Geo Source Heat Pump Handbook

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Heat Pump


Corporate Offices 1135 West Main Anoka, Mn. 55303
33 West Veum Appleton, Mn. 56208
Bus. (612) 422-4002 Fax. (612) 422-1551 Sales 1-800-4-ECONAR
First Edition ( March 1991 )
Second Edition ( February 1993 )
This publication could include technical inaccuracies
or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made
to the information herein; these changes will be made
in later editions. Econar Energy Systems Corporation
may make improvements and / or changes in the
product (s) at any time.

For copies of publications related to GeoSource

Heat Pumps, call l-800-4-Econar.
Many people over the years have contributed to the
conception, creation, implementation, growth, and
education of the ground source heat pump industry.
This handbook is an attempt to compile the numerous
references and life experiences existing to date.
1 Introduction
History .................................................... 01
Types of Heat Pumps ......................................... 02
Basic Operation ................................................ 03
2 Applications
Types ........................................................... 05
Configurations ................................................. 07

3 Economics
Benefits .......................................................... 11
Costs ............................................................. 13

4 Load Estimating
Heat Transfer ................................................... 23
Design Conditions ............................................. 26
Heat Loss ........................................................ 29
Heat Gain ........................................................ 32

5 Air Distribution
Ventilation ...................................................... 39
Duct Design ..................................................... 41
Air Balance and Noise Attenuation .......................... 45

6 Open System Design (Well Water)

Water Requirements ........................................... 47
Pressure Tanks ................................................. 48
Open System Piping............................................ 48
Water Discharge ................................................. 49

7 Earth Loop Design

Materials ........................................................ 51
Earth Loop Fabrication Practices ........................... 51
Antifreeze Solutions............................................ 53
Loop Design and Sizing....................................... 56
Pumping Requirements ....................................... 58
System Purging ................................................ 63

8 System Design and Installation
Selecting a System . . . . . . . . . ................................ 67
Sizing The Heat Pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

9 Maintenance 69

10 Glossary 71

References 77

1 Introduction
What is a heat pump? A heat pump is a mechanical
device used for heating and cooling which operates on the
principle that heat can be pumped from a cooler
temperature to a warmer temperature (cold to hot). Heat
pumps can draw heat from a number of sources, eg, air,
water, or earth, and are most often either air-source or
Although heat pumps have been around for more than a
100 years, the technology has dramatically increased. Not
only do heat pumps still operate the common refrigerator,
but today, heat pump technology allows us to heat and
cool residential and commercial buildings.
Because of modem innovation, people using heat pumps
are now able to save 50-70 percent on their annual heating
and cooling costs.

The heat pump industry goes back a long way beginning
in 1824 when Nicholas Carnot first proposed the concept.
While heat normally flows from warmer areas to cooler
areas, Carnot reasoned that a mechanical device could be
used to reverse that natural process and pump heat from a
cooler region to a warmer region.
In the early 1850’s, Lord Kelvin expanded on the heat
pump concept by proposing that refrigerating equipment
could be used for heating. Other scientists and engineers
sought to develop a feasible heat pump for comfort
heating, but none were successfully constructed until the
mid-1930s when a few privately financed heat pumps were
experimentally installed. These demonstration installations
increased after World War II, and it was soon clear that
heat pumps could be commercially feasible if completely
assembled systems could be made available in quantity.
The first heat pump products were available for sale in

Types of Heat Pumps
Air Source Heat Pump

The air source heat pump exchanges heat between the

outside air and the inside air. When the outside air
temperature is between 4O°F and 90°F these units are
relatively efficient. However, as the temperature
difference between the outside and inside air increases, the
efficiency of the unit decreases. To overcome the loss of
heating capacity these units require auxiliary electric
Water Source Heat Pump

The water source heat pump exchanges heat between

water and the inside air. The water source heat pump is
commonly used in commercial buildings using a boiler and
cooling tower which keeps the loop water temperature
between 60°F and 90°F. As a rule water source heat
pumps have a lower operating cost but higher initial cost
than air source heat pumps. This difference is due to
water side costs of the system rather than air side cost.
Ground Source Heat Pump (GeoSource)

The GeoSource heat pump utilizes the earth as the

medium from which heat is extracted. Water is pumped
through a heat exchanger in the heat pump. Heat is
extracted, and the water is then returned to the ground,
either through discharge on a drain field or through a
closed earth loop system. Because ground temperatures do
not vary as dramatically as outside air temperatures, the
heat available for transfer, as well as the unit’s operating
efficiency remains relatively constant throughout the
winter. At depths of 15 feet or more below the ground,
the soil maintains a year-round temperature of about 43°F
-52°F in this region. So in the summer, it’s cooler than
the outside air, and in the winter, it’s warmer--making it
an ideal energy source.
Although the initial installation cost may be higher,
annual operating costs are much lower than all other

types of heating systems. The added savings carry over to
summer where cooling costs can be 30%-50% less than
the cost of cooling with an average central air conditioning
Basic Operation
The GeoSource heat pump uses water circulating
through buried pipes. This water can be from a well, or
merely part of a closed network of pipes that is looped
horizontally or vertically in the ground. As the ground
temperature water reaches the heat pump, its heat is
absorbed by a low-pressure liquid refrigerant which then
vaporizes. It is then compressed to about 160 degrees and
moves to the air heat exchanger. Since the temperature in
the house is cooler than the refrigerant, a law of physics
takes over and the heat is released. Then, during the
summer, the refrigerant’s flow is reversed, enabling it to
cool the house.

2 Applications

Open System (Well Water)

If you have an adequate well water supply, you may
want to consider a system that uses well water as its heat
source. Water from a well, usually the same well that
supplies your other water needs, is pumped through the
indoor heat pump and then returned to the underground
aquifer via an open discharge into a lake, pond or stream.

When operating, the system usually requires 1 1/2

gallons of water per minute, for each ton of heating and
cooling capacity.
Horizontal Earth Coil System

Instead of extracting water from the ground and

returning it to the ground, this system circulates water
through a closed series of horizontal 1oops. These loops
consist of high density polyethylene buried 5 to 6 feet deep
or deeper, which allows direct contact with moist soil.

Approximately 500-600 feet of underground pipe is
needed for each ton of heating and cooling capacity

The horizontal loop system uses a fixed volume of

water. Once the loop has been filled, no additional water
During the winter, water in the loop line absorbs heat
from the surrounding earth and transfers it into your
home. In the summer, heat from your home is collected
by the heat pump, transferred to the water, and pumped
through the buried coil, where the heat is absorbed by the
cooler soil.
A deviation of the straight pipe horizontal earth coil.
Slinky pipe is straight pipe laid “coiled” in a trench. A
slinky earth coil requires approximately 600-1000 feet of
underground pipe per ton but requires substantially less
land area.
Vertical Earth Coil System

In the vertical system, a fixed volume of water circulates

through a closed loop of pipe buried vertically, usually to
a depth of 150-185 feet. Each ton of heating and cooling
capacity requires about 340-400 feet of underground

With both the vertical and horizontal systems, the water
contains an antifreeze solution. This is to eliminate any
possibility of freezing during periods of peak use when
cooler return water circulates through the pipes and lowers
the temperature of the surrounding soil.
Like the horizontal system, the vertical coil is a closed
pipe configuration that is filled only once.

Forced Air
Forced air systems use a blower to move and circulate
air to its proper destination points. The air circulated
travels through a series of ducts to heat and cool a
The forced air distribution system is the most commonly
used system installed today. There are advantages in
using this system. First, an even amount of air flows
throughout the ductwork continuously. Secondly, filters
can be used to remove 80-90% of the pollutants existing in
the air. Lastly, air conditioning would not be possible
without a forced air type of system.

Many configurations of a forced air system are
available. For example, a verticle (up flow) type of
system is used to replace the conventional furnace in a
home. However, where space is limited, a horizontal
(counter flow) configuration would be ideal for an
overhead installation in a commercial building or crawl
space at home.
Hydronic or hot water heating systems provide a
smooth, even heat but no air conditioning. Residential
hydronic heating systems are most often found in the
northeastern United States and Canada.
Conventional, boiler-fired hydronic systems are usually
designed for 160F water leaving the boiler and a 20F
temperature drop in the water loop. It is common for the
piping and circulator pump to be sized for 10 gpm at 6 feet
of head pressure. The standard 3/4-inch fin tube
baseboard convectors have an average output of 230
Btuh/foot at 120°F entering water temperature.
There are several differences with a GeoSource hydronic
heating system. First and foremost, the leaving water
temperature is about 120°F instead of 160°F. Second, due
to the friction loss in the heat exchanger, the circulation
pump must produce at least 18 feet of head pressure.
Due to the lower water temperature of a GeoSource
system, it often requires 200 linear feet of baseboard
coverage or full perimeter baseboard convertors. Cast
iron radiators will transfer 70 Btuh/square inch at 130F
entering water. Cast iron radiators are excellent for
ground water systems because of their transfer capacity at
lower temperatures.
Polybutylene pipe buried in a concrete slab is also an
excellent application for the lower temperature of
GeoSource hydronic heating.
Domestic Hot Water Heating (Desuperheater)

Domestic hot water heating using a heat pump can

significantly decrease energy costs during both heating and
cooling seasons. A desuperheater is a heat exchanger that
removes the high-grade (high-temperature) superheat

available in the refrigerant gases exiting the heat pump
compressor. Depending on the heat pump design and
operating conditions, superheat temperatures of 200F and
greater may be reached. By removing the superheat,
desuperheaters can provide a source of hot water typically
at a temperature of 160F. For many years, desuperheating
systems (commonly known as “heat reclaimers”) have
been successfully retrofitted on central air conditioning
systems. Industry members reported some 50,000 units
installed during 1985 on central air conditioning. During
cooling, heat pumps operating to provide air conditioning
generate unused heat. This heat can be reclaimed and can
therefore be considered a “free” source of energy for
generating domestic hot water. During the heating mode,
the functions of the condenser and evaporator are reversed
by a four-way reversing valve. This requires the
desuperheater heat exchanger to be installed between the
compressor and the reversing valve. Heating of hot water
is not “free” but is provided at a reduced cost based on the
heating COP of the heat pump.
On GeoSource heat pumps, desuperheaters may provide
most of the domestic hot water required for a typical
residence. During summer cooling cycles entering water
temperatures are higher, resulting in higher desuperheater
temperature. In winter, domestic hot water production
will be reduced because of the lower entering water
temperatures from both the domestic water supply system
and the ground heat exchanger.
Domestic Hot Water Options

In addition to space heating and cooling, GeoSource

heat pumps are available with three specific domestic hot
water options:
1. NONE: No hot water preheating capability.
2. SUPPLEMENTAL: Partial preheating (desuperheater)
during heat pump operation in the heating or cooling
3. DEMAND: Year-round total (full condensing water
heating) hot water heating on a first priority basis.

Option 1 - A conventional GeoSource heat pump without
provision for domestic hot water preheating. This
configuration represents the lowest cost GeoSource heat
pump. It is used in buildings with more than one heat
pump and where there is no requirement for domestic hot
Option 2 - Uses a refrigerant-to-water heat exchanger
(desuperheater) installed at the discharge of the heat pump
compressor. The hot gas at this point is in a
"superheated" condition giving rise to the common name
desuperheater. "Free hot water" is available during the
cooling season. In the winter, the desuperheater
generating domestic hot water competes with the heating
load. Since there is generally excess heat pump capacity
for many winter hours, domestic hot water efficiency
equals heat pump efficiency. If the hot water demand has
been met, the circulating pump is shut off.
Option 3 - Total or 100% domestic hot water on a first
priority basis simply means that, before any space heating
or cooling is accomplished, all domestic hot water
requirements are met by the heat pump system. These
units have a completely different design. Heat pumps with
this feature will have the longest-run cycles. This usually
improves heat pump performance and generally reduces
the total annual demand and energy cost.

3 Economics
Benefits to Homeowner

The GeoSource Heat Pump system reduces demand and

lowers energy consumption. For the consumer this means
lower utility bills. In cases where utilities are providing
low-interest loans or incentive programs, the consumer
often sees an immediate positive cash flow. In many
applications, the ground temperature during mid-wmter
can be 40 degrees warmer than the coldest air
temperature. This significantly increases both the capacity
and efficiency of the heat pump system. Depending on
geographic location, GeoSource heat pump systems have
reduced heating costs 75 % more than electric furnaces and
about 50 % more than air-source units. In extreme
northern climates, the advantage over air-source heat
pumps for heating has been even greater. Also, reduced
improvements in cooling costs have been around 25 % over
high efficiency convential air conditioners.
An additional advantage of the system is reduced
maintenance. The unit is indoors, which gives the
electrical components a greater life expectance. There are
fewer components. For example, the defrost cycle
required in an air-source system has been eliminated.
Finally, the compressor operates under less severe
conditions than air-source heat pumps which have a
proven life expectancy that approaches 20 years.
Water requirements of the closed-loop system consist
simply of a single filling of the ground heat exchanger
system. For a residence, this is approximately 50 to 100
gallons. For an open system, where water is discharged to
a pond or drainage ditch, a typical heat pump system in
the Midwest using six gallons per minute would use under
one million gallons each year for both heating and cooling.
In locations with limited underground water the closed -
loop system may be the only choice.

Benefits to HVAC Contractor

The contractor benefits from having available to him a

total electric system that:
1. Competes in areas with low-cost fossil fuels for those
consumers who desire electric heating.
2. Is a higher priced system with excellent paybacks, thus
allowing higher profit margins when compared to
conventional equipment.
3. Is simple in operation with an expected lifetime
exceeding that of conventional gas and electric systems.

All contractors and businessmen who have excellent

products with demonstrated desirable performance will
benefit from having newly developed products for sale.
Benefits to Utility

For the electric utility, this system will provide

sufficient improvements in efficiency that other fuel users
can be convinced to use electric heating and cooling
systems. In many cases this can be done without
increasing the utility’s service size. Gas customers with
electric air conditioning can generally be provided heating
without an increase in electric service size.
Domestic hot water preheating occurs only during heat
pump usage and leaves the demand valleys open for
conventional hot water heating. Properly marketed, this
system should increase kilowatt-hour sales by attracting
other fuel users.

Environmentally speaking, natures best friend has to be

the GeoSource heat pump. GeoSource Heat Pumps
merely move the earths natural energy from one point and
transfers it to another. On the other hand, fossil burning
systems strip our land of scarce resources and later emit
burned off pollutants into the earths atmosphere.

Additional Benefits from Demand Hot Water
GeoSource Heat Pumps

This heat pump has the capacity for space heating,

space cooling, and producing 100% of the domestic hot
water on demand. This allows the unit to produce
domestic hot water with the unit’s full capacity at any
Three modes of operation are integrated in the design:
1. Space heating.
2. Space cooling.
3. Dedicated hot water heating on demand.
The demand reduction potential is excellent. During
summer peak demand periods, 100% of the domestic hot
water is generated by the heat pump system as waste heat.
This eliminates the water heating load during the summer
peak demand period.


GeoSource heat pumps offer numerous advantages over

alternative space heating and cooling systems, including a
clean, safe and highly efficient means of providing space
heating and cooling utilizing a single machine. However,
the greatest factor influencing the purchase decision of
most customers is economics. Three major cost factors
are considered when comparing heat pump economics with
other alternatives: initial cost, operating cost and
maintenance cost. Methods used to estimate these costs
for various heat pumps follow.
Initial Cost

Initial cost includes all expenditures relating to the

purchase and installation of a heat pump. These may
Equipment: heat pump, wiring, pad, ductwork,
flowmeter, earth loop piping, thermostat, etc.

Labor: installing, well drilling, trench digging, etc.
Local fees: taxes, permit fees, etc.
Many utilities offer rebates for the installation of
GeoSource heat pumps. These, too, should be considered
in the determination of initial cost.
Initial Cost Considerations For Well Water Systems

Well water systems require the use of a water supply

well. Estimates for supply well drilling can be obtained
from a local contractor. Usually the price includes
drilling, installed casing, bottom screen, gravel grouting
and cement grouting for the top 10 feet. A price quote
will usually not include the cost of water system
components such as pressure tanks and pumps but cost
estimates for these items are provided in Table 3.1. Most
drilling estimates range from $8-12 per foot of depth,
meaning that a 100-foot well would probably cost between

Table 3.1
Water Well
Pump and
1/3 hp $350-400 $300-350 $50-75 32 $200-250
1/2 hp $375-425 $325-375 $50-75 44 $225-275
3/4 hp $450-500 $400-450 $60-80 62 $350-400

1 hP $525-575 $485-525 $60-80 86 $350-400

Initial Cost Considerations For Earth Loop Systems

Initial cost includes the cost of the earth loop pipes and
trenching cost (for horizontal loops) or bore hole cost (for
vertical loops). An earth loop heat pump also requires a
circulating pump. Circulating pumps keep the water in the
system moving through the earth loop and the heat pump.
Tables 3.2 and 3.3 provide estimates for some of the
installed costs associated with earth loop heat pump
Table 3.2
Estimated Cost For Horizontal Earth Loop

Trencher 6-8 in. 1 5 ft $1.66-1.76 $0.82-0.92

Trencher 6-8 in. 2 4&6 ft $3.07-3.17 $1.18-1.28
Backhoe 24 in. 1 5 ft $2.07-2.22 $1.23-1.38
Backhoe 24 in. 2 5 ft $3.41-3.80 $1.52-1.92

Table 3.3
Estimated Cost
For Vertical
Earth Loop

4-6 in
With Loop Materials $5.65 - 6.90
and Installation
Without Loop Materials $4.50 - 5.80
and Installation

Although the earth loop costs increase overall system cost
beyond a convential heating and air conditioning system
the cost of the earth loop can be compared to the consumer
purchasing his or her own oil well and supplying energy
for the life of their home or business.
Operating Cost

The operating cost of any HVAC system represents the

most significant expenditure over the life of the
equipment, often doubling or tripling the initial cost.
Operating cost depends on two factors: (1) energy use of
the system and (2) the price of the energy used. The
owner has much more control over the first factor than the
second. If an efficient system such as a GeoSource heat
pump is chosen, energy use will always be low.
GeoSource heat pump operating costs are not affected by
fluctuating energy rates as less efficient systems are.
Estimating Energy Use

The amount of energy required to heat or cool a home

for an entire year is influenced by a variety of factors,
including climate, building design, characteristics of the
heating and cooling equipment, how the system is
operated, and the control system. The most accurate
methods are those which allow evaluation of building
design, occupant use patterns, heating and cooling
characteristics and local weather data on an hour-by-hour
basis. Various utilities and equipment manufacturers have
developed computer programs which aid analysis of these
factors. Simpler estimation methods are available,
including the heating and cooling degree day method.
Heating Degree Day Method
The heating degree day method is commonly used to
estimate the heating energy consumption of electric
resistance heating equipment, fossil fuel-fired furnaces and
heat pumps. The heating degree day estimating method is
based on two main assumptions:

1. For outdoor temperatures of 65°F and above, on a
long term average a home’s solar and internal gains will
offset heat losses.
2. For outdoor temperatures below 65°F, fuel
consumption will be proportional to the difference
between the mean daily temperature and 65°F. For
example, if the mean temperature is 35°F
(65°F-35°F = 30°F difference), twice as much fuel is
consumed as on days when the mean temperature is 50°F
(65°F-50°F = 15°F difference).
When using the heating degree day method to estimate
energy use in a particular home, Table 3.4 provides useful
degree day information about various areas of the United
States. It lists the long term average annual heating and
cooling degree days for different cities.

Table 3.4
Yearly Average Degree Day Values For U.S. Cities

Bismark, ND 8960 528 New York, NY 5219 1027

Boston, MA 5634 674 Omaha, NE 6290 1007
Cheyenne, WY 7381 308 Philadelphia, PA 5144 1081
Chicago, IL 6639 713 Pittsburgh, PA 5897 732
Cleveland, OH 6351 670 Portland, ME 7511 292
Detroit, MI 6293 687 Portland, OR 4635 248
Fargo, ND 9250 605 Salt Lake City, UT 6052 958
Great Falls, MT 7750 343 Sioux Falls, SD 9250 605
Indianapolis, IN 5699 902 Seattle-Takoma, WA 5145 134
Madison, WI 7720 424
Minneapolis, MN 8250 894

Cooling Degree Day Method
The cooling degree day estimation method predicts the
cooling energy consumption of conventional air
conditioners and heat pumps. It is very similar to the
heating degree day method. The cooling degree day value
for a given day is calculated by subtracting 65°F from the
average temperature of the day. The cooling degree day
method is based on the following assumptions:
1. Cooling is not needed when the temperature is 65°F or
2. Changes in outdoor humidity do not affect energy
consumption (since this assumption is not always
true, there is a large error factor in cooling degree
day calculations)
3. Solar and internal loads remain at constant values (this
assumption is not always true, either)
Calculating Heating Energy Usage

The accepted degree day method equation for calculating

annual probable energy consumption of any heating system
Hl x D x 24
E = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x Cd
Td x V x C.O.P.
E = energy consumption for the estimate period
Hl = design heat loss, including infiltration and
ventilation, in Btuh
D = number of heating degree days for the period
24 = 24 hours per day
Td = temperature difference between maintained
indoor temperature and outdoor design
temperature, in degrees F

C.O.P. = The efficiency value of the rated equipment
(table 3.5)
V = heating value of fuel in units consistent with
those used for Hl and E
Cd = correction factor to account for the influence of
internal loads, building mass, insulation level
and base temperature
In addition to the energy consumption predicted by the
above equation, the energy required to operate a fossil fuel
heating system’s fans and pumps should be estimated.
Calculating Coding Energy Usage

Average annual cooling degree day values for major

U.S. cities provided in Table 3.4.
The degree day method for estimating cooling energy
consumption uses the following formula:
Hg x D x 24
E = -----------------------
Td x 1000 x SEER
E = cooling energy consumption, kWh
Hg = design heat gain (cooling load), Btu/h
D = cooling degree days for period
24 = 24 hours per day
Td = temperature difference between maintained
indoor temperature and outdoor design
temperature, degrees F
1000 = conversion factor, Wh/kWh
SEER = seasonal energy efficiency ratio, Btu/Wh

Table 3.5
Coefficients of Performances ( C.O.P.s ) of
Various Heating Systems

Conventional Gas-Fired Forced-Air Furnace or Boiler 0.60 to 0.70

Conventional Gas-Fired Gravity-Air Furnace 0.57 to 0.67
Gas-Fired Forced-Air Furnace or Boiler with Typical
Energy Conservation Devices, Intermittent Ignition
Device, Automatic Vent Damper 0.65 to 0.75
Gas-Fired Forced-Air or Boiler with Sealed Combustion
Chamber, Intermittent Ignition Device and Automatic
Vent Damper 0.70 to 0.78
Gas-Fired Condensing Furnace or Boiler 0.80 to 0.90
Oil-Fired Furnace or Boiler 0.50 to 0.75
GeoSource Heat Pump Well Water System 3.5 to 4.4
GeoSource Heat Pump Earth Loop System 3.2 to 4.3

Natural Gas Btu/cu. ft 1,000

Propane Btu/gallon 91,500
No. 2 Fuel Oil Btu/gallon 138,000
Electricity Btu/Watt 3,413

Maintenance Cost

Maintenance cost is the third major component of a

heating or cooling system’s total cost. Maintenance
includes routine preventive measures as well as any repairs
or troubleshooting that may be required. The cost of
maintenance includes both labor and materials. Estimated
costs for a number of different heating/cooling systems are
summarized in Table 3.7. and can vary based on region,
weather conditions, availability of qualified servicemen
and other factors.
Table 3.7
Estimated Maintenance Costs
( 1991 Dollars )

Gas Furnace or Boiler $40 - $120

and Air Conditioner
Oil Furnace or Boiler $70 - $155
and Air Conditioner
Electric Furnace and $25 - $100
Air Conditioner
Electric Resistance None
Air Source Heat Pump $85 - $160
GeoSource Heat Pump $45 - $115

4 Load Estimating
A heating or cooling load is defined as the maximum
rate at which a building loses heat in winter and gains heat
in summer. The size of the load determines the size or
capacity of the heat pump chosen. If the cooling or
heating load is not estimated correctly, a heat pump may
be installed which has either too little or too much
capacity. A system with too little capacity will not be able
to condition the air of the home to the desired temperature
on peak heating or cooling days. Conversely, an
oversized heat pump will cycle on and off frequently,
causing high humidity in the summer and increased
operating costs year round.
A number of techniques have been developed for
estimating a building’s heating or cooling load which vary
in sophistication and accuracy. Two publications that
provide detailed methods for calculating loads are the
“Cooling and Heating Load Calculation Manual”,
published by the American Society of Heating
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE
publication number GRP 158), and “Load Calculation for
Residential Winter and Summer Air Conditioning,
Manual J, 1986”, published by the Air Conditioning
Contractors of America (ACCA).

Heat Transfer
Buildings gain heat in summer and lose it in winter in
three ways: conduction, convection and radiation.
Conduction is heat transfer through solid objects, such as
metal. Buildings lose or gain heat when it is conducted
through windows and doors, as well as walls, floors and
ceilings. Convection is heat transfer through air
circulation. Buildings lose and gain heat by convection
when air filters through cracks, open doors and loose
windows. Radiation is given off by all warm objects. It is
not absorbed by the medium (air) through which it travels,
but instead is absorbed by solid objects (such as walls,
furniture, etc.) that are in its path.

Flow of Heat

Heat always flows from a warmer to a colder object or

substance. Heat flow can be slowed by certain insulators,
but it cannot be stopped. The flow of heat through a
building’s envelope--windows, doors, walls, floors and
roof--depends on three factors: the area involved, the
indoor/outdoor temperature difference and the material
properties of the envelope element.
Heat transfer through a building element is proportional
to the area of the element. For example, a 20 foot square
window conducts half as much heat as a 40 foot square
window. The difference between the indoor and outdoor
temperatures also affects heat transfer proportionately.
For example, if the indoor temperature is 75°F and the
outdoor temperature is 35°F (40°F difference), twice as
much heat is conducted as when the outdoor temperature is
55°F (20°F difference).
The material properties of the building envelope can be
stated in terms of the following factors: conductivity,
conductance, resistance and overall coefficient of heat
*Conductivity is the ability of a material to conduct heat.
Good conductors include all metals. Poor conductors are
called insulators, and they include materials such as wood,
Styrofoam, fiberglass and felt. Thermal conductivities
defined as the amount of heat (Btu’s) that passed through a
homogenous material one inch thick and one foot square in
area, in an hour’s time, with a temperature difference of
1F between the outer and inner surfaces. The symbol for
thermal conductivity is “K,” and it is expressed in
Btu/h-F-in-sq. ft. The higher a material’s K value, the
better a conductor it is.
*Conductance relates conductivity to the thickness of a
material. It is defined as a measure of the rate of heat
flow for the thickness of a material or an air space (either
more or less than one inch), one foot square in area, at a
temperature difference of 1F. C = K/X The lower the
conductance, the higher the insulating value.
*Resistance is a measure of a material’s ability to slow

heat transfer. Thermal resistance is symbolized by “R”
and is computed by taking the numerical reciprocal of the
conductance(C). Resistance is expressed in sq.ft-F-j/Btu.
A material with a high R value is a good insulator.
*The overall coefficient of heat transfer (“U”) is a
summation of the resistance of all the materials in a
building element. It is expressed in Btuh per sq.ft. of area
per degree F temperature difference and is computed by
taking the reciprocal of total resistance: U = 1/R
As an example of U value calculation, consider a two foot
by four foot stud wall with brick veneer (Figure 4-1),
which has a combined resistance of 12.89 sq.ft.-F-h/Btu.
In calculating the overall coefficient of heat transfer, the
effect of convection at the inside and outside surfaces
should also be included (see Table 4-l). The total
effective resistance is:
Outside air film resistance: 0.25
Wall resistance: 12.89
Inside air film resistance: 0.68
Net effective resistance: 13.82(sq.ft.-h/Btr)
Therefore, U = 1/13.82 = 0.072 Btu/h-sq.ft.-F

Figure 4.1
Wall Section

Table 4.1
Wall Air Film Resistance
(Sq.Ft.-F-h/Btu )

Outside Surface 0.25 0.17

Inside Surface 0.68 0.68

Design Conditions
Design conditions are the indoor and outdoor
temperatures that a heat pump system is designed to
handle. Indoor design conditions are based on the desired
comfort of the conditioned space. Recommended indoor
design temperatures are 70F for heating and 75F for
cooling (see table 4.2). Also for cooling, the design
relative humidity should be about 50 percent.

Table 4.2
Indoor Design
Retail Stores

Outdoor design conditions for a system are based on the

climate of the particular area. Detailed information about
local temperature conditions can be obtained from (table

The temperature values in these columns indicate that
the average outside temperature will be below the value in
the table 97.5 percent of the time (for cooling) or above
the value in the table 97.5 percent of the time (for heating)
during the cooling or heating season.
Table 4.3
Outdoor Design Temperatures
and Moisture Conditions

Cedar Rapids
Council Bluffs
Des Moines
Fort Dodge
Iowa City
Mason City
Sioux City
Albert Lea
Fergus Falls
International Falls

Table 4.3 Continued

North Dakota
Grand Forks
South Dakota
Rapid City
Souix Falls
Eau Claire
Green Bay

Heat loss from a home during the heating season results
primarily from three factors: conduction heat loss, outdoor
air infiltration and duct heat loss. Heat losses are
calculated for each conditioned room of the house.
Simplified procedures and forms such as those found in
“ACCA Manual J” can be used for this purpose.
Conduction Heat Loss

Heat is lost by conduction through a home’s walls,

roofs, doors, and floors above unconditioned spaces. The
rate of conduction heat loss depends upon two factors: the
indoor/outdoor temperature difference and the thermal
resistance of the building’s envelope. The greater the
difference between the indoor and outdoor temperatures,
the greater the rate of heat loss. Thermal resistance
affects heat loss as well; the more resistance the building
material has, the slower the rate of heat loss. The
building’s overall resistance to heat flow is measured in
terms of the U value. Conduction heat loss can be
represented by the following equation.
U = overall coefficient of heat transmission
A = area of the building material
T = indoor/outdoor temperature difference,
degree F
When calculating a building’s design conduction heat
loss, T is the building’s design temperature difference,
which is the temperature difference between the indoor
and outdoor design conditions.
For example, if a 10 foot by 20 foot wall had a U value
of 0.09 and the design temperatures were 70F and 0F, the
design rate of conduction heat loss through the wall would
be calculated as follows:
= 0.09 Btu/h-sq.ft.-F(10 ft. x 20 ft.)(70F-0F)
= 1,260 Btu/h

Outdoor Air Infiltration

Air that enters a home from the outside must be heated

to keep the inside space at the desired temperature. The
first step in calculating infiltration is to estimate the
number of heating season air changes for the entire house
(Table 4.4). once the air changes are known, infiltration
in cubic feet per minute can be calculated as follows:
CFM = V x AC/60 where
V = volume of space, cu.ft.
AC = air changes per hour
60 = conversion factor, hours/minutes
The following equation is then used to calculate heat
loss due to infiltration:
Q = 1.1 x CFM X T
where 1.1 = a constant
CFM = infiltration of outdoor air, cu.ft./min.
T = indoor/outdoor temperature difference
As an example, consider a 1,800 sq.ft. house with a
volume of 14,400 cu.ft. the house is of average
construction with one average fireplace. Air changes per
hour can be determined from Table 4.4 as 0.8 for the
envelope plus 0.2 for one fireplace for a total of 1.0 air
changes per hour. Infiltration air quantity is:
CFM = (18,000 cu.ft. x 1.0)/60 = 300 cu.ft/min.
Heat loss due to infiltration is determined as:
Q = 1.1 x 300 x (70-0)
= 23,100 Btu/h

Table 4.4
Heating Season FLOOR 900 OR 900- 1500- OVER FIRE-
Air Changes AREA LESS 1500 2100 2100 PLACE
(per hour) ADD
BEST 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.1
GOOD 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 ----

AVER- 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.7 0.2

FAIR 1.7 1.3 1.0 0.8 ----
POOR 2.2 1.6 1.2 1.0 0.6

Duct Heat Loss

Heat losses also occur through ducts located in

unconditioned spaces. These losses depend on duct size,
shape, construction and length, as well as on insulation,
velocity and temperature difference across the duct wall.
Table 4-5 can be used to estimate heat loss through ducts
located in unconditioned spaces.
As an example, assume that the room being served by
the duct has a heat loss of 5,000 Btu/h and the duct is
located in an attic with R4 insulation. The winter design
temperature is 6°F. The loss through the duct work is
calculated as follows:
Duct loss = 0.15 (Table 4.5)
x 5,000 Btu/h
= 750 Btu/h

Table 4.5
Duct Heat Loss

Duct Location and Insulation Value

Exposed To Outdoor Ambient:
Attic, Garage, Exterior Wall, Open Crawl Space-None .30
Attic, Garage, Exterior Wall, Open Crawl Space-R2 .20
Attic, Garage, Exterior Wall, Open Crawl Space-R4 .15
Attic, Garage, Exterior Wall, Open Crawl Space-R6 .10
Enclosed in Unheated Space:
Vented Or Unvented Crawl Space or Basement-None .20
Vented or Unvented Crawl Space Or Basement-R2 .15
Vented or Unvented Crawl Space or Basement-R4 .10
Vented or Unvented Crawl Space or Basement-R6 .05
Duct Burled In or Under Concrete Slab:
No Edge Insulation .25
Edge Insulation R Value = 3 to 4 .15
Edge Insulation R Value = 5 to 7 .10
Edge Insulation R Value = 7 to 9 .05

The cooling load is made up of two-kinds of heat gains:
sensible heat and latent heat. Sensible heat is the heat that
can be sensed by the dry bulb thermometer. Latent heat
cannot be sensed by a dry bulb thermometer, but it can be
felt by people as moisture (humidity). An electric heat
pump in the cooling mode addresses both types of heat, by
removing both sensible heat and latent heat from the
conditioned space.
While total cooling load is a measure of heat gain, it is
not equal to the total heat gain. Heat gain can come from
a variety of sources, including conduction, the sun,
people, electric motors, lighting, appliances, infiltration,
ventilation and ducts. However, these sources of heat gain
are never at their maximum points simultaneously. It is
difficult therefore, when making a load calculation, to
choose the month and time of day when the load
components combine to produce the design or maximum
cooling load.
Following are discussions of the various sources of heat
gain and how to calculate heat gain for each.
Conduction Heat Gain

Conduction heat gain functions on the same principle as

conduction heat loss, with only two differences. One is
that in the case of conduction heat gain, the outside air is
warmer than the inside air, so heat is conducted into the
home rather than out of it. The other difference relates to
the fact that when the sun strikes the walls, roof and
windows, heat is radiated directly into the home. A solar
heat gain factor must also be taken into consideration for
conduction heat gain which is not included in the heat loss
Solar heat gain for a particular home depends on many
factors, including size of the home, east-west orientation,
time of day and time lag for heat to travel from the outer
to the inner wall. In general, homes have the greatest
solar gains on their east and west sides, and the amount of
heat gain is influenced by the angle at which the rays
strike the surface and the color of the surface. Because of
the earth’s rotation, the angle at which light hits a
building’s surface is constantly changing. The angle is
also dependent on latitude and time of day and year.

Sun that strikes a building at a 90 degree angle is more
likely to be absorbed than if it strikes at another angle.
Whatever solar heat is absorbed and not reflected increases
the surface temperature of the roof, window or wall.
Colors also affect the solar heat gain. Lighter colors
reflect more light than darker colors, which absorb it more
and cause the surface temperature to increase.
Table 4.6
Equivalent Cooling Load
Temperature Difference

Daily Temp. Range L M L M H L M H M H H M


1. Frame & veneer-on-frame 17.6 13.6 22.6 18.6 13.6 27.6 23.6 18.6 28.6 23.6 28.6 33.6
2. Masonry walls, 6-h.
block or brick 10.3 6.3 15.3 11.3 6.3 20.3 16.3 11.3 21.3 16.3 21.3 26.3
3. Partitions, frame 9.0 5.0 14.0 10.0 5.0 19.0 15.0 10.0 20.0 15.0 20.0 25.0
masonry 2.5 0 7.5 3.5 0 12.5 8.5 3.5 13.5 8.5 13.5 18.5
4. Wood doors 17.6 13.6 22.6 18.6 13.6 27.6 23.6 18.6 28.6 23.6 28.6 33.6
1. Ceilings under naturally
vented attic or vented
f l a t r o o f - d a r k 38.0 34.0 43.0 39.0 34.0 48.0 44.0 39.0 49.0 44.0 49.0 54.0
- light 30.0 26.0 35.0 31.0 26.0 40.0 36.0 31.0 41.0 36.0 41.0 46.0
2. Built-up roof, no
ceiling - dark 38.0 34.0 43.0 39.0 34.0 48.0 44.0 39.0 49.0 44.0 49.0 54.0
- light 30.0 26.0 35.0 31.0 26.0 40.0 36.0 31.0 41.0 36.0 41.0 46.0
3. Ceilings under
unconditioned rooms 9.0 5.0 14.0 10.0 5.0 19.0 15.0 10.0 20.0 15.0 20.0 25.0
1. Over unconditioned rooms 9 5.0 14.0 10.0 5.0 19.0 15.0 10.0 20.0 15.0 20.0 25.0
2. Over basement, enclosed
crawl space or concrete
slab on the ground 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3. Over open crawl space 9.0 5.0 4.0 10.0 5.0 19.0 15.0 10.0 20.0 15.0 20.0 25.0

If the latitude, orientation and color of a building are
known, conduction heat gain can be calculated accurately
using the following equation:
Q = A x U x CLTD
This equation is similar to the equation used to calculate
heat loss, except that the factor T has been changed to
CLTD. CLTD stands for equivalent “cooling load
temperature difference,” and it takes into account not only
the indoor/outdoor temperature difference, but also solar
gain and heat transmission from the wall to the room air
by radiation, convection and conduction. Table 4.6
provides total equivalent cooling load temperature
differentials for calculating heat gain in homes for walls,
doors, ceilings, roofs and floors. Note that this table has
been simplified by ACCA to provide only average CLTDs
which eliminate orientation and time of day. The daily
temperature range was calculated by taking the average
difference between the daily high and low temperature of
the day for a given location. A high daily range means
there is a large difference in temperature between night
and day. Buildings with a high range are able to cool
down at night so their heat gain is less during the day.
Solar Heat Gain Through Glass

When the sun shines through glass, heat is transferred

almost instantaneously into the space. Solar heat gain is
perhaps the biggest source of heat gain to a house. The
rate of gain depends on latitude, time of day and year,
window orientation, shading, type of glass and other
A simplified methodology based on use of heat transfer
multipliers (HTM) is presented in “ACCA Manual J”. An
HTM is defined as the amount of heat that flows through
one square foot of glass at a given temperature difference.
Solar heat gain is calculated by simply multiplying the area
by the HTM. The multipliers (see Table 4.7) take into
account the combined effect of radiation and conduction
through vertical glass for various exposures and skylights.
However, they do not take infiltration into account.

Table 4.7
Glass Heat Transfer Mutilpliers
( Cooling )
Single Pane Double Pane Triple Pane

Design Temp. Diff. 15 20 25 30 35 15 20 25 30 35 15 20 25 30 35


N 27 31 35 39 43 21 23 25 27 29 18 19 20 21 22
E and W 85 89 93 97 101 70 72 74 76 78 63 64 65 66 67
S 44 48 52 56 60 36 38 40 42 44 31 32 33 34 35

N 18 22 26 30 34 14 16 18 20 22 11 12 13 14 15
E and W 52 56 60 64 68 44 46 48 50 52 38 39 40 41 42
S 28 32 36 40 44 23 25 27 29 31 19 20 21 22 23

N 21 25 29 33 37 18 20 22 24 26 15 16 17 18 19
E and W 64 68 72 76 80 57 59 61 63 65 50 51 52 53 54
S 34 38 42 46 50 29 31 33 35 37 25 26 27 28 29
All Directions 27 31 35 39 43 21 23 25 27 29 18 19 20 21 22

Heat Gain From People and Equipment

The amount of heat and moisture people add to a space

depends on age, state of activity, environmental influences
and duration of occupance. Normally 300 Btu/h of
sensible load and 230 Btu/h of latent load (Note: this
includes an allowance for latent loads of appliances and
plumbing fixtures) is added for each person expected to
occupy the home (usually estimated as twice the number of
bedrooms). The heat gain from people should be added to
the load in the rooms that are occupied during peak load
conditions, such as the family room or dining room in
residences and meeting rooms in commercial buildings.
The most common heat producing equipment in the
conditioned space are those used in the kitchen for food
preparation. Normally only 1,200 Btu/h of sensible heat
gain is added to the load for the kitchen. Although kitchen
appliances actually have more output than 1,200 Btu/h,
this estimate is reasonable since they are not in use all of
the time.
Heat Gain Due to Infiltration

Infiltration adds both sensible and latent heat to the

cooling load for the house. The equation used to calculate
sensible heat gain due to infiltration is the same as that
used for heat loss, namely:
Q = l.l x CFM x T
where 1.1 = a constant
CFM = infiltration, in cu.ft./min.
T = outdoor/indoor temperature difference, or
design temperature differences
The value for infiltration (CFM) is calculated in the
same way that infiltration heat loss is calculated, except
that (Table 4.8) should be used to determine summer air
changes per hour.
When calculating infiltration latent heat gain, the value
GR is used. GR is the difference in moisture between the
outdoor and indoor design conditions. Table (4.3)
provides such information.

The following equation is used to calculate heat gain due
to infiltration:
Q = 0.68 x CFM x GR
where 0.68 = a constant
CFM = infiltration, cu.ft./min.
GR = design difference for outdoor/indoor
Latent heat gain due to infiltration load is calculated for
the entire house--not separately for each room because
single zone residential heat pumps cannot differentiate
latent capacity in different rooms.

Table 4.8 FLOOR 900 OR 900- 1500- OVER

Cooling AREA LESS 1500 2100 2100
Season Air
( Per Hour) Best 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2

Average 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4

Poor 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5

Heat Gain From Ducts

The only ducts which need to be considered for

estimating cooling load are those that are located in
unconditioned spaces. Duct heat gain varies depending on
duct size, shape, length, construction, insulation and other
factors. In general, however, ducts running through a
basement (whether insulated or uninsulated) have heat
gains of about 5 to 15 percent of the room’s total sensible
gain. Uninsulated ducts in attics and garages can have
heat gains as much as 30 percent of the total sensible heat
gain of the space that they service.
Many local codes and/or utilities require that ducts
located in unconditioned space or exposed to ambient
temperatures be insulated. Their recommendations should
be followed.

5 Air Distribution
The air distribution system makes possible the
circulation of the conditioned air from the heat pump to
the various rooms in the house and then back to the heat
pump. The system must be designed with consideration
for the heat pump’s capacity, sound level and quantity of
supplied air. The goal of an effective air distribution
system is to provide constant temperature and humidity
control throughout the house without noticeable air
stratification or air noise. This goal can be accomplished
best when the duct design is simple and direct, ensuring
both good performance and low cost.

It is very important that any building have adequate
ventilation. This ventilation may be natural, such as
infiltration, or mechanical. If a building was not
ventilated, there would be a buildup of carbon dioxide,
water vapor and various impurities such that a person may
become ill. Poor ventilation may result in respiratory
problems due to a buildup of dust and trace amounts of
gases and volatile organic vapors.
In the past fresh air entered the structure by infiltration.
In most residential applications there is no formal make-up
air system. Instead the infiltrated air is captured by the
return air system. However, it is better to collect and
clean this air than heat or cool it in order to provide
How much air is needed? This question is usually
answered in air rotations per hour and recommended fresh
air CFM’s.

Table 5.1
Recommended Air Rotations

Home 3-6 6-9

Office/Store 5-8 6-12
Public Assembly 5-10 6-12
Recommended Air Rotations For Various Types of Occupancies

General living areas
Basements, utility rooms
Mobile homes
Hotels, motels
Bedrooms (single, double)
Living rooms (suites)
Conference rooms (small)
Assembly rooms (large) Table 5.2
Required Fresh

Duct Design
Ducts are controlled air passages that work on the
principle of air pressure difference. The supply side
moves air by pressurizing it with the blower, but the
return air comes back by atmospheric pressure, it is for
this reason that return ducts should be equal to or up to 20
percent larger in cross sectional areas than supply ducts.
Sizing Methods
Equal Friction Method

Air conditioning and heating system ductwork is

generally designed by the equal friction method. This
method seeks the same pressure loss through each duct.
The friction loss of each component is added to arrive at
the total friction loss of run. Most heat pumps are
designed for a total resistance of 0.5 inches water column.
However, the unit itself accounts for 0.2 inch w.c.
leaving 0.3 inch w.c. of available external static pressure.
The supply register and return grill are assumed to have
0.03 inch w.c. each.
Total Resistance 0.50 inch w.c.
Unit Resistance 0.20
Avail. External Static Pres. 0.30
Supply & Return Grills 0.06
Total Design Static Pres. 0.24
The total design static pressure must then be divided
between the supply and return ducts. It is commonly
divided 60 percent for supply and 40 percent for return.
In order to increase efficiency, the designer might select a
total design static pressure of 0.20 inch w.c.
Total Return Static Pres. 0.08 inch w.c.
Total Supply Static Pres. 0.12
Total Design Static Pres. 0.20

Next, the supp ly and return duct runs are calculated in
terms of total effective length. The fittings are expressed
in terms of equivalent length of straight duct. The ducts
are sized to provide the total static pressure required. For
an example of this method, see Manual D, Duct Design
for Residential Equipment, Air Conditioning Contractors
of America.
Generally the velocity from supply registers should
range between 250 and 450 feet per minute. Return grills
should not exceed 600 cfm to prevent excessive noise.
Trunk ducts should terminate 6 inches from the wall to
allow room for expansion.
Table 5.3 Diffuser Air Flow

2 1/4 x 10 20 50
2 1/4 x 12 40 65
2 1/4 x 14 50 80
4x10 60 100
4x12 75 120
4x14 80 140
6x10 100 170

6 40 70
8 70 125
10 120 190
12 170 275

It is important to use care in designing ducts. A poorly
designed duct system will cause a GeoSource heat pump to
operate inefficiently. However, a well designed duct
system will cause customers to say it is the quietest, most
comfortable system they have ever had. There arc now
computer programs available which will help one design a
good duct system quickly.
Velocity Reduction Method

This method starts with a known velocity at the fan.

The ducts are sized to progressively lower the velocity at
each junction or branch of the trunk duct. For return air
the process again starts at the fan and progressively lowers
velocities. This method is seldom used for residential
Static Regain Method

This method is well suited for high velocity commercial

installations with long runs and many branches. The ducts
are designed so that the increase in static pressure at each
takeoff is equal to the pressure loss on the next section of
ductwork. Although this method makes balancing easier,
it also results in very large ducts at the end of long runs.
Constant Velocity Method

This method is used for exhaust systems carrying

particulates. These ducts should be designed by a trained
engineer. For information on this method consult the
“ASHRAE Handbook” 1981 Fundamentals.
Fire and Smoke Control

Commercial ductwork systems must consider fire and

smoke control. A trained engineer will provide for fire
and smoke control in ducts. For information on this
subject refer to the National Fire Protection Association
(NFPA) “Fire Protection Handbook”.

Heat Pump Volume

As a rule, GeoSource heat pumps move 350 to 450 cfm

per ton of unit capacity.
Types of Residual Duct Systems
There are four basic types of residential supply duct
systems: extended plenum, redwing extended plenum,
radial and perimeter.

Figure 5.1
Common Duct

Return air duct systems are either central or a number of

return grills in several rooms. Please note that return
grills are not located in kitchens or bathrooms because of
odors and germs.
Placement of Registers and Grills

Registers and grills should be placed so that stagnation

of the air in the room is avoided. Locate supply register
located on floor or outside wall and return grill low on
inside wall.

Air Balance and Noise Attenuation
Balancing is a manual technique in which the air flow to
each outlet is adjusted with hand dampers until the proper
quantity of conditioned air is supplied to each room.
When the ducts are not sired properly, extensive balancing
may be needed. Detailed information about air balancing
can be found in "ACCA Manual 6; Adjusting Air
Condition Systems". The system will run as quietly as
possible if the elbows and fittings are designed well.
Lining the duct will also lower the noise level. Duct liner
should be installed on either side of the unit, about six feet
long on each side. Lined elbows with turning vanes and
90 degree elbows also attenuate noise. To assure quiet
operation, the air velocities in main supply ducts should be
kept between 700-900 fpm, 600 fpm in branch ducts, and
500 fpm in branch risers. Flexible connections (using
canvas or neoprene connectors) are also necessary in order
to isolate equipment vibrations from metal duckwork.
Ductwork noise attenuation is especially crucial for
GeoSource Heat Pumps, since the compressor is located
indoors within the air handling unit. These systems should
use vibration dampening boots or fiberglass duct board
supply and return plenums to attenuate compressor and fan

6 Open System Design
(Well Water)
Water Requirements
The first step in pump sizing is to determine the amounts
of water needed. In the case of a house with a GeoSource
heat pump there are two separate needs, domestic water
(drinking) and heat pump water. A rule of thumb for
domestic water needs is 75 gallons per day per person or 1
gpm per outlet (Water Systems Council-WSC). The WSC
rule is based on peak demand rather than average need.
The amount of water required for the heat pump will range
from 1 l/2 - 2 gpm per ton of capacity. To determine the
heat pump’s water requirement consult the Engineering
There are two types of water well pumps which are
likely to be encountered when working with water source
heat pump applications. They are the jet pump and
submersible pump.
The jet pump is commonly used on driven sand point
wells and in areas where the water table is relatively close
to the surface. The jet pump operates by means of a water
venturi nozzle which it uses to help draw water up from
the well. While this method can be reasonably efficient at
shallow suction lifts ranging from 0 to 10 feet, the
efficiency of a jet pump is reduced as the suction lift
increases. The maximum suction lift on most jet pumps is
from 22 to 24 feet. While the jet pump is one of the most
inexpensive pumping systems to install, its use on
GeoSource heat pump applications should be limited to
areas where the water table is within 10 feet of the pump.
The stopwatch and 5-gallon pail are used to time the
flow of a known volume of water. Recording the time
required to fill a 5-gallon pail is an accurate, low-cost
method of measuring flows less than 20 gpm.
Commercial water meters can be mounted in line to record
the volume of water flow in one minute. Some of these
meters are accurate to within + 1 percent.

Pressure Tanks
The pressure tank is typically the only part of the water
well system inside the building. Whenever possible
GeoSource heat pump systems should be operated on the
diaphram or bladder type of pressure tank. Older style
galvanized, air charged water tanks which allow for
oxygen contact with the water can cause precipitation of
iron within the tank and plumbing system.
In serveral cases this iron precipitation can carry over into
the water heat exchangers of a GeoSource heat pump and
create a maintenance requirement.
The average life of a well pump is seven years, but that
will be shortened considerably if the pump is short cycled.
Short cycling occurs when the pump is started less than
one minute after it stopped. A pump will last longer
running constantly than starting and stopping. Therefore,
the pump in conjunction with the pressure tank should be
sized so that the pump will have a minimum off cycle of
one minute or more.
RULE OF THUMB: Choose a pressure tank with a
“drawdown” of 200% of heat pump flow.

Open System Piping

GeoSource heat pumps must have a uninterruptable
supply of water. When a well is supplying both domestic
needs and a GeoSource heat pump, the heat pump supply
pipe should be plumbed directly to the pressure tank.
Schedule 40 PVC or copper pipe is recommended for both
supply and return lines. 3/4 inch pipe can be used for
flow rates up to 8 gpm. Use 1 inch pipe for flow rates up
to 15 gpm.
Thermometer wells and isolation valves should be used
on both supply and discharge lines. On the discharge side
of the heat pump a flow control should be mounted next to
the heat pump, then a solenoid valve and flow meter.

Water Discharge
After the water flows through a GeoSource heat pump it
must go somewhere. Since this water is as safe and
sanitary as the water entering the heat pump there are no
health problems associated with disposal of this water.
Water flows through heat pumps in pipes under pressure
without contacting air. The only change to the water is a
change of temperature between 5F and 15F.
Return To Surface Water

A pond, lake or stream can be used to accept water

discharged from a GeoSource heat pump. When using a
pond or lake it is important to size the pipe large enough
to minimize friction loss and to lay it so that gravity will
flow the water to the pond, lake or stream. Be careful to
construct the discharge pipe so that it does not freeze in
the winter. Not only should the pipe be buried below the
frost line near the building, but also low enough to prevent
freezing at the edge of the pond.

Figure 6.1

A second disposal method is the drain field. This
method is practical in a porous soil such as sand but not in
clay. The drain field is essentially a trench in the ground
filled with gravel. Discharge water flows into the gravel
and then seeps through the sandy soil to the water table

7 Earth Loop Design
The earth loop in a GeoSource earth loop system is the
supply line of energy for the consumer’s heat pump.
Careful consideration must be given to its design,
materials and installation to assure the consumer years of
dependable, worry-free operation.
A completed GeoSource earth loop system will consist
of the heat pump equipment (including thermostat, etc.), a
series of buried pipes outside the building, an antifreeze
and water solution and a circulator pump to transfer the
fluid to and from the earth loop. The heat pump used with
an earth loop must be capable of operating efficiently and
provide a comfortable output temperature with inlet earth
loop temperatures down to 25F. The heat pump should be
safety certified by A.R.L., abide by Northland Heat Pump
Association (NHPA) standards and be certified to CSA
C446. The underground pipe buried outside must be
either a high density polybutylene or high density
polyethylene manufactured for earth loop applications and
tested by ASTM standards for such usage. This type of
pipe has been in service by both the gas and electric
utilities for many years and has an estimated life span of
over 200 years and normally carry 50 year warranties.

Loop Fabrication Practices

Heat Fusion

Heat fusion is the process in which plastic pipe

materials are aligned, cleaned or trimmed, heated to their
melting point, brought together, and allowed to cool to
For reliability, all underground piping joints must be
thermally fused rather than mechanically coupled.

1. Heat fusion joining results in a joint which is stronger
than the pipe itself.
2. The connection or joint is all plastic, eliminating
corrosion problems.
3. Industry standards (ASTM, PPI) recommend thermal
fusion for proper joining.
Training programs in the correct methods of heat fusing
are available from the manufacturers of pipe and fusion
machines, eg. Vanguard Plastics.
Methods of Heat Fusion

Socket Fusion Joining

In the socket fusion method, the two pipe ends are
joined by fusing each pipe end to a socket fitting. This
requires two heat fusion procedures for each joint.
Butt Fusion
The butt fusion procedure is where the two pipe ends are
simultaneously heated to a plastic state by a heater plate
and brought together to form the heat-fused joint. A
single heat fusion process is required to form the joint
between the two plastic pipe ends. The butt fusion process
is performed by using specially designed machines which
provide for securely holding the two pieces to be fused,
aligning them, trimming and squaring their ends, heating
the surfaces to be joined with a heater plate, and butting
them together while they remain in a plastic state which
produces a double rollback head.
Polyethylene is heat fused and joined using both butt and
socket procedures. Material grade, density, etc., will
determine if the particular grade can be fused with either
method. Some high-density polyethylene materials cannot
be socket fused.
Polybutylene in the sixes used in earth heat exchangers
is socket fused.
Both fusion procedures when properly done yield highly
reliable joints that are stronger than the pipe itself.

Antifreeze Solutions
Water. Water is the least expensive and most readily
available circulating fluid. Water has a relatively low
viscosity and high thermal conductivity which can yield
low frictional pressure drops and high heat transfers
The purity and softness of the water are important. The
presence of impurities, as ions or dissolved solids, can
play a significant role in scale build-up, heat exchanger
fouling, and pump maintenance and life in open systems.
This would not be a major concern in a closed earth loop
Table 7.1
Pure Water
Physical Pure Water Physical Properties

Temp Density Viscosity Thermal/Conductivity

(F) (lb/gal) (centipoise) (Btu/hr-ft-F)
32 8.344 1.789 0.327
40 8.344 1.550 0.332
50 8.339 1.310 0.338
60 8.334 1.200 0.344
70 8.338 0.979 0.349
80 8.311 0.860 0.355
90 8.303 0.764 0.360
100 8.287 0.682 0.364
110 8.267 0.616 0.368
Note: Specific heat = 1.000 Btu/lbm - F

Water would normally be the chosen earth loop
circulating fluid if it were not for its following two
1. Water has a relatively high freezing point of 32F.
2. Water expands upon freezing.
These two disadvantages eliminate water from being the
chosen earth loop circulating fluid in northern climates. A
fluid with a lower freezing point must be chosen.
Table 7.1 states pure water density, viscosity, and thermal
conductivity at various temperatures. Water’s specific
heat can be taken to be 1.000 Btu/(lbm-F).
Table 7.2
Methanol Solution Physical Properties

Mean Temperature, F 25 30 35 40
Freezing Point, F 15 20 25 30
Weight % Methanol 13.6 10.0 6.3 2.0
Methanol Mass (l), lbm 131.6 92.7 56.1 17.0
Methanol Volume (2), gal 19.41 13.63 8.29 2.53
Specific Gravity, SG t/59 0.813 0.815 0.811 0.807
Density, lb/gal 8.180 7.546 8.254 8.257
Specific Heat 1.01 1.02 1.025 1.02
Btu/lbm - F
Viscosity, Centipoise 3.30 2.70 2.15 1.60
Thermal Conductivity 0.286 0.296 0.310 0.324
Btu/hr - ft - F
NOTE: (1) Pounds mass of pure methanol needed per 100 gallons of
pure water.
(2) Gallons of pure methanol needed per 100 gallons of
pure water.

Methyl Alcohol (Methanol)
Methyl alcohol, sometimes referred to as a methanol
has been widely used as an antifreeze. Methanol in water
offers low cost, low corrosivity, low viscosity, and good
thermal conductivity. Methanol water offers relatively
low frictional pressure drops and relatively high heat
transfer coefficients. Methanol, however, presents the
disadvantages of high volatility, high flammability, and
high toxicity. Pure methanol has a flash point of 54°F to
60°F. Table 7.2 gives pertinent data for methanol waters
at 25°F, 30°F, 35°F, and 40°F.
Propylene Glycol

Propylene glycol, which is nontoxic, can offer low

corrosivity and low volatility, and presents a low
flammability hazard. However, propylene glycol yields
more viscous solutions.
A reasonable lower limit threshold would be a
maximum 25% mixture by volume and operating above
25F. Lower operating temperatures and/or higher
concentrations of propylene glycol are not economical
when the energy required to pump the fluid and maintain
turbulent flow under those conditions is considered.
In order to obtain good heat transfer within the buried
pipe system the calculated Reynolds number should not
fall below 2500. Table 7.3 gives pertinent propylene
glycol properties at 25°F, 30°F, 35°F, and 40°F.
GS4 (Potassium Acetate)
GS4 is a result of the GeoSource industry searching for
a better antifreeze. It has all the positive benefits of
methanol but is safe like propylene glycol. It yields
exceptional efficiency. It is nontoxic, nonflamable and is
biodegradable. A mixture of 30% GS4 allows good
corrosion resistance and will be freeze protected to 15°F.

Table 7.3
Propylene Glycol Solution
Physical Properties

Mean Temperature,F 25 30 35 40
Freezing Point, F 15 20 25 30
Weight % Glycol 23.5 18.3 12.9 5.9
Glycol Mass (1), Ibm 256 187 124 52
Glycol Volume (2) gal 29.9 22.0 14.7 6.2

Specific Gravity, SG t/59 1.025 1.018 1.013 1.006

Density, lb/gal 8.55 8.49 8.45 8.39

Specific Heat 0.96 0.97 0.98 0.99
Btu/lbm - F

Viscosity, Centipoise 5.3 4.4 4.0 3.7

Thermal Conductivity 0.225 0.236 0.25 0.275
Btu/hr - ft - F
NOTE: (1) Pounds mass of pure Glycol needed per 100 gallons of
pure water.
(2) Gallons of pure Glycol needed per 100 gallons of
pure water.

Loop Design and Sizing

As discussed in previous chapters, earth loops are
installed either vertically or horizontally, either with a well
drilling rig or a trencher or backhoe. A determination
must now be made on the amount of pipe to be buried that

will conduct the proper amount of energy to and from the
surrounding earth. See Estimating Earth Loop Heat
Transfer, page 66. Much research has been conducted on
this subject and “bottom line” numbers are available to us
making size selection simple. The following table indicates
the requirements needed for a selected zone.
Table 7.4
Required Earth Loop Lengths

170 30
200 32

1 5 500 30
1 6 500 32
2 4,6 550 30
2 5,7 550 32

RULE OF THUMB. Parallel flow circuits connected to a

reverse return reducing header.
RULE OF THUMB. One circuit per ton of heat pump
capacity -or- if greater utilize a pump bypass valve to
allow additional flow to the earth loop.
RULE OF THUMB. Maintain each loop circuit length to
be within 5% of all circuit lengths.

Pumping Requirements
Heat Pump

Although 3 GPM per ton of heat pump capacity is an

exceptable rule of thumb, consideration must be given to
check performance tables for proper GPM requirements
and corresponding pressure drops.

Table 7.5
Minimum Nominal Water Propylene Methanol
Flow in Pipe Size @ Glycol-20% 20%
Pipe for (Pipe ID) 40F @ 25F @ 25F
PB (SDR-13.5, CTS)

1" (0.957) 1.2 3.9 2.7

1 l/4” (1.171) 1.4 4.7 4.9
1 1/2 (1.385) 1.7 5.6 3.9
2" (1.811) 2.2 7.3 5.1

PE (SDR-11)

3/4" (0.86 ) 1.1 3.4 2.4

1" (1.077) 1.3 4.4 3.1
1 1/4" (1.385) 1.7 5.5 3.9
1 1/2" (11.554) 1.9 6.3 4.4
2 (1.943) 2.4 7.9 5.5

PE (SCH 40)

3/4 (0.824) 1.0 3.3 2.3

1" (1.049) 1.3 4.2 3.0
1 1/4” (1.380) 1.7 5.6 3.9
1 1/2" (1.610) 2.0 6.5 4.6
2" (2.067) 2.5 8.4 5.9

Earth Loop
Determining heat pump flow requirement is simple since
data is supplied in the Engineering Specifications;
however, you must on your own design the earth loop
flow rate for optimum performance. One guideline that is
available is Reynolds number requirements, a number
established to provide optimum heat transfer between the
earth and loop fluid. Table 7.5 outlines required flows to
maintain a Reynolds number greater than 2500 which is
required for turbulent flow and proper heat transfer.
If these flows are not maintained “lazy loops” will
develop, causing lower than desired loop temperatures.

Figure 7.1
Recommended Piping For Proper Purging and System Flow

Determining Pressure Drop
Figures 7.2 and 7.3 Pressure drop is the result of fluid flow through a pipe
Vertical and Horizontal due to frictional losses between the fluid and pipe surface.
Earth Loops Pressure drop must be calculated in order to properly size
the circulator pump. Determine the pressure drop as
Pressure Drop of Heat Pump
Pressure Drop of Internal Piping and
Pressure Drop of Earth Loop
= System Pressure Drop
With the presence of antifreeze in the system the fluid
viscosity increases and a correction factor must be applied
to determine actual system pressure drop as follows:
System Pressure Drop
Correction Factor
= Actual System Pressure Drop

Correction Factors: Water 1.00

Methanol/GS4 1.25
Propylene Glycol 1.36

Sizing Pump
Now that water flow requirements and system pressure
drops have been determined a circulator pump can be
selected. Choose the proper PumpPAK or request a pump
that will supply the required water flow rate at the
calculated actual system pressure drop (Head).

Table 7.6
Pipe Tubing Size: 1” 1 1/4” 1 1/2” 2”
Drop Tubing ID in.: 0.957 1.171 1.385 1.811
(Head Loss)
Polybutylene Flow Rate Hd Ls Hd Ls Hd Ls Hd Ls
GPM /1OOFt 1100 Ft /1OOFt /100 Ft
1” 1 1/4” 1 1/2” 2”
2 0.44 0.16 0.07
3 0.93 0.35 0.15
4 1.58 0.59 0.26 0.07
5 2.39 0.90 0.40 0.11
6 3.35 1.26 0.55 0.15
7 4.46 1.67 0.74 0.20
8 5.71 2.14 0.94 0.26
9 7.10 2.66 1.18 0.32
10 8.63 3.23 1.43 0.39
12 12.09 4.53 2.00 0.54
15 18.26 6.84 3.02 0.82
18 25.59 9.59 4.24 1.15
21 34.03 12.75 5.63 1.53
24 43.57 16.32 7.21 1.96
27 20.29 8.97 2.43
30 24.66 10.90 2.96
35 32.80 14.50 3.93
40 41.99 18.56 5.03
45 23.07 6.26

System Purging
The GeoSource heat pump and pumping unit is
connected to the earth heat exchanger as shown in Figure
7.4 Before operating the system, the following procedural
and verification checks must be made to ensure the system
will perform properly and as designed:
1. flushing debris from the earth loop
2. purging air from the earth loop
3. verifying earth loop design (pressure/flow)
4. checking for possible flow blockage if design
verification does not check
5. charging earth loop with antifreeze
6. pressurizing the earth loop

Figure 7.4
Heat Pump,
Earth Loop,

Flushing Debris
Before operating the system, it must be flushed with
water to remove any debris possibly trapped inside during
fabrication. This debris may include dirt, pipe shavings,
or other foreign objects. While a small amount of dirt
may not be harmful to the piping system, bearings in
circulating pumps can be damaged by particulates.
Taping or fusing on end caps to the pipe’s ends before it is
placed in the trench will help minimize contamination. If
individual loops have been flushed and pressure tested, it
is recommended that a permanent seal (such as a fused end
cap) be used to ensure nothing can inadvertently enter the

Purging Air
In addition to flushing any debris, it is also is necessary
to purge the system of any air trapped. Failure to do this
can biodegradable the GS4 fluid and corrode the metallic
components in the circulating system, causing their
eventual failure.
Under certain circumstances, excessive air in the system
may block water flow in some branches of a parallel
ground heat exchanger system. For example, air trapped
at the top of one of several vertical ground heat exchanger
loops may cause an air column that will prevent flow
through the loop when low power flushing is used. In this
case, the fluid in the loop will not circulate, and the flow
will be restricted to the remaining vertical loops which are
air-free. A similar flow blockage due to air also could
exist if a horizontal installation is laid at a constant depth
in sloping terrain. In this case, elevation changes may
result in greater pressure heads than can be overcome by
the circulating pump. If sufficient flushing power is used,
the air will be removed in all cases.

Figure 7.5

A flow velocity of 2ft/sec in a piping system will

completely remove any trapped air in the system. In
parallel systems, the required flow rate for air purging in
each parallel loop and each section of the header system
should be checked to satisfy the flow velocity condition.
Recall that the header flow rate decreases as the flow is
branched down each parallel loop.
During normal heat pump operating conditions, the
header flow (Figure 7.5) at the first loop is 9 GPM
(assuming 3 GPM/ton); between the first and second is
GPM the third loop, 3 GPM. The typical circulating
pump designed for normal heat pump operation is not
capable of removing all trapped air. To remove the air, a
fluid velocity of 2ft/sec in each branch must be maintained
during air purging.
Table 7.7 shows the required flow head (GPM). to give a
velocity of 2ft/sec for a number of typical pipe sizes used
in earth loops.
The required flushing flow rate is determined by the
number of loops beyond the header end. If a single loop
is attached at the header end, the flow rate at the header
end must flow through the end loop.

Table 7.7
System Purging Flow Rate (GPM) Required for Debris Flushing and Air
Flow Rates Purging to Give an Average Velocity of 2 FPS in Pipe.

Nominal Pipe Sizing Pipe ID Flow Rate

( inches) (inches) (GPM)

Polybutylene, SDR- 13.5, CTS

1 0.957 4.5
1 l/4 1.171 6.7
1 l/2 1.385 9.4
2 1.811 16.1

Polyethylene, SCH 40
3/4 0.860 4.3
1 1.077 5.7
1 l/4 1.358 9.0
1 l/2 1.554 11.8
2 1.943 18.4

Final Step

Once all debris and air has been flushed and purged from the system and
steps 3 and 4 on page 62 are completed the system is now ready to be charged
with antifreeze and pressurized. After adding the proper amount of antifreeze
chosen, a freeze point check must be made. The solution must be freeze
protected to 15°F. Adjustments to add or subtract antifreeze are now made to
assure adequate freeze protection and proper viscosity of the system. The

system pump is now operated and a check of the suction side
pressure gauge on the pump is made.
Pressurize the system by adding the correctly mixed
solution until there is a positive (5 PSIG) reading on the
gauge. The system is now complete.

Estimating Earth Loop Heat Transfer

Information Needed to Calculate Heat Transfer to and from
the Earth.

* Soil Temperature at desired depth

Lowest (Winter) = TL
Highest (Summer) = TH
* Soil “U” Value (l/Resistance of Soil + Resistance of
Varies with Soil Composition
Varies with Run Time

* Heat Pump Capacity and C.O.P. decline as loop

becomes colder in the wintertime and capacity and E.E.R.
also decline as loop becomes warmer in the summertime.
Capacity, C.O.P. and E.E.R. at various loop temperatures
can be found in the Engineering Specifications.

Determining Soil Temperatures

Wintertime Lowest Temperature (TL)

TL = TM - AS x e [-Xs (Pi/365d ]
Summertime Highest Temperature (TH)

TH = TM + As x e [-Xs (Pi/365d 1/2]

Where TM = Mean Earth Temperature, °F

AS = Annual Surface Soil Temperature swing, °F

XS = Soil Depth, Feet
d = Soil Thermal Diffusivity, ft /day
and d for various soils equals:
Soil d (Pi/365d)

Dry Loam .26 .182

Damp Loam .35 .157
Dry Sand .48 .134
Dry Clay .60 .120
Saturated Sand .75 .107
Damp Clay .84 .101

TL and TH with dry clay in zones 1-4 @ 5 feet

1 43 31 26 60
2 47 29 31 63
3 50 28 35 65
4 52 28 37 67
TL and TH with dry clay in zones 1-4 @ 6 feet


1 43 31 28 58
2 47 29 33 61
3 50 28 36 64
4 52 28 38 66
TL and TH with dry clay zones 1-4 @ 7 feet


1 43 31 30 56
2 47 29 34 60
3 50 28 38 62
4 52 28 40 64

Estimating Soil "U" Value

Soil Type Run Time 100% 90% 80% 70%

Damp Clay 2.1 2.3 2.5 2.7
Saturated Sand 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6
Dry Clay 1.8 1.9 2.1 2.3
Dry Sand 1.5 1.6 1.8 2.0
Damp Loam 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4
Dry Loam 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.9

Calculating Lap Length

Heating Capacity x (C.O.P.-1/C.O.P.)

Where: THD = TL- TMINA

T M I N A = TMIN - [Heating Capacity x (C.O.P.-l/C.O.P.)/(GPMx1000)]
Cooling Capacity x (E.E.R. + 3.412/E.E.R.)
U x TcD

Where: T C D= TM A X A - TH

T MAXA = TMAX+[Cooling Capacityx(E.E.R. + 3.412/E.E.R.)/(GPMxl000)]

Figure 7.6
Zone Map

8 System Design and
Selecting a System
Before sizing the proper GeoSource heat pump a survey
of the consumers needs must be made. You will need to
1. Structure heat loss and heat gain.
2. Well water or earth loop system.
3. Forced air or hydronic.
4. If cooling is desired.
5. Domestic hot water needs.
In any GeoSource application a decision must be made,
how best to extract stored thermal energy from the earth.
Applications where well water is available and discharge
to a lake, pond, stream or low lying area is convenient an
open system is a excellent choice.
Where supply water or suitable discharge is not
available, a horizontal earth loop, or a slinky loop is an
If space is at a premium a verticle earth loop system can
be installed in a very small area making it a excellent
choice for systems restricted by space.

Sizing the Heat Pump


In residential application in the Northern climates there

is little question that a GeoSource heat pump should be
sized to 100% of the heating load. Although some
nationally recognized HVAC organizations recommend
that heat pump sizing to accommodate the heating load be
limited to 125% of the cooling load, a growing body of
experience with GeoSource heat pumps have shown that
sizing to the heat load and over sizing cooling as much as

200% will enhance the economics of winter time
operating by reducing or eliminating the need for
supplemental electric heat, and still offer excellent
dehumidification in the summer time. This is due to the
variable capacity cooling of the GeoSource’s high density
air coil.
When sizing commercial applications care must be
taken. Often cooling load can exceed heating load. A
GeoSource system should be sized by heating or cooling
load which ever is the largest.
Entering Water
When sizing to a structures heating and cooling loads
you must size the heat pump according to the entering
water temperature. Well water systems generally supply a
constant 50 degrees entering water temperature, where as
a earth loop system sized will supply 25-30 degrees
entering water temperature.
Model GV421-l-T000
Entering Water Temperature Capacity (BTUH)
25°F 36,800
50°F 42,000
Model GV491-l-T000
Engineering Water Temperature Capacity (BTUH)
25°F 41,200
50°F 50,800
Using the above table, a structure requiring 41,000 BTUH
on a well water application the model GV421-1-T000
would be adequate. If the same structure was installed as
a earth loop it would be necessary to use model

9 Maintenance
GeoSource heat pumps are extremely well constructed
and reliable. Aware of the dependability of GeoSource
heat pumps, extended warranties, and long term service
contracts are readily available. With proper maintenance,
GeoSource heat pumps can have a long and trouble free
Basic maintenance is much like all mechanical
equipment, they perform best when they are faithfully
maintained. Basic maintenance tasks include equipment
inspections and routine cleaning.

Filter Inspection

Throw-away fiberglass filters that are commonly used

with heat pumps should be inspected every three months
and changed as follows:
1. Turn the heat-cool thermostat switch to OFF and the
fan switch to AUTO.
2. If the fan continues to run, wait until it turns off.
3. Change or clean filter, depending on filter type.
Newer types of commercial zig-zag high efficiency
filters which are now available for residential applications
require less frequent maintenance. Typically, the filtering
media needs to be replaced only once per year.

Pre-Season Inspection
Before each season, the cooling coil, drain pan and
condensate drain should be inspected and cleaned as
1. Turn off circuit breakers.
2. Remove the coil access panel.
3. Clean coil by vacuuming it with a soft-brush
4. Remove any foreign matter from the drain pan.
5. Flush pan and drain tube with clear water.

Fan Motor Lubrication
Fan motors should be lubricated every three years or in
accordance with motor manufacturer instructions as
1. Locate oiling holes at each end of the fan motor.
2. Lubricate with 16 drops per hold of SAE 10
nondetergent oil.

Return Air Grille Inspection

Return air grilles should be examined periodically to
ensure that no furniture, rugs, etc. are blocking air flow
into the home.

10 Glossary
Ambient Air
The surrounding air.
Air Changes Per Hour:
Airflow quantity, expressed as the number of times per
hour the volume of the house is exchanged with outside
Air Flow:
The distribution or movement of air.
Air Source Heat Pump:
A heat pump that uses as its heat /sink.
Balance Point:
The temperature above which the heat pump can provide
enough heat for the home without the use of supplemental
British Thermal Unit: (Btu)
A heat unit equal to the amount of heat required to raise
one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit.
Coefficient of Performance:
A ratio calculated by dividing the total heating capacity
(Btuh) by the total electrical input (watts) x 3.413.
Degree Day:
A measure of the severity and duration of an outdoor
temperature deviation above or below a fixed temperature
(65F), used in estimating the heating or cooling
requirement and fuel consumption of a building for either
summer or winter conditions.
Design temperature, Summer:
A specific temperature used in calculating the cooling load
of a building. The summer design temperature is typically
the outdoor air temperature that is exceeded 2.5% or 5%
of the time.

Design Temperature, Winter:
A specific temperature used in calculating the heating load
of a building. The winter design temperature is typically
the outdoor temperature that is exceeded 97.5% or 95% of
the time.
A device for recovering superheat from the compressor
discharge gas of a heat pump for use in heating or
preheating water.
Energy Efficiency Ratio: (EER)
A ratio calculated dividing the cooling capacity in Btuh by
the power input in watts at any given set of rating
conditions, expressed in Btuh per watt.
A device to remove solid dust and other particles from the
Free Area
The total minimum area of the openings in the air outlet or
inlet through which air can pass.
GeoSource Heat Pump:
A heat pump that uses the earth itself as a heat source and
heat sink. It is coupled to the ground by means of a earth
loop heat exchanger (ground coil) installed horizontally or
vertically under ground.
A form of energy. Heat exists in a substance down to
approximately -460F.
Heat Gains:
As applied to HVAC calculations, it is that amount of heat
gained by a space from all sources, including people,
lights, machines, sunshine, etc. The total heat gain
represents the amount of heat that must by removed from a
space to maintain indoor comfort conditions.

Heat Joining:
Making a joint by heating the mating surfaces of the pipe
components to be joined and pressing them together so
that they fuse and become essentially one piece.
Heat Loss:
The sum cooling effect of the building structure when the
outdoor temperature is lower than the desired indoor
temperature. It represents the amount of heat that must be
provided to a space to maintain indoor comfort conditions.
Heat, Latent:
The quantity of heat required to effect a change in state.
Heat Pump:
A mechanical device used for heating and cooling which
operates by pumping heat from a cooler to warmer
location. Heat pumps can draw heat from a number of
sources, e.g., air, water, or earth, and are classified as
either air-source, water-source, or ground-source units.
Heat, Sensible:
Heat that results in a temperature change but no change in
Heat Sink:
The thermal reservoir to which energy can be added
through heat transfer.
Heat Source:
The thermal reservoir from which energy is withdrawn
through heat transfer.
Heating Season Performance Factor: (HSPF)
Total heating output of a heat pump during its normal
annual usage period for heating divided by the total
electric power input during the same period. Expressed in
Humidity, Relative:
A measurement indicating moisture content of air.
Heating, ventilating, and air conditioning.

A heating or cooling distribution system using liquid piped
throughout the building to radiators, convertors or floor
The process by which outdoor air leaks into a building by
natural forces through cracks around doors and windows,
Joint, Socket-Fused:
A joint in which the two pieces to be heat fused are
connected using a third fitting or coupling with a female
Life-Cycle Costing:
A method of analyzing the cost of HVAC systems that
considers all the significant costs of ownership, including
the time value of money, initial capital investment, energy
costs and maintenance costs over the service life of each
system under consideration.
Natural Convection Currents:
Air currents created by a buoyancy effect caused by the
difference in temperature between the room air and the air
in contact with a warm or cold surface.
Night setback
Setting the thermostat lower (in heating) at night to reduce
the heat loss.
Outlet Velocity:
The average velocity of the supply air, measured as it
passes through the plane of the opening in the supply
Performance Factor:
The ratio of useful output capacity of a system to the input
required to obtain it. Units of capacity and input need not
be consistent.

Purge Pump:
A high-pressure and high-flow-rate pump used to flush air
and debris from the earth loop circuit of a earth
loop/GeoSource heat pump system.
The resistance to heat flow expressed in units of Sq. Ft.
hour Degree F/Btu.
A fluid of extremely low boiling point used to transfer
heat between the heat source and heat sink. It absorbs
heat at low temperature and low pressure and rejects heat
at a higher temperature and higher pressure, usually
involving changes of state in the fluid (i.e., from liquid to
vapor and back).
A grille which is equipped with a damper or control valve,
and which directs air in a non-spreading jet.
Any opening through which air is removed from a
conditioned space.
Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER):
A measure of seasonal cooling efficiency under a range of
weather conditions assumed to be typical of location, as
well as of performance losses due to cycling under
par-load operation.
Simple Payback Method:
A method for analyzing the cost of HVAC systems which
considers only the time it takes for annual energy and
maintenance cost savings to offset an initial difference in
cost between two systems.
Supplemental Heating:
A backup heating system used when a heat pump is
operating below the balance point usually electric
resistance heat, but natural gas, LPG, or oil heating
systems are also used.

A quantity of heat equivalent to 100,000 Btu.
An instrumen t that responds to changes in sensible air
temperature, and which is used to directly or indirectly
control indoor temperature.
Throw (Blow):
The horizontal distance an air stream travels after leaving
a horizontal sidewall outlet before the maximum velocity
is reduced to the terminal velocity. For a perimeter outlet,
throw is the vertical distance the air stream travels before
the maximum velocity is reduced to the terminal velocity.
Ton of Refrigeration:
A measure of cooling delivered by a heat pump (or other
air conditioning system) equal to 12,000 Btu per hour.
A prefabricated close-return pipe assembly used in vertical
heat exchangers to connect the two pipes at the bottom of
the bore hole.
Water-Source Heat Pump:
A heat pump that uses a water-to-refrigerant heat
exchanger to extract heat from a boiler source and reject
heat to a cooling tower.

Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA)
ASHRAE Handbook, 1985 Fundamentals (ASHRAE)
Chemical Engineers’ Handbook
Closed-Loop/Ground Source Heat Pump Systems
Installation Guide (IGSHPA, OSU, NRECA)
Falk Bros. Well Drilling, Hankinson North Dakota
Installation and Operation Guide (Econar)
Installation Guide, Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning
Contractors (SMACNA)
Manual of Acceptable Practices for Installation of
Residential Earth-Loop Heat Pump Systems (NMPC,
Manual J (ACCA)
Modem Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (Ahhouse,
Turnquist, and Bracciano)
Residential Heat Pump Training and Reference Manual
Socket Heat Fusion Techniques (Vanguard Plastics)
The BOCA Basic Mechanical Code, Third Edition
The Remarkable Ground Source Heat Pump (NHPA)
Water Source Heat Pump Handbook (R. Dexheimer)

Table 4.6
Equivalent Cooling Load
Temperature Difference


1. Frame & veneer-on-frame 17.6 13.6 22.6 18.6 13.6 27.6 23.6 18.6 28.6 23.6 28.6 33.6
2. Masonry walls, &in.
block or brick 10.3 6.3 15.3 11.3 6.3 20.3 16.3 11.3 21.3 16.3 21.3 26.3
3. Partitions, frame 9.0 5.0 4.0 10.0 5.0 19.0 15.0 10.0 20.0 15.0 20.0 25.0
masonry 2.5 0 7.5 3.5 0 12.5 8.5 3.5 13.5 8.5 13.5 18.5
4. Wood doors 17.6 13.6 22.6 18.6 13.6 27.6 23.6 18.6 28.6 23.6 28.6 33.6
1. Ceilings under naturally
vented attic or vented
flat roof - dark 36.0 34.0 43.0 39.0 34.0 48.0 44.0 39.0 19.0 44.0 49.0 54.0
- light 30.0 26.0 35.0 31.0 26.0 40.0 36.0 31.0 41.0 36.0 41.0 46.0
2. Built-up roof, no
ceiling - dark 38.0 34.0 43.0 39.0 34.0 48.0 44.0 39.0 49.0 44.0 49.0 54.0
- light 30.0 26.0 35.0 31.0 26.0 40.0 36.0 31.0 41.0 36.0 41.0 46.0
3. Ceilings under
unconditioned rooms 9.0 5.0 14.0 10.0 5.0 19.0 15.0 10.0 20.0 15.0 20.0 25.0
1. Over unconditioned rooms 9 5.0 14.0 10.0 5.0 19.0 15.0 10.0 20.0 15.0 20.0 25.0
2. Over basement, enclosed
crawl space or concrete
slab on the ground 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3. Over open crawl space 9.0 5.0 4.0 10.0 5.0 9.0 15.0 10.0 20.0 15.0 20.0 25.0


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