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Psychological and Environmental Factors Contributing to the Development of a Mental

Disorder: Depression


Depression is a mental disorder and is one of the most common mental health issues
that can result in disability. It is characterized by feelings of sadness,
emptiness, loneliness, and a lack of hope or pleasure. In addition, it involves
thoughts and actions that significantly impede daily functioning. Symptoms of
depression include anhedonia, difficulty concentrating, and sleep disturbances,
which may lead to suicidal ideation. Furthermore, symptoms of depression, such as
negative and often overwhelming emotions, can harm an individual's self-worth
perception and damage relationships with loved ones.

It's really important to understand the factors on why people get depressed, both
because it helps us prevent it. If we know what things make someone more likely to
get depressed, we can stop it from happening early on. Even though there are many
treatments and people know more about it, depression is still a problem. This study
aims to show why we need to understand more about why it happens. Studies over many
years have shown how important feelings are in causing depression. According to the
World Health Organization, an estimated 3.8% of the population experiences
depression, including 5% of adults (4% among men and 6% among women), and 5.7% of
adults older than 60 years. Approximately 280 million people experience depression
worldwide. Depression is approximately 50% more common among women than men
worldwide. Depression can lead to suicide, which is the fourth leading cause of
death in people likely in 15-29-year-olds. New information, studies, programs, and
treatment options for depression are becoming more abundant than ever, making this
diagnosis significantly more manageable. Several treatment options have been proven
to be safe and effective in treating depression. These include Deep TMS,
psychopharmacological (medication), and psychotherapy.

Depression differs from regular mood changes and feelings about everyday life. It
can affect all aspects of life, including relationships with family, friends, and
community. This can result from or lead to problems at school and at work. It can
happen to anyone, occur during other stages of life, and may even start in
children. With their communication skills, introspective abilities, and views of
the world still in development, children often find it harder to clearly express
what they are going through. As a result, they may struggle to convey their
emotional world to parents or adult figures. The environment in which we live can
significantly impact mental well-being. Studies examine the influence of stressful
life events such as job loss, relationship problems, or financial difficulties.
Furthermore, childhood adversity like abuse or neglect is being recognized as a
potential risk factor. Social determinants of health, including poverty,
discrimination, and social isolation, are also gaining attention for their
potential contribution to depression.

This study aims to answer the following research questions:

1. What are the factors contributing to the development of depression?
2. What can depression lead to?
3. How might depression impact someone's daily life and overall well-being?

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