Pathbuilder 2e - Kadira Weapon
Pathbuilder 2e - Kadira Weapon
Pathbuilder 2e - Kadira Weapon
Silver (Low-Grade)
Silver (Low-Grade)
3rd Party
Weapon Traits
3rd Party
This 3rd Party item was not published by Paizo and you should check with your GM before selecting it.
You can use your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier on attack rolls using this melee weapon. You still use your
Strength modifier when calculating damage.
Attacks with this weapon are nonlethal, and are used to knock creatures unconscious instead of kill them. You can use a nonlethal
weapon to make a lethal attack with a -2 circumstance penalty.
You can throw this weapon as a ranged attack, and it is a ranged weapon when thrown. A thrown weapon adds your Strength modifier
to damage just like a melee weapon does. When this trait appears on a melee weapon, it also includes the range increment. Ranged
weapons with this trait use the range increment specified in the weapon's Range entry.
An unarmed attack uses your body rather than a manufactured weapon. An unarmed attack isn't a weapon, though it's categorized with
weapons for weapon groups, and it might have weapon traits. Since it's part of your body, an unarmed attack can't be Disarmed. It also
doesn't take up a hand, though a fist or other grasping appendage generally works like a free-hand weapon.
A versatile weapon can be used to deal a different type of damage than that listed in the Damage entry. This trait indicates the
alternate damage type. For instance, a piercing weapon that is versatile S can be used to deal piercing or slashing damage. You choose
the damage type each time you make an attack.
Weapon Descriptions
Shortsword of Wounding
Activate [reaction] Once per turn, when you hit a creature with an attack using this magic weapon, you can wound the target. At the
start of each of the wounded creature's turns, it takes 1d4 necrotic damage for each time you've wounded it, and it can then make a DC
18 Fortitute saving throw, ending the effect of all such wounds on itself on a success. Alternatively, the wounded creature, or a creature
within 5 feet of it, can use an action to make a DC 18 Medicine check, ending the effect of such wounds on it on a success.
Critical Specialization: The target is made off-balance by your attack, becoming flat-footed until the start of your next turn.
The rapier is a long and thin piercing blade with a basket hilt. It is prized among many as a dueling weapon.
Critical Specialization: The target is made off-balance by your attack, becoming flat-footed until the start of your next turn.
This small, bladed weapon is held in one hand and used to stab a creature in close combat. It can also be thrown.
Critical Specialization: The target takes 1d6 persistent bleed damage. You gain an item bonus to this bleed damage equal to the
weapon’s item bonus to attack rolls. 2/3
30/7/23, 0:36 Pathbuilder 2e
Critical Specialization: The target must succeed at a Fortitude save or be slowed 1 until the end of your next turn.
Hand Crossbow
Price 3gp; Bulk 0.1; Hands 1; Group Bow; Range 60 ft.; Reload 1
Proficiency: Simple Weapons
Sometimes referred to as an alley bow by rogues or ruffians, this small crossbow fires small bolts that are sometimes used to deliver
poison to the target. It's small enough to be shot one-handed, but it still requires two hands to load.
Critical Specialization: If the target of the critical hit is adjacent to a surface, it gets stuck to that surface by the missile. The target is
immobile and must spend an Interact action to attempt a DC 10 Athletics check to pull the missile free before it can move from its
space. The creature doesn’t become stuck if it’s incorporeal, liquid (like a water elemental or some oozes), or could otherwise escape
without effort. 3/3