10 (3S) 1648-1656
10 (3S) 1648-1656
10 (3S) 1648-1656
N. Varun Reddy
Vardhaman College of Engineering Hyderabad, India, [email protected]
S. Meghamsh
Vardhaman College of Engineering Hyderabad, India, [email protected]
G. Abhishek
Vardhaman College of Engineering Hyderabad, India, [email protected]
Every aspect of our modern life is interconnected to the internet leading to the creation of massive volumes
of data that we cannot store on our smartphones or other storage devices owing to their size. An effective
way to store enormous amounts of is using cloud storage technology, usage of these services has been rising
quickly lately. Many businesses are switching from conventional storage techniques to cloud storage as it
makes it simple to access information for users whenever and anywhere needed. Different cryptographic
methods are used to safeguard the data. This paper proposes a hybrid cryptographic algorithm that utilizes
the AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) algorithm and the Blowfish algorithm. Our proposed
cryptographic algorithm has higher speeds for executing encryption and decryption processes. This rate
increase is achieved by implementing multiprocessing in their execution. Results demonstrate that our
hybrid approach has faster execution times and greater throughput.
Hybrid Cryptographic Algorithm Using Multiprocessing for File Storage on the Cloud
message that an individual cannot comprehend. ciphertext by randomly choosing a key. The
In general, cryptography is challenging.[3] following ciphertext eventually becomes a key
Using only one algorithm is ineffective for the for Polybius square cipher, and the final
high-level security required for cloud ciphertext is generated by applying the key to
computing data. Because the user's application plaintext. To retrieve the message back, entire
and program are hosted by the provider, process is done in reverse order. This [10] study
concerns regarding file security are raised. This will demonstrate the implementation of cloud
problem may be resolved by the cloud provider storage security by implementing a hybrid
by encrypting the data using an encryption encryption method and hash functions. It
technique. To effectively address the basic implements two algorithms (AES) with a
issue of security in the local system secure hashing technique.
environment, a file security model is
In [11] they presented a hybrid method that
needed.[4]The phrase "hybrid cryptography"
combines RSA and Diffie-Hellman, The
refers to combining two or more cryptographic
Diffie-Hellman keys are used before and after
techniques. by combining the two separate
transmitting to change and recover the original
algorithms' speed and strength to increase the
encryption text. The Diffie-Hellman keys are
encryption's capability. This technique is used
the original encryption text.
to ensure the security of file storage systems.[5]
In [12] AES, RC6, Blowfish, and BRA
algorithms provide block-wise security, and all
This section addresses some of the current these require a single key of the same size for
approaches to hybrid cryptographic algorithms. file encoding and decoding. LSB
In [6] Files on the device will be encrypted steganography is used to conceal crucial
using the password-based AES technique in information in the process. [13] The
this article. The user may also download and fundamental goal of this provided work is to
view any encrypted files submitted to the separate the file into four different sections and
system. AES is used for encryption as it is not store the individual parts on other cloud
susceptible to attacks except Brute Force servers. The optimization of computing
attacks. However, even a supercomputer resources, such as execution time and solution
cannot perform a Brute Force assault. AES is optimization, leads to the modification of
also far quicker. As a result, it is an excellent encryption algorithms utilizing a hybrid
solution for cloud data protection. approach.
In[7] a survey to analyze multilevel encryption III. PROPOSED METHOD
used in the cloud, various ciphers are carefully
Initially, input data is divided into two equal
investigated and concluded that multilayer
parts; after the plaintext is broken down into
encryption enhances security compared to
two equal parts, two different encryption
single encryption algorithms. In[8] different
algorithms are applied to each. Here, the
hybrid cryptographic algorithms, various
multiprocessing approach enables independent
models' implementations, and designs are
parallel operation of this encryption or
discussed to enhance efficiency. In [9] both
decryption process. Due to the use of
Vigenère and Polybius square ciphers are used;
multiprocessing, the process of encryption or
initially, the Vigenère cipher creates a
decryption is completed relatively faster.
Journal of Survey in Fisheries Sciences 10(3S) 1648-1656 2023
Figure1 Block diagram of the proposed device. The file's contents are read, and the user
model is asked to enter the key used during the
encryption process. Once the key is entered, it
is verified. An error is thrown if the entered key
does not match the key used in the encryption
process. The encrypted data is then broken
down into two parts and decrypted using AES
and Blowfish ciphers in parallel, utilizing the
multiprocessing feature of Python. After
completing both processes, the outputs are
combined using string concatenation methods.
The final result is inserted into a newly created
file, whose content is the same as the original
plaintext input.
Multiprocessing is a built-in python package
In this work, both encryption and decryption that allows for multiple processes to run
processes have different flows of execution, but simultaneously, with each process executing
most of the processes in their execution are independently. Multiprocessing divides
similar to each other programs into smaller chunks of code that
operate independently of one another,
Encryption: increasing the system's performance[14]
The encryption process begins with a plain text [15]The primary benefit of multiprocessing is
file as input, which the program reads using that it provides an option for parallel
file-handling methods in Python. The contents processing, which can decrease the execution
are stored and split into two equal parts using times of a program.
slicing operations. The user is prompted to This study uses two algorithms: the Advanced
enter a key, which is essential for the encryption algorithm and the blowfish
encryption algorithms. AES encryption is algorithm. Each of these algorithms is briefly
applied to the first half of the data, and explained here.
Blowfish encryption is used to the second half.
Due to the independence of the two halves, AES (Advanced Encryption Algorithm):
multiprocessing is used to execute each part's The Rijndael algorithm, famous as the AES
encryption concurrently. The outputs are then algorithm, is symmetric encryption, suggesting
merged using string concatenation techniques that the same key is used in encryption and
to produce the ciphertext. The ciphertext is decryption. This is a block cipher, meaning
saved into a new file and then uploaded to the input is accepted in blocks, and any actions
selected cloud provider. conducted are performed on these blocks. AES
Decryption: uses a fixed block size of 128 bits and supports
key sizes of 128, 192, or 256 bits[16]. The
The decryption begins by taking an encrypted
file input from a cloud provider or the local
Hybrid Cryptographic Algorithm Using Multiprocessing for File Storage on the Cloud
Journal of Survey in Fisheries Sciences 10(3S) 1648-1656 2023
Hybrid Cryptographic Algorithm Using Multiprocessing for File Storage on the Cloud
Journal of Survey in Fisheries Sciences 10(3S) 1648-1656 2023
Figure 8 shows the throughput values of algorithm can be widely used among various
various algorithms. applications.
Because cloud storage is among the most
extensively utilized products in practically
every industry, its security is one of the
significant customer concerns. It is inferred
through opposing experiments that the hybrid
encryption algorithm enhances the efficiency
of encryption, decryption, and achieves a
higher throughput. AES is the most secure
The throughput graph illustrates algorithms algorithm with no known exploit. Still,
used on the x-axis and their respective blowfish has an exploit known as a dictionary
throughputs on the y-axis. Throughput attack (all the words in the dictionary are given
indicates the speed of encryption and helps as passwords), a type of brute force attack. Still,
determine power consumption A cipher with usage of a combination of both AES and
higher throughput consumes less power [25] Blowfish keeps it safe from any form of brute
and vice versa . force attack as AES resists any form of brute
force attack. Aside from ensuring secrecy and
Figure 8 shows the supremacy of the hybrid
usability, hybrid cryptosystems give a high
algorithm when compared to AES and
level of security as the data is stored in the
Blowfish. The proposed algorithm has a
cloud as ciphertext rather than its original form.
throughput of 128 MB/S compared to 62 MB/S
The hybrid method put forward in this study
of AES and 49 MB/S of the Blowfish
has applications in device architecture,
software application, and other areas.
Table1 shows algorithms and their
respective values
[1] H. Tabrizchi and M. Kuchaki Rafsanjani,
ALGORITHM THROUGHPUT “A survey on security challenges in cloud
AES 62 computing: issues, threats, and solutions,”
Journal of Supercomputing, vol. 76, no.
BLOWFISH 49 12, pp. 9493–9532, Dec. 2020, doi:
[2] I. A. T. Hashem, I. Yaqoob, N. B. Anuar,
Table 1 shows that the throughput of the hybrid
S. Mokhtar, A. Gani, and S. Ullah Khan,
algorithm is calculated as 128 MB/S which is “The rise of ‘big data’ on cloud computing:
51.5 % higher than the throughput of AES and Review and open research issues,”
61.71% higher than the Blowfish algorithm. As Information Systems, vol. 47. Elsevier Ltd,
discussed above higher throughput value pp. 98–115, 2015. doi:
means low power consumption of the 10.1016/j.is.2014.07.006.
algorithm; therefore, due to better performance
[3] A. D. Achmad, A. A. Dewi, M. R.
and high throughput value proposed hybrid
Purwanto, P. T. Nguyen, and I. Sujono,
Hybrid Cryptographic Algorithm Using Multiprocessing for File Storage on the Cloud
Journal of Survey in Fisheries Sciences 10(3S) 1648-1656 2023