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Performance of Barangay Police Security Officers: Developing Interventions

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Proceedings The 4th UMYGrace 2023

(Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Undergraduate Conference)

Performance of Barangay Police Security Officers: Developing

Cheribel S. Turno 1, Jessa M. Bildo 2, Jubilee Jean P. Lahiban 3, Lara I. Perino 4, Princess Raquiza T. Romero 5
College of Administration, Students, Bukidnon State University, Malaybalay City, Philippines,8700
Email: cheribelturno@gmail.com; jessabildo@gmail.com; lahibanjubilee16@gmail.com; laraperino@gmail.com;

The Barangay Police Security Officers (BPSO) perform voluntary services to maintain peace and order in their communities. The
BPSOs encountered challenges in performing their duties and responsibilities, which could be improved through appropriate
interventions. This study determined the BPSOs' level of performance in carrying out their duties and responsibilities, the difficulties
they faced, and the interventions that would assist them in performing consistently. The study used a descriptive design and
quantitative and qualitative methods to gather data. Descriptive involves gathering or collecting data by describing events and
organizing, tabulating, depicting, and describing the data collection. This concluded that BPSO attained the DILG MC 2003-42
guidelines, where the assigned task was successfully executed and achieved the established standard, resulting in outstanding
performance. Therefore, the BPSOs, in performing their duties and responsibilities, have encountered a lot of challenging tasks in
which they are committed to taking risks to maintain peace and order in the community. The researchers develop an intervention to
help provide governments with input in addressing the BPSO concerns. This study would be helpful to the DILG, LGU, PNP,
barangay authorities, BPSO, residents, and upcoming researchers. They would benefit from the interventions and recommendations
that would enhance the BPSO's effectiveness in upholding peace and order.

Keywords: Performance, Challenges, Intervention, BPSO, Peace and Order

INTRODUCTION The BPSOs encountered challenges in performing

The Barangay Police Security Officers (BPSO) their duties and responsibilities, which could be improved
perform voluntary services to maintain peace and order in through appropriate interventions (Higuchi, K. S., Davies, B.,
their communities (Austria-Cruz, 2020). They are the front- & Ploeg, J., 2017). According to the report and confirmed by
liners who are responsible for keeping the barangay's peace the researchers' interview, there were still problems that the
and good relations and responding to emergencies and BPSOs had to deal with throughout their daytime and
disasters (Cruz, R. et al., 2021). The barangay is the smallest nighttime patrols; there were only 5 to 6 BPSOs per barangay,
political unit in the Philippines, and the government some of whom only worked at night. The locals also lacked
recognizes the BPSO as its partner in achieving its peace collaboration, which occasionally resulted in the offensive or
agenda (Legaspi-Medina, R., 2019). insulting treatment of the BPSOs. They also faced difficulties
In accordance with the 1987 Philippine Constitution in carrying out their duties, such as unstable vehicles and a
and Republic Act No. 7160, also known as the Local lack of funds for gas; a lack of personal protective equipment,
Government Code of 1991, the barangay is crucial to such as raincoats and boots, during rainy days and nights; and
maintaining peace and order at the barangay level (Official injuries sustained while responding to incidents such as
Gazette, 1991). The Department of Interior and Local family disputes, riots, rumbles, thieves, gangsters, rugby
Government Memorandum Circular (DILG MC) 2003-42 boys, and drug addicts. Moreover, they also had a
mandates the professionalization of these BPSOs to guarantee shortage of supplies, such as food and other necessities. This
that public safety and peace and order are treated seriously. study aims to help the government pursue adequate
The development of BPSOs, sometimes referred to as necessities and benefits for the BPSO to compensate for their
"Barangay Tanods," as the fundamental political unit, is performance in upholding peace and order. The study would
maintained as a crucial element in the development of also support the requirement that the BPSO be given the
barangays (DILG, 2003). necessary tools and other resources to ensure their safety and
The barangay tanods' duties and responsibilities protection while on duty. This study assessed the BPSOs'
include: supporting barangay officials in crime prevention degree of performance in carrying out their obligations, the
and promoting public safety through patrolling ("Ronda")," difficulties they faced, and the interventions that would assist
reporting to the offices concerned of any disruptions or unfair them in performing consistently.
events, tracking the presence and actions of criminals and This study analyzes the performance of the BPSO in
illegal elements, assisting the National Police Commission the five selected Poblacion Barangays of Malaybalay City as
(NAPOLCOM MC) 2008-013 and "lupong tagapamayapa" in the basis for developing interventions. It sought to answer the
the execution of warrants and other judicial proceedings, and following: What is the level of performance of the BPSO
supporting barangay officials (De Asis, J., et al., 2020). They specifically in terms of the following duties and
risk their lives on a voluntary basis as "tanods," or barangay responsibilities? What are the challenges the BPSO
police, to safeguard the safety of the residents of their local encounters in performing their duties and responsibilities?
barangays (Benitez, 2013). What interventions can be proposed to improve the
performance of the BPSO?

Volume 3 Issue 1 (2023)

“Crafting Innovation for Global Benefit” 601
Proceedings The 4th UMYGrace 2023
(Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Undergraduate Conference)

The results of this study would be useful to the According to (Januaryn Jose B. Aydinan 2021), the
DILG, LGU, PNP, barangay authorities, BPSO, residents, BPSO are force multipliers of the Philippine National Police,
and upcoming researchers. They would benefit from the with the fundamental duty of patrolling and responding to
interventions and recommendations that would enhance the incidents within their Area of Responsibility. Hence,
BPSO's effectiveness in upholding peace and order. characteristics of community policing are common among
jurisdictions. Philippine National Police (PNP) recognizes the
LITERATURE REVIEW task of Barangay Tanods as Force Multipliers in the battle
In accordance with the 1987 Philippine Constitution against criminality (Philippine National Police 2018).
and Republic Act No. 7160, also known as the Local According to (Collins Ineneji, 2019). Once there is an
Government Code of 1991, the barangay is crucial to indicator of a potentially dangerous situation as indicated by
maintaining peace and order at the barangay level (Official the system, the operators of the security feeds are expected to
Gazette, 1991). The Department of Interior and Local call in the services of security experts to determine the
Government Memorandum Circular (DILG MC) 2003-42 dangerous potential of the situation in order to take necessary
mandates the professionalization of these BPSOs to guarantee action to contain the outcome if necessary. According to
that public safety and peace and order are treated seriously. (Estonio, 2014), the BPSO conducts crime prevention and
The development of BPSOs, sometimes referred to as deterrence measures to protect the vulnerable sectors of the
"Barangay Tanods," as the fundamental political unit, is community.
maintained as a crucial element in the development of Additionally, the BPSOs facilitate giving direction
barangays (DILG, 2003). to the vehicles and people in their specific roadway.
The barangay tanods' duties and responsibilities Advanced communication technologies open new
include: supporting barangay officials in crime prevention possibilities to prevent, or at least delay, this phenomenon,
and promoting public safety through patrolling ("Ronda")," and innovative active traffic management systems have been
reporting to the offices concerned of any disruptions or unfair developed in recent years for better control of motorway
events, tracking the presence and actions of criminals and traffic (Scarinci R et al., 2014). Also, Emergency response
illegal elements, assisting the National Police Commission has been successfully developed and utilized for accidents
(NAPOLCOM MC) 2008-013 and "lupong tagapamayapa" in and disasters by the BPSOs (Georgiadou et al., 2010). BPSO
the execution of warrants and other judicial proceedings, and from the municipality of Dolores, as well as LGU Employees,
supporting barangay officials (De Asis, J., et al., 2020). are currently undergoing training for disaster preparedness,
In Article 3 of Ordinance No. 490 series of 2001, otherwise rescue, and relief operations as part of Disaster
known as ordinances of the City of Malaybalay, Section 2 Consciousness Month. The training is initiated by the
curfew hour referred to the period of time between two Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council of the
o'clock in the evening and four o'clock in the morning when Municipality (DRRM Officer Engr. Norwin Bisare 2019).
certain individuals who are below the age of eighteen are not The BPSO challenges encountered in terms of insufficient
allowed to stay outside of their residential compound or equipment supported by Sanchez (2018) stated that the BPSO
premises (Malaybalay city Facebook page, 2016). still encountered a lot of problems during night patrolling,
The Barangay Police Security Officers (BPSO) insufficient equipment like batons, handcuffs, and other
perform voluntary services to maintain peace and order in equipment used for crime prevention; lack of coffee,
their communities (Austria-Cruz, 2020). They are the front- especially when on night duty to keep them awake;
liners who are responsible for keeping the barangay's peace insufficient budget support.
and good relations and responding to emergencies and The third representative of Laguna said on the 19th
disasters (Cruz, R. et al., 2021). Congress Session said that there is no serious effort on the
The barangay is the smallest political unit in the part of the government to promote and enhance their social
Philippines, and the government recognizes the BPSO as its and economic well-being, as well as their living and working
partner in achieving its peace agenda (Legaspi-Medina, R., conditions (Eduardo Galvez, 2012).
2019). Another Challenge encountered by the BPSO is the Unlawful
BPSOs are volunteers who are responsible for activities that occurred in the community. (Senate of the
peacekeeping activities in the barangay (Caparas & Agrawal, Philippines, 2010) state in Senate bill No. 720, BPSOs
2016). The BPSO assisted the government in upholding law perform Ronda, or nightly patrols, as part of this duty, putting
and order, particularly in the barangay to which they were their lives and limbs in danger at the hands of criminals and
assigned. (Shehayeb, 2008), in his study entitled "Security other lawbreakers.
Community to Provide a Secure Feeling," he explains that In fact, an alarming number of Barangay Tanods
security is one of the things that every individual expects in have already been attacked, hurt, or killed, leaving their
his immediate community. Security is a feeling. It also stated families and dependents to fend for themselves Senate of the
that "the importance of providing a sense of security among Philippines, (2010). The former Mayor highlighted the
people in public spaces cannot be underestimated." (January difficulties that BPSOS is currently facing. They are also on
Jose B. Aydinan 2021) stated that BPSOs play a coordinative the front lines, being the first to respond to any untoward
role in the overall endeavor to address social and economic incident in their respective communities (City Government of
issues that affect their communities. Yet they also assist law Malaybalay, 2018). Barangay tanods faced difficulties with
enforcement in the fight against criminality, particularly the sudden shift in their work environment (Rhoyet Cruz et
street crime. al., 2021). Due to their exposure to public spaces, barangay

Volume 3 Issue 1 (2023)

“Crafting Innovation for Global Benefit” 602
Proceedings The 4th UMYGrace 2023
(Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Undergraduate Conference)

tanods are not exempted from facing health hazards and being sampling is the technique of selecting the sample size of the
mistreated by offenders Rhoyet Cruz et al., (2021). participants based on the judgment of the survey. The
Sometimes when they perform their duties, they are prone to data would be treated using statistical tools. The mean and
be assaulted and injured De-Vella (2022). They risk their standard deviation are used in determining the level of
lives on a voluntary basis as "tanods," or barangay police, to performance. Frequency and percentage used in identifying
safeguard the safety of the residents of their local barangays challenges. The result of the statistical analysis used in
(Benitez, 2013). proposing interventions. There is no significance difference
(Figer, 2023) argues that BPSOs are frequently in direct between the respondents BPSO, Barangay officials, and
contact with the public as well as conducting arrests and Residents in the perception of the performance of Barangay
Police Security Officers in terms of their duties and
Duties and Responsibilities Mean SD Description responsibilities.
1. Annual assembly 4.74 0.56 Outstanding
Fiesta/Araw activities 4.61 0.78 Outstanding Duties and Responsibilities of Barangay Police Security
Officers in Accordance with DILG Memorandum
Mean 4.67 0.67 Outstanding Circular No. 2003-42

searches, which are both critical to their duties as BPSOs. Table 1 presents the overall result that the BPSO's
Therefore, the BPSOs, during their duties and performance in assisting the barangay officials in the
responsibilities, encounter a lot of challenges that give them prevention of crime and the promotion of public safety was
a hindrance to performing their duties and responsibilities. outstanding (O).
This can make them feel unimportant and unworthy of Table 1
fulfilling their duties and responsibilities as they experience The BPSO assists the Barangay Officials in the prevention of
discrimination and a lack of cooperation and support from the crime and the promotion of public safety.
government. Specifically, (Vincent et al., 2020) consider
inadequate crime prevention equipment as one of the This implies that the BPSO always performed its
hindrances in the performance of a Barangay Tanods duties. responsibility by assisting the barangay officials in reducing
With this, Figer (2023) recommended that the BPSOs should crime and promoting public safety. Assisted in the execution
receive extensive training in areas such as information of curfew hours and reported to the concerned barangay
gathering and reporting. official or through the hotline 911 the occurrence of any
The researchers understand that police security crime, fire, accident, or public disturbance. The BPSOs of
officers were also responsible for informing higher officials these barangays quickly respond to any kind of incident.
or different offices of any issues, calamities, or illegal events (Figer, 2023) argues that BPSOs are frequently in
they observed and encountered in the community. As direct contact with the public as well as conducting arrests
emphasized in the above statement, BPSOs’ main duties and and searches, which are both critical to their duties as BPSOs.
responsibilities are to maintain peace and order in their With this, Figer (2023) recommended that the BPSOs should
specific communities. receive extensive training in areas such as information
According to expectancy theory, people are more gathering and reporting.
motivated to put in extra effort if they believe their In Article 3 of Ordinance No. 490 series of 2001,
accomplishments will be acknowledged and rewarded otherwise known as ordinances of the City of Malaybalay,
(Vroom, 1964). This suggests that if their work and Section 2 curfew hour referred to the period of time between
accomplishments were valued and acknowledged, the BPSO two o'clock in the evening and four o'clock in the morning
would be more driven to carry out their tasks and when certain individuals who are below the age of eighteen
responsibilities. The BPSO put in extra effort above the are not allowed to stay outside of their residential compound
standard performance that the barangay expected. However, or premises (Malaybalay city Facebook page, 2016).
despite the challenges that the BPSO encountered, they are
still eager to execute and perform their duties and Table 2 presents the overall result that the BPSO's
responsibilities as government personnel. Applying performance in assisting in every barangay activity or
expectancy theory is used as an intervention to enhance the program was outstanding.
performance of the BPSO by rewarding them in various ways
to keep them motivated to execute their duties and

The study used descriptive quantitative methods to
gather data. Descriptive involves gathering or collecting data
by describing events and organizing, tabulating, depicting,
and describing the data collection (Glass & Hopkins, 1984).
The respondents to the study were selected using purposive
sampling. According to (Arikunto, 2010), purposive

Volume 3 Issue 1 (2023)

“Crafting Innovation for Global Benefit” 603
Proceedings The 4th UMYGrace 2023
(Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Undergraduate Conference)

Table 2
Duties and Responsibilities Mean SD Description Table 4 presents that the overall result of the BPSO's
Report to the concerned barangay official performance in assisting in the smooth flow of traffic was
or through hotline 911 the occurrence of outstanding.
4.40 0.88 Outstanding
any crime, fire, accident, public Table 4
Conduct rondas during the scheduled The BPSO assists in facilitating the smooth flow of traffic
4.36 0.89 Outstanding
Duties and Responsibilities Mean SD Description
Assist in the execution of the curfew hour 4.26 1.14 Outstanding
Mean 4.34 0.97 Outstanding 1. assists in traffic in times of a parade 4.45 0.84 Outstanding
assists in the traffic in any program or
4.43 0.82 Outstanding
The BPSO assists in every barangay activity/program activities in barangay
Mean 4.44 0.83 Outstanding
This means that the BPSO always performed in all areas of
responsibility, assisting the barangay in every activity or This means that in terms of assisting the smooth flow of
program. This implies that the BPSO assists the barangay traffic, the BPSO always performed in all areas of
officials in the preparation of activities such as the annual responsibility. This emphasizes that the BPSO assists in the
assembly and fiesta/Araw activities. The BPSO is the main smooth flow of traffic, carries out their duties and
backup for the barangay officials to ensure the success of the responsibilities in times of
event. having a parade, and assists in the facilitation of traffic in any
(January Jose B. Aydinan 2021) stated that BPSOs play a program or activities in the barangay. The BPSO was always
coordinative role in the overall endeavor to address social and present during there was activity along the highway to lessen
economic issues that affect their communities. Yet they also the traffic. The BPSO facilitate giving direction to the
assist law enforcement in the fight against criminality, vehicles and people in their specific roadway. Advanced
particularly street crime. communication technologies open new possibilities to
prevent, or at least delay, this phenomenon, and innovative
Table 3 active traffic management systems have been developed in
The BPSO assists the police and the judicial processes recent years for better control of motorway traffic (Scarinci R
et al., 2014).

Table 5 presents that the overall result of the BPSO

performance in helping to detect dangerous weapons and
other elements that cause hazards in public safety within the
barangay was very satisfactory.

Table 5
The BPSO helps to detect dangerous weapons and other
elements that cause hazards in public safety within the

Duties and Responsibilities Mean SD Description

This means that the BPSO, in terms of assisting the police in 1. monitors suspicious persons, and
the judicial processes, often performs which consistently criminals, within the barangay during 4.15 0.99
exceeds established standards in most areas of responsibility. daytime & nighttime
This denotes that the BPSO, in terms of assisting the police Very
in the judicial process, frequently committed their duties and Mean 4.15 0.99
responsibilities in tracking the whereabouts of missing
persons, arresting escaped prisoners and other fugitives'
justice, recovering stolen properties, and assisting in the This shows that the BPSO is often performed, which
execution of warrants within the barangay. Yet, this case was consistently exceeds established standards in most areas of
uncommon in the BPSO daily task, and they only offered responsibility in helping to detect dangerous weapons and
assistance when the police requested them to assist. other elements that cause hazards in public safety within the
According to (Januaryn Jose B. Aydinan 2021), the barangay. BPSOs were not on duty during daytime and the
BPSO are force multipliers of the Philippine National Police, residents’ found difficulties in tracking the BPSO's in the
with the fundamental duty of patrolling and responding to specific barangays where they prioritized their personal
incidents within their Area of Responsibility. Hence, works that could sustain their family needs than to perform
characteristics of community policing are common among their task as BPSO. Moreover, there was still the existence of
jurisdictions. Philippine National Police (PNP) recognizes the unexpected incidents while the BPSO was present that
task of Barangay Tanods as Force Multipliers in the battle involved dangerous weapons that caused a public hazard.
against criminality (Philippine National Police 2018).

Volume 3 Issue 1 (2023)

“Crafting Innovation for Global Benefit” 604
Proceedings The 4th UMYGrace 2023
(Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Undergraduate Conference)

According to (Collins Ineneji, 2019). Once there is Table 7. Summary of Performance of the Barangay Police
an indicator of a potentially dangerous situation as indicated Safety Officer
by the system, the operators of the security feeds are expected Duties and Responsibilities Mean SD Description
to call in the services of security experts to determine the
1. The BPSO assists in every barangay
dangerous potential of the situation in order to take necessary 4.67 0.67 Outstanding
action to contain the outcome if necessary. According to 2. The BPSO assists in facilitating the
(Estonio, 2014), the BPSO conducts crime prevention and 4.44 0.83 Outstanding
smooth flow of traffic
deterrence measures to protect the vulnerable sectors of the 3. The BPSO responds to incidents and
community. calamities like typhoons, floods,
4.40 0.87 Outstanding
landslides, earthquakes, and among
Table 6 presents the overall results of the BPSO's others
performance in Responding to incidents and calamities like 4. The BPSO assists the Barangay Officials
typhoons, floods, landslides, earthquakes, and among others in the of crime and the promotion of 4.34 0.97 Outstanding
was outstanding. public safety
Table 6 5. The BPSO helps to detect dangerous
The BPSO responds to incidents and calamities like typhoons, weapons and other elements that cause Very
4.15 0.99
floods, landslides, earthquakes, and others hazards in public safety within the Satisfactory
This means that the BPSO is always performed in all areas of barangay
6. The BPSO assists the police in the judicial Very
responsibility in responding to incidents and calamities like 3.98 1.11
processes such as; Satisfactory
typhoons, floods, landslides, earthquakes, and among others.
This signifies that the BPSO, during calamities, serve as the Mean 4.33 0.91 Outstanding
frontline responders since they are in the areas of
responsibility. Moreover, the BPSO was the first rescuer
before the CDRRMO arrived at the location. They also The table presents the participant's responses by the
voluntarily help the barangay officials in packing and barangay officials, BPSO, and residents; the BPSO
distributing relief goods to the victims. challenges encountered in terms of government support in
Emergency response has been successfully developed and performing their duties and responsibilities are the following;
utilized for accidents and disasters (Georgiadou et al., 2010). (1) insufficient support in terms of the needs of the BPSO
BPSO from the municipality of Dolores, as well as LGU such as; equipment, goods and an honorarium that challenge
Employees, are currently undergoing training for disaster them in maintaining their duties and responsibilities. (2)
preparedness, rescue, and relief operations as part of Disaster Unlawful activities such as; stolen property thieves, illegal
Consciousness Month. The training is initiated by the users, and minors' violations which are commonly
Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council of the encountered within the community. (3) Community issues
Municipality (DRRM Officer Engr. Norwin Bisare 2019). such as; Tipsy person, family trouble, gangster, and
Table 7 presents the overall summary of results of the BPSOs experience injuries. (4) Calamities; the BPSO is also
level of performance in assist BPSO assists in every barangay challenged in responding to calamities amidst danger since it
activity/program, assists in facilitating the smooth flow of is one of their duties and responsibilities as BPSOs.
traffic, responds to incidents and calamities like typhoons, This implies that the BPSO always performed in all
floods, landslides, earthquakes, and among others, assists the areas of responsibility. Planned objectives were achieved well
Barangay Officials in the of crime and the promotion of above the established standard, and accomplishments were
public safety, helps to detect dangerous weapons and other achieved in unexpected areas. Moreover, they ensured that
elements that cause hazards in public safety within the rondas during scheduled hours were conducted. These BPSOs
barangay, and assists the police in the judicial processes was quickly respond to any kind of incidents that may occur and
outstanding. present whenever they are called to render assistants.
However, some of the BPSOs were not on duty during their
scheduled hour, as they prioritized their personal work that
could sustain their family needs, and there was still the
Duties and Responsibilities Mean SD Description existence of unexpected incidents while the BPSOs were
present that involved dangerous weapons that caused public
1. Assists in the preparation of relief goods 4.42 0.83 Outstanding hazards. Otherwise, assisting the police in the judicial
processes was rarely executed due to it was not their primary
Helps in rescuing trapped residents 4.37 0.91 Outstanding duty in which the Police officers are the main responsible for
the task. They only offered assistants when the police
Mean 4.40 0.87 Outstanding requested them to assist.
However, the result was outstanding, and the BPSOs
perform their duties and responsibilities, but based on the
report validated through interviews, there are still incidents
that exceed in the community. Where crimes are still present,
there are individuals roaming around at late hours that cause
a public disturbance. Reports about robberies,

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“Crafting Innovation for Global Benefit” 605
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(Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Undergraduate Conference)

riots, rumbles, tipsy persons, and stabbing that sometimes Calamities Rescuing 5 4%
cause them to get injured. trap
The keys to putting community policing into action residents
include communication, cooperation, coordination,
collaboration, and change. Citizens and BPSO work together No Answers 4 3%
to identify issues, develop solutions, take action, and evaluate
the results in the community. (Bohm and Haley, 2013).
Community policing redefines the role of the BPSO by Total 120 100%
putting more emphasis on settling neighborhood problems.
Success or failure is determined by the number of fines and
citations issued. The goal of police operations is to provide
for the needs of inner-city neighborhoods and to lessen the This shows that the BPSO, in terms of their duties
crime rate (Williams, 1998). and responsibilities, have encountered a lot of challenges that
As a result, in addition to the necessary skills, the tanods also could measure their commitment to maintaining their
need to be aware of their capacity to fulfill their obligations performance as volunteers. Out of one hundred (100)
and responsibilities to be improved by this awareness through participants, there was twenty-two percent (22%) answered
the support of their neighborhood and the local community insufficient support, forty percent answered unlawful
(Ryan T. Figer, 2023). activities (40%), thirty-one percent (31%) answered
Challenges Encountered by the BPSO in Performing their community issues, four percent (4%) in terms of calamities,
Duties and Responsibilities: and three percent (3%) of the participants did not answer the
The table presents the participant's responses by the challenges encountered of the BPSO.
barangay officials, BPSO, and residents; the BPSO Barangay tanods faced difficulties with the sudden
challenges encountered in terms of government support in shift in their work environment (Rhoyet Cruz et al., 2021).
performing their duties and responsibilities are the following; The BPSO challenges encountered in terms of insufficient
(1) insufficient support in terms of the needs of the BPSO equipment supported by Sanchez (2018) stated that the BPSO
such as; equipment, goods and an honorarium that challenge still encountered a lot of problems during night patrolling,
them in maintaining their duties and responsibilities. (2) insufficient equipment like batons, handcuffs, and other
Unlawful activities such as; stolen property thieves, illegal equipment used for crime prevention; lack of coffee,
users, and minors' violations which are commonly especially when on night duty to keep them awake;
encountered within the community. (3) Community issues insufficient budget support.
such as; Tipsy person, family trouble, gangster, and The third representative of Laguna said on the 19th
experience injuries. (4) Calamities; the BPSO is also Congress Session said that there is no serious effort on the
challenged in responding to calamities amidst danger since it part of the government to promote and enhance their social
is one of their duties and responsibilities as BPSOs. and economic well-being, as well as their living and working
conditions (Eduardo Galvez, 2012).
Category Codes Frequen Percen Another Challenge encountered by the BPSO is the Unlawful
cy tage activities that occurred in the community. (Senate of the
Needs Equipme 26 22% Philippines, 2010) state in Senate bill No. 720, BPSOs
nt perform Ronda, or nightly patrols, as part of this duty, putting
Goods their lives and limbs in danger at the hands of criminals and
Honorari other lawbreakers.
um In fact, an alarming number of Barangay Tanods
Unlawful Stolen 48 40% have already been attacked, hurt, or killed, leaving their
Activities propertie families and dependents to fend for themselves Senate of the
s Philippines, (2010). Due to their exposure to public spaces,
Thieves barangay tanods are not exempted from facing health hazards
Illegal and being mistreated by offenders Rhoyet Cruz et al., (2021).
users Sometimes when they perform their duties, they are prone to
Minors’ be assaulted and injured De-Vella (2022).
violation The former Mayor highlighted the difficulties that
BPSOS is currently facing. They are also on the front lines,
Community Tipsy 37 31% being the first to respond to any untoward incident in their
Issues person respective communities (City Government of Malaybalay,
Family 2018). Barangay police are willing to put their lives in danger
trouble to protect others in their own barangays (Benitez, 2013).
Gangster Therefore, the BPSOs, during their duties and
Injuries responsibilities, encounter a lot of challenges that give them
Discrimi- a hindrance to performing their duties and responsibilities.
nation This can make them feel unimportant and unworthy of
fulfilling their duties and responsibilities as they experience

Volume 3 Issue 1 (2023)

“Crafting Innovation for Global Benefit” 606
Proceedings The 4th UMYGrace 2023
(Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Undergraduate Conference)

discrimination and a lack of cooperation and support from the SUCS.http://www.remate.ph/2013/08/bill-gives-

government. Specifically, (Vincent et al., 2020) consider barangay-tanods-kids 50-discount-in-tuition-in-sucs/
inadequate crime prevention equipment as one of the Bode, M., Jha, S. S., & Nair, S. B. (2014). A mobile agent
hindrances in the performance of a Barangay Tanods duties. based autonomous partial green corridor discovery
Work condition is one variable that affects the effectiveness and maintenance mechanism for emergency services
of a Barangay Tanod; thus, sufficient training and equipment amidst urban traffic. In Proceedings of the First
for crime prevention is a must. International Conference on IoT in Urban Space (pp.
13-18). (Retrieved April 19, 2023)
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0
Based on the findings and results gathered the %2C5&q=facilitating+in+the+smooth+flow+of+traff
researchers came up with a conclusion. ic&btnG=
This concluded that the BPSO's level of performance was Bottoms & Wiles, (1997), p. 320 Routine activities theory
outstanding, where the BPSOs always performed in all areas Cohen and Felson's routine activity theory is based on
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