Col 201311051701
Col 201311051701
Col 201311051701
Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory for Photonics Technology, Key Laboratory of OptoElectronic Science and Technology for
Medicine of Ministry of Education, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou 350007, China
Corresponding author: [email protected]
Received October 29, 2012; accepted January 25, 2013; posted online April 24, 2013
We evaluate the ablation thresholds of Er:YAG and Er,Cr:YSGG laser for enamel and dentin. A total of
140 dental slices is evenly divided into two groups: the dentin group and the enamel group. Dental tissues
are irradiated with either an Er:YAG laser or an Er,Cr:YSGG laser with pulse widths in the order of 100
µs. The laser fluence is increased gradually until the ablation crater is formed. The laser ablation threshold
is calculated using probit analysis. The ablation thresholds of the Er:YAG laser for dentin and enamel
range from 2.88 to 3.36 J/cm2 and from 2.94 to 3.8 J/cm2 , respectively, and the ablation thresholds of
the Er,Cr:YSGG laser for dentin and enamel range from 2.92 to 4.2 J/cm2 and from 4.93 to 5.66 J/cm2 ,
OCIS codes: 170.1020, 140.3500, 170.1850.
doi: 10.3788/COL201311.051701.
Er lasers are considered the most promising alternatives the pulse duration is shorter.
to traditional mechanical instruments for the preparation Several methods, for instance, probability statis-
of various tooth structures[1,2] . The primary ablation tics of the occurrence of ablation[9,10], theoreti-
mechanism of Er-based lasers is the thermomechanical cal calculations[6] , the optoacoustic measurement
process. Laser energy absorbed by water can heat in- approach[11,12], and curve fitting[13−15] in which the in-
terstitial water and raise internal pressures to reach the tersection of the extrapolated ablation rate curve and
ultimate tensile strength of hard tissue. These phenom- horizontal axis is taken as the threshold, have been
ena result in the removal of the outer layers of dental adopted to determine the ablation threshold. However,
tissues without thermal and mechanical damage to the a global ablation model has yet to be established be-
surrounding tissues or tooth pulp[3−5] . The application cause of the complex nature of the interactions between
of laser ablation in dentistry has attracted increasing lasers and dental hard tissues. Moreover, considering the
attention because of its unique advantages, such as non- diverse characteristics of biological tissues, the determi-
contact modality, reduced pain, and accurate removal of nation of ablation thresholds is difficult because it can
damaged tissue. be affected by a number of factors. To date, probability
Selecting appropriate laser parameters suitable for a statistics is believed to yield threshold values closest to
given dental condition is important. One of the funda- the actual value[9] .
mental issues in laser ablation is the determination of This letter evaluates the ablation thresholds of Er:YAG
the ablation threshold of different laser wavelengths in and Er,Cr:YSGG lasers for dental enamel and dentin.
dental hard tissues. For example, when removal of caries, 53 second molars with completed root growth were
enamel, or dentin is desired, the laser energy must be collected from 46 healthy subjects (18–30 years old, 34
higher than the ablation threshold. However, for caries males, 12 females). The molars were removed by ex-
prevention, chemical or structural changes, rather than traction or osteotomy for medical reasons. The use of
ablation, are desired, and the laser energy must be lower human molars in this letter was approved by the Ethics
than the ablation threshold. Knowledge of the ablation Committee of Fujian Normal University. The remaining
thresholds of dental hard tissues constitutes the basis for soft tissue on the extracted teeth was removed and the
laser use in dentistry. teeth were thoroughly rinsed in tap water. The teeth
Several studies have attempted to evaluate the ablation were cut into 2 or 3 slices (∼ 1 mm thickness) along the
thresholds of Er lasers since they are first introduced to longitudinal direction using a diamond wheel saw (Model
the medical field in the late 1980s. In 1989, an early 650, South Bay Technology Inc., USA). A total of 140
investigation demonstrated that Er:YAG lasers were ca- slices was obtained and stored in physiological saline at
pable of effectively ablating dentin and enamel tissues[6] . 4 ◦ C before use. The treated parts focused on the oc-
In addition, the ablation threshold values of dentin and clusal and central region of the slices near the center of
enamel were calculated based on a simple model. A pre- the tooth. The exposed surface of the hard tissue slice
liminary comparative study of the 3-µm laser actions of was ground by a water-cooled polishing machine using
Er-doped YAG, YSGG, YAP, and YLF lasers on dental a series of silicon carbide sandpapers of 240–1200 grit
hard tissues has also been performed[7] . Apel et al.[8] followed by ultrasonic cleaning. Dental samples were
found that the ablation threshold of Er:YAG lasers could evenly and randomly divided into enamel and dentin
be influenced by the pulse duration and radiant expo- groups and each group was evenly and randomly divided
sure. In this study, a shift to lower radiant exposure at into two irradiation groups: the Er:YAG group and the
the lower limit for the onset of ablation is observed when Er,Cr:YSGG group. The irradiated area focused on the
COL 11(5), 051701(2013) CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS May 10, 2013
COL 11(5), 051701(2013) CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS May 10, 2013
Table 2. Ablation Thresholds of Dental Hard Tissues Published in Dif ferent Reports
degeneration is not regarded as a sign of ablation. As µm (480 cm−1 )[17] . Moreover, the wavelengths of the
such, the thresholds determined in this letter are higher Er:YAG and Er,Cr:YSGG lasers correspond to free wa-
than those in Ref. [9]. ter and OH− groups within the mineral molecule, respec-
Due to the complex nature of dental tissue, the ablation tively. The near-instantaneous vaporization of free water
threshold cannot be determined as an exact value and is at 2 940 nm and the transfer of conductive heat from ap-
instead presented as a range. In this context, a sensitivity atite to free water at 2 780 nm may contribute to the
of 80% during statistical analysis is adopted in this study. different thresholds of the two lasers. A water spray was
Such a sensitivity indicates that ablation may take place provided during Er,Cr:YSGG laser irradiation. External
in a specific portion of a sample when irradiated with an water absorbs laser energy and consequently induces a
energy density lower than the ablation threshold. The higher ablation threshold. However, a water film of cer-
appearance of ablation at doses lower than the threshold tain thickness promotes the effectiveness of ablation[18] .
may be clearly observed in some specimens by SEM. The role of external water in ablation must be clarified
The ablation thresholds of both lasers in enamel are in further studies.
higher than those in dentin, as shown in Fig. 4. The In conclusion, the ablation thresholds of Er:YAG and
results closely correlate with the composition and ab- Er,Cr:YSGG laser radiation for dental enamel and dentin
sorption properties of the dental materials investigated. are systematically evaluated using probability statistics.
While enamel and dentin are composed of the same Under the tested conditions, the ablation thresholds of
materials, the proportions of these materials vary sig- the Er:YAG laser for dentin and enamel are determined
nificantly between the samples. Enamel contains, by vol- to range from 2.88 to 3.36 J/cm2 and from 2.94 to 3.8
ume, 12% water, 3% proteins and lipids, and 85% miner- J/cm2 , respectively. The ablation thresholds of the
als composed mainly of hydroxyapatite. Dentin is com- Er,Cr:YSGG laser for dentin and enamel are slightly
posed of 20% water, 33% proteins and lipids, and 47% higher and range from 2.92 to 4.2 J/cm2 and from 4.93
minerals[17] . The water component in the tissues strongly to 5.66 J/cm2 , respectively. These findings suggest that
absorbs laser energy and induces micro-explosions that the ablation threshold range of enamel is higher than that
blast away minuscule particles of hard tissues because of of dentin and that the threshold of the Er:YAG laser is
the considerable overlap between the wavelength of the lower than that of the Er,Cr:YSGG laser. The ablation
Er lasers and the water absorption band. The water con- thresholds vary with the type of dental tissue and the
tent in dentin is almost twice that in enamel. Therefore, type of laser used.
more laser energy is necessary to remove enamel while
less energy is necessary to remove dentin. Differences in This work was supported by the National Natural Sci-
the ablation thresholds of enamel and dentin may also be ence Foundation of China (No. 60878062), the Science
due to variations in the structures of the samples. Denti- Research Foundation of Ministry of Health & United
nal tubules are arranged in an orderly manner, and the Fujian Provincial Health and Education Project for
structure of dentinal tubules contributes to their poros- Tackling the Key Research (No. WKJ2008-2-035), and
ity. the Natural Science Foundation of Fujian Province (No.
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