointestinal tract could lead to IDA. Many genes,
Citation: Kato, S.; Gold, B.D.; Kato, A. including those encoding major outer membrane proteins (OMPs), are known to be involved in
Helicobacter pylori-Associated Iron iron-uptake mechanisms in H. pylori. Recent studies have been published that describe H. pylori
Deficiency Anemia in Childhood and virulence factors, including specific OMP genes that may be associated with the pathogenesis of IDA.
Adolescence-Pathogenesis and Daily iron demand substantively increases in children as they begin pubertal development starting
Clinical Management Strategy. J. Clin. with the associated growth spurt, and this important physiological mechanism may play a synergistic
Med. 2022, 11, 7351. https://doi.org/
role for the microorganisms as a host pathogenetic factor of IDA. Like in the most recent pediatric
guidelines, a test-and-treat strategy in H. pylori infection should be considered, especially for children
Academic Editors: Mariko Hojo and and adolescents in whom IDA is recurrent or refractory to iron supplementation and other definitive
Tamaki Ikuse causes have not been identified. This review will focus on providing the evidence that supports a
clear biological plausibility for H. pylori infection and iron deficiency, as well as IDA.
Received: 31 October 2022
Accepted: 8 December 2022
Published: 10 December 2022
Keywords: child; gastritis; Helicobacter pylori; host genetic factor; iron deficiency anemia; iron demand;
iron uptake; sports activity; virulence factor
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1. Introduction
Helicobacter pylori infection is quite common and this organism colonizes an estimated
fifty percent of the world’s populations [1]. However, there is a wide difference in H. pylori
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors. prevalence among different countries, with infection rates in Latin America and Africa up-
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. wards of 70–80% of adults compared to infection prevalence of 20–30% of adults in Canada
This article is an open access article and U.S. [2]. Gastric colonization with H. pylori is usually life-long, which then, eventually
distributed under the terms and and inevitably, induces persistent mucosal inflammation. Long-term H. pylori infection
conditions of the Creative Commons can cause pre-cancerous pathology, including gastric atrophy and intestinal metaplasia
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// in adulthood, leading to especially intestinal-type gastric cancer, particularly in at-risk
creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ populations [3,4]. Since 1994, H. pylori has been classified as a class I carcinogen associated
It is known
Figure 1. H. pylori infection andH.
that thepylori is diseases.
related closely associated with the development of IDA in chil-
dren. Unlike in gastric cancer, H. pylori-associated IDA occurs commonly in children and
adolescents [9]. Improvement of the associated IDA by eradication of H. pylori appears
to be dependent primarily upon pediatric age groups, which might not be generalizable
to adult populations [10]. These facts lead to a hypothesis that the pathogenesis of the
IDA differs from that of gastric ulcer or cancer caused by long-term infection of H. pylori
(Figure 1). There is a possibility that the development of H. pylori-associated IDA in children
might not depend solely upon mucosal injury and pathologies such as gastric atrophy and
intestinal metaplasia.
It is thought that the pathogenesis and clinical outcome of H. pylori-associated diseases,
including IDA, depend upon multiple factors, including but not limited to bacterial viru-
lence and environmental factors, as well as host genetic and acquired factors. Furthermore,
it is the interaction between these bacterial and host factors and the modulation or influence
by environmental exposures that affects the host microbiome, i.e., synergistic mechanisms
that then result in gastro-duodenal mucosal disease outcome. However, the specific mech-
anisms underlying H. pylori-associated IDA remain poorly understood. In the present
J. Clin. Med. 2022, 11, 7351 3 of 14
In 2.
Figure some Western
Possible countries,
pathogenesis Celiac
of H. disease is important
pylori-associated as a cause
IDA in childhood and of IDA, irrespective
of H. pylori infection [20,35]. In developing countries, other non-H. pylori infections, in
particular gastrointestinal parasitic infection, should be considered as risk factors of ID/IDA
in addition to contributing factors of poor iron intake and low dietary iron bioavailability
that occur in parasite endemic regions of the world [20].
3.3. Hepcidin
Hepcidin is an iron-regulatory hormone and inhibits macrophage iron release and
intestinal absorption, leading to hypoferremia [45]. Hepcidin plays a key mediator of
hypoferremia observed and associated with inflammation. Studies have demonstrated that
IL-6 induces hepcidin expression in hepatic cells [46]. In H. pylori-infected children, IDA
may be caused by increased serum hepcidin [47] (Figure 2). Anemia of chronic inflammation
is mediated, in part, by the stimulation of hepcidin by cytokines [48]. Therefore, it has
been suggested that refractory-increased hepcidin levels may be involved in the failure of
patients with H. pylori infection to respond to iron [48].
Table 1. Primary genes associated with iron uptake in H. pylori host infection and regulation of their
expression by iron.
the early stage of the infection [62]. The sLex and sLea antigens are thought to be important
for H. pylori adherence and colonization in the stomach [56]. Although these antigens are
rarely present in normal gastric mucosa, gastric inflammation induced by H. pylori promotes
up-regulation of sLex antigens, resulting in enhancement of especially the SabA-mediated
attachment to the gastric epithelium [65]. Among sLe antigens, the main target receptor of
SabA protein is sLex [62]. On the other hand, the majority of H. pylori strains express at least
one type of Le antigens. Thus, H. pylori molecular mimicry in the form of Le antigens on the
bacterial cell surface provides effective mechanisms enabling H. pylori colonization within
the gastric mucosa, thereby effectively evading the host immune response [67]. SabA also
plays a role in non-opsonic activation of human neutrophils [68].
Major Cytotoxins
Pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs), such as lipopolysaccharide (LPS)
and flagella, are also the major pathogenetic factors of virulent colonizing H. pylori strains [69].
The cytotoxins, such as CagA, VacA and PAMPs, activate antigen-presenting cells, dendritic
cells, and macrophages, resulting in stimulation of the adaptive immune response through
the production of cytokines, including IL-12 and IL-23 [70].
CagA along with a type IV secretion system is thought to play an important role in
the development of gastric cancer [67]. However, H. pylori strains can be divided into two
types, those that possesses CagA and those that do not express the protein, therefore, the
presence or absence of CagA is not always a key pathogenetic factor for H. pylori-associated
disorders [67]. In a Slovenian study, the cagA genotype in children was associated with
the degree of gastric inflammation [71]. However, H. pylori strains isolated from Japanese
children exclusively carried the cagA gene, but there were no associations between this gene
and the severity of gastritis or peptic ulcer disease [72]. The adherence of H. pylori to the
gastric epithelial cells induces the expression of CagA, which is reported to be regulated by
the Fur protein [73]. In a Japanese study [34], however, there was no association observed
between expression of cagA gene and development of childhood IDA.
VacA is also an important cytotoxin as H. pylori virulence factors, which promotes
bacterial colonization and survival in the host cells [74,75]. VacA is considered a multifunc-
tional toxin inducing host cell damage [21,30]. VacA stimulates the regulatory T cells and
promotes differentiation to effector T cells, resulting in persistent colonization of H. pylori
in the gastric mucosa [76]. It is suggested that VacA escapes host immune defenses by
differentially regulating the expression of host genes related to immune evasion [77]. It is
reported that co-expression of CagA with OipA, VacA, and BabA plays synergic effects
in the outcome of H. pylori-induced gastric pathologies and disorders [78]. It has been
further suggested that VacA is synergistically involved in the pathogenesis of childhood
H. pylori-associated IDA [34].
and regulated with complex mechanisms [62]. Although the SabA expression is thought
to enable rapid response to changing conditions in the stomach by switching the “on”
(functional) “off” (non-functional), its mechanism remains to be elucidated [62]. A higher
salt concentration induces a higher SabA transcription level [85]. As mentioned above,
SabA is an important adhesin and detectable in approximately 40% of H. pylori strains [67].
SabA has an ability of activating neutrophils through non-opsonic mechanism resulting in
damages of the gastric epithelial cells [70]. Sab A is associated with an increased risk of
atrophic gastritis and gastric cancer, although causative mechanisms to explain this disease-
related association remain controversial [65]. These facts lead to the recognition that sabA
gene is an important virulence factor in the development of childhood H. pylori-associated
diseases, including H. pylori-associated IDA.
gastric pathology, including atrophic gastritis and intestinal metaplasia [60], although
such an association remains controversial [70]. The allelic distribution of IL-1β is one of
the most popular candidate gene studied on H. pylori infection [59]. Polymorphism of
pro-inflammatory cytokine genes encoding IL-1, IL-8, IL-10, and TNF-α is associated with
increased risk of H. pylori-related gastric cancer and duodenal ulcer disease [58,94,95]. The
expression of IL-1β gene increases in H. pylori-infected children with ID [96] (Figure 2). A
study in Brazilian children has shown that high gastric levels of IL-1β can be the link be-
tween H. pylori infection and ID/IDA in childhood [41]. Increased concentration of gastric
IL-1β was an independent predictor for low blood concentration of ferritin and hemoglobin.
In a case–control study from Taiwan, it was reported that IL-1β gene polymorphism may
influence ID risk in H. pylori-infected children [42]. Pediatric patients with H. pylori gastritis
showed significantly lower levels of serum ferritin, prohepcidin, and IL-6 compared to
those with H. pylori-negative gastritis and the healthy control [97]. In this latter study,
however, H. pylori eradication therapy revealed no significant difference in serum ferritin,
prohepcidin, or IL-6 levels.
TNF-α is involved in persistent colonization with H. pylori in the stomach [98]. It has
been shown that specific TNF-α genotypes are at risk for duodenal ulcer and gastric cancer,
but other TNF-α genotypes have a protective function against cancer development [59].
TNF-α has no association with H. pylori-associated ID/IDA in children [41].
treat” strategy in H. pylori infection should be considered for children and adolescents with
recurrent or refractory IDA of unknown causes.
5. Perspectives
It is beyond doubt that increased iron demands play an important pathogenetic part
in H. pylori-associated IDA in children and adolescents. On the other hand, both bacterial
virulence and host genetic factors remain to be investigated. Definitive factors are also
still not identified on gastric carcinogenesis by H. pylori infection in adults. In any case, as
mentioned previously, physicians should keep H. pylori infection in mind as an important
differential diagnosis for children with recurrent or refractory IDA.
It is indicated that H. pylori is an important causative factor in the vicious cycle of
malnutrition and growth impairments [38], although the literature has many confounding
variables and H pylori infection is a marker of low economic status. These authors also
suggested that direct competition between H. pylori and the host for iron is an important
contributor to IDA. In Gambia, H. pylori colonization in early infancy predisposes the
child for subsequent development of malnutrition and growth faltering, although the
effect did not persist into later childhood [104]. Furthermore, decreased growth velocity
improved significantly over time once H. pylori eradication was successful in Colombian
children [105]. However, the relationship between H. pylori-associated ID/IDA and growth
impairment in the H. pylori-infected children, especially in developing countries, remains
to be further characterized. Clearly, further well-designed, population-based investigations
are needed on this issue.
Author Contributions: Original draft preparation, S.K.; Review and editing, B.D.G. and A.K. All
authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Acknowledgments: We thank Katsuhisa Hashimoto for assistance preparing the figures.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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