Nis W-22
Nis W-22
Nis W-22
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1) Using the fingerprint scanner does not take into consideration
when a person physically changes
2) The cost of computer hardware and software programs can be
3) Using the fingerprint scanner can lead to false rejections and false
4) It can make mistakes with the dryness or dirty of the finger„s skin,
as well as with the age (is not appropriate with children, because the
size of their fingerprint changes quickly.
c) Explain Caesar’s cipher substitute technique with suitable 4M
Ans. Caesar cipher technique is proposed by Julius Caesar. It is one of the Explanation
simplest and most widely known encryption techniques. It is a type of 2M
substitution technique in which each letter in the plain text is replaced Example
by a letter some fixed number of position down the alphabet. The 2M
Caesar cipher involves replacing each letter of the alphabet with the
letter three places further down the alphabet. For example, with a
shift of 3, A would be replaced by D, B would became E, and so on
as shown in the table below
Convert each alphabet in the plain text, using the table, the cipher text
can be written as
Algorithm to break Caesar cipher:
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DES Encryption:-
Step 1: In the first step the 64-bit plain text undergoes initial
permutation which rearranges the bits to produce two 32-bit permuted
block which is called left plain text (LPT 32-bit) and right plain text
(RPT 32-bit).
Step 2: Now, 16 rounds of DES encryption will be performed on this
LPT and RPT with a 56-bit key.
Step 3: After the 16th round the 32-bit LPT and 32-bit RPT are
integrated which forms a 64-bit block again and then the final
permutation is applied to this 64-bit block, to obtain the 64-bit cipher
Rounds in Data Encryption Standard
Each round of DES performs the same function. So, below are the
steps of the function performed in each round of DES algorithm:
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5. XOR and Swap:-In this step, the 32-bit LPT of the initial 64-bit
plain text is XOR with the output of P-box permutation. The result of
the XOR is the new RPT for next round and the old RPT is swapped
with LPT.
DES Decryption:-
The same Data Encryption Standard algorithm used for encrypting
the plain text is also used to decrypting the cipher text. But the
algorithm is reversed, such as the initial and final permutation events
are reversed. Even the sequence of the sub keys applied in 16 rounds
of DES is also reversed.
3. Attempt any THREE of the following: 12
a) Explain the term Authorization and Authentication with respect 4M
to security. Explanation
Ans. Authorization: It is a process of verifying that the known person has of each term
the authority to perform certain operation. It cannot occur without
authentication. It is nothing but granting permissions and rights to
individual so that he can use these rights to access computer resources
or information.
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In the above example, the plaintext has been padded so that it neatly
fits in a rectangle. This is known as a regular columnar transposition.
An irregular columnar transposition leaves these characters blank,
though this makes decryption slightly more difficult. The columns are
now reordered such that the letters in the key word are ordered
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1) Web servers
It‟s possible for web servers communicating with internal database
servers to be deployed in a DMZ. This makes internal databases more
secure, as these are the repositories responsible for storing sensitive
information. Web servers can connect with the internal database
server directly or through application firewalls, even though the DMZ
continues to provide protection.
2) DNS servers
A DNS server stores a database of public IP addresses and their
associated hostnames. It usually resolves or converts those names to
IP addresses when applicable. DNS servers use specialized software
and communicate with one another using dedicated protocols. Placing
a DNS server within the DMZ prevents external DNS requests from
gaining access to the internal network. Installing a second DNS
server on the internal network can also serve as additional security.
3)Proxy servers
A proxy server is often paired with a firewall. Other computers use it
to view Web pages. When another computer requests a Web page, the
proxy server retrieves it and delivers it to the appropriate requesting
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This hidden information can be plain text, cipher text or even images. OR
In modern steganography, data is first encrypted by the usual means Advantage
and then inserted, using a special algorithm, into redundant data that 1M
is part of a particular file format such as a JPEG image. e 1M
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Steganography process:
Cover-media + Hidden data + Stego-key = Stego-medium
Cover media is the file in which we will hide the hidden data, which
may also be encrypted using stego-key. The resultant file is stego-
medium. Cover-media can be image or audio file.
1. With the help of steganography we can hide secret message within
graphics image.
2. In modern Steganography, data is encrypted first and then inserted
using special algorithm so that no one suspects its existence.
1. It requires lot of overhead to hide a relatively few bits of
2. Once the system is discovered, it becomes virtually worthless.
b) Explain honey pots. 4M
Ans. Honeypots are designed to purposely engage and deceive hackers and
identify malicious activities performed over the Internet. The Explanation
honeypots are designed to do the following:
1. Divert the attention of potential attacker. relevant
diagram 2M
2. Collect information about the intruder‟s action.
3. Provide encouragement to the attacker so as to stay for some time,
allowing the administrations to detect this and swiftly act on this.
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Analysis Engine:
This component examines the collected network traffic & compares it
to known patterns of suspicious or malicious activity stored in the
signature database. The analysis engine acts like a brain of the IDS.
Signature database:
It is a collection of patterns & definitions of known suspicious or
malicious activity.
User Interface & Reporting:
This is the component that interfaces with the human element,
providing alerts & giving the user a means to interact with & operate
the IDS.
d) Describe working principle of SMTP. 4M
Ans. 1. Composition of Mail: A user sends an e-mail by composing an Working
electronic mail message using a Mail User Agent (MUA). Mail User explanation
Agent is a program which is used to send and receive mail. The 2M
message contains two parts: body and header. The body is the main
part of the message while the header includes information such as the Suitable
sender and recipient address. The header also includes descriptive diagram 2M
information such as the subject of the message. In this case, the
message body is like a letter and header is like an envelope that
contains the recipient's address.
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through the internet service provider and then sent to the outside
world (Internet). This way, the packets are tagged with only the
Public IP address (Firewall level) and the internal private IP
addresses are not exposed to potential intruders
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It encrypts and seal the transport and application layer data during
transmission. It also offers integrity protection for internet layer. It
sits between transport and internet layer of conventional TCP/IP
protocol 1. Secure remote internet access: Using IPsec make a local
call to our internet services provider (ISP) so as to connect to
organization network in a secure fashion from our house or hotel
from there; to access the corporate network facilities or access remote
desktop/servers. 2. Secure branch office connectivity: Rather than
subscribing to an expensive leased line for connecting its branches
across cities, an organization can setup an IPsec enabled network for
security. 3. Setup communication with other organization: Just as
IPsec allow connectivity between various branches of an
organization, it can also be used to connect the network of different
organization together in a secure & inexpensive fashion. Basic
Concept of IPsec Protocol: IP packet consist two position IP header &
actual data IPsec feature are implemented in the form of additional
headers called as extension header to the standard, default IP header.
IPsec offers two main services authentication & confidentially. Each
of these requires its own extension header. Therefore, to support these
two main services, IPsec defines two IP extension header one for
authentication & another for confidentiality.
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5. The TGS creates an encrypted key with a timestamp, and grants the
client a service ticket.
6. The client decrypts the ticket, tells the TGS it has done so, and then
sends its own encrypted key to the service.
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7. The service decrypts the key, and makes sure the timestamp is still
valid. If it is, the service contacts the key distribution center to
receive a session that is returned to the client.
8. The client decrypts the ticket. If the keys are still valid,
communication is initiated between client and server.
c) Write a brief note on firewall configuration 6M
Ans. A firewall is combination of packet filter and application level Diagram
getway , Base on these there are three types of configurations
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