Gs Present Continuous - Exercises
Gs Present Continuous - Exercises
Gs Present Continuous - Exercises
1. We use the present continuous for permanent states or situations. True False
3. We often use the present continuous for things happening right now. True False
4. We can use the present continuous for future arrangements. True False
5. We can use the present continuous with all verbs. True False
6. Some verbs – for talking about emotions, thinking, the senses, etc. –
True False
cannot be used in the continuous form.
7. Sometimes the spelling of the infinitive form changes when we add -ing. True False
1. a. The TV no is working.
b. The TV is not working.
c. The TV is not works.
Sometimes, because now I am living without my parents here in Barranquilla. I am studding architecture
and I am working as freelance. So, I need to do the chores while I am washing my clothes on weekends or
maybe while am I’m cooking my lunch.
What are you doing now, apart from practising your English?
Now I am thinking about to the trip that my host and her family are planning for this weekend and now I am
eating cereal with peach yogurt like dinner and thas all.