Yogavani June2023
Yogavani June2023
Yogavani June2023
JUNE 2023, ISSUE-40
Table of
06 Editorial
09 Cover Story
10 Headlines
21 Sattvik Recipe
23 Article:
- Yoga for Business Traveler
- Diabetes Management with Meditation
30 Upcoming Batches
JUNE 2023, ISSUE-40
JUNE 2023, ISSUE-40
Chief Editor
Smt Kamlesh Barwal
Dr Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani
Associate Editor
Shruti Prabhakar
Deepak Rawat
Production Manager
Praveen Prabhakar
# 9999973450
[email protected]
Published by Indian Yoga Association. This publication and its contents are protected by
international copyright registered to publisher. Consequently, no part of this publication may be
reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form and by means without the
prior written permission of Publisher.
JUNE 2023, ISSUE-40
- Dr.R.Elangovan, Secretary,
Tamil Nadu SCC
Yogacharya Dr Ananda
Balayogi Bhavanani, Editor
The Inner Yoga
n modern times we often hear terms state in which there is a steady and con-
like “Yoga and meditation”. This is tinuous flow of attention and concentra-
really jarring to the a true spiritual tion on a point, place, region or object.
seeker as Dhyanam or the state of There ceases to be a duality between the
meditation is truly the “Core of Yoga” “seer and the seen”. The final step in the
itself. three, free-flowing higher states of con-
sciousness (Samyama) is Samadhi or
Maharishi Patanjali is the codifier of the union with the Divine nature in the ulti-
Yoga Darshana, the Yogic view of life. mate, universal unification.
Dhyanam or meditation is preceded by
Dharana, or one-pointed concentration The one-pointedness of concentra-
that helps us to flow into the higher, in- tion, of Dharana raises the Yogi into
ner state of meditation. Maharishi Pa- the higher stages of the ideating mind,
tanjali defines Dharana or concentration where Buddhi, or intellect, is available as
as “desha bandhah chittasya dharana”, an instrument of the Cosmic Mind. When
meaning thereby that concentration is the free–flowing concentration is achieved,
process of binding the consciousness to a it is known as Dhyanam, or meditation.
point, place, region or object. This implies Meditation is not “thinking,” as so many
a duality between the seer and the seen. today often mistake it to be. Meditation is
He further defines Dhyanam, or meditation, a transcendental state, where if there is
as “tatra pratyaya ekatanata dhyanam”, awareness, it is awareness of awareness
meaning thereby that that meditation is a itself, a state beyond the mind.
JUNE 2023, ISSUE-40
Meditation is the fruit of long and arduous
effort. The mind is so trained in its focus
that it naturally flows into the object of
contemplation. A deep, vibrant quietness
is the characteristic of meditation, which
infuses one’s entire lifestyle with calmness
and control. Meditation becomes a quality
of mind that manifests in all aspects of our
daily life. The mind develops the capac-
ity to delve into every experience, thought,
emotion and situation that arises, and this
focused awareness produces Yogic skill in
Pranava Dhyanam
JUNE 2023, ISSUE-40
sound, Aaaaa mentally and perform the Adhi Mudra and then place it with the
same practice 3 times without the audible knuckles of both hands touching in front
sound. of the navel. This is now known as the
Brahma Mudra. Take a deep breath into
Curl your fingers inward to form the the low, mid and upper chest regions.
Chinmaya Mudra and place it on your Now let the breath out with the sounds
thighs. Breathe deeply into your mid of Aaaaa—Ooo—Mmmm. Breathe in
chest region 2-3-4-5-6. Breathe out with 2-3-4-5-6. Breathe out Aaaaa—Ooo—
the sound Ooooo. Breathe in 2-3-4-5- Mmmm. Breathe in 2-3-4-5-6. Breathe
6. Breathe out with the sound, Ooooo. out
Breathe in 2-3-4-5-6. Breathe out with the
sound, Ooooo. Now concentrate on the Aaaaa—Ooo—Mmmm. Now concen-
sound, Ooooo, mentally and perform the trate on the sound Aaaaa—Ooooo—
same practice 3 times without the audible Mmmm and perform the same practice
sound. Perform the Adhi Mudra by clench- 3 times without the audible sound.
ing your fists with your thumbs in the cen-
ter and place the mudra on your thighs. A practice of 3 to 9 rounds of the Prana-
Breathe deeply into your upper chest and va Dharana, when done daily, helps to
clavicle regions 2-3-4-5-6. Now, exhale relax the body-mind-emotion complex
with the sound,Mmmm. Breathe in 2-3-4- and provides complete healing through
5-6. Breathe out with the sound,Mmmm. the production of healing vibrations
Breathe in 2-3-4-5-6. Breathe out with the at all levels of our existence. This is the
sound,Mmmm. Now concentrate on the cornerstone of Yogic breath therapy
sound mentally and perform the same and can produce health and wellbeing
practice 3 times without the audible sound. for all. When the concentrative aspect
of the practice is taken to its peak, a
To perform the 4th part of the practice state of meditation, or Pranava Dhya-
that unites the 3 earlier parts, perform nam, can ensue.
JUNE 2023, ISSUE-40
he Sanskrit adage “Vasudaivah ing the pandemic, India worked hard not
Kutumbah” says that all living only to address the needs of its people
beings and the Earth are part but also cared for the world as a whole.
of one large family. This ethos India was at the forefront of vaccine
of inclusion is also seen in the production, humanitarian aid and relief
theme of the International Yoga efforts and global supply chains. India
Day 2023: “One Earth, One Health.” The undertook these efforts driven by a sense
idea is that human health and well-being of connectedness with the world, a sense
are connected to our natural surround- of commitment to the idea of Vasudeva
ings, our rivers, trees, forests and land. The Kutumba. We considered everyone as
Earth and all other living beings and all part of “One Earth, One Family” without
humans are part of one large family. any differentiation. This is the attitude
that is required of all of us today: one of
Family ethos becomes particularly impor- interconnectedness between the world
tant in today’s day and age when anxiety, as a whole and Nature too.
isolation and alienation are on the rise.
This sense of family though must extend Remember the wise words of the
not only to our immediate family but to Chandyoga Upanishad ‘Tat Tvam Asi’
society as a whole and even to our coun- Thou art that. It speaks for a universal
try. I would go as far as to say that all the oneness. Remember you are never sepa-
nations of the world should collaborate as rate or isolated from all that there is. With
members of one family to solve the many that in mind let us all commit in earnest
challenges, we as people face today. Dur- to “One Earth, one health”
JUNE 2023, ISSUE-40
he 35th meeting of the the agenda which included confirmation
Executive Council of Indian of the minutes of the 34th meeting of the
Yoga Association was held Executive Council of IYA held online on
online on May 29, 2023, April 27, 2023. He shared that the work is
between 5.30 pm and 6.30 in progress to enhance the IYA presence
pm. globally and for the international confer-
The meeting was attended by Maa Dr ence scheduled to be held in November
Hansaji Yogendra, President, Swami 2023.
Atmapriyananda, Senior Vice Presi-
dent, Shri S Sridharan, Vice President, He further informed that the proposed
Shri Subodh Tiwari, Secretary Gen- names for the members of IEC accord-
eral, Brahmacharini Shobha, Joint ing to ICMR were conveyed and received
Secretary, Dr Ananda Balayogi Bha- consent from the members. In addition
vanani, Joint Secretary, Smt Padmini we are going to register IEC under Cen-
Rathore, Working Director, Standing tral Drugs Standard Control Organization,
Publications, Publicity and PR Com- Directorate General of Health Services,
mittee, Shri KC Jain, Treasurer, Shri PC Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Gov-
Kapoor, Director, Standing Finance ernment of India. This is initiated by team
Committee, Dr Manjunath Sharma, from SVYASA which is preparing SOP for
Director, Standing Research Com- IEC formation process.
mittee, PrCB, Shri Dheeraj Saraswat,
Special Invitee and Ms Ganga Nan- Event lists of the State Chapter Com-
dini, Special Invite. mittees were shared with the EC mem-
bers and the survey from Puducherry UT
The meeting started with the prayer Chapter Committee on FAQ’s- the ‘Inter-
and Shri Subodh Tiwari welcom- national Survey on Perception of Yoga
ing all, after which he handed over among IYA Members’ was presented to
the floor to the President to open the EC members. New members of IYA Guja-
meeting. In her opening remarks, she rat State Chapter and Delhi Union Terri-
appreciated the regularity in con- tory was approved.
ducting the meeting. She shared that
ethics being first step in Yoga and During the meeting the list of six Eminent
at Indian Yoga Association (IYA), we Yoga Acharyas (2023-24) was shared
should ensure that the Yoga profes- who will also be representing in the Gen-
sionals (popular and working world- eral Body of IYA as members. Updates
wide) under IYA should follow right were shared regarding the Standing Re-
ethics. search Committee, State Chapters. Other
important points were also discussed.
Thereafter, Secretary General tabled
The meeting concluded with the Shanti
JUNE 2023, ISSUE-40
okshayatan Yog Sanst-
han, Member Institute of
IYA celebrated its 50th
Foundation day on April
30, 2023. Many dignitar-
ies from different walks of
JUNE 2023, ISSUE-40
JUNE 2023, ISSUE-40
The primary objective of the AYUSH Camp was to promote the principles of AYUSH by
offering free medical consultations and treatments to the public. The AYUSH Camp
involved a team of 6 experienced and qualified doctors, each specializing in different
fields of AYUSH. Doctors who participated included Dr. S.Chandrasekar, Mr. T.R. Prab-
huram, Prof. Dr.S.Murugesan, Dr. Syed M Suhail, Dr. R. Nithya, Dr. S.K. Ramasubramanian
The AYUSH Camp provided medical consultations, treatment recommendations and
yoga sessions to the 250 participants. Yoga competition on the event of 9th Interna-
tional day of Yoga, 9 asanas in 9 minutes were also conducted. The panel of discussion
was also conducted where doctors collectively provided the remedy of various diseas-
es. This event was sponsored by City Union Bank, Valasaravakkam Branch, Chennai.
JUNE 2023, ISSUE-40
JUNE 2023, ISSUE-40
JUNE 2023, ISSUE-40
JUNE 2023, ISSUE-40
Meeting started with Om chanting. In the meeting, Yoga Conclave details were briefed
by Dr. Satish Pathak. For increasing membership, it was decided to enrol students at-
tending various courses conducted by respective Institution. With respect to celebrat-
ing International Day of Yoga (IDY), the Chairman advised all institutions to associate
name of IYA for all events organized by member Institutions.
JUNE 2023, ISSUE-40
The sessions are being taken by Smt Divya Geetanand Rahul, Director (Course & Train-
ing). Dr Ajit Kumar Bhattacharjee, Chairman and Shatakshi Bhattacharjee, Director
were also presents during the sessions.
JUNE 2023, ISSUE-40
JUNE 2023, ISSUE-40
Dr.S.P. Thyagarajan and Shri S.Sridharan, Vice President, Indian Yoga Association graced
the conclave with their presence and was part of the felicitation ceremony. The con-
clave was great success.
JUNE 2023, ISSUE-40
JUNE 2023, ISSUE-40
Semiya Upma
The Yoga Institute
Broken Semiya 1 cup
Mustard Seeds ½ tsp
Urad Dal 1 tsp
Cumin Seeds ½ tsp
Finely Chopped ginger ½ tsp
Curry Leaves 1 tsp
Chopped Coriander 2 tbsp
Hing 1 tsp
Oil 1 tbsp
Salt 1 tsp
• Roast the broken semiya in a kadhai till it
turns golden.
• Take a pan, add oil, mustard seeds,
cumin seeds, urad dal. Mix well and fry till
the urad dal turns golden.
• Add curry leaves, ginger, hanf and saute.
Now add water, salt and let the mixture Tips
come to a boil. • Squeeze the lemon on the top
• Add the roasted semiya, cook till it be- while serving to increase the vita-
comes soft and all the water is ab- min C content.
sorbed. Switch off the flame and serve • Do not overcook the semiya.
the semiya upma garnished with corian- • You can dry roast the curry leaves
der leave along with some lemon. and make a powder and add up
in the recipe.
JUNE 2023, ISSUE-40
Yoga for
Business Traveler
by Subodh Tiwari,
Secretary General, IYA
he distinguishing feature of a process and the outcome are impor-
general traveler from a busi- tant. Many times, right from the time
ness or corporate traveler the individual boards the plane the
is the state of mind. While a lap top is switched on. Circumventing
person traveling for leisure or thinking or work is not a solution, since
personal affairs, would have they are essential part of the journey.
no heightened state However, how can one synthesis work
of thoughts, a person and also not feel the stress and strain is
traveling for work of something which one needs to work on.
business continues
with his thinking cap
on, even while he is
travel. If he/ she is go-
ing for a meeting then
the preparation, the
JUNE 2023, ISSUE-40
The aspects which require specific con- tasana) . Gentle rotation of your neck .
sideration for health care, need to ensure ( Brahmudra) . Gentle stretching your
muscles are not stiff and are relaxed and toes and rotation in clock wise and
mind is not at a burn out pace. anticlockwise. Squeezing hip muscle ,
holding for few seconds and letting go.
Kaivalyadhama has been engaged in sci- This simple practices repeated during
entific research in Yoga since 1924. Much flight will make a lot of difference.
of evidence gathered provides for simple 4. Manipulating of breath in a flight with
measures to tackle your stiff ness and recycled air may not be the best idea.
calming your mind. Simple suggestions to- However, closing your eyes and re-
wards your dietetics would also go a long peating a chant or a syllabi would be
way while traveling, to enhance quality of of great help. For example a low pitch
travel and health. humming ( Brahmari ) is known to en-
hance nitric oxide in your nostril . This
Pointers : is excellent for your mind.
5. If you carry a music listening device,
1. Walking at the gate while waiting to then loading it with an instrumental
board is better than sitting and waiting. music which is relaxing is a very good
You are going to be seated anyways in idea. This will help you sleep better.
the flight. 6. Covering your eyes will cut down on
2. Having fruits and nuts as snacks is bet- the light and will release melatonin.
ter option than others. Not processed. Thus, enabling you to sleep better.
3. Simple stretches , putting hands to-
gether and pressing , stretching hands Following the above, will make the journey
upwards while you are seated . ( Parva- pleasurable, better and with no discom-
fort to your fellow travelers.
JUNE 2023, ISSUE-40
Diabetes Management
with Meditation
by Shri K. C. Jain,
Treasurer, IYA and Managing Trustee, Adhyatm Sadhna Kendra, Delhi
JUNE 2023, ISSUE-40
Diabetes patients attending Preksha Med- However, it must be stated that only
itation Health Camps at Adhyatm Sadhna those patients who diligently follow the
Kendra have reported marked differences practices in their daily routine and un-
in their blood sugar and blood pressure dertake the prescribed changes can
levels, reduced weight, and also improved avail the full benefits of Preksha Medita-
mental and emotional health, all of which tion for Diabetes management.
have contributed to more effective man-
agement of their Diabetes. With a com- Visit Adhyatm Sadhna Kendra in
bination of yogic asanas; Preksha Medi- Chhatarpur, New Delhi, to attend and
tation techniques such as Kayotsarga, learn how Preksha Meditation can help
Shvaas Preksha, Antaryatra, among oth- manage and cure diabetes. The Kendra
ers; diet and lifestyle changes; naturopa- routinely organizes Preksha Meditation
thy; Pranayama and acupressure, among health camps for drugless solution to a
other methods, patients are taught to number of diseases. Visit the Kendra’s
bring about changes in their lifestyle and website to find out upcoming camp
follow the protocol for diabetes manage- dates and register.
ment in their everyday life.
JUNE 2023, ISSUE-40
more than one billion of the world’s
he Triangle Pose, also known
population. This pose helps effectively
as Trikonasana, can be called
with weight loss. Firstly by stretching
a “yoga essential”. This pose
the thighs, hips, and hamstrings, where
is suitable for all age classes
excess weight can accumulate. Further,
to perform, and beneficial
the Trikonasana improves digestion and
for beginners as well as ad-
relieves constipation and bloating by
vanced lovers of yoga. The Trikonasana
stimulating the abdominal organs, de-
became quite popular among all those
creasing belly fat. Additionally, this pose
who struggle with obesity, one of the mod-
decreases stress and anxiety, thus it
ern lifestyle diseases, effecting more than
JUNE 2023, ISSUE-40
reduces stress eating as one root cause of 5. Inhale and come back up slowly by
overweight. A properly functioning diges- bending the knees and repeat the
tive system acts like a guardian as it elimi- same on the other
nates waste and toxins from the body, 6. Side with the right foot in 90 degree
which is key in weight management. angle.
7. Perform the same on the other side.
Let’s have a closer look how to perform Be aware that the purpose is per-
the Triangle Pose accurately: forming a stretch, not bending to
touch the ground.
1. Stand erect with feet together
2. Spread the legs more than shoulder Note: This asana should be avoided by
level gap, let foot 90 degree angle people suffering from severe back pain,
3. With inhalation raise the arms up and shoulder injuries, abdominal hernia and
make a 180 degree line with the arms hypertension.
4. Exhale, gradually stretch the body to-
wards the left side, keeping the arms in
a 180 degree line gazing up
JUNE 2023, ISSUE-40
Academics and
Membership Data (Till 2019 and After)
Type of Members Till 2021 2021 2022 2023 Total
Yoga Volunteer Members 1649 2215 1100 463 5427
Yoga Professionals Members 2261 1473 1018 724 5476
Life Members 313 115 67 54 549
Eminent Yoga Professionals 10 -- -- -- 10
Associate Centers 68 49 47 16 180
International Associates 04 05 02 -- 11
Member Institutes 39 03 01 -- 43
The focus of the Scheme for Voluntary Certification of Yoga Professionals, as it is being called,
is to certify the competence of Yoga Professionals who provide Yoga training as Teachers or
Instructors etc.
*The Examination Fees has been reduced for all the Levels
Contact us: [email protected]; [email protected]
JUNE 2023, ISSUE-40
Upcoming Batches
Foundation Course in Yoga
INR 40,700
(English Medium) June
Online Kaivalyadhama US$ 1,210
15- July 5, 2023
JUNE 2023, ISSUE-40
(English Medium)
INR 60,500
August 15 – September Lonavla,
Kaivalyadhama US$ 1950
16, 2023 Maharashtra
(English Medium)
INR 25,000
June 20 – July 20, 2023 Online Kaivalyadhama
US$ 400
(English/Hindi Medium)
Sri Sri School of INR 55,000
June 19- July 9, 2023 Bangalore
Yoga US$ 2010
(English/Hindi Medium)
July 22- September 16, Sri Sri School of INR 38,000
2023 Yoga US$ 1365
INR 47500 I USD
Twin Share Com-
mon Bathroom:
INR 213328 I
(English Medium)
Neyyar Dam, Sivananda Yoga USD 2680
November 12- Decem-
Trivandrum, Vendanta Dhanwa- Twin Share Room:
ber 9, 2023
Kerala tari Ashram INR 223676 I
USD 2810
AC Twin Share
INR 281784 I
USD 3580
JUNE 2023, ISSUE-40
JUNE 2023, ISSUE-40
JUNE 2023, ISSUE-40
JUNE 2023, ISSUE-40
Sindhoora R Mohan
Ms Sindhoora was introduced to Yoga Shri R Mohan has completed 1076 hours
when she was just 5 years old. She has advanced Astanga Yoga Training with
pursued several internationally ac- Dr Dhanwanthri S Wodeyar,(Phd, Yoga-
credited certifications in Yoga and also SVyasa) of Samyama Yoga Mahavidyal-
studied under traditional teachers in ama and my 312 hours basic training with
Ashrams in the Himalayas. A tradi- Gandhi Yoga Kendra, Malleswaram during
tionalist, she has taught therapy, yoga 1990.
courses, workshops, TTC programs,
online courses and led nationwide re-
treats, always with a strong emphasis
on Yoga philosophy and chanting.
JUNE 2023, ISSUE-40
JUNE 2023, ISSUE-40
JUNE 2023, ISSUE-40