April 2014
April 2014
April 2014
Page 3-Editorial
Page 4-Death by Dust
Page 14-Quick & Simple Repairs #105
Page 20-Innovolt’s Power Manager
Page 22-Subscriptions
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Slot Tech Feature Article
here’s nothing worse pose or did the mains plug gives errors mostly when
than admiring a neat come undone after the the machine is starting up.
row of flashing, active machine had been recently This eventually leads to the
slot machines, resembling relocated following some total refusal of reading the
proud soldiers standing to structural work? On open- media. Should one decide
attention in their ‘first best’ ing up the cabinet, another to change the DVD ROM
uniform, when one of the possibility came to mind. Drive, make sure that the
brave souls suddenly drive is just a player and
passes out. No sign of The neon switch inside was not a recorder as otherwise,
movement is evident and glowing bright red (which it won’t work in this slot
things don’t look so bril- meant that there was juice machine. Another fault,
liant. Medics are called on entering the machine) but secondary as it might seem,
the scene and the lifeless not a lot else seemed to be is the electronic ballast’s
person is taken away to be happening. failure, a Teknoware
made to feel better again. TM80041 unit. If you are a
However, in the case of slot As sturdy as these ma- bit finicky about the ap-
machines, a medic usually chines are, they do suffer pearance of your machines,
has to assess the situation, from illnesses. Luckily
perform first-aid, diagnosis enough, they
and most probably emer- don’t suffer
gency surgery on top of many casual-
everything else, on the very ties and their
spot where the machine weak points
has fallen. A sick machine are minor
is a cause for concern, for faults which
when such a catastrophe tend to crop
occurs, apart from the up once in a
machine losing revenue, it while.
is also a great eye-sore to
behold. One known
problem is
The unfortunate slot ma- the DVD The neon switch inside was glowing bright red,
chine was an Atronic e- ROM drive which meant that there was juice entering the
motion. For their age, they itself, whichmachine.
TechFest also includes instructions on LCD For more information, please visit
monitor repair, power supply repair and the website at slot-techs.com or
more, presented by Randy Fromm, publisher contact us at techfest@slot-
of Slot Tech Magazine and your host for the techs.com or call 619.838.7111 to
event. speak to Randy Fromm directly.
Free Digital Multimeter Included!
Free CCFL Tester Included!
Free Textbooks and Handouts Included!
The outputs of two power supplies can be connected in series. The output connections
for each power supply should have a reverse biased diode wired across them. This is
important because one supply will come up to voltage before the other. Depending on
the sequence of events, this could apply a momentary, reverse polarity to the output of
the slow-rising unit. Each diode’s voltage and current rating should exceed that of the
entire series string. Note that when remote sensing is being used (not common in
gaming), the voltage drop in the output wire connecting the supplies is compensated
by extending one supply’s sense lead to the output terminal of the other supply.
Since the supplies are in series, the current rating of each power supply must equal
or exceed the maximum current rating required by the load.
Slot Manager!
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Call Randy at
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cuss your needs.
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n upright WMS Blue credits on it. Anyway...after of the connector. Could this
bird was shut off be blowing out the CPU with cause the failure? It was
cause a Reel 3 tilt compressed air and grabbing pushed tightly into its con-
wouldn’t clear. A co-worker a replacement LCD, it was nector and just for the heck
and I were discussing that time to fire up the game. of it, I opened and closed the
maybe the reel basket film Bingo! The LCD worked and main door of the game. Now
that passes through the reel after boot up, there weren’t the display corresponded
optic encoder could be dusty any reel tilts. Just to make with the door. OPEN and
or it was possible the reel sure the game was ready for CLOSED which means game
may be rubbing on something play and we wouldn’t receive TO Sentinel communication
such as a cable located a call to it, promo cash was had been re-established
behind the reel or something downloaded to test the reels. without even rebooting the
on the main slot door. I I played the game as a cus- game or Sentinel.
brought some Q-tips with me tomer would for a few min-
on my way to check the utes and everything looked IGT AVP “Sumatran
game out so I could clean the good. No tilts at all. An easy Storm” Win Meter Issue
reel film. Sure enough they cleaning of the reel basket
had some dust on them. If film, cleaning the CPU, and If you’ve had a “Sumatran
one reel film was dusty it replacing the bad LCD got Storm” game in which the
would only make sense to the game running again. mini progressive was won
clean all five of them. After- IGT S2000 Lost COM Be- during a free spin bonus, the
ward, when turning the tween Game and Sentinel win meter could show an
game back on, the small LCD inaccurate amount for bonus
in the door died. Sometimes While working on replacing game wins. There is a pro-
they will come back to life top boxes on IGT upright gram upgrade to fix the
when rebooting the game a G20s from a plain type to a problem. The old program
few times or reseating the top box that has “halo light- numbers are (depending on
power connector on it. No ing,” a co-worker asked me if jurisdiction) Game014-
such luck this time. Why not I could look at a game that 001PF2-J04, GI014-001PF2-
try reseating the CPU? When would only show a “door J004V02, or Game014-
I opened the cover to the open” status on the Sentinel 001PF2-J05. Refer to IGT CN
CPU, there was a ton of dust display. When the slot door 5016 Rev A for more informa-
caked on the board. The is physically opened and tion.
board was reseated but I still closed and the display only
didn’t have any life on the reads open (or a steady
LCD. closed) game to Sentinel
communication has been lost
on a Sentinel II. On Sentinel
- Pat Porath
[email protected]
here is a solution to I had big questions when I specifically designed for
all of the casino ripped open my sample sophisticated electronics,
world’s weird AC unit, about five minutes the technology avoids nui-
power issues. We put a after I received it. It was sance trips while ensuring
monkey inside each slot small. It was lightweight. the long-term performance
machine, trained to watch What the heck is it? of equipment.”
for power fluctuations.
When the voltage fluctu- Nope, it’s not a UPS so So, if there are no power
ates, they quickly adjust it there’s no heavy battery semiconductors to some-
to compensate or, in really (and none to replace). how modify the current,
bad cases, pull the plug to There’s no Super Capacitor what the heck is this thing
prevent damage to the either. There are no power doing and how does it func-
machine. semiconductors either, tion? How could this thing
other than a pair of ultra- have any “muscle” if it is so
That’s the idea (sort of) reliable, 7805 voltage regu- small and lightweight?
behind Innovolt’s PM15/ lators running so cool, the
PM20 “Power Protector” and attached heatsink is no It’s like the difference be-
“Power Manager” units. I’m larger than the TO-220 tween wrestling and judo
always on the lookout for package itself. They’re just (or u-jitsu or tae kwan do-
things like this, that might in there as part of a pair of whatever). You can use
help casinos run more little linear power supplies brute force or you can use a
efficiently from a technical for the microcontroller (a gentle flick in just the
standpoint. However, when PIC) and a few other cir- correct direction and with
I first came across the unit, cuits. perfect (read “quick”) timing
I wasn’t really sure what to effect the result you’re
the thing actually does or Innovolt points to the PIC looking for. Innovolt’s pat-
how it works. The promo- and the firmware that is ented technologies use
tional material is pretty programmed into the device extremely fast algorithms to
vague, speaking only of as what sets their solution watch the AC power in real
protection from sags and apart from all others, with, time and, if things get a
surges and other transient according to the company little weird (or a lot weird) it
AC power “issues” without can (and will) react in a
“remediation algorithms
getting into too much de- variety of ways in order to
and protection protocols
tail. protect the load (meaning,
S lot Tech Magazine is strictly technical. As such, the magazine's contents are not time
critical. The repair information and technical data contained in past issues is just as valid
today as it was the day it was published.
Additionally, current and future articles more-or-less assume that readers are already familiar
with what has been covered in past issues. This editorial policy assures that Slot Tech
Magazine's contributing writers are not limited to "writing down" to the level of a novice
technician but are free to continue to produce the most comprehensive technical articles in
the gaming industry.
Randy Fromm's
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please refer to the website at slot-techs.com. To
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“I can help you bring down the
cost of casino electronics repairs”
Randy Fromm
“OK. You asked and I listened. My new tech class eliminates obsolete CRT
monitor repair and the associated monitor repair lab. In just four or five days,
your slot techs can learn to repair Power Supplies, LCD Monitors, Ticket
Printers, Bill Validators and more. It’s easy and it’s fun.“- Randy Fromm
tel.619.838.7111 fax.619.593.6132
Page 24 Slot Tech Magazine-13th Anniversary Issue April 2014