Original Project Proposal Narrative
Original Project Proposal Narrative
Original Project Proposal Narrative
Team Members:
Title of Project:
Date: 03/30/05
The data contained in pages [ ] of this application have been submitted in confidence and contain trade secrets or proprietary information, and
such data shall be used or disclosed only for evaluation purposes, provided that if this applicant receives an award as a result of or in connection
with the submission of this application, DOE shall have the right to use or disclose the data therein to the extent provided in the award. This
restriction does not limit the Government’s right to use or disclose data obtained without restriction from any source, including the applicant.
Tight gas sandstones (TGS) represent 72% (342 Tcf) of the projected unconventional
resource (474 Tcf) for the United States. Rocky Mountain tight gas sandstones representing 70%
of the total TGS resource base (241 Tcf; USEIA, 2004) and Mesaverde Group tight gas
sandstones represent a principal gas productive unit in Western U.S. basins including the basins
that are the focus of this project (Washakie, Uinta, Piceance, Upper Greater Green River, Wind
River). Industry assessment of the regional gas resource, projection of future gas supply, and
exploration programs require an understanding of the reservoir properties and accurate tools for
formation evaluation of drilled wells. The goal of this project is to provide petrophysical
formation evaluation tools related to relative permeability, capillary pressure, electrical
properties and algorithm tools for wireline log analysis. Detailed and accurate moveable gas-in-
place resource assessment is most critical in these marginal gas plays and there is need for
quantitative tools for definition of limits on gas producibility due to technology and rock physics
and for defining water saturation.
Tasks involved with meeting the project objectives include clarification and review of the
research plan (Task 1), initial technology assessment (Task 2), collection and consolidation of
published advanced rock properties data into a publicly accessible relational digital database and
collection of at least 300 rock samples and digital wireline logs from 4-5 wells each from five
basins that will represent the range of lithofacies present in the Mesaverde Group in these basins
(Task 3). Basic properties (including routine and in situ porosity, permeability, and grain
density) of these rocks will be measured and, based on these properties, 150 samples will be
selected to represent the range of porosity, permeability, and lithofacies in the wells and basins
(Task 4.1). Measurements to be performed on these selected samples comprise: 1) Drainage
critical gas saturation (4.2), Routine and in situ mercury intrusion capillary pressure analysis
(4.3), cementation and saturation exponents and cation exchange capacity using multi-salinity
method (4.4), geologic properties including core description, thin-section microscopy, including
diagenetic and point-count analysis (4.5), and standard wireline log analysis (4.6). The compiled
published data and data measured in the study will be input to an Oracle database (5.1). XML
code will be written that will provide web-based access to the data and will allow construction of
rock catalog format output sheets based on user-input search and comparison criteria. The data
will also be available as a complete Oracle database (5.2). Core and wireline log calculated
properties will be compared and algorithms developed for improved calculation of reservoir
properties from log response (Task 6). To evaluate the scale dependence of critical gas
saturation bedform-scale reservoir simulation models will be constructed that represent the basic
bedform architectures present in the Mesaverde sandstones. Simulations will be performed that
will parametrically analyze how critical gas saturation and relative permeability scale with size
and bedding architecture (Task 7). An active web-based, publication, and short-course
technology transfer program will be performed (Task 8).
This project represents a two-year collaboration of the Kansas Geological Survey
at University of Kansas and The Discovery Group, Inc. The projects requests $411,030
of US Department of Energy funds over two years to support the program and
technology transfer activities. The project manager is Alan P. Byrnes with the KGS
(phone: 785-864-2177; email: [email protected].
A. RESUMES ........................................................................................................... 28
B. ADDITIONAL PERTINENT PUBLICATIONS................................................ 33
C. LETTERS OF COMMITMENT ........................................................................ 36
List of Tables
Table 1. Labor by Person and Task ........................................................................ 23
List of Figures
Figure 1. Permeability vs. Porosity for Various Tight Gas Sandstones ................... 4
Figure 2. Gas Relative Permeability for TGS ......................................................... 5
Figure 3. Generalized Capillary Pressure Curves .................................................. 7
Figure 4. Project Schedule ..................................................................................... 23
1.1.1 Statement of Problem – Tight gas sandstones (TGS) represent 72% (342 Trillion
cubic feet, Tcf) of the projected unconventional gas resource (474 Tcf). Rocky Mountain TGS
are 70% of the total TGS resource base (241 Tcf; USEIA, 2004) and the Mesaverde Group
represents the principal gas productive sandstone unit in the largest Western U.S. TGS basins.
Industry assessment of the regional gas resource, projection of future gas supply from this
region, and exploration programs require an understanding of the reservoir properties and, when
wells are drilled, accurate tools for formation evaluation. The proposed project addresses
facies and upscaling issues, 5) wireline log interpretation algorithms, and 6) providing a web-
accessible database of advanced rock properties. 1) Gas Flow- All assessments of gas resource
are premised on assumptions concerning gas relative permeability and implicitly, the critical gas
saturation (Sgc) or minimum gas saturation at which gas flows. Some assessments assume that if
gas is present its’ recovery is only a matter of price and/or technology. This premise is not valid
for gas saturations less than critical. Limited research has been done in this area and published
data can be interpreted to indicate that Sgc increases with decreasing permeability. This would
eliminate some gas from being produced and from resource base estimates. Understanding the
minimum gas saturation necessary for gas flow (Sgc) is fundamental to defining the tight gas
permeability and porosity in tight gas sandstones, little work has been done for capillary
pressure. 3) Electrical Properties - Extensive work has been done defining regional water
composition, but there is little published work characterizing the effect of cation exchange
log response for Mesaverde rocks. 4) Facies and Upscaling - Beyond investigating the above
fundamental properties for representative lithofacies in the Mesaverde, the proposed project will
investigate how critical gas saturation, capillary pressure, electrical properties, upscaling issues,
and wireline log response and analysis change with Mesaverde rock properties such as
lithofacies, porosity, and permeability and how flow properties upscale with lithofacies bedding
architecture. 5) Data access – The body of data concerning TGS advanced rock properties is
extensive but few companies have been able to devote the time or resources to compiling the
data and make the data digitally accessible. A well-designed internet-accessible database is
needed to both provide access to the library of data, query the data with respect to user-defined
relational issues, and provide a framework for future data input through XML linkage.
research concerning tight gas sandstone properties for over three decades and it can be
conservatively assessed that much of the major work in this area has been directly related to this
funded effort. The extensive nature of this work is one of the reasons that there is a need to
compile the quantitative data into a single, easily accessible, petrophysical database.
Comprehensive background review of the state of the art in TGS core petrophysics is prohibitive
for this proposal but brief reference to important work and work performed by team members of
the present proposed project helps to clarify research needs and how the proposed project will
addressed by the proposed program is briefly preceded by discussion of the more fundamental Porosity - Extensive work has been performed on the stress dependence of
porosity and permeability of TGS and the laboratory conditions necessary for proper basic
porosity Walsh and Grosenbaugh (1979) developed a model for fracture compressibility that
matches low-permeability data well and can be expressed by a linear porosity change with
logarithmic change in stress. Ostensen (1983) illustrated for low-permeability rock data from
Jones and Owens (1980) and Sampath (1983) that these data conformed to the model of
compressing cracks. Byrnes (1997, 2000, 2003) illustrated a relationship between routine and in
situ porosity for Mesaverde/Frontier and Medina/Tuscarora tight gas sandstones. Once cores are
consistent with their high degree of consolidation and crack closure, between 1x10-6 and 7x10-
/psi (Jones and Owens, 1981; Byrnes, 1997; Castle and Byrnes, 1998; Luffel, 1991).
shown that the difference between permeabilities measured at routine conditions and those
measured at confining stress increases progressively with decreasing permeability and increasing
confining stress. Byrnes et al (2001) and Byrnes (2003) presented a relationship between in situ
Klinkenberg gas permeability (ki) and routine air permeability (kair): logkik = 0.059 (logkair)3 –
0.187 (logkair)2 +1.154 logkair - 0.159; where k is in millidarcies. The trend is due both to the
increase in effect of confining stress on pore-throat size with decreasing permeability and to the
increase in gas slippage (i.e., Klinkenberg effect) with decreasing pore-throat size and decreasing
Owens, 1980; Sampath and Keighin, 1981; Walls et al, 1982; Ostensen, 1983; Wei et al, 1986;
Luffel et al, 1991; Byrnes, 1997; Castle and Byrnes, 1998; Byrnes et al, 2001).
Given that the dominant control on permeability is pore throat size and pore size
reflect changes in the relationship of how mechanical and chemical compaction influenced total
porosity and how they affected pore throats. Mesaverde-Frontier sandstones can be characterized
as exhibiting either a log-linear k-φ relationship (Byrnes 1997) or, for subpopulations may
exhibit a power-law trend (Castle and Byrnes,1998; Byrnes and Castle, 2000; Webb et al, 2005).
It is interesting to note that low-permeability sandstones for basins across the U.S. exhibit
similarity in the nature of the of k-φ slope with change in the intercept as a function of the degree
of diagenesis , lithofacies, grain size and other lithologic variables (Figure 1). Relative Permeability and Critical Gas Saturation - Relative gas permeability
data, representing krg values obtained at a single Sw, and complete krg curves with krg values
obtained for single samples at several saturations have been reported in several studies (Thomas
1981; Ward and Morrow, 1987; Byrnes, 1997; Castle and Byrnes, 1997; Byrnes and Castle,
2001). Byrnes et al (1979) utilized a modified Corey (1954) equation to predict gas relative
where Sw is fractional water saturation, Sgc is the fractional critical gas saturation, Swc,g is the
fractional critical water saturation relevant to the gas phase, and p and q are exponents
expressing pore size distribution influence. Compiling published low-permeability data, Byrnes
(2003) showed that low-permeability gas sandstone relative permeability could be modeled using
where Swc,g and Sgc are expressed in fractions and kik is expressed in md.
gas saturation, Sgc, increases with decreasing absolute permeability, as expressed in the
equations presented above, or 2) Sgc is approximately constant at some low value (5-15%) and
the Corey exponent, p, changes with decreasing permeability. To date, this question has not
producing sandstones are typically characterized by high water saturation and high capillary
pressure (Thomas and Ward, 1972; Dutton et al., 1993; Byrnes, 1997). Relationships between
“irreducible” water saturation and permeability (Byrnes, 1997; Byrnes and Castle, 2000) and
between threshold entry pressure and principal pore throat diameter (PPTD) and permeability
(Byrnes and Keighin, 1993; Keighin, 1995; Byrnes, 1997; Byrnes, 2003) have been published.
The relationship between threshold entry pressure or PPTD and permeability and between
permeability and lithofacies at any given porosity requires that capillary pressure change with
lithofacies at any given porosity. With change in both the threshold entry pressure and pore
throat size distribution with decreasing permeability, Byrnes (2003) illustrated generalized
capillary pressure shapes for western tight gas sandstones (Figure 3). Byrnes and Keighin (1993)
and Keighin (1995) showed that the in situ PPTD values range from 15-84% of unconfined
PPTD values illustrating the change in capillary pressure with confining stress. Though work
has been done on capillary pressure of low-permeability sandstones little work has been Water Saturation and Cation Exchange Capacity – Wireline log determination
of water saturation and identification of pay in tight gas sandstones is complicated by the low
porosity, argillaceousness, and, in some rocks, the high cation exchange capacity (CEC) of the
clays in the sandstones. The problems of wireline log analysis in shaly sands is well recognized
(Fertl, 1987; Worthington, 1985) and numerous algorithms have been proposed for calculating
water saturations in shaly sands including the empirical Simandoux (1963) and Fertl equations,
which correct for the apparent formation resistivity by a factor related to a shale volume estimate,
and the more theoretical Dual Water and Waxman-Smits (Waxman and Smits, 1969; Waxman and
Thomas, 1974; Clavier, Coats, and Dumanoir, 1984) methods, which are based on theoretical
considerations of clay conductance and electrical current flow in a rock comprised of non-
conductive matrix, conductive clays, fluid filled pores, and bound water on clay surfaces. In rocks
containing clay in contact with fresher water, resistivity can be suppressed due to the electrical
current carrying capacity of cations exchanged with the clay surfaces. The extent of suppression is
a function of water salinity, the cation exchange capacity of the clay, the volume and surface area
and cation exchange capacity (if present) are needed. Further, the accuracy and importance of
water saturations should be investigated before decisions on completion intervals and reserve
estimates are made. The DOE has supported a study by Advanced Resources International to
catalogue water composition data for the Greater Green River and Wind River basins. While
these data are critical to log-calculated water saturation, significant saturation error can exist if
CEC effects are present and are not accounted for in water saturation calculations. Isolated CEC
data are available for Mesaverde but no comprehensive study has been published. The effects
may prove small or may be able to be effectively handled by empirical log analysis methods but Scale Dependence of Sgc and Relative Permeability - Even if accurate relative
permeability curves are known it is important to understand how to utilize them in reservoir
modeling and simulation and have an understanding of how properties can and can’t be
accurately upscaled. Analytically rigorous solutions for upscaling of permeability and relative
permeability exist only for the simplest architectural geometries such as layered beds (e.g.,
Weber, 1982; Craft and Hawkins, 1991; Corey and Rathjens, 1956) or for specific permeability
architectures (Kortekaas, 1985; Honarpour et al., 1995; Ringrose et al., 1996). Other than
averaging, alternate viable methods for upscaling to create larger-scale pseudo-functions involve
(King, 1989) and the use of the MHD equation based on homogenized transport equations and
stochastic properties (Lenormand, 1997). The most accurate, but most computationally
representative architectures (Warren and Price, 1961; Desbarats, 1987). A goal of the proposed
project is examine this issue by creating theoretical common tight gas sandstone bedding
affect predicted performance under various upscaled systems that are more representative of
field-scale performance.
1.2.1 Technology/Methodology Proposed – The project proposes to address the issues discussed
above by compiling and collecting public data and newly measured data. The tasks involved and
the analyses to be performed are discussed briefly here and in more depth in Section 2.1 of
Technical Approach and the SOPO (Appendix A). The compilation and digitization of published
advanced rock properties data (Task 3) will utilize the library resources and library support at the
KGS and KU and off-the-shelf Oracle database software. XML code and program code for
providing a user-friendly interface for database query and data analysis (Task 5) will utilize off-
It is proposed to measure basic properties (2.1), critical gas saturation (2.2) , routine and
in situ mercury capillary pressure (2.3), Archie and cation exchange capacity electrical properties
Group cores obtained from widely spaced wells in five Western U.S. basins. From the cores
from the 25 wells 300 core plugs will be obtained that appropriately represent the complete range
of lithofacies exhibited by the Mesaverde in each of the basins. Sampling is designed to obtain a
complete spectrum and not just reservoir facies. From the 300 core plugs a select population of
and permeability in the Mesaverde. While a larger population is obviously desirable measuring
geologic properties of the core plugs the study provides a defined geologic (lithofacies,
petrologic) reference frame for correlation with rocks from unsampled Mesaverde areas and
other formations. Similarly, obtaining data on a nearly complete spectrum of Mesaverde rocks
significantly increases the robustness of the empirical relationships developed and provides users
of the database with a high probability of finding analog samples. Laboratory analyses will
The above approach utilizes existing methods and a formation evaluation approach that
has been used in a number of multi-company commercial studies performed by the principal
investigators of this proposal. While commercial rock catalogs, where companies submit
samples of interest and share petrophysical results, are useful, the absence of a full population
and, particularly, poorer reservoir quality samples, precludes the ability to define properties for
significant fractions of the rock lithofacies/property spectrum. The experimental design of the
The project will analyze wireline log response, evaluate results, and determine log-
analysis algorithms that provide apparent maximum accuracy (Task 6). The analysis approach
will utilize standard statistical methods but will closely integrate log-core-petrophysical data.
While core-plug scale Sgc values represent a minimum Sgc, heterogeneities introduced
by complex bedforms and architectures of different lithofacies can increase Sgc at larger scales.
Reservoir simulation models will be constructed to represent basic bedform architectures. These
models of common bedform architectures in the Mesaverde will be used to explore and better
Finally, a basic goal of the project is to provide the data compiled and measured to
operators and users involved in resource evaluation (Task 8). An active web-based, publication,
and short-course technology transfer program will be performed. The web-based tools will
provide any operator with complete access to the database and a tool for querying and analyzing
data. Publications will explore important relationships in the nature and distribution of properties
1.2.2 Relationship to Solicitation Goals - The proposed project directly addresses the
permeability, and capillary pressure in tight reservoirs and data management. These issues were
properly identified in the solicitation as three of the four areas in which advances are sought. The
project will create a database of selected relative permeability, capillary pressure, and electrical
properties for Mesaverde Group tight gas sandstones (TGS) from five Western U.S. basins and
will answer fundamental questions discussed in Section 1.1.1. Answers to these questions, and
definition of reservoir relative permeability, capillary pressure and water saturation. On a larger
scale, the accurate definition of these properties is necessary to provide improved ability to
assess and predict formation producibility of Mesaverde tight gas reservoir targets in Western
U.S. basins. Although recent assessments of marginal, sub-economic resources indicate that
hundreds to thousands of trillion cubic feet (Tcf) of gas exists in-place in tight gas reservoirs, the
full and accurate appraisal of TGS potential is founded on an understanding of rock properties.
organized in a user-definable rock catalog format where relational structures between data can be
explored “on-the-fly”, will provide significant accessibility to the data at any personal computer.
Additionally, for companies interested in incorporating the data into their internal proprietary
databases, the availability of the entire Oracle database itself will be possible and will facilitate
1.3.1 Impact – It is believed the properties measured and the database will have an
immediate and significant impact on quantitative resource assessment of Mesaverde and other
tight gas sandstones. Depending on the nature of critical gas saturation change with lithofacies
and permeability, the recoverable gas resource and exploration programs in Western tight gas
sandstones could change significantly. Waxman-Smits parameters for Mesaverde rocks could
provide operators with tools that may indicate water saturations are 10-20% less than values
calculated using standard Archie parameters. This difference could immediately change
properties compiled from the literature and the study will provide immediate evaluation tools.
Mesaverde reservoirs and to similar facies in other formations. The measurement of properties
on a suite of rocks that represent the range of lithofacies, porosity, and permeability in the
Mesaverde is specifically designed to provide the maximum applicability of the results obtained.
The construction of a web-accessible database will provide a tool that facilitates use of the data
immediately. All operators in tight gas sandstones will have use for the data and the database.
well established. There are no significant risks to the program. The project is designed to
sample approximately 25 wells to obtain the representative sample of cores. It is possible that
the wells selected will not provide sufficient variance in the lithofacies or porosity/permeability
population. If this occurs additional wells will be sampled or alternate wells will be selected.
Unlike many published studies where rock geologic properties are not quantified, since these will
be characterized in this study, there will be quantitative data for users to determine the similarity
A. Objectives
Major aspects of the proposed study involve a series of tasks to measure data to reveal the
nature of drainage critical gas saturation, capillary pressure, electrical properties and how these
change with basic properties, such as porosity and permeability, and lithofacies for tight gas
sandstones of the Mesaverde Group, and possibly between basins. A goal of the project is to
measure critical gas saturation (Sgc) and capillary pressure (Pc), using 150 rocks selected to
represent the range of lithofacies, porosity and permeability in the Mesaverde in five major TGS
basins (Washakie, Uinta, Piceance, Upper Greater Green River, and Wind River). Representative
samples will be obtained from 4-5 wells in each basin and the advanced properties samples
This investigation will discern the relative relationship between the independent geologic and
petrophysical variables and Sgc and Pc. In Mesaverde reservoirs diagenetic clays with high
cation exchange capacity can be common and water salinities can often be fresh (<25,000 ppm
total dissolved solids). These conditions can lead to low resistivity for which the standard Archie
analysis of wireline electric log response must be modified (e.g. Waxman-Smits, Dual Water
approaches). An objective of the project is to evaluate this for the select samples to both
determine the nature of conductive solids and develop algorithms for wireline log analysis of
water saturation. A principal goal is to compile published data and newly measured data into an
Oracle database that is publicly available and which will be fully accessible on the web allowing
search and development of relational structures of the data and output both as structured data and
B. Scope of Work
Tasks involved to meet the project objectives are described in the Statement of Project
Objectives (SOPO, Appendix A) and includes clarification and review of the research plan (Task
1), initial technology assessment (Task 2), collection and consolidation of published advanced
rock properties data into a publicly accessible relational digital database and collection of at least
300 rock samples and digital wireline logs from 4-5 wells each from five basins that will
represent the range of lithofacies present in the Mesaverde Group in these basins (Task 3). Basic
properties (including routine and in situ porosity, permeability, and grain density) of these rocks
will be measured and, based on these properties, 150 samples will be selected to represent the
range of porosity, permeability, and lithofacies in the wells and basins (Task 4.1). Sampling will
represents the complete range of properties exhibited by the Mesaverde is important to defining
critical gas saturation (4.2), Routine and in situ mercury intrusion capillary pressure analysis
(4.3), cementation and saturation exponents and cation exchange capacity using multi-salinity
method (4.4), geologic properties including core description, thin-section microscopy, including
diagenetic and point-count analysis (4.5), and standard wireline log analysis (4.6). The compiled
published data and data measured in the study will be input to an Oracle database (5.1). XML
code will be written that will provide web-based access to the data and will allow construction of
rock catalog format output sheets based on user-input search and comparison criteria. The data
will also be available as a complete Oracle database for companies wishing to load the data into
their own systems (5.2). Core and wireline log calculated properties will be compared and
algorithms developed for improved calculation of reservoir properties from log response (Task
6). To evaluate the scale dependence of critical gas saturation bedform-scale reservoir
simulation models will be constructed that represent the basic bedform architectures present in
the Mesaverde sandstones. Simulations will be performed that will parametrically analyze how
critical gas saturation and relative permeability scale with size and bedding architecture (Task 7).
An active and aggressive web-based, publication, and short-course technology transfer program
comprising a detailed work breakdown structure, summary of objectives and tasks, schedules,
expenditures by task.
technology relevant to the proposed work will be performed and an analytical summary report
prepared. This task will precede and compliment the activities under Task 3.
Subtask 3.1. Compile published advanced properties data – The DOE and industry have
supported research into TGS petrophysical properties for over 30 years. Advanced rock
relative permeability, and electrical properties, will be compiled from published studies and DOE
reports. These data will be digitized and entered into a fully integrated digital data system
accessible to external users. The databases will also be designed to use many of the capabilities
small independent operators with web-based tools for petroleum database access, data mining,
Subtask 3.2. Compile representative lithofacies core and logs from major basins - Not
less than 300 rock samples will be obtained from 4-5 wells in each of the five basins in the
project (Washakie, Uinta, Piceance, Upper Greater Green River, Wind River). The 4-5 wells in
that have adequate wireline log suites and core. In each of the basins possible industry sponsors
have been identified. For areas that need to be sampled but industry contribution cannot be
obtained wells will be selected that have core available in the USGS core repository in Denver,
Colorado. Cores and wells will be selected that provide a comprehensive range in lithofacies,
both reservoir and nonreservoir, characteristic of the Mesaverde in the area and basin and that
serve both the objectives of the study and assessment needs of the industry participants.
Subtask 3.3. Acquire logs from sample wells and digitize – For each of the wells from
core is obtained, the complete suite of available wireline logs will be obtained. As note, only
wells where an adequate suite of wireline logs is available will be selected for sampling. For
wells where logs are not available digitally paper copies will be digitized by a commercial
service company.
Subtask 4.1. Measure basic properties (k, φ, grain density) and select advanced
population – Routine core analysis will be performed on not less than 300 core samples. Data to be
obtained include: whole-core porosity, permeability and grain density where previously measured;
routine helium porosity, routine air and in situ Klinkenberg permeability, and grain density. These
measurements are intended to provide a basis for selecting the representative 150 samples for more
advanced testing.
Subtask 4.2. Measure critical gas saturation – Critical gas saturation will be measured
on not less than 150 samples. Cores will be not less than 2-inches long and gas pressures will be
gravimetrically. Critical non-wetting phase (gas equivalent) saturation will also be measured
mercury intrusion analysis significant change in electrical conductivity across the sample
Subtask 4.3. Measure in situ and routine capillary pressure – Capillary pressure
analysis will be performed on not less than 150 pairs of representative samples. Mercury
intrusion analysis from 2 to 10,000 psi injection pressure will be used. Paired samples,
exhibiting similar porosity, permeability, and lithology will be used for the unconfined analysis
performed on 150 samples. Cores will be sequentially vacuum/pressure saturated with brines of
three different salinities. Once a plug has reached equilibration with the brine it will be placed in a
Hassler-type core holder and subjected to in situ hydrostatic confining stress. Electrical resistivity
will be measured using a two-electrode configuration with gold plated end electrodes. Waxman-
Smit effects will be determined from the change in resistivity with change in brine conductivity.
Following cementation exponent measurements the core will be desaturated by gas displacement as
Subtask 4.5. Measure geologic and petrologic properties – Cores will be described to
provide an understanding of pay and nonpay rock types, their log signatures, lithofacies,
stratigraphy, depositional sequences, and flow-unit continuity. The cores will be graphically
logged with emphasis on lithology, including bedform type argillaceousness, small-scale (i.e.,
diagenetic products. Based on the lithofacies present, 300 representative samples will be selected
for basic core analysis. On the 150 samples selected for advanced properties analysis, Thin-
composition and rock and pore architecture. Petrography will also evaluate size, volume,
geometry, and evolution of pore systems. Core photos and thin-section photomicrographs will
Subtask 4.6. Perform standard logs analysis – Log petrophysical analysis will be
performed to the determine porosity, log signature, Archie –calculated water saturation, and
calculated permeability for every interval where a core sample is obtained. This analysis will
provide the basis for identifying unique wireline log signatures for lithofacies. This will also act
as the basis for evaluating the need to develop better analysis algorithms to improve prediction of
Subtask 5.1. Compile published and measured data into Oracle database – All data,
including the compiled previously published data and data measured in the proposed project, will
be compiled and input into an Oracle database including petrophysical data (core and log) and
rock images.
Subtask 5.2. Modify existing web-based software to provide GUI data access –The
existing KGS web-based software for petrophysical database query and analysis (DOE-
with web-based tools for petroleum database access and mining, and geological and engineering
analysis to delineate resources and increase exploitation efficiency. Source code modules from
GEMINI will be utilized to create stand-alone software for access and utilization of the TGS
database, including download, storage, and parsing of data, and on-the-fly relational data
graphical-user-interface, and allow, via user-selected options, the creation of rock catalog page(s)
that address the query structure defined by the user to address their needs. Rather than present a
“flat” rock catalog this will provide the ability for users to construct their own rock catalog pages
presenting the data they need to see in a relational context relevant to the problem they are
addressing. Rock catalog pages will be able to display output such as user-selected tables, cross-
plots (e.g. k vs. φ, k vs. Pconfining, etc.), core and thin-section images, and wireline log response.
Submodules will be added to the Rock Catalog Module to retrieve and display advanced rock
mechanics, and electrical properties. Overlays will be constructed and added to the existing Rock
Catalog Panel to select and access data sets and select plot display options. Code will be written
transformation of capillary pressure to hydrocarbon height above free water level. Output can to
Subtask 6.1. Compare log and core properties – Wireline log-calculated properties,
including porosity, water saturation and lithofacies, will be integrated and compared with core-
water saturation. Possible unique log signatures for lithofacies will be evaluated and differences
Subtask 6.2. Evaluate results and determine log-analysis algorithm inputs – Based on
the comparison of log and core properties in Subtask 4.1 analysis will be performed to try an
develop algorithms that can improve wireline log-predicted properties. Linear, nonlinear and
analysis will be made of the Archie, Waxman-Smits, Dual-water, and Simandoux methods.
Subtask 7.1. Construct basic bedform architecture simulation models – While core-plug
scale Sgc values represent a minimum Sgc, heterogeneities introduced by complex bedforms and
architectures of different lithofacies can increase Sgc at larger scales. Reservoir simulation
models will be constructed to represent basic bedform architectures. These models will only
explore common bedform architectures in the Mesaverde and will not be comprehensive.
Subtask 7.2. Perform numerical simulation of flow for basic bedform architectures –
Reservoir simulation will be performed for the simulation models constructed in Subtask 5.1.
Modeling will explore parametrically the influence of porosity, permeability, gas saturation, and
relative permeability differences assigned to the basic lithofacies architectural elements in the
technology transfer program will be performed. The web-based tools will provide any operator
with complete access to the database and a tool for querying and analyzing data. Publications
will explore important relationships in the nature and distribution of properties and the
Subtask 8.2. Reporting Requirements - All reporting requirements of the DOE, federal
Subtask 8.3. Project Management - Alan Byrnes will manage the project with members
of the team shown in the Management and Key Personnel Section 4.0.
Periodic, topical, and final reports will be submitted in accordance with the "Federal
The KGS and Discovery Group will prepare detailed briefings for an annual presentation
to DOE, explaining plans, progress, and results of the technical effort. The KGS and Discovery
Group will provide and present a technical paper(s) at the DOE Annual Contractor’s Review
Meeting. Workshops, seminars, and presentations through the North Midcontinent PTTC and
Table 1 shows allocation of manpower by task for project personnel. Labor estimates
Figure 4 shows the planned project schedule. Most of the database construction and data
Travel is planned for one trip for one person from Kansas to collect petrophysical
samples from the US Geological Survey Core Repository in Denver, CO. Local travel for
Discovery Group personnel to the Denver core repository is planned. Travel is planned for two
people to a DOE/NETL kick-off meeting. Travel is planned for one person each year of the
project to attend and make an annual presentation at the DOE/NETL Annual Contractors
Meeting. Travel is planned for one person each year of the project to attend and make an annual
presentation at the DOE/NETL in Pittsburgh, PA or Morgantown, WV. Travel is planned for one
KGS person and one Discovery Group person to attend and present results of research at the
2006 SPE Annual Technical Conference in Houston, TX. Travel is planned for one person from
KGS and one person from Discovery Group to attend the 2006 AAPG Annual Meeting in
Houston, TX. Travel is planned for one KGS person and one Discovery Group person to attend
and present results of research at the 2007 SPE Annual Technical Conference in Houston, TX.
Travel is planned for one person from KGS and one person from Discovery Group to attend the
conducted by the KU Energy Research Center (KUERC) and involve KGS staff and Discovery
Group staff. The results of the project will be made available to the public and the numerous
independent operators producing from western U.S. tight gas sandstone reservoirs. Technology
transfer will include access to all data, interpretations and models through flexible online access
through the Internet. At least one workshop will be organized through the North Midcontinent
be an integral part of the technology transfer effort. Presentations will be made to local/regional
organizations of independent operators, the DOE, and conferences of professional societies such
as the Society of Petroleum Engineers, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, and the
Society of Professional Well Log Analysts. All reporting requirements of the DOE, federal
The Kansas Geological Survey (KGS) conducts energy research on a wide range of technical
topics (e.g., reservoir characterization, depositional sequence architecture, world wide web-based
information transfer, petrophysics) aimed at providing information that can be used to search for
additional resources, recover existing resources more effectively, or extend the life of known oil
and gas fields. The KGS is a leading provider of Geographic Information System solutions and
relational database management systems. The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc.
(KUCR) and The Kansas University Energy Research Center (KUERC) will administer the
project. KUCR is a non-profit corporation affiliated with the University that contracts for all
research conducted at the University. Kansas University Energy Research Center (KUERC)
coordinates and facilitates integrated energy research at KU. The primary goal is to develop
enhanced energy research programs serving state, regional, and national energy needs.
The Discovery Group, Inc. has provided services in reservoir characterization, field
studies, petrophysics and wireline log analysis, and geologic and stratigraphic analysis to the
petroleum industry since 1987 and has extensive working knowledge in North America as well
The principal investigators in this project have over 75 years of combined experience in
tight gas sandstone characterization and integration between disciplines. These investigators
have previously worked and published together on formation evaluation projects and a tight gas
sandstone rock catalog for the Washakie Basin that was part of a proprietary industry project.
Alan P. Byrnes is a petrophysicist with over 25 years of oil and gas industry experience
engineering. He has managed several DOE program including the $4.8 million Class II Revisit
CO2 demonstration project in central Kansas (DE-AC26-00BC15124). Alan will manage the
project and will be responsible for supervision and measurement of petrophysical properties.
John R. Victorine has over 23 years of computer programming experience including 12 yrs of
Fortran and C programming, 8 yrs of Oracle db, 8 yrs. PL/SQL programming, 3.5 yrs. Java
Programming 3 yrs as technical lead on DTIC (Defense Technical Information Center), 2.5 yrs.
GEMINI. Robert M. Cluff is a geologist and petrophysicist with over 25 years experience in oil
and gas exploration, development, and research with expertise in the integration of petrophysical
and wireline log data, stratigraphy and sedimentology of petroleum reservoirs, and depositional
analysis of carbonate and clastic environments. He was the project coordinator for the four-year
petrologist with over 23 years of experience with emphasis on integration of geologic and
All facilities and equipment necessary for the project are available at KU and the
Discovery Group. An abbreviated equipment and software list includes: Computer Systems
and Software - The KGS is equipped with a state-of-the-art distributed computer system with
the latest workstations, storage devices, routers, and software that presently support a large
publicly accessible database and the DOE-sponsored Digital Petroleum Atlas, MIDCARB, and
GEMINI projects. Reservoir simulation is performed using the Computer Modeling Group
IMEX simulator. Core Analysis Facilities & Equipment - KGS has a fully equipped routine
and advanced properties core analysis laboratory capable of performing all the petrophysical
measurements defined in the proposed program. Major analytical instruments that will be used
coreholders for obtaining keg, Sor data; 7) 10,000 psi air-mercury capillary pressure instrument.
Petrographic Analysis Facilities & Equipment – The KGS and the University of Kansas
operate several laboratories with equipment needed for the proposed project, including state-