A Review On Modeling Techniques of Piezoelectric Integrated Plates and Shells

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Journal of Intelligent Material Systems

and Structures
A review on modeling techniques of Ó The Author(s) 2019
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DOI: 10.1177/1045389X19836169

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Shun-Qi Zhang1,2 , Guo-Zhong Zhao2, Mekala Narasimha Rao3,

Rüdiger Schmidt3 and Ying-Jie Yu1

Piezoelectric materials embedded into plates and shells make the structures being capable of sensing and actuation, usu-
ally called smart structures, which are frequently used for shape and vibration control, noise control, health monitoring,
and energy harvesting. To give a precise prediction of static and dynamic behavior of smart structures, the linear/non-
linear multi-physics coupled modeling technique is of great importance. The article attempts to present the available
research on modeling of piezoelectric integrated plates and shells, including (1) through thickness hypotheses for beams,
plates, and shells; (2) geometrically nonlinear theories for plates and shells; (3) electroelastic material linear/nonlinear
modeling; (4) multi-physics coupled modeling; and (5) modeling of advanced piezo-fiber composite bonded structures.

Smart structures, piezoelectric, nonlinear analysis, laminated structures, plates and shells

1. Introduction material, polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF), but with

weak actuation effects.
In the few past decades, the study of thin-walled struc- The idea of integrating of piezoceramic fibrous phase
tures integrated with smart materials, for example, into epoxy matrix phase, resulting in piezo-fiber-based
piezoelectrics, electrostrictives, and magnetostrictives, composites, will avoid the aforementioned disadvan-
has attracted many researchers, in the application of tages. Four industrial leading types of piezo composite
vibration control (Li and Bainum, 1994; Sheta et al., actuators, which are referred to as 1–3 composites,
2006), shape control (Agrawal et al., 1997; Baier, 1996), active fiber composite (AFC) actuators, macro-fiber
noise and acoustic control (Choi, 2006; Ray and Balaji, composites (MFC), and active composites fabricated
2007), energy harvesting (Feenstra et al., 2008; Ly with hollow cross-section fibers, will be discussed in the
et al., 2011), and health monitoring (Mayer et al., 2008;
later sections. The piezo-fiber-based composites behave
Wu et al., 2009) among many others. These kinds of
not only with flexibility but also with a high actuation
multi-physics coupled structures with a feedback loop
are usually called smart structures, in which static or
Before implementing into experiments or applica-
dynamic behavior of structures can be sensed and actu-
tions, one usually starts with modeling and simulation
ated, leading to various beneficial properties. Among
of piezo material integrated structures, in order to
various smart materials, piezoelectric materials are the
reduce the large amount of experimental costs and
most widely used in both research and industrial appli-
cations for a number of reasons. Piezoceramics have a
high structural stiffness and possess strong actuation School of Mechatronic Engineering and Automation, Shanghai University,
Shanghai, P.R. China
effects. In addition, piezoceramics are capable of inter- 2
State Key Laboratory of Structural Analysis for Industrial Equipment,
acting with dynamic systems at a broad range of fre- Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, P.R. China
quencies spanning from about 1 Hz to MHz (Williams 3
Institute of Structural Mechanics and Lightweight Design, RWTH
et al., 2002a). However, the brittle nature of ceramics Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
makes them vulnerable to damage during the bonding
Corresponding author:
process, as well as difficult to conform with curved sur- Shun-Qi Zhang, School of Mechatronic Engineering and Automation,
faces. Manufacturing the piezoelectrics in a polymer Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444, P.R. China.
style leads to a very popular and flexible piezoelectric Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
2 Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 00(0)

shorten the design period. One challenge may arise,

that is precise prediction of the structural response for
smart structures undergoing small/large displacement,
under weak/strong electric field, or for various piezo-
electric materials. For general information, the books
concerning smart structures (Carrera et al., 2011;
Chopra and Sirohi, 2013; Wang and Tang, 2008) and
nonlinear mechanics of plates and shells (Amabili,
2008, 2018a) are quite good for reference. However, the
best way to achieve an overview of the most recent Figure 1. Various hypotheses for plates and shells.
studies may through literature review. In the field of
composite plates and shells, Amabili and Paı̈doussis
(2003) and Alijani and Amabili (2014c) carried out the solid elements. Kapuria and Kumari (2010) implemen-
literature surveys mainly on geometrically nonlinear ted solid elements into FE analysis for free vibration
modeling techniques, where part studies of the piezo and steady-state forced response of simply supported
structures were included. In addition, some piezo struc- smart cross-ply circular cylindrical shells integrated
ture modeling studies were presented in the review with monolithic piezoelectric or piezoelectric fiber rein-
work of mechanical analysis of functionally graded car- forced composite (PFRC) layers. In addition, Yi et al.
bon nanotube (CNT) reinforced composites by Liew (2000) and Klinkel and Wagner (2006, 2008) developed
et al. (2015). Concerning piezoelectric smart structures, geometrically nonlinear FE models by solid elements
Irschik (2002) and Chopra (2002) presented review both for static and dynamic analysis of piezoelectric
papers in 2002, in which the former one is focusing on smart structures.
the shape and dynamic control, while the latter one is Due to the small ratio of thickness to in-plane
on the structural design with various smart materials. dimensions, thin-walled structures, like plates and
To give an overview of the recent development of shells, can be treated as a two-dimensional (2D) surface
modeling techniques for smart structures, the article is using various hypotheses, as shown in Figure 1, result-
investigated focusing on piezo smart structures, which ing in 2D FE methods. These hypotheses refer to plate/
is mainly comprised of the following four parts: (1) shell theories, describing the displacement distribution
introduction of through thickness displacement hypoth- scheme through the thickness direction. Compared to
eses in plates and shells, (2) analysis of various geome- solid FE methods, 2D FE methods based on various
trically nonlinear plate/shell theories, (3) discussion of hypotheses are most frequently used in smart plate and
electroelastic material linear and nonlinear modeling, shell structures, due to relatively high accuracy and less
(4) multi-physics coupled modeling techniques for piezo computational time. For thin-walled structures, the
structures, and (5) modeling techniques of piezoelectric change of thickness is negligibly small. Therefore, the
fiber composite bonded structures. transverse normal strain is assumed to be zero. Further
reducing one of the two in-plane dimensions, plate and
shell structures are shrunk to beam structures, which
2. Beam, plate, and shell hypotheses and can be treated as a one-dimensional (1D) line using the
applications in geometrically linear Bernoulli or Timoshenko beam hypothesis.
In the applications of vibration suppression, shape con- 2.1. Kirchhoff–Love hypothesis
trol, noise control, or health monitoring, piezoelectric The Kirchhoff–Love hypothesis, also called classical
materials are usually formed as thin-walled patches, plate/shell theory (CT), describes that the vector nor-
which are bonded or embedded into beam, plate, or mal to the mid-surface in the undeformed configura-
shell structures. Concerning the modeling techniques of tion remains normal in the deformed configuration.
such thin-walled structures, one direct way is to use This hypothesis is the simplest one for plate and shell
exact solid elements in the framework of finite element structures, numerous papers can be found in the litera-
(FE) analysis. Exact solid elements can represent struc- ture that developed 2D piezoelectric coupled FE mod-
tures in an accurate way, but with a large number of els. Based on Love’s equation, Tzou and Gadre (1989)
degrees of freedom (DOFs) or nodal displacements in and Lee (1990) developed numerical models for mm2
the FE analysis, resulting in high computational costs. symmetry PVDF-bonded multilayered thin plates and
For example, Dube et al. (1996), Ha et al. (1992), He shells. Implementing the Kirchhoff–Love hypothesis
(2000), Kapuria and Dube (1997), Ray et al. (1998), into FE method, Kioua and Mirza (2000) built a linear
Sze et al. (2000), Sze and Yao (2000a, 2000b), and FE model for bending and twisting analysis of piezo-
Tzou and Tseng (1990) among many others developed electric laminated composite shallow shells. Various FE
linear FE models of piezoelectric structures using exact models based on the Kirchhoff–Love hypothesis were
Zhang et al. 3

  z 2  ∂w
developed for static and dynamic analysis of piezoelec- 5 s
gxz = 5 ð7Þ
tric smart structures, see, for example, Lam et al. 4 h ∂x
(1997), Saravanos (1997), and Liu et al. (1999), among   z 2  ∂w
5 s
many others. Furthermore, FE formulations with clas- gyz = 5 ð8Þ
sical plate theory were obtained and applied to active 4 h ∂y
vibration suppression using proportional feedback con- It shows that the transverse shear strains reach the
trol (Moita et al., 2004) and optimal control (Moita peak values at the mid-surface and disappear at outer
et al., 2006) schemes. surfaces.
According to the CT, the displacement distribution
through the thickness is assumed as follows
2.2. Reissner–Mindlin hypothesis
u = u0  z ð1Þ The CT neglects the transverse shear strains and is
∂x valid for thin structures. For moderately thick struc-
∂w0 tures, the transverse shear strains are not negligible.
v = v0  z ð2Þ
∂y Taking into account constant transverse shear strains
yields the Reissner–Mindlin hypothesis, which is more
w = w0 ð3Þ precise than the classical theory for moderately thick
where u, v, w denote the translational displacements of plates and shells. Reissner–Mindlin hypothesis is also
an arbitrary point in the shell space, u0 , v0 , w0 are the called first-order shear deformation (FOSD) hypoth-
translational displacements for the corresponding point esis, which assumes that the straight lines normal to the
at the mid-surface, and z is the distance to the mid- mid-surface remain straight after deformation, but not
surface in the thickness direction. Due to the necessarily normal to the mid-surface. Now the displa-
Kirchhoff–Love hypothesis, the resulting numerical cement distribution along the thickness in the curvi-
models neglect transverse shear strains. The error com- linear coordinate system assumes
ing from the neglect of transverse shear strains is very
u = u0 + zu1 ð9Þ
small when the ratio of thickness to in-plane dimen-
sions is small enough. Therefore, this theory is valid for v = v0 + zu2 ð10Þ
very thin structures, in which the transverse shear
w = w0 ð11Þ
strains can be neglected. Using the displacement distri-
bution assumption in equations (1) to (3), the resulting Here u1 and u2 represent the rotations about the y- and
strain–displacement relations contain second derivative x-axis, respectively, which are independent parameters.
terms. Thus, it requires at least quadratic shape func- The details of FOSD hypothesis for cylindrical and
tions or higher order elements in FE analysis. spherical shells are referred to Zhang (2014). The FOSD
In addition, a model of two variable refined plate hypothesis assumes constant transverse shear strains
theory (RPT), similar to the classical plate theory, was through the thickness. A large number of papers devel-
proposed by Shimpi and Patel (2006). The theory oped geometrically linear models for smart structures
assumed that the lateral displacement w comprises two based on the FOSD hypothesis. The first analytical
components, the bending part wb and the shear part ws , solution of piezoelectric bonded plates was proposed by
both of which are functions of the in-plane coordinate Mindlin (1952) for frequency analysis. Afterwards, the
axis. The displacements in the shell space along the in- FOSD hypothesis was applied to static analysis or shape
plane axes can be expressed as follows (Shimpi and control of piezoelectric plates by Lin et al. (1996), Cen
Patel 2006) et al. (2002), Kapuria and Dumir (2002), Marinković
    et al. (2007), and dynamic analysis or vibration control
∂wb 1 z 5  z 3 ∂ws by Chen et al. (1996), Balamurugan and Narayanan
u=  z +h  ð4Þ
∂x 4 h 3 h ∂x (2001), Wang et al. (2001, 2004), and Krommer (2003).
      Moreover, Wang (2004) developed an FOSD FE model
∂wb 1 z 5 z 3 ∂ws
v=  z +h  ð5Þ for both static and dynamic analysis of piezoelectric
∂y 4 h 3 h ∂y bimorph structures, and Liu et al. (2004) proposed a
w = wb + ws ð6Þ meshfree model based on the FOSD hypothesis for
shape and vibration control of laminated composite
Under this assumption, the bending part does not plates. However, the assumption of constant transverse
contribute toward transverse shear strains. The result- shear strains through the thickness is not always accu-
ing transverse strains in this case are not equal to zero rate enough. In real structures, the transverse shear
or constant, but a second-order function of the distance strains vary through the thickness and vanish at the out-
z from the mid-surface, which are given as follows side surfaces.
4 Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 00(0)

2.3. Third- or higher order shear deformation simplicity, the structures can be shrunk to a line for
hypothesis consideration using 1D elements or beam elements,
based on the most frequently used hypotheses,
With the assumption of linear displacement distribution Bernoulli or Timoshenko beam hypothesis. Bernoulli
through the thickness, Kirchhoff–Love and FOSD beam hypothesis is a special case of Kirchhoff–Love
hypothesis is applicable for thin to moderately thick plate/shell hypothesis with neglect of one of the two in-
plates and shells. In order to deal with thick structures plane dimensions. An early beam-like analytical model
and present strain distribution more precisely, third- was proposed by Crawley and Luis (1987) with further
order shear deformation (TOSD) or higher order shear neglecting the transverse shear strains. Later, Tzou and
deformation (HOSD) hypothesis was first proposed by Chai (2007) and Kucuk et al. (2011) established linear
Reddy (1984a, 1984b) for composite structures. Later, mathematical models using Bernoulli beam hypothesis
the theory was extended and developed by Hanna and for active control problems for smart structures.
Leissa (1994) for composite structures, by Correia et al. Analogously, Timoshenko beam hypothesis is equiva-
(2000, 2002), Moita et al. (2008), Selim et al. (2016) for lent to Reissner–Mindlin plate/shell hypothesis. Linear
smart structures. Furthermore, Loja et al. (2001) and Timoshenko beam FE models were developed by
Soares et al. (2001) proposed higher order B-spline FE Narayanan and Balamurugan (2003), and Marinaki
strip models for laminated composite structures bonded et al. (2011) for active control simulation, and by Zhu
with piezoelectric patches. The displacement distribu- and Zu (2011) for energy harvesting.
tion of Reddy’s TOSD theory can be expressed as
3. Geometrically nonlinear modeling
4z3 ∂w0
u = u0 + zu1  2 u1 + ð12Þ Thin-walled structures are often exposed to elastic
3h ∂x deformation involving large displacements.
  Geometrically linear theories are only valid for struc-
4z3 ∂w0
v = v0 + zu2  2 u2 + ð13Þ tures undergoing small displacements. Otherwise geo-
3h ∂y
metrically nonlinear theories have to be considered for
w = w0 ð14Þ structures undergoing large displacements and/or large
rotations. Including different nonlinear terms leads to
where h denotes the thickness of the structure. various nonlinear shell theories, for example, von
Kármán–type nonlinear theory, moderate rotation
2.4. First- or higher order zigzag hypothesis nonlinear shell theory, fully geometrically nonlinear
theory with moderate rotations, and large rotation
The aforementioned plate or shell hypotheses consider nonlinear theory. There are much fewer papers dealing
structures as single layers; however for sandwiched or with geometrically nonlinear FE analysis compared
laminated structures, due to different material proper- with those dealing with linear analysis.
ties of each substrate layer, the resulting inter-layer
shear stresses are discontinuous. Zigzag hypothesis
assumes that the displacement distribution function is 3.1. Von Kármán–type nonlinear theory
different for each substrate layer, such that it can sat- Among all the mentioned nonlinear theories, von
isfy the inter-layer shear stress continuity. Due to dif- Kármán–type nonlinear theory is the simplest and most
ferent order of displacement distribution functions frequently used one, which considers only the squares
through the thickness, zigzag hypothesis can be imple- and products of derivatives of the transverse deflection
mented with first-, third- or higher order functions. in the in-plane longitudinal and shear strain compo-
Ray and Reddy (2005) and Vasques and Rodrigues nents. The first implementation of von Kármán–type
(2005) applied a first-order zigzag shear deformation nonlinear theory into analysis of piezoelectric inte-
(or layerwise FOSD) theory, and Kapuria (2001) and grated structures was done by Im and Atluri (1989).
Kapuria et al. (2003) applied a third-order zigzag shear Afterwards, von Kármán–type nonlinear FE models
deformation theory, for piezolaminated structures. In were developed by Kapuria and Dumir (2005) based on
addition, Polit et al. (2016) applied Murakami’s zigzag the classical plate theory and by Varelis and Saravanos
functions for accurately modeling of multilayered piezo (2004a) based on the FOSD hypothesis for buckling
structures, while Carrera and Demasi (2002) applied analysis of piezoelectric laminated plates. Panda and
for composite structures. Ray (2008) and Varelis and Saravanos (2004b) devel-
oped von Kármán nonlinear FE models based on the
FOSD hypothesis for static analysis. In addition, more
2.5. Bernoulli and Timoshenko beam hypotheses advanced hypotheses were implemented into von
In beam or arch-shaped structures, two dimensions are Kármán nonlinear FE models by many researchers.
relatively much smaller than the three dimensions. For Schmidt and Vu (2009) developed nonlinear FE models
Zhang et al. 5

based on both the FOSD and TOSD hypotheses for restricted to moderate rotations due to the kinematic
plates and shells, and Shen and Yang (2015) and Singh hypothesis, which does not account for real large rota-
et al. (2016) developed nonlinear model using higher tions. Therefore, the results obtained by fully geometri-
order hypothesis. Carrera (1997) proposed a nonlinear cally nonlinear theory with moderate rotations is
FE model based on the first-order zigzag hypothesis, similar to those obtained by moderate rotation non-
Kapuria and Alam (2004) applied a first-order zigzag linear theory.
hypothesis with a global third-order variation, and
Icardi and Sciuva (1996) implemented a third-order zig-
zag hypothesis into geometrically nonlinear analysis of 3.4. Large rotation nonlinear theory
piezoelectric structures. For dynamic analysis, von It can be seen that the above-mentioned nonlinear shell
Kármán–type nonlinear theories are mostly used in theories, including von Kármán–type nonlinear theory,
modeling of smart structures as well, based on FOSD moderate rotation nonlinear theory, and fully geome-
(Mukherjee and Chaudhuri, 2005), TOSD (Cheng trically nonlinear theory with moderate rotations, are
et al., 2005; Schmidt and Vu 2009), and first-order zig- restricted to large displacements but with moderate
zag (Ray and Shivakumar, 2009; Sarangi and Ray, rotations. These nonlinear theories are usually classi-
2011) hypotheses. fied as simplified nonlinear theories, due to simplified
nonlinear strain–displacement relations and restricted
rotations considered. Therefore, these simplified non-
3.2. Moderate rotation nonlinear theory
linear theories will fail to predict the behavior of struc-
Including more geometrically nonlinear effects, but tures undergoing large displacements and rotations. In
using simplified strain–displacement relations and order to simulate structures with large displacements
under the assumption of moderate rotations, Librescu and rotations, Chróścielewski et al. (1997, 1998, 2019)
and Schmidt (1988) and Schmidt and Reddy (1988) developed a 1D FE model using fully geometrically
proposed moderate rotation nonlinear shell theories. nonlinear large rotation theory for shape and vibration
Afterwards, the theory was further extended to piezo- control of curved beams. For plates and shells, Zhang
electric plates and shells by Lentzen and Schmidt and Schmidt (2013a, 2013b, 2014a, 2014b) developed
(2005), Lentzen et al. (2007), and Lentzen (2009) based large rotation nonlinear FE model based on the FOSD
on the FOSD hypothesis for both static and dynamic hypothesis using Euler rotation formulation for static
analysis of smart structures. Recently, the theory was and dynamic analysis of piezolaminated structures. A
reimplemented by Zhang and Schmidt, (2013a, 2014a, similar nonlinear FE model was proposed by Rao and
2014b) based on the FOSD hypothesis for static and Schmidt (2014) and Rao et al. (2015) for plates and
dynamic analysis. shells, but using Rodrigues rotation formulation. The
above-mentioned large rotation FE models include
3.3. Fully geometrically nonlinear theory with fully geometrically nonlinear strain–displacement rela-
tions with consideration of large rotations. Therefore,
moderate rotations
the large rotation nonlinear FE model is the most pre-
Employing fully geometrically nonlinear strain– cise one among all other nonlinear models.
displacement terms with the assumption of moderate
rotations, fully geometrically nonlinear FE models were
developed by Moita et al. (2002) based on the 4. Electroelastic materially nonlinear
Kirchhoff-Love theory for static analysis, by Kundu modeling
et al. (2007) based on the FOSD hypothesis for buck- 4.1. Linear piezoelectric coupled constitutive
ling and postbuckling analysis, by Gao and Shen
(2003) based on the FOSD hypothesis for dynamic
analysis, and by Dash and Singh (2009) based on the Linear constitutive laws are the most widely used in the
TOSD hypothesis for dynamic analysis. With the effect analysis of smart structures, which include the first-
of geometrical imperfection in the thickness direction, order and higher-order variation of electric potential
Amabili (2018b) developed fully geometrically non- through thickness. The frequently used assumption of
linear FE model based on the refined FOSD hypoth- first-order electric potential variation through the thick-
esis. Moreover, based on the HOSD hypothesis, fully ness of sensors or actuators, yielding constant electric
geometrically nonlinear FE models were developed for field, is only valid for structures where the thickness of
composite plates and shells with additional consider- the piezoelectric patches is very thin compared to the
ation of geometrical imperfections (Amabili, 2015), thickness of the elastic structure (Yang, 1997, 1999),
thickness stretching (Alijani and Amabili, 2014a, which is most widely used in the literature. For the case
2014b), or both effects (Amabili, 2014; Amabili and that the thickness of the piezoelectric patches is not
Reddy, 2010). However, the fully geometrically non- very thin, the bending effect of the piezoelectric actua-
linear FE models presented in this subsection are tors also needs to be considered, which is related to
6 Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 00(0)

terms up to the order of the cube of the actuator to Furthermore, a 2D Reissner–Mindlin plate model
plate thickness ratio (Yang, 1997, 1999). Moreover, with electroelastic material nonlinearity has been
quadratic electric potential variation through the thick- developed by Sun et al. (2004) for static shape control
ness was also included in the linear models developed of structures and by Kusculuoglu and Royston (2008)
by Gopinathan et al. (2000) and Marinković et al. for dynamic analysis. Kapuria and Yasin (2013, 2015)
(2007) based on the FOSD hypothesis, by Cotoni et al. implemented efficient layerwise into nonlinear FE
(2006) based on the zigzag hypothesis, and by Kögl and model for the static analysis and active vibration con-
Bucalem (2005) using the MITC elements (proposed by trol of piezoelectric laminated composites under strong
Bathe (1986) and Dvorkin and Bather (1984)). In addi- electric field. Recently, Rao et al. (2016) proposed an
tion, Marinković et al. (2008, 2009) and Carrera (1997) FE model with electroelastic material nonlinearity for
developed geometrically nonlinear FE models for static piezoelectric laminated composite plates and shells with
and dynamic analysis considering electric potential the assumption of quadratic electric potential distribu-
quadratically distributed. tion through the thickness. The above references in this
paragraph focused mainly on geometrically linear mod-
els with electroelastic material nonlinearity. Including
4.2. Strong electric field models
both geometric and electroelastic material nonlineari-
The linear piezoelectric constitutive equations are only ties, Yao et al. (2004b) proposed a von Kármán–type
valid for structures with small strains and weak electric nonlinear FE model based on the classical plate theory
potential. Due to the brittle nature of piezoceramics, in the consideration of strong applied electric field.
only small strains occur in structure before its damage. More precisely, Zhang et al. (2017c) developed a fully
However, strong electric field can be applied on piezo- nonlinear model with both geometrically nonlinear and
electric layers, which may yield an electroelastic mate- electroelastic materially nonlinear.
rial nonlinear effect. Therefore, the nonlinear
constitutive law for piezo materials is only including
the electroelastic part. The nonlinear electroelastic con- 5. Multi-physics coupled modeling
stitutive equations were earlier developed by Nelson
5.1. Functionally graded structures
(1978) and Joshi (1992). Later, the nonlinear constitu-
tive equations were extended by Yang and Batra (1995) The electro-mechanical phenomenon is the basic cou-
for transversely isotropic material-like piezoelectric pling effect for piezoelectric structures which is
ceramics and for the class of mm2 symmetry like included in the most related publications. Many studies
PVDF materials. A lot of numerical studies of irreversi- can be found in the literature dealing with piezoelectric
ble piezoelectric nonlinearities, usually related to hys- materials embedded into composite, steel, and alumi-
teresis, can be found, for example, in Kamlah and num. With the development of functionally graded
Böhle (2001), Zhou and Chattopadhyay (2002), Landis materials, especially the CNT reinforced functionally
(2004), Elhadrouz et al. (2006), and Ma et al. (2016), graded composites, the topic of piezo-CNT structures
among many others. In addition, to validate the analy- has attracted many researchers. Alibeigloo (2014)
tical models of irreversible piezoelectric nonlinearities, developed a linear model for free vibration analysis of
many experimental investigations have been conducted functionally graded CNT reinforced composite cylind-
by Li et al. (1991) and Masys et al. (2003), for example. rical panel embedded with piezoelectric layers. Based
Furthermore, Klinkel (2006) and Linnemann et al. on Reddy’s HOSD theory, a novel element-free model
(2009) implemented the irreversible phenomenological was developed by Selim et al. (2017) for CNT rein-
constitutive model into the numerical analysis of piezo forced composite plate with piezoelectric layers.
actuators using solid elements. Regarding large deformation, Rafiee et al. (2013) devel-
For piezo-bonded plates and shells, the electroelastic oped a von Kármán–type geometrically nonlinear
material nonlinear modeling techniques has attracted a model based on the classical plate theory for CNT rein-
lot of researchers. Tan and Tong (2002) developed a forced functionally graded composite beams with
1D analytical model incorporating the nonlinear beha- piezoelectric materials. Including additionally the ther-
vior of piezoelectric and PFRC materials using the mal effect, Ansari et al. (2016) developed a von
curve-fitting method based on experimental data. Kármán–type nonlinear analytical model for postbuck-
Wang et al. (1999) investigated both analytically and ling analysis of piezoelectric functionally graded CNT
experimentally cantilevered piezoelectric ceramic reinforced composite cylindrical shells subjected to
bimorph and unimorph beams under large electric combined electro-thermal loadings.
field. Analogously, a very similar beam model with The functionally graded concept can also be applied
strong driving electric field was proposed by Yao to piezoelectric materials. Concerning the modeling of
et al. (2004a) using the asymptotic theory of nonsta- functionally graded piezo structures, Loja et al. (2013)
tionary vibrations and validated by experimental data developed B-spline finite strip element models for static
of piezoelectric bimorph and unimorph beams. and free vibration analysis of functionally graded
Zhang et al. 7

sandwich plates. The three-dimensional element-free for hygrothermal analysis and by Yang et al. (2018) for
Galerkin method was used by Mikaeeli and Behjat natural characteristic analysis. In addition, numerical
(2016) for static analysis of thick functionally graded models were developed for vibration analysis of MEE
piezoelectric plates with an exponential distribution plates based on Donnell theory (Razavi and
through thickness. Based on the FOSD hypothesis, Su Shooshtari, 2014) and a four-variable shear deforma-
et al. (2018) developed a numerical model for free tion RPT (Ebrahimi et al., 2017). Considering a gra-
vibration and transient response of functionally graded dual change of the mechanical and electromagnetic
piezoelectric plates. Considering structures undergoing properties in piezoelectric-piezomagnetic functionally
large displacement, von Kármán–type geometrically graded materials, a dynamic solution is proposed by
nonlinear models were developed by Derayatifar et al. Ezzin et al. (2017) for the propagation of waves on a
(2017) and Wang (2018). structure covered with a functionally graded piezoelec-
tric material layer. For geometrically nonlinear analy-
sis, von Kármán–type nonlinear models were
5.2. Electro-thermo-mechanically coupled structures developed for large deflection analysis of MEE lami-
Both metal and piezoelectric materials are very sensi- nated plates based on FOSD hypothesis (Milazzo,
tive to the environmental factor of thermal field. In 2014) and first-order zigzag hypothesis (Kattimani and
case of piezo structures exposed to large thermal gradi- Ray, 2014). Furthermore, Sahmani and Aghdam
ents, electro-thermo-mechanical coupling should be (2018) developed a nonlocal strain gradient shell model
considered. The early work of numerical modeling for for buckling and postbuckling analysis of MEE compo-
electro-thermo-mechanically coupled problems was site nanoshells.
presented by Krommer and Irschik (2000) using the
Reissner–Mindlin theory. Including the thermal effect,
Dehghan et al. (2016) developed three-dimensional 5.4. Aero-electroelastic coupled modeling
multi-field equations of functionally graded piezoelec- Piezo structures are frequently used in aerocraft tech-
tric shells under thermo-mechanical loading. Based on nology, in which the numerical models should take into
the classical plate theory, Zhang et al. (2017a) and Li account coupled fluid, electric, and mechanical fields.
et al. (2017) developed thermo-electro-mechanically Many researchers developed linear aero-electroelastic
coupled models for analysis of piezoelectric nanoplates models of piezoelectric plates for active flutter suppres-
with viscoelastics. Using trigonometric plate theory, sion under supersonic air flows using classical plate the-
Arefi and Zenkour (2017) studied thermo-electro- ory, for example, Wang et al. (2012), Song and Li
mechanical bending behavior of sandwich nanoplates (2012), and Li (2012), among others. With consider-
integrated with piezoelectric face-sheets. For thermo- ation of additional thermal effects, Mohammadimehr
elastic analysis of functionally graded CNT reinforced and Mehrabi (2018) and Song et al. (2018) developed
composite, Alibeigloo (2016) proposed an analytical aero-electro-thermo-elastic models for vibration and
solution, and Song et al. (2016) proposed a linear model flutter analysis of supersonic composite plate.
based on the advanced Reddy’s HOSD theory.
Considering piezoelectric plasticity, Tang and Felicelli
(2013) developed an electro-thermo-elasto-plastic model 6. Modeling of piezo-fiber composite
using an incremental formulation based on the bonded structures
variational-asymptotic method. For geometrically non-
linear problems, von Kármán–type nonlinear models
6.1. Types of piezo-fiber composite materials
with thermal effect were developed by Komijani et al. In order to overcome the brittle feature of PZT and
(2014) based on Timoshenko beam theory and by Shen enhance the actuation forces of PVDF, a hybrid mate-
and Yang (2015) based on Reddy’s higher-order theory. rial made of piezoceramic fibrous phase embedded in
Moreover, Boroujerdy and Eslami (2014) developed epoxy matrix phase was proposed and developed in the
Sanders nonlinear model based on classical shell theory last two decades. The first type of this piezo-fiber-based
for thermo-electro-mechanically coupled analysis. composite material is referred to as 1–3 composite, pro-
posed by Skinner et al. (1978), in which the piezo-fiber
with rectangular or circular cross section is aligned
5.3. Magneto-electroelastic composite along the thickness direction. The second type is an
Magneto-electroelastic (MEE) composite structures are AFC, initially developed by MIT (Bent and Hagood,
another type of piezo structure, with coupling of elec- 1997; Hagood et al., 1993), in which piezo fibers with
tric, magnetic, and elastic fields. MEE structures have circular cross section are placed along the in-plane
the ability to convert energy among the magnetic, elec- direction. The last one is an MFC, invented by NASA
tric, and elastic phases. Regarding the modeling tech- Langley Research Center (Wilkie et al., 2000), in which
niques of MEE structures, 3D FE models of MEE the piezo fibers are also placed along the in-plane direc-
plates were developed by Vinyas and Kattimani (2017) tion, but with square cross section. For more detailed
8 Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 00(0)

information of active piezoelectric fiber composites, we Zhang et al. (2015, 2017b) based on the Reissner–
refer to Williams et al. (2002b), Sodano et al. (2006), Mindlin hypothesis.
and Bowen et al. (2006). Because of many beneficial To predict piezo composite laminated plates and
properties of piezoelectric fiber composites, consider- shells undergoing large displacements or rotations,
able efforts have been made to integrate this material Azzouz and Hall (2010) developed a von Kármán non-
into metal structures for vibration control (Choi et al., linear FE model based on the FOSD hypothesis for fre-
2007; Zhang and Shen, 2007) and health monitoring quency response of a rotating MFC actuator. Zhang
(Konka et al., 2013; Kovalovs et al., 2007; Sodano et al. (2016) implemented various geometrically non-
et al., 2004). linear theories into FE models for MFC bonded thin-
walled smart structures based on the Reissner–Mindlin
6.2. Homogenization of piezo-fiber composite
Due to the complexity of piezo-fiber composite materi- 7. Summary
als, many researchers focused on the homogenization
of material properties for piezo composite based on In the last few decades, much progress has been made
experimental or numerical investigations, especially for regarding piezoelectric integrated smart structures. This
MFC patches. Williams et al. (2004) and Williams article deals with a literature survey on modeling tech-
(2004) first studied experimentally the basic elasticity niques of piezoelectric bonded plates and shells, includ-
constants of MFC patches in both the linear elastic ing various plate/shell hypotheses, geometrically
region and the nonlinear constitutive behavior. For nonlinear theories, electroelastic piezoelectric material
numerical prediction of linear piezo composite material linear/nonlinear constitutive models, multi-physics
properties, Park and Kim (2005) used classical lamina- coupled modeling for various smart structures, and
tion theory and uniform fields model (proposed by Tan modeling of piezoelectric fiber composite bonded struc-
and Tong (2001)), Deraemaeker et al. (2007, 2009) and tures. Due to limited presentation pages and specified
Deraemaeker and Nasser (2010) proposed a representa- research concentration, the article does not include all
tive volume element (RVE) technique and mixing rules, published papers available in the literature. Moreover,
and Biscani et al. (2011) developed an asymptotic the meso, micro, and molecular scales modeling tech-
expansion homogenization (AEH) method. In addition, niques of piezoelectric structures, as well as the calcula-
Williams et al. (2006) developed electroelastic nonlinear tion of experimental determined parameters like
material constitutive equations for MFC patches. damping are excluded.
Analogously, Schröck et al. (2011) investigated experi- In the near future, multi-physics (aero-electro-
mentally the hysteresis and creep effects in structural thermo-elastic) coupled modeling for smart structures
dynamics of MFC bonded plates. Moreover, the homo- with consideration of both geometrical and multi-
genization of elastic constants including the transverse physics coupled material nonlinearities will attract
shear moduli and the piezoelectric constants for overall many researchers. Because of the development of new
MFC patches have been studied by Li et al. (2016) and concept materials, much effort can be carried out for
Trindade and Benjeddou (2016). multi-functional materials, including not only piezoelec-
trics but also viscoelastics, magnetostrictives, CNTs,
and so on.
6.3. Modeling of piezo composite laminated plates
and shells Declaration of conflicting interests
In order to get the structural response of piezo compo- The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with
site laminated plates and shells, the earlier studies of respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
simulation techniques are mainly using commercial article.
software, for example, ANSYS (Bowen et al., 2011;
Dano et al., 2008), ABAQUS (Binette et al., 2009; Ren, Funding
2008), with the results compared to those from experi- The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial sup-
ments. Furthermore, the investigations of cured shape port for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
and snap-through of asymmetric bistable laminates article: This work was supported by the National Natural
actuated by MFC has been carried out by Bowen et al. Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11602193); the
Opening Fund of the State Key Laboratory of Structural
(2011) and Giddings et al. (2011). Besides the usage of
Analysis for Industrial Equipment, Dalian University of
commercial software, a linear distributed parameter Technology—China (Grant No. GZ1709); the Nature Science
electro-mechanical model was developed by Bilgen Foundation of Shaanxi Province (Grant No. 2017JQ1027);
et al. (2010) for frequency response analysis of MFC and the Opening Fund of the State Key Laboratory of
actuated clamped-free thin beams. Moreover, a linear Mechanics and Control of Mechanical Structures, Nanjing
FE model for MFC bonded plates and shells consider- University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China (Grant
ing arbitrary piezo-fiber orientation was proposed by No. MCMS-0517G01).
Zhang et al. 9

ORCID iD Azzouz MS and Hall C (2010) Nonlinear finite element anal-

Shun-Qi Zhang https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0633-0564 ysis of a rotating MFC actuator. In: Proceedings of the
51st AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC structures, structural
dynamics, and materials conference, Orlando, FL, 12–15
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