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University of Illinois
Park and Recreation Field Service
August 1967
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University of Illinois Library


Salem, Illinois

Field Service
Department of Recreation and Park Administration
University of Illinois
August, 1967
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University of Illinois
Department of Recreation and Park Administration
Field Service
1203 West Oregon
Urbana, Illinois 61801

August, 1967

Mr. Harry Temple, President

Chamber of Commerce

Mr Elmer Novak
. , Mayor
Salem, Illinois


I am pleased to submit this report, Salem Community Park-Recreation

District Proposal, Salem, Illinois, to the Salem Chamber of Commerce
and Salem City Council.

Alan R. Caskey, Field Consultant, conducted the study and developed

the material contained herein. The report briefly summarizes the
anticipated park-recreation needs of the Salem community area, briefly
appraises the existing park-recreation areas and facilities, and recommends
an immediate plan of action for park-recreation services.

It should be quite apparent that this report is only a limited

survey. It should not be considered a comprehensive plan for long range
development of park-recreation services in the Salem community area.

It is hoped that the opportunities for parks-recreation discussed

in this report will enable an expansion of present programs offered
by the Salem Recreation Board and the Salem Parks Department.

This report provides the Salem Chamber of Commerce and Salem City
Council with guidelines to undertake a campaign that will inform the
residents of the Salem community area about the need for public park-
^ recreation services. Cooperation of the Chamber members, various local
government units and their officials, and other citizens is acknowledged
^O^ with appreciation.



Chamber of Commerce


Harry Temple, President Gene Huddleston, 2nd Vice-President

Phinis Brown, 1st Vice-President Orlie Cook, Treasurer


Jean T. McMackin George Black

Phinis Brown Bryan Davidson
E. S. Munter Gene Huddleston
Conrad Garner John Kagy
L. E. Bar enf anger John VanLandingham

Ralph Gonzalaz
0. E. Stanford
A. E. Tecklenburg
Gene L. Yolton
L. R. Young


William R. Bird, Executive Vice President

Robert B. Kneemyer, Past Executive Secretary
M. Maxine Lombard, Secretary

City Council

Elmer Novak, Mayor

Ray Baldridge, Councilman Bill Larimer, Councilman

William Dietrick, Councilman M. C. "Buck" Ross, Councilman

Department of Recreation and Park Administration

University of Illinois

Joseph J. Bannon, Chief

George A. Lowrey, Jr. Assistant Chief

Alan R. Caskey, Field Consultant

Velma Gadbury, Secretary


1. Form a Salem Community Citizens Committee that will develop community

park-recreation awareness.

2. Establish a Salem Community Park-Recreation District as provided

by the Park District Code. (Chapter 105 of the Illinois Revised
Statutes.) Urge citizens who represent various walks of life and
who have demonstrated an active interest in parks-recreation in
the Salem area to seek election as Park-Recreation commissioners.

3. Inform every voter of the opportunity to provide for himself park-

recreation services through the establishment of a Park-Recreation

4. Employ a full-time professional park-recreation director.

5. Levy a sufficient tax that will provide adequate financial

resources for the park-recreation district.

6. Develop existing areas and facilities and establish new ones as

needed in order to provide a variety of indoor and outdoor park-
recreation experiences for all citizens.

7. Establish a year-round full time park-recreation program for all

cit izens.

8. Establish, with professional assistance, a comprehensive long-

range park-recreation master plan.























The University of Illinois, Department of Recreation and Park Administration,

Field Service was requested by the Salem Chamber of Commerce and the Salem
City Council to conduct a brief survey of the Salem community park and
recreation resources.

On Monday, July 16, 1967 and Tuesday, July 17, 1967, a Field Service con-
sultant visited the Salem community area to evaluate and discuss with
community leaders park and recreation resources.

Prior to the visit, questionnaires relative to existing recreation and

park conditions were submitted to community leaders. These individuals
were chosen because of their knowledge of various aspects of the city,
its adjacent areas, and its citizens. Community leaders interviewed
were governmental officials, business leaders, and interested citizens.
(See Appendix A for the interview schedule listing individuals contacted,

questionnaire cover letter, and questionnaire.)

This report is a summary of ideas and suggestions from many individuals

about Salem community's future park and recreation resources. These
ideas and suggestions combined with the University consultant's knowledge
of the National Recreation and Park Association's Standards provide the
basis for recommendations contained herein.

Information provided by (1) interviews, (2) the study of local park and
recreation resoiu:ces by the Salem City Plan Commission, (3) the recommenda-

tions of the Salem Comprehensive City Plan, and (4) the Consultant's
observations have been combined to secure sufficient support of recommenda-
tions within this report.
Limitations of Study

The consultant's observations, conclusions and recommendations must be

considered with the following limitations:

1. Time in Community: The consultant spent two days in the Salem

Community area conducting interviews and touring recreation areas
and facilities.

2. Interview Sampling: The individuals chosen for interviews may not

be representative of all views in the community.

Man's struggle for self-realization assumes many forms and has many parts.
The road to individual integrity and dignity requires the exercise of our
rights and freedoms in responsible and constructive ways. Important among
these is the way each person chooses to exercise the right to enjoy in-
creasingly longer periods of respite from work and other responsibilities.
We are changing from a work-centered society to one in which people have a
better opportunity to balance their work with meaningful leisure experiences,
These leisure experiences should bring a greater measure of satisfaction
and fulfillment into our daily lives. As we balance our individual lives
in this manner, we contribute to the proper balance of society.

Whether individually or as part of a group such as the family, a church

group, a social organization, hobby club, or other special interest groups,
we find much of the balancing experience through some form of recreation
activity. The nature and quality of the experience, which we call recrea-
tion, determines in large measure the nature and quality of our lives. The
values we experience and demonstrate in our leisure behavior reflect the
values we hold as individuals and as a community of human beings.

Recreation is first and foremost a personal matter. It is something that

a person does voluntarily during his leisure because he believes that it

will be satisfying to him. Enjoyment of the activity is basic to the

recreation experience, but the values of recreation which give it depth and
fullness of meaning include the maintenance and improvement of physical
and psychic well-being, the growth and development of personality, and the
easing of social adjustments. Recreation is one of the keys to abundant

Because of its importance in the building of our social fabric, recreation

is more than a personal responsibility. As ingenious and resourceful as

man may be, his attempts to provide for himself recreationally , meets an
impasse unless he pools his resources with those of his fellow man to
enable provision of certain kinds of recreation opportunity. The very
things that have given us increased freedom and leisure have also worked in
many ways to our disadvantage. The rapid increase in population and the
new leisure have created vast new economic markets and helped to promote
financial affluence.

During the past quarter century while we have been depleting our recreation
resource potential, the recreation needs and demands of the population have
increased many times over. Adults now have more opportunity for leisure
than ever before in our history. Scientific and technological advances
have prolonged life, produced labor-saving devices, increased production
per man-hour of work, and reduced the work day and the work week. Longer
life combined with compulsory retirement practices has produced a new
leisure group of "senior citizens." The increase in leisure provides for
small allotments of time on weekdays, larger allotments on weekends and
occasional holidays, and substantial blocks of time for vacations. If this

time is to be enjoyed and used in a manner that will contribute to the

positive growth of our culture, suitable recreation opportunities must be
conveniently accessible. Park areas, adequately developed to facilitate
recreation participation, are essential to individual and community well-

The average individual, acting on his own, cannot hope to provide adequately
for all his recreation needs or protect his interests in the face of the

powerful influences represented by rapid urban growth. It is incumbent upon

society, therefore, to act through its institutions to develop and protect

the park resources and potentials for recreation that remain. At the same
time we must provide leadership which is adequate to the task of managing

these resources, directing their intelligent use and guiding people of all
ages into the learning and practice of a wide variety of recreation skills
and appreciations.

Form a Salem Community Citizens Committee that will develope community park-
recreation awareness.

Citizens Committee

Strong support for improvement of park-recreation resources exists in

the members of the Salem City Council and Salem Chamber of Commerce. The
execution of the various steps in the formation of the proposed park-
recreation district would best be handled by a Citizens Committee which
would be separate from any governing body or existing organization. Members
on this committee should be from every geographic area in the proposed
district and represent major special interest groups.

The Citizens Committee should select two co-chairmen to coordinate

the functions of the committee. A Finance subcommittee should be
formed to enlist financial support for the committee operations. A Legal
subcommittee chaired by a lawyer is an absolute necessity in accomplishing
legal steps necessary in the formation of a park-recreation district.
A Policy subcommittee should develop goals, objectives, and a course
of action for the committee. A Publicity subcommittee should develop
plans for the community involvement program.

Experience indicates that successful formation of special governmental

districts results usually from the efforts of a strong citizens

Inform every voter of the opportunity to provide for himself park-

recreation services through the establishment of a park-recreation district.

In order for the residents of the Salem community area to make a wise
decision on the district proposal, they need to know basic information
concerning the advantages of the district. All methods of public
information, i.e. radio, television, newspapers, and publicity flyers,
should be used.

The Salem Citizens Committee when formed should secure on its publicity
subcommittee an individual knowledgeable in public relations. This
individual would be able to develop the necessary publicity programs.

An efficient and effective publicity media is a 35 mm. slide presentation.

With a prepared text and slides, a speaker can give repeated audio
and visual presentations to groups with minimum effort. This report
supplies material that could be developed into a visual presentation.


Establish a Salem Community Park-Recreation District as p rovided by the

Park District Code (Chapter 105 of the Illinois Revised Statut es)

Government Function

"Government is a process through which man functions in an orderly fashion.

Government is a political institution created by people, for people, which,
if conceived and administered wisely and democratically, makes it possible
for people who have common bonds and interests to do collectively what
they would otherwise be unable to do individually, in the absence of a
common authority."

Citizens of the Salem area have provided park facilities and recreation
programs without a single governing authority and without adequate objectives
and defined purposes. Provision of recreation programs has been provided
by the City of Salem Recreation Board. It is the opinion of those interviewed
that the Board throughout the years has done an exceptional job of
providing recreation programs of an athletic nature during the summer
months and primarily for the youth. The park facilities in Salem
have been maintained by the city maintenance crews under the guidance
and direction of a City Council member responsible for the park facilities.
The school programs have been loosely coordinated with the park-recreation
programs, however, there has been no organized cooperation in development
of facilities or programs. Voluntary agencies in the Salem area have
provided programs with varying degrees of efficiency in meeting many
different recreation needs. There has been no cooperation or coordination
of volunteer programs in the Salem area. Continuation of the present
situation leads to duplication, waste, and ineffective use of financial
resources for parks and recreation.

The recommendation to establish a park-recreation district should help

reduce this problem by centralizing the park-recreation functions with
adequate financial resources.
Factors Fa voring Park-Recreation District Organization

1. Under the provisions of the Illinois Park District Code, it is possible

to organize a park-recreation district which would have authority

to levy both a park tax and a recreation tax.

2. The park-recreation services paid for by the taxpayers within the

city limits are presently available for the enjoyment of residents
living in adjacent areas that are outside the city limits. The proposed

district boundaries will extend beyond the city's corporate limits

thus providing the best possible tax base for the people who will be

3. The Park District Code has adequate provisions to enable the develop-
ment of a complete public park-recreation system without resorting
to other enabling acts or to the establishment of other public authorities.

4. A park-recreation district is governed by five unpaid elected

commissioners whose primary responsibility is providing for adequate
public park-recreation services and who have final decision-making

5. Park-recreation districts have authority to issue general obligation

bonds for capital improvements subject to the approval of the voters
by referendum. Park-recreation districts also have power to provide
golf courses, swimming pools, and other public park-recreation
facilities by issuing revenue bonds, thus requiring no increase in
the tax bill.

6. There is an established trend toward the combining of the park-

recreation function under one agency. The Park District Code permits

this organizational structure.

7. With policy formation by the elected board and the administrative

function performed by a full-time executive, there is a clear line of
responsibility for the provision of park-recreation services.
Organization Time Table

The Park District Code (Chapter 105 of the Illinois Revised Statutes)
requires certain legal procedures for establishing a park-recreation
district referendum date. Below is a suggested time table for the
establishment of a Park-Recreation District in the Salem community.

Day Number Action By Whom

Formation of Citizen's Salem City Council and

Committee Salem Chamber of Commerce

50 Public Announcements of Salem Citizens Committee

Recommendat ions

50-140 Promotion Campaign Salem Citizens Committee,

Salem Chamber of Commerce
and interested citizens

60 Petition of 100 voters Salem Citizens Committee

filed with Circuit Court with attorney's advice

90-240 Public Hearing Legal limit set by Circuit

Judge at least thirty (30)
days after filing of petition
but not more than 180 days

110-260 Park-Recreation District Date set by Circuit Judge

Referendum twenty (20) days after
public hearing

111-261 Formation of Park- Salem Community Park-

Recreation District Recreation District

130-280 Transfer of City Recreation Salem City Council and

and Park Function Salem Community Park-
Recreation District

130 Employ a Director of Parks Salem Community Park-

and Recreation Recreation District

Boundaries of Proposed Park-Recreation District

During the interviews, three suggestions for the proposed park district
boundaries were made. The three were: (1) the city boundaries, (2)

the Salem Community High School District boundaries, and (3) the establishment


of special boundaries. It is recommended that the Salem Community High

School District be used for the proposed park-recreation district


Advantages of Using Salem Community High School District Boundaries

1. Assessed Valuation: Total assessed property valuation is approximately

48 million dollars. This would provide a tax base sufficient to
initiate a comprehensive park-recreation program.

2. Service Area: The proposed park-recreation district will include

the City of Salem and considerable adjacent areas to the north,
south, east, and west. It will include the community of luka. The

location of the proposed park-recreation district boundaries will

be adjacent to areas, which in the future, may be annexed to the
park-recreation district if they so desire.

3. Number of People: The proposed park-recreation district boundaries

will include approximately 10,000 people. The people included in
the proposed district normally associate with other Salem community
facilities and services. Individuals outside of the proposed
boundaries who wish to use the park-recreation district programs
or facilities may be required to pay a higher fee or they may
request annexation to the park-recreation district.

4. Future Growth: The proposed park-recreation district boundaries

include the land area that will be developed for residential,
commercial, or industrial uses in the future. By including this

land now, future facilities and programs can be coordinated with the
growth of the park-recreation district.

In summary, the Salem Community High School District offers the most feasible
boundary when considering (1) total assessed property valuation, (2)

service area, (3) number of people included, and (4) future growth.

Transfer of City Park and Recreation Functions

The recommendation to establish a park-recreation district is based

on the assumption that the City of Salem would transfer the responsibility
for parks and recreation facilities and programs to the park-recreation
district. The city would drop its present levies of .0667 for parks
and .0366 for playgrounds. It is important that the City Council

go on record in the very beginning of any campaign to establish a

park-recreation district, that it would be willing to relinquish its
park-recreation functions to the proposed Salem Community Park-
Recreation District.

The procedure for transferring a city playground and recreation

commission's functions to a park district is listed in Appendix B.

The legal matters of transferring titles, equipment, and funds can

be handled cooperatively by the city attorney and the park-recreation

district attorney.

Urge citizens who represent various walks of life and who have demonstrated
an active interest in parks-recreation in the Salem community to seek
election as park-recreation commissioner.

Board Selection

The voting public will be concerned with the kind of commissioners seeking
election as well as the permanent establishment of the Park District. The
kind of commissioner the citizens committee urges to seek election will
be very important as to whether or not the park-recreation district
issue shall receive a favorable vote. Past experience with district
organizational patterns reveals that the public expresses more concern
about the campaigning commissioners than the formation of the district.
The committee should try to urge citizens who are in sympathy with
the goals of parks-recreation to serve on the Board of Park Commissioners.

A group of individuals who should be considered for commissioner are the

present members of the Salem Recreation Board. These individuals are
familiar with the recreation programming within the Salem community. Their
performance as board members to date has been outstanding and they have
done an excellent job considering the financial resources which they have
available to them. Even if they do not wish to actively pursue a position
of park commissioner, they should be urged to participate in the Salem

Citizen's Committee activities.

The public should be sufficiently informed that interested persons may

seek election as park commissioner and may contact the Salem Citizen's
Committee for assistance.

Members of the Citizens Committee may wish to meet with individuals

seeking election as park commissioner either separately or in groups
to discuss:
1. the Park-Recreation District proposal study;
2. functions of the proposed Salem Community Park-Recreation District;
3. the proposed district's organizational campaign.

During the proposed educational period the campaigning commissioners

could issue statements concerning their position relations to the
function of the park-recreation district. Statements concerning
philosophy, planning, decision making, and especially reasons for the
need of a park-recreation district would be appropriate.

If established, the Salem Community Park-Recreation District should

become a member of the Illinois Association of Park Districts.

Employment of a Professional Park-Recreation Director

Good leadership is the most important asset of any governmental structure,

and this is quite evident in Salem. The City Manager, the elementary
and senior high school superintendents, the library administrators, and the
Chamber of Commerce executives are professionals who provide strong
leadership for their organizations as evidenced by interviewees' comments.
Individuals directing these agencies take a professional and personal
interest in the welfare and well-being of the people they serve. If

adequate park-recreation services are to be provided, it is esssntial

that a full-time professionally trained executive be employed. This

individual will, under the commissioners direction, organize, expand,

and develope the park-recreation system within the Salem community.

From past experience, public knowledge that a professional park-

recreation executive will be employed when the district is established
has added considerable support for a favorable vote for the park-recreation

district proposal.

The professional park-recreation executive should have the ability to:

1) Organize, plan and direct the entire park-recreation system in the

Salem community;

2) Counsel local businessmen in providing quality park-recreation

experiences in commercial and private enterprises;

3) Assist other city leaders in explaining the assets of Salem community

for possible location of commercial, governmental, or private

facilities or enterprises.

Organizational Chart

The organization chart shown in Table I explains the relationship of the

Director of parks-recreation to the Board of Park Commissioners and the

electorate of the district. Some positions would be a full-time position

with assistants being employed an a seasonal basis. The Superintendent

of Recreation, for the present, might possibly be a part-time position

until a broad program can be established. The special-facility managers,

such as for the swimming pool or community center, or teenage center

would be seasonal positions. The directors of the summer athletic

programs or the winter athletic programs or other special programs

would also be seasonal positions. Some of these positions might possibly

be filled by teachers who are now employed by the Salem public schools.

Such part-time positions not only help the schools recruit more and

better personnel, but also provide the park-recreation district with

personnel who might have broad recreation skills and definitely have

knowledge of the community.


Electorate of the I

Appointed Office{rs
of the Board:
of Attorney, Secretjary
Park Commissioners and Treasurer

Director of Parks
Secretary and Recreation

Superintendent of Superintendent of

Recreation Park Maintenance


Special Summer Winter

Facility Program Program

Swimming Recreation
Pool Leaders



Develop e xisting areas and facilities and establish new ones which will
provide a variety of indoor and outdoor park-recreation opportunities
for all citizens.


It is not within the scope of this report to recommend acquisition or

development of specific areas or facilities. The Park-Recreation
District Board should be able, with a Master Plan as its guide, to develop
areas and facilities as financial resources become available.

"Community facilities and public buildings often occupy rather inadequate

sites, and some elements are not well located in relation to Salem's
current development trends. Park lands are ample in size, but concentrated
in two large units which fail to serve each segment of the population.

The Salem City Council is limited in financial resources and authority to

develop fully all park areas and facilities . This limitation is due to:

1) The limited amount of tax that the city levies as compared to the
amount that will be levied under the Park District Code;
2) The inability to provide services beyond the city limits and to
tax for services beyond the city limits;

3) The lack of administrative decision-making authority by the Councilman in

4) The present lack of financial resources to employ a full-time professional
park-recreation executive.

At present there is not a single agency concerned with the development of

recreation areas and facilities outside the city limits.

The Consultant observed that there are presently many deficiencies in park
areas and facilities as evidenced by: (1) lack of a systematic develop-

ment of standard types of areas and facilities; (2) comments by interviewed


citizens; (3) requests for special facilities by interviewed citizens;

(4) recommendations in the Salem Community comprehensive plan. A
discussion of these deficiencies follows.

1. Systematic Development of Selected Parks

To provide for effective distribution of various types of park-

recreation areas and facilities with reasonable economy, the park
system must be planned within the overall limits of financial resources.
For convenience, all park-recreation areas and facilities can be
divided into categories. These are discussed in relationship to
population units.

"Salem now contains thriving new residential communities, attractive

to young families and providing an alteration in previous patterns of

child population. It is also in these northern neighborhoods that an

unusually well designed public housing project is located, and some

fine housing for the elderly is under construction."

The categories described in Appendix D include the neighborhood park,

the play lot, the community park, the district-wide park, and the
regional park.

2. Requests for Special Facilities

A. Facilities Requested
Each individual interviewed was asked, "What park facility do
you feel this community lacks?" The previously described
neighborhood park, community park, and district-wide park
were most frequently mentioned. Also, numerous special facilities

were mentioned of which the following appeared most frequently:

1) Construction of a year around indoor-outdoor swimming pool
in conjunction with the Senior High School.

2) Development of the reservoir including trails, a nature

center, picnic shelters, camping areas, a hunting and fishing
center, and docks for small boats.

3) Development of outdoor winter sports activities including

ice skating, sledding and ski instruction.
4) Development of indoor recreation facilities including
school classrooms and gymnasiums, armory, private teen club,
teenage drop-in center, and convention center.
5) A community beautif ication campaign including tree planting,
housing improvement, attractive community highway entrance
signs, and horticultural park areas.
6) Development of park-school sites to provide such facilities
as totlots, swings, tennis courts, and ball fields.
7) Facility development in the public housing area to provide
for its residents. A small children's playground was
specifically requested for this area.
8) The Marion County Public Housing Authority presently has
plans to construct senior citizen housing in the Salem area.
Some type of senior citizens' program and facility should be
developed in conjunction with the housing project.
9) Emphasis and development of programs for girls. It was
felt that there was very few programs which are offered for
the female.
10) The establishment of commercial recreation facilities was
mentioned by many individuals. Such facilities could include
a golf course, bowling alley, skating rink, teenage center,
and an arts and craft center. Not only the coordination of
existing programs, but the further development of these
programs is desired.
11) Specific development in neighborhoods including lighted
activity areas, parking space, restrooms, water fountains
in certain parks, band shells and music areas, concrete
shuffleboard courts and benches, free wading pools in
some areas, and asphalt activity areas which could serve
for basketball, tennis and volleyball, and which could be
flooded during the winter for ice skating.


12) An exploration of the possibility of developing the Mark

Tully Park adjacent to the city maintenance garage and
city cemetery.
13) There was an expressed desire for some public body to
establish a pitch and putt golf course and a driving range
for the community.

B. Sample of Facilities Needed

A brief comparison of accepted standards for facilities with
existing facilities in the Salem community is one method of
showing the need for the Park-Recreation District. The chart
which follows will show sample deficiencies of facilities in
Salem. Again, this chart is only a guide and should not be used
in lieu of a master plan evaluation of these facilities.
Required Number For
Salem Community Service
Facility Standard Population of 10,000

Tennis Court 1 court/2,000 population 5

Softball Diamonds 1 diamond/2,000 population 5

Baseball Diamonds 1 diamond/2,000 population 5

Ice Rink (no standard for this area)

Swimming Pool (1 sq. ft. water surface/

person) 10,000 sq. ft.
Golf Course (1 hole/1,000 population) 9

Community Center (1/15,000 population) 1

It is difficult to evaluate accurately what areas and facilities

the Salem Community needs before an accurate inventory of facilities
has been made

3. Salem Community Master Plan Recommendations

A. Recreation Land
This section is taken directly from the comprehensive plan of the
Salem community. Although the plan is concerned with the area inside
the city limits of the City of Salem, many of the facilities

mentioned will serve people outside of the city limits in

the rural areas. The material is included in this report
to show what action has been recommended. It should be

emphasized that a Park-Recreation District provides the

resources to accomplish many of the mentioned projects.


"Salem's recreational acreage within the city limits includes

two major lakes in addition to about 75 acres of land in Bryan
Memorial Park; 13 in the Mark Tully (formerly Shelby) Park; and
19 in the Senior High School grounds. This totals an impressive
107 acres, which provides almost one acre of recreation area for
every fifty persons. However, it is concentrated within a few
large locations, all in the northern portion of town. There are
no neighborhood facilities, while recreational sites around the
elementary schools and Junior High School are very inadequate.

It is therefore not in total acreage but in distribution and

diversity that Salem's recreational position is deficient. Proposed
new land use recommends additional parks for a variety of purposes.
Provision is made for a Greenbelt Park along Reservoir Creek for
its entire course through town, providing a strip of open space
connecting Bryan Memorial Park on the north to the southern City
Limits. It would contain cultural and recreational facilities
as well as a civic center which would be especially appropriate
so near the Central Business District.

Other park lands are proposed as combination neighborhood

recreation and future school sites. Here young mothers could gather
with very small, pre-school age children, while older people could
use them for relaxation, or playing checkers, cards and horse-shoes.

In addition to Tully (Shelby) Park, which is retained for future

school and park use, four new sites are proposed for acquisition.
If these are regarded as meeting the need for standard school site
requirements, they would not inflate Salem's recreational lands,
but rather increase potential diversity of choice. By withdrawing
Tully (Shelby) Park as a future school site, and by considering
the Senior High School lands as purely educational in function,
the new Greenbelt Park could be accommodated within Salem's
recreational land use without extravagance, particularly since that
portion south of Main Street would serve primarily as a buffer
zone between industrial and residential uses in that area.

Proposed recreational land use might therefore be evaluated under

the following division of open space categories, though all of it is
grouped together as Parks and Schools.
Combined School Sites and Neighborhood Parks

Existing Tully (Shelby) 13.3 acres

Proposed Enlargement of Tully Park 11 acres
Proposed College and Boone 12.3 acres
Proposed Southeast Park 4 acres
Proposed Southwest Park 6 acres
For combined use: 46.6 acres

Proposed Greenbelt Park

Community Center and Parking Lot 2 acres

Passive Recreation North of Main 35 acres
Exclusively recreational 37 acres
Buffer Zone plus Recreation 20. 3 acres
In Greenbelt Park 57. 3 acres

Bryan Memorial Park 75 acres

Greenbelt Park 57 acres
132 acres devoted to

To this sum would be added the acre south of the CBD currently
occupied by the Library and Bryan Memorial Home. A total of 132
acres devoted to culture and recreation is not an excessive allowance
for a city the size of Salem, and by purchasing additional parks
for future educational use the city could move ahead of advancing
prices. Their use as neighborhood facilities would provide a
sensible solution to the problem of diverse needs in outlying
neighborhoods for those members of the population not presently
served by existing recreational activities."

B. Comprehensive Plan-Recommended Facilities

Parks and Recreation

The Salem Community Master Plan recommended extensive facility

development in and around the community of Salem. This material
is included here to bring to the attention of the public once

again the recommended needs for facilities within the city limits
of Salem. Although extensive development of facilities does
not go beyond the city limits, many of the facilities developed
inside Salem serve the outlying areas. The Master Plan that would
be developed by the Salem Community Park-Recreation District would
investigate facilities and programs for the proposed district.

For piorposes of the Comprehensive Plan, all of Salem's open

spaces, cultural and historic sites and structures, school grounds
and parks are considered part of the recreational resources.
Proposed improvements to these facilities would logically include
a Community Center, enlarged and well landscaped school grounds,
tot lots for the very young and passive areas for the elderly
and others interested in quiet relaxation.

Within both existing and proposed parks and new school grounds
special spaces should be set aside for the children from pre-school
age through kindergarten. These tot lots should be designed and
improved as suitable resting places for mothers to gather and bring
their youngsters, to enjoy the environment and each other's company.
Facilities should include drinking fountains and shaded benches,
with such additional amenities as sand areas, splash pools, and
play equipment designed for the very young child.

Either separate from, or combined with the above tot lots,

similar passive places should be made available for older people,
interested in relaxing where they can observe some activity.
However, older people also enjoy the Central Business District,
and should therefore be accommodated by a few benches along Main Street
or Broadway. Housing for the Elderly requires considerable attention
by the community, and efforts should be extended to make these older
people welcome and wanted, both as fellow citizens of Salem and
as potential customers.

Proposed New Greenbelt Park

The vacant land adjoining both sides of City Reservoir Creek,

from Bryan Memorial Park south to the city limits, should be
acquired by Salem as multi-purpose recreational space. Two acres
of this land on East Main should be sold to the city as a new
municipal campus, to contain the City Hall, Police Station and
Fire Department. The remainder would serve a combined recreational
and cultural purpose, as well as providing a buffer zone between
residential and industrial land uses, particularly south of Main Street,

Much of this land is subject to flooding, but a few good building

sites exist, in addition to the one on East Main proposed for the
municipal campus. Salem lacks a Community Center, while the existing
library competes with the historic Bryan Memorial Home on the same
crowded site. These elements could be grouped together in the
Greenbelt Park, adjoining and sharing the same parking lot as the
proposed municipal campus. The joint facilities of Community Center,
Library and municipal structures would create an excellent civic
and Cultural Center within easy walking distance of the Central
Business District.

The remaining lands, subject to occasional flooding, could be

made attractive for lunch-hour picnics by workers in the CBD,
or by farmers' families in town for a day's shopping and business at
the County Seat. Small children might enjoy catching tadpoles in
the creek, but no games areas should be developed other than such
table games as checkers or pinnochle, under small, sheltering


pavilions. Older residents, particularly those from the Housing

for the Elderly project, could make good use of this in-town recreation,
adjoining a library and a community center. The presence of an
improved greenbelt, penetrating the heart of Salem, would do much
to establish visible evidence of the city's hospitable character.

College and Boone Park

The vacant land in Salem's northwest quadrant, between College,

West Boone, Allman and Lincoln, would make a fine neighborhood
park as well as a splendidly located school site to serve that
rapidly expanding child population. The public Improvements
Program, Page 80, suggests one method of acquisition, but the
following alternate should also be considered as a potential economy
for both property owners and the city.

By extending Franklin Street through this property, fifteen

residential lots, 50' wide and 150' deep, would be made available,
backing against the present residences on College. Development
might not be feasible until the School Board decided to improve
the remaining land with necessary utilities. But this potential
land use could be reflected in the price paid by the city to the
property owners at time of purchase.

If the city agreed to provide certain improvements, the

property owners might agree to sell the remaining park and school
site for less than its current market value, in view of the
increased values accruing to those lands retained for residential

This alternate land use would still provide an adequate school

site of approximately ten acres . plus a residential tax base
. .

of fifteen homes. The site approximates thirteen acres, plus

a proposed access purchase into Boone Street. If Franklin were
extended, no additional access would be required, so the tabulated
land use would be as follows:

Franklin Street Extension ROW (40' wide, 800' long) plus

15 lots, 50' wide, 150' deep, about 3 acres

College-Boone Site (Approximate Area) 13 acres

Residential Development and Street 3 acres
Remaining Park and School Site 10 acres

Bryan Memorial Park

Sharing, as it does, the mixed use of community recreation

and annual occupancy by a special event, it has been difficult to
justify large-scale improvement of this major facility when it
suffered such serious erosion from the Soldiers and Saliors'
Reunion every summer. It would be very helpful if the desirable

but rather overwhelming Reunion activity could be encouraged to

locate in the Marion County Fairgrounds, just south of the city,
where it would be completely compatible with the basic function
of that property.

Efforts should also be expended to improve the County Fair,

which presently suffers seriously from competition with the far
more impressive Reunion. It might be suggested that the City
cooperate with the Board of Directors of the Marion County Fair
Grounds to up-grade the facility, in order to accommodate other
major events which require large amounts of outdoor areas. Not only
the Soldiers and Sailors' Reunion, but 4-H activities, outdoor
dance festivals, musical presentations, pageants and rallies would
all seem suitable to such a place. Additional architectural and
landscape architectural values should be provided, giving definition
to the various spaces, improving circulation and providing
accommodations for all age groups.

Improvements to Bryan Memorial Park which are included within

the Public Improvement Program, Page 81, involve five entrances,
circulation improvements, a new medium for the swimming pool
fileter, some earth moving and shaping to place new roadways on
higher ground, and improving the hospital parking lot. Also of
importance to the park, but part of the Circulation Program, see
Page 53, would be the improvement of West Broughton and the Spillway
Dam, providing better access to Reservoir Lake's western side.

Reserve Parks Program

Acquisition of the following park lands should be accomplished

whenever the city can afford it, but their purchase has not been
included within the next five year budget. Need for the preceding
program is more urgent, and these additional facilities may await
a clearer demonstration of need.

1. Enlargement of Tully (Shelby) Park is intended primarily to

complete the residential environment north of the C&EI
tracks and encourage better development of the land
around that railroad's lake. Lakewood Subdivision occupies
the eastern shore, while multiple-dwelling is proposed for
the northwestern corner. When Boone Street is extended
across the lake, providing better circulation, this additional
park land would create fine recreation space for the
new residential environment to be established. It would
also enhance the future use of Tully (Shelby) Park as a
school site.

2. Neighborhood Parks South of the Railroad Tracks should be

purchased in both the southeast and southwest section of
that part of Salem. Present trends are still somewhat


indefinite, but a sufficient number of good homes have

been built in recent years to justify both street improve-
ments and park sites, at some future date. One of these
proposed neighborhood parks could become a school site
whenever a sufficient number of children emerged to justify
another educational facility.

Cultural Sites and Structures

The Bryan Memorial Library suffers from a crowded site, which

it shares with the historic Bryan Memorial Home. Some day, it
should be removed, improving the space for exclusive use of the
latter facility. Space has been budgeted in the proposed new
Community Center which the library might eventually occupy and
expand, to include a music room and other special features to
attract all age groups.

Bryan Memorial Home

The birthplace of William Jennings Bryan, which is presently

sponsored primarily by the D.A.R. , should be considered a major
cultural and business asset of Salem. Its fortunate location
near the Central Business District could be much better exploited
as a tourist attraction if the site were freed for its exclusive
occupancy. It enjoys the historic value of being near its original
location, and might some day be included as a Highway Benefit to
both Interstate 57 and Relocated U. S. 50, as well as the existing
roads. With suitable signs erected by the Highway Department,
many travelers could be induced to leave these major arteries, for
the purpose of visiting the home. It must, however, be properly
improved and supported, if it is to realize its full economic
potential as an asset to the Central Business District, to which
its architecture and location are so well suited. A proto-type
of the use to which this charming village home could be put is
the James Whitcomb Riley birthplace in Greenfield, Indiana.

Meanwhile, the Public Improvements Program includes, on Page 84,

a sum for rehabilitation of the structure under present conditions.
Both this and other of Salem's handsome, historic homes should be
rightfully considered recreational assets of a major, cultural

An Historic Buildings Committee should be appointed, as part

of the Department of Parks and Recreation, with responsibility for
restoration, maintenance and determination of appropriate uses for
the city's historical structures or sites. In Salem, the D.A.R.
and other dedicated citizen groups would benefit from municipal


Street Tree Program

Within the Central Business District, as well as in residential

neighborhoods, the city should move to implement a street tree
program, wherever it proves physically feasible. Many of Salem's
downtown walks are sufficiently wide to permit the insertion of
street trees between each parking meter, to be set in planting areas
three or four feet square.

Extremely wide pavement could also accommodate a strip of brick

along the curb, replacing the concrete. This brick pedestrian
platform should be the same width as the tree wells and would
do much to relieve the monotony.

A street tree program, coordinated with sidewalk improvements

in the Central Business District, could become the responsibility of
the streets department or park department. It is entirely valid
to consider that every person walking or driving through Salem is
experiencing the local environment and indulging in a form of

Maintenance and replacement of such trees should be a municipal

responsibility, with the business district paying its share for
the improvement. Or it could be accomplished through the Community
Development Program, the Chamber of Commerce, the service clubs
or any other civic groups willing to assume the responsibility.
However, once planted the trees should be considered municipal
property, subject to damage charges in the event of careless

Establish a year-round full-time park-recreation program for all citizens.

Program Objectives

A park-recreation district as proposed could provide basic recreation

services to the Salem Community. Provision of park-recreation services
is accomplished by developing a series of steps which lead the participant
through the experience of learning a skill, to active participation,
and ultimately to a high degree of self help, and if possible, leadership
of other people of like interest. This process helps the individual
to realize his own potentials of activity, skill, group leadership,
and personal fulfillment. It enables service to the greatest number,
while developing greater diversification of recreation opportunities
over a period of time. Thus, the park-recreation district must be
both a provider of activities and a creator of leisure opportunities
in full cooperation with all community organizations.

Certain steps have been taken in building a program of activities based

on principles of program planning. These steps are:
(1) formulation of a clear statement of program objectives;
(2) study of existing park-recreation services;
(3) consideration of the basic social and psychological wishes and needs
of various age groups;

(4) consideration of the social and environmental conditions and

trends of the community.

The first goal of a park-recreation district should be to establish

program objectives. All programs should be oriented toward attaining
these objectives. The following is a sample listing of objectives
for park-recreation programs:

1. "Emotional and physical health - to develop a sound body and mind

through wholesome, vigorous, and creative activities.

2. Character development - to build character through rich, satisfying,
and creative leisure - living patterns focused toward the attainment
of socially desirable attitudes, habits, and values.


3. Widening interests - to open new interests that provide satisfying

outlets for individual development

4. Citizenship - to develop through recreational associations of people

a respect for the worth and dignity of individuals and faith in

democratic action.
5. Skills - to develop skills in the arts of leisure-time living that
raise the level of the refinement, culture, and happiness of
6. Social living - to develop and strengthen social relationships

within the family and the community through close groups associations
and activity participation.
7. Economic value - to strengthen the morale and economic efficiency

of the community through expanding lesiure-time interests and

improving social living conditions.
8. Community stability - to develop community stability by providing an

environment that is conducive to wholesome family living and

community life."

Program Classifications

"Program opportunities are divided into five classifications.

1. Physical - includes both indoor and outdoor sports and athletics,
ranging from individual and dual sports such as swimming and tennis
to team sports like baseball and basketball.

2. Cultural - included in this classification are interest and

opportunities in music, art, drama, and dance.
3. Social - includes those activities in which the social experience
is the primary motivation and objective and activity is secondary.

Examples are picnics, banquets, parties, games nights, and dances.

4. Natural - includes outdoor recreation activities such as camping,
boating, hunting, fishing, conservation education, and other
activities which are nature oriented.
5. Mental - includes interests and opportunities which are primarily
intellectual or require the exercise of the mind and reasoning
power. Certainly all activities require some mental effort,
however, those which by their very nature are primarily mental

and which do not fit the other classifications are placed in this
category. Examples are reading, linguistic study, games such
as chess and hobby activities such as coin and stamp collecting,"

Certainly there are activities which could theoretically be classified

under several categories, but for the purpose of our analysis these
classifications are quite useful.

Salem Recreation Board

The Salem Recreation Board operates under the supervision of the Salem
City Council. They are an appointed Board and make recommendations to
the City Council which has the final decision. In the past, the
City Council has allocated a fixed amount of money derived from the
recreation tax to the Recreation Board. The Recreation Board meets
in February each year and conducts its first business meeting at which

time they announce the program for the year and request recommendations
for additional programs or facilities. They operate primarily a summer
athletic program for youth. The final meeting in August is for the
purpose of review of all programs and to ascertain if all obligations
have been met. The Recreation Board has attempted previously, to make
some capital improvements from their limited budget. The most recent
example was the borrowing of $5,000 to light the tennis courts in Bryan
Memorial Park. They have repaid $1,000 each year from the operating
budget for the lighting for these courts. The Board either has not
been requested or has not felt the need to provide programs for other
age groups such as teenagers or senior citizens. The 1967 activities
provided by the Salem Recreation Board were:


Boys in the age group from 8 years to 10 years were taught

the fundamentals of baseball. They also participated in
a league of their own. An average of 60 boys was enrolled.


An average of 120 boys in the age group from 9 through

12 participated in Little League.


An average of 60 boys ages 13, 14 and 15 was served by this


An average of 100 players participated in this league.


An average of 40 girls of various ages were served by this



Seventy-three girls were enrolled in this program which met

once daily for craft, art and games.

Salem Community Recreation Program Deficiencies

On the basis of a brief tour of Salem park-recreation programs and

facilities, a discussion of the lack of major recreation programs
will show the great need for programs provided, organized, and
created by the Salem Community Park-Recreation District.

The following examples of needed programs may not exist for all age
groups, economic levels, sexes, or geographic areas, but are quite
evident even without a detailed investigation. Many of these ideas

were expressed by citizens who were interviewed.

1. Physical: Conduct water safety programs; conduct life-time sports;

instruction in golf, tennis, badminton, and bowling which are
activities that can be learned at an early age and can be practiced
throughout life; provide baseball, softball, and basketball
skills classes and programs for a greater percentage of youth;
. .


develop women's and girls' sports fitness programs; develop

girls' and women's cultural and social programs; develop a swimming
program for people 25 years of age and over at the pool
Provide family season tickets for the pool which would encourage
family participation; develop a health club or athletic facility
for adult use during noon time and evenings with such facilities
as steam rooms, exercise rooms, weight lifting and other types
of activity areas.

2. Cultural: Expand the existing art instruction and exhibit programs;

provide programs in music beyond those of the school; develop
a historical society; develop a theatre group; provide facilities
for arts and crafts interest groups; provide a multi-purpose
cultural center.

3. Social: Establish a council which would provide programs for

senior citizens; develop a teenage drop-in center; develop
a community center program with facilities for large social
functions; provide advisory services for industrial employee
recreation; expand teenage center to include the Wild Cat Den
facility and develop it on a year-around basis; develop programs
in cooperation with the commercial facilities such as the roller
rink and bowling alleys; utilize the facilities of fraternal

4. Natural: Provide day camp programs in natural areas; improve

camping areas for scout groups and family campers; build shelter
houses and large group picnic areas; initiate boating programs with
safety instruction; provide hunting and fishing programs with
skill instruction, contests, and facilities; cooperate with the
Farm Extension program in providing rural recreation opportunities.

5. Mental: Cooperate with the public library to provide great

books clubs, and materials for special interest groups; cooperate
with the high school in adult education classes of a recreational

nature, especially vocational arts and crafts; develop interest

groups in collecting, travel, and special study clubs.

Community, Cultural, and Convention Center: A community recreation

center located somewhere in the central business district of Salem
is needed. This community center would provide meeting places and
activity areas to meet recreational needs. It has been recommended,

in the Salem community comprehensive plan, that a site near the library
be purchased and used to develop a park site for community cultural
activities. If the Green Belt Park was purchased with federal aid

for recreation, the proposed community cultural and conference center

would have a site.

Conference Center

"The City of Salem, as host to the nation's largest and oldest

Service Men's Reunion for three generations, has unique and
special knowledge in the field of organizing the community to
receive and manage large numbers of people. Unlike most towns,
Salem is neither embarrassed nor inconvenienced when many visitors
enter their environment. This is such a unique skill that
it should be put to year round use rather than being allowed
to remain idle from one Reunion to the next.

There is a critical shortage of good meeting places for special

interest or regional groups, smaller in size than those major
conventions which annually visit the large urban centers. It
is not suggested that Salem should attempt to host the National
American Legion or the National Shriners' Convention, but it is
proposed that they could accommodate successive gatherings
of regional nature. Engineers, Teachers, Churches, Service Clubs
and a variety of other professional or social organizations
have a genuine need for places to meet which are non-urban but
adequate as to facilities and environment.

Salem is ideal for such a purpose. The merchants, the

housewives, even the school children are accustomed to being
hospitable and friendly. Each element in the community can
contribute to this endeavor and many of them could be taught
to assume a professional responsibility, for which they would be
suitably reimbursed. It also offers an opportunity to earn money
for special causes, social clubs, service organizations and
various community activities.

It is therefore suggested that the special convention skills

of Salem be organized on a permanent, year round basis, either as
a separate Convention Bureau or as part of the Chamber of Commerce.
The many churches and service clubs could confer on the matter
and determine their respective interests or responsibilities.
Facilities should be carefully examined and a realistic program
developed, including maximum and minimum accommodations for
various income groups.

Properly organized, Salem could become a conference center

that would bring into the community a wide variety of people
from all over the region, and beyond, with resultant economic
improvement for the merchants and a greater appreciation for
Salem's special cultural advantages. "10

Salem Recreation Self-Study

Within each city area there exist many park-recreation programs,

special interest groups, service agencies providing programs, and
program leadership talent. The awareness of these programs and
talents usually exists only within the small interest group. There
is not now a central agency where a resident could inquire to find

others who have the same recreational interests.

It is recommended that some organization within the Salem area conduct

a park-recreation self study. This study would determine what

clubs, agencies, organizations, public or commercial, provide recreation-
park facilities within the community. It is sometimes felt that only

public agencies provide park-recreation opportunities within a community.

Sometimes civic, fraternal or commercial agencies provide more activities
than any public agency. For example, below is a list of civil
and fraternal organizations as taken from a Salem Chamber of Commerce
publicity flyer. A survey of these groups would be a good beginning
for the self study. This type of study could be conducted and the
information for many of the special interest groups maintained by the
Chamber of Commerce. The maintenance of this information could
eventually be assumed by the park-recreation district.



Salem Woman's Club American Legion Auxiliary

Salem Junior Woman's Club Masonic Lodge
Jaycees Eastern Star
Jay-C-Ettes White Shrine of Jerusalem
Lions Club Pythian Sisters
Lioness Club Royal Neighbors
Rotary Club Rebekah Lodge
Rotary Anns Amvets
Oil Council Axoxiliary V.F.W. Post 1233
Business & Professional V.F.W. Post 4177
Women's Club Veterans of World War I
Desk & Derrick Club Auxiliary to Veterans of
Salem Retail Merchants World War I
Loyal Order of Moose D.A.R.
B.P.O. Elks Sportsman's Club
Fraternal Order of Eagles Salem Grade School Band
American Legion Parents Association

An example of an agency contributing to park-recreation programs in

the Salem community is the University of Illinois Cooperative
Extension Service. Examples of their programs are:

4-H Youth Clubs

Sample Activities:
Skating Party
Share- the-Fun Contest
Demonstration Contest
4-H Camping

Homemakers Extension Council

Sample Activities:
Family Hobbies for Leisure and Retirement
Art in the Home I
Art in the Home II
Finishes for Today's Fabrics
Southern Cookery

Small-Community Facilities

If the Salem Community Park-Recreation District were to incorporate

small communities within its boundaries, the district should develop

some type of facility located within each community. An example


of such a facility would be the conversion of a residence into a

small community center which would provide a hard surfaced area for
games around the residence and a spray pool for small children.
This center could be used by the residents of the community for
programs with staffing coming from the proposed park-recreation
district. Another example of an outlying facility would be the
development of a central park in the business district with apparatus,
landscaping, tot lot area, and a general meeting area. Such facilities
could be developed in the outlying areas at a small expense or at
an expense which would approximate the amount of tax revenue received
from these areas.

Levy a sufficient tax to provide adequate financial resources for the

park-recreation district.

The taxing powers of a park-recreation district will be found in

Article Five, Chapter 105 of the Illinois Revised Statutes (The Park
District Code) . A referendum vote for park-recreation district
organization legally approves the levy of a one and one-half (ij)
mills. The Park-Recreation Board may not wish to levy the full
amount when first organized, however, the power to levy the full
tax is essential.

I. Financial Benefit of District

New Industry and Individuals

The question may be asked "is the Salem community a good place in
which to work, live, play and raise a family?". A typical Industry
considering the Salem Community for its employees, or an individual,
might wish to know:

1. How extensive is the recreation program for teenagers?

2. How adequate are the neighborhood parks for mothers, younger

children, and older persons?

3. Are high well-developed water recreation facilities available?

As evidenced by persons interviewed there is a desire on the part

of Salem residents to provide a quality park-recreation program.
A well-developed park-recreation district can provide the types
of programs and facilities which industrial site-planners seek.

Increasing Tourism

"A Yankee is worth more than a bale of cotton, and is a darn sight
easier to pick." This axiom was used to justify National Parks which
would attract the tourism industry to Southern states. The same

holds true for the Salem community area. Businessmen in Southern

Illinois and the City of Salem are hoping to increase their annual
sales and broaden their economic base from the tourism industry.
The Salem Community area may not gain any of the increased revenue
unless it provides some reason for tourists to visit the area.
The Salem community area plan provides proposals of how Salem can
assume leadership among Southern Illinois communities in organizing
a tourist attraction program. These proposals include a conference
center and expansion of the Bryan Memorial Home, as well as an analysis
of the number and characteristics of Southern Illinois tourists.

The park-recreation district could cooperate with other agencies and

individuals in developing a comprehensive tourism study and plan of
action. Many of the facilities developed and programs offered for
the tourist would be of a park-recreation in nature. Increased
revenue from the tourists' use of facilities would spread development
and operational costs over a larger base. This revenue would help

to lower the cost of facility development for Salem citizens.

Gifts and Donations

Park-recreation programs might receive more support from gifts and

donations, if citizens knew that:
1. their gift would be used to its maximum value;
2. there would be no overlap of services and facilities;
3. there was a single authority legally responsible for the proper
use of the gift or donation;
4. such gifts are tax deductible.

Through a properly administrated park-recreation district most of

the above conditions necessary to make maximum use of gifts and donations
can be satisfied. Although gifts and donations cannot be the only
source of support for any facility or program, they are welcome
supplements to tax funds.

Many Illinois Park-Recreation Districts have received substantial

gifts and donations because of the existence of a responsible and
interested lay governing board, professional executive leadership,
and a master plan and policy on how to use gifts and donations. In
general the donors have approved of the districts ' past performance
and its cooperation with other agencies. Some donors were merely
interested in the community but some gifts were diplomatically
solicited for special projects.

Park-Recreation Opportunities at Lower Costs

Every family in the Salem Community area desiring to participate

in park-recreation activities normally allocate or spend a portion of

the family budget for this activity. Family income and interests
normally determine the kind of park-recreation activities the family
can or wants to afford. As in all communities, there exist several
economic levels and various park-recreation opportunities available
to each level. In Salem the lower economic levels have difficulty
in obtaining basic park-recreation experiences for themselves or
their children. Their income level usually prohibits them completely
from utilizing the private or semi-private park-recreation facilities
and programs. Unless they wish to pay the high cost of membership,
they must travel to other communities to use public facilities.

Individuals at the various economic levels which can afford private

park-recreation opportunities are incurring a considerably higher
annual cost for park-recreation experience than is necessary. These
individuals would find that by spreading the cost over the entire
district they would have to pay less for the same opportunities while

helping to provide for others in the district who cannot afford

good park-recreation experiences. Even the highest economic levels
cannot personally provide all the high quality and diverse park-
recreation experiences they might desire. The funding and provision
of certain cultural arts programs and large facilities is still
beyond their practical range. Almost all park-recreation programs
and facilities can be provided through the proposed district if
the supporting financial cost is spread over sufficient population.

II. Tax Structure of Proposed District

Present City Tax

Under the provisions of the 1961 Illinois Municipal Code, Illinois

Revised Statutes Chapter 24, Article 11, Division 98, the City of
Salem is presently levying .067% (6.7 cents per $100 assessed valuation)
for the purpose of establishing and maintaining public parks. The
City of Salem under Division 95 of the same statutes is levying
.037% (3.7 cents per $100 assessed valuation) for the purpose of
establishing and maintaining playgrounds and recreation programs.
A Municipal Band tax of .029%i is levied under the provision of
Division 45. The City Park, Recreation, and Band tax should be
transferred to the proposed district when established. The legal
procedures involved make it advisable that the park-recreation district
attorney confer with the City attorney to insure an orderly transfer
of responsibilities.

Corporate Tax

According to the Illinois Park District Code, each Park-Recreation

district has the power to levy and collect a tax not to exceed the
rate of .10% (10 cents per $100) of the full fair cash value as
assessed on all taxable property in the district for all corporate
purposes. Corporate purposes include salaries, office expenses,
park maintenance, purchase of equipment and supplies, facility,
development and other expenses but not the provision of recreation
program services.

Recreation Tax

According to the Illinois Park District Code, each Park-Recreation

District has the power to levy and collect a tax not to exceed .05%
(5 cents per $100) of the full fair cash value as assessed on all

taxable property in the district for the purposes of planning,

establishing and maintaining recreation programs. This tax revenue
is generally used for recreation leadership, program expenses,
and recreation equipment.

Public Benefit Tax (Band)

According to the Illinois Park District Code, each Park-Recreation

District has the power to levy and collect a tax not to exceed .025%
(2.5 cents per $100) of the full fair cash value as assessed on all
taxable property in the district for the sole purpose of public
benefit. Although this tax can be used for many purposes, it
could be used for the support of the existing municipal bands.

Tax Table

Table 1 will give individuals an idea of how much their annual tax
bill might be increased. Residents of Salem are presently assessed
13.3 cents per $100 of assessed valuation so their increase will
be smaller.

Proposed tax rates are: . 10% parks

.057o recreation
.025% public benefit (for Band
.175% (17.5^ per $100 assessed

An individuals total assessed property valuation multiplied by the

17.5^i rate will yield his annual tax cost.


Annual Increased
Annual Increase Cost of Proposed
Assessed Value of Cost of Proposed District to City
Property Tax Rate District Residents
.00175-. 00133= .00042

$ 1,000 .00175 $1.75 $ 0.42

2,000 .00175 3.50 0.84

5,000 .00175 8.75 2.10

10,000 .00175 17.50 4.20

20,000 .00175 35.00 8.40

30,000 .00175 52.50 12.60

Tax Comparison

In Tables 2 to 6, a comparison of the present city taxes and revenue

derived is compared with the proposed park-recreation district's
tax rates and revenue that could be derived from the boundaries of the
City of Salem, Salem Townships, and Salem Community High School
Districts' assessed property valuations. These tables show the
increased revenue that is available from the proposed park-recreation
district and the increased service area.




City Assessed
Fund Tax Rate Property Valuation Revenue

Park 6.7^/$100 17,124,430.00 11,473.00

Recreation 3.7<?/$100 6,336.00

Band 2.9^/$100 4,966.00

13.3^/$100 22,775.00




City Assessed
Fund Tax Rate Property Valuation Revenue

Park 10<?/$100 17,124,430.00 17,124.43

Recreation 5<?/$100 8,562,21

Band 2.5^/$100 4,281.10

17.5Si/$100 29,978.74




Township Assessed
Fund Tax Rate Property Valuation Revenue

Park 10<?/$100 31,353, 155,00 31,353.15

Recreation 5<?/$100 15,676.57
Band 2.5^/$100 7,838.28

17.5?/$100 54 868 00
, .




High School
District Assessed
Fund Tax Rate Property Valuation Revenue
Park 10<?/$100 48,174,985.00 48,174.98
Recreation 5?/$100 24,087.49
Band 2.5^/$100 12,043.73
17.5^/$100 84,306.20





Agency Tax Rate Assessed Valuation Revenue

Present City Park
and Recreation
Structure Using
City Boundaries 13.3^/$100 $17,124,430 $22,775.00

District Using
Boundaries 17.5Si/$100 17,124,430 29,978.74

District Using
Boundaries 17.5<?/$100 31,353,155 54,868.00

District Using
High School
Boundaries 17.5^/$100 48,174,985 84,306.20

Bonding Power

A park-recreation district is authorized to obtain additional

financial resources by issuing general obligation bonds. A park-
recreation district has the power to issue bonds up to J of 1% of the
full fair cash value of assessed property without referendum and 21%
with a favorable referendum vote. An additional bonding power of
22% is available upon a second referendum raising the bonding limit
to 5%. Bonds may be used only for capital expenditures not operating

III. Additional Financial Considerations

User Fees
Some park-recreation facilities and programs will be used by
A user fee
a small percentage of the proposed district residents.
should be charged to help sustain the operation cost of such
and programs. The policy of total tax support for majority participation
and a combination of user fee and tax support for minority
is an accepted practice.

Non-residents of the park-recreation district may be charged a
user-fee for all facility use and program participation. As
facilities must be opened to all the public, this higher user fee
will compensate somewhat for the lack of tax support by these

Major District Expenditures

The first major annual expense should be the hiring of a
of this
executive director as was suggested in the leadership section
report. An executive director of the same professional stature as
require a
those of the city, school and other organizations would
commensurate salary. A beginning salary in Salem for a professional
park-recreation executive should be approximately $10,500.

Establish, with professional assistance, a comprehensive long-range

park-recreation master plan.

Need for Planning

Planning for park-recreation services in the community should include

these considerations: (1) In the future, what geographical area

would logically constitute the community area served by a park-

recreation district? (2) What is a predictable population size and
distribution within this geographic area? (3) How can a park-
recreation system best serve the present and future population of this
area and contribute to the areas' growth and dvelopment? (4) What
predictable changes in our way of life will result from changing
demands upon public park-recreation services?

Only through comprehensive planning can insight into these questions

be achieved.

Develop a Master Plan

The park-recreation district, when established, should develop a

master park-recreation plan. Park-recreation has been considered
in other master plans of the Salem Community area, but to a limited

extent. Professional park-recreation planning firms should be

Contacted to undertake this project.

Orderly development of a park-recreation district and maximum use of

its resources cannot be guaranteed by the existence of a master plan.
A master plan for park-recreation is required if the Salem Community
Park-Recreation District wishes to participate in various State and
Federal government programs.

Park-School Cooperation

The public's desire for educational and recreation facilities, increased

urban growth, and increasing population pressures, have intensified demands
on public park-recreation and school agencies for an increasing variety
of facilities and services. The need to design and use their facilities
for the greatest public good is heightened by heavy demands on tax dollars
available to these agencies.

School and park-recreation authorities throxighout the country are

exploring ways and means to work cooperatively for mutual advantage and
to increase services to the community. By coordinating their efforts

each Eigency can contribute to greater public service without giving up

any of its legitimate responsibilities.

It is desirable that a working relationship, as expressed in a joint

written agreement, be established before either the park-recreation or

school agencies, or for that matter any agency, makes extensive use of
the other's resources. Failure to establish such a working relationship
may result in misuse, and misunderstanding concerning the use of the
facilities. Unfortunate occurrences of this nature have, in the past,
hindered the provision for programming services which make the best
possible use of public facilities. »

An example of park- school cooperation would be the joint development of

athletic facilities with the high school district and the proposed
park-recreation district.

Agency Cooperation

The proposed park-recreation district can help to establish cooperative

inter-agency working relationships established at the policy level in
written agreements which are carried out in spirit as well as in letter
by executive and leadership personnel of all agencies cooperating.
They could mutually develop recreation facilities in housing projects
of the Marion County Housing Authority.
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Figure 2, Patterns of Inter-Agency Cooperation, is a schematic diagram

representing some of the relationships which should exist upon the
establishment of a park-recreation district. The diagram includes

only a fraction of the many agencies and community groups with which
the park-recreation district may eventually cooperate to the mutual

benefit of all concerned.

A park-recreation district either needs to establish neighborhood

committees or ask existing organized neighborhood groups to consider
the park and recreation needs of their particular neighborhood.
Each such committee or group would serve as a small nucleus for the
various areas and could be a dynamic force in the development of each
specific neighborhood.

The proposed park-recreation district can make many park-recreation

facilities and programs a reality in the Salem Community area. However,

in order to reach its maximum potential it must plan its activities

and coordinate them with other agencies and individuals.


As you may know, the Salem Chamber of Commerce has contracted with
the University of Illinois, Department of Recreation and Park Administration,
Field Service, to conduct a brief evaluation of Salem's Recreation and Park
resources. As part of this evaluation, Mr. Alan Caskey, Recreation Field
Consultant will visit Salem and interview various community leaders.

I realize that many of you completing this pre-interview question-

naire and availing yourself for interview may not be completely familiar
with all aspects of park facilities and recreation programs. However, you
are familiar with your community and its citizens and therefore your opinions
and descriptions will be quite helpful.

This pre-interview questionnaire is distributed in order to save

time and compile as complete information as possible about community leaders'
attitudes. It will also be used as a basis for discussion during the
scheduled interview.

I thank you in advance for all your cooperation and efforts.


Fiefld Service


1. What is the best way for the community to provide parks and recreation
programs for its residents?

2. In the past, what portion of the community resources such as bond issues,
taxes, volunteer services, have been allocated to parks and recreation

3. Where do you feel parks and recreation programs should be in the com-
munity projects priority list?

4. What kind of leadership should the community parks and recreation

programs have?

5. To what extent should commercial enterprise be encouraged to provide

parks and recreation programs?

6. What park facilities do you feel this community lacks?

7. What kind of cooperation between public and private agencies should

exist to increase the effectiveness of their parks and recreation

8. What age groups in the community should be provided with more recrea-
tion programs?

9. What are the most needed recreation programs in the community?

10. What extent have the local planning boards or commissions included
parks and recreation programs in their long-range plan?

11, Have you any suggestions which would assist in the community's parks
and recreation program development?


Monday, July 17, 1967


8:00- 9:00 Harry Temple, President, Chamber of Commerce & Oil Company
9:00- 10:00 Robert Raver, Salem Community High School Superintendent
10:00- 11:00 Bob Kneemyer, Executive Secretary, Chamber of Commerce
11:00- 12:00 Lou Gruenkemeyer , President, Recreation Board

Lee Cantrell, Secretary-Treasxarer , Recreation Board

1:00- 2:00 Woody Burnet, High School Coach
2:00- 3:00 Facility Tour
3:00- 4:00 Richard Farmer, Elementary School Superintendent
4:00- 5:00 Ralph Gonzalez, President, Christian Union Life Insurance

7:00- 8:00 Facility Toirr

Tuesday, July 18, 1967


8:00-10:00 Facility Tour
10:00-11:00 George Black, Manager, Fabick Tractor Company
11:00-12:00 Robert Jack, Petroleum Engineering Texas Company

1:00- 2:00 H. B. Davis, Member, Recreation Board & High School Teacher
2:00- 3:00 V. A. Williams, President, Salem National Bank
3:00- 4:00 Ray Baldridge, City Council Park Commissioner
4:00- 5:00 J. A. Davis, City Manager




11-95-11. Playground and recreation commission — Merger and relinquishment

of funct ions to park district. 11-95-11 .

Whenever the boundaries of a city, village or incorporate town shall lie

wholly within the boundaries of a single Park District, the population of
which city, village or incorporated town, shall constitute a majority of
the population of the Park District, and which city, village or incorporated
town shall levy and collect a tax for recreation purposes the functions of
the Playground and Recreation Commission may be merged with and relinquished
to the Park District in the manner following: The governing board of the
city, village or incorporated town shall adopt an ordinance by a vote
of not less than two- thirds of the members thereof, which said ordinance
shall duly set forth the intent and desire of the city, village or
incorporated town and to relinquish any and all powers which it may have
to levy and collect a tax known as the "Playground and Recreation Tax;"
that thereupon the clerk of said city, village or incorporated town shall
mail a certified copy of said ordinance to the Park District. In the
event the Park Commissioners of said Park District shall see fit, they
may adopt an ordinance, by a vote of not less than two- thirds of the
members, which said ordinance shall provide that the said Park District
shall and does assume the planning, establishing and maintaining of the
municipal recreation program within the boundaries of the city and
the Park District together with its intent to levy and collect a tax
at a rate not to exceed that levied by the city, village or incorporated
town and which tax shall not exceed, .0667% of the full, fair cash value
as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue, of all taxable
property in such District for the purpose of planning, establishing and
maintaining recreational programs, such programs to include playgrounds,
community and recreation centers.

Upon the adoption of said ordinance by the Park District and six months
from the date of adoption of such ordinance, the Park District shall assume
the functions previously performed by the said city, village or incorporated
town through its playground and recreation commission, or other board or
commission designed by said city, village or incorporated town: whereupon
the said Park District shall have the power and authority to levy and collect
a tax of not to exceed that rate previously levied by the said city, village
or incorporated town for recreation purposes said rate of tax not to
exceed .0667% of the full, fair cash value as equalized or assessed by
the Department of Revenue, of all taxable property in such district
for the purpose of planning, establishing and maintaining recreation
programs, such programs to include playgrounds, community and recreation
centers and which tax shall be levied and collected in like manner as
the general taxes for the District.

The city, village or incorporated town shall thereupon, six months from
the date of adoption of said ordinance, turn over to the Park District
any and all funds and tax monies in its possession on said date, which
funds were received by it from the "Playground and Recreation Tax,"
and shall from time to time thereafter turn over to the Park District
all such funds and tax monies as shall be received from levies adopted
prior to the effective date of their merger, and at such time as the
same shall be received by it, the said funds to be paid to the treasurer
of the Park District and kept in a fund to be known as the "Recreational
Program Fund." Added by act approved July 25, 1961, p. , S. B. No. 867.



Personnel Standards

The following reconunended standards for a professional park-recreation

executive are adapted from the National Recreation and Park Association's
Personnel Standards in Community Recreation Leadership.

Director of Recreation and Parks

The Director of Recreation and Parks is the chief executive officer in

charge of a recreation and parks department and its personnel. He is
responsible for the administration of a comprehensive recreation program
for the entire community and for the administrative management of the
public parks, playgrounds and other recreation facilities. The Director
serves as technical advisor and consultant to the park board, and
administers the policies laid down by that authority. The Director of
Recreation and Parks has executive responsibility for both the recreation
and the parks function, and for the maintenance of a high level of
recreation service through the efficient administration of both.


1, Administration:

A. Supervises the work of the recreation and parks department in

accordance with the general policies established by the board

B. Organizes and directs an efficient administration for the


C. Establishes, reviews, and coordinates procedures to the end that

maximum service may be provided at reasonable cost

2. Program:

A. Develops a broad diversified program of recreation activities

under active leadership and others which primarily require
provision of space, facilities, and general administrative service


Recruits, selects, and employs or recommends the employment of

district personnel

Organizes, assigns, and trains district personnel; develops and

maintains good work relationships among staff members

Establishes and develops a program for continuing use of volunteers

in the recreation program

4. Areas and Facilities:

A. Directs the acquisition, planning, design and construction of

recreation and parks facilities under the control of the

B. Operates and maintains all areas and facilities under district

control for optimum use in support of the community recreation

C. Establishes close working relationships with and serves

ex-officio as consultant on recreation and park matters to
public and voluntary community agencies concerned with city
planning, housing, public welfare, education and other subjects
closely related to community recreation.

5. Planning and Research:

A. Studies and analyzes the effectiveness of the district's services

B. Studies conditions, needs, and trends affecting the recreation

and parks requirements of the district

C. Prepares and recommends adoption of long-range and immediate

plans to meet community needs for adequate recreation space,
facilities, program and personnel

D. Studies and keeps informed of developments in the recreation

and parks fields

6. Finance:

A. Directs, controls and accounts for the expenditure of district

funds in accordance with budget appropriations

B. Prepares and justifies budget estimates, work programs, and

supporting data for the recreation and parks functions

C. Supervises the keeping of complete financial records for the


D. Recommends establishment of necessary fees and charges for various

district services, and supervises their use.

7. Public and Community Relations:

A. Interprets to the public the community recreation program

and its philosophy and objectives through all suitable means
including the use of volunteers and staff members as well as
news media

B. Promotes the public use of recreation facilities, areas and

equipment for group and individual play, recreation, and relaxation
through a continuing program of public education

C. Establishes and maintains cooperative planning and working

relationships with other local community agencies, governmental,
voluntary, and private, and with state, regional and national
agencies concerned with recreation, parks, conservation,
and related fields

D. Organizes, promotes and cooperates with neighborhood or

community-wide recreation councils or similar groups identified
with recreation and parks

8. Records and Reports:

A. Maintains systematic, complete, and accurate records of districts

activities and services, personnel, and property

B. Prepares and issues regular and special reports for use by

staff, board, community officials, and others, and for the
information of the community

In the execution of these duties, emphasis varies with size and type of
community, program, staff, and facilities, but the executive position
in any recreation and parks department involves responsibility for all
these mentioned. In the larger department which employs additional
personnel, the superintendent may delegate authority for various
administrative, program, and maintenance functions to subordinates.

Special Qualifications

1. Thorough knowledge of the theory and philosophy of recreation, and

ability to interpret this philosophy to others

2. Understanding of the problems of a community in relation to recreation,

and ability to formulate and administer recreation programs to meet
specific community needs

3. Professional administrative skill in the organization, development

and maintenance of a comprehensive community recreation program
involving the operation of areas and facilities and the recruitment,
selection, training, and supervision of personnel

4. Professional understanding of the varied recreation activities

which make up a community recreation program, and technical competence
in directing their optimiom use to meet the needs of people of all
ages and interests

5. Understanding the function, design, and maintenance of parks and

recreation areas and facilities; and ability to superintend a program
of acquisition, construction, and maintenance of recreation and park
areas and facilities

6. Professional administrative skill in the supervision of technically-

trained personnel from such fields as landscape architecture, civil
engineering, forestry, and horticulture, in the planning and operation
of parks and recreation areas and facilities

7. Capacity for cooperating with and interpreting recreation and parks

to related public, voluntary, and private organizations, and the

8. Skill in communication through speech and writing

9. Executive capacity for decision-making and implementation of

policy, coupled with extensive knowledge of principles and techniques
of management as applied to recreation and parks

10. Initiative, creativity, perseverance, and the ability to inspire the

continuing best efforts of others

Minimum Qualifications

Either graduation from a college or university of recognized standing with

a Bachelor's degree based on a major in recreation leadership including
supervised field work; or graduation from a college or university of
recognized standing with a Bachelor's degree based on a major in park
administration or a closely related field, and special emphasis equivalent
to a minor concentration in recreation leadership, including supervised
field work in park administration or in recreation.

Completion of the requirements for a Master's degree in recreation; or if

the undergraduate degree is in recreation, completion of requirements for
a Master's degree in recreation or parks administration or in a related
field such as public administration. Graduate study should include courses
in administrative planning, personnel, research techniques and theory of
recreation, since the undergraduate professional education prepares less
directly for the position of superintendent than for staff positions.
(Courses related to parks such as certain of those in forestry, landscape
architecture, horticulture, engineering and conservation should be recognized
in relation to this requirement.)

Proven successful and progressive experience in recreation leadership in

a supervisory or executive capacity; or in supervisory or executive work
combining recreation and park responsibilities and duties. Completion of
the following number of years of qualifying experience for the position of
superintendent of recreation and parks is recommended:

for districts serving less than 25,000 population .... 2 years

for districts serving 25,000 to 50,000 population .... 3 years




A. Neighborhood Park - (One park per neighborhood with one acre of

land per 500 population)

1. Service

A neighborhood park equipped with suitable areas and facilities

should be within walking distance of every home. The effective
service area of a neighborhood park is generally from one-
quarter (|) to one-half (J) mile. Often restrictive traffic
hazards or other physical boundaries reduce the park's service area.

2. Development

Desirable facilities for a neighborhood park include:

(a) Landscaped park areas for passive recreation, nature study,

and enhanced appearance;

(b) Shelter buildings with game room, meeting room, storage

and toilet facilities, small kitchen, or access to comparable
facilities in an elementary school building;

(c) Grassed open area for informal games;

(d) Baseball and softball diamonds or dual purpose diamond;

(e) Multi-purpose all-weather area with marked coiarts, games

standards and basketball goals, night-lighted for play of
older children;

(f) Playlot for pre-school children including a rest area for


(g) Spray basin or other safe water-play device

(h) Suitable play apparatus for older children

(i) Borders, buffer strips, and paths

(j) Family picnic area

(k) Off street parking

. .



It is important that the neighborhood park be centrally located

so that the children do not have to cross major streets, highways,
business, or industrial areas to get to it from their homes.
In some circumstances, where heavy traffic conditions or other
hazards exist, it may be very desirable to provide additional
small play areas, called play lots, in sub-neighborhoods.

B. Playlets - (One park per neighborhood and one park per large shopping

A playlot, often called a totlot, generally is a small play area for

children six years of age and under, but in some cases it also
provides facilities for elementary school ages. The size of a
playlot may range from 3,000 to 10,000 square feet. Desirable
facilities include:

1. Landscaping for beautif ication and separation of areas

2 Sand box

3. Open shelter building

4. Slides and swings

5. Climbing apparatus

6. Spray pool or other safe water-play device

7. Drinking fountain

8. Benches

9. Fencing

The design of a playlot should promote imaginative and creative

play among pre-school children and should include shaded rest
areas for mothers

A parkette is also a small parcel of land developed primarily

for aesthetic purposes which might include horticultural displays,
attractive landscaped, open spaces, and opportunities for rest.
Recreation facilities commensurate with the size and location of
the area may also be included.

C. Community Park - (2 acres of park per 1,000 community population)

The community park is designed to serve a group of neighborhoods,

providing the larger and more costly facilities which cannot be
provided in each neighborhood. Where possible a community park
should be located adjacent to a high school or junior high school.

Desirable facilities of a community pjirk (or park-school complex)


1. Landscaped tree, shrub, and horticultural units to beautify the


2. Children's playlot

3. Apparatus for older children

4. Paved multiple-use areas

5. Hard-surface special game courts

6. Field for men's and women's sports

7. Lawn games areas

8. Picnic areas

9. Maintenance and storage facilities

10. Other landscaped areas, including border and buffer strips

11. Paths and walks

12. Parking areas and service road

13. School or recreation building

D. District-Wide Park - (4 acres of park per 1,000 district population.)

The district-wide park is a large area serving all the residents

within the district's jurisdiction. It should provide a beautiful,
natural setting that invites enjoyment of both active and passive
recreation interests. Major recreation facilities not usually
provided in smaller parks because of cost or space requirements
should be included here. Desirable facilities for a district-wide
park include any one or a combination of the following:

1. Extensive landscaped areas to beautify the entire park unit

2. Golf course

3. Woods

4. Winter sports center

5. Hiking, riding, and cycling trails

6. Picnic areas


7. Swinuning pool

8. Athletic fields

9. Nature center

10. Ornamental gardens

11. Outdoor theater

12. Bandshell

13. Library

14. Adequate parking

The standard for such parks is flexible. They are dependent on the
need for providing balance to the entire park system, and function
in relation to regional parks.

Regional Park - (20 acres of park per 10,000 region population.)

A region park is usually a large land and forest reservation, preferably

with unique scenic character. Such parks are usually located outside
the corporate boundaries of cities and should be distributed
throughout the county. They serve to:

(1) preserve a portion of natural landscape;

(2) supplement the recreation facilities available in urban areas;

(3) provide specialized outdoor recreation needs of rural and

urban people alike;

(4) provide open greenbelt areas to serve as buffers between

urbanized areas.

Park Acreage Requirements

Urban planners generally agree that there should be a minimum allotment

of one acre of park land for each 100 population in the urban area.
Of this entire allotment, there should be a minimum of one acre of
neighborhood park land for each 500 people per neighborhood,
and the balance distributed through provision of community and
district-wide parks. In addition, there should be from ten to fifteen
acres per 1,000 population for county or regional parks

Some of the acreage for the previously described types of parks is

presently available in the proposed park district area. Park acreage
may not be available in the future for development of the different
types of parks unless the residents are now willing to support a
park district.





Bannon, Joseph J., and Lawrence W. Gahan, Parks and Recreation,

Roselle, Illinois, Field Service, Department of Recreation and Park
Administration, Urbana, Illinois: February 1967, pp. 3-5.

Meyer, Harold D., and Charles K. Brightbill, Community Recreation -

A Guide to Its Organizatio n (New Jersey Prentice-Hall, 1964)

Third Edition, p. 85. ""

Layton and Associates, Comprehensive Plan For the City of Salem,

(Salem Plan Commission, 101 Main Street, Salem, 1963) , p. 3.

Salem Comprehensive Plan, p. 5.

National Park and Recreation Association, Outdoor Recreation Space
Standards (Washington, D. C: 1966), p. l"!

Salem Comprehensive Plan, pp. 32-33.

Salem Comprehensive Plan, pp. 68-77.

Rodney, Lynn S., Administration of Public Recreation (New York:

Ronald Press, 1964) p. 194.

Lowrey, George A., Jr., Parks and Recreation, River Forest, Illinois,
Field Service, Department of Recreation and Park Administration,
Urbana, Illinois, June 1966, p. 70.

Salem Comprehensive Plan, p. 74.

National Park and Recreation Association, Personnel Standards in
Community Recreation Leadership (Washington, D. C: 1957) ,pp. 13-15.

. , :




Bannon, Joseph J., and Lawrence W. Gahan, Parks and Recreation, Roselle,
Illinois Field Service, Department of Recreation and Park Administration,

Urbana, Illinois: February 1967.

Caskey, Alan R. Greater Mt Vernon Park and Recreation Proposa l,

, .

Mt. Vernon, Illinois, Field Service, Department of Recreation and

Park Administration, Urbana, Illinois: June 1967.

Gahan, Lawrence W. Edward H. Storey, and George A. Lowrey, Jr., Parks


and Recreation, Zlon Park District, Zion, Illinois Field Service, ,

Department of Recreation and Park Administration, Urbana, Illinois:

May 1966.

Illinois Association of Park Districts, Illinois Parks (Published ,

Bi-monthly at the Association, First National Bank Building, Springfield,


Layton and Associates, Comprehensive Plan for the City of Salem, Illinois,
(Salem Plan Commission, 101 Main Street, Salem, 1963).

Meyer, Harold D. and Charles K. Brightbill, Community Recreation -


A Guide to Its Organization (3rd edition). New Jersey: Prentice-Hall,


National Park and Recreation Association, Outdoor Recreation Space

Standards The Association, 1700 Pennsylvania N. W. Washington,
, , D. C.

National Park and Recreation Association, Personnel Standards in Community

Recreation Leadership The Association, 1700 Pennsylvania N. W.

Washington, D. C. 1957. :

Rodney, Lynn S., Administration of Public Recreation , New York: Ronald

Press, 1964.

Storey, Edward H. Improvement of Park and Recreation Services in St. Charles,


Illinois and St. Charles Township Through Organizational Change Urbana, ,

Illinois: January 1964.

Storey, Edward H. Long Range Park and Recreation Plan, Palatine, Illinois

Urbana, Illinois: January 1964.

Stuart, Robert A., The Park District Code Illinois Association of Park

Districts, Springfield, Illinois: 1965.


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