Comm Dev
Comm Dev
Comm Dev
half empty or half full? You can create positive emphasis with
2. Focus on what the reader can do rather on limitations.
Or: Your new VISA card gives you $1,500 in credit that
to reader benefit.
Negative: A one-year subscription to PC Magazines is
or last paragraphs.
by Monday.
turned in by Monday.
payment of $263.75.
Do not apologize when you are not at fault.
sooner. I had to wait until the sales figures for the second
Reader benefits are benefits or advantages that the reader gets
give reasons to comply with the policies you announce and suggest
Phrased in you-attitude.
the people you work with and write to. They make people view you
when they believe they can succeed and when they want the rewards
1. Think of the feelings, fears, and needs that may motivate your
safety and security, for love and sense of belonging, for esteem
Tastes good
Has no calories
driving, hiking.
Feature: Closed captions on TV
three reader benefits fully, you can use just a sentence or two
will keep the kids happy till your pizza comes. If they don’t
have time to finish (and they may not, since your pizza is ready
so quickly), just take the riddles home- or answer them on your
next visit.
Better: If you only have an hour for lunch, try our Business
Benefit: If the snooze button is pressed, the alarm goes off and
stay in bed just a few more minutes. With the Sleepytime Snooze
Alarm, you can snuggle under the covers for a few extra winks,
secure in the knowledge that the alarm will come on again to get
you don’t have to be anywhere soon, you can keep hitting the
a picture. If the reader doesn’t feel that the picture fits, the
often uses subjunctive verbs (“if you like...” “if you were...”)
you want the benefits not only for parents who might use the
service but also for the people who don’t have children or whose
talents to think of
a strategy and
execute it.
1. There just aren’t enough extrinsic rewards for everything you
want people to do. You can’t give a prize to every customer every
it would to type it. Even after you know how to use a computer
and its software, the real time savings comes when a document
take planning and careful composing; the time savings may or may
not be significant.
allows you to move the text around on the page to create the best
providing enough evidence and showing how the evidence proves the