SPSR 2021 Compressed
SPSR 2021 Compressed
SPSR 2021 Compressed
1. Ms.V.Praba Smart crop leaf disease S.Nandhini AS-006 7500/-
Assistant Professor detection using IoT and
Department of Computer machine learning algorithms
Science Engineering
Sri S.Ramasamy Naidu
Memorial College
Sattur, Virudhunagar-626 203
2. Mrs.S.Balasaraswathi Development and analysis of A.Gowsalya AS-188 7500/-
Assistant Professor immunity boosting food
Department of Home Science products to avert infectious
V.V. Vanniyaperumal College diseases
for Women
Virudhunagar-626 001
3. Dr.M.Sridevi Production of mulch flim from E.Elanchezhiyan, AS-008 7500/-
Professor and Head sugarcane bagasse and E.Subalashmi
Department of Biotechnology chicken feathers- A novel
Vinayaka Mission's approach
Kirupanandha Variyar
Engineering College
Periya Seeragapadi
Salem-636 308
4. Dr.E.Dilipan Understanding genetic M.Blessi, AS-253 7500/-
Assistant Professor variability in green gram A.Jawahar Nisha,
Department of Biotechnology (Vigna radiata L.) using two S.Sindhuja,
Selvam College of Technology gene targeted CAAT box- K.Swarna Prabha
Pappinaickenpatti derived polymorphism
Namakkal-637 003 (CBDP) and start codon
targeted (SCoT)
polymorphism markers under
salt stress
5. Dr.P.A.Raajeswari Upscaling Bio waste- Ground N.Roshini AS-010 7500/-
Assistant Professor nut shell to Eco-friendly
Department of Food Science packaging materials
and Nutrition
Avinashilingam Institute for
Home Science and Higher
Education for Women
Coimbatore-641 043
6. Dr.C.Kavitha Smart agriculture using K.T.Kirubasekar, AS-179 7500/-
Assistant Professor evana sensor G.Rajkumar
Department of CSE
Sri Kaliswari College
Sivakasi-626 123
7. Dr.K.R.T.Asha Effect of barracuda fish S.Mukila AS-012 7500/-
Assistant Professor and Head waste as fertilizer for
Department of Biochemistry photosynthetic yield of
Government Arts College centella asiatica
Paramakudi-623 701
Ramanathapuram Dt.
8. Dr.R.Kadhar Nivas Production of liquid bio- T.Sivaranjani, AS-235 7500/-
Assistant Professor fertilizer and to study Its M.Akash,
Department of Biotechnology effectivity on plant growth in N.Enamul Hasan
EGS Pillay Arts and Science Nagapattinam district
College,Thethi Village
Nagapattinam-611 002
9. Dr.R.Renuka Extraction of natural yellow Yamuna.N, AS-016 7500/-
Assistant Professor food colorant from plamyra Abinaya.K,
Department of Biochemistry fruit (Borassus flabellifer L) Yohanayahi.P
Sri Ramakrishna College of
Arts and Science for Women
Coimbatore-641 044
10. Dr.D.Bhuvaneswari Value addiction of Ayesha Sithika.A AS-115 7500/-
Assistant Professor pomegranate peel powder
PG Department of Nutrition fortified jelly for ulcer
and Dietetics
Jamal Mohamed College
Tiruchirapalli-620 020
11. Dr.V.Nithyalakshmi Design and development of Prakash.S.P AS-018 7500/-
Assistant Professor eco-friendly portable milk
Department of Food cooling system using peltier
Processing Engineering effect
College of Food and Dairy
Chennai-600 052
12. Dr.R.Ashwini Isolation of bacterial Karthick.T, AS-024 7500/-
Assistant Professor endophytes from salt-marsh Pradeep
Department of Biotechnology plants and screening for its Manigandan.K
Dwaraka Doss Goverdhan plant growth promoting
Doss Vaishnav College activity
Chennai-600 106
13. Tmt.B.Sridevi Bioformualtions of spirulina K.Vidya AS-011 7500/-
Head and Assistant Professor effluent for plant growth
Department of Biochemistry promotion and combating
Theivanai Ammal College for phytopathogens: A
Women, Villupuram-605 602 sustainable agriculture
14. Dr.R.Bhakyaraj Bioethanolic herbal Vaishnavi.S AS-028 7500/-
Head disinfectant production from
Department of Microbiology food and Agricultural waste
Shri Nehru Maha Vidyalaya
College of Arts and Science
Coimbatore- 641 050
15. Dr.K.Sujatha Seed Technological Studies K.P.Arun AS-146 7500/-
Professor in Moringa (Moringa Oleifera)
Department of Seed Science var. PKM 1
and Technology
Agricultural College and
Research Institute
Madurai- 625 104
16. Dr.Arun Joshy.V Nutritious edible cutlery Poorani.E AS-029 7500/-
Assistant Professor alternative for single use Shobana.S
Department of Food plastic Yuvasri.A
Kongu Engineering College
Perundurai, Erode-638 060
17. Dr.Princy.N Preparation of gluten-free Nikarika Bipin, AS-030 7500/-
Assistant Professor bread using arrowroot flour, Adwaith Satheesh,
Department of Food sweet potato and musa Ashwin Babu.V.K
Technology starch
Hindusthan College of
Engineering and Technology
18. Dr.P.Manikandan Survey on invasive plants Aarthi.R, AS-126 7500/-
Assistant Professor and control of weeds in Aswathi.T,
Department of Botany selected crop fields, Salem Preethi.S
Vivekanandha College of Arts District, TamilNadu and
and Sciences for Women Kerala, Southern India
19. Dr.V.Geetha An innovative zigbee based P.Hemaprabha, AS-032 7500/-
Assistant Professor implementation to increase B.Kaviya,
Department of CSE the farmer's income and S.Parameshwari,
Sengamala Thayaar develop the rural economy A.Isharubina,
Educational Trust Women’s
College, Mannargudi-614 016
20. Ms.L.G.Nandhini Comparative evaluation of K.Abirami AS-160 7500/-
Assistant Professor different organic fertilizer of
Department of Biotechnology the plant solanum
K.S.R. College of Arts and lycopersicum
Namakkal District
21. Dr.A.Sai Ramesh Formulation of nano- K.Ashokkumar AS-041 7500/-
Associate Professor biopesticide from chara K.A.Dinesh Babu
Department of Biotechnology hydrophytys, gracilaria
Vel Tech High Tech Dr. edulis, and cuscuta Spp.
Rangarajan Dr. Sakunthala
Engineering College
Avadi, Chennai-600 062
22. Dr.D.Kavitha Cultivation of pluerotus V.Priyadharshini AS-258 7500/-
Assistant Professor ostreatus (Oyster Mushroom)
Department of Biotechnology from agro-industrial waste
Muthayammal College of Arts (Ground shell)
and Science, Rasipuram
Namakkal-637 408
23. Ms.N.Sumathy Isolation and characterization P.Siba AS-164 7500/-
Assistant Professor of rhizobium from various
Department of Microbiology leguminous plants (Arachis
The Madura College and sesbania)
Madurai-625 011
24. Dr.P.Ponmanickam Biochemical characterization C.Veeralakshmi AS-043 7500/-
Assistant Professor of waxy secretions of
Department of Zoology pappaya mealy bug: An
Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal approach for pest
College, Sivakasi-626124 management
25. Dr.Sentila Rajan Comparative assessment of Ajithkumar.K AS-048 7500/-
Guest faculty commercial biofertilizers and
Department of Microbial marine macroalgae on
Biotechnology abelmoschus esculentus
Bharathiar University cultivation as considerable
Coimbatore-641 046 biofertilizer
26. Mr.Gobhinath.S Prototype development of Meena.K AS-175 7500/-
Assistant Professor IoT based cotton crop health
Department of EEE monitoring system and smart
Dr.N.G.P.Institute of irrigation with field protection
Technology using autonomous rover
27. Mr.J.Vinoth Arulraj Production and partial Akalya.K, AS-035 7500/-
Assistant Professor purification of commercial Harini.V
Department of Biotechnology important enzymes from
Arunai Engineering College fruits and vegetables wastes
Tiruvannamalai -606 603
28. Dr.N.Sreenivasaraja GPS and sensor using Ajith.M, AS-107 7500/-
Assistant professor wildlife animal tracking Arjun.P,
Department of Aeronautical system Ashir Azar.A,
Engineering Hariharan.L.S.
Excel Engineering College
29. Dr.S.Bangaru Using variable range of Sonic Farjana.M, AS-049 7500/-
Associate Professor and Head and ultrasonic sounds in Sivasakthi.M
Department of Physics agricultural growth
Arignar Anna Government Arts
College, Namakkal-637 002
30. Mrs.S.Vaishnavi Green water (Waste water C.Gokulraj, AS-052 7500/-
Assistant Professor treatment) A.Kannan,
Department of Chemical V.Mohana Priya,
Engineering M.Sheeba
Erode Sengunthar Engineering
College, Perundurai
Erode-638 057
31. Dr.Parthiban Subramanyan Development and tripartite V.Vijaya Prabha AS-057 7500/-
Assistant Professor interactions of nano-
PG and Research Dept. of particulate delivery systems
Biotechnology & Microbiology for plant growth promoting
National College bacteria in tomato plants
32. Dr.N.Mohanapriya On domination colouring of R.Karthika AS-059 7500/-
Assistant Professor graphs and its applications
Department of Mathematics
Kongunadu Arts and Science
College, Coimbatore-641 029
33. Dr.A.Anita Margret Assessing the probiotic S.Sugirtha AS-103 7500/-
Assistant Professor efficiency on soil isolates
Department of Biotechnology induced with biochar over
Bishop Heber College south indian indigenous rice
Puthur, Tiruchirapalli-620017 variety of kattuyanam
34. Dr.M.Kumar Formulation of mycorrhizal Beula Francies.F AS-084 7500/-
Assistant Professor inoculum as biofertilizer
Department of Botany
Madras Christian College
Chennai-600 059
35. Dr.A.Thahira Banu In vitro glycemic index of Amutha Keerthana. AS-087 7500/-
Assistant Professor unpolished, polished, semi- G
Department of Homescience polished millets available in
The Gandhigram Rural the markets of Dindigul and
Institute, Gandhigram Theni Districts and
Dindigul-624 302 development of digital ready
36. Dr.J.Anbumalarmathi Synthetic seed production as Annanya Bose, AS-159 7500/-
Head of the Department a tool for the conservation of K.Subashree
Department of Biotechnology Withania somnifera
Stella Maris College
Chennai-600 086
37. Dr.L.Nivetha Endophytic fungi from Dhanniya.S, AS-161 7500/-
Assistant Professor medicinal plants citrus Srimathi Saradha.V
Department of Biotechnology medica: a treasure hunt for
PSG College of Arts and bioactive metabolites
Science, Coimbatore-641 014
38. Dr.N.Sathammai Priya Phosphorus and compost Krithika.E AS-202 7500/-
Assistant Professor management influence
Department of Microbiology coriander leaves
Cauvery College for Women (Coriandrum Sativum)
Tiruchirapalli-620 018 productivity under green
house condition with without
phosphate solubilizing
bacteria (PSB)
39. Dr.S.Sathiyamurthi Topsis and geospatial M.Sivasakthi AS-216 7500/-
Assistant Professor Technique for crop suitability
Department of Soil Science analysis of Krishnagiri
and Agricultural Chemistry District, Tamil Nadu
Annamalai University
Annamalai Nagar-608002
40. Mr.M.Rabi Ahamed Refinement and design of Sneha.M, AS-117 7500/-
Associate Professor steam generator for dying Rubika.B,
Dept. of Agriculture Engg. industry Kamala kannan.S,
Nandha Engineering college Krishna kumar.S
41. Dr.K.Anbarasu Production of food colors by Agshaya.P AS-060 7500/-
Assistant Professor monascus purpureus using
Department of Biotechnology food waste
Periyar Manniammai Institute
of Science and Technology
42. Dr.Niveadhitha.S Development of mineral Pavithra.K, AS-065 7500/-
Assistant Professor (SG) enriched cookies by the Sundareshwarapan
Department of Food Tech. utilization of watermelon diyan.C
Rajalakshmi Engineering seeds
College, Chennai-602105
43. Dr.M.Sithi Jameela Effect of herbal plant extract K.Pon Ananthi AS-144 7500/-
Associate Professor and Head on the economic parameters
Department of Zoology of bombyx mori parameters
Sadakathullah Appa College of silkworm bombyx mori
44. Dr.D.Siva Cultivation of vitamin D3 V.Jegan, AS-230 7500/-
Assistant Professor enriched mushrooms R.Divya Dharshini,
PG and Research Department B.Kala
of Biotechnology
Srimad Andavan Arts and
Science College
45. Dr.M.Nithyalakshmi Comparative study of M.Parkavi AS-207 7500/-
Assistant professor antioxidant capacity in lemon
Department of Microbiology peel fruit and lactobacillus
Biochemistry and Zoology bacteria isolated from curd
Nadar Saraswathi College of
Arts and Science
Vadaputhupatti, Theni-625531
46. Dr.P.Bakkiyalakshmi Feasibility study on delayed Giridharan.B, AS-252 7500/-
Associate Professor ripening of horticultural crops Logesh R.M,
Department of Agriculture for reduction of wastes in Megavathi.M
Engineering wholesale vegetable and
Saveetha Engineering College fruit markets
Chennai-602 105
47. Dr.M.Manikandan Photocatalytic degradation of M.Sridharshini AS-033 7500/-
Associate Professor dyes using silver
Department of Biotechnology nanoparticles (AgNPs),
Sri Krishna Arts and Science synthesized by Coleus
College, Coimbatore-641 008 aromaticus leaf extract
48. Dr..K.M.Buvaneswari Formulation, nutrient and M.Mubina AS-038 7500/-
Assistant Professor sensory analysis of iron
Department of Homescience enriched pasta with turkey
Thassim Beevi Abdul Kader berry flour
College for Women
Kilakarai-623 517
49. Ms.V.Geethakaviya Development of Edible Abhinav.R, AS-051 7500/-
Assistant Professor Cutlery from Fruit (Banana) Anitta Elsa
Department of Food Tech. by-products. Thomas,
Karpagam Academy of Higher Arun Kevin Castro.
Education,Eachanari Post J
50. Dr.B.Makeshkumar Raspberry Pi-based Iot S.Anto Agnes AS-096 7500/-
Assistant Professor and Head system for hydroponics Reshma,
Department of Botany N.Karpagalakhsmi,
& Dr.B.N.Prathibha P.Abirami
Assistant Professor and Head
Department of CSE
G.Venkataswamy Naidu
College, Thoothukudi-628502
51. Mr.P.M.Benson Mansingh LoRa based smart irrigation Sundar Raj.S, AS-129 7500/-
Assistant Professor system Stephen
Department of ECE Yesudoss.S,
Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Praveen.G,
Technology,Pachapalayam Shiva Bharathi.A
Coimbatore-641 010
52. Mr.A.Wasim Raja Advanced system controlling Venkatesh.N, AS-045 7500/-
Assistant Professor and water saving in Ajaykumar.J,
Department of CSE agriculture Akash.R
Nehru Institute of Engg. and
Tech. Coimbatore-641 105
53. Dr.V.Baskar Comparative expression and Deepika.D, AS-176 7500/-
Assistant Professor phytochemical - profiling and Dhivya.D
Department of Biotechnology therapeutic applications of
Sri Shakthi Institute of wild and quality tea (Camellia
Engineering and Technology sinensis (L.)O.Kuntze)
Coimbatore-641 062 cultivators of India
54. Dr.V.Baskar Effect of rhizobacteria on T.Tharshini AS-136 7500/-
Assistant Professor plant growth of cucumis
Department of Microbiology sativus
M.R.Government Arts College
Mannargudi- 614 001
55. Dr.R.Shyam Kumar Cost effective rice water A.Vinnarasi AS-036 7500/-
Associate Professor based green composite film
Department of Biotechnology development for food
Kamaraj College of packaging
Engineering and Technology
(Near Virudhunagar)
56. Dr.P.Rameshkumar Effects of oxyfertigation in N.Mohana Sundar AS-307 7500/-
Assistant Professor the root zone environment of
Department of Biochemistry green gram cultivation under
N.M.S.S. Vellaichamy Nadar hydroponic conditions
Madurai-625 019
57. Mrs.D.Sowmiya Bioefficacy of common ferns S.Surya Kumar, AS-013 7500/-
Assistant Professor against some coconut pests K.Vinothkumar,
PG and Research Department T.Lijo Louis,
of Botany R.Divya
Nallamuthu Gounder
Mahalingam College
Pollachi-642 001
58. Dr.K.Rama Krishna Price analysis and consumer Paruthi AS-081 7500/-
Assistant Professor behavioural changes towards Ellampirai.M
Department of Horticulture fruits during pre and post
Central University of covid period.
Tamil Nadu,
Thiruvarur-610 005
59. Mr.A.Senthamarai Kannan Advanced method of water Kamali.S, AS-102 7500/-
Assistant Professor management in paddy Sruthi.S,
Department of EEE cultivation using IoT Vishnu.P,
M.A.M. School of Engineering Yamuna.P
60. Dr.D.Rajkumar Shelf life enhancement of J.Subash, AS-138 7500/-
Professor and Head vegetables using beneficial M.Abinaya,
Dept. of Agriculture Engg. microorganisms M.Rajesh Kannan,
RVS Technical Campus M.Sneha
Kannampalayam - 641 402
61. Dr.L.Jeyanthi Rebecca A liquid growth stimulant for G.Manoj AS-155 7500/-
Professor and Head abiotic stress tolerance in
Department of Biotechnology plants
Bharath Institute of Higher
Education and Research
Selaiyur, Chennai-600073
62. Dr.P.Masilamani Screening and identification G.Raiza Christina AS-228 7500/-
Dean of rice landraces for efficient
Department of Plant Breeding grain filling attributes to
and Genetics evolve heat tolerant rie
Anbil Dharmalingam genotypes
Agricultural College and
Research Institute
63. Ms.N.Raghavi Smart crop protection system Nivetha.K, AS-027 7500/-
Assistant Professor animals fire using arduino Jansi.R,
Dept. of CSE Haridha.U
Marudhar Kesari Jain College
for Women, Chinnakallupalli
64. Dr.V.Manon Mani Microbial assisted Tamilarasan.A, AS-251 7500/-
Assistant Professor phytoremediation of heavy Subash.T
Dept. of Biotechnology metal contamination soil
Rathnavel Subramaniam
College of Arts and Science
Sulur, Coimbatore-641402
65. Dr.K.Ashok Kumar Vermi compost production Subhalakshmi.R AS-298 7500/-
Associate Professor from Banana leaf waste
Department of Biotechnology amended with biochar using
Vels Institute of Science epigeic earthworm eudrillus
Technology and Advanced eugeniae
Studies, Pallavaram
Chennai- 600117
66. Dr.B.Gohila Formulation and Nutritive V.Swathi BS-096 7500/-
Assistant Professor potential of probiotic fortified
Dept. of Biotechnology fruits and vegetables
A.V.V.M Sri Pushpam College
Poondi, Thanjavur – 613 503
67. Dr. Mathangi Ganapathy Improving the Post-Harvest Chithra.R BS-588 7500/-
Visiting Faculty (Full-Time) Shelf-Life of Vegetables
Centre For Bio Technology using Plant Derived Peptide
AC Tech, Anna University
Chennai – 600 025
68. Dr.T.Sudha Method development and Srinivasan.S BS-467 7500/-
Senior Associate Professor Validation for Simultaneous
Dept. of Pharmaceutical Determination of Efonidipine
Analysis Hydrochloride Ethanolate
Adhiparasakthi College of and Telmisartan in Bulk and
Pharmacy Tablet Dosage forms by UV
Melmaruvathur – 603 319 spectrometric methods and
RP-HPLC using Response
Surface Design (CCD)
69. Ms.T.Angeline Extraction and A. Bhuvaneswari BS-077 7500/-
Assistant Professor Characterization of Collagen
Dept. of Biotechnology from the scales of Sardinella
Alpha Arts And Science longiceps and its biomedical
College, Chennai - 600 116 applications
70. Dr. Mani Jayaprakashvel Bioformulation and Efficacy B.R.Twinkle BS-162 7500/-
Associate Professor testing of bioethylene
Dept. of Marine Biotechnology producing rhizobacteria
Amet University, Kanathur
Chennai – 603 112
71. Dr.J.Nomila Merlin Potential Antioxidant, Hemalatha. S, BS-354 7500/-
Associate Professor Anticoagulant and Suguna.A,
Dept. of Biochemistry mosquitocidal properties of Thenmozhi.S,
Annai Veilankanni’s College some seaweed agar Veeralakshmi.E
For Women, Saidapet formulations from coastal
Chennai – 600 015 Tamilnadu.
72. Dr.J.Umasankari Biosynthesis of silver nano K.Sakthi, BS-165 7500/-
Assistant Professor particles from lactobacillus S.Indhumathi
Dept. of Biochemistry and their assessment of
Annai Violet Arts And Science antibacterial activity against
College, Chennai-600 053 MDRO in diabetic foot ulcers
73. Dr.N.Nalini Green Synthesis of Copper C.Priyadarshini, BS-578 7500/-
Professor and Head oxide and Iron oxide V.S.Laxmikarthika
Dept. of Biochemistry & Nanoparticles using Aqueous
Biotech.Annamalai University Cranberry fruit Extract and
Annamalai Nagar Compartive Evaluation of
Chidambaram – 608 002 Their antimicrobial activities
74. Dr.P.Sekar Antimicrobial activity of the K.Dharunkumar BS-966 7500/-
Assistant Professor haemolymph of the fresh
Dept. of Zoology water crab Potamonautes
Arignar Anna Govt. Arts sidneyi
College, Namakkal - 637 002
75. Dr.S.Subhashini Comparative analysis of V.Sindhu, BS-120 7500/-
Assistant Professor microbial population in the M.Maheshwari
Dept. of Zoology vermicompost of different
Arulmigu Palaniandavar Arts substrates.
College For Women
Palani – 624 615
76. Mr. J.Vinoth Arulraj Development of Edible P.Shalini, BS-782 7500/-
Assistant Professor biofilm for food packaging B.Abinaya
Dept. of Biotechnology
Arunai Engineering College
Velu Nagar, Mathur
Tiruvannamalai – 606 603
77. Dr.K.Devi Self heating approach and M.Steffi Vergina BS-227 7500/-
Assistant Professor protein enrichment in the
Dept. of Food Science development of ready to eat
and Nutrition pasta
Avinashilingam Institute For
Home Science And Higher
Education for Women
Coimbatore – 641 043
78. Dr.D.Sivalingam DNA Barcoding of Highly K.Ruthrasrilingam, BS-141 7500/-
Assistant Professor Threatened Sacred Plants in S.Sivachandhruhas
Dept.of Biotechnology Salem District, Tamil Nadu an
AVS College of Arts and State, India
Ramalingapuram – 636 106
79. Dr. J. John Wilson Biolarvicidal evaluation of M. Mareeswari BS-213 7500/-
Assistant Professor silver nanoparticles
Dept. of Microbiology synthesized using seaweeds
Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal against mosquito vectors and
College, Sivakasi – 626 124 it's histopathological analysis
80. Mr.S.Ashwin Raj A Novel Intensified Swathi Priya.C, BS-384 7500/-
Assistant Professor Technology for Production of Swetha.S,
Dept.of Biotechnology bio butanol from Waste Shobiya.M,
Bannari Amman Institute of mushroom spent by Vishnu Priya.K
Technology, Sathyamangalam biological treatment
Erode - 638 401
81. Dr.J.Jeyasree Pharmacognotic Analysis B.Mohamed Islam, BS-011 7500/-
Assistant Professor and Evaluation of M.Vignesh
PG & Research Dept. of Antioxidant, Anticancer
Biotechnology Potential of the Wedelia
Bharath College of Science Trilobata L
and Management
Thanjavur - 613 005
82. Ms. M. Priya Electricity Generation Harikrishnan.S BS-155 7500/-
Assistant Professor through micobial fuel cell
Dept. of IBT using nanoparticles
Bharath Institute of Higher
Education and Research
Selaiyur, Chennai-600 073
83. Dr. S. Velayuthaprabhu Detection of tissue factor Ramesh.M BS-331 7500/-
Assistant Professor expression in endometrial
Dept.of Biotechnology cancer: as a potential
Bharathiar University biomarker for endometrial
Coimbatore - 641 046 cancer detection
84. Dr. N. Thajuddin Beta-alanine as a colouring Dhanasree.S BS-012 7500/-
Professor agent for preparation of
Dept. of Microbiology yoghurt
Bharathidasan University
Tiruchirappalli – 620 024
85. Dr.R.Jasmine Enhanced production of Mohana Priya.S, BS-295 7500/-
Associate Professor and Head Bioplastics by bacteria Dharani.R
Department of Biotech & agrowastes-A green
Bioinformatics, Bishop Heber initiative.
College, Trichy - 620 017
86. Dr. S. Sivaranjani Green synthesis and S.Thenmozhi BS-556 7500/-
Assistant Professor characterization of Silver
Dept. of Biotechnology Nanoparticles from medicinal
Bon Secours College For plants against anti-cancer
Women ,Thanjavur – 613 006 activity
87. Dr. R.Karthiga Green Synthesis of Metal C. Mutharasu, BS-552 7500/-
Asst. Professor Oxide and Nanoparticles P.Sambathbabu,
PG and Research Department Using Plant Extract as A. Velmurugan
of Chemistry, Cardamom Surface Modifier
Planters' Association College
Bodinayakannur – 625 513
88. Ms.S.Sathya Role of Fungi R.Vaishnavi, BS-537 7500/-
Assistant Professor Biodeterioration on Stone E.Saranya
Dept. of Microbiology Monuments
Cauvery College For Women
Trichy - 620 018
89. Dr.E.M.Shankar Biomarkers of Abnormal liver Navaneeth.M, BS-614 7500/-
Professor functions in chronic hepatits Liston Fdo.R,
Dept. of Life Sciences B and D virus infections Sahna.K
Central University of
Thiruvarur – 610 005
90. Dr.Hikku G S Improved antimicrobial Monisha.K BS-730 7500/-
Assistant Professor activity of nanoformulated
Dept.of Medical curcumin decorated gutta
Bionanotechnology, Faculty of percha for dentistry
Allied Health Sciences application
Chettinad Academy of
Research and Education
Kelambakkam – 603 103
91. Dr.S.Vijayakumari Qualitative analysis of S.Amul BS-655 7500/-
Assistant Professor biocompost prepared from
Dept. of Zoology Jeevamrutham and horse
D.K.M. College For Women manure for enrichment of soil
Vellore – 632 001 fertility to enhance the growth
of Capsicum Annuum
92. Dr.C.Sangavai ABE and Biopharmacuetical R.Chandraleka, BS-600 7500/-
Head, Dept. of Biotechnology product from production N.Sivashangari
Dhanalashkmi Srinivasan protein based waste material
College of Arts and Science
For Women
Perambalur - 621 212
93. Dr. D. Prabhu Exploring the Diversity and A.R.Heamchand BS-725 7500/-
Assistant Professor Bioprospecting Potential of saravanan,
Dept. of Microbiology Actinobacteria from Insect S.Karthick,
Dr. ALM PGIBMS Nest J.Vikramaathiyan,
University of Madras J.Priyanka
Chennai - 600 113
94. Dr. K. Rajathi Synthesis of copper oxide Annie Cindrella.R BS-732 7500/-
Professor nanoparticles using green tea
Dept. of Biochemistry leaf as an effective
Dr. NGP Arts And Science antimicrobial activity against
College, urinary tract infection and
Coimbatore - 641 048 production of organic intimate
wipes as its treatment
95. Dr.P.Vinayaga Moorthi A Hydrogel Formulation with Arthiya Murugan BS-360 7500/-
Assistant Professor Antioxidant and Anti- Jenisha.J
Dept. of Human Genetics and Inflammatory activity from Madhumitha
Molecular Biology Justicia Tranquebariensis Ellappan
Bharathiar University Leaf Extracts
Coimbatore - 641 046
96. Dr.B.Krithiga Preparation of toddy from S.Premi BS-695 7500/-
Assistant Professor Coconut water and
PG & Research Department of development of fermented
Microbiology toddy as an energy drink with
Dwaraka Doss Goverdhan potential health benefits.
Doss Vaishnav College
Chennai – 600 106
97. Dr.D.Sivakumar IOT based automation in Sandhya.K, BS-951 7500/-
Assistant Professor sewage treatment plant Shruthi.K,
Dept. of Information Sree Sruthi Latha.
Technology T
Easwari Engineering College
Chennai - 600 089
98. Ms.S.Narmatha Comparative study of Saraswathi.P.M BS-522 7500/-
Assistant Professor bioplastic production from Rekha.K
Plant Biology and Plant plants
Ethiraj College For Women
Egmore, Chennai - 600 008
99. Dr.N.Karmegam Phytosynthesis of Fe2O3 V.Soundarya, BS-554 7500/-
Assistant Professor nanoparticles from S.Manimegalai
Department of Botany Andrographis spp. And their
Government Arts College in vitro antibacterial activity
Salem - 636 007 against drug resistant
100. Dr.A.Veeramani “Man-Peafowl Conflict” – An Bhuvaneshwaran.N BS-625 7500/-
Assistant Professor assessment in the cultivated
Dept. of Zoology crop lands of Kumbakonam
Government Arts College Region of Tamil Nadu.
Kumbakonam – 612 002
101. Dr. M. Pugalenthi Herbal characterization, A.Sayitha BS-683 7500/-
Assistant Professor Phytochemical and nutritional
Department of Botany analysis of Miliusa tomentosa
Government Arts College and Annona muricata fruits
Coimbatore – 641018
102. Mrs.K.Kavitha Evaluation of heavy metals S.Biruntha BS-724 7500/-
Guest Lecturer contamination in greens
Dept. of Biochemistry yielding soil irrigated with
Government Arts College waste water
Paramakudi – 623 701
103. Dr. S. Malathy Extraction of organic M.Vallarasu, BS-503 7500/-
Assistant Professor of Botany colorants from Allium cepa U.Himanshu Gupta
PG and Research (onion) skin and Exploring its
Department of Botany utility in food and clothing
Government Arts College for industries
Men, Chennai – 600 035
104. Dr.S.Kavitha Maheswari Sensory and Nutrient Sri Harini.R BS-868 7500/-
Head of The Department analysis of Egg shell powder
Department of Home Science incorporated cookies
Government Arts College for
Women, Nilakottai - 624 208
105. Dr.U.Kavitha Devi Supplementation of roasted G.S.Priyadharshini BS-977 7500/-
Guest Lecturer date seed with Non
Dept. of Home Science caffeinated coffee powder in
Government Arts College For hot water to person with
Women, Sivagangai - 630 562 urolithiasis (34 to 49 years)
of age group
106. Dr. M.G.Ragunathan Influence of light different M.G.Tharshini BS-575 7500/-
Dept. of Zoology light intensity and salinity on
Guru Nanak College survival and growth of Rotifer
Velachery, Chennai – 600 042 Brachionus plicatilis
107. Dr.M.Mohamed Meeran Role of Microbial Enzymes at A.Indumathi, BS-731 7500/-
Head & Assistant Professor Selected Leather Industries V.Iswarya
Dept. of Zoology of Jajmau, Kanpur
Hajee Karutha Rowther
Howdia College
Theni – 625 533
108. Dr. R. Eswaralakshmi Effect of Coleus amboinicus Jegadeswari. S BS-513 7500/-
Assistant Professor leaf extract against black
Dept. of Biotechnology fungi and phylogenetic
Hindustan College of Arts And analysis of Lucas aspera and
Science, Kelambambakkam Coleus amboinicus.
Chennai – 603 103
109. Dr. Jeni Chandar Padua Bionanoparticle induced A.Anto Nisha, BS-577 7500/-
Assistant Professor & Dean of embryo-fetal toxicity in Jelin Beula.J,
Science,Dept. of Zoology zebrafishes J.Sahaya Jeritta,
Holy Cross College Mohamed Affra
Nagercoil P.S.
Kanyakumari – 629 004
110. Dr.M.L.Mohammed Kaleem In silico analysis of SARS- A.Dharani Selvan, BS-743 7500/-
Arshan CoV-2 spike glycoprotein M.Sedhuraman
Assistant Professor against FDA approved drugs
Dept. of Biotechnology
Islamiah College
Vaniyambadi – 635 752
111. Dr. J. Mohammed Hussain Biodiversity of Microalgae K. Karthika, BS-548 7500/-
Assistant Professor from vellaru River in A.Nirmal Raj
Department of Botany Pudukkottai district,
J.J.College of Arts And taminadu, India.
Science, Sivapuram
Pudukkottai – 622 422
114. Ms.Gomathi Sankar.G Utilizing fruit waste for the V.P.Roshan Balaji, BS-674 7500/-
Assistant Professor Production of Single Cell Jai Prashanth.K.B,
Department of Biotechnology Protien from Fruit Waste A.Abinesh,
Jeppiaar Engineering College, S.Lucas Daniel
Chennai – 600 119
115. Dr. V. V. Sathibabu Uddandrao An Endeavor to Prepare a K.Vengatesh BS-644 7500/-
Assistant Professor Poly Herbal Drug to Protect
Dept. of Biochemistry against Urinary Tract
K.S.R. College of Arts And Infection causing
Science Microorganisms
Namakkal - 637 215
116. Dr. B. Vanavil Biofortified Mushrooms to Nithish.P, BS-733 7500/-
Associate Professor Combat Iodine Uptake and Barath.V,
Department of Biotechnology Deficiency through Seaweed Nivethidha.K
Kalasalingam Academy of Bioprocessing towards
Research And Education COVID-19 Management
Virudhunagar – 626 126
117. Dr. C. Parthiban Efficiency of seaweed extract K. Nandhini BS-685 7500/-
Assistant Professor and Head on Whiteleg shrimp
PG And Research Department (Litopenaeus vannamei)
of Zoology, Kamaraj College affected by vibrio
Thoothukudi – 628 003 parahaemolyticis
118. Dr. S. Karthikumar Cost effective method G.Janakiraman, BS-560 7500/-
Assistant Professor development for C- R.Akash,
Department of Biotechnology Phycocyanin recovery from R.S.Vishnu Shagar
Kamaraj College of Spirulina plantensis using
Engineering and Technology Ohmic Heating Approach
Madurai – 625 701
119. Dr.K.Chairman Invitro study of biofilm A.Ramachandran BS-496 7500/-
Guest Lecturer formation on urinary catheter
Dept. of Microbiology and IUD's using clinical
Kamarajar Govt. Arts College samples
Surandai - 627 859
120. Dr.M.R.Ezhilarasi Study on bis pyrazoline S.Naveen Kumar BS-718 7500/-
Associate Professor derivatives as a potent
Dept. of Chemistry bioactive molecules against
Karpagam Academy of Higher human breast cancer cells
Edn., Coimbatore – 641 021
121. Dr. V.M. Berlin Grace A Nano-Formulation Based Mr.Elvis Samuel BS-720 7500/-
Professor Approach for Development of
Department of Biotechnology Geniposide Loaded
Karunya Institute of Liposome for Enhanced
Technology and Sciences Bioavailability and Targeted
Karunya Nagar, Drug in Cervical Cancer Cell
Coimbatore – 641 114 (siha)
122. Dr.B.Sangeetha Study on Medical Zeolite for Ramanan.S, BS-777 7500/-
Assistant Professor Oxygen Concentrator. Manikandan.R
Dept. of Biotechnology
KG College of Arts And
Science, KGISL Campus
Coimbatore – 641 035
123. Mrs.Suriya S B Extraction of Natural Food Praveena.K, BS-927 7500/-
Assistant Professor Colorants from Anthocyanin Sugashini.M,
Dept. of Biotechnology rich fruits with application in Yoheswari.V
KIT-Kalaignar Karunanidhi Gelatin dessert
Institute of Technology
Coimbatore – 641 402
124. Dr.K.Nirubama In silico drug discovery of V.Gokul, BS-841 7500/-
Assistant Professor androechin and S.Pandiyarajan
Dept. of Biochemistry andrographidine targeting
Kongunadu Arts And SARS COVID 19
Science College attachments of 3JCL Spike
Coimbatore – 641 029 protein.
125. Dr.T.Sathishkumar Understanding the Molecular Vinu Varshith.R, BS-985 7500/-
Assistant Professor III Mechanism of Polyphenolic Bhuvan Uthaiah.M
Dept. of Biotechnology Entities Purified from Clitoria
Kumaraguru College of ternatea Flowers as an
Technology Alternate and Cost Effective
Chinnavedampatti, Blood Thinners
Coimbatore – 641 049 (Anticoagulants)
126. Dr.Priyatharsini Rajendran Analysis of ADMET B.Supraja, BS-814 7500/-
Head and Associate Professor properties in the GPCR A.Oritha Makthalin
Dept. of Zoology ligand treated zebra fishes
Lady Doak College
Madurai - 625 002
127. Dr.S.Sheela Evaluation of Filamentous Amrit Jayaswal BS-708 7500/-
Assistant Professor Fungal Biomass as an
Dept. of Plant Biology And Alternative Nutrient Source
Biotechnology, Loyola College
Chennai – 600 034
128. Dr.R.Ranjithkumar Co2 Sequestration and M.S.Harika, BS-716 7500/-
Assistant Professor microalgae biomass Maria Lidya.M
Dept. of Botany cultivation using domestic
Madras Christian College wastewater for future
Tambaram - East alternative green fuel
Chennai - 600 059 production
129. Dr.R.Karthika Screening of phytochemical Franklin Stella, BS-563 7500/-
Assistant Professor compounds from natural Marry.A
Dept. of Biotechnology herbs that act against
Mahendra Arts And Science COVID - 19 and create
College, Namakkal - 637 501 awareness programe to the
130. Dr.A.Hamari Chauthi New Approaches of S.Pavithra, BS-543 7500/-
Head And Associate Biological sciences K.Abirami,
Professor,Mathematics K. Murugeswari.
Mannar Thirumalai Naicker
College,Madurai – 625 004
131. Dr.S.Rajan Characterization of Ms.S.Abinaya BS-740 7500/-
Assistant Professor nanoparticles from marine
Dept. of Microbiology seaweed and its biological
Mannargudi Rajagobalaswami efficiency
Goverment Arts College
Mannargudi - 614 001
132. Dr.T.Citarasu Evaluation of multi-strain C.Subha BS-855 7500/-
Associate Professor probiotic bacteria in
Centre For Marine Science pathogen control, soil and
and Technology water quality maintenance for
Manonmaniam Sundaranar eco-friendly and sustainable
University aquaculture
Kanyakumari - 629 502
133. Ms.R.Malarkodi Synthesis and application of L. Atchaya BS-004 7500/-
Assistant Professor Bio-Nanoparticles as a safe
Biochemistry tool for the management of
Marudahr Kesari Jain College melon fly [Bactrocera
for Women cucurbitae(Coquillett)]
Vaniyambadi - 635 751 infestation in cucurbits
134. Dr.R.Rajasekar Phytochemical Soundharya.E BS-233 7500/-
Assistant Professor characterization of avicennia
Dept. of Bio Chemistry germinans with
Marudupandiyar College pharmacotherapeutics
Vallam (Post),
Thanjavur - 613 403
135. Dr.M.Meeramaideen Qualitative Assessment of Muhammed BS-539 7500/-
Assistant Professor & Formalin Adulteration in Fish Ramshid.K.M
Research Advisor Samples of Tiruchirappalli
Dept. of Zoology City
Jamal Mohamed College
136. Mrs.J.Deepalakshmi Production of natural dyes K.Gothandapani BS-273 7500/-
Assistant Professor from marine algae using
Dept. of Biochemistry medicinal plant extract
Mohamad Sathak College of
Arts and Science
Chennai – 600 119
137. Dr. M. Razia Formulation and S.Dheekshana BS-861 7500/-
Assistant Professor development of Iron oxide
Department of Biotechnology topical nanoemulgel using
Mother Teresa Women's Punica granatum extract and
University, Attuvampatti in-vitro evaluation of anti-
Kodaikanal - 624 101 inflammatory potential in
Rheumatoid arthiritis
138. Dr.Deivasigamani Revathi Chickpeas to defeat non Venkatesan.R BS-848 7500/-
Assistant Professor and Head communicable diseases with
Dept. of Fooda And Nutritions special reference to diabetes
Muthurangam Govt. Arts mellitus and cardiovascular
College, Vellore – 632002 diseases
139. Dr.P.Selvamaleeswaran Silver nano particle synthesis Sandhiya.R, BS-853 7500/-
Assistant Professor and characterization by using Gayathri.S,
Dept. of Biotechnology red cabbage (Brassica Vaideki Priya.T,
Muthyammal College of Arts Oleraceae) Extract and Revathi.N
and Science Preparation of Ph Paper by
Rasipuram - 637 408 using Red cabbage
140. Dr. B. Gowri Shannkari A Health Risk Assessment of S.Akhila BS-974 7500/-
Head and Assistant Professor heavy metals contamination
Dept. of Chemistry in drinking water : An
Nadar Mahajana Sangam S. effective removal by novel
Vellaichamy Nadar College ion imprinted magnetic
Theni Main Road biosorbent under adsorption
Naga Malai phenomenon
Madurai – 625 019
141. Dr. R. Shyamalagowri Isolation, Identification, M. Sudha BS-376 7500/-
Assistant Professor Characterization and
Dept. of Microbiology Optimization of bacterial
Nadar Saraswati College of pigment production and it's
Arts and Science application in kolam powder.
Vadaputhupatti, Annanji (PO)
Theni - 625 531
142. Dr. P. Sathishkumar Comparative study on Divya Sri Harini.V, BS-365 7500/-
Assistant Professor structural (macro/micro) and Gokila.V,
PG and Research Department anatomical characters for Jenittamercy.P,
of Botany, Nallamuthu some misidentifying plant Sabari Arul.S
Gounder Mahalinagam species – as an additional
College,Coimbatore – 642 001 taxonomic evidence
143. Dr.Chinnamani Screening of most efficient Makeshwaran, BS-224 7500/-
Prasannakumar cyanobacterial bioactive Gunasekaran
Assistant Professor compound against colon
PG & Research Department of adenocarcinoma cell lines
Biotechnology and
Microbiology,National College
Tiruchirappallai – 620 001
144. Dr. T.H. Sukirtha Isolation of industrially R.Haritha BS-327 7500/-
Assistant Professor important bacteria and
Dept. of Microbiology production of pigments using
Nehru Arts and Science cost effective culture media
College, Coimbatore - 641 105 using agro wastes
146. Dr.Sincy Joseph Impact of air pollution and Ezhilarasyi.R BS-080 7500/-
Assistant Professor leaf dust deposition on
Dept. of Botany biochemical parameters and
Nirmala College for Women air pollution tolerance index
Coimbatore - 641 018 (apti) of some roadside
147. Ms.Thabita Zelin Rachel.V Study of prophylactic Vetrivel.C, BS-289 7500/-
Assistant Professor potentials of a probiotic Pugazhendhi.V,
Dept. of Pharmaceutical bacteria Bacillus licheniformis Vimalraj.G
Technology against Staphylococcus
Paavai Engineering College aureus in Fish
Namakkal – 637 018
148. Dr.N.Karpagam In vitro study on Ochna Vittal Nath.S BS-026 7500/-
Assistant Professor / Botany serrulata (Hochst.) Walp. For
Pachaiyappas College conservation
Chennai – 600 030
158. Mrs. R. Renuga Devi Screening the Production T.L.Sai Sangari, BS-441 7500/-
Associate Professor and Characterization of S.Ajay Samuel
Biotechnology Insecticidal compound
Rathnavel Subramaniam isolated from Selected
College of Arts and Science Endophytic bacteria and
Sulur, Coimbatore -641 402 Determine the Insecticidal
activities on Maruca
vitrata,Spodoptera frugiperda
and Amsacta albistriga
159. Dr.R.Dhanabalan A Study of prevalence, Deva.S, BS-404 7500/-
Associate Professor and Head incidence and drug sensitivity Aravindhan.S,
Dept. of Microbiology pattern of Macrorhabdus Amos Denison.J,
RVS College of Arts and ornithogaster Periyasamy.E
Science, Sulur (Megabacterium) in
Coimbatore - 641 402 prolonged fecal shedding
clinically healthy broiler
chickens (Gallus gallus
domesticus) in the poultry
farms of Sulur taluk,
Coimbatore district
160. Dr.T. Akelesh Preparation and Evaluation S.Prasanna, BS-153 7500/-
Professor of polyherbal face gel S.Kirubaharan,
Dept. of Pharmaceutics V.Manikandan,
RVS College of M.L.Indhumathi
Pharmaceutical Sciences
Sulur,Coimbatore – 641 402
161. Dr.N. Uma Maheshwari Evaluation of heavy metals S.Priscilla, BS-692 7500/-
Vice Principal and Head and microbial contamination A.Stella Packiam
Dept. of Microbiology of antidiabetic herbal
S.T.E.T Women's College medicine; A serious hazard
Mannargudi - 614 016 to human health
162. Dr. A. Poongothai A Comparative study of anti- M.Raghul BS-164 7500/-
Assistant Professor oxidative and cardio
Dept. of Biochemistry protective efficacy of white
Sacred Heart College and pink extract of Brassica
Tirupattur - 635 601 oleracea
189. Dr. G .Flora Discover the Micro and Nano J.Jeyaranchini BS-942 7500/-
Assistant Professor - Plastics degrading Enzyme
Dept. of Botany coding Gene from the
St.Mary's College selected Microbes of Plastic
Thoothukudi – 628 001 polluted Area
218. Dr.M.Mohamed Sihabudeen Source Apportionment and N.Mohamed Asik ES-105 7500/-
Associate Professor seasonal variation of
and Head particulate matter (PM 2.5)
Department of Chemsitry ina Tropical city,
Jamal Mohamed college Tiruchirapalli
Tiruchirapalli-620 020
377. Mrs.Lavanya.G IOT Based smart shoe for Deeptiha.D, MS-378 7500/-
Assistatnt Professor visually impaired Giri Kishor.S,
Department of Biomedical Sanjay.V.G
Engg., Sri Ramakrishna Engg.
College, Coimbatore-641022
378. Dr.A.Vijayalakshmi Identification of antioxidant Thenmozhi, MS-376 7500/-
Associate Professor, and antimicrobial compounds Sowmiya,
Pharmaceutical Sciences of Selected Plants by TLC Timothy rahul,
Vels Institute of Science Bioautography for Acne Suren
Technology and Advanced treatment
453. Mrs.P. Kavitha Tailoring the tpa towards the S. Munishkumar PS-259 7500/-
Assistant Professor/ Chemistry development of dssc for
Dr. N.G.P. Arts And photovoltaic energy
Science College conversion
Coimbatore- 641 048
454. Dr.J. AnithaPriya Design and fabrication of Roshini.N PS-268 7500/-
Assistant Professor/ Chemistry functionalized graphite -c3n4
Stella Maris College nanocomposite materials for
Cathedral Road, environmental remediation
Chennai - 600 086
455. Dr.Y. ChristabelShaji Synthesis, characterization, Chrislin Mario.J.C, PS-275 7500/-
Assistant Professor/ Chemistry biomedical application and Catherine Shiji.Y
Holy Cross College, photocatalytic properties of
Nagercoil -629 004 nickel nanoparticle from
nickel nitrate; a
hydrothermal process
456. Dr.S. Umamatheswari Synthesis, spectral M. Karthikeyan PS-290 7500/-
Assistant Professor/ Chemistry characterization, in vitro
Government Arts College antimicrobial and antioxidant
Tiruchirappalli -620 022 studies of 2-hydroxy-4-
methoxybenzophenone p-
457. Dr.P. Vijaya Kumar Fabrication of nanostructured R. Vidhya, PS-297 7500/-
Assistant Professor & Head pure and alkaline earth metal N. Dhinesh kumar
Department of Chemistry doped cuo nanoparticles
Jairams Arts and Science through green chemistry
College, approach targeted towards
Attamparappu, Karur -639 003. antibacterial and sensor
458. Dr.R.Saratha Study on artificial intelligence U.Mithra PS-302 7500/-
Professor/ Chemistry in lithium-ion battery
Avinashilingam Institute For prediction
Home Science And Higher
Education For Women,
Coimbatore- 641 043
459. Dr.T. Veemaraj Synthesis of graft polymers S. Lakshmi priya, PS-306 7500/-
Assistant Professor/ Chemistry (st-g-pam and st-g-pmma) by P. Prema
Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal using low concentration of
College, Sivakasi - 626124 ceric ammonium nitrate
Virudhunagar District
460. Dr.N. Kalaiarassi "Synthesis, characterization Kokilapriya.M PS-311 7500/-
Assistant Professor/ Chemistry and antimicrobial activity of
Mahendra Arts & Science some new imine derivatives
College, Kalipatti, of ciprofloxacin"
Namakkal-637 501
461. Dr.K. Shanmuga Bharathi Development of G. Anandha PS-376 7500/-
Assistant Professor/ Chemistry Heterogeneous Silane-Metal Abirami,
Periyar University Complexes for Active A. Dhivya
Salem - 636 011 Catalysis of Biologically
Important Syntheses and
their Antimicrobial and
Anticancer Activities
462. Dr.L. Kanniappan Molecular recognition of non S. Venkada PS-336 7500/-
Assistant Professor/ Chemistry covalent interaction of micro Mugilla,
Rajeshwari Vedachalam wave assisted green synthe- M. Babysri,
Government Arts College sised indole derivati ves with K. Pavithra
Chengalpattu - 603 001 some homosapiens anti
fungal targeted proteins
476. Dr.B. Siva Senthil Kumar Environmentally sustainable Archan.R PS-371 7500/-
Assistant Professor/ Chemistry method to synthesis anti- Raghul.V
Sri Ramakrishna Mission cancer and anti-viral
Vidyalaya College of Arts and pyrimidine derivatives: a bio-
Science, Coimbatore- 641 020 catalytic approach
Individual communication to the Guides and Head of the Institutions are being sent.
DOTE Campus, Chennai-600025
611. Dr. B. Sivaprakash Syngas production from Nandhini.R CHE-213 7500/-
Associate Professor/ Chemical gasification of municipal solid
Engineering waste using downdraft
Annamalai University gasifier
Annamalai Nagar- 608002
612. Dr N.Stalin Reclamation of used engine Aadhithyan.A, CHE-197 7500/-
Assistant Professor / Petro oil by lab scale method Vishnu
Chemical Technology vardhan.N,
University College of Gurudesh
Engineering,Anna University, namoorthy.N
BIT Campus,Trichy-620024.
613. Dr. N Samsudeen Simulation studies on Chedalla Sri Teja CHE-182 7500/-
Assistant Professor cathode region of two Naidu
Dept. of Chemical Engineering electrode Photo electro
National Institute of chemical cell for the
Technology, reduction of CO2 into solar
Trichy - 620015 fuel
614. Dr. A.Saravanan Desalination Using Single K.B.Rishi CHE-228 7500/-
Associate Professor/ Chemical Focal parabolic solar still Praneash,
Engineering S.A. Akash Chopra,
Hindustan Institute of K. Hari Prasad
Technology and Science
Padur, Chennai - 603103
615. Ms.J.Sheeba Vinolia Design of hydro cyclone P.Suryaprakash, CHE-225 7500/-
Priyadarshini separator for separation of oil S.Mohamed Junaid
Assistant Professor spills from sea water khan
Dept. of Chemical Engineering
St.Peter's College of
Engineering and Technology
Avadi, Chennai -600054
616. Dr.Murugan.P Studies on extraction and Deepika.S, CHE-177 7500/-
Associate Professor/ Chemical optimization of amoxicillin Pugazhenthi.S,
Engineering using emulsion liquid Narayanan.R,
Agni College of Technology membrane by response Yamuna.E
Thalambur, Chennai-600130 surface methodology
617. Dr. S. Sriramajayam Development of continues Atheeswaran.B CHE-017 7500/-
Associate Professor/ reactor for pretreatment of Nawin.L
Renewable Energy Engg. lignocellulosic biomass for Ranjithkumar.S
Agricultural Engineering bioethanol production Raziga. R
College and Research Institute
TN Agricultural University,
Coimbatore – 641 003
618. Dr.D.Sridharan Fabrication of low cost Hariharan.R, CHE-187 7500/-
Assistant Professor (SG), portable potentiostat for Raghavan.G.K,
Chemical Science and Engg. biosensor applications Mohammed Rifas.J
Anjalai Ammal Mahalingam
Engineering College
Thiruvarur Road,
619. Dr.Anne Pauline Self destruction plastic film P.Enosha, CHE-223 7500/-
Assistant Professor from biowaste S.Selva Kamali,
Central Institute of Petro M.Atchaya,
Chemicals Engg & Tech. G.Zahidah Rabaab
TVK Industrial Estate, Guindy
Chennai -600 032
620. Dr. A.S.Periyasamy Heat transfer studies in plate Thiyagarajan.G, CHE-127 7500/-
Manikandan heat exchanger combining Sivasubramani.G,
Associate Professor/Chemical fe3o4 nanofluid with Moulidharan.B
Engineering propylene glycol
Kongu Engineering College
Perundurai 638060
621. Mr. M. Ananda Boopathy Design of low-cost carbon Sanjaiy.N, CHE-053 7500/-
Assistant Professor/ Chemical absorbers to control the Pavithra.R,
Engineering emission of Carbon dioxide Varshini.L
Sri Venkateswara College of from the Environment
622. Ms. M.Selva prathipa Optimization of Tio2/ AL V.Karthick, CHE-233 7500/-
Assistant Professor electrode by using M.Arun Kumar,
Dept. of Chemical Engg electroplating process in M.Alex,
Adhiparasakthi Engineering electrocoagulation reactor to
College,Sothupakkam, the removal of dye from
Melmaruvathur-603319 textile waste water
623. Dr.N.Prabhu A cost effective approach in K.A.Divyashree, CHE-115 7500/-
Asst.Professor/ Biotechnology the elimination of heavy B.Gurupreetha
Vivekanandha College of metals from industrial
Engineering for Women effluents using egg shell &
Tiruchengode -637205 banana stem
624. Dr.I.Ganesh Moorthy Development of agro-waste R. Akash, CHE-208 7500/-
Associate Professor/ Biotech. based heterogeneous M. Areef Sulaiman,
Kamaraj College of catalyst for the production of P. Bhavesh
Engineering and Technology biodiesel from used cooking Chandru
K.Vellakulam - 625 701 oil
Near Virudhunagar.
625. Dr.A.Karthik Fabrication of graphene Inbarasu.V.S, CHE-068 7500/-
Assistant Professor of oxide blended mno2/fe2o3 Sneha K.B
Nanoscience and Technology nanostructured anode
K S Rangasamy College of materials in lithium ion
Technology,KSR Kalvi Nagar, battery for energy density
Tiruchengode- 637215 and life cycle improvement
626. Dr. Geetha M.B Production of biodegradable Katherbatsa.A CHE-038 7500/-
Professor & Head garbage bags from polyvinyl
Dept. of Chemical Engineering alcohol and pomegranate
St.Michael College of peel powder
Engineering and Technology
Kalayarkoil -630 551
627. Dr.G.Pratap kumar Extraction, identification and Praveen Kumar.G CHE-034 7500/-
Asst. professor/ Biotechnology in silico analaysis of
Muthayammal Engineering napthaquinone compound
College,Kakkaveri, from the leaves of plumbago
Rasipuram-637 408, indica linn against breast
Namakkal District cancer
628. Dr.Saravana Raj A Experimental investigation on Naveen.M, CHE-025 7500/-
Assistant Professor encapsulation of omega-3- Rubesh
Dept. of Chemical Engineering fatty acid using edible Krishnan.R,
Vel Tech High Tech bacterial polymer Lokeshwaran.P,
Dr.Rangarajan Dr.Sakunthala Sathiyaa.G
Engineering College
60, Avadi- Veltech Road
Chennai – 600062
629. Dr. C N. Gnanaprakasam Fabric development using S Mugilan, CHE-014 7500/-
Associate Professor in waste pet bottles Mohamed Afrith
Electronics and Kareem
Instrumentation Engineering,
St. Joseph's College of
Engineering,Chennai -600119
630. Ms.S Priyalatha Development of Functional Harsha CHE-167 7500/-
Assistant Professor product from Post-consumer dharshini.R.J,
Dept. of Fashion Technology Textile Waste Kanimozhi.N,
Sona College of Technology Krishna Raj.S
Salem- 636005
631. Dr. D.Easwaramoorthy Synthesis of carbon A.Mushtaq Ahamed CHE-109 7500/-
Hod and Professor/ Chemistry Quantum dots from bread S.Mohamed Aasiq,
B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent waste And its effective S.Shelshiya
Institute of Science and degradation of Environmental
Technology,Vandalur -600048 Toxins from water sources
632. Dr. Hariharan.T Chemical conversion of RO Saithul CHE-077 7500/-
Professor/ Chemical Engg. Reject to mineral nutrients Mubarak.S,
Mohamed Sathak Engineering Rages.S
College,Kilakarai -623806,
Ramanathapuram (Dist)
633. Dr.R.Anantharaj Removal of copper(II) from Hanz Jyothish, CHE-033 7500/-
Associate Professor/ Chemical aqueous mixture using Sudhrsh.N
Engineering hydrophobic Deep eutectic
Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar solvent and its performance
College of Engineering characteristics.
Kalavakkam- 603110
634. Ms.S.Vaishnavi Treatment of textile D.Lavanya CHE-059 7500/-
Assistant Professor wastewaters using Eutectic S.Geetha,
Dept. of Chemical Engineering Freeze Crystallization M.Kesavan
Erode Senguthar Engineering
College, Perundurai -638057
635. Dr.K.Jeyajothi Hybrid Mini Bio-Mass Gas M. Nisha. CHE-007 7500/-
Professor and Head / Petro Production R. Abinaya,
Chemical Engineering A. Ananthababu,
Mahendra Institute of M. Mubarak ali
Engineering and Technology
Namakkal -637 503
636. Dr. B. Nazeema Banu Development of cost A.Joseph Antony CHE-033 7500/-
Assistant Professor effective and susutainable
Dept. of Biotechnology neo-bioplastic from algal
Periyar Maniammai Institute of biomass.
Science and Technology
Vallam, Thanjavur - 613403
637. Mr.Saravanan. P Microbial enhanced oil Guru prasath.S CHE-062 7500/-
Assistant Professor recovery (MEOR) process
Dept. of Biotechnology culture nutrient optimization
Sri Sankara Arts and Science study
College, Enathur,
Kanchipuram-631 561
638. Mr.Rajasekaran.K Formulation of ecofriendly Surya.K, CHE-107 7500/-
Assistant Professor detergent powder from rice Aswin Nandha.V,
Dept. of Chemical Engineering husk ash Dhinesh
Nandha Engineering College, Kumar.G,
Vaikkalamedu, Erode-638052 Sakthivel.P.S
639. Mr.R.Balasubramani Extraction of bioplastics M.Saren Rokith, CHE-143 7500/-
Associate Professor/ Food using bananaleaf G.Gunalan,
Technology S.Deenathayalan
Paavai Engineering college
Pachal, Namakkal - 637018
640. Dr. R. Mahendran Development of ready to S.Nivetha, CHE-157 7500/-
Associate Professor and Head, bake frozen dough and S.Praveen Kumar,
Indian Institute of Food enumerating its shelf life S.Raghav
Processing Technology extension
Thanjavur- 613005
641. Mr.P.N. Guru Raj Extraction of essential oil Aarthy.S, CHE-196 7500/-
Assistant Professor/ Food from tinospora cordifolia Neha.N,
Tech.,Rajalakshmi (amirthavalli) by hydro-steam Sujitha.S,
Engineering College, distillation and it’s application Vijayasri.K
Thandalam,Chennai - 602105
642. Dr. M. Aboobucker Sithique Extraction and Sam Issac.N CHE-215 7500/-
Assistant Professor/ PG and characterization of harmless
Research Department of Mosquito Repellent from the
Chemistry, Islamiah College, seeds of Nux vomica and
Vaniyambadi - 635 752 wild-basil plant leaves
643. Dr.S.Karunakaran Evolving customized enzyme Keerthana.S CHE-076 7500/-
Associate Professor/ Chemical mixture for fibrous poultry Sangamithra.R
Engineering feedstuffs and Kogul Bharath.A
KPR Institute of Engineering unconventional crop residues
and Technology
Arasur, Coimbatore- 641047
644. Mrs K Suganya Testing of Edible oil K.Gayathri, CHE-249 7500/-
Asst.Professor/ Chemistry adulteration by using dry B.Janani,
E G S Pillay Arts and Science chemical paper technique N.Rajashree
Nagapattinam – 611 002
645. Ms.Archana.J CO2 enrichment to plants Anishkumar.K.E. CHE-060 7500/-
Assistant Professor / from factory emissions Praneeth.D.
Agriculture Engineering
Bannari Amman Institute of
Erode -638401
646. Mr.J.Arun Effective Utilisation Of Sabari Grisun.S, ECV-324 7500/-
Assistant Professor Domestic Waste Water In Nandhakumar.S,
Dept. of Civil Engineering Construction Industry Nithiyasri.S,
A.V.C College of Engineering Praneetha.P
Mayiladuthurai - 609 305
647. Ms.Vaidevi.C Self- Healing In Self Ibapynhunshishakh ECV-421 7500/-
Assistant Professor- II / Civil Compacting Concrete Using arkyrjiaw;
Engineering, Aarupadai Veedu Special Bacteria BoreddySamarasim
Institute of Technology, haReaddy;
Vinayaka Mission’s Research KyrshanlangkiKhyn
Foundation, Paiyanoor, riam
Chennai - 603 104
648. Dr.S.N.Ramaswamy Fabrication and Physico- Abishek Kumar.M, ECV-370 7500/-
Professor, Dept. of Civil Engg Mechanical characterizations Harikrishnan G.M,
Anjalai Ammal Mahalingam of Surgical Face mask Ash - Rishi.R
Engineering College Cement composites
Kovilvenni – 614 403
649. Dr.S.Poongothai Enabling water security for Malligai.M.K ECV-439 7500/-
Professor and Head, sustainable farming in a
Department of Civil Engg watershed of Krishnagiri
Annamalai University district, Tamil Nadu
Annamalainagar- 608 002
650. Ms.Rajalakshmi S Water quality analysis at Preethi.G, ECV-155 7500/-
Assistant professor mettur zone Shanthini.S,
Dept. of Civil Priyanka.A,
AVS Engineering College Yogeshwari.R
Ammapet, Salem -636 003
651. Mrs.V.Jayanthi Innovative utilization of agro Sai Vishnu.P.U, ECV-170 7500/-
Assistant Professor wastes in expansive soil Vasanth.R,
Dept. of Civil Engineering stabolization Rasswanth.S
Bannari Amman Institute of
Sathyamangalam - 638 401
652. Mr.S. Rajesh Ground water quality Talasu Pavan ECV-445 7500/-
Assistant Professor analysis at rural area of Maneesh,
Dept. of Civil Engg. selaiyur Muthuru Ashok
Bharath Institute of Higher Kumar Reddy,
Education and Research Gade Teja Sai
Selaiyur, Chennai-600 073 Reddy,
Kunchala Praveen
653. Mr.P.Eswaramoorthi Performance of palm fibre in Amirthavarshini.J, ECV-302 7500/-
Assistant Professor concrete Vinith.S,
Dept. of Civil Engineering Vignesh.S
Builders Engineering College
Kangayam - 638 108
654. Mr. C. Hariharasudhan Experimental Investigation T.Jude Nithin Joel ECV-069 7500/-
Assistant Professor and Head on Effective Utilization of P.Nagalakshmi
Dept. of Civil Engineering Recycled Concrete
Chennai Institute of Aggregate
Technology, Sarathy Nagar
Chennai – 600 069
655. Mr.M.Vignesh Investigation Of Water A.Naveenraj, ECV-274 7500/-
Assistant Professor Quality Through Nano- A.Yoga Priya,
Dept. of Civil Engg Porous Materials C.S.Meenakshisun
Chettinad College of dharam,
Engineering and Technology K.Krishnamoorthy
Puliyur CF, Karur-639 114
656. Mr.T Santhosh Kumar Experimental Investigation Appu.J, ECV-306 7500/-
Assistant Professor On Partial Replacement Of Guhan.R,
Dept. of Civil Engg Rubber Crumbs By Fine Vasanth.V
CK College of Engineering & Aggregate In Concrete
Technology, Chellangkuppam,
Cuddalore - 607 003
657. Mr.R.Sibi Strength and Durability Gnanidhar ECV-364 7500/-
Assistant Professor Assessment of Self-Healing Zimnass.S,
Dept. of Civil Engineering Concrete using Autogenous Jawahar.R,
Coimbatore Institute Of Self-Healing Technique Kailasa Pandian.M
Engineering and Technology
Narasipuram (P.O),
Coimbatore-641 109
658. Dr.V.G.Kalpana Effect of GGBS and Granite Pravin.B.B, ECV-065 7500/-
Assistant professor waste on the mechanical and A.Soundhar Rajan,
Dept. of Civil Engineering thermal properties of bricks. D.Sukil
Coimbatore Institute of Teja Sethuraman
Coimbatore-641 014
659. Ms.Valarmathy.N Development of eco friendly Shanmugam.S, ECV-424 7500/-
Assistant Professor concrete using poultry Arunpandiyan.S,
Dept. of Civil Engineering feather as fine aggregate Manikandan.J,
Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Ayyappan.K
Engineering College
Perambalur-621 212
660. Mr.Shankar.V.K Utilisation of Cicer Arietinum E.Ajithkumar, ECV-006 7500/-
Assistant professor Seed Powder as a Natural B.Hariharan,
Dept. of Civil engineeering Coagulant in Water B.Jensie Victoria
Dr NGP Institute of Treatment Process
Coimbatore-641 048
661. Dr. S.G.Karthiga devi Soil stabilization Easwar.A, ECV-052 7500/-
Assistant Professor Sharon.S,
Dept. of Civil Engineering Surya.R,
Easwari Engineering college Abhishek Raj.L
Ramapuram, Chennai-600 089
662. Dr.J Colins Johnny Flood inundation map of M.Ram Kumar, ECV-437 7500/-
Assistant Professor Thamirabarani river basin E.Madhu Bala
Dept. of Civil Engg. Kishore,
University VOC College of K.S.Alwar maran,
Engineering, P.Lakshmana
Thoothukudi-628 008 Perumal
663. Ms.Fathima Darras Gracy.A Removal of sulphide in Abdul Rahim.J ECV-388 7500/-
Assistant Professor, anaerobically treated tannery
Dept. of Civil Engineering wastewater by wet air
Erode Sengunthar Engineering oxidation
College, Erode - 638 057
664. Dr. N. Venkatachalam Intelligent Emission Muthukrishnan.R, ECV-219 7500/-
Associate Professor Controller for Vehicles Jaya Prasanth.V,
Dept. of Mechanical Engg Vijay.S,
Excel Engineering College, Manikandan.R
Namakkal- 637 303
665. Mr.Krishna Kumar. P Mechanical and durability Anand Solomon.J ECV-257 7500/-
Assistant Professor properties of nano-concrete Antonraj.J
Dept. of Civil Engineering under different curing Bemisha Jeni.D,
Francis Xavier Engineering condition Harishma.R
College, Vannarpettai
Tirunelveli -627 003
666. Mr.Vivek S Hydrogeochemical Kavimaniyarasu.A ECV-418 7500/-
Assistant Professor Characterization and Ragu.K
Dept. of Civil Engineering assessment of groundwater Ramalingam.M
Hindusthan College of quality in Tirupur taluk using Sanjay kumar.M
Engineering & Technology GIS based technique
Coimbatore -641 032
667. Ms.Porkodi Structural investigation of Kalaivardhiny.V.C ECV-286 7500/-
Assistant Professor strengthening Masonry
Dept. of Civil Engineering panels using geogrids
IFET College of Engineering geopolymer composites
668. Mr.T.Sathanandham Experimental studies on V.Janakiraman, ECV-386 7500/-
Assistant Professor modified bitumen using N.Rajaganapathy
Dept. of Civil Engineering polystrene coating of waste
Jai Shriram Engineering materials
College, Tirupur-638 660
669. Ms J. Hathri Evangeline Study of cold formed c- Desna.S, ECV-201 7500/-
Assistant Professor section by varying flange Durga devi.K,
Dept. of Civil engineering width ratio Janakiraman.E
Jaya Engineering college
Chennai-602 024
670. Dr.N.S.Elangovan Use of S.pasteurii and B. Sai Prakash.K, ECV-328 7500/-
Professor Megaterium bacteria to improve Gershom Daniel.A,
Dept. of Civil Engineering the properties of concrete Premkumar.R,
Jerusalem College of Engg. containing sugarcane baggasse Keerthivasan.J
Pallikaranai, Chennai-600 100 ash : A sustainable approach
671. Mr.A.Oorkalan Energy harvesting from Thulasi Dasan.D, ECV-395 7500/-
Assistant Professor structural components using Bhavishkanna.K.S,
Dept. of Civil Engineering kinetic foot fall and IoT Sankar.N,
K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology Prithivi.M
Samayapuram, Trichy-621112
672. Dr.S.Ramesh Treatment of textile waste P. Shri Harish ECV-248 7500/-
Professor/ Civil Engineering water using banana peel and Kumar
K.S.Rangasamy College of ocimum basilicum
Namakkal - 637 215
673. Mr.P.Ponkarthikeyan Optimization of cod removal V.Naveenkumar, ECV-030 7500/-
Assistant Professor from domestic wastewater by V.Harishkumar,
Dept. of Civil Engineering response surface S.Sankaramahadhe
Kamaraj College of methodology van
Engineering and Technology
K.Vellakulam- 625 701
Near Virudhunagar
674. Ms.N.Ajitha Parvathy Interlocking concrete blocks P.L.Annamalai, ECV-114 7500/-
Assistant Professor using plastic waste and A.Ariraman,
Dept. of Civil Engg. waste brick powder R.Janani
Karpaga Vinayaga College of A.K.Stalin
Engineering and Technology
Karpaga Vinayaga Nagar,
Palayanoor -603 308
675. Mr.Prasannan.D Eco-friendly pet bottles waste Arjun.D, ECV-369 7500/-
Assistant Professor plastic fibre reinforced Manoj.N,
Dept. of Civil Engineering concrete brick Sivaharish.J,
Karpagam College of Prasath.S
Othakkalmandapam post,
Coimbatore – 641 032
676. Ms R .Jagedeswari An experimental study on M.Jayanthi, ECV-337 7500/-
Assistant Professor quality of ambient air in the S.Keerthana,
Dept. of Civil Engineering city of coimbatore K.Yuvansankar,
Kgisl Institute of Technology G.T Prasanth
Kgisl Campus, Saravanampatti Arvind
Coimbatore - 641 035
677. Ms.R.Buvaneshwari Comparitive study of normal A.Patrick Antony ECV-431 7500/-
Assistant Professor paver block with partial Samy,
Dept. of Civil Engineering replacement of sand by saw S.Chandru
Kings College of Engineering, dust A.Joshi
Punalkulam-613 303
678. Dr.R.Vasanthi Soil Solarization using M.Soniya ECV-222 7500/-
Assistant Professor biodegradable materials Gopika Jayaraj
Dept. of Agriculture Engg R.Maheetha
KIT-Kalaignar Karunanidhi V.Sindhu
Institute of Technology
Kannampalayam post
Coimbatore-641 402.
679. Ms.T.Karthika A model study on bearing Lakshman Kumar ECV-192 7500/-
Assistant professor (Sr.G) capacity and settlement of V,
Dept. of Civil engineering square footing on clayey soil Mohammed
Kongu engineering college stabilized with municipal solid Ashik.N
Perundurai, Erode – 638 060 waste ash and steel slag Mohamed Wasim.
680. Mrs. K. Anbarasi Experimental study of M.Gokulraj ECV-143 7500/-
Assistant Professor floating concrete A.Meghna
Dept. of Civil Engineering A.Dhanushiya
Kongunadu College of M.Keerthivasan
Engineering and Technology
Thottiam, Trichy – 621 215
681. Mr.S.P Cowsigan Enhancing survival during Jayavarshini.A ECV-034 7500/-
Assistant Pofessor fire accidents using Karthikeyan.E
Dept. of ECE quadcopter Monisha.K
KPR Institute of Engineering Pramanayagam.A
and Technology Arasur
Coimbatore -641 407
682. Dr. R. Manju Reduction of heavy metal Vijay Karthekeyan. ECV-001 7500/-
Associate Professor toxicity in cement using R,
Dept. of Civil Engineering microorganisms Anantharam. T
Kumaraguru College of
Technology, Athipalayam Rd,
Coimbatore-641 049
683 Mr.N P Srinivasan Paver block using tyre rubber G.Kausalya ECV-154 7500/-
Assistant Professor waste and recycled Manivel.S
Dept. of Civil Engineering aggregate Loganathan.B
M.Kumarasamy College of
Engineering, Thalavapalaym
Karur – 639 113
684. Ms. V. Santhiya An experimental investigation S.Srimanju, ECV-161 7500/-
Assistant Professor/ Civil Engg on water absorbing P.Sivapriya
AVS College of Technology pavements by using porous
Chinnagoundapuram concrete
Salem - 636106
685. Dr.K.Vidhya and B.Nithya Water replant road Vasundhara.P, ECV-118 7500/-
Professor & Head, Asst. Prof., Monisha.M,
Dept. of Civil Engineering Sangavi.S,
Mahendra Engineering college Prema.M
Namakkal - 637 503
686. Mr.Jaiganesan K Assessment of surface water Naveen.R, ECV-084 7500/-
Assistant Professor quality in and around Mugilan.R,
Dept. of Civil engg, Gadilam River Basin, Joe Daniel.N
Mailam Engineering College Cuddalore district, Tamilnadu
Mailam, Villupuram - 604 304
687. Dr.J. Jeyanthi Cement based battery for Karthikeyan, ECV-131 7500/-
Associate Professor two wheelers Mohanraj,
Dept. of Civil Engineering Kaliraj
Mepco Schlenk Engg College
688. Dr.Sathees Kumar.P An analysis of air pollutants M.H.Mahamood ECV-197 7500/-
Associate Professor in Chennai Naina,
Dept. of Civil Engineering S.Shaik Mohamed
Mohamed Sathak A.J College Saif
of Engineering
689. Ms.Regina mary.I Flexural strengthening of B.Anushiya Devi, ECV-093 7500/-
Assistant Professor geopolymer concrete beam V.Varshini,
Dept. of Civil Engineering using basalt fibre reinforced V.Kinglyton
Mount Zion College of polymer laminates Velmurugan
Engineering and Technology
Lena vilakku
Pudukkottai- 622 507
690. Mr.K.Sankar Utilization of textile industry G.Aadhavan, ECV-017 7500/-
Assistant Professor sludge as a constructive K.Sanjay,
Dept. of Civil Engineering building blocks S.Gomathi,
Muthayammal Engineering R.Srisowmiya
College,Rasipuram- 637 408
691. Mr.P.Govintharaj Technical Analysis of S.Keerthana, ECV-026 7500/-
Assistant Professor Accidents on NH-44 in Hilly M.Narmathadevi,
Dept. of Civil Engineering Terrain (Thoppur Ghat): V.Udayaprasath,
Narasu's Sarathy Institute of Causes and Remedies P.Sakthivel
Technology, Salem -636 305
692. Dr.C.Chella Gifta Pozzolanic reactivity of corn Sankara ECV-314 7500/-
Assistant Professor(Sr.Grade), husk ash as a Narayanan.M
Dept. of Civil Engineering supplementary cementitious Sankara Subbu.M
National Engineering College materials Partha Sarathi.T
Kovilpatti, Tuticorin- 628 503 Muhammad Al
693. Mrs.A.Dhanalakshmi Partial Replacement of E- J.Anandhakumari, ECV-330 7500/-
Associate Professor Waste in Concrete Kerbs J.Harini,
Civil Engineering V.Pradeeba
P.S.R.Engineering College
Sivakasi- 626 140
694. Dr. M. Kannan Evaluation of gasification in Anjali.T, ECV-261 7500/-
Professor/ Civil Engineering municipal solid waste and Kowshika.R,
Parisutham Institute of sewage waste Swathi.R
Technology and Science
Thanjavur - 613 006
695. Mr.G.Thirumalmurugan Effect of recycled aggregates K.Sathish kumar ECV-241 7500/-
Assistant Professor in alkali activated dumbel
Dept. of Civil Engineering shape paver blocks using fly
Periyar Maniammai Institute of ash.
Science and Technology
Vallam, Thanjavur - 613 403
696. Mr.S.Aravind Construction of Bio gas plant Prajval.U.V.R, ECV-339 7500/-
Assistant Professor for a house in a Village Praveen John
Dept. of Civil Engineering Theres.J,
R.M.K. Engineering College Mettu Murali
R.S.M Nagar Krishna,
Kavaraipettai-601206 Mamandooru
697. Mrs.R.Kalaimani Cement Battery G.Mohanrajan, ECV-233 7500/-
Assistant Professor M.R.A. Suresh
Dept. of Civil Engineering kumar,
Ramco Institute of Technology S.Srivarshan
North Venganallur Village
Rajapalayam – 626 117
698. Dr.P.Krishnakumar Geographical information Ajith.V ECV-133 7500/-
Associate Professor system based impact Karthika.R
Dept. of Civil Engineering assessment on landuse
Rathinam Technical Campus, changes in groundwater
Coimbatore- 641021.
geochemistry of Coimbatore
City, Tamilnadu
699. Ms.Anila Dani D A Pavements converting Nandhu Pramod, ECV-072 7500/-
Assistant Professor vehicle kinetic energy into Akshay Praveen,
Dept. of Civil Engineering electrical energy Mohammed
Rathnavel Subramaniam Ajmal.T.A,
Technical Campus Bhuvaneshwari.R
700. Mr.S.Raja Disposal of Hatchery waste Guruprasath.T, ECV-209 7500/-
Assistant Professor using bio -reactor Kannan.K,
Dept. of Civil Engineering Sivakumarasamy
S.Veerasamy Chettiar college of Durai.P
Engineering and Technology
Puliyangudi - 627 855
701. Dr. A. Belin Jude Study of the performance of Dinesh.K, ECV-132 7500/-
Assistant professor and Head, Polystyrene Petroleum Gel Gokul.B
Dept. of Civil Engineering as Construction material Mohamed Nawfal.R
Saranathan College of Mohan Kishor.S
Engineering, Panjappur,
702. Dr. Saranaathan.S.E. Geo-mechanical (RMR & V.Sabarish, ECV-420 7500/-
Assistant Professor – III SMR) and Kinematic analysis R.Shyamalan,
School of Civil Engineering Chittarevu – Pullaveli stretch S.K.Yogeshwar
SASTRA University in Thandikudi Ghat section,
Thanjavur - 613 402 Dindigul, Tamil Nadu.
703. Dr. Suresh D Analysis of Impact of COVID Pothy Krishna.C, ECV-385 7500/-
Associate Professor, 19 Lockdown on Air Quality Nirmal Raj.T,
Department of Civil Engg and Ground Water Level - A Poovarasan.D
Saveetha Engineering College Case Study over Chennai
Sriperumbudur Taluk, City
Kanchipuram - Chennai Rd,
Chennai- 602105
704. Ms.R.Sheela Daniel Design For Low Cost Grey Hari shankar.C, ECV-436 7500/-
Assistant professor Water Treatment And Supriyadharshini.M,
Dept. of Civil engineering Purification Jervish.J.L
SCAD College of Engineering
and Technology,SCAD Nagar,
Tirunelveli- 627 414
705. Ms.B. Bhuvaneswari Traffic less system for Gowsalya.G, ECV-440 7500/-
Assistant Professor ambulance in smart cities Susmitha.M,
Dept. of ECE Kirthika.K
Sengunthar Engineering
Tiruchengode- 637 205
706. Dr. Gulshan Taj M.N.A 3D printing technology for S.Vidyalakshmi, ECV-294 7500/-
Associate Professor low cost energy harvesting K.Gopalakrishnan,
Dept. of Civil Engineering speed bump in plastic roads P.Gokul Raj
Sona College of Technology
Salem - 636 005
707. Mrs.A.Vennila Experimental investigation of Chandrakumari. ECV-296 7500/-
Assistant Professor foundry sand paver block Pon
Dept. of Civil Engg, and flyash bricks with
Sri Krishna College of addition of metakaolin
Kovaipudur -641 042
708. Dr.S.D.Anitha Selvasofia Lockdown turned ‘farm to Moulica.G ECV-095 7500/-
Assistant Professor (Sr.Gr), fork’ – dream or reality! Prathiksha.J
Dept. of Civil Engineering Agricultural situation in Tharani.M
Sri Ramakrishna Engineering thanjavur, india before,
College, Coimbatore- 641 022 during and after covid-19
709. Ms.Nandhini.U Development of low cost Pugazhenthi.B, ECV-116 7500/-
Assistant Professor rural roads using bioenzymes Nithyasree.R
Dept. of Civil Engineering
Sri Ranganathar Institute of
Engineering and Technology
Coimbatore- 641 110
710. Mr. S. Baislahamed Influence of Waste Plastic G.Jayashree ECV-349 7500/-
Assistant Professor Strips in Stabilization of Soil V.Jeeva
Dept. of Civil Engineering A.Kaleeswaran
J.N.N. Institute of Engineering,
Tiruvallur District – 601 102
711. Ms.K.Vaidhegi Green Fuel Briquettes S.Sridevi, ECV-182 7500/-
Assistant Professor D.Kousalya,
Dept. of Civil Engineering V.Anitha
Sri Sai Ram Engineering
College, Sai Leo Nagar, West
Tambaram, Chennai- 602 109
712. Ms. Ruby Freeya Low cost speedy recovery of B.Srinithyan, ECV-392 7500/-
Assistant Professor dwellings from disaster R.Sriram,
Dept. of Civil Engineering P.Siva,
Sri Venkateswara College of V.Rajarajan
Sriperumbudur- 602 117
713. Mr.M. Ashik Mohamed Accident hotspot analysis in K.Deepika, ECV-237 7500/-
Associate Professor/ Civil an urban area using GIS T.Aadalarasan,
M.A.M. College of Eng& Tech. M.Pragadeeth,
Siruganur-621105 S.Safiya Thahseen
714. Mr.P.R.Kalyana Chakravarthy Experimental investigation on Ganapathi.E, ECV-371 7500/-
Assistant Professor partial replacement of fine & Balamurugan.S,
Dept. of Civil Engineering coarse aggregates using Mohamed Aathif
Vels institute of Science, waste foundry sand and Jignesh,
Technology & Advanced waste coconut shell Pandian.A.K
Studies, Chennai- 600 117
715. Dr. A. Leema Rose Study On Ductility S.Suganthan ECV-066 7500/-
Associate Professor Performance Of Carbon
Dept. of Civil Engineering Nanotubes In Basalt Fibre
SRM Valliammai Engineering Reinforced Concrete Beams
College, SRM Nagar,
Kattankulathur-603 203
716. Dr. Michael Mahesh K Intelligent Covid-19 Vivetha.S.K, ECV-404 7500/-
Assistant professor Pandemic Bus Service with Sheelit Merjal.C.J,
Dept. of ECE Safety Measure Sweety Kiruba.A
St. Joseph College of
Chennai- 602 117
717. Dr. PL. Meyyappan Development of a Cost S. Fazur Rehman, ECV-353 7500/-
Associate Professor Effective Light Emitting M. Madesh Kumar,
Dept. of Civil Engineering Transparent Concrete T. Sharveshram,
Kalasalingam Academy of R. Sivaneshan
Research and Education,
Krishnankoil- 626 126
Virudhunagar (Dist)
718. Ms.Manisha.B Removal of suspended solids Vallinayaki.M, ECV-343 7500/-
Assistant Professor from wastewater with pumice Naseer
Dept. of Civil Engineering media filter Ahamed.T.J,
St. Mother Theresa Allan Goudham
Engineering College, Putupatti,
Thoothukudi -628 102
719. Ms.S.Banupriya Development of IoT Based Chandra Sivam.S, ECV-140 7500/-
Assistant Professor Landslide Monitoring, Jeffin.P,
Dept. of Civil Engineering Detection And Early Warning Arun Balaji.S,
St.Joseph's College of System Using Drone And Rithish Ragul.B
Engineering Remote Sensing Data For
Kamaraj Nagar, Semmancheri, Nilgiris District
Chennai- 600 119
720. Dr.V.Gowri Investigation of sustainable Nivedhitha.D ECV-266 7500/-
Associate Professor concrete using agriculture
Dept. of Civil Engineeirng waste as a composite
St.Joseph's Institute of Tech. material
Semmencherry, OMR,
Chennai- 600 119.
721. Mr. M. Vignesh Experimental studies on J.Akash, ECV-419 7500/-
Assistant Profesor concrete utilizing red mud as J.Arulsaminathan,
Dept. of Civil Engineering a partial replacement of A.Nishanth,
Maha Barathi Engineering cement with hydrated lime B.Saravanan
College, A.Vasudevanur(PO)
Chinna Salem - 606 201
Villupuram District
722. Dr.D. Kamalnataraj Preventing fall hazards by T.Thenkumariya ECV-252 7500/-
Assistant Professor using smart helmet in
Dept. of Civil Engineering construction site
Surya Group of Institutions
Vikravandi - 605 652
723. Ms.Santhi.K Experimental investigation of Azhagarsamy.S, ECV-368 7500/-
Assistant Professor fiber reinforced concrete Mohammed
Dept. of Civil Engineering wing partial replacement of Raiyan.K.E,
Thanthai periyar govt institute the river sand by sea sand Gokulnath.A.V,
of Technology and metakaolin Ajithkumar.A
Vellore - 632 002
724. Mrs.G.Preethi Experimental investigation on Sureshkumar.K, ECV-362 7500/-
Assistant Professor conversion of Agriculture Girisankar.S,
Dept. of Civil Engineering waste, E-waste, Sludge Bharathkumar.M
Theni Kammavar Sangam waste and municipal waste to
College of Technology construction material
Koduvilarpatti, Theni- 625 534
725. Dr.R.Viji Characteristics Study On Akkshaya.P, ECV-193 7500/-
Assistant Professor/Civil Engg Tiles By Partially Replacing Harini.S,
University College of Cement as Fly Ash Harshavardhini.J,
Engineering BIT Campus, Jeyasri.R
Anna University
Tiruchirappalli -620 024
726. Mrs.V.M.Rajanandhini Grey Markov Model in B.Sivabharathi, ECV-322 7500/-
Assistant Professor & HOD, Forecasting Road Accident R.Kanmani
Dept. of Civil Engineering at Thiruvarur Town
University College of
Engineering, Thirukkuvalai,
Nagapattinam -610 204
727. Ms.Anitha. A Utilization of industrial waste Jeevitha.R, ECV-393 7500/-
Assistant Professor for developing low cost Mayurii.P,
Dept. of Civil Engineering concrete Sivaranjani.D,
Velalar College of Engg & Sowmitha.C
Tech.Thindal, Erode - 638 012
728. Mr.Rajha Rajeswaran.T.A Manufacturing of Masonry Zafar Khan.N, ECV-263 7500/-
Assistant Professor Blocks from C & D Waste Prasanna.T,
Dept. of Civil Engineering Shrinath.B,
Velammal Engineering College Sujan.C
Department of Civil Engg
Chennai -600 066
729. Dr. S. Anandh The design and development Sheik Mastan ECV-137 7500/-
Assistant Professor/ Civil Engg of composite steel concrete
SRM Institute of Science and beam with stiffness adjacent
Tech.,Kattankulathur -603203 to web openings
730. Ms.Urmila Institutional structure with Vineeth.S ECV-321 7500/-
Assistant Professor/ Civil Engg effective acoustics
Veltech hightech
Dr.Rangarajan Dr.Sakunthala
Engineering College,
Avadi, Chennai -600 062
731. Mr.Thiruppathi.M Heart Beat & Wireless Shalini.S, ECV-409 7500/-
Assistant professor/ ECE Temperature Read-out using Sowmiya.S,
Vivekanandha College of Microcontroller Suvega.R,
Engineering for women Vaishnavi.S
Tiruchengode -637 205
732. Dr.Sureshkumar.S Reuse of mobile Agash.C.P, CSE-1107 7500/-
Assistant Professor/CSE e-waste to automobile Sathiya.S
Sri Krishna College of accessories in india
Engineering and Technology
733. Dr.R.Suganya Patient health monitoring D.Sowmiya CSE-0415 7500/-
Head and Assistant Professor using wireless sensor
PG Department of IT network
BON Secours College for
Women, Thanjavur-613006
734. Dr.R.Kala Finger print based ATM Haritha M.P, CSE-0246 7500/-
Assistant Professor system Sreeyuktha.R,
Department of Computer Vishnu Prasad.R
Science and Engineering
Hindusthan Institute of
Coimbatore- 641028
735. Ms.M.Vidhya Night patrol robot for Manigandan.A, CSE-0273 7500/-
Assistant Professor detecting and tracking of Samuel Frank,
Department of Computer human motions using Bhuvanesh
Science and Engineering proximity sensor Kumar.S,
Kings Engineering College Sakthivel. T
736. Dr.Sathyaseelan Heart disease prediction Akash.S, CSE-0396 7500/-
Assistant Professor using machine learning Arvindh.K,
Department of Information Palpandi,
Technology Rahul.S
Sri Ramakrishna Institute of
737. Dr.M.Gomathy nayagam An automated solid waste Sabna Devi.P CSE-0327 7500/-
Associate Professor monitoring and management
Department of Computer using smart dustbin for
Science and Engineering smarthome
Ramco Institute of Technology
Rajapalayam – 626117
738. Dr.Vanitha V Smart agriculture system to Prakash Kumar.K CSE-0223 7500/-
Professor improve the productivity of
Department of IT crops
Kumaraguru College of
Coimbatore- 641049
739. Dr.M.Nithya Challenge operating system Sakthinathan.J, CSE-0917 7500/-
Associate Professor Vikas.K,
Department of Computer Shalini S,
Science and Engineering Pradeep.T
Sri Sairam Engineering
College, West Tambaram,
740. Dr.E.S.Shamila AN intelligent graphic eye Varun.S, CSE-0340 7500/-
Professor with text to speech converter Soundhur.G,
Department of Computer for blind people Vishnu Varsha.U,
Science and Engineering Rupali Singh.J
Jansons Institute of Tech.
Coimbatore - 641659
741. Dr.Chairma Lakshmi.K.R Leafy Mohamed Hashim.I CSE-0558 7500/-
Assistant Professor
Department of Electronics and
Instrumentation Engineering
R.M.K Engineering College
742. Dr.P.Santhi Secured Voting System Deepthi.T, CSE-0051 7500/-
Associate Professor Laksmi Priya.M,
Department of CSE Noodhana.R,
M.Kumarasamy College of Thamarai Selvi.J.K
743. Dr.Regan.R Smart insects repellent and Vignesh.D, CSE-0607 7500/-
Assistant Professor pesticide spray using Viswanathan.A
Department of Computer ultrasonic for agricultural
Science and Engineering purpose
University College of
Villupuram- 605103
744. Dr.Gokilavani.A Secured Bios-crypt based Jeyaprakash.R, CSE-0705 7500/-
Associate Professor vehicle access MakeshKumar.M,
Department of Computer Sasikumar.S
Science and Engineering
Jai Shriram Engineering
College, Avinashipalayam,
745. Dr.K.Ravikumar Walking stick for visually M.Jeevitha, CSE-0029 7500/-
Associate Professor impaired using raspberry Pi M.Siva Priya,
Department of Computer M.Sridharani
Science and Engineering
Builders Engineering College
Nathakadaiyur, Kangayam
Taluk, Tirupur-638 108
746. Mr.S.Sivakumar IOT based automatic thermal M.Kaviya, CSE-1248 7500/-
Assistant professor scanner detector T.Lavanya,
Department of Computer R.Reena,
Applications, M.Subhashini
AVC College of Engineering
747. Ms.Saranya Devi.S Data-driven stress prediciton Jayaprabha.S, CSE-1022 7500/-
Assistant Professor model using physiological Maheshwari.P,
Department of Biomedical signals Olive Danita.S
KPR Institute Of Engineering
and Technology
748. Ms.Vijayalakshmi.K Image fusion for CT and MRI Vijay.P, CSE-0867 7500/-
Assistant Professor scan image using DWT Surya.G,
Department of Computer Suryaprakash.R
Science and Engineering
AVS College of Technology
Salem - 636106
749. Mrs.Kamala.V Driver drowsiness detection Nithya.S, CSE-0364 7500/-
Assistant Professor system using Harr Cascade Revathy.P,
Department of Computer Algorithm Sathya.R,
Science and Engineering Vahini.P
KGISL Institute of Technology
750. Mr.K.Ashokkumar C4.5 based decision tree for R.Aswini, CSE-0002 7500/-
Associate Professor students grade prediction D.Rithanya,
Department of Computer M.Shalini,
Science and Engineering M.Thanika
Sengunthar Engineering dharshini
Komaramangalam Road,
751. Mrs.S.Ancy IOT based flood detection Kapila.R.G, CSE-0041 7500/-
Assistant Professor system Aarthi.S
Department of Information
St.Joseph's College of
Engineering, Semmenchery,
Chennai-600 119
752. Ms.K Kalaivani Detecting fake reviews on A.Mary Caroline CSE-0386 7500/-
Assistant Professor online consumer products Jeevitha,
Department of Computer using machine learning Priti Ojha
Science and Engineering techniques
Vels Institute of Science,
Technology and Advanced
Studies, Pallavaram
753. Dr.K.SureshKumar An innovative rapid cursor Nandinisree.V.S, CSE-0351 7500/-
Associate Professor control system using eye Aishwarya.T,
Department of Information movement for a physically Amarnaath Alias
Technology challenged person Sekkappan K.N.K
Saveetha Engineering
Sriperumbadur Taluk
Chennai -602105
754. Dr.N.Rajathi Rice plant disease detection Yogajeeva.K CSE-0222 7500/-
Professor and classification
Department of Data Sciences
Kumaraguru College of
755. Dr.Gladys Aani Sujitha J Milk distribution management Sivashankaran.E, CSE-0393 7500/-
Assistant Professor system Vasanth Allen
Department of Computer Raj.A,
Science and Engineering Vijay.M
Sri Sairam Institute of
756. Dr.J.Frank Vijay Intelligent edge-AI proctored Muzzamil Sait.A, CSE-1010 7500/-
Head of the Department services Staffin T Shabu,
Department of Information Antony Raj.A,
Technology Logith Kumar.B
KCG College of Technology
Chennai- 600097
757. Dr.C.Gnana Kousalya Women safety night Keerthana.A, CSE-0537 7500/-
Head of the Department patrolling bot Mary Susma
Department of Electronics and Rose.S
Communication Engineering
St.Joseph's Institute of
Chennai - 600119
758. Dr.R.Jeberson Retna Raj Automated car door open Mokitha.B , CSE-0650 7500/-
Associate Professor warning and locking safety Sanjudha
Department of Information system
Sathyabama Institute of
Science and Technology
Chennai -600119
759. Dr.R.Jaichandran Early Prediction of COVID-19 Alok Shree CSE-0299 7500/-
Professor disease using deep learning
Department of Computer
Science and Engineering
Aarupadai Veedu Institute of
Chengalpattu - 603104.
760. Dr.Shanthini E Exploring ancient poompuhar Sangeetha.T, CSE-0289 7500/-
Assistant Professor using Virtual Reality Suresh.S
Department of Electronics and
Communication Engineering
Sri Ramakrishna Engineering
College, Vattamalaipalayam,
761. Mr.A.Rajaprabu Reducing the man power and M.Magesh, CSE-0233 7500/-
Assistant Professor improving the plant K.Sachitha
Department of Computer productivity using IoT nantham,
Science and Engineering S.Thennarasu
Arasu Engineering College
762. Dr.S.Kanchana Avenue-D Zone Priyadarshini.A, CSE-0208 7500/-
Assistant Professor Roshan Peniel.W
Department of Software
PSG College of Arts and
Science, Coimbatore-641014
763. Ms.R. Asmitha Shree Factory Leakage Detection V.Subaharini, CSE-593 7500/-
Assistant Professor and Monitoring System using B.Subashree,
Department of Computer IoT G.Suganth
Science Engineering
Sri Krishna College of
Technology, Kovaipudur,
764. Dr.S.Selvi IRCTC Alexa Bot for J.Dwarika, CSE-0855 7500/-
Professor physically challenged people K.Gugashri,
Department of IT D.Iruthaya
Dr.Sivanthi Aditanar College of Santhiya,
Engineering K.Suhacini
765. Dr.L.Jerart Julus, Dr.V.Jackins Live fish counter for S.Lakshmi Prabha, CSE-1234 7500/-
Assistant Professor aquaculture farming V.Sivasangari,
Department of IT K.Suga Priya,
National Engineering College S.Nandhakumar
766. Dr.M.Nithya IoT Door Jenis Rowan CSE-1228 7500/-
Head of the Department Basker,
Department of CSE Hevin Kumar.S
Vinayaka Mission's
Kirupananda Variyar
Engineering College
767. Mr.Vijaykumar.V Dynamic Firewall Sanjaykumar.K, CSE-0807 7500/-
Head of department Decomposition and Pradeep.H,
Department of Computer Composition in The Cloud Rajaganapathy.M,
Science and Engineering Naveen Kumar.R
AVS Engineering college
Ammapet, Salem-636003
768. Dr.Senthil Pandi, Mr.D.Weslin Augmented Robotics dialog Fouzia.M.A, CSE-1039 7500/-
Assistant Professor system for Enhancing Humaira.Y,
Department of Information Human-Robot interaction Joshitha.J
Mohamed Sathak AJ College
of Engg, Siruseri
769. Dr.Vinothini.B Soldier Strap K.Aswini, CSE-0604 7500/-
Assistant Professor Hemang Murugan,
Department of Computer A.C.Akashprabhu
Science and Engineering
Bannari Amman Institute of
770. Dr E.Karthikeyan Public street lights faults S.Gayathiri CSE-0491 7500/-
Head of the Department monitoring and automation
Department of Computer using ioT
Government Arts College
771. Mr.A.Prabhu Event management system V.Moushiya, CSE-0495 7500/-
Assistant Professor using full stack web A.Pooja Shree,
Department of Electronics and application R.Ramya,
Electrical Engineering J.Sahaya Ajeetha
K.Ramakrishnan College of
Engineering, Samayapuram,
772. Dr.Lalitha Pattabiraman Application of programmable Madhumitha CSE-0028 7500/-
Assistant Professor blockchain in the data Mohan,
Department of Computer analytics of smart agriculture Amrutha Obili,
Science and Engineering Swetha Rama
SRM Institute of Science and chandran,
Technology, Ramapuram Bachala Lekhasree
773. Ms.M.Mythili Fire alarm using web and IoT Aswin.S, CSE-0884 7500/-
Assistant Professor Muhilan.M.S,
Department of Information Raguram.S,
Technology Vikas.D
Kongunadu College of
Engineering and Technology
Tholurpatti Post,
Trichy- 621215
774. Dr.A.E.Narayanan Prevention of fake food and Arivunila M, CSE-0011 7500/-
Associate Professor adulteration using electronic Santhosh.A,
Department of Computer product code (EC) and Arun P
Science and Engineering machine learning based
Periyar Maniammai Institute of block chain technology
Science and Technology
Periyar Nagar, Vallam
Thanjavur - 613403
775. Mrs.S.Gopalakrishnan Asthma prediction using Jothika CSE-0020 7500/-
Assistant Professor Internet of things and Poornima.M
Department of Computer machine learning Parkavi.N,
Science and Engineering Subasri.V,
CK College of Engineering and Gokul Appadurai. K
Technology, Challangkuppam,
776. Dr.C.Deepa Safety band for autism Aruna C, CSE-1072 7500/-
Associate Professor people Karthikeyan V,
Department of Computer Kishore R,
Science and Engineering Kishore Kumar.S
Kalaignarkarunanidhi Institute
of Technology
777. Dr.S.Sumathi Intelligent COVID-19 Rathnambika.S, CSE-0022 7500/-
Assistant Professor(Sr.G) contactless safety monitor in Gurukishore.J,
Department of Computer public transport system using Janane.S,
Science and Engineering Internet of Things Sanjay.S
Sri Ramakrishna Institute of
Perur Chettipalayam
Coimbatore - 641046
778. Ms.C.Devipriya Plant disease recognition for Peniel David CSE-683 7500/-
Assistant Professor farmers
Department of Computer
Science And Engineering
Dr.Mahalingam College of
Engineering Technology
779. Dr.M.Madan Mohan Computing-based smart and Anju Mol.K, CSE-0211 7500/-
Assistant Professor portable system for drug Harini.A,
Department of Computer dispatch system using IoT in Kesiya George,
Science and Engineering real time Naurin.M
Nehru Institute of Engineering
and Technology
Coimbatore- 641105.
780. Ms P. Divya Automatic speed reduction Vignesh. D, CSE-1241 7500/-
Assistant Professor system of drowsiness driver Subash Surya.E
Department of Computer vehicle
Science And Engineering
IFET College of Engineering
781. Dr.P.S.Nandhini Driver drowsiness detection Srinath.P, CSE-0711 7500/-
Assistant Professor using deep learning Veeramanikandan.
Department of Computer P
Science and Engineering
Kongu Engineering College
782. Er.C.Reikha Medi-care robot for serving B.Bhakyalakshmi, CSE-0401 7500/-
Associate Professor patients using B.Pavithra,
Department of Computer ATMEGA2560microcontroller D.Priyadharshini,
Science and Engineering T.Sneha
Krishnasamy college of
Engineering and Technology
Cuddalore- 607 109.
783. Dr.R.Ravi IOT based automated drones S.K.Mohamed CSE-0422 7500/-
Professor Research & Head for agriculture Akram Khan,
Department of Computer M.Syed Mohideen
Science and Engineering Saleem
Francis Xavier Engineering
College, Vannerpettai,
784. Dr.A.R.Revathi An intellectual based real Ramachandiran.R, CSE-0433 7500/-
Associate Professor time assistance smart class Raajmohan.N ,
Department of Information room monitoring system Mohan.S,
Technology Periyachandrunath.
SRM Valliammai Engg College S
Kattankulathur - 603203
785. Dr.Sumathy Jayaram DROBOT- A Essential Mathesh.T, CSE-122 7500/-
Assistant Professor Supplier Lakshmi
Department of Information Narasiman.K,
Technology Antony Nicostin.R
Jeppiaar Engineering College
786. Dr.Sasikala.S Drone based smart A.Abdul Raguman, CSE-0487 7500/-
Assistant professor agriculture and animal S.Ajith Kumar,
Department of Computer monitoring system R.Anjali,
Science and Engineering V.Keerthanajali
Excel Engineering College
787. Dr.E.K. Vellingiriraj Real-Time GPS based Arun Kumar.S, CSE-0846 7500/-
Professor and HoD tracking blood donors for Kirubaa.V,
Department of Computer emergency Sanmuga Priya.G,
Applications S.Vijay
Nandha Engineering College
Erode-638 052
788. Mr.I.Anbumuthu Deduction and controlling of Bothraj.P, CSE-0306 7500/-
Assistant Professor wildfire using unmanned Brindha.G,
Computer Science and aerial vehicle and providing Dilip Kumar.S,
Engineering handheld extinguisher Kalpana.P
Narasu's Sarathy Institute of
Poosaripatty, Salem-636 305
789. Dr.G.Vimal Subramanian Rehabilitating the under 18 Ajith Kumar.T, CSE-1285 7500/-
Assistant Professor alcoholic teenagers Aravin.S,
Department of IT Prabakaran.R
M.A.M College of Engineering
and Technology
790. Dr.S.Mohana An emergency rescuer app Manoj Michael Raj. CSE-547 7500/-
Associate Professor A,
Department of Computer Giridhar.B
Science and Engineering
Saranathan College of Engg.
Tiruchirapalli- 620012
791. Dr.V.Naveen Kumar Prediction of coronary artery T.Uma, CSE-0218 7500/-
Assistant Professor heart disease disease using A.Thondral Nayagi,
Department of Computer machine learning technique R.S.Yashana
Science and Engineering
Vivekanandha College of
Technology for Women
Namakkal District - 637205
792. Dr.K.Senthilvadivu Game console using arduino P.Kathirvel, CSE-0997 7500/-
Assisant Professor UNO K.Hariharan,
Department of Information G.Mohanakannan
Erode Sengunthar Engineering
College, Perundurai
793. Mr.M.Ramesh COVID Patients and vaccine Ismail, CSE-0224 7500/-
Assisant Professor side effects real time patient Abudhakeer.S,
Department of ECE analysis monitoring system C.Ramachandran,
Excel Engineering College using wearable devices Mayurika.P
794. Dr.Karpagam.G.R Easy Pesticide Detection in Aishvarya.G, CSE-0230 7500/-
Professor/CSE Fruits and Vegetables for Janarthanan.K
PSG College of Technology Buyers using Mobile
Peelamedu Microscopy
795. Dr.Srinivasan A secure IOT enabled smart Anusha, CSE-0263 7500/-
Assisant Professor system Maheswari,
Department of Computer Chandrasekhar
Science and Engineering Reddy,
Muthayammal Engineering Sathish Kumar
College,Kakaveri (PO), Reddy
796. Dr.Dhamodharan.S Design of menstrual cycle R.Madhumitha, CSE-0231 7500/-
Assistant Professor calculator app with gynae bot C.N.Nalli Sneha,
Department of Electronics and interface using react native M.Keerthana,
Communication Engineering frame work M.Priyadharshini
SSM Institute of Engineering
and Technology
797. Dr.D.Sivakumar Smart reverse osmosis K.R.Sivaraj, CSE-0238 7500/-
Professor monitoring system in the Tarun Viswa.V,
Department of Information desalination plant J.Sanjeev
Easwari Engineering College
Chennai- 600089
798. Mr.B.Venkatesan Guidance System for Visually Mohamed CSE-0288 7500/-
Associate Professor Challenged People using Rilwan.A,
Department of Information Machine Learning Abinas.N
Paavai Engineering College
Pachal, Namakkal-637018
799. Dr.Justin Varghese Early Identification of coconut Kabilesh.V, CSE-0355 7500/-
Professor rhinoceros beetle/oryctes Yuvraja.S,
Department of Computer rhinoceros presence in Lukeshwaran.M,
Science and Engineering coconut farms using deep Rajavel.P
Karpagam College of Engg. learning
800. Dr.A.Jagan Armouring the internet of K.Palaniappan CSE-0869 7500/-
Associate Professor things via Bulwark security
Department of Computer
Science and Engineering
Surya Group of Institutions
801. Dr.B.Persis Urbana Ivy Garden Nurture using Tirumalasetty Sri CSE-0617 7500/-
Professor & Head/CSE Internet of Things (IOT) Nishitha,
Department of Computer L.Tejaswi,
Science and Engineering Adapa Venkata
Bharath Institute of Science Harsha Vardhan
and Technology,Selaiyur Chowdary,
Chennai- 600073 Suma bindu
802. Ms.G.R.Khanaghavalle Handwritten tamil character Arvind CSE-0331 7500/-
Assistant Professor/CSE recognition using deep Nachiappan.L,
Sri Venkateswara College of neural networks Bharath Vyas.S,
Engineering Chaitanya.M
Sriperumbudur - 602117.
803. Mr.R.Selvam Automatic attendance U.Marialivin, CSE-0271 7500/-
Assistant Professor/CSE scheme using face M.Gowtham
St.Joseph College of recognition system
804. Mr.Allocious Britto Rajkumar.R IRF trident remote Deepin Raghul.A,J, CSE-1020 7500/-
Assisant Professor Konsa Jorin.A,
Department of Aeronautical Mariya Seja
Engineering Davincy.S
Nehru Institute of Technology
Coimbatore -641105
805. Dr.H.Mercy Smart farming system using P.Shreenithi, CSE-0354 7500/-
Assistant Professor IoT for efficient crop growth N.Pavithra,
Department of Computer D.Mogana Priya
Science and Engineering
Jerusalem College of Engg.
Pallikaranai, Chennai-600100
806. Ms.Mangai 911 services and vital sign M.Ramganesh CSE-0699 7500/-
HoD measurement utilizing mobile waran,
Department of Biomedical phone sensors and R.Madhav,
Velalar college of engineering applications Santhosh kumar,
and technology Rahul rajeev
Thindal, Erode-638012
807. Dr.A.Ragavendiran Landslide Monitoring, C.Chandrurithvick EEE-0762 7500/-
Assistant Professor, EEE Detection and Prevention J.Divakar
A.V.C. College of Engineering System Using Iod R.Gopi
Mannampandal, P.Sivakumar
808. Dr.G.Sujatha Development of Cost G.Yogasri, EEE-1034 7500/-
Assistant Professor in Food Effective sensor based R.Supriya,
Process Engineering environmental chamber for K.Baby Shalini,
College of Food and Dairy preparation of fermented K.Vignesh
Technology dairy products for self help
Koduveli, Chennai- 600052 groups (SHG's)
855. Mrs.Bindu Babu Multiple breast tumor Rama devi.S, EEE-0314 7500/-
Assistant Professor, ECE detection using microwave Ramadevi.R
Easwari Engineering College imaging utilizing antipodal
162, Bharathi Salai, Vivaldi antennas.
Ramapuram, Chennai-600089
856. Mr.Justin Livingston Ultrasonic sensor based on Rajesh kumar.R.K, EEE-0472 7500/-
Assistant Professor, EEE Automatic Rotating Wheel Karkuvelmani.V,
St.Mother Teresa Engineering chair Thomas riniston.M
College, Vagaikulam,
Thoothukudi -628102
857. Ms.Lavanya Multipurpose agricultural M.R.Padmalakshmi EEE-0175 7500/-
Assistant professor, ECE vehicle P.Sruthi
SRM TRP Engineering College
Mannachanallur (TK),
Trichy- 621 105
858. Dr.R.Kalaivani Audio transmission using A.D.Nivetha, EEE-0470 7500/-
HoD, ECE USRP and LabVIEW for A.Bhuvaneshwari,
Erode Sengunthar Engineering Disaster response K.Dhivya
College, Perundurai
Erode - 638057
859. Dr.S.Jayapoorani PLC -SCADA based Gowher jan.J, EEE-0063 7500/-
Professor, ECE automated boiler controller Nikitha.P,
Excel Engineering College Parkavi.S,
Komarapalayam, Bhuvaneshwari.S
860. Mrs.N.S.Pratheeba Pv based nanogrid for L.T.Abinaya, EEE-0971 7500/-
Assistant professor, EEE residential load using hybrid M.Masha,
Francis Xavier Engineering converter I.Melbana,
College, Vannarpet J.Dharshini
861. Mr.R.Poomurugan Moving object tracking Gokul M, EEE-1040 7500/-
Assistant professor, ECE distance and velocity Harivignesh.D,
Gnanamani College of determination based on Gowtham.A,
Technology,Pachal background subtraction Charles.A
Namakkal-637018 algorithm
862. Dr.M.L.Sundararajan Study of Renewable Biogas Nandhakumar.S, EEE-1787 7500/-
Assistant Professor, EEE and Bio fertilizer Generation Dhanush.T,
Government College of In Anaerobic Wastewater Rafeeq ahamed.A,
Engineering, Sengipatti Treatment Esakkiraja.R
863. Dr.P.Maruthupandi Maritime border alert system Thottatharani.I, EEE-0435 7500/-
Assistant professor, EEE for fishermen Gunasekhar.P,
Government College of Tamizh Manju.M,
Technology Saranya.J
Coimbatore - 641 013
864. Dr.S.Chitra Automatic Power factor Nagpradheep.N, EEE-0927 7500/-
Assistant Professor, correction based smart Aravintha raju.R,
Government College of metering Sindhuja.B,
Technology Britney jennifer.R
Coimbatore - 641 013
865. Dr.B.Rampriya Diminution of THD level for T.Ananth, EEE-0555 7500/-
Associate Professor, EEE tranforrmerless grid S.Mariselvi,
Grace College of Engineering connected PV system using P.Prasitha
Mullakkadu multilevel hybrid inverter
866. Ms.Saranya Design of TENS based anti- Mukesh.M, EEE-1048 7500/-
Assistant Professor, sleep glass for drivers Grishanth.B
Biomedical Engineering
GRT Institute of Engineering
and Technology
867. Dr.T.D.Sudhakar Mitigation of mosquito larvae Sebastian Sugan EEE-0059 7500/-
Professor, EEE production in water bodies Gomez.J
St.Joseph's College of Engg. using photovoltaic energy Sasikkumar.B
Semmencheri applied to water agitators
868. Karpoora Sundari K Implementation of Automatic Mohamed faisal.M, EEE-0352 7500/-
Assistant Professor/ECE Garlic Peeler using MEMs for Mohamed faisel
K.Ramakrishnan College of home based applications. bari.M,
Technology, Samayapuram Venkatesan.R
Tiruchirappalli-621112 R.Vasantha kumar
869. Ms.N.Krishnapriya IOT based low cost smart Gayathri Devi.C, EEE-0350 7500/-
Assistant Professor, ECE Ambu-bag compressing Madhumitha.M,
Jansons Institute of machine for low cost Yogakrishnan.N.R.
Technology, Karumathampatti ventillators K,
Coimbatore-641659 Ganeshram.M
870. Ms.D.Monisha Automated Paralysis Patient Bharathi.B, EEE-1991 7500/-
Assistant Professor Monitoring System Dharsan.K.K,
Dept. of Biomedical Pankaj.V,
Engineering Wasim Akram
Hindusthan College of
Engineering and Technology
871. Dr.B.Paulchamy A novel approach to Sarath kumar, EEE-0559 7500/-
Professor & Head communicate and to detect B
Dept of ECE emotion of differently-abled Shaik abdul
Hindusthan Instittue of persons using sensor rehaman,
Technology devices and Vijay K,
Otthakkalmandapam (po) electroencephalogram Manachala Mahesh
Coimbatore -641032 signals
872. Mr.Jenifer John. J IOT Based Realtime Nandhini.B EEE-0447 7500/-
Assistant Professor Washing Machine Outlet Sivapriyatharshini.J
Dept of ECE Water Recovery system Periyatharshini.N,
Dr.C.Prema Shree Jeyagowri.M
Associate Professor, ECE
Jayaraj Annapackiam CSI
College of Engineering
873. Mr.G.Karthick Forest Fire Prediction using R.Sasikumar, EEE-0049 7500/-
Assistant Professor, EEE Deep Learning and Sound A.Inbaraj,
Indra Ganesan College of Waves based Fire A Arun Praveen Raj
Engineering, Manikandam Extinguisher
Tiruchirappalli -620012
874. Mr.Mari Selvam Tech Army Suit Challa suresh, EEE-0231 7500/-
Assistant Professor, ECE Chillakuru Eekshith
J.N.N Institution of Engineering Redddy,
Kannigaipair Mallela Charath
Tiruvallur-601102 Kumar Reddy,
Challa Guru
Venkata Krishna
875. Mrs.A.S.Narmadha Smart safety monitoring S.Susmitha, EEE-0568 7500/-
Assistant Professor, ECE system for sewage workers D.Poongodi,
Jai Shriram Engineering with two way communication R.Jayamalini
College, Avinashipalayam
Tirupur – 638660
876. Dr.T.Srihari Innovative IoT enabled bed Nandhakumar.J, EEE-0347 7500/-
Professor, EEE for infants equipped with an Gokul.P,
KSR Institute for Engineering auto quick dry sheet changer Meiyarasu.K,
and Technology at bed wetting Sankar.S.
Tiruchengode-637 215
877. Mr.J.Saravanan Automated detection system S.Pavithra, EEE-0565 7500/-
Assistant professor, EIE for crack and over speed S Revathi
Jaya Engineering College train
878. Dr.V.Jeyalakshmi Floating Solar Photo Voltaic M.Hamitha Banu, EEE-0604 7500/-
HOD, EEE System S.Prabavathi,
JP College of Engineering S.Saranya
Ayikudi, Agarakattu
879. Dr.C.Jeyalakshmi Detection of varicose veins of S. Mirunalini EEE-1325 7500/-
Professor, ECE lower extremities based on
K.Ramakrishnan College of vascular endothelial cell
Engineering, Samayapuram, inflammation images using
Tiruchirappalli-621112 fuzzy c mean approach
880. Dr.P.Gnanasivam Age Estimation Using Face Jagadeesh.E, EEE-1011 7500/-
Professor & HOD, ECE Biometrics to create safer Logapriya.P.S,
Jerusalem College of internet for children. Selvalakshmi.P.
881. Mr.V.Ramkumar Design and Implementations Annamalai.S.P, EEE-1612 7500/-
Assistant Professor, ECE of Smart Helmet for Air Balakumar.R,
K.Ramakrishnan College of Quality and Hazardous Event Gajendra raj.V,
Technology Detection for the Mining Mahendra raj.B
Samayapuram,Trichy- 621112 Industry
882. Dr.P.Vijayalakshmi SMART CARZ-Prognostic Alagusundaram.S, EEE-0029 7500/-
Professor, ECE Preventive Remote Health Gowsik.P,
Hindusthan College of Monitoring System for Amreen.R,
Engineering and Technology Vehicles Immaculate
Pollachi High way, Pravithra.R
883. Dr.D.Sri Vidhya Intelligent e-rollator for M. Saravana EEE-0428 7500/-
Associate Professor, EEE superannuated people Kumar,
K.S.Rangasamy College of S.Sathya,
Technology M.Vijay
Tiruchengode-637215 A.Sekar
884. Mr.M.Rajasekar Pure spines – an IoT enabled Balaji.V, EEE-0416 7500/-
Assistant Professor, EEE personal assistant to predict Dinesh balaji.M,
Knowledge Institute of the arrival of back and leg Kajal.A,
Technology, Kakapalayam pain for healthier human life Saranya.C.V
885. Mr.T.Jagadesh Smart fertilizer management Ajay krishna.A.M, EEE-1711 7500/-
Assistant Professor/ ECE system using iot Gowtham.P,
KPR Institute of Engineering Chittharanjan.D
and Technology
Arasur, Coimbatore - 641407
886. R.Rajendran An early detection system of S.Aarthy, EEE-1436 7500/-
Assistant Professor, ECE milk adulteration using R.Girija
Krishnasamy College of aritifical intelligence
Engineering & Technology
887. Mr.P.Govindaraju LoRa Based Wireless Ranjith.G, EEE-0796 7500/-
Associate Professor, ECE Weather Station Monitoring Joy princy.P,
KSR Institute for Engineering Dhivin rithik.J
and Technology
Namakkal-637 215
888. Dr.N.M.Mary Sindhuja Power saving using motion K.Shenabaga Devi, EEE-0476 7500/-
Assistant Professor, ECE sensor in public spaces U.Rajalakshimi
Kamaraj College of N.MadhuSivani
Engineering & Technology
Virudhunagar-626 001
889. Ms.Lakshmi prabha.K.E Performance analysis of Gowsalya, EEE-2022 7500/-
Professor, EEE sepic with different Ragul,
Karpaga Vinayaga College of controllers for grid connected Shaajan,
Engineering and Technology renewable energy system Vignesh
Chinna Kolambakkam,
Maduranthagam Taluk,
Chengalpattu District- 603 308
890. Mr.S.Baskar IoT based intelligent smart Siranjith.P, EEE-0457 7500/-
Assistant Professor, ECE home monitoring system Karthikeyan.A,
Karpagam Academy of Higher Sridhar.V,
Education, Eachanari Post, Vimal.T
Coimbatore – 641 021
891. Ms.C.L.Annapoorani Electromyography (EMG) A.Abimanyu, EEE-0954 7500/-
Assistant Professor, with myoware muscles E.Anand Raj,
Biomedical Engineering sensor and arduino K.S.
Jerusalem College of Kalaichezhiyan
Engineering, Pallikaranai, K.Mahendran.
Chennai-600 100
892. Mr.Athappan Centralized control and Sivanikesh.S.R, EEE-2012 7500/-
Assistant Professor II, EIE Monitoring of process plant Sounder Raj.S,
Kumaraguru College of using DCS Perinpan.P
Coimbatore -641 049
893. Dr.Sundar Ganesh.C.S Glucose trip bottle level Jayakumar.E, EEE-0515 7500/-
Assistant Professor, EEE indicator Manikandan.R,
Karpagam College of Engg. Sridhar.S,
Myleripalayam, Venkatesan.C
Othakal Madndapam Post,
894. Mrs.Leena. B E-cycle for eco-friendly Karthick.R, EEE-1925 7500/-
Assistant Professor, ECE environment Dileepkumar.K,
KGiSL Institute of Technology Vivetha.P,
Saravanampatti, Veena.S
Coimbatore - 641 035
895. Mr.I.Aravindaguru Automatic detection of white Baby Pranish.B, EEE-0874 7500/-
Assistant Professor, EIE blood cancer from bone Naveena.P,
M.Kumarasamy College of marrow microscopic images Santhosh.T
Engineering using convolutional neural
Thalavapalayam, networks
Karur - 639113
896. Dr.L.Rajesh Identification of rice Jai.T.L.Harish EEE-1919 7500/-
Teaching Fellow, Electronics adulteration using machine
Engineering learning techniques
Madras Institute of Technology
Campus, Chrompet
897. Dr.C.Rajarajachozhan Transmission line multiple P.Sivagami, EEE-0622 7500/-
Associate Professor, ECE fault detection and indication D.Gokulapriya
Kings Engineering College to electricity board
Individual communication to the Guides and Head of the Institutions are being sent.