API 527-1991 (Atualizada)
API 527-1991 (Atualizada)
API 527-1991 (Atualizada)
Downstream Segment
This standard describes tcsts to determine the seat tightness of metal- and soft-seated
pressure relief valves. Valves of conventional, kllows, and pilot-operated designs are cov-
ered. Acceptable leakage rates are defined. Tests with air, steam, and water are described.
This standard requires the purchaser to specify certain details and features. Although it
is recogni7ed that the purchaser may desire to modify, delete, or amplify sections of this
standard, it is strongly recommended that such mdifications, deletions, and amplifications
be made by supplementingthis standard, rather than by rewriting or incorporating sections
thereof into another complete standard.
API standards m published as an aid to procurement of standardizd equipment and ma-
terials. These standards are not in tended to inhibit purchasers or produce= from purchasing
or producing p d u c t s made to specifications other than those of API.
API publications may be used by anyone desiring to do so. Every effort has been made
by the Institute to assure the accuracy and reliability ofthe data contained in them; however,
the Institute makes no representation, warranty, or guarantee in connection with this pub-
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Suggest4 revisions are invited and should be submitted to the director of the Refining
Department, American Petroleum Institute, 1220 L Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005.
Licença de uso exclusivo para Valbrac Ind. Com. e Manut. de Eqptos. Ltda
l-Apparatus to Test Seat Tightness With Air ................................................ 2
2-Device to Relieve Body Pressure Caused by Accidental Popping
of the Valve .................................................................................................... 2
l-Maximum Seat Lcakage Rates for Metal-Seated Pressure Relief Valves ...... 3
Licença de uso exclusivo para Valbrac Ind. Com. e Manut. de Eqptos. Ltda
Licença de uso exclusivo para Valbrac Ind. Com. e Manut. de Eqptos. Ltda
This standard describes methds of determining the seat The test medium for determining the seat tightness-air,
tightness of metal- and soft-seatedpressure relief valves, includ- steam, or water--shall be the same as that used for determin-
ing those of conventional, bellows, and pilot-operated designs. ing the set pressure of the valve.
The maximum acaeptable leakage rates ar% defined for p s - For dual-service valves, the test medium-air, steam, or
surerelief valves with set pressures h m 15 pounds per square water-shall be the same as the primary relieving medium.
inch g a u p (103 kilopascals gauge) to 6,000 pounds per square To ensure safety, the procedures outlined in this standard
inch gauge (41,379 kilopascals gauge). If p t e r scat tightness shall be performed by persons e x ~ r i e n c e din the use and
is required, the purchaser shall s p i f y it in the purchasc order. functions of pressure relief valves.
2.1 Test Apparatus per square inch gauge (345 kilopascals gauge), the leakage
rate in bubbles per minute shall be determined with the test
A test for determining seat tightness with air p ~ s s , at the valve inlet held at 90 percent of the set p ~ s -
is shorn in Figure 1. Leakage shallbe measmd 'sing a tube A , , For a valve set at 50 pounds per square inch gauge
with an outside diameter of % 1 6 inch (7.9 millimeters) (345 kilopascals gauge) or less, the test pressure shall be
and a wall tticlcncss of 0'035 inch (0.89 millimeter). n-le held at 5 pounds per square inch (34.5 kilopascals) less than
tube end shall bc cut square and smooth. The tubc opening the set pressurn.
shall be !/2 inch (12.7 millirneters) below the surface of the
water. The tube shall be perpendicular to the surface of the
W ater.
Arrangement shall be made to safcly relieve or contain M y Before the leakage test, the set pressure shall be demon-
pressure in case the valvc accidentally pops (see Fi,w 2). strated, and all valve body joints and fittings should be
checked with a suitable solution to ensure that all joints
2.2 Procedure are tight.
2.2.1 TEST MEDIUM Before the bubble count, the test pressure shall be ap-
plied for at least 1 minute for a valve whose nominal pipe
The test medium shall be air (or nitrogen) near ambient size is 2 inches (50 millimeters) or smaller; 2 minutes for
temperature. a valve whose nominal pipe size is 2 1 / 2 , 3, or 4 inches
(65, 80, or 100 millimeters); and 5 minutes for a valve
2.2.2 TEST CONFIGURATION whose nominal pipe size is 6 inches (150 millimeters) or
The valve shall be vertically mounted on the test stand, larger. The valve shall then be observed for leakage for at
and the test apparatus shall be attached to the valve outlet, as least I minute.
shown in Figure 1. All openings-including but not limited
to caps, drain holes, vents, and outlets-shall be closed. 2.3 Acceptance Criteria
For a valve with a metal seat, the leakage rate in bubbles
per minute shall not exceed the appropriate value in Table 1.
For a valve whose set pressure is p a t e r than SO pounds For a soft-seated valve, there shall be no leakage for 1
2 API ~ A N D A R D527
T h t w i h w t i k dame- erf%ir&
(79m m) and wdI tidmuz
d O . W . 5 iKh ( 0 8 9 m w )
Yind?(l2.7 mm)
Note: See Figure 2 for an example of a device to relieve body pressure in case the valve accidentally p o p ,
3.1.3 TEST PRESSURE less, the test pressure shall be held at S pounds per square
inch (34.5 kilopascals) less than the set pressure.
For a valve whose set pressure i s greater than 50 pounds
per square inch gauge (345 kilopascals gauge), the seat tight-
ness shall be determined with the test pressure at the valve
inlet held at 90 percent of the set pressure. For a valve set at Before starting the seat tightness test, the set pres-
SO pounds per square inch gauge (345 kilopascals gauge) or sure shall be dernonstra ted, and the test pressure
Table l-Maximum Seat Leakage Rates for Metal-Seated Pressure Relief Valves
Effective Orifice Sizes Wwtive O r i f ~ Sizes
0.307 Inch and Smaller L q e r Than 0.307 Inch
Set Pre~~ure
at 60T (156°C) Approximate Lcakagc Approximare Leakage
per W I - I a s F r 24 Hours
Pounds per Leakage Rafe Leakage Rate
Square Inch Mega- (huhhles Standard Standard (lmhhles Standard Standard
Gauge pawals p ~ minute)
r Cubic Ret Cubic Meters pcr minutc) Cubic Fcet Cubic Meters
shall be held for at least 3 minutes. Any condensate The valve shall then be observed for leakage for at least
in the body bowl shall be removed before the seat l minute.
tightness test. Air (or nitrogen) may be used to dry
After any condensate has been removed, the inlet pres-
3.2 Acceptance Criteria
sure shall be increased to the test pressure. Tightness For both metal- and soft-seated valves, there shall be no
shall then be checked visually using a black background. audible or visible leakage for 1 minute.
4 API ~ A N D A R D527
5.2 Procedure held at 5 pounds per square inch (34.5 kilopascals) less
than the set pressure.
The test medium shall be air (or nitrogen) near ambient 5.2.4 LEAKAGE TEST
temperature. Before starting the seat tightness test, the set pressure shall
be demonstrated, and the outlet body bowl shall be filled
5.2.2 TEST CONFIGURATION with water to the level of the partial seal. The inlet pressure
shall then be increased to the test pressure and held at this
The valve shall be vertically mounted on the air test pressure for Z minute before the bubble count. The valve
stand. The valve outlet shall be partially sealed with wa- shall then be observed for leakage for at least 1 minute.
ter to about 1 / 2 inch (12.7 millimeters) above the noz-
zle's seating surface. CAUTlOnr: When looking for leakage, the observer shall
use a mirror or some other indirect means of observation so
that the observer's face is not in line with the outlet of the
5.2.3 TEST PRESSURE valve, in case the valve accidentally pops.
For a valve whose set pressure is greater than 50 pounds
per square inch gauge (345 kilopascals gauge), the leakage
5.3 Acceptance Criteria
rate in bubbles per minute shall l x determined with the test For a valve with a metal seat, the leakage rate in bubbles
pressure at the valve inlet held at 90 percent of the set pres- per minute shall not exceed 50 percent of the appropriate
sure. For a valve set at 50 pounds per square inch gauge value in Table 1. For a soft-seated valve, there shall be no
(345 kilopascals gauge) or less, the test pressure shall he leakage for 1 minute (0 bubbles per minute).
Licença de uso exclusivo para Valbrac Ind. Com. e Manut. de Eqptos. Ltda
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Washingbn. DC 2000FA070