24 Scarf in Lana Grossa Ecopuno Downloadable PDF - 2
24 Scarf in Lana Grossa Ecopuno Downloadable PDF - 2
24 Scarf in Lana Grossa Ecopuno Downloadable PDF - 2
Materials: Lana Grossa Ecopuno (72% cotton, 17% Merino Gauge: 22 sts and 30 rows = 10 x 10 cm in St st on size 4
wool, 11% baby alpaca; 215 m/50 g). Size 4 mm needles. mm needles.
Version 1: 50 g each in A = Green (col 41), B = Light Green
(col 20), C = Yellow Green (col 3), D = Pastel Green (col 38) Scarf: With size 4 mm needles and color A for desired ver-
and E = Turquoise (col 28). sion, cast on 117 sts. Beg with a WS row work in St st until
Version 2: 50 g each in A = Salmon (col 39), B = Jaffa color A is used up. Cont in St st and use up remaining colors
Orange (col 5), C = Greige (col 18), D = Lilac (col 8) and E = B, C, D and E. Always join new color at beg or end of row.
Peach (col 7). Bind off all sts after color E.
Version 3: 50 g each in A = Purple (col 30), B = Carnation
(col 21), C = Berry (col 40), D = Light Blue (col 13) and E = Finishing: Carefully weave in all ends. Pin piece to measure-
Khaki (col 27). ments and block.
Version 4: 50 g each in A = Petrol (col 12), B = Marine (col
10), C = Turquoise Blue (col 29), D = Light Grey (col 14) and
E = Blue (col 42).
Version 5: 50 g each in A = Yellow (col 4), B = Yellow Green
(col 3), C = Red Orange (col 34), D = Brown Red (col 31)
and E = Camel (col 32).
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Tücher & Co. 04
Gauge Swatch
Before you begin …
…make a gauge swatch. Use the recommended needles, yarns
and pattern stitch for your gauge swatch. It should measure
approx. 12 cm x 12 cm. Cast-on and bind-off rows, as well as
selvage stitches should not be included in the measurement.
Pin your swatch and block it as you would the finished pieces
of the garment. Count stitches and rows over 10 cm. If your
gauge swatch is too small, switch to larger needles. If your
gauge swatch is too big, switch to smaller needles.
beg = begin(ning) · ch = chain · cont = continue · dec = decreas(e)(ing) · inc = increas(e)(ing) · k = knit · kwise = as if to knit
meas = measures · M1L = lift strand between sts from front to back and knit this strand through the back loop · M1R = lift
strand between sts from the back and knit this strand through the front loop · patt = pattern · pm = place marker · p = purl
pwise = as if to purl · rem = remain(ing) · rep = repeat(s) · rev St st = reverse stockinette stitch · rnd(s) = round(s) · RS =
right side · sc = single crochet · skp = slip 1 stitch as if to knit, knit 1 stitch, pass slipped stitch over knitted stitch · sk2p = slip
1 stitch as if to knit, knit 2 together, pass slipped stitch over knitted stitch · s2kp = slip 2 stitches as if to knit, k 1 stitch, pass
slipped stitches over knitted stitch · sl = slip · st(s) = stitch(es) · St st = stockinette stitch · tbl = through the back loop · tog =
together · wyib = with yarn in back of work · wyif = with yarn in front of work · WS = wrong side · yo(s) = yarn over(s)
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© No material herein may be reproduced in any form by any means without the express written consent of the publisher.