Bio6B Manual W19

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Biology 6B

Cellular & Molecular Biology

Bruce Heyer
De Anza College
Winter 2019
Winter 2019
BIOL-6B: Cell & Molecular Biology
Course Vyllabus, schedule, lecture slides, and lab supplements available from the course website:
Email: heyerbruce @ Phone: (408) 864–8933
Instructor: Bruce Heyer
Office: SC 1212 Office Hours: Tue/Thu 10:30–12:20

Table of Contents
Class Schedule ii
Course overview & objectives iv
Student services & expectations vi
Lab overview vii
Grading viii
Lab Team ix
Laboratory Standard Operating Procedures x
Lab Manual
Lab 1: Protein electrophoresis 3
Lab 2: DNA restriction digests & ligation 7
Lab 3: Conjugation 25
Lab 4: Transformation with pGLO 37
Lab 5: PV92 PCR 53
Lab 6: Bacteriophage 63
Supplemental Exercises
S1: Micropipetting / Solutions & dilutions 77
S2: Restriction digests & mapping 85
S3: Cell membranes & permeability 89
S4: PV92 — Analysis & interpretation of results 99
S5: Patterns of inheritance: coat color in cats 103
A1: Calculations & conversions 111
A2: Quant-iT Fluorescence Assays
i. Measuring Protein Concentration 113
ii. Measuring DNA Concentration 117
A3: Gel & gel-photo scanner protocol 119
A4: Writing your lab reports 121
A5: Electrophoresis markers & ladders 125

 Bruce Heyer, 2018

BIOL-6B: Cell & Molecular Biology
This course is designed to introduce you, the student of biology, to the study and understanding of the
structure, genetics, biochemistry, and physiology of cells. The cell is the basic fundamental unit of life. All the
processes of life, including harnessing energy, reproduction, inheritance of characteristics, and responding to
the environment, can only be fully appreciated with an understanding of their cellular bases. Biol-6B will
emphasize processes and structures common to most cells, and prepare you for more extensive, specialized
upper-division work. The development of the field of cell biology and the focus of current innovative research
in molecular biology will also be discussed. You will become more independent by learning to read, interpret,
and evaluate original scientific papers.
The laboratory portion of the course provides hands-on experience using the modern instruments and methods
of molecular biology. These elegant techniques provide practical experience for those pursuing careers in
biological research.

By successfully completing and passing Biol-6B, the student will demonstrate by means of objective exams,
essays, oral presentations, laboratory proficiency, and written research reports, a practical competency and
fluent exposition of the following topics:
♦ Biological chemistry — Explain the application of basic chemical principles to the complex chemistry of
living systems. Understand the unique properties of water and carbon as they apply to organic chemistry.
Know the classes of macromolecules and their biological significance.
♦ Protein function — Describe the special significance of proteins in maintaining and regulating the
complexity necessary for all living systems. Define the specific actions of different functional groups of
proteins. Explain how the cellular environment modifies protein activity.
♦ Molecular genetics — Explain how the structure of DNA relates to its function of storing and conveying
information. Define a gene and describe the mechanisms for gene expression and how such expressions are
regulated. Demonstrate how these genetic processes can be manipulated for the techniques of molecular
♦ Cell structure — Contrast the structure of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Elaborate how the
cytoskeleton sustains and transforms cellular organization and provides motility. Identify the eukaryotic
organelles and their functions. Illustrate the dynamic structure of cellular membranes and their vital roles in
selective permeability and compartmentalization.
♦ Inter-cellular communication — Describe the chemical and electrochemical mechanisms of cell-cell
interaction. Contrast the actions of membrane and nuclear receptors on cellular activities.
♦ Cell cycle — Describe the processes of mitosis and cytokinesis in cell division. Explain the role of stem
cells and regulation of the cell cycle in relation to proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis, and senescence.
Postulate how aberrations of this regulation may lead to cancer.
♦ Meiosis and sexual reproduction — Explain the modification of cell division for meiosis and
gametogenesis. Explain how recombination affects the genome. Contrast the advantages of haploid versus
diploid cells, and asexual versus sexual reproduction. Distinguish the Mendelian, chromosomal, and
epigenetic models of inheritance.
♦ Bioenergetics — Describe how photosynthetic cells harness light energy to synthesize organic molecules,
and how all cells use the chemical energy in these organic molecules to power biological processes.
Elucidate the chemistry of proton gradients, redox reactions, and phosphorylations as they relate to
extracting and distributing energy within the cell. Explain how chloroplast structure controls the chemistry
of photosynthesis, and mitochondria structure determines cellular respiration.
♦ Laboratory research — Perform routine procedures used in biological research laboratories, especially as
related to the techniques of molecular biology. Demonstrate proficiency with standard protocols of lab
etiquette, safety, hazardous materials handling, and documentation. Interpret published research articles to
replicate their methodology and critique their interpretation of results.

Biology-6B is the second part of the three-quarter introduction to biology series for college students majoring
in biology or a related science. Completion of Biol-6A (organismal biology) with a grade of C or better is a
prerequisite for Biol-6B. This series is acceptable for transfer to the University of California and California
State University systems and most other colleges. This course is equivalent or exceeds the rigor and depth of
the corresponding introductory biology courses at these universities. Since the precise sequence of presented
topics differs among institutions, it is strongly recommended that you complete the whole series at one college.
The study of cell and molecular biology requires a comfortable familiarity with chemistry. To enroll in Biol-
6B, you need to have passed Chem-1A or Chem-50 with a grade of C or better, or passed the Chemistry
Placement Test administered by the Testing Center. You needed to meet this chemistry prerequisite before
enrolling in Biol-6A, but Biol-6B is where you’ll find that you really use it.
Using equations to calculate solution concentrations, conversions, and stoichiometry in lab exercises requires
above average math skills. Intermediate algebra equivalent to Math-105 or Math-114 is recommended.
Students will be writing essays and lab reports with an expected eloquence appropriate for scientific
professionals. Coherent composition, accurate vocabulary, proper grammar, and correct spelling DO count!
English skills equivalent to EWRT-1A or ESL-5 are highly recommended.


There is no question that this class can seem intimidating with novel concepts, new vocabularies, and applied
chemistry and physics. You must be prepared to invest a substantial allotment of time and effort to this
endeavor. Some keys to success and satisfaction are:
♦ Attend every lecture and lab.
♦ Be prepared! Do the text reading before you come to class. If my lecture is the first you hear of a topic,
you’ll likely get lost. Especially with the pace we fly through topics: unprepared = frustrated. Prepare
questions for unclear material — questioning is a form of active learning.
♦ Download and print out the lecture slides, when available, and bring them to class. But don’t expect them
to replace taking notes. Taking notes is another form of active learning.
♦ Develop good study habits. Spend time studying outside of class every day. Do not let yourself fall
behind! Review lecture notes after each lecture. Be able to explain the concepts for each diagram
presented in your own words.
♦ Construct study tools. Learning content-intensive material such as Biology often requires many steps:
seeing, hearing, thinking, and doing. Create a list of terms in bold print presented in lecture. Write out
flashcards and reorganize your lectures notes after each lecture as physical activities to help you process
the material.
I do not provide study guides for exams — that’s your job! I will critique them though if you wish.
♦ Form a study group! Repeated experience has shown that those who study collectively do better. A study
group will help you get to know your fellow classmates and provide intellectual reinforcement as well as
moral support. Come prepared to a group study session by reviewing lecture material on your own first.
Compare notes and test each other. Learn by teaching: an excellent way to learn how well you understand
a matter is by explaining it to someone else.
♦ Review! The textbook supplemental CD-ROM and Mastering Biology website have flashcards, quizzes,
games, and other tools to enhance your comprehension. They even have an online tutor to answer
questions! Play the games with your study group. For access, follow the instructions on the first page of
the textbook. You can go to the College Library or the Open Media Lab downstairs in Learning Center
West for help with internet access.

Participation in this class is expected to proceed with professionalism and mutual respect. Questions and
experiences you have to clarify or enlarge on the topics being discussed are welcome. Please do not be
distracting to your colleagues (including me) in class. Students are expected to be familiar with the Student
Conduct Code and College Policies on academic integrity and academic freedom stated in the De Anza
College Catalogue. Individuals found engaging in cheating, plagiarism, or disruptive behavior will be expelled
from the class, awarding a failing grade, and reported to the administration for further disciplinary sanctions.
Science majors are also expected to have read the BHES Division Student Handbook for additional advice
and standards. The Handbook may be downloaded from .

The college has a wide range of support services to provide students with assistance. These services range
from tutoring and special short courses in reading and writing skills to financial aid and special programs for
educational transition, reentry, and disabled students. If you would like to see if any of these programs would
be of help to you, please check with the counseling office in the Student and Community Services Center.
Consult your class schedule for a list of telephone numbers, or go to the Student Services website at .
If you need a special accommodation for a physical or learning disability, please talk to me after the first class
session so that I can make appropriate adjustments in the class to meet your needs. Visit Disability Support
Services (DSS) and the Educational Diagnostic Center (EDC) in Learning Center West, room 110 for testing,
advice, assistance, and special programs. Consult the Disability Information Student Handbook (DISH) at .

The laboratory portion of Biol-6B is much more technology-oriented than was Biol-6A, requiring the use of
high-voltage instruments and potentially toxic or infectious materials. All students will be required to read and
sign to affirm their understanding and acceptance of the “Standard Operating Procedures” form prepared by
the Biology Department. Any student who knowingly or recklessly endangers anyone’s safety, or who
repeatedly violates laboratory safety rules will be expelled from the class and possibly face further disciplinary
actions at the instructor’s discretion. If you observe any activity or situation that you think might be unsafe,
please let talk to the instructor about it. Beyond this course, developing excellent lab safety habits is essential
to your academic progress and scientific career.
Since De Anza College is located in a seismically active area, students should give forethought to catastrophic
emergency actions. If a significant earthquake occurs during class, move away from the windows and stay
indoors. If you are in lab, disconnect any gas lines or electrical devices, secure glassware, and take shelter
under the lab bench.
In the event of an emergency that requires the evacuation of the room, we will exit the building and regroup
outside for roll call and further instructions. Be careful to avoid traffic lanes. Do not leave campus until you
have been instructed to do so by your instructor or by emergency personnel!

Biol-6B strongly emphasizes laboratory-science skill development necessary for biology major degree
programs. Therefore participation in all labs is expected and you must pass the laboratory portion to receive
credit for the course. If you miss any three labs you may be dropped from the class. Non-participation is
considered equivalent to non-attendance.
Read the lab experiments before you come to class and come prepared to begin work. It is next to impossible
complete a lab exercise and learn anything from the process if you are reading the instructions for the first
time. The safety of you and your classmates may depend on your preparedness when we are using hazardous
The activities explored in lab build upon concepts presented in lecture, but they do not correlate with the
sequence of topics as they are featured in lecture. The laboratory procedures used will emphasize the modern
tools and techniques of molecular biology that are used to study cell biology, as well as many other aspects of
life sciences.
The course lab exercises are organized around five lab project reports. Each report will be a group project
and cover experiments conducted over several lab periods. The students at your lab table are your lab partners,
and your group will turn in one report for each project.
Each project may include different kinds of experiments over several lab periods, and more than one project
may overlap on the same lab period. So you will need to have very good organizational and note-keeping
practices to keep track of which experiment relates to which project. The projects will become increasingly
complex as the quarter progresses, and techniques that are used repeatedly will need to be accomplished with
greater efficiency. At first, the instructor will give more detailed instructions on what to do and how to
organize your time. But by the latter portion of the course, you will be expected to interpret the instructions
and budget your time effectively within your group. It is important to finish each experiment to complete each
project. The better you get at planning and time management, the more opportunities you will have to repeat
experiments if needed.
The topics for the five lab project reports are:
1. DNA restriction digest, ligation, & electrophoresis. Use enzymes to cleave DNA at specific sites and
electrophoresis to analyze the cleavage products. This project will take 2 lab periods.
2. Bacterial conjugation. Use direct and indirect methods to assess the transfer of genes from one kind of
bacteria to another by culturing them under different conditions and observing the acquisition of
heritable survival characteristics. The project will take all or part of 6–7 lab periods.
3. pGLO. Insert a foreign gene into bacteria, isolate the new protein gene product from the bacteria, and
identify the DNA of the transferred gene in the bacterial DNA. This project will take all or part of about
7 lab periods.
4. PV92 polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Rapidly copy a part of your own DNA. Compare your DNA
with the corresponding part of the DNA of others in the class. This project will take 2 lab periods.
5. Bacteriophage. Infect bacterial cells with bacteriophage virus. Collect the virus from infected cells and
use it to infect more cells. Use molecular techniques to identify the viral DNA from the dead bacterial
cells. This project will take all or part of about 4 lab periods.
The project instructions in the Lab Manual include directions for how each report should be composed.
Each report shall be graded on a scale worth 20 points. Each student’s score shall be a portion of those points
based upon attendance, participation, and contribution to the group effort for that project.

To test your progress in the theory and practice of experimental methods, each week a quiz will be posted on
the Mastering Biology website covering topics presented and used in the previous week’s labs. Usually the
quizzes will be posted Monday afternoon, and due by Wednesday morning.

The final lab class will consist of a comprehensive lab exam derived from all of the lab projects and
methodologies. Bring a BB-8 (large) Examination Blue Book for the lab exam essays and illustrations.


Each lecture topic coincides with tutorials and graded textbook problem sets presented on the Mastering
Biology website. These have been selected to enhance your comprehension of the complex concepts that may
be presented too quickly in lecture. Be sure to allow sufficient time to derive the maximum benefit from these
exercises. Your total score of all these graded problems will be used to calculate your percent score.

There are three exams based upon material covered in lecture. (The final exam is Exam 3.) These exams are
non-cumulative and will be composed of multiple choice and matching questions and diagram interpretations.
A new (clean and unwrinkled) Scantron Form # 882-E (green) answer sheet and a #2 pencil will be needed for
each lecture exam.
Please note the dates of all exams. If you are sick or have an emergency, contact me BEFORE the exam and
special arrangements might be made in extenuating circumstances. Vacation plans are not extenuating
circumstances! If a last-minute crisis occurred on the way to the exam, contact me before the end of the day.

♦ Lab Project Reports: Five reports; each report counts 20 points. (5 x 20 = 100 points)
♦ Online Homework & Quizzes: Cumulative % score of all exercises and quizzes counts 100 points.
♦ Lab Exam: One exam; counts 100 points.
♦ Lecture Exams: Three exams. Each exam counts 100 points. (3 x 100 = 300 points)

The final class grade will be determined as a percentage of the maximum total 600 points:
| 92-100%= A | 89-91%= A– | 86-88%= B+ | 80-85%= B | 77-79%= B– |
| 74-76%= C+ | 65-73%= C | 53-64%= D | <53%= F

Lab Team #

Team Label:

Lab Partners Phone Email

HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/CHEMICAL HYGIENE PLANS. The Environmental Protection Agency, the Water
District, CAL-OSHA and the Fire Department determined these rules.

1. Absolutely no food or drinks are allowed in the lab.

2. Wear adequate foot protection. No bare feet. Do not wear open-toed shoes or sandals to lab.
3. Do not pour any fluids or chemicals down the lab sink unless specifically allowed by the instructor.
4. Students must wear eye protection, latex gloves, apron, etc., when your instructor determines that it is
5. Chemicals must be handled appropriately. Some chemicals might be corrosive, flammable,
carcinogenic, volatile and/or toxic. If you have questions or concerns ask your instructor. Material
Data Safety sheets (MSDS) are available for inspection upon request.
6. Chemical spills must be reported to the instructor and the lab technician. A formal Hazardous Spill
Report must be completed.
7. Broken equipment can be a safety hazard. It should not be used and must be reported. Do not throw
away any equipment unless allowed by the instructor.
8. Use the right container for discard items -- do NOT use these containers for trash
• Use a Broken Glassware box for broken glass
• Use a Sharps container for needles, razor blades, pins
• Use a Biohazard Container for infectious waste
• Use a Hazardous Waste collection jug for chemical waste
9. Know the location and use of all emergency equipment in each lab. Every lab has an eyewash station,
a safety shower, a fire extinguisher, and a first aid kit.
10. Incase of an emergency evacuate the building calmly. Proceed to, and meet your class and instructor
at the sidewalk adjacent to Parking Lot E. This allows for a head count of all students and is done for
your safety.
11. At the end of every lab session, help clean up the lab. Return items back to the right location, wipe
down your lab workbench, and remove labels or markings off glassware. Your help is greatly
12. After handling chemicals and biological items, wash your hands, even if you have been wearing

I have read the above Laboratory Standard Operating Procedures. I do agree to abide by these
standards, to cooperate with class instructions, and to act in accord with all safe and beneficial

Print Name: _____________________________________ Class/Section: ___________________

Signature: ______________________________________ Date: ________________

Biology 6B
Cellular & Molecular Biology
Laboratory Manual

Brian McCauley
& Bruce Heyer
De Anza College 2018
In protein electrophoresis, proteins can be separated
from one another by size. In the example at left, each
dark line is a band – a bunch of identical molecules of
one kind of protein. Each vertical column of bands is a
lane. Within one lane, all the proteins started together
at the top, but the smaller proteins moved faster and
ended up closer to the bottom.
In today’s lab you’ll prepare a similar protein gel. You’ll
use a small meat sample as a protein source, and you’ll
probably see numerous bands on your gel.
By the time you complete this lab, you should understand:
• basic principles of electrophoresis
• what controls rate of migration in a gel
• sample buffer & running buffer
• definitions: band, lane, gel


There are a lot of different molecules in a • Size. Bigger molecules move more
cell. If you want to study the function of a slowly, because they don’t fit through
particular molecule – a protein, for example the pores easily.
– you’ll need to separate that molecule from
• Charge. Strength and polarity of charge
all the others. Electrophoresis is a way of
influence how fast and which direction a
separating macromolecules from one
molecule moves. Some proteins are
positively charged and some are
PRINCIPLES OF ELECTROPHORESIS negative; in most cases, the charge will
In protein electrophoresis, you force depend on pH and other aspects of the
proteins to migrate through a gel. The gel solution.
can be any material that is solid, but has • Shape. A protein that is tightly folded
pore spaces large enough for the proteins to will seem smaller, and move through
fit through. If the pores are a tight fit for the the gel faster, than a protein that is
proteins, the larger proteins will move loosely folded.
slowly, while the smaller proteins will be
free to move faster. You make the • Pore size. Bigger pores=faster
molecules move through the gel by applying movement. Smaller pores may allow
an electric field across the gel. Positively more precise separations. Pore size
charged molecules will move toward the varies from gel to gel, but within a
negative pole, and negtively charged single gel, each lane has the same pore
molecules will move toward the positively size.
charged pole. Uncharged molecules won’t • Voltage.The more voltage you apply
move at all. across the gel, the faster things will
A protein’s rate of movement through the move. Within a single gel, voltage is
gel will be controlled by: constant.

P r o t e i n E l e c t r o p h o r e s i s

SDS-PAGE shape. In a single gel, the pore size and the

voltage are constant. Therefore, in SDS-
Sometimes you just want to separate PAGE, a protein’s rate of migration
proteins by size. SDS-PAGE is a way of through the gel is determined solely by
doing size. You get
electrophoresi samples loaded here a gel that
s which looks like the
ensures that picture shown
a band’s rate here.
of migration direction of high MW
is determined migration protein band SDS-PAGE is
only by size. the most
S D S stands low MW
used method
for Sodium protein band
of protein
Dodecyl electrophoresi
Sulfate – but s. It’s the one
one lane
don’t worry you’ll use in
about today’s lab.
remembering that. SDS is a detergent, and
it accomplishes several critical things for THE PROTEIN SAMPLES FOR THIS LAB
Almost any biological tissue can be used for
• SDS helps proteins dissolve so you can SDS-PAGE. We’ll use fish, because it’s
run them on the gel (not all proteins are mostly protein and easy to grind up.
soluble in plain water).
• SDS denatures, or unfolds, proteins.
This means that shape will not influence You need to stain the proteins before you
rate of migration in the gel. can see them. In today’s lab, you’ll use a
stain called Coomassie. This chemical was
• SDS sticks to proteins and makes them originally developed as a dye for wool, but it
negatively charged. Since SDS sticks all happens to stain most other proteins pretty
over the protein, each protein ends up well, too. After you run your gel, you’ll soak
with the same density of charge. it in a Coomassie solution so you can see
[For today’s lab, you may be using Lithium the bands.
Dodecyl Sulfate instead of SDS; it’s still ALTERNATIVE METHODS: CHROMATOGRAPHY
called SDS-PAGE.]
Electrophoresis is one way of separating
P A G E stands for Polyacrylamide Gel proteins from one another, but there are
Electrophoresis. You should probably other methods. Chromatography is similar to
remember this. Polyacrylamide is used electrophoresis, but the key difference is
because it creates strong gels with a that in chromatography the proteins are
predictable pore size. pulled through a gel or similar matrix by a
In SDS-PAGE, all the proteins have the same moving solvent, rather than an electric field.
charge density and the same unfolded

P r o t e i n E l e c t r o p h o r e s i s

P R O C E D U R E :


 Wear gloves and goggles throughout this lab.

 Sample buffer and running buffer. The buffers you use in SDS-PAGE contain SDS, a
powerful detergent. SDS can be a skin and eye irritant, so you should avoid contact by wearing
gloves and safety glasses. In case of contact, wash thoroughly with water.

 Electrophoresis power supply. You’ll use a power supply to apply an electric field. Be sure
to keep your lab bench dry when using this electric appliance.
For each lab group (usually 4 people), obtain the following:
• pipetmen and tips
• beaker for waste tips
• three 500-µl micro tubes (the small tubes) and rack
• homogenized protein samples, dissolved in LDS sample buffer
• sample reducing agent (0.5 M dithiothreitol, or DTT; this may already have been added to
your sample)
• molecular weight markers (Note types)
• ice bucket with ice for protein samples
To obtain the protein samples for SDS-PAGE, we need to lyse (break open) the cells. The soluble
material released from lysed cells is called the lysate that consists of a large variety of
biological molecules including the soluble proteins. For today’s lab, your sample lysates have
already been prepared for you. Keep the lysates on ice so the proteins do not degrade.
Next, the sample needs to be mixed with sample buffer and a reducing agent and heated to
denature the proteins. For each of your lysate protein samples, prepare as follows:
1. Pipet 32.5 µl homogenized protein sample into a 500-µl micro tube.
2. Add 12.5 µl 4x LDS sample buffer.
3. Add 5 µl sample reducing agent.
4. Heat your sample at 70° C for 10 minutes.
Your "gel-ready" samples are now ready to load on the gel.

Each gel has 10 wells; you won’t need them all. A well can hold up to 25 µl.
1. Open the gel, take the comb out, and take the white strip of tape off. Rinse the gel with
water. Assemble the gel unit. The instructor will show you how. First fill the inner buffer
chamber with running buffer and make sure it doesn’t leak. After a few minutes, fill the
outer chamber with enough running buffer to cover the place where the tape was on the
gel. Leave the lid off.
2. Load your samples into the wells. Each sample goes into its own well. Load all your
samples in adjacent wells (don’t skip wells between samples). Leave some empty wells
on each side, so your samples are in the middle of the gel. Keep track of which sample
goes in which lane. By convention, lane 1 is on the far left and lane 10 is on the right.

P r o t e i n E l e c t r o p h o r e s i s

We measured how much protein is in your protein samples last lab. Now calculate the protein
concentration in your "gel-ready" samples. The instructor will tell you what to load in each
lane. You should have several lanes of your protein sample, plus a standard molecular weight
marker. Write down what is on your gel:
Lane 1:
Lane 2:
Lane 3:
Lane 4:
Lane 5:
Lane 6:
Lane 7:
Lane 8:
Lane 9:
Lane 10:
It makes sense to load different amounts in different lanes. If there’s too little protein, you
won’t be able to see the bands; if there’s too much, the bands will be smeared together.

3. After both gels in the gel unit have been loaded, put the lid on the unit and connect the
electrode cords to the power supply. Don’t turn on the power yet; have the instructor check
the setup.
4. Turn on the power supply and run the gel at 200 Volts. The current should be 100-115 mA
(milliamps) at the beginning. (Current is expected to gradually decrease to 60-70 mA as the
gel runs.) The gel should run for about 50 minutes. You should see the blue loading dye
migrate to the bottom of the gel.
5. When the run is complete, turn off the power, disconnect the electrodes, and remove the
gels from the gel unit.

1. Separate the plates of the gel cassette using the gel knife. Gently free the gel from the
slotted plate by trimming away the bottom lip of the gel, then sliding the gel into a plastic
staining container.
2. Cover gel with warm deionized water.
3. Let the gel sit in its container on your lab bench for 1-2 minutes with occasional agitation.
Pour off the water.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 two more times, using enough deionized water to cover the gel.
5. After the last wash, pour 40 ml SafeStain on the gel (enough stain to just cover gel).
6. Let the gel sit in the stain for 1–3 hours with occasional agitation.
• Alternatively, you can add 4 ml 20% NaCl solution to the SafeStain and let sit overnight.
• Or as a quick third alternative, microwave for 45 seconds and let the gel sit on your lab
bench for 5-10 minutes with occasional agitation. This quick method loses some sensitivity.
7. Pour off the used stain into a waste container. Soak the gel in 100 ml deionized water for 1
hour. Add 20 ml 20% NaCl and let soak another 2 hours or overnight.
8. Rinse the gel with 100 ml deionized water. You should now be able to see bands on your gel!
9. Transfer your gel onto a piece of plastic wrap and take a digital image of your gel. (Refer to
the protocol in Appendix 3.) When you have a good image, throw the gel in biohazard trash.


In this lab, you’ll begin to work directly with DNA. This lab activity will have three parts:
restriction digests and ligation (today), and gel electrophoresis (later). At the end, you should
write one lab report covering all three parts.
By the time you complete this lab, you should understand:
 What restriction enzymes do
 What ligase does
 How to work with enzymes & do the appropriate calculations
 Restriction sites
 Sticky ends


Most of the tools in a molecular biologist’s Restriction enzymes were the first DNA-
toolkit were taken from cells. Cells do all sorts altering enzymes to be isolated and used in
of tricks with DNA; learning how to the laboratory; in a sense, molecular biology
manipulate DNA in a test tube usually means began when a restriction enzyme was used to
mimicking the way DNA is manipulated inside cut DNA in a test tube.
a cell. Cells manipulate
DNA by using
enzymes: proteins that
catalyze specific
chemical reactions. Restriction enzymes
Molecular biologists cut up DNA. Wouldn’t
get enzymes from this be a bad thing for
cells, then use the a cell? Not if it’s DNA
enzymes in new ways. that can harm the
Restriction enzymes cell. The restriction
cut DNA at specific enzymes you’ll use
sites. They recognize come from bacteria,
short sequences of and the bacteria use
nucleotides, called the enzymes to cut up
restriction sites, and DNA from viruses or
cut the DNA at those other potentially
sites. Restriction sites dangerous sources.
are usually four to So the restriction
eight base pairs long. enzymes function as a
There are many self-defense weapon
different restriction for the cell.
enzymes, each with its How do the enzymes
own specific restriction avoid cutting up the
site. R estriction cell’s own DNA? A
enzymes are also bacterial cell may lack
called endonucleases, restriction sites that
because they cut can be cut by its own
nucleic acids enzymes, or it may
somewhere in the midst of the molecule chemically modify the DNA (by adding methyl
(endo- means in). groups) at the restriction sites.


WHY IS CUTTING DNA USEFUL IN THE LAB? Eco R1. Isolated from Escherichia coli.

One key reason for cutting DNA in the lab is Hin DIII. Isolated from H a e m o p h i l u s
so you can join different DNA pieces together influenzae.
through ligation. That’s the essence of gene The DNA is from a virus. The virus is called
cloning. lambda; it’s a bacteriophage, meaning it’s a
For today’s lab, we have a simpler purpose: virus that infects bacteria.
you’ll generate DNA fragments of known size When you use electrophoresis to look at your
that you can use as standards for results (next lab period), you’ll be able to see
electrophoresis. the difference from one reaction to another,
THE ENZYMES AND DNA FOR THIS LAB because the enzymes cut the lambda DNA
into different-sized fragments. The uncut DNA
In this lab, you’ll use two different restriction should give one big band on the gel, while the
enzymes to cut one kind of DNA. The cut DNAs will show various smaller bands.
restriction enzymes are:

P R O C E D U R E :

DNA hazards? You’ll be handling some DNA, which can sometimes be subject to safety
restrictions. However, the lambda DNA used in this lab is not from a human for from any organism
that can infect humans. It doesn’t present a hazard under normal laboratory conditions. The
enzymes, Hind III and Eco RI, will be used in extremely small quantities and don’t present a
hazard. The other components in the reaction are simply a buffer solution, which you’ll use in very
small quantity.
 Gloves and goggles will still be required while performing this lab. The gloves are mainly to
keep bacteria from your hands from contaminating the reaction. Bacteria have restriction enzymes
of their own, and can quickly destroy foreign DNA.


Working with DNA is usually pretty easy. You put some DNA and some enzymes in a little tube, and
you let the enzyme do the work. The hard part is knowing how much of each ingredient to add to
the tube.
The ingredients for today’s reactions:
• Lambda DNA. This is what gets cut; you’ll use electrophoresis to look at the DNA after the
reaction is done. After you cut the DNA, you’ll also use some of it for ligation, which is the next
• Restriction enzyme: Eco RI, Hin DIII, or both. Cuts the DNA.
• Enzyme buffer. Enzymes are proteins, and they depend on having the right 3-dimensional
shape to do their job. Since the shape of a protein is controlled in part by weak interactions
such as hydrogen bonds, it can be altered by changes in pH or salt concentration. When you
buy an enzyme, it comes with a buffer that ensures the right environment for the enzyme. The
buffer comes in a separate tube, usually as a 10x concentrate. You dilute it down to 1x before
adding the enzyme.
• Water. You’ll generally need to add a little water to make the concentrations of everything
come out right.


To figure out what goes in the tube, you’ll have to do a little math. You need to do all your
calculations and show them to the instructor before you’re ready to start doing the lab work.
How much DNA? You should use 1.0 µg of lambda DNA for each reaction. Since you’ll be using
a Pipetman to pipet the solutions into your reaction tubes, you need to convert µg into µl. You’ll
need to know the concentration of the starting DNA solution; the instructor will give you this.
Concentration of stock lambda DNA solution: _______.
For a little guidance on how to do the math, see the notes on units and calculations in the last
couple of pages of this lab manual. Write out your equation here:

You need _______µl of lambda DNA.


Enzyme activity is defined in terms of arbitrarily chosen units for each enzyme. For both Eco RI and
Hin DIII, the unit is defined as: 1 Unit will completely cut 1.0 µg of lambda DNA in 1 hour at 37° C.
How many units of each enzyme do you need for each reaction? ____________Units.

Hind III stock solution: ____________ . (Get this concentration from the instructor.)
Take a look at the hints in the back pages of this book, and write out your equation for how many
µl of enzyme you need:

Minimum enzyme amount: Need at least ____________µl enzyme. (Not very much, is it?)
In practice, it’s a good idea to use a little extra restriction enzyme, to make sure all the DNA gets
cut. For this reaction, multiply the minimum enzyme amount (which you just calculated) by 5. So
you’ll add ____________µl Hind III.

Eco RI:
The calculations are exactly the same, but the starting concentration of the enzyme may be
Eco RI stock solution: ____________ . (Get this concentration from the instructor.)

Again, remember to multiply your final enzyme amount by 5.



Eco RI and Hind III can both use the same buffer. Remember, the buffer comes as a 10x
concentrate, and you need it to be diluted to 1x in your reaction tube. To figure out the amount,
use C1V1=C2V2. In this case,
• C1= initial concentration = 10x.
• V1= initial volume = this is what you’re trying to solve for; the answer should be in µl.
• C2= final concentration = 1x.
• V2= final volume = 15 µl. Generally, you just pick a final volume that will be convenient for the
experiment. 15 µl will be convenient for this one. The final volume is what’s in the tube after
you’ve added everything, including water.
Now do the math! (Write out the whole equation, including the units.)

And yes, you will get to do these calculations on an exam very soon!
Now you know how much DNA, enzyme, and buffer to use in each reaction. You should set up four
reactions, each with the same DNA but with different enzymes. The reactions will be:
• No enzyme: This will be just DNA, with no Eco RI or Hin DIII.
• Eco RI: DNA and Eco RI.
• Hin DIII: DNA and Hin DIII.
• Eco/Hind: DNA and Eco RI and Hin DIII.

 Make a chart showing what goes into each reaction tube:

No Enzyme Eco RI Hin DIII Eco/Hin
water ________µl ________µl ________µl ________µl
DNA ________µl ________µl ________µl ________µl
10x enzyme buffer ________µl ________µl ________µl ________µl
Eco RI 0.0 µl ________µl 0.0 µl ________µl
Hind III 0.0 µl 0.0 µl ________µl ________µl
total volume 15.0µl 15.0µl 15.0µl 15.0µl


You’ve already figured out how much enzyme, DNA, and buffer for each reaction. You know the
final volume. After you’ve figured all this out, calculate how much water you’ll need to add to bring
the volume of each reaction up to 15 µl.
 Be ready to do calculations like these on a quiz. You should know that you always need a buffer
for the enzyme, and sometimes you aren’t given the final volume.
Check your numbers with the instructor.


With the calculations out of the way, the rest is easy. For each table, obtain the following:
• pipetmen, yellow tips, and a beaker for waste tips
• rack for microfuge tubes
• a small Styrofoam cooler or cup filled with ice
• one 500 µl microfuge tube for each reaction (the tiny tubes, not the larger 1.5 ml size)
• sterile water
• lambda DNA
• 10x enzyme buffer (same buffer for both enzymes)
• Eco RI enzyme (the instructor will give you the enzymes when you’re ready)
• Hind III enzyme
Once you’ve assembled your materials, go ahead and set up your reaction according to the table
you filled in above. All you need to do is pipet 4 or 5 ingredients into each tube, and you’re done!
As mentioned earlier, the hard thing is figuring out what goes into the tube.
Keep the enzyme cold. Keep everything cold. Keep the whole reaction on ice until it’s
completely assembled and you’re ready to incubate it.
Add the ingredients in the order listed in the table above. Add the enzyme last. The enzyme
could be destroyed if you add it before you add the buffer.
Never use a pipet tip twice –change tips every time. This prevents cross-contamination.
Keep all the ingredients in the bottom of their microfuge tubes, and mix each one with the pipet tip
as you take it out. You may need to use the centrifuge to get the solution to the bottom of the

After you pipet all the ingredients, incubate your reaction in the PCR machine at 37° C.
We’ll program the machine to run for one hour at 37° C, and then heat up to 80° C for 3 minutes to
destroy (heat-kill) the enzyme. The program on the PCR machine is called Cut & Kill.


You’re not done yet! The lab report for this lab will include restriction digests, ligations, and gel
electrophoresis. You’ll probably do both restriction digests and ligation in one day; you’ll find the
ligation procedure on the next page. See the end of the electrophoresis section for instructions on
writing the report. (p. 22)

1 1

I N T R O D U C T I O N : L I G A T I O N

Most DNA lab techniques fall into a few You used the enzymes Eco RI and Hind III to
categories: cut your DNA. Here’s The restriction site
recognized by Eco RI:
Cutting DNA with a restriction enzyme. You
did this in the last lab. 5’...GAATTC...3’
Joining pieces of DNA together with ligase.
You’ll do this today. The DNA is cut like this:
Copying DNA with a polymerase. You’ll do this 5’...G AATTC...3’
later in the quarter, when we get to the 3’...CTTAA G...5’
polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Note that the two strands of DNA aren’t cut at
Cutting DNA into pieces, joining different the same place; each cut fragment has a
pieces together in new combinations, and single-stranded overhanging end.
copying the new recombinant DNA is the Also note that the two DNA fragments can
essence of gene cloning. Cloning has been stick to each other by base pairing: the As on
the foundation of much of the explosion of one strand can hydrogen bond with the Ts on
biological knowledge that has taken place in the other strand. The restriction enzyme
the last few decades. Later this quarter, in the breaks the covalent bond between G and A,
DNA library lab, you’ll have a chance to clone but the cut pieces can still stick together by
some viral DNA. Think of today’s lab, ligation, hydrogen bonding. In other words, the cut
as practice for cloning. DNA fragments have sticky ends. Ligase can
In the last lab, you cut some DNA with re-form the covalent bond that was cut by the
restriction enzymes. In today’s procedure, restriction enzyme.
you’ll use the enzyme ligase to form covalent Any two pieces of DNA that have been cut by
bonds joining the cut DNA fragments. The Eco RI can stick together and be ligated.
fragments could be joined exactly as they However, a piece that was cut with Eco RI
were before cutting, or they could be joined won’t stick to a piece that was cut by Hind III.
in new combinations. Since Hind III’s restriction site is different, it
LIGASE will leave different sticky ends:
5’...A AGCTT...3’
Cells use ligase as a part of their normal DNA
3’...TTCGA A...5’
replication process. As you may recall, cellular
DNA is synthesized in fragments, and the In order for two DNA fragments to be ligated
fragments must be joined to make complete together, they must have compatible sticky
chromosomal DNA. ends. In general, this means that they must
be cut with the same restriction enzyme.
Joining strands of DNA together means
forming covalent bonds, and it requires YOUR EXPERIMENT
energy. Some of the energy for ligation comes
from breaking phosphoryl bonds on the DNA What will happen to your cut DNA samples
and some comes from additional ATP, which when you add ligase? The various pieces of
is present in the ligation buffer. The ligation Eco RI-cut DNA can be joined together in any
buffer must always be kept cold to preserve combination. The same is true for the Hind
the ATP. III-cut DNA. What about the sample that was
cut by both enzymes? The introduction to
STICKY ENDS your lab report should include an explanation
of what you expect and why. The discussion
Recall that restriction enzymes cut DNA at
of your lab report should compare your actual
specific restriction sites.
results (seen on the electrophoresis gel) to
your expected results.


P R O C E D U R E : L I G A T I O N

DNA hazards? As before, you’ll be handling some DNA, which doesn’t present a hazard under
normal laboratory conditions. The enzyme, ligase, will be used in extremely small quantities and
doesn’t present a hazard. The buffer and other components in the reaction pose no hazard in the
quantities you’ll be using.

 Gloves and goggles will still be required while performing this lab. The gloves are mainly to
keep bacteria from your hands from contaminating the reaction.


The trickiest part is calculating how much DNA and how much enzyme (ligase) to put in your

How much DNA?

The DNA you should use for this lab is the Lambda DNA you cut with restriction enzymes in the
last lab. Remember, you cut three DNA samples: one with Hind III, one with Eco RI, and one
with both restriction enzymes. For this lab, you’ll want a little of each of those restriction digests.
For each ligation, use 500 ng of Lambda DNA. You’ll need to convert from ng (mass) to µl
(volume) to set up the reaction. To do this, you need to know the concentration of your DNA
solution. Concentration is mass/volume, so the concentration of DNA in your restriction digests is:
total amount of DNA in reaction (µg)/total reaction volume
Note that the concentration of DNA is not the same as the stock DNA solution you used in the
last lab – you added some water, buffer, and enzyme to it, so the DNA concentration is different

 What is the concentration of DNA in your restriction digests? (Hint: the concentration
in the restriction digest isn’t the same as the concentration you started with, because you put
other stuff in the tube.)

 How many µl of each restriction digest should you use to get the 500 ng of DNA
you need?

 Be ready for quiz questions involving calculations like those for this lab.
The unit definition for ligase is: 0.1 Unit is enough to ligate 1 µg Lambda/Hind III DNA. You don’t
have that much DNA; in practical terms, you need the smallest amount of ligase you can pipet.
Using a special P-2 pipetman, you can use an enzyme volume of 0.4 µl. Add 0.4 µl to each
ligation reaction.

1 3


You should do three ligation reactions: one for Lambda DNA that was cut with Eco RI, one for
the Hind III-cut DNA, and one for the Eco RI + Hind III-cut DNA. Since the three reactions will
be the same except for the source of the DNA, you can make one chart showing how much of
each ingredient to add to each reaction tube:

Eco Hind Both

water _______________ _______________ _______________
10x ligase buffer _______________ _______________ _______________ = 1x final
Eco RI-cut DNA _______________ 0 µl 0 µl = 500 ng
Hind III-cut DNA 0 µl _______________ 0 µl = 500 ng
Eco+Hind-cut DNA 0 µl 0 µl _______________ = 500 ng
ligase 0.4 µl 0.4 µl 0.4 µl
TOTAL VOLUME 10.0 µL 10.0 µL 10.0 µL

 Why do you think the total volume for the ligation is supposed to be so small?

For each table, obtain the following:
• pipetmen, yellow tips, and a beaker for waste tips
• rack for microfuge tubes
• a small Styrofoam cooler or cup filled with ice
• one 500 µl microfuge tube for each reaction (the tiny tubes, not the larger 1.5 ml size)
• sterile water
• your 3 tubes of restriction-digested Lambda DNA from last lab
• ligase and ligase buffer (instructor will distribute this)


Set up the reactions according to your chart, exercising the usual care appropriate to working
with enzymes. Keep everything on ice. Be sure to keep the ligation buffer on ice; it
contains ATP and will break down if kept warm.
When you’re done, incubate your reaction 30 minutes or longer at room temperature.

 Most other enzyme reactions are incubated at warm temperatures like 37°. Why do you think
this one is cool?

When the incubation is over, keep your DNA in the freezer until next time.



You may have tubes with very small amounts of leftover DNA or buffers; check with instructor
before throwing any of it away.
Waste micro tubes and pipet tips go in the biohazard trash.
Dirty beakers (used for collecting waste pipet tips) go into a tub for dirty glassware. Dump the
tips out first!
Dump your ice down the sink, and put everything else back where you got it.


You’ve now completed two out of the three parts for this exercise. The lab reports for this lab
should include restriction digests, ligations, and gel electrophoresis. See the end of the
electrophoresis section (p. 24) for instructions.


 Why would an organism have restriction enzymes? How might an organism protect itself from
its own restriction enzymes?

 Why would an organism have ligase?

 When you’re trying to ligate DNA, why does it matter which restriction enzyme you used?
 Why does each enzyme have a specific buffer?

1 5

C U T T I N G D N A 2 : D N A E L E C T R O P H O R E S I S

Typical electrophoresis photo from a previous Bio 6B class.

Of course, your picture will look much better than this one.
The white horizontal bands are DNA. The DNA in this picture
has migrated downward from the wells at the top. The large,
bright bands at the top are large DNA molecules; the bands
lower on the gel are smaller fragments.
Today you’ll do electrophoresis to check the results of your
restriction digests. By looking at the gel, you’ll be able to see
if your DNA was cut, and how many times.

After completing this lab, you should understand:

• what electrophoresis is used for
• how agarose gel electrophoresis works
• what factors control how fast and which way a piece of DNA moves in a gel
• how to determine the size of a piece of DNA from a gel

I N T R O D U C T I O N :

Electrophoresis is one of the most commonly solution. Once it gives up the proton, the DNA
used techniques in molecular biology. It is has a negative charge. You can use the
used to separate different macromolecules charge to make the molecule move.
from one another so they can be analyzed.
In electrophoresis, you put the DNA samples
For example, if you want to study a particular
into a salty solution and apply an electric
protein from a cell culture, you will generally
current through the solution. Electric currents
need to separate that protein from all the
have a positive end and a negative end, and
other proteins present in the cells. This can be
salty water conducts electricity well. The
tricky, since different proteins may be similar
electric current creates an electric field,
to one another; in many cases,
similar to the field around a magnet. DNA,
electrophoresis is the tool you need.
being a negatively charged molecule,
For this class, we’re going to focus on migrates toward the positive pole of the
electrophoresis as a method of separating electric current or electric field.
pieces of DNA from one another. In DNA
The trick with electrophoresis is to get
electrophoresis, pieces of DNA are separated
different-sized DNA molecules to migrate
from one another on the basis of their size.
toward the positive pole at different rates.
In today’s lab, you’ll run your PCR reactions You can accomplish this by putting the DNA in
on a gel to see if you amplified any DNA. an agarose gel. An agarose gel is like Jell-O –
it’s a solid matrix, consisting largely of
complex carbohydrates, and filled with water.
DNA in solution is a charged molecule. Agarose comes from the manufacturer as a
Remember, DNA is deoxyribonucleic acid, and powder; when you boil it in water, it turns
like all acids, it can give up a proton in into a gel.


For a description and some pictures of how same gel is determined only by size. (All DNA
electrophoresis works, see fig. 20.9 in is chemically the same, so it has the same
Campbell (8th ed.) charge per nucleotide.) Therefore, you can
accurately determine the size of a piece of
The procedure works like this:
DNA by running it on a gel with some other
Prepare an agarose gel by melting agarose in pieces of DNA of known size.
an electrophoresis buffer (a salty solution).
Molecular weight markers are DNA fragments
The gel is prepared with wells, or small holes
of known size that are used to determine the
in which you can place your DNA samples.
size of unknown DNA. You can buy DNA
Put the gel into an electrophoresis chamber, molecular weight markers from companies
which is simply a shallow container with that sell molecular biology tools. Molecular
electrodes in it so you can run electricity weight markers are often made by taking
through the liquid in the unit. Fill the unit with some DNA and cutting it into specific pieces
electrophoresis buffer. using a restriction enzyme.
Put your DNA samples in the wells. For this lab, you’re making your own
molecular weight markers. We can find out
Using a special electrophoresis power supply,
the sizes of the DNA fragments by looking it
apply a controlled voltage across the
up, since lambda is a commonly-used marker.
electrophoresis unit, so the current runs
through the buffer and the gel. GEL DENSITY
Voila! The DNA starts to migrate through the DNA comes in all sizes, and you need to
gel. All the DNA molecules move in the same match the gel to the size of the DNA you want
direction, but their rate of migration depends to look at. A dense gel has small pores, and
on how big they are. The small DNA large DNA molecules won’t easily fit through
molecules can easily fit through the pores in those pores. For large DNA molecules, you
the agarose, so they move rapidly; the larger need a less dense gel. Gel density is
pieces are slowed down because they don’t fit measured in terms of % agarose. A gel with
through the pores as well. 0.5 g agarose dissolved in 50 ml buffer is a
The speed at which molecules move through 1% gel. For today’s lab, you’ll be looking at
gels is controlled by: fairly long DNA molecules, so you’ll use a
0.8% gel. See the appendix at the end of this
The size of the molecule (smaller = faster). manual for a table showing how much
The charge of the molecule (uncharged won’t agarose to use for DNA molecules of various
migrate; stronger charge = faster). sizes.

The voltage applied to the electrophoresis SEEING DNA

unit (more voltage = faster). DNA in solution is invisible. It doesn’t reflect
The density (or percent agarose) of the gel visible light. In order for you to learn anything
(lower % agarose = faster). from your gel, you need to use a trick to
visualize the DNA. For this lab, and a few
The type of agarose (some are denser than others this quarter, you’ll use the most
others). common reagent for visualizing DNA:
In a single DNA gel, the difference in the ethidium bromide. Ethidium bromide is a dye
rates at which various DNA bands move is all that binds specifically to DNA. When the
due to size. All the DNA in one gel has the ethidium is bound to the DNA, it becomes
same charge and is subject to the same gel highly fluorescent. If you shine an ultraviolet
density and voltage. light on it, the DNA-ethidium complex absorbs
the UV and emits bright orange visible light.
MOLECULAR WEIGHT MARKERS This allows researchers to see DNA in gels,
In DNA electrophoresis, the relative rate of even in very small quantities. Ethidium
movement of different DNA molecules in the bromide is handy, but it’s also one of the

1 7

more hazardous chemicals you’ll use this on the gel. Lambda DNA that’s been cut with
quarter. a restriction enzyme should produce a
number of bands, depending how many
 Why do you suppose ethidium bromide is restriction sites there were. You should see
dangerous? (Hint: it binds to DNA!)
different patterns of bands in your four

Uncut lambda DNA would be one long piece

of DNA. It would run as a single large band



 Ethidium bromide is a mutagen. Ethidium binds to DNA, in a gel or in your cells. Like most
things that bind to DNA, ethidium can alter the conformation of the DNA. This can lead to errors
when the cell copies the DNA. Hence, ethidium is a mutagen, which means that it causes
mutations, or changes in the nucleotide sequence of DNA. Your DNA is just fine the way it is. You
don’t want to mutate it. Mutagens are also often carcinogens; by causing changes in DNA, they
increase the risk of cancer. Ethidium should be considered a potential carcinogen, though it has not
been proven carcinogenic. Do not microwave agarose containing ethidium!

 The dose makes the poison

Ethidium bromide is a dangerous chemical, but we will be using it at a very low
concentration. The concentration of ethidium in the gel will be 500 ng/ml. The
manufacturer (Sigma chemical) states that ethidium bromide is not known to be
hazardous at the concentrations you’ll be using in lab.
Many chemicals are hazardous at high concentrations but much safer at low
concentrations. Using the minimum amount of a chemical is half of lab safety. Safe
handling, as described below, is the other half.

 Gloves and goggles: As always when handling liquids in this class, you need to use gloves
and safety goggles. The ethidium bromide is the main reason for this. In this lab, the ethidium is
incorporated into the gel, so you won’t be handling it in concentrated liquid form. However, you
should assume that everything that comes in contact with the gel is contaminated with ethidium
bromide. Even though the concentration of ethidium bromide is low, you should still minimize your
exposure. Also, the electrophoresis buffer is a potential eye irritant. Wear gloves throughout
this lab, even when handling the empty electrophoresis apparatus.

 High voltage: The power supplies for electrophoresis supply a fairly high voltage to the buffer
in the electrophoresis chamber (although at a fairly low current). The chamber is designed so that
current can only flow through it when the lid is on. When the lid is on, you won’t be able to stick
your fingers in the buffer chamber. This eliminates most of the potential shock hazard. However, it
is essential that you:
• Keep your lab bench dry – don’t let spilled liquids come in contact with the electrophoresis
• Make sure the voltage on the power supply is turned off before you plug the wires from the
chamber lid into the power supply.
• Don’t leave the power cord hanging off the edge of the bench where someone could trip on it.


 Ultraviolet light: you’ll be using a high-intensity, short-wavelength UV light to illuminate your

gel. UV light can be very bad for your eyes. Fortunately, we have a device that virtually eliminates
the possibility of exposing yourself to this light. The device is a UV transilluminator, so called
because it shines the light through the gel. The transilluminator has a lid on it that blocks all the UV
but allows the visible light to come through. There is a magnetic switch on the lid that allows the
light to be on only when the lid is closed. So if you open the lid when the light is on, the light
automatically turns off. You don’t need any additional protection from the UV light.

 Hot agarose in the microwave: you’ll need to boil your agarose in its buffer to prepare the
gel. Hot agarose can boil over very easily, and could burn you. Only one flask should go in the
microwave at a time to reduce the risk of spills. Use a rubber flask gripper to protect your hand.
For each table, obtain the following:
• power supply
• electrophoresis chamber, lid, tray, dams, and comb
• P-20 pipetman, yellow pipet tips, and a beaker for waste tips
• DNA samples: your restriction digests & ligations
• one tube of gel loading buffer
• 50 ml graduated cylinder to measure buffer for making gel
• 125 ml flask to melt agarose in
• 250 or 500 ml beaker for waste tips
You prepare the gel by pouring melted agarose into the gel tray. Here are the step-by-step
1. Seal the ends of your gel tray with buffer dams. This creates a place for you to pour the
agarose. Place the comb in the slots near the end of the gel tray.
2. Using a 50 ml graduated cylinder, get 40 ml TBE (electrophoresis buffer) from the carboy near
the sink. Pour the 40 ml TBE into a 125 ml flask.
3. Weigh out 0.32 g agarose, and dump the agarose into the flask that has the TBE. Swirl it
around. (0.32 g agarose in 40 ml TBE makes an 0.8% gel, which is appropriate for the large
size range of DNA pieces you’ll be looking at. Percentage is calculated as grams agarose/100 ml
4. Melt the agarose by heating the flask containing TBE and agarose in the microwave on high for
60 seconds. Watch for boilover, and handle with care. Use a flask gripper or a paper towel to
handle the hot flask.
5. Your melted agarose is ready for the ethidium bromide to be added. Bring your flask to the
station on the back bench and add the correct amount. [The correct amount is 2 µl of a 10
mg/ml stock solution. [Final concentration: (2 µl)(10 mg/ml) = (40 ml)(0.5 µg/ml)] Swirl the
flask briefly to disperse the ethidium bromide.
6. Let the hot agarose cool for a minute or so, and pour the melted agarose into the gel tray.
Make sure the comb is positioned properly, and the agarose isn’t leaking through under the
7. Wait until your gel hardens before you move it. This could take about 10 minutes. Tap the gel
tray carefully to make sure the gel is firm.

1 9

8. Carefully remove the comb and the dams. Your gel is ready to go.
9. Add enough TBE to cover the gel. Make sure that your gel is positioned so that the sample
wells are nearest to the black electrode (anode).


Loading the gel means placing the DNA samples in the wells.
DNA samples need to be mixed with a loading buffer before loading them on a gel. The loading
buffer does three things: it colors the DNA sample so you can see it when you load it on the gel, it
makes the sample dense enough to sink to the bottom of the well, and it contains a dye that
migrates with the DNA so you can tell how far it has gone.
10. Mix the entire volume of each of your DNA samples with 10 µl loading buffer, and load each
sample into a separate well. Also mix 2 µl of the uncut DNA sample with 10 µl loading buffer,
and load this sample into a well. Load each sample into a separate well, and use adjacent wells
(don’t skip wells).
Be careful as you pipet the samples into the wells. The samples will be dense enough to sink to the
bottom of the wells. Gently let the sample sink into the well. Don’t poke the pipet tip into gel at the
bottom of the well, or the sample may leak out through the hole you make. Don’t overflow the

 Write down which sample you put in each lane! (You may want to draw a picture so you
remember which lane is which.)


11. Put the lid on the electrophoresis chamber. Make sure the red mark on the lid goes toward the
red mark on the gel tray, and black toward black. Plug the wires from the lid into the power
supply – black into black, and red into red. This ensures that you know which is the positive
end of your gel and which is the negative end. Don’t turn on the power supply yet.
12. Have the instructor check your gel setup. Then turn on the power supply and set the
voltage to about 70 volts. Make sure you’re looking at volts and not milliamps on the power
13. Run the gel until the blue dye front reaches about halfway down the gel. Make sure it’s
running in the right direction!
14. Turn off the power, unplug the lid from the power supply, and take the lid off. Remove your
gel and look at it.



15. Get a piece of plastic wrap, large enough to put your gel on, and spread it out on your lab
bench. Take your gel tray and gel out of the electrophoresis chamber, let the excess buffer run
off into the electrophoresis chamber, and put the tray onto the plastic wrap.
16. Carry the gel (on its plastic wrap) over and set it on the UV transilluminator. Smooth out the
plastic so it’s not too wrinkly beneath the gel. Close the lid of the transilluminator and turn on
the light. You should see bands on your gel. If you do, then proceed to photograph your gel.
17. Turn off the light on the transilluminator, open the transparent lid, and put the camera on in
place of the lid. Turn the light back on. Click the trigger on the camera once. Pull your film out,
hold onto it for one minute, and then peel the photo off the backing. Throw the backing
away immediately, because the gel-like material that develops the film is highly basic and
can damage skin or eyes. If all has gone well, you’ll see your picture as white bands on a black
background. See “interpreting your results,” below. This photo will go in your lab report.


 The gel and the gel buffer contain ethidium bromide, and must be treated as
hazardous waste. Wrap the gel up in plastic and throw it in the biohazard garbage can, but only
after you’re sure you have a good picture. Pour the used gel buffer into the container that is
provided for it.
Clean your electrophoresis chamber and gel tray by rinsing them in the sink and drying them with a
paper towel. Be very careful of the tiny wires inside the electrophoresis chamber. Put the
chamber and tray back in the drawer.
All the used pipet tips go in the biohazard trash; put your used glassware on the cart.

2 1



The DNA that you loaded in one well will run in one lane. Each lane may
contain one or more bands.
You’ll probably be able to see your DNA bands better in the Polaroid than
in the gel itself. That’s because the film is very sensitive and gives a very
high-contrast image. Take a look at your picture. It’s conventional to
orient gel pictures with the wells at the top. That way, it’s easy to
compare different gels.
The picture at right shows one lane of a gel with Lambda DNA cut
with Hind III. The numbers on the side of the picture refer to the size
of the DNA fragments in numbers of nucleotides, or base pairs (bp).
Note that the largest DNA fragments are at the top, closest to the well;
they migrate slowest.
Also note that the highest molecular weight bands are the brightest; you
can see them better because there’s more DNA there. (There are equal
numbers of molecules of all the fragments, but the bigger fragments
have more DNA). In this picture, you can’t see the smallest bands. The same thing may be true
on your gel.
Finally, note that the top band in the picture is slightly smeared. This is what happens when you
try to force large DNA molecules through small pores in the gel at high voltage. Larger pieces of
DNA need to be run in gels with a lower percentage of agarose and at lower voltages. The
conditions for running the gel need to match the size of the DNA you’re looking for.
One lane of your gel should have a molecular weight marker such as the lambda/Hind III shown
above. The other lanes will have your digest and ligation samples along with uncut lambda DNA.

If you know the sizes of the bands in one lane, you can determine the size of a band in another
lane. If your unknown band ran at exactly the same speed as the 4,361-bp band of lambda/Hind
III, then it’s the same size. If your unknown band is in between two bands, you can interpolate.
Most people usually just guess at the sizes of their bands, after comparing with the appropriate
molecular weight marker. However, you could get out a ruler and measure if you want to be
more precise. If you graph the distance each band migrated, you’ll find that the rate of migration
is proportional to the log of the fragment size in base pairs. If you plot it out on semilog graph
paper, you’ll get a straight line. Then it will be easy to determine the exact size of your unknown
band. However, you don’t need to do that today.



 Why does agarose gel electrophoresis separate DNA molecules only by size?
 Why is electrophoresis with DNA easier than electrophoresis with proteins? For example, with
SDS-PAGE (proteins) you had to treat your sample with a special buffer and heat it before
you loaded it on the gel; with DNA, you can skip that step. Why?

 In what situation would you want to make a gel with a higher percentage of agarose?
 What would happen if you reversed the leads when you plugged your gel into the power

 What would happen if you accidentally used pure water instead of gel buffer?

2 3


See Appendix A4, "Writing your lab reports", pp. 121-123, for general instuctions. Your lab report
should cover the restriction digests, ligations, and electrophoresis. It should include:
Start with a descriptive title. The title should state clearly what the paper is about. Also include
a list of authors (your lab group members) with your lab section and group number.

The Introduction section should progress from general background to specific details. Begin with
an opening paragraph stating what you are doing and what is the objective of these experiments.
Then proceed to describe how you intend to accomplish these objectives. For this lab, include a
brief explanation of restriction enzymes, restriction sites, sticky ends, ligation, electrophoresis,
and RFLP (restriction fragment length polymorphism). Conclude the Introduction with specific
predictions of your expected results, and how these results will answer your questions or
support/refute your hypotheses.
Keep your Introduction focused on the objectives. Be concise! The Introduction should only be
~1 page long.
Don’t write out the whole protocol; just refer to the lab manual. Instead, draw a flow diagram
showing all three parts of the lab and how they connect with each other (e.g., the DNA goes
from the restriction digest to the ligation to the gel). You don’t need to show the amounts; just
show what goes into each tube. Indicate how the data in the Results section were obtained.
The flow diagram must fit on one page.
This section includes only what you saw, not what you think it means. Experimental results are
usually presented in the form of tables or figures labeled with appropriate captions and keys.
For this lab, your data is on the gel, so your Results figure should be an image of the gel. Insert
a high-resolution scan of the gel, or tape the gel photo to the middle of a page, and label what’s
in each lane.
This section is a discussion of what your results mean. The discussion format is typically the
reverse of the introduction format: begin with specific details about your results and end with a
general concluding statement.
Start with a lane-by-lane discussion of your gel. Did your DNA get cut? Did it get ligated? Finish
with an overall summary. Did it all come out as you expected? If not, why?
Refer to your Introduction statements: Was your hypothesis supported or refuted? How strong is
the evidence? Finish with a summary comment regarding the overall accomplishment of the
stated objectives.

Bacteria exchanging DNA. These cells are
performing conjugation, in which a copy of a
small DNA molecule known as a plasmid is
passed from one cell to another. The lines
extending between the cells are pili, which are
tubes that connect the cells so DNA can be moved
from one cell to another.
In this lab, you’ll attempt to make some bacteria
become resistant to an antibiotic by allowing them
to take up a plasmid containing an antibiotic
resistance gene.

After completing this lab, you should understand:

• how antibiotic resistance works
• how bacteria do genetic recombination
• plasmids and their biology

I N T R O D U C T I O N :

Bacteria aren’t like us. They don’t have sex.

Virtually all eukaryotic organisms have a Conjugation: plasmid DNA in one cell is
sexual phase somewhere in their life cycle. copied and a copy is transferred from one
This means that they have a diploid phase cell to another through pili, as shown in the
(two copies of each chromosome) and a picture above. This is the subject of today’s
haploid phase (one copy of each lab.
chromosome), and they have a mechanism
Transduction: DNA is introduced into a cell
for joining haploid cells (eggs and sperm) to
by a bacteriophage. You’ll do this in another
make new diploid combinations of
lab this quarter.
chromosomes. Prokaryotes usually have
only one chromosome, and they have only Transformation: a cell takes up naked
one copy of it per cell. Therefore, they DNA from the environment. Under specific
cannot perform sexual reproduction like conditions, prokaryotic cells can take up
eukaryotes do. naked DNA from a closely related cell. (The
cells are able to recognize DNA from their
However, this doesn’t mean that
own or a closely related species.) In the lab,
prokaryotes are stuck with forever-
it’s possible to induce cells to take up all
unchanging DNA. They have several
kinds of DNA from their environment. You’ll
mechanisms of mixing up their DNA with
also do this later in the quarter.
DNA from another individual (which is, after
all, the most significant outcome of sex).

C o nj u g a t i o n

CHROMOSOMES AND PLASMIDS genes can be copied from cell to cell by

conjugation. In this lab, you’ll indirectly
Bacteria have a single chromosome. Like observe the transfer of an antibiotic
eukaryotic chromosomes, a prokaryotic resistance gene from one bacterial strain (or
chromosome consists of a DNA double helix type) to another.
with protein bound to it. Prokaryotic
chromosomes are different from those of HOW THE EXPERIMENT WORKS
eukaryotes in several important ways,
You’ll be presented with two strains of
Escherichia coli, or E. coli:
Prokaryotic chromosomes form a large ring,
cI – resistant to streptomycin
or circular DNA molecule (eukaryotic
chromosomes are linear). cII – resistant to ampicillin
Prokaryotic chromosomes have much less In one strain, the antibiotic resistance gene
protein attached to them. is carried on the chromosome; in the other,
it’s on a plasmid.
Prokaryotic chromosomes are attached to
the plasma membrane, instead of floating The plan of the lab goes like this:
free in a nucleus. This fact will allow you to
Allow the two strains to conjugate. The
separate the chromosomal DNA of bacteria
plasmid will be transferred, resulting in a
from other DNA in the cell.
new bacterial strain that is resistant to both
Prokaryotic chromosomes are smaller than ampicillin and streptomycin.
those of eukaryotes.
Culture the cells with both antibiotics. Cells
Prokaryotes (and some eukaryotes) will only grow if antibiotic resistance has
sometimes have a small “extra” DNA been transferred from one strain to another.
molecule, in addition to the chromosomal
Day 1:
DNA. One type of extra DNA is a plasmid.
Plasmids are double-stranded, circular DNA Experiment A: Conjugate the two strains.
molecules, typically about 2,000-4,000 Plate the cI, cII, & cI+II bacteria with and
nucleotide pairs or base pairs (2-4 kilobases, without different antibiotics to verify if
or kb) long. They’re just big enough to hold conjugation occurred.
a few genes.
Experiment B: Plate serial dilutions of the
Not all bacterial cells have a plasmid, but in cI+II culture with and without antibiotics to
some cases a plasmid may be essential for a estimate the efficiency of conjugation.
cell’s survival. This is often the case when a
Experiment C: Grow liquid cultures of the
plasmid carries a gene for antibiotic
cI, cII, & cI+II bacteria for DNA analysis.
Day 2:
Exp. A: Observe the qualitative plates for
Antibiotics are chemicals that kill bacteria or bacterial growth.
prevent them from growing. Most antibiotics Exp. B: Count colonies on the quantitative
work by blocking enzymes or biochemical plates. Calculate conjugation efficiency.
processes that are specific to prokaryotes.
Some bacteria are resistant to specific Exp. C: Prepare lysates of the cI, cII, &
antibiotics because they can make a protein cI+II bacteria.
that destroys the antibiotic or prevents it Day 3:
from acting on the cell. Such proteins are
encoded by antibiotic resistance genes. Exp. C: Run an electrophoresis gel to look
for plasmid DNA.
Antibiotic resistance genes are often carried
on plasmids, with the result that these

C o nj u g a t i o n

S A F E T Y C O N S I D E R A T I O N S :

 Bacterial cultures. The bacteria you’ll use for this lab are Escherichia coli, or E. coli. This
species is a normal resident of every human intestine. Some strains of E. coli can cause human
disease. The E. coli strain used in this lab does not cause disease. However, like all bacteria, it
must be handled with care. Even strains that are not pathogenic can be harmful in large
quantities. Bacteria evolve rapidly, and it may be possible for harmless bacteria to become
harmful. Always use sterile technique when culturing bacteria.
DNA hazards? You will be working with recombinant, or genetically modified, DNA (the
plasmid) during this lab. In some cases, recombinant DNA is subject to federal safety restrictions,
administered by the National Institutes of Health. The DNA you’ll be working with is not subject
to these restrictions because it contains no human or animal DNA fragments or DNA from a
pathogen that can infect humans. The DNA in this lab poses no hazard.

P R O C E D U R E :

 Wear gloves and goggles throughout this lab. You’ll need to protect yourself from your
cultures and protect your cultures from yourself.
For each table, obtain the following:
• pipetmen, blue tips, and a beaker for waste tips
• rack for glass culture tubes
• three sterile glass culture tubes
• a Bacti-cinerator
• an inoculating loop
• one LB plate with no antibiotics (LB="Luria-Bertoni" nutrient medium)
• one LB plate with ampicillin
• one LB plate with streptomycin
• one LB plate with ampicillin and streptomycin
• tubes of cI and cII bacterial strains (the instructor will hand these out)

This protocol is taken from: Kreuzer, H. and A. Massey, 1996. Recombinant DNA and
Biotechnology: A Guide for Teachers. Washington, D.C.: American Society for Microbiology.
The bacteria will do most of the work in this lab. All you need to do is put the two strains
together, allow them to conjugate, and plate them out.
1. Before you start, make sure you’re clear on sterile technique. Clean off your work space.
Wear gloves and safety glasses.
2. Label your 3 culture tubes cI, cII, and cI+cII (use tape; don’t write on tubes or caps).
3. Pipet 1 ml of cI cells into the cI tube, 1 ml of cII cells into the cII tube, and 0.5 ml of each
strain into the cI+cII tube. Put the lids back on the tubes.
4. Let the tubes sit at room temperature for approximately 20 minutes. The bacteria in the
cI+cII tube will conjugate.

C o nj u g a t i o n

5. While you wait, label the bottoms of all 4 of your plates like this:

cI cII


Also write your initials and the date on each plate.

When 20 minutes has passed, it’s time to plate out the cells.
6. Using the inoculating loop, transfer some cells from the cI tube to the cI area of each of the
four plates. Be very careful to keep each strain in its designated area of the plate. Do the
same for the cII and cI+cII tubes. You should end up with four plates, each with three
different strains or strain combinations.
7. Put the plates in the 37°C incubator until next lab period.


 You’ll see your results in the next lab period. For now, write down your expected results
(+ for growth, – for no growth).


cI __________ __________ __________ __________

cII __________ __________ __________ __________

cI+cII __________ __________ __________ __________


Use the CI+CII mixture you prepared today in the previous section.

• Five sterile culture tubes
• Vortexer
• Disposable sterile spreaders
• Plate spinners
• Liquid LB medium
• Three LB plates
• Three LB plates with ampicillin and streptomycin

C o nj u g a t i o n


1. Aseptically add 0.9 ml LB medium to the five sterile culture tubes.
2. Do a 10-fold serial dilution of the CI+CII E. coli mixture to 10-5x:
a. Aseptically pipette 100µl of the CI+CII mixture into the first tube containing 0.9ml LB.
b. Mix thoroughly (= 10-1x dilution).
c. Pipette 100µl of the 10-1x dilution into the next tube containing 0.9ml LB.
d. Mix thoroughly (= 10-2x dilution).
e. Continue serial dilution for the remaining three tubes (=10-3x; 10-4x; & 10-5x).
3. Transfer & spread 100µl of the 10-1x dilution onto a LB-agar plate.
a. Aseptically pipette 100µl of the diluted culture across the plate.
b. Use the sterile spreader or loop to spread the mixture over the surface of the agar. Try
not to get too close to the edge of the plate.
4. Transfer & spread another 100µl of the 10-1x dilution onto a LB/Amp/Strep-agar plate.
5. Repeat step 3 to plate 100µl of the 10-3x and 10-5x dilutions onto separate LB and
LB/Amp/Strep-agar plates.
You should have six new plates:

10-1x 10-3x 10-5x


LB-agar LB-agar LB-agar

10-1x 10-3x 10-5x

LB/Amp/Strep LB/Amp/Strep LB/Amp/Strep
-agar -agar -agar

6. Incubate plates overnight in the 37°C incubator.

Note the date & time.


To grow large numbers of bacteria, we need to culture them in liquid media rather than on
plates. Use the tubes of cI strain, cII strain, and the cI+cII mixture you prepared today in the
first section.

C o nj u g a t i o n

• Disposable sterile pipettes
• Liquid LB medium
• Stock solutions of streptomycin and ampicillin


1. Aseptically add an additional 2 ml LB medium to the tube with the cI E. coli, 2 ml LB to
the tube with the cII E. coli, and 2.1 ml to the tube with the cI+cII mixture.
2. Add 15 µl streptomycin to the cI culture tube. (cI should be strep-resistant.)
3. Add 15 µl ampicillin to the cII culture tube. (cII should be amp-resistant.)
4. Add 15 µl streptomycin and 15 µl ampicillin to the cI+cII culture tube. (Only the
conjugated bacteria in this mixture should be should be resistant to both antibiotics.)
5. Cap the tubes firmly but not air-tight. Vortex gently.
6. Each tube should be clearly labeled on the tape with the contents, your lab section and
group identification, and today’s date. Place all three tubes in the rack in the 37°C shaking
incubator until next class.

W A S T E D I S P O S A L & C L E A N - U P

Used microfuge tubes and pipet tips go in the biohazard trash.

Gloves, paper towels, etc. go in the regular trash.
Glassware, including culture tubes and the beaker you used for waste pipet tips, goes in a cart or
tub provided by the instructor; it will be autoclaved, cleaned and reused. Don’t dump out any
bacterial cultures in glass tubes. Please remove any tape or other markings from glassware.

C o nj u g a t i o n

N E X T L A B P E R I O D : C O N J U G A T I O N R E S U L T S


 Bacterial cultures. Always use sterile technique when handling bacterial cultures.
 Wear gloves and goggles throughout this lab.

• Your conjugation plates from last time


After your plates have incubated overnight, you can see which cultures grew on each plate.
That’s your result from the conjugation. Count the number of colonies if you can, or otherwise
note which cultures grew. Write your data in the table below. (0/+/++/+++)


cI __________ __________ __________ __________

cII __________ __________ __________ __________

cI+cII __________ __________ __________ __________

1. Use sterile technique. Clean your table before beginning and use gloves and goggles.
2. Get your plates and look at them. (Save them for the liquid cultures later today.)

 Make sure you’ve looked at the colonies on your plates and recorded the results in the table
above. If you can’t count colonies, just describe what you see (big streak, too many to count, etc.).
Do your results match your expectations? That’s one of the key questions for the lab report.


1. Count the number of bacterial colonies on each “countable” plate. (Ideally with 30–300
colonies.) Record the number of colonies in the table below:
-1 -3 -5
10 x dilution 10 x dilution 10 x dilution



C o nj u g a t i o n

Since each colony on the plate represents one bacterial cell (colony-forming unit [cfu]) in the
100µl of culture you placed on the plate, the concentration of bacteria in the original CI+CII
tube = (cfu/ml) = (# of colonies/0.10 ml) x (1/dilution factor)
For example: if you count 139 colonies on the 10-3x dilution plate, then the concentration of
bacteria in the original culture tube was (139/0.1)x(1/10-3)= 1,390,000 cfu/ml.
The colonies on the LB plates without antibiotics represent all the bacteria in the CI+CII tube
(CI cells, CII cells, and CI/CII-conjugated cells).
 Using the number of colonies on the LB plates, calculate the concentration of all bacteria in the
CI+CII tube culture from last lab:

The colonies on the LB/Amp/Strep plates with represent only the conjugated bacteria in the
CI+CII tube that have acquired double-antibiotic-resistance.
 Using the number of colonies on the LB/Amp/Strep plates, calculate the concentration of
conjugated bacteria in the CI+CII tube culture:

 What fraction of the bacteria in the CI+CII tube culture were conjugated?

 How do your estimates of conjugation efficiency compare with those of the rest of the class?

 Under ideal culture conditions, E. coli can divide every twenty minutes. Assuming that our
conditions are ideal, how many generations have these bacteria on your plates undergone since
you plated them?

 Given this number of generations, about how many bacteria are in each colony on your plate
descended from each original cfu? (2 , where n=# of generations)

C E L L L Y S I S & P L A S M I D P U R I F I C A T I O N

Purifying DNA is one of the key methods of molecular biology. In this lab, you’ll purify plasmid
DNA from your liquid bacterial cultures. This method takes advantage of two facts about nucleic
acids and bacteria:
First, bacterial chromosomal DNA is attached to the plasma membrane. If you lyse bacterial cells,
the chromosomal DNA will remain attached to the insoluble complex of membrane and cell wall.
Meanwhile, the plasmid DNA will be freely dissolved, because it isn’t attached to anything.

C o nj u g a t i o n

Second, DNA is highly soluble in water, both plasmid and chromosomal DNA. So we should be
able to extract the chromosomal DNA from the insoluble membrane complex too. You’ll start with
a small amount of bacterial culture broth from each of the three liquid cultures, and – with luck
and good technique – end up with enough DNA that you can see it on a gel.
The first step is to wash the bacterial cells from the culture medium. Next we weaken the cell
walls so the bacteria will lyse — the aqueous fluid released from the lysed cells is called the
soluble lysate. Separate the soluble lysate containing the plasmid DNA from the insoluble
membrane complex containing the chromosomal DNA by centrifugation. Pipette off the liquid as
your plasmid fraction. Then resuspend the pellet from the bottom of the tube in warm pure
water and centrifuge again. Now this liquid phase should be your chromosomal fraction.
• Your three tubes of liquid bacterial cultures: cI, cII, & cI+cII
• 9 microfuge tubes (1.5 ml)
• Cell Resuspension Solution
• Cell Lysis Solution
• Neutralization Solution
• Alkaline protease solution
• Sterile water
• Heat block at 72°C


1. Pipet 1.5 ml of bacterial culture into a microfuge tube. Pipet the thick gob of stuff at the
bottom of the culture tube to get as many cells as possible.
2. Spin at 14,000 rpm (high speed) for 5 minutes to pellet cells.
3. Pour off supernatant.
4. Add 250 µl of Cell Resuspension Solution and completely resuspend the cell pellet by
pipetting or vortexing. Be sure the whole pellet gets resuspended – don’t leave any chunks.
(You can mix vigorously at this point because the DNA is still inside the cells.)
5. Add 250 µl of Cell Lysis Solution and mix by inverting the tube 4 times. Incubate at room
temperature until cell suspension clears somewhat (about 1-5 minutes). (It’s important to see
some clearing of the solution, but don’t incubate more than 5 minutes. Mix gently at this
point because the cells have lysed and the DNA is free in solution. DNA molecules are so long
that they can be damaged by excessive pipetting or mixing.)
6. Add 10 µl Alkaline Protease Solution and mix by inverting the tube 4 times. (This destroys
enzymes that might damage the DNA.)
7. Add 350 µl of Neutralization Solution and mix by inverting the tube 4 times.
8. Spin the lysate for 10 min at 14,000 rpm.
9. Get your lysate tubes from out of the centrifuge; you should now see a cleared soluble lysate
(the supernatant) and some insoluble material (a white precipitate). Transfer 800 µl of the
supernatant into a new, labeled microfuge tube — this is the plasmid fraction. Be sure not
to transfer over any of the pelleted precipitate.
10. Add 500 µl sterile deionized water to the pellet in the original microfuge tube. Gently
resuspend the precipitate by inverting the tube a few times.

C o nj u g a t i o n

11. Place the tubes with the precipitates in the 72°C heat block for five minutes.
12. Mix again gently. Centrifuge for 10 min at 14,000 rpm.
13. Pipette 500 µl of the supernatent into a new, labeled microfuge tube — this is your
chromosomal fraction.
14. You should now have six clearly-labeled microcentrifuge tubes of DNA samples: plasmid
fractions of cI, cII, and cI+II; and chromosomal fractions of cI, cII, and cI+II. Save these in
the freezer until next lab period for electrophoresis.


Used plates, microfuge tubes and pipet tips go in the biohazard trash.
Gloves, paper towels, etc. go in the regular trash.
Glassware, including the beaker you used for waste pipet tips, goes in the tub. Don’t dump out
any bacterial cultures that are in glass tubes. Please remove any tape or other markings from

T H I R D L A B P E R I O D : E L E C T R O P H O R E S I S

To determine which of our bacterial cultures have plasmids, we will perform DNA electrophoresis
of the six samples prepared above.
1. Prepare a 0.8% agarose gel with 0.5 µg/ml ethidium bromide again, using the same
procedure you already mastered in the “Cutting DNA” lab (pp. 18–21).
2. Remove your plasmid fraction and chromosomal fraction samples from the freezer. Thaw and
mix gently. Measure the DNA content of each using the method in Appendix 2.ii.
3. This time, for each of the three plasmid fraction samples and the three chromosomal fraction
samples: take 15 µl of DNA sample and add 5 µl of DNA Loading Buffer. Load all 20 µl into a
sample well on the gel. [Draw the sequence of samples actually loaded below.]
4. Also take 15 µl of HinDIII-cut λ-DNA plus 5 µl DNA Loading Buffer and load it into the
seventh sample well as a standard. (See Appendix 4.)
5. Run the gel electrophoresis and examine the gel results as done in the “Cutting DNA” lab.

 Are you able to determine if the cI+II conjugate acquired a plasmid from cI or cII?

 Can you discern if the streptomycin-resistance or ampicillin-resistance is carried on a plasmid or

on the chromosome?

C o nj u g a t i o n


This report includes conjugation success and efficiency. The overall report format described in
Appendix A4, "Writing your lab reports", should be followed (pp. 121-123).
Include a brief explanation of what conjugation is and how you “observed” it. Define plasmid
and discuss the biological significance of bacterial cells gaining or losing plasmids.
Explain why there is a significant evolutionary difference between having an antibiotic
resistance gene on the chromosome and having it on a plasmid.
Include a flow chart showing all the main procedures for the lab. Be sure to note anything you
did that’s different from what’s in the lab manual. Simplify the flow diagram so it fits on one
This section should include:

• Table 1 showing the number of colonies on each section of each plate for your initial

• Table 2 with the number of colonies on each plate for your conjugation efficiency results.
Did this experiment demonstrate that DNA was transferred from one cell to another? Did it
demonstrate that the DNA conferred antibiotic resistance on the cells that received it? What other
experiments might you do to be more sure of what is happening at the DNA level?
If conjugation did occur, how efficient was the process? Why do you think conjugation is so
uncommon in bacterial populations?
Were you able to determine which antibiotic resistance gene is carried on the plasmid? How
would you design an experiment to be sure?

C o nj u g a t i o n

Transformation with pGLO

plasmid from a
prokaryote gene from a

cloned eukaryotic

In this lab, you’ll use a plasmid to insert a gene for “green fluorescent protein” into E. coli cells.
If it works, you’ll get fluorescent bacteria!
By the time you finish this lab, you should understand:
• What a plasmid is
• Transformation as a way of getting new DNA into a cell
• Using antibiotic resistance to select for transformed cells
• Operons as units of gene expression in bacteria
• What recombinant DNA is
• How to clone a gene and express and purify the protein encoded by that gene

the plasmid – the gene for green
In the conjugation lab, you saw that bacteria
fluorescent protein (GFP). The GFP gene
can pass genes along by copying a plasmid
codes for a protein that is green and
from one cell to another. In that lab, one
fluorescent; if you shine an ultraviolet light on
bacterial strain gained a gene for an antibiotic
a colony of bacteria that contain this protein,
resistance protein by gaining a copy of a
you’ll see the colony glowing brightly. You’ll
plasmid from another strain.
be able to see which colonies are expressing
In this lab, you’ll work with a plasmid again, the GFP gene. This will also give you a chance
but with a couple of key differences. First, to learn something about how bacterial cells
instead of the plasmid being passed from one regulate gene expression.
cell to another by conjugation, this time you’ll The plasmid for this lab is called pGLO. It’s a
cause the bacterial cells to take up the recombinant plasmid made by the Bio-Rad
plasmid DNA directly from their environment, Corporation. A recombinant plasmid is one
which is called transformation. Second, that has a new combination of DNA pieces.
instead of seeing only the effect of the For pGLO, the people at Bio-Rad inserted the
antibiotic resistance gene, in this lab you’ll GFP gene into an existing plasmid, replacing
also see the effect of another gene carried on another gene.


OPERONS CONTROL GENE EXPRESSION • T h e araC gene, which codes for a

protein that acts as an arabinose receptor
The pGLO plasmid was engineered to allow and a transcription factor. AraC binds to
inducible expression of GFP. The cells don’t arabinose and to the promoter for
always make GFP just because they have the arabinase, and it turns on the gene for
gene; instead, you can induce expression of arabinase. When no arabinose is present,
this protein by changing the cells’ AraC doesn’t turn on the gene. The araC
environment. The key to this is that the GFP gene is always on; it doesn’t depend on
gene is part of an operon. An operon is a the promoter arabinose-dependent
bacterial gene, including the part of the gene promoter.
that codes for a polypeptide and the part that
• bla — A gene that encodes the enzyme
helps control when this polypeptide gets
beta-lactamase, which breaks down the
made. The arabinase operon is one
antibiotic ampicillin.
example. “Arabinase” refers to a set of
enzymes that break down the sugar • ori – the origin of replication. DNA
arabinose. Arabinose is not common, so most replication starts here.
of the time the cells won’t encounter it and • Size: the pGLO plasmid is 5400 bp. The
don’t need the enzymes to break it down. GFP coding region is about 800 bp, and
However, when the GFP protein
arabinose is is about 25 kD.
present, the cell In the wild
can turn on the ancestor of the
arabinase genes. pGLO plasmid, the
This is the essence arabinase promoter
of gene controlled the
regulation: turn on expression of
a gene when you genes coding for
need it, and turn it arabinase proteins.
off when you In pGLO, the
don’t. The function arabinase coding
of operons is regions have been
covered in detail in replaced with the
Chapter 18 o f GFP coding
Campbell. regions. The
For now, you arabinase promoter
should understand is still there, and it
several elements still turns on a
of the pGLO gene when
plasmid: arabinose is
• The G F P present, but now it
coding turns on a GFP
region – the gene instead of
part of the gene that actually codes for arabinase genes. Add arabinase, and you get
the Green Fluorescent Protein. fluorescent bacteria.
• The pBAD arabinose-dependent
promoter, a short stretch of DNA just
before the coding region of the arabinase
gene. The promoter is where RNA The plasmid pGLO is a by-product of research
polymerase binds to the gene to start on the control of gene expression. The gene
transcription – in other words, it’s where for GFP originally comes from the jellyfish
gene expression begins. The promoter is Aequoria victoria. This remarkable protein has
the key spot where gene expression is turned out to be useful in research, and the
turned on and off. people at Bio-Rad have tweaked it to make it


even more fluorescent. GFP has been used in be able to recover this protein from the cells.
a number of studies to help pinpoint where This is how biotech companies manufacture
specific genes are expressed in various cloned proteins. If you wanted a large
organisms. The GFP gene is used to study quantity of GFP, you could either grind up a
promoter function. Suppose you find a gene, lot of jellyfish, or get E. coli cells to make the
and you want to figure out what it does. One protein for you. If you control the operon, you
of your first questions would be, where is it can get the bacteria to make a lot of GFP, so
expressed? If you insert the GFP gene next to it’s a very efficient method for making protein.
the promoter for the gene you’re studying, This approach is called in vivo (“in life”)
you’ll see glowing cells wherever this protein synthesis, because it happens inside
promoter is active. It’s a powerful technique – live cells. The alternative would be an i n
and harder than it sounds. vitro (“in glass”) approach, in which you
synthesize the protein in a test tube without
U SING RECOMBINANT PLASMIDS TO MAKE the benefit of living cells. At this time there is
PROTEIN no effective in vitro method for producing
large amounts of protein.
In this lab, you’ll induce some bacterial cells
to make green fluorescent protein. Later you’ll

This lab has several parts; you’ll complete it over seven lab periods.
Day 1: Transform E. coli cells with pGLO plasmid and plate out the cells.
Day 2: Look at the plates to see if your transformation worked (that is, are your bacteria
fluorescent?). Pick some transformed colonies and transfer them to liquid cultures.
Days 3 & 4: Purify green fluorescent protein from the cells in the liquid culture. Analyze
the expressed proteins by electrophoresis.
Day 5: Purify the plasmid from the transfected bacterial cells.
Days 6 & 7: Perform a restriction digest of the plasmid DNA and analyze the restriction
fragments by electrophoresis.

• 1 tube containing 10µl of pGLO plasmid (80 ng DNA/µl)
• Sterile LB Plates:
• 1 ampicillin/arabinose
• 2 ampicillin
• 2 arabinose
• 1 plain LB
• 1 “starter plate” with E. coli colonies (this will be your source of bacteria to transform)
• 1 tube of CaCl2 transformation solution
• 2 1.5-ml microfuge tubes
• 2 plastic sterile loops (not the usual metal ones)
• Plate spinner & sterile spreaders
• Pipetmen, tips, beaker for waste tips
• Make sure there is a heat block set at 42° C before you start



You’ll take a colony of bacteria, add some pGLO plasmid, then heat shock the cells to make them
take up the plasmid. This process is called transformation. Meanwhile, as a control, you’ll do the
same thing with cells but no plasmid. Then you’ll spread the contents of these two
transformation tubes onto plates, as shown below:

Plates Cells
expected results
# amp arabinose pGLO ?
1 + + + All colonies contain plasmid; all glow.
2 All colonies contain plasmid, but no GFP expression w/o
+ – +
arabinose. No glow.
3 Some colonies contain plasmid; many don’t. Colonies
– + +
with plasmid glow.
4 + – – Amp but no plasmid: shouldn’t grow.
5 – – – Lots of growth; no glow.

Using this set of treatments should allow you to find out if the cells are alive, if they get
transformed, and if arabinose can induce the expression of GFP in the transformed cells. Each of
the treatments is designed to answer a specific question. On an exam, you may see some
hypothetical plate results and be asked to interpret them. For example, how will you know if the
transformation worked? Would you be able to tell even if you didn’t see fluorescent colonies?


 Read the whole method before you start. There are critical time and temperature steps,
and you must have everything ready before you start.
1. Label your 2 1.5-ml microfuge tubes + (for + pGLO) and – (for – pGLO). These are your
transformation tubes.
2. Pipet 250 µl CaCl2 transformation solution into each tube.
3. Use a plastic (not metal) sterile loop to transfer a single colony of bacteria from your starter
plate into the (+) tube. Spin the loop in the tube until the colony is completely dispersed –
no chunks. Repeat this procedure with a new sterile loop, the (–) tube, and another colony.
4. Add 10 µl pGLO plasmid solution to the (+) tube.
5. Incubate both tubes on ice for 10 minutes.
6. While your tubes are on ice, label your 5 plates according to the table above. Also make sure
that you have a heat block ready at 42° C (+/-- 2° C) for the next step.
7. Place both transformation tubes in the 42°heat block for 50 seconds.
8. When your 50 seconds are up, transfer your transformation tubes immediately back to the
ice. Incubate on ice for 2 minutes.
9. Add 250 µl LB broth to each transformation tube.
10. Incubate both tubes at room temperature for 30 minutes.
11. Stir the transformation mix gently with a pipet tip, then pipet 100 µl of the transformation
mix onto the plates as shown in the table above.
12. Use a sterilized spreader or inoculation loop to spread the transformation mixes on the
plates, then put your plates in the incubator until next time.



You might want to think about these questions to help you understand this lab better – and to
prepare for a quiz.
 What is the purpose of the ampicillin?
 What is the purpose of the arabinose?

 What do these things do in this experiment? operon, promoter, coding sequence.

 Suppose you don’t get any colonies on plates 1, 2, or 4. How would you explain this?

 Suppose you get plenty of colonies on all five of your plates. How would you explain this?

 Suppose you get colonies only on plates 3 and 5. What happened? Do you think the
colonies on plate 3 have pGLO?

 Suppose you get colonies on plates 1, 2, 3, and 5, as expected, but none of the colonies
are fluorescent. What do you think happened? How could you test your idea?

 What is the minimum set of plates you’d have to look at to know if the transformation worked?

pGLO 2 (Next Lab Period): record results, start liquid cultures

13. Check your plates to see if they have colonies, and if the colonies are fluorescent under UV
light. Write your results in the table below.

Plates Cells actual results

# # fluorescent
amp arabinose pGLO ? total # colonies/plate
1 + + +

2 + – +

3 – + +

4 + – –

5 – – –

14. If you have colonies that contain pGLO, pick two pGLO+ colonies and inoculate two culture
tubes containing LB broth and ampicillin – one with arabinose, one without. You can use
these cultures later for protein chromatography and electrophoresis.
15. Also streak a new amp/arabinose plate with your pGLO cells. The purpose of this plate is so
you can keep your cells alive for later use. Verify the fluorescence of the resulting colonies
next class.
16. Calculate the efficiency of your transformation reaction in two ways:
a. # transformed cfu / # total cfu
b. # transformed cfu resulting / # plasmids added



In the last couple of labs, you transformed some E. coli cells with a plasmid containing a gene for
green fluorescent protein (GFP), saw the glowing colonies caused by the expression of GFP, and
started a liquid culture of cells containing the plasmid. Now you can purify GFP from those cells.
By the time you finish this lab, you should understand:
• The basic concept protein purification
• The basic concept of column chromatography
• Hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC), a form of column chromatography

other macromolecules. In principle, it’s similar
In the first parts of the pGLO lab, you saw
to electrophoresis: you apply a sample
that you could insert a gene (GFP) into some
containing a mix of proteins, and the different
bacterial cells and then induce the expression
proteins get separated from each other
of that gene by taking advantage of an
because some travel faster than others. The
arabinose-specific transcription factor (AraC)
key differences are what makes the proteins
and promoter. Now you have a liquid culture
move, and what slows them down.
of those bacteria.
• Electrophoresis: proteins move because
What you’ve done so far is basically the first
they’re pulled by an electric field. They
few steps a biotech company would use to
slow down because they don’t easily fit
produce a protein from a cloned gene. Now
through the small pores of the gel. Bigger
you can do the next steps: lyse the cells and
proteins move more slowly. The gel is
purify the protein.
thin and flat.
• Column chromatography: proteins
Cells make a lot of proteins. If you want a move through a column because they are
specific protein from a cell culture, you need carried by a moving solvent (the mobile
to separate that protein from all the others. phase). They slow down because some
stick to the column more than others,
You’ve already used one method for depending on the chemical nature of the
separating macromolecules: electrophoresis. proteins and the column. The column is
Protein and DNA electrophoresis both act on cylindrical and filled with some kind of
the same principle: some molecules migrate matrix (the solid phase). Many kinds of
faster through a gel than others. Protein column matrices are available, for
electrophoresis is a very sensitive way of separating different kinds of proteins.
separating different proteins from one
another, but it has some limitations. For one In some kinds of column chromatography, the
thing, the protein is in the gel when you solvent is pumped through the column at a
finish. If you want to use that protein for constant rate. In this experiment, we will use
something, you’d need a way to get it out of “spin columns” that fit on top of microfuge
the gel. Also, you can’t load very much tubes and in the microcentrifuge rotor. You
protein on a gel. And finally, the method you can simply apply the solvent to the top of the
used, SDS-PAGE (polyacrylamide gel column and force it to flow through the
electrophoresis), uses detergent (SDS) to column matrix by centrifugal force.
denature the proteins. This means that you’re
not likely to recover functional protein.

Column chromatography is an alternative to

electrophoresis for separating proteins or


HYDROPHOBIC INTERACTION CHROMATOGRAPHY in the mobile phase. But our preparative

minicolumns will just separate the mixture of
Hydrophobic interaction chromatography soluble proteins from the non-protein
(HIC) is commonly used for separating components of the bacterial cell lysates for
proteins. The principle is simple. The column further purification and analysis — in our
is filled with a “macroporous” matrix of case, by electrophoresis.
precisely-sized, tiny plastic beads synthesized
with many pores to increase its surface area. Another advantage of HIC is that it generally
The surface has been treated to be covered does not denature proteins as they are
with nonpolar methyl groups. purified. Since GFP retains its native structure,
it remains fluorescent throughout the
As you recall, proteins are constructed from a purification procedure. Hence we may check
precise mixture of twenty different amino whether the protein is sticking to the column
acids, some of which have polar side groups, by looking for green fluorescence in either the
and some have nonpolar groups. The Green matrix or the eluent.
Fluorescent Protein (GFP) is a water-soluble
cytosolic protein, so normally the hydrophilic LYSING THE CELLS
interactions of water with its polar residues
The first problem that you face in trying to
far override any hydrophobic interactions from
purify pGLO is that the protein is inside the
its nonpolar residues.
cells. To get it out, you have to lyse (split
Certain salts such as ammonium sulfate are open) the cells. You can achieve this using a
“chaotropic”, meaning that they interfere with two-step method:
the ability of water to form hydrogen bonds,
• Lysozyme, as the name implies, is an
and therefore they reduce hydrophilic
enzyme that causes lysis of bacterial cells.
interactions between polar solutes and
This enzyme eats away at the cells’
aqueous solvents. Thus in the presence of
protective cell wall, weakening them. The
ammonium sulfate, the nonpolar residues of
TE buffer not only maintains the proper
normally water-soluble proteins such as GFP
pH for lysozyme activity, but is hypotonic
will be able to stick to the hydrophobic methyl
to the cells causing them to swell by
groups on the surface of the beads. To
osmotic pressure.
remove the proteins from the beads, simply
flush the matrix with an aqueous solvent • Freezing finishes the job of lysis. When
without ammonium sulfate. ice crystals form, they break open the
weakened cells.
Hydrophobic interaction chromatography
takes advantage of the double-nature of Once you’ve lysed the cells, you’ll have a
proteins to purify them. Any compound that crude mixture of cell contents (a lysate). You
lacks nonpolar components will not stick to can pellet insoluble cell debris by
the matrix even in the presence of ammonium centrifugation, then apply the soluble lysate
sulfate and wash right through the column. to the column.
Any substance that is too hydrophobic would
not be eluted by the aqueous solvent. Long
analytical HIC columns can even be used to
purify different proteins from each other
according to their specific relative
hydrophobic/hydrophilic natures by gradually
decreasing the amount of ammonium sulfate




• Your tubes of liquid bacterial culture containing pGLO (one with arabinose, one without)
• 8 1.5-ml microfuge tubes (4 clear tubes + 4 colored tubes)
• Lysozyme solution, on ice
• 2 chromatography columns
• HIC resin (“Bio-Rad Macro-Prep® Methyl-HIC Support” macroporous polymeric beads)
• Chromatography buffers:
• Equilibration buffer — A high-salt buffer (2 M (NH4)2SO4)
• Binding buffer — A very high-salt buffer (4 M (NH4)2SO4)
• Wash buffer — A medium-salt buffer (1.3 M (NH4)2SO4)
• Elution buffer — A very low-salt buffer (10 mM Tris/EDTA; also called TE)
• Pipetmen, tips, beaker for waste tips


You should have two liquid cultures. For all the following steps in preparing a soluble lysate and
hydrophobic interaction chromatography, you should process your two samples in parallel. In
other words, you’ll have two lysates and two chromatography columns.
You’ll spin down the liquid cultures, prepare a lysate from each culture, apply the lysate to a
chromatography column, then wash off the protein. When you’re done, you’ll have a partly
purified preparation of GFP and other cytosolic proteins.
Prepare soluble lysates (remember, you’re doing two!)

1. Remove your liquid cultures from the shaker and observe them in normal room
lighting and then with the UV light. Did they grow? Are they fluorescent? Record
your observations in the results table at the end of the methods section. Pipet
1.5 ml of each liquid culture into a microfuge tube (one tube for + arabinose,
another for – arabinose). Use the stuff on the bottom of the tube, because that’s
where all the cells are.
2. Spin the tube for 5 minutes in the centrifuge at high speed. Be sure to balance
the centrifuge.
3. After the spin, you should see a solid bacterial pellet. At this point, the cells
contain the protein you want. Pour off the liquid supernatant into an empty tube
for disposal. Observe the pellet under UV light, and record on the table on p. 46
whether you see fluorescence.


4. Add 250 µl of TE buffer to the bacterial pellet. Resuspend the bacterial pellet thoroughly by
rapidly pipetting up and down.
5. Add 50 µl of lysozyme to the resuspended bacterial pellet and flick the tube to mix. Let sit at
room temperature for 5 minutes. The lysozyme will start digesting the bacterial cell wall. Put
the tube in the freezer until it’s frozen solid. Freezing will complete the lysis of the bacteria.
6. Remove your tube from the freezer and thaw it in your hand. Vortex to mix well. Spin the tube
in the centrifuge for 10 minutes at high speed. This will pellet the insoluble bacterial debris.
* This would be a good time to start preparing your columns → Steps 9 – 11.
7. After the 10 minute centrifugation, immediately remove your lysate tube from the centrifuge.
Examine the tube with the UV light. The insoluble bacterial debris should be visible as a pellet
at the bottom of the tube. The supernatant contains all the soluble materials from the lysed
cells – including the GFP. The supernatant from this step is your soluble lysate. Note
whether there is fluorescence in the pellet or the supernatant in the table on the next page.
Transfer 250 µl of the soluble lysate into the new 1.5-ml micro tube.
* Save the unused crude fraction in the freezer.
8. Add 250 µl of binding buffer to the tube containing the soluble lysate. The lysate is now
ready to go on the HIC column. (The lysate could be stored in the refrigerator at this point,
but you should go ahead and complete the experiment if you can. Go to Step 12.)


9. Prepare 2 chromatography columns by pipetting 0.25 ml of HIC resin suspension into each
spin column. Spin briefly (10 seconds or so on low) to pull the liquid through the column.
10. Equilibrate the columns by adding 0.5 ml of equilibration buffer to the top of the column.
Spin briefly (10 seconds or so on low) to pull the liquid through the column.
11. Obtain 2 sets of 3 1.5-ml micro tubes and label them 1, 2, and 3. Cut off the caps, but keep
them for later. (The microfuge tube won’t fit in the microcentrifuge with both a spin column
and a cap.)
12. Load 500 µl (all) of the lysate (from step 8) onto the top of the HIC resin in the column. Put
the column into tube 1 and spin for 20 seconds on low. The entire volume of liquid should
pass through the column into the tube. Examine the column under UV light and write down
your observation in the results table on the next page.
13. Transfer the column to collection tube 2. Add 250 µl of wash buffer to the column and spin
for 20 seconds on low. The entire volume of liquid should pass through the column into the
tube. Examine the column using the UV light and write down your observation in the results
table shown below in the results section.
14. Transfer the column to tube 3. Add 400 µl of elution buffer (TE buffer) and spin for 20
seconds on low. The entire volume of liquid should pass through the column into the tube.
Again, examine the column using the UV light and write down your observation in the results
table below.
15. Examine all of the collection tubes using the UV lamp and write down where you see
fluorescence. (See table on next page.)
16. Your proteins are in the tubes labeled 3; save these in the freezer for the protein gel in the
next lab.



In this experiment, you’re using fluorescence to detect the protein you’re looking for; your results
are in terms of where you see fluorescence. Record all your results below.

Sample Fluorescence?
Raw bacterial culture [step 1]
Bacterial pellet before lysis [step 3]
Bacterial pellet after lysis [step 7]
Supernatent over bacterial pellet after lysis (lysate) [step 7]
Column, after lysate passes through [step 12]
Chromatography Collection tube 1 (eluted lysate) [step 12]
Column, after wash buffer passes through [step 13]
Chromatography Collection tube 2 (wash buffer) [step 13]
Column, after elution buffer passes through [step 14]
Chromatography Collection tube 3 (elution) [step 14]


You might want to think about these questions to help you understand this lab better – and to
prepare for a quiz.

 What is the purpose of the lysozyme?

 Why did you put the tube in the freezer?

 Which buffers are more salty, and why? What would happen if you used the wrong buffer?

 Did you end up with GFP? How do you know?

 Are there other proteins still mixed in with your GFP? How could you find out for sure?



In the last couple of labs, you transformed some E. coli cells with a plasmid containing a gene for
green fluorescent protein, grew up the transformed cells, and used chromatography to partially
purify GFP. Now you have your protein sample, and if it’s fluorescent it contains GFP (Green
Fluorescent Protein). But what other proteins are in there? How does your sample after
chromatography compare to the sample before chromatography? How different is the set of
proteins from the pGLO transformed cells compared to the untransformed E. coli? And most
importantly, can you actually separate GFP from all the other proteins and identify it?
Protein electrophoresis with SDS-PAGE can answer these questions by giving you a closer look at
all the proteins in your samples.
You should have two HIC-purified lysates. Both will contain a number of cytosolic proteins from
your E. coli cultures. The key difference will be that the culture you grew with arabinose should
contain GFP and the one grown without arabinose shouldn’t. By comparing these two samples on
a gel, you may be able to identify GFP as an “extra” band in the + arabinose lane. GFP is about
25 kD, so you’ll be looking for a band around that size.
Since you already know how to do protein electrophoresis, you don’t need step-by-step
instructions here. You may want to refer to the earlier chapter on protein electrophoresis to
refresh your memory.
The method for protein electrophoresis for GFP will be the same as the method you used before.
[See p. 5] The only new thing you need to figure out is what goes on your gel, and how much.
Discuss this with your instructor.
Illustrate below how you loaded your gel.

Also today — start new liquid cultures of pGLO+ cells

Use a sterile inoculating loop to transfer a fluorescent colony from your pGLO+ culture source
plate (from pGLO 2, p. 37, step 15) into a sterile culture tube with 3 ml LB/Amp/Ara medium.
Place it in the shaking incubator. These cells will be used for the plasmid purification procedure in


P G L O 5 : P G L O P L A S M I D P U R I F I C A T I O N

In the last couple of labs, you transformed some E. coli cells with a plasmid containing a gene for
green fluorescent protein, grew up the transformed cells, and used chromatography and SDS-
PAGE to purify GFP. You’ve had a good look at the protein that your transformed E. coli cells
made. Now it’s time to look at the DNA. In this lab, you’ll purify plasmid DNA from your
transformed cells.
Purifying DNA is one of the key methods of molecular biology. In this lab, you’ll purify plasmid
DNA from your liquid bacterial cultures. This method takes advantage of two facts about nucleic
acids and bacteria:
First, bacterial chromosomal DNA is attached to the plasma membrane. If you lyse bacterial cells,
the chromosomal DNA will remain attached to the insoluble complex of membrane and cell wall.
Meanwhile, the plasmid DNA will be freely dissolved, because it isn’t attached to anything.
Second, DNA is highly soluble in water, but not very soluble in organic solvents, including alcohol.
You can cause dissolved DNA to stick to solid glass beads by adding alcohol to the solution.
You’ll start with a small amount of bacterial culture broth, and — with luck and good technique —
end up with enough DNA that you can see it on a gel.

Use this procedure for purifying pGLO plasmid DNA from your bacterial culture, using the
Promega Wizard Miniprep kit. The method is similar to the hydrophobic interaction
chromatography you did with your protein sample, but since DNA does not have hydrophobic
side groups, we’ll use hydrophilic interactions instead. The matrix in the “Wizard® SV” spin
column consists of modified glass beads. Adding ethanol to the mobile phase decreases its
polarity, so the polar DNA molecules adhere to the charged surface of the glass beads. While the
DNA is retained on the matrix, other lysate compounds wash through. Then the clean DNA can
be eluted from the column with pure (polar) water.

• Your tube of liquid bacterial culture containing pGLO plasmid (Check fluorescence)
• 2 microfuge tubes (1.5 ml)
• Cell Resuspension Solution
• Cell Lysis (alkaline detergent) Solution
• Neutralization Solution
• Alkaline Protease Solution
• Spin Column (“Wizard® SV Minicolumn”)
• Collection tube
• Column Wash Solution (with ethanol)
• Sterile water


1. Pipet 1.5 ml of the bacterial culture into a microfuge tube. Pipet the thick gob of stuff at the
bottom of the culture tube to get as many cells as possible.
2. Spin at 14,000 rpm (high speed) for 5 minutes to pellet cells.
Check for fluorescence of the pellet.


3. Pour off supernatant.

4. Add 250 µl of Cell Resuspension Solution and completely resuspend the cell pellet by
pipetting or vortexing. Be sure the whole pellet gets resuspended – don’t leave any chunks.
(You can mix vigorously at this point because the DNA is still inside the cells.)
5. Add 250 µl of Cell Lysis Solution and mix by inverting the tube 4 times. Incubate at room
temperature until cell suspension clears somewhat (about 1-5 minutes). (It’s important to see
some clearing of the solution, but don’t incubate more than 5 minutes. Mix gently at this
point because the cells have lysed and the DNA is free in solution. DNA molecules are so long
that they can be damaged by excessive pipetting or mixing.)
6. Add 10 µl Alkaline Protease Solution and mix by inverting the tube 4 times. (This destroys
enzymes that might damage the DNA.)
7. Add 350 µl of Neutralization Solution and mix by inverting the tube 4 times. Check for
fluorescence. (What do you predict?)
8. Spin the lysate for 10 min at 14,000 rpm. (When the spin is done, you’ll have a cleared
lysate. Meanwhile, perform step 9 to get your Spin Column ready.)
9. Insert Spin Column into Collection Tube.
10. Get your lysate from step 7 out of the centrifuge; you should now see a cleared lysate (the
supernatant) and a white precipitate. Transfer 800 µl of the supernatant into the Spin
Column. Be sure not to transfer any of the pelleted precipitate.
11. Centrifuge Spin Column at 14,000 rpm for 1 minute. The lysate will go through the Spin
Column, but the DNA sticks to the column.
12. Pour off the liquid that went through the Spin Column; it is waste.
13. Add 750 µl Column Wash Solution (previously diluted with ethanol) to Spin Column.
14. Centrifuge at 14,000 rpm for 1 minute. The solution goes through, but the DNA remains
stuck to the Spin Column. Pour off the wash solution from the Collection Tube. (The wash
solution contains alcohol, and the DNA is not soluble in this solution. The DNA remains in the
spin column.)
15. Add another 250µl Column Wash Solution to Spin Column and spin for 2 minutes. Throw
away the wash solution that goes through the column.
16. Transfer Spin Column to a new, sterile 1.5 ml microfuge tube. Be sure there is no more wash
solution in or on the spin column.
17. Add 100 µl sterile water to the spin column. (The water will dissolve the DNA.)
18. Spin for 1 minute at 14,000 rpm.
19. The liquid that goes through the column contains your DNA. Use 10 µl to measure the
concentration of DNA in your purified sample using the protocol in Appendix A2ii. Save
the rest in the freezer until next lab period.



In the last lab, you purified pGLO plasmid DNA from E. coli cells. You could just look at this DNA
on a gel, but you’ll gain more information if you first cut the DNA with restriction enzymes. Go
back to the first pGLO chapter, and you’ll see a map of the pGLO plasmid with some restriction
sites shown. If you use one or more of the restriction enzymes listed on that diagram, you should
be able to predict where the DNA will be cut, and what size fragments you’ll get after you cut it.
If the cut DNA gives the expected fragment sizes, you can be confident that it’s really pGLO and
not some other DNA.
You’ve already done restriction digests of DNA, so you should be able to figure out how to do this
lab on your own. You’ll do two different digests of your plasmid DNA, using the two restriction
enzymes you used before: Eco RI and Hin DIII (separately). Write out all your calculations below
before you do anything else. You may want to refresh your memory by looking at the earlier
restriction digest lab. (Remember: only small microfuge tubes fit in the thermocycler!)
You should have about 90 µl of DNA solution, which should contain plenty of DNA. Typically,
your 100 µl of DNA solution contains at least 2 µg DNA (20 ng/µl). Plan to cut 15 µl (300-500ng)
of it and leave the rest uncut. Later, you’ll run the cut and the uncut DNA side by side on a gel.
Additionally, do a third restriction digest reaction using HinDIII to cut 1 µg of lambda DNA to run
on your gels as a standard.

 What are your predicted results? Draw below a hypothetical gel showing how you
expect uncut pGLO, HinDIII-cut pGLO, and EcoRI-cut pGLO to form bands.
 Why don’t we bother to cut the plasmid with a combination of HinDIII and EcoRI this time?



In the last lab couple of labs, you purified pGLO plasmid DNA from E. coli cells and cut the DNA
with restriction enzymes. It’s time to run a gel. Good thing you already know how to do this!
Prepare and run a DNA gel, following the procedure you used earlier. Make your gel with 0.8%
agarose. The volume of the gel is the same as before. Don’t forget to add the ethidium bromide.
Your samples should include uncut pGLO, HinDIII-cut pGLO, and EcoRI-cut pGLO, plus HinDIII-
cut λ-DNA as a standard ladder.



This lab has several parts, and the report should cover all of them:

Section Experiment Result

Transformation Plates: +/- colonies; +/-
Transformation with pGLO fluorescence
Transformation efficiency
Did the cultures grow? Were they
Liquid cultures of transformed cells
Protein expression Which pellets/supernatants were
Preparing protein lysates
Chromatography with GFP Which fractions were fluorescent?
Protein gel Gel photo
Plasmid isolation pGLO plasmid DNA purification
pGLO plasmid DNA restriction digest
Gel photo with cut & uncut plasmid
pGLO plasmid DNA gel

Again, use the report format described in Appendix A4, "Writing your lab reports" (pp. 121-123).
Specifically, the report should be structured as follows:


Describe the purpose of this lab in general terms. Describe the basic characteristics of pGLO
plasmid and of Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP). Describe the protein and DNA methods you
used. Finish with a brief statement of the overall plan of the experiment.


As usual, your methods section should be a flow diagram. This one is more complex than the
others, but you should do one diagram that includes all the parts of the experiment, and it should
fit on one page. That means that you will have to simplify a lot. Skip details of the steps; just
show enough to say what the point of the technique was, rather than how you actually did it.
Include both the protein gel and the DNA gel, and say what went into each lane.


Look at the table above for a list of the results you should include.

For this report, since you had several experiments, it makes sense discuss the results of each
of the three sections separately, with the specific details and overall conclusions for that section.
Then discuss the next section results and their conclusions.

After presenting and briefly discussing the individual section results, include a brief overall
summary for the whole report – “In this lab, we….”

PV 92 A N D PC R
( P O L Y M E R A S E C H A I N R E A C T I O N )
You’ve looked at DNA from E. coli. Now it’s time to look at
your own DNA. In this lab, you’ll use the polymerase chain
reaction (PCR) to copy part of your DNA so you can
compare your DNA to that of other students in the class.
Kary Mullis: inventor of PCR, Nobel Prize winner, surfer,
occasional crackpot, and all-around outside-the-box thinker.
In this lab, you’ll make use of a very good idea that Mullis
had late one night while driving down the Pacific Coast
After completing this lab and the next one, you should understand:
• what the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is used for
• how PCR works, including the function of all the ingredients in a reaction and how to
figure out how much of each ingredient to use in a reaction
• how to use PCR to detect specific DNA sequences
• The nature of repetitive DNA in general and the ALU repeat in particular.
• Locus and allele; genotype; homozygous and heterozygous.
• Using Chelex resin for purifying DNA


The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has had could be anywhere in the billions of
a huge impact on experimental biology. PCR nucleotides that make up the genome. PCR
accomplishes one simple thing: it allows a allows you to specifically find and copy the
researcher to make a large number of copies virus DNA sequence amidst all that excess
of a particular stretch of DNA. (This is known information. If you do PCR and find HIV DNA
as amplifying a DNA fragment.) Because PCR in a cell, you’ve proven that the cell has been
allows people to accomplish this quickly and infected with the virus. In addition, you can
simply, it has allowed researchers in all use the virus DNA to learn more about the
branches of the life sciences to unlock some of virus.
the secrets hidden in the nucleotide sequences
Population genetics: comparing DNA
of DNA.
sequences among different individuals in a
In this lab, you’ll use PCR to amplify a population is a good way to find out who’s
particular region of your own DNA. This is one related to who. That’s important in projects
use of the technique; there are many others. ranging from reconstructing human evolution
to figuring out the breeding habits of naked
Some uses of PCR
mole rats. PCR allows you to start with a tiny
Medicine: PCR can be used to detect specific amount of DNA and specifically amplify the
DNA sequences. One example of this would be region of the genome you want to study. After
finding virus DNA that has been inserted into a you’ve amplified the DNA, you can use DNA
person’s cells. HIV, the virus that causes sequencing to find out the nucleotide
AIDS, is one example of a virus that can insert sequence, which you can then compare from
its DNA into a cell’s chromosomal DNA. As a one individual to another.
medical researcher, how would you find out if
a person’s DNA contains the virus? A virus

P V 9 2 P C R

Forensics: Because PCR can be used to to find out whether that person has the short
amplify DNA starting from microscopic PV92, the long one, or both.
samples, it can be a good way of answering
What’s your genotype?
questions like “whose blood is this?” Starting
from a dried blood spot, or a single hair, you Let’s call the PV92 alleles + (with ALU repeat)
could amplify enough DNA to do DNA and – (without ALU repeat). You might have
sequencing, which could prove that the inherited the same allele from both parents,
sample did or did not come from a particular or you might have inherited a different one
individual. from each parent. If you have two copies of
Finally, PCR is widely used as the same allele (+/+ or -/-),
an all-around molecular biology +/+ +/- -/- you’re homozygous. If you
technique. Anybody who works have two different alleles (+/-),
with DNA eventually wants to you’re heterozygous.
copy some DNA, and PCR has In the PCR for this lab, the
become the easiest, fastest, product of the + allele will be
and cheapest way to do it. 941 base pairs long, while the
product of the – allele will be
Today’s lab: PV92
641 bp. If your genotype is
In this lab, you’ll use PCR to +/+, you’ll see one 941 bp
copy a particular segment of band on the gel. If your
your DNA, then run a gel to genotype is -/-, you’ll see only a
compare your amplified DNA to 641 bp band on the gel. If your
that of other students. It’s a simplified DNA genotype is +/-, you’ll see a short band and a
fingerprinting experiment. long one.
The DNA region, or locus, that you’ll copy is This isn’t real DNA fingerprinting
called PV92. The PV92 locus is part of an
In this experiment, there are only 3 possible
intron on chromosome 16. The thing that
genotypes: +/+, +/-, and -/-. Clearly, this
makes PV92 useful for DNA fingerprinting is
isn’t enough information to identify DNA from
that it’s variable. Everybody has the PV92
a particular individual, or to say whether two
locus, but some people have an extra stretch
individuals are related. In real DNA
of repetitive DNA (called an Alu repeat) in it.
fingerprinting, you’d have to look at many loci
The ALU repeat is a stretch of 300 nucleotides
together before you could definitely say that
that occurs over and over at various locations
two DNA samples are the same or are closely
in the human genome. Apparently, this
segment of noncoding DNA has been
duplicated many times during the evolution of On the other hand, even today’s simple
primates, and inserted into the genome at experiment could be enough to prove that
many locations. two DNA samples don’t come from the same
person. In DNA fingerprinting, it’s always
There are only two common PV92 versions, or
much easier to show that two samples are
alleles, in the human population – the short
from different people than it is to show that
one, with no Alu repeat, and the long one,
they’re from the same person.
with the Alu repeat. The result is that for any
copy of human chromosome 16, you should How PCR works
be able to amplify either a short or a long a
PV92 PCR product. Since everybody has two The tools used for copying DNA in PCR are the
copies of chromosome 16 (one from mom and same tools used by cells in copying their own
one from dad), everybody has two copies of DNA: a DNA polymerase, some nucleotides,
the PV92 locus. Therefore, you could possibly primers, and the DNA to be copied (called the
get both a short and a long PV92 PCR product template). The name Polymerase Chain
from one person. Today you can collect DNA Reaction comes from the fact that a DNA
from each person in your lab group and test it polymerase is used to copy fragments of DNA
over and over in a chain reaction.

P V 9 2 P C R


PCR: Basic Steps

heat to separate
The basic steps of PCR are similar to those of template strands
cellular DNA replication: the two strands of
DNA are separated, a primer attaches to a
strand of DNA, and the polymerase adds
nucleotides to the 3’ end of the primer, anneal primers
eventually creating a whole new DNA strand. CYCLE 1
to template
The key difference between PCR and the
normal DNA replication that happens in a cell
is the primers. When a cell copies its DNA, it
makes a large number of primers, which
attach to the DNA at many sites; with many extend primers
priming sites, DNA synthesis begins at many
points simultaneously and proceeds until all
the DNA is copied. In PCR, specific primers
are used. The specific primers attach only
where they can base pair with a CYCLE 2
complementary sequence on the template
DNA, and only a specific section of the DNA
is copied.


DNA but not to human DNA. Each PCR

Here’s a closer look at the steps of PCR: reaction normally uses two primers, one for
each end of the DNA region to be amplified.
Denaturing, or strand separation: the two Primer annealing is controlled by allowing the
strands of the DNA double helix are separated. PCR reaction tube to cool from 90° to 45-60°.
In living cells, the strands are separated by an At this temperature, the hydrogen bonds that
enzyme (helicase). In PCR, the two strands join two strands of DNA together can re-form.
are separated by simply heating the DNA to A large excess of primers is used to favor
90° or so. This breaks the hydrogen bonds primer annealing rather than the re-annealing
joining the two strands, but leaves the of the two original strands of DNA.
covalent bonds of each strand intact.
Extension: in this step, the polymerase goes
Primer annealing: in this step, the primers to work. The polymerase used in PCR, like any
bind to the DNA. In living cells, the primers DNA polymerase, can only work by adding
are made of RNA are synthesized right on the new nucleotides to the 3’ end of an existing
DNA by an enzyme (primase). In PCR, the DNA strand. The polymerase copies DNA
primers are artificial and are designed by the starting at the primer. Extension happens
researcher to base pair with a specific region fastest at the enzyme’s optimal temperature.
of DNA. For example, if you want to amplify In PCR, the enzyme that’s normally used
HIV DNA, you make primers that bind to HIV

P V 9 2 P C R

works at very high temperatures: 72° is its chain reaction, making DNA copies and then
optimum, and it can survive 90° long enough making copies of the copies.
to allow the denaturing step to occur. The Specificity: PCR can be used to copy exactly
DNA polymerase most commonly used in PCR the DNA segment you want, even if you start
is called Taq, which is short for Thermus with a complex mixture of template DNA. This
aquaticus , the heat-loving bacterium from is true because each primer is complementary
which the enzyme was first isolated. to only one stretch of nucleotides on the
Repeat: to make PCR happen, you repeat the template. PCR conditions can be controlled so
above three steps over and over. Repeating that the primer will bind only where it is
the denaturing, annealing, and extension exactly complementary to the template.
steps is done by controlling the temperature. Purifying DNA for PCR
The temperature can be controlled by a
thermal cycler, or PCR machine, which can be You’ll need to purify some of your own DNA
programmed to put a set of PCR tubes for this lab. Luckily, PCR is very efficient and
through a programmed set of temperature you don’t need much DNA. You can get what
cycles. (A cycle consists of denaturing, you need by scraping a few detached cells
annealing, and extension. A complete reaction from the lining of your cheek.
might require 25 cycles.) The exact
DNA doesn’t need to be very pure for PCR,
temperature of each step is critical, and often
but you need to get rid of two things:
determines whether the PCR is successful.
enzymes that might damage DNA, and cations
PCR machines provide precise temperature
like Mg++ that would interfere with the PCR
enzyme. You can achieve these two goals by
After the PCR is completed, you can observe simply boiling your cells with a product called
the results using electrophoresis. Chelex. Boiling kills the enzymes and lyses
the cells. Chelex is a solid resin that is
Why PCR is so useful
negatively charged, so it binds cations. Chelex
PCR has two main characteristics that make it isn’t water soluble, so it will be a powder in
useful: the bottom of your micro tube, pulling away
harmful ions and leaving you with ready-to-
Sensitivity: PCR can amplify DNA starting use DNA. You’ll be using a version of Chelex
from a tiny quantity of template – as little as a called Insta-Gene Matrix, made by the Bio-
single molecule. This is true because PCR is a Rad Corporation.

Questions you should answer:

¥ What does PCR do and why is it so useful?

¥ What makes PCR so sensitive (that is, why can it work with such a tiny amount of template)?

¥ What makes PCR specific about which fragment of DNA it amplifies?

¥ Be sure you can explain the purpose of each ingredient in the PCR cocktail, and each
temperature step.

¥ What is the ALU repeat? How many ALU repeats are there in the human genome? How many
are you trying to copy?

¥ What results do you expect to see on the gel? Why would different individuals give different
results? Why would some individuals show one band, while some show two?
Explain the possible results in terms of: locus and allele; genotype; homozygous and

P V 9 2 P C R


Safety Considerations

I Wear gloves and goggles throughout this lab.

I Personal body fluid (spit). In general, spitting is rude. But we want the DNA from your
exfoliated cheek cells in your saliva. You won’t be drawing blood, but it’s still possible that you
could have a virus or other pathogen in your saliva. Use the same sterile technique with these
samples as you would with bacterial cultures. Change your gloves after spitting back into the cup.
This will reduce the chance of cross-contaminating samples.
Materials for preparing DNA sample
For each person in your lab group, obtain the following:
• a small Dixie® cup
• sterile saline solution
• large (1.5 ml) microfuge tube
• 500 ml microfuge tubes containing Instagene® Chelex resin
• another 500 ml microfuge tube for each sample
• pipetmen and tips
Note: this procedure is written as if you’re going to have only one tube. However, you’ll have a
tube for each person and you can incubate them all together.
1. Put ~10 ml of sterile saline into the cup. Pour the saline into your mouth and swish it
vigorously in your cheeks for 30–60 seconds. Vigorous swishing frees lose epithelial cells
from the inside of your mouth. Expel the saline back into the cup.
2. Fill the large microfuge tube with some of the saline rinse suspension. Centrifuge at high
speed for 2 minutes. You should observe a match-head size white pellet at the bottom of the
tube with your exfoliated cheek cells.
ß If you don’t have enough cells, carefully decant off the supernatent, add another 1 ml of
oral rinse suspension, and centrifuge again. Repeat until a sufficient pellet is observed.
3. After pelleting your cells, pipatte off most of the supernatent taking care not to lose the
pellet. Blot the liquid from the edge of the tube with a paper towel. ~50 µl of liquid should
remain with the pellet.
4. Label 1 tube of Chelex (Instagene®) for your DNA sample.
5. Using the P-20 micropipettor, pipet up and down the liquid in with your oral pellet to evenly
resuspend your cells. Transfer the entire volume to your tube with the Chelex resin. Cap and
vortex thoroughly.
6. Incubate at 56°C for 5 minutes.
7. Vortex the tube again and incubate at 56°C for another 5 minutes.
8. Vortex the tube again and incubate, this time at 100°C for 6 minutes.
9. Vortex the tube again and spin for 10 minutes with the microfuge on low speed.
10. Be sure that all the Chelex resin has pelleted to the bottom of the tube. Pipet 150 ml of the
supernatant into a new labelled small microfuge tube. Be sure not to transfer any of the
Chelex-containing pellet! — it will interfere with PCR.

P V 9 2 P C R

11. Your DNA is now ready to use in PCR. Keep it on ice until you start the PCR. (If PCR cannot
be run immediately, store it frozen. But we plan on running it today.)

¥ What is Chelex? Why must we treat our DNA samples with it?

Before you get your materials together, you need to figure out your PCR recipe and program the
machine. To make PCR work, you need seven basic components in your reaction tube:

Added to adjust the volume and concentration of the other

ingredients. Must be pure and sterile.
Controls the pH and salt concentrations to allow the enzyme to do
its job. The buffer is normally included in a separate tube when you
Reaction buffer
buy the enzyme. It comes as a 10x concentrate; you dilute it 10-fold
to make the buffer concentration 1x in the PCR reaction tube.
Mg2+ ions interact with both the nucleic acids and the enzymes, do
its concentration is critical and must be optimized for each PCR
MgCl2 experiment. Too little and no amplification, but too much and wrong
products are produced. Since we chelex-treated our templates, we
need to add a little Mg2+ back.
The monomers that will be used by the polymerase to make new
DNA strands.
The oligonucleotides that give the polymerase a place to start. Must
Primers be present in high concentration. In this lab, the primers base pair
with the PV92 region of your DNA.
The enzyme that makes the new DNA. Taq polymerase is commonly
used in PCR.
Template DNA The starting DNA, part of which will be copied in the PCR reaction.

All these components must be present in the proper concentrations to allow PCR to work. The
hardest part of the experiment is figuring out what goes into your reaction tube. You’ll probably
spend more time figuring out what to do than actually doing it. That’s normal.
Recipe for a typical PCR reaction: This table shows the final concentrations for each
component in your PCR reaction mix.
Component stock final
Reaction Buffer w/ MgCl2 10x 1.0X
Nucleotide Mix 10mM 0.2 mM
Primer 1 10 µM 1.0 µM
Primer 2 10 µM 1.0 µM
Taq DNA Polymerase 5 Units/µl 1.0 Units
Template DNA unknown 1 ng

When performing PCR, you normally start by preparing a cocktail. The cocktail is a mixture of all
the ingredients except the DNA template (i.e., your sample). Make sufficient cocktail for all your
samples so you only need add this one solution to each tube. Normally you would start by
calculating the proper amount of each ingredient per reaction tube. “Stock” means the
concentration of the stock solution – the solution you use when setting up your PCR reactions.

P V 9 2 P C R

Then multiply the amount per tube by the total number of tubes to make enough cocktail for all
your reactions. Pipet the cocktail into your reaction tubes, and then add the DNA template to
each tube at the end. That way, you’re sure that all the tubes get the exact same mix of primers,
enzyme, etc. Making a cocktail like this also saves you a lot of pipetting and minimizes the time
delay between your first and last sample getting exposed to cocktail.
For today’s PCR reactions, you’ve got it easy: the cocktail is already made for you. All you need to
do is add your DNA template to the cocktail in the reaction tube:

PV92 PCR Cocktail 20 ml

Template DNA [unknown] 20 ml
Total volume 40 ml

Don’t start pipetting yet! Read the rest of this section first!
For this experiment, your group should have one PCR reaction for each person’s DNA sample. In
addition, you should have a negative control: a PCR reaction tube that contains everything
except template DNA. This negative control tube should produce no band on your gel. You should
also have a positive control, supplied by the instructor.

¥ Why do you need a negative control? Why do you need a positive control?

Program the PCR machine

Before you get your reagents out, program the PCR machine or verify that it’s already
programmed. The machine needs to be programmed to take your samples through the proper
temperature steps. Each set of denature, anneal, and extend steps is called a cycle. For today’s
reactions, the machine should be set to go through 30 cycles. Before starting the first cycle,
there is often a preliminary initial denaturation step; and after the last cycle, a final extension
step. For PV92, the program should be:

Initial Denaturation 94° 2:00

Step 1: Denature 94° 1:00
Step 2: Anneal 60° 1:00
Step 3: Extend 72° 2:00
Step 4 GO TO step 1 29 more times

Final Extension 72° 10:00

End 10° Final hold

Set up your cocktail and individual reaction tubes

Now you’re ready to start pipetting. Obtain the following materials:

ß small Styrofoam cooler or cup filled with ice — Keep all the cocktail tubes and your DNA
samples on ice.
ß your DNA samples from members of your group
ß sterile water for your negative control

P V 9 2 P C R

ß your standard positive control DNA sample: Write down what it says on the label! There
are three different positive control standards and it’s essential to know which one you’re using.
One control is the homozygous +/+, another control is the homozygous –/–, and the third
positive control is the heterozygous +/–. Predict the band pattern for each of these.
ß PCR cocktail – will be distributed by the instructor; contains the following in 20 µl:
10x rxn buffer
nucleotide mix
Taq polymerase
ß pipetmen, tips, and a beaker for waste tips

Set up the reactions

Keep all the cocktail tubes and your DNA samples on ice. Don’t perform the following steps
until the instructor tells you; it’s important that everyone gets their tubes ready at about the
same time.
1. Label each PCR tube, including your group name and the template. Label by writing on the
sides of the tubes; don’t use tape.
2. Add 20 µl of DNA template to each tube. For the negative control, use 20 µl sterile water.
The cocktail is in special, thin-walled PCR tubes, not regular microfuge tubes. So you must
add the template to the cocktail, not the other way around.
After setting up your reaction tubes, make sure other groups are ready to go before you put your
tubes into the machine. All the tubes need to go in at the same time. Your tubes need to be
on ice until the reaction starts.
The machine will take more than an hour to go through all the cycles. After the PCR is complete,
the DNA is fairly stable; it can sit at room temperature for a couple of days. You don’t need to
wait around until the PCR is done; you can leave it in the machine. In the next lab period you’ll
use electrophoresis to look at your PCR products.
Before you leave, you should have:
ß PCR tubes in the machine.
ß DNA templates saved in a rack in the freezer.

Waste Disposal & Cleanup

Dump your mouth rinse solutions into the sink; throw the cups in the regular trash.
Chelex tubes, other microfuge tubes and pipet tips go in the biohazard trash.
Beakers used for waste tips: dump the tips into the biohazard trash and put the beaker into the
dirty-glassware tub on the cart (if there’s not a tub, check with the instructor).
Gloves, paper towels, etc. go in the regular trash.

P V 9 2 P C R


Now that your PCR is done, it’s time to see if it worked. Run a gel.
Since you’re looking for smaller DNA pieces than before, make your gel with 1.5% agarose. The
volume of the gel should be 40 ml, the same as before.
Load 20 µl of each student DNA PCR sample, but only 10 µl of each positive control sample. Mix
each sample with 4 µl DNA sample buffer.
As a marker, load 10 µl of the EZ Load molecular mass ruler, which is already mixed with sample
Run the gel at 70 volts.


While your gel is running, use the method in Appendix A2ii to assay the DNA concentration in
your unamplified templates and in your PCR products to determine how much DNA amplification

¥ Ideally how much would you expect the DNA in your templates to be amplified after 30
cycles of PCR? How did your measured DNA concentrations match these expectations? If
there was a significant discrepancy, why do you think it occurred?


Write a report for this lab project, following the usual format (c.f., A4, pp. 121-123).
Address the “Questions you should answer” in your introduction.
The results should include yourWDEOHRI'1$DVVD\GDWDDQG \RXUgel photograph, and your
discussionshould have a lane-by-laneanalysis of how you reached each conclusion regarding
genotypedetermination, as well ascomments on unpredicted bands and notes of observations
you madewhile doing theexperiment.
Refer to Supplemental Exercise 4: PV92 — Analysis and Interpretation of Results.
Add to your results the information in Tables 1–6 from that supplement. Also answer questions
#5–7 within your discussion to compare your group, the whole class, and the USA population
genotypic and allelic frequencies and the implication of any significant differences between
observed and predicted genotypic frequencies.
Remember: if showing data not collected in this experiment, cite your source!

P V 9 2 P C R

In the conjugation lab, you used indirect methods to investigate the transfer of DNA from one
bacterial cell to another. In this lab, you’ll work directly with DNA to investigate what happens
when a virus infects some bacteria.
After completing this lab, you should understand:
• what a bacteriophage is
• virus life cycles and structure
• pathogens and Koch’s postulates
• how to prepare a dilution series
• how bacteriophages are used in gene cloning
• lysis, plaques, and bacterial lawns
• the application of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to molecular diagnostics

I N T R O D U C T I O N :

Bacteriophages are viruses that infect It can be difficult to prove that a specific virus
bacteria. Bacteriophages (phages or F for causes a particular disease. Simply proving
short) are abundant in that the diseased cells
some natural contain the virus isn’t
Koch’s postulates:
ecosystems, and are enough; the presence
also widely used as In order to prove definitively that a of the virus could be a
tools for molecular particular pathogen causes a disease, coincidence. Medical
biology. A phage’s researchers must: researchers use Koch’s
ability to induce a cell to postulates (see box) as
1. Find the pathogen in each
make huge numbers of a set of rules for
individual that has the disease.
copies of a specific DNA proving that a specific
molecule can be quite 2. Isolate the pathogen from a virus (or other
useful to anyone who is diseased individual, and grow the p a t h o g e n ) is
trying to clone a gene. pathogen in a pure culture. responsible for a
particular disease.
This lab is designed to 3. Induce the disease in healthy
demonstrate some individuals by infecting them with Koch’s strict set of rules
concepts about viruses the pure pathogen. was designed for
as infectious agents and working with bacterial
4. Isolate the pathogen from the
as tools for molecular pathogens, and
newly infected individuals.
biology. In addition, this sometimes it isn’t
lab also includes the possible to fulfill all four
polymerase chain of its requirements. In
reaction (PCR), a technique for copying this lab, you’ll infect some cells with a phage,
specific DNA sequences. see the cells die, then try to prove that it was
the virus that killed them.
Refer to Chapter 18 in Campbell et al. for a
description of virus life cycles. When a virus infects a bacterial cell, the virus
takes over the cell’s biochemical machinery to
Many viruses are pathogens: agents that
make a large numbers of new virus particles.
cause disease. Viruses cause a wide range of
In many cases, the cell then bursts open,
diseases in every type of organism. In this
releasing the new viruses to infect other cells.
lab, you’ll investigate a phage as the cause of
This bursting is called lysis.
cell death in bacteria.

B a c t e r i o p h a g e

You’ll be able to observe the effect of lysis polymerase chain reaction is a technique for
when you grow your infected E. coli bacteria copying a specific piece of DNA. In this lab,
on a plate. If you let healthy bacteria grow all you’ll use PCR to detect virus DNA from
over a plate, you’ll have a bacterial lawn – a infected bacterial cells.
faint translucent coating on the surface of the
As mentioned previously, part of the point of
agar. If some of those bacteria are infected
the phage lab is to demonstrate that the
with a phage, you’ll see a plaque – a clear
phage causes lysis. You won’t be able to fulfill
spot in the lawn where the cells are dead. A
Koch’s postulates exactly; the phage only
plaque is formed when one infected cell lyses,
replicates inside cells, so you can’t grow
releasing phage, which then infects the
phage in a pure culture. You’ll get an impure
neighboring cells. Plaques tend to increase in
phage culture, containing the phage and
size as more cells lyse and infect their
some lysed bacterial cells. How will you
recognize the virus in this culture? You can’t
THE POLYMERASE CHAIN REACTION (PCR) recognize a specific phage just by looking at
You won’t see the virus on your plates, but it; you need to examine the DNA. For that,
you can detect it using the polymerase chain you can use PCR.
reaction. As you’ve already learned, the

P R O C E D U R E :

I Bacterial cultures. The bacteria you’ll use for this lab are Escherichia coli, or E. coli. This
species is a normal resident of every human intestine. Some strains of E. coli can cause human
disease. The E. coli strain used in this lab does not cause disease. However, like all bacteria, it
must be handled with care. Even strains that are not pathogenic can be harmful in large
quantities. Bacteria evolve rapidly, and it may be possible for harmless bacteria to become
harmful. Always use sterile technique when culturing bacteria.
Viruses. The virus you will use in this lab can only infect bacteria, and cannot cause disease in
humans. However, as with all laboratory reagents and cultures, you should handle it with care.

I Wear gloves and goggles throughout this lab.

For each lab group, obtain the following:
• 4 TPA or similar agar plates
• 1 tube SM liquid medium for diluting phage
• bacteriophage stock
• 4 sterile test tubes
• 3 microfuge tubes
• E. coli culture
• 4 melted soft agar tubes (leave these in the warm water bath until you’re ready to use them)
• pipetmen, tips, and a beaker for waste tips

B a c t e r i o p h a g e


The procedure for this lab is simple, but timing is important. Make sure you plan out what you’re
doing before you start. If you’re a little too slow, your experiment won’t work.
The basic procedure is to prepare a phage dilution series, add the E. coli cells to the diluted
phage, add melted soft agar to the phage/cell suspension, and pour the whole mess onto an
agar plate. The bacteria will grow embedded in the soft agar; this will create a good lawn and let
you see your plaques well.
1. Before you start, the soft agar needs to be fully melted and ready at about 50° C. Before
doing anything else, check to make sure that this is so.
2. Label the bottoms of your 4 plates 10-1x, 10-2x, 10-3x, and “no phage.”
3. Make a 10-fold dilution of your phage stock. Pipet 20 ml of phage stock into a microfuge
tube, then pipet 180 ml of sterile SM medium into the same tube. Mix gently. The
concentration of the phage stock is called 1x for convenience; your 10-fold dilution is 0.1x, or
10-1x. Write “10-1x” on the tube.
4. Prepare 200 ml of 10-2x phage, again using SM to dilute. Mix gently, and label the tube “10-2x”.
5. Prepare a tube of 10-3x phage. Mix gently, and label the tube “10-3x”.
6. Pipet 500 ml of E. coli culture into each of your 4 empty test tubes. Label the tubes 10-1x, 10-2x,
10-3x, and “no phage.”
7. Add 100 ml of the 10-1x phage to the cells in test tube labeled 10-1x, and mix gently.
8. Take one tube of melted soft agar from the water bath and bring it back to your lab table.
Pour the entire contents of the soft agar tube into the 10-1x test tube. Mix gently. You are
combining the phage and cells with the soft agar.
9. Immediately pour the entire contents of the soft agar tube (now containing soft agar, E. coli
cells, and diluted phage) onto the plate labeled 10-1x. Quickly spread the agar by swirling the
plate once, then let this plate sit until the agar solidifies completely. If there are lumps in the
agar, you should do another plate; you won’t see your plaques well on a lumpy plate.
10. Repeat steps 7-9 for the 10-2x and 10-3x phage and the “no phage” plate. For the “no phage
plate, use 100 ml of plain SM instead of the diluted phage.
11. When you’re done with all the plates, make sure the agar is all solid, then tape the plates
together and put them in the 37° incubator. Put the plates upside down so condensation
from the lid doesn’t drip on the plates.

¥ Based on your understanding of this experiment, you should be able to answer some
questions about how things might go wrong. What if you used too little phage? What if you used
too much phage? Too few or too many cells? Dead cells?


You should have four plates in the incubator.
Clean up as per usual. If you messed up any plates, put them in biohazard trash, along with your
waste tips & tubes. Your microfuge tubes of diluted phage may also be discarded here.
The glass culture tubes, including those containing the phage stock and E. coli culture, should be
placed in the rack in the contaminated-glassware tub on the cart. Do not empty them or place
them back in the original racks! Peel the labels off all glass tubes.

B a c t e r i o p h a g e

D A Y 2 : L O O K A T Y O U R P L A T E S

Did you get a lawn? Did you get plaques? Be sure you can tell what a lawn looks like; compare a
plate with a lawn to a blank plate with no bacteria.

? Record your results for each plate, including a good estimate of the number of plaques.
Note whether you’re actually counting, or just estimating.
F dilution # plaques/plate pfu/ml of stock F solution
10 x
“No phage” control

? Calculate the concentration of virions (pfu/ml) in the original phage stock

solution. (Phage particles are called virions when they’re not in a cell.) Each “plaque forming
unit” (pfu) is assumed to represent one original virion. Use your best “most countable plate.”


If a plate has a lot of plaques, it has a huge quantity of phage particles. You can collect some of
these for infecting other cells and for DNA testing by PCR in the next lab. The material that
comes out of cells when they lyse is called a lysate; collect it from your plates and you have a
plate lysate.
• Your plates
• SM buffer
• Pipetmen, blue tips, and a beaker for waste tips
• four 1.5-ml microfuge tubes
1. Clean your table, use sterile technique, and wear gloves and goggles.
2. Choose the plate that has the largest number of plaques (should be your 10-1x plate).
3. Pour several ml SM onto this plate. You want enough medium to completely cover the plate,
but not so much that it will spill. (Later, you’ll want to pipet off the SM.) Record the
amount of SM added.
4. Swirl the plate gently and let it sit for a while. (You’ll recover more virus by letting it sit
longer.) The instructor will tell you how long to leave it.
5. Repeat steps 3 & 4 with your “no phage” plate.
6. Label two of your microfuge tubes “phage” and the other two “no phage”.
7. Recover your plate lysates as follows: Tilt the plate slightly and pipet off the SM into a
microfuge tube. Recover enough to fill the micro tube, without getting any chunks or debris.
If there’s not enough liquid to pipet, add some more SM to the plates. Add this amount to
the total volume of SM added. The SM in your microfuge tubes is your “phage lysate.”

B a c t e r i o p h a g e

8. Spin your “phage lysate” down for a few minutes in the microcentrifuge (high speed) to
pellet any solids, including bacterial cells.
9. Transfer the supernatant to a new microfuge tube, being careful not to disturb the pelleted
material. You want the phage particles, which are soluble and won’t be pelleted; you don’t
want the bacterial debris, which forms a pellet. Don’t worry about recovering all of your
lysate; you’ll have plenty. You can now use this lysate for infecting new cells and for PCR. Be
sure to write your initials and the date on the tubes.


Koch’s postulates say that a researcher should be able to recover a pathogen from diseased
individuals and infect healthy individuals with it. In this experiment, you’ll find out if your phage
lysate causes lysis in healthy cells.
The procedure for infecting bacterial cells with phage is the same one you used earlier.
For each lab group, obtain the following:
• 3 TPA or similar agar plates (no antibiotics)
• your “phage” and “no phage” lysates
• 3 sterile test tubes
• microfuge tubes
• SM buffer for diluting phage
• E. coli culture
• 3 melted soft agar tubes (leave these in the warm water bath until you’re ready to use them)
• pipetmen, tips, and a beaker for waste tips
1. Before you start, the soft agar needs to be ready at about 50° C. Check to make sure that
this is so.
2. Label the bottoms of your plates “10-3x phage,” “10-5x phage,” and “10-3x no phage.”
3. Make 10-3x and a 10-5x dilutions of your phage lysate. Make a 10-3x dilution of your “no
phage” lysate. Use SM to dilute the lysates, and do the dilutions in microfuge tubes.
4. Pipet 500 ml of E. coli culture into each of your 3 culture tubes. Label the tubes.
5. Add 100 ml of 10-3x phage lysate to the cells in test tube labeled 10-3x phage, and mix gently.
6. Take one tube of melted soft agar from the water bath and bring it back to your lab table.
Pour the entire contents of the soft agar tube into the 10-3x phage culture tube. Mix gently.
7. Immediately pour the entire contents of the soft agar tube (now containing soft agar, E. coli
cells, and diluted phage) onto the plate labeled 10-3x phage. Quickly spread the agar by
swirling the plate once, then let this plate sit until the agar solidifies completely. If there are
lumps in the agar, you should do another plate.
8. Repeat steps 4-7 for the rest of your lysates.
9. When you’re done with all the plates, make sure the agar is all solid, then tape the plates
together and put them in the 37° incubator.

B a c t e r i o p h a g e

¥ Why are you doing 10-3x and a 10-5x dilutions of your phage lysate this time, when you did
10-1x, 10-2x and a 10-3x dilutions for the first round of plates?


Save your undiluted your lysates (1x) – you still need them for PCR. Label them carefully
and store them in the freezer.
You should have three new plates in the incubator.
You won’t need your old plates any more – toss them in the biohazard trash. You can also
dispose of the diluted lysates here.
Everything else, dispose of as usual: tips & tubes in biohazard trash; reusables in the tub.
Remember to peel the labels off the used glass tubes and place them in the rack in the tub.

B a c t e r i o p h a g e

D A Y 3 : L O O K A T Y O U R P L A T E S

? Record your results for each plate, including a good estimate of the number of plaques.
Record what you actually see, not what you think should be there!
lysate dilution # plaques/plate pfu/ml of first lysate
10-3x phage
10-5x phage
10-3x “no phage”

? Calculate the concentration of virions (pfu/ml) in the first lysate suspension. Again,
use your best “most countable plate.”
You should also be able to give a rough estimate of how much the phage replicated on your
original plates. If your starting plate had 100 plaques, then it started with 100 phage particles
infecting 100 cells. This is normally given as plaque-forming units (pfu): 100 pfu gives 100
plaques. If your phage lysate contained 1000 pfu, then the virus replicated at least 10-fold. How
many pfu did your phage lysate contain? (Remember, you only put a small fraction of the lysate
on each plate.)

? Calculate the amount of viral replication that occurred on your first plates.
= ___# of pfu collected off of the plate___ =
# of pfu put onto the plate
Assume that the total volume of first lysate equals the total volume of SM medium you added to
the first lysate plate.


You still have another part of this lab to do: using PCR to see if the same virus DNA that
you started with is present in your plates. To check this, you’ll need the plate lysates you
prepared earlier (call these the “first-round” lysates) and a plate lysate from the plates you’re
looking at today (call these the “second-round lysates).
Prepare plate lysates as before, from a “no phage” plate with no plaques and from a phage plate
with a lot of plaques. Use the same SM volume and soak time you used to collect the first lysate.
You should now have four tubes with samples for viral identification by means of PCR:
i. plate lysate from a first-round plate with plaques: (first phage lysate)
ii. plate lysate from a first-round “no phage” plate (negative control)
iii. plate lysate from a second-round phage plate with plaques (second phage lysate)
iv. plate lysate from a second-round “no phage” plate with no plaques

You should also have a sample of the original phage stock solution from first phage lab for
comparison (positive control)
Clean up your work area and get ready for PCR. Once your plates are counted and the lysates
collected, you may dispose of the plates in the biohazard trash.

B a c t e r i o p h a g e

P C R F O R D E T E C T I N G P H A G E :

For this lab, you’ll use PCR to find out whether phage DNA is present in the bacterial cultures. If
the virus is present, you should get DNA produced in your reaction and see a band on your
electrophoresis gel. If no phage is present, you won’t get a band. In order to be sure the PCR is
working, you’ll need a positive control and a negative control. The positive control will be the
original phage stock, and the negative control will be a “plate lysate” from the “no phage control”
plate – cells, but no phage.
In this lab, you will need to prepare your own PCR cocktail. Review the ingredients and their
purpose in the table in the PV92 lab.
Recipe for one PCR reaction: This table shows the final concentrations for each component in
your PCR reaction mix.
Component, stock concentration Final Concentration
5X GoTaq Reaction Buffer 1.0X
MgCl2, 25 mM 1.5 mM
Nucleotide Mix, 10mM 200 mM
Primer 1, “T2F1”, 10 µM 1.0 µM
Primer 2, “T2R1”, 10 µM 1.0 µM
GoTaq DNA Polymerase, 5 Units/µl 1.25 Units
Template DNA, concentration unknown unknown

The final volume for each reaction will be 50 µl. The template DNA will simply be a few
microliters of a plate lysate – you won’t need to purify the DNA.
Fill in this chart showing what goes into a single reaction tube:
Water _____.____ ml
5x reaction buffer _____.____ ml = 1x final concn.
MgCl2 (25 mM) _____.____ ml = 1.5 mM
Nucleotide mix (10 mM) _____.____ ml = 200 mM
Primer 1 (10 mM) _____.____ ml = 1.0 mM
Primer 2 (10 mM) _____.____ ml = 1.0 mM
Taq polymerase (5 Units/µl) _____.____ ml = 1.25 Unit
Template DNA (unknown) 5.0 ml
Total volume 50.0 ml

The ingredients are shown in the order in which you add them to the tube. You’ll have
to figure out the water last, but you should add it to the tube first.
Recipe for the PCR cocktail:
You’ll be doing several reactions, which will be identical except that they will use different
template DNA. When you set up your reactions, you don’t need to set up each tube individually.
Instead, you can make a “cocktail” containing all the ingredients except for the template DNA.
Then you pipet the cocktail into the PCR tubes, and add the specific template to each tube.

B a c t e r i o p h a g e

You’ll need enough PCR cocktail for seven reactions. In case your pipets aren’t perfect (and they
certainly aren’t), you should always make a little extra cocktail – in this case, enough for eight
reactions. Fill in your cocktail recipe:
Ingredient 1 rxn 8 rxns
Water _____.__ ml _____.__ ml
5x GoTaq reaction buffer _____.__ ml _____.__ ml
MgCl2 (25 mM) _____.__ ml _____.__ ml
Nucleotide mix (10 mM) _____.__ ml _____.__ ml
Primer 1 (10 mM) _____.__ ml _____.__ ml
Primer 2 (10 mM) _____.__ ml _____.__ ml
GoTaq polymerase (5 Units/µl) _____.__ ml _____.__ ml
Template DNA 5 ml don’t add yet
Total volume 50.0 ml 360 ml
Each tube will get 45 µl of cocktail, followed by 5 µl of template. Don’t start pipetting until
you read the directions on the next page.
Before you get your reagents out, program the PCR machine. The machine may already be
programmed for you, but you should check. The machine needs to be programmed to take your
samples through the proper temperature steps. Each set of denature, anneal, and extend steps is
called a cycle. For today’s reactions, the machine should be set to go through 25 cycles.
The program should be:
Step 1 94° 30 seconds
Step 2 54° 40 seconds
Step 3 72° 45 seconds
Step 4 GO TO step 1 24 more times
Step 5 END

I Use gloves and goggles throughout this lab. It’s important to have clean gloves to
reduce the possibility of contaminating your PCR reactions.


For this experiment, your group should have seven PCR reactions:
1) plate lysate from a first-round plate with plaques: phage lysate
2) plate lysate from first-round “no phage” plate (lawn but no plaques: negative control)
3) plate lysate from second-round phage plate with plaques
4) plate lysate from second-round “no phage” plate with no plaques
5) phage stock solution from first phage lab
6) T2 phage positive control (provided by instructor)
7) SM medium with no DNA template (negative control)

B a c t e r i o p h a g e

Now you’re ready to start pipetting. Obtain the following materials:

• small Styrofoam cup filled with ice
• pipetmen, tips, and a beaker for waste tips
• one 500-ml microfuge tube (to make the cocktail)
• seven 500-µl PCR tubes (special thin-wall tubes; not the microfuge tubes)
• PCR cocktail ingredients (will be distributed by the instructor):
Sterile water
MgCl2, 25mM
nucleotide mix, 10 mM
T2F1 and T2R1 primers, each 10 µM
GoTaq reaction buffer, 5x
GoTaq polymerase, 5 U/µl
1. Keep all the cocktail ingredients and your cocktail tube on ice.
2. Label your 1 cocktail tube and 7 reaction tubes (Make sure you can distinguish your labels
from the other groups’ tubes — they will all be together in the thermal cycler!) Write directly
on the tubes — do not use tape!:
1) plate lysate from a first-round plate with plaques: phage lysate
2) plate lysate from first-round “no phage” plate (lawn but no plaques: negative
3) plate lysate from second-round phage plate with plaques
4) plate lysate from second-round “no phage” plate with no plaques
5) phage stock solution from first phage lab
6) T2 positive control
7) no template (negative control)
3. Before you pipet anything, make sure all the ingredients are thawed and mixed.
4. Prepare your cocktail on ice, according to the table you filled in on the previous page. Mix.
5. Aliquot the cocktail into the reaction tubes. After adding 45 ml cocktail to each tube, you
should have about 45 ml left in the cocktail tube. Don’t worry if it isn’t exact, but if you’re way
off, you may have made a mistake.
6. Add 5 ml of the proper template to each reaction tube.
7. After setting up your reaction tubes, make sure other groups are ready to go before you put
your tubes into the machine. All the tubes need to go in at the same time. Your tubes need
to be on ice until the reaction starts.
The machine will take more than an hour to go through all the cycles. After the PCR is complete,
the DNA is fairly stable; it can sit at room temperature for a couple of days. Later, you’ll use
electrophoresis to look at your PCR products.
If the PCR machine is still running, leave your PCR tubes in the machine. Save your DNA
templates in the freezer in case we need to rerun them.
Throw out the leftover cocktail along with your waste tips (biohazard).

B a c t e r i o p h a g e

D A Y 4 : E L E C T R O P H O R E S I S F O R P C R R E S U L T S

You’ve done gel electrophoresis before. This time, the purpose of it is to check the results of your
PCR reactions. Remember that electrophoresis separates DNA molecules by size, and allows you
to see small amounts of DNA.
¥ What type of electrophoresis and what density of gel should you use? Why?


The electrophoresis procedure for this lab will be the same as last time, with two small but
important changes:
Agarose percentage: Since you will be looking at smaller DNA fragments this time, your gel
should have a higher percentage of agarose. Prepare your gel with 2% agarose (you used 0.8%
for the larger DNA molecules in the restriction digest lab). Use 40 ml TBE to make the gel, as
before. Don’t forget to add the ethidium bromide!
Voltage: Smaller pieces of DNA mean you can crank the voltage up a little without causing
smearing in your gel. Run today’s gel at 80 volts.
You should have seven PCR samples to run on the gel. You should also run a molecular weight
marker, if you have it: the restriction-digested lambda DNA left over from the restriction digest
lab. You should have several different samples of that DNA. You choose which one to use as a
size standard, keeping in mind that the expected PCR products are around 200 bp long.


You should do one report for your lab group, and turn it in with everyone’s name on it. Your
report should include the following sections.
Explain what the lab was about and briefly outline the experiments you did and what they were
intended to tell you.
Include a flow diagram showing what you did, and note any deviations from the written protocol.
You should have three sections of results:
First set of plates: how many plaques on each plate?
Second set of plates: how many plaques on each plate?
PCR gel: include the gel picture. Label each lane.
In the discussion, start by discussing your specific results.
Did you get plaques as expected the first time you infected cells with phage?
I hope you did, because the rest of your experiment doesn’t mean anything if you didn’t.
Did you get plaques when you re-infected cells using your plate lysate?

B a c t e r i o p h a g e

This relates to the second and third of Koch’s postulates. In other words, does the
pathogen you get from the dead bacterial cells cause other bacterial cells to die the same
If the phage is a pathogen, you would expect to see it replicating after it enters cells.
Can you tell if this has happened? How much replication?
Did you get any PCR products?
If your controls worked and you got PCR products of the expected size, you can be fairly
sure that your PCR reaction contained some phage DNA to act as a template. Which
reactions had products, and how do your results help to determine whether the phage is
really the cause of the plaques you observed?
After discussing your results, discuss their meaning:
Can you prove that the plaques were caused by the phage?
What information do you need to do this?
What other experiments would you want to do to increase your confidence that the
phage is the cause of lysis?
Finally, relate your results to the questions the experiments were intended to address. The goals
of this lab include demonstrations of:
• A virus life cycle
• Some experiments to illustrate the experimental approach to identifying pathogens
• Using PCR as a diagnostic tool
In your discussion, mention what the lab showed in terms of each of these goals.

¥ W H A T Y O U ’ L L B E Q U I Z Z E D O N :

Be sure to review the objectives at the beginning of the lab and all the sections of the lab report.
Everything in the lab manual is fair game for test questions.
Some hypothetical questions might be posed, such as:
• What if you had obtained a PCR product from the no phage/no plaque lysate?
• What if you didn’t get any PCR products at all?
• What if you had obtained plaques on the “no phage” plates?
Other questions may test your understanding of the methods. For example:
• When the DNA is heated in the denaturing step, why do the strands separate but not break?
• In the annealing step, how can you make sure that the primers anneal to the two strands of
the template instead of the two template strands re-annealing to each other?


The chemistry of life depends upon specific molecules interacting with each other. Successful
interaction requires that the molecules be dissolved in water. One or more molecular species
dissolved in water constitutes as solution. The molecules dissolved in water are called solutes,
while the water is referred to as solvent. At this point you should review the discussion of
solutions in your text book.
A key property of solutions is the concentration of
solute. To a nonscientist, concentration is most often
thought of in terms of percent. A “10% glucose
10 grams Glucose 10 grams Sucrose
solution” is something most of us can easily relate to
and visualize (for every 100 parts of solution, 10 parts 90 ml H2O

are glucose). The “parts” in a percent solutions usually

refer to weight. Thus, the 10% glucose solution would
consist of 10 grams of glucose for every 100 grams of
solution (10 g glucose in 90 g H2O).
Noting the concentration of solutions in percent by
weight can lead to problems because it doesn’t give any
information about the concentration of molecules. For 10% Glucose 10% Sucrose

example, in comparing a 10% solution of glucose and a Figure 1. Comparison of the composition
of solutions by weight
10% solution of sucrose (Fig. 1), you see that each has
the same weight of sugar (10g per 90g H2O), but
because a glucose molecule is about half the size of a sucrose molecule (Fig. 2), the glucose
solution has about twice the concentration of dissolved solute molecules. The weight of sugar in
each solution is the same, but there are twice as many sugar molecules in the glucose solution.
To get around this problem, solutions are often described by their solute concentration using the

Glucose : Molecular weigth = 180 Sucrose: Molecular weight = 342
Figure 2. Comparison of molecular sizes of glucose and sucrose

Molar designation. A Mole of a substance is equal to its molecular weight in grams. Thus for any
type of substance, the number of molecules in a Mole is always the same; namely 6.022 x 1023
(this is an extremely large number).

Molar solutions are
simply the number of
moles of solute in one 1 Mole of Glucose (180 g) 1 Mole of Sucrose (342 g)
liter of solution.
Figure 3 compares
how 1 Molar glucose 1.0 Liter
and sucrose solutions
would be made. The Add enough water
Add enough water
concentration of solute to make 1 liter of
solution. to make 1 liter of
molecules in both solution.

solutions is the same:

6.022 X1023 1 Molar Solution
(1M Glucose)
1 Molar Solution
(1M Sucrose)
molecules per liter of Figure 3. Comparison of 1 Molar solutions of glucose and sucrose
Since a great deal of experimental lab work in biology involves solutions, the ability to work
with and manipulate them is very important. In this lab you will investigate several techniques
for working with solutions.
In biology lab work, concentrations are often given in micro-moles or µM. A µM is one
millionth of a mole per liter, or 1 x 10-6 M.

1 ml 1 ml
"blow out"

1. For most work in the biology laboratory, it is

necessary to prepare smaller volumes of dilutions. In 0
next series you are going to make a dilution series
using and ending up with relatively small volumes.
2. There are two kinds of pipettes commonly used in
laboratories (Fig. 4). The "blow out" type delivers the
desired amount when completely emptied. The other
type delivers the desired amount when the liquid level
reaches the last calibration mark. This type is more Delivers exactly 1
ml when emptied 1.0 0.9
accurate but the "blow out" type is more convenient to here.
because once it is filled to a known level, it can then
Delivers more Delivers exactly
be emptied completely for an accurate measurement. than 1 ml when 1 ml when
You will use both types at one time or another in later completely
exercises, so always check the type your are using.
Figure 4. Comparison of "standard" and
"blow out" pipettes
Concentration Questions

 How many grams of glucose would be dissolved to make 1 liter of a 0.5M glucose solution?

 How many molecules of glucose are in that 1 liter of 0.5M glucose solution?

 What is the concentration of the 0.5M glucose solution expressed in mM?

 What is the concentration of the 0.5M glucose solution expressed in %?

 How many grams of sucrose would be dissolved in 1 liter of a 0.5M sucrose solution? How does that
compare to the grams of solute in the 0.5M glucose solution?

 How many molecules of sucrose in that 1 liter of 0.5M sucrose solution? How does that compare to the
amount of solute in the 0.5M glucose solution?

 How much of the 0.5M glucose solution is needed to provide 100 mg of glucose?

 If you were to dilute 100 ml of the 0.5M glucose solution with 400 ml water, what would be the
concentration of the diluted solution?

 If you were to dilute 10 µl of the 0.5M glucose solution with 1.99 ml water, what would be the
concentration of the diluted solution?

 How would you prepare 10 ml of 0.1M glucose from the 0.5M glucose solution?

 How would you prepare 100 ml of 1% glucose from the 0.5M glucose solution?

 How would you prepare 20 µl of 25 mM glucose from the 0.5M glucose solution?

 How would you prepare 100 µl of 40 mM glucose/40 mM sucrose from the 0.5M glucose and 0.5M
sucrose solutions?
Laboratory work in molecular biology and biotechnology is usually done in minute quantities.
The unit of measure used for setting up reactions is the microliter (µl). One microliter is one
millionth (10-6) of a liter.
So: 1 L = 1,000,000 µl, and 1 ml = 1,000 µl
Practice these conversions:
1. Convert the following to ml:
100 µl
500 µl
3,000 µl
10 µl
2. Convert the following to µl:
5 ml
0.5 ml
0.004 ml
0.000001 ml
The micropipet is an instrument that allows us to
accurately measure µl volumes of reagents. Micropipets
are delicate, very expensive, and the cornerstone of our
work with DNA. In this lab, you will learn to properly use
and care for micropipets. A micropipet uses suction to
draw up specific amounts of liquid. Its parts allow you to
control how much liquid to suck up and dispense. It is
essentially a hollow barrel with an adjustable plunger
through it. On the left is a diagram of a micropipet and its
specific parts.
The control button, or plunger, allows the user to suck up
and dispense liquid.
The eject button allows ejection of micropipet tips after
The volume knob allows the user to dial the amount of
liquid to be measured.
The number window shows the amount dialed.
The tip of the micropipet is where the micropipet tips are
placed. The entire white part is called the barrel.

Damaging these instruments can be avoided by following a few simple rules:

• Never rotate the volume knob beyond the upper or lower

range of the micropipet.
• Never use a micropipet without a tip in place.
• Never lay down a micropipet with a filled tip.
• Never allow plunger to snap back after ejecting fluid.
• Never immerse barrel of micropipet in fluid.
• Never flame micropipet tips.

Micropipets are designed to deliver a specified volume within a certain range, with the
appropriate tip in place. You have micropipets for the following ranges:
Name of micropipet Range of Volumes Delivered Tip To Use
P1000 200-1,000µl Blue
P200 20-200µl Yellow
P20 2-20µl* Yellow
*We use this micropipet to measure down to 1µl

Perhaps the most difficult part of using micropipets is setting them properly. On each of the
micropipets, you will find 3 numbers places in the number windows. However, the numbers
represent different volumes for P1000, P200, and P20:

Number P1000 P200 P20

1st X,000µl X00µl X0µl
2nd X00µl X0µl Xµl
3rd X0µl Xµl 0.Xµl

You will notice a red line on the P1000. This represents a decimal point in ml. The red line on
the P20 is the decimal point for µl.
Practice setting the following volumes:

1. P1000: 324, 1000, 546µl

2. P200: 24, 156, 87µl
3. P20: 2.4, 18.9, 6.0µl


1. Observe the instructor's demonstration on the proper use of the
micropipet before beginning this exercise.
2. Obtain two 1.5 ml microfuge tubes and fill one with distilled
water. You will practice transferring liquid from one tube to the
3. Choose a micropipet and set the dial to a desired volume. To
operate, your thumb should be at the top of the plunger, and your
fingers wrapped around the body. You may have the ejector
positioned under your thumb (see picture above) or facing out (I
prefer it facing out).
4. Place a tip onto the micropipet by pressing the tip of the
micropipet barrel firmly into a tip of the appropriate type (blue or yellow)
5. Depress the plunger to the first stop.
6. While holding the plunger down, place the tip into microfuge tube and into the liquid.
7. Slowly withdraw your thumb to suck liquid into tip. Watch that it goes up without air
bubbles. Do not snap back plunger!
8. Place the tip into the bottom of the receiving microfuge tube.
9. Press plunger to first stop to dispense liquid. Continue to press beyond to first stop to get out
all of the remaining liquid in the tip.
10. Pull tip out of liquid before relaxing the plunger back to original position.
11. Eject tip into waste container by pressing the ejector button.

1. Observe the instructor demonstrate the proper use of the microfuge and how to insert tubes in
a balanced configuration. This is extremely important, because spinning tubes in an
unbalanced position will damage the microfuge!
2. Be sure tubes you are spinning are in pairs and have approximately the same weight/volume
in them.
3. Open lid and remove rotor cover. Place tubes in pairs arrange so that they are at opposite
ends in the rotor.
4. Replace rotor cover and close lid.
5. Select appropriate time and push start. For short pulses, hold the pulse button for the desired
6. Wait for rotor to stop completely before opening lid and removing your tubes.



1. Obtain a P20 micropipet, yellow tips and 2 microfuge tubes.
2. Label the tubes A and B. Use the matrix below as a guide for adding appropriate volumes of
the colored solutions to each
tube. Tube Red Blue Yellow Water Color Observed
3. First add the appropriate A - 2 µl 2 µl 11 µl
amount of water to the B 3 µl 2 µl - 10 µl
bottom of each tube. Be sure all of the liquid comes out and forms a small bubble of liquid at
the bottom of the tube.
4. Next add the colored solutions one at a time. Dispense the solution directly into the small
bubble of liquid at the bottom of the tube.
5. After you have added all of your solutions into each tube, practice mixing the contents with a
micropipet. Set your micropipet to 15 µl and slowly pipet the mixture up and down until well
6. Place all the tubes in the microfuge and apply a short (1-2 seconds) pulse. Make sure the
tubes are placed in a balanced configuration!
7. Record the final color of the solution in each tube in the table above.
8. A total of 15 µl was pipetted into each tube. Check that your measurements were accurate by
setting the P20 to 15 µl and withdrawing the contents of each tube.


1. Obtain a P200 and P1000 micropipet, yellow tips and blue tips and 4 microfuge tubes.
2. Label the tubes C, D, E, & F
3. Use the matrix below as a guide for adding appropriate volumes of the colored solutions to
each tube.
4. Mix well (by finger Tube Red Blue Yellow Water Color
vortexing or micropipetting) Observed
and place all the tubes in the C 40 µl - 40 µl 920 µl
microfuge and apply a short
D - 20 µl 260 µl 720 µl
(1-2 seconds) pulse. Make
sure the tubes are placed E 120 µl 20 µl 860 µl
in a balanced F 60 µl 30 µl 30 µl 880 µl
5. Record the final color of the solution in each tube in the table above.
6. A total of 1,000 µl (1ml) was pipetted into each tube. Check that your measurements were
accurate by setting the P1000 to 1,000 µl and withdrawing the contents of each tube.

Self Evaluation

Demonstrate to yourself and to your lab partners your micropipetting skills.

Be sure you know how to:
 Convert from liters to milliliters to microliters.

 Identify micropipet parts and their purposes.

 Choose and set the correct micropipet for the job.

 Set the micropipet to the correct volume.

 Properly use the micropipet.
 Properly use a microfuge

Activity— Using Micropipets to Prepare Dilutions

Describe how each step is to be done. Then do it.

1. Prepare 2 ml of 10% solution of blue food-color dye in a test tube.

2. Put 0.9 ml H2O into each of ten new test tubes. Label five of the tubes 1 through 5 and the other five A
through E.

3. In tubes 1–5, prepare a two-fold serial dilution of your 10% dye solution.
What is the dye concentration in each tube?

4. In tubes A–E, prepare a ten-fold serial dilution of your 10% dye solution.
What is the dye concentration in each of these tubes?

5. Prepare a twelfth tube containing 1 ml of 0.5% dye diluted directly from the 10% stock.
(Describe how.)

6. Arrange the twelve tubes in order of decreasing dye concentration. Does the pattern of decreasing color
match your predicted calculations?

 Would it be more accurate to prepare a 0.1% solution by direct or serial dilution?

S2: Restr iction Diges ts & Restriction M apping
1. Suppose you’re doing a restriction digest of lambda DNA, similar to the way you did your
previous digest. Show the calculations and amounts for everything that goes into the tube. For
this experiment, you want to cut 0.8 µg of DNA. The DNA solution is at 400 ng/µl. You’re going
to use the restriction enzyme Hind III. The unit definition for Hind III is: 1 unit of enzyme is
enough to cut 1.0 µg of lambda DNA in 1 hour at 37°. You’ll do your reaction for 1 hour at 37°.
The enzyme stock solution is 8,000 Units/ml. Calculate the theoretical minimum amount of
enzyme needed, and multiply that amount by 5. The final reaction volume should be 15 µl.

Shown below is a restriction map. It represents a molecule of double-stranded virus DNA, 50,000
base pairs long (50 kb). Restriction sites for the enzymes DpnI and Xma1 are shown on the map.

0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000

8,000 21,000 35,000 45,000

DpnI XmaI DpnI XmaI

2. If you cut this piece of DNA with DpnI only, what size fragments will you get?

3. If you cut this piece of DNA with XmaI only, what size DNA fragments will you get?

4. If you cut this piece of DNA with both DpnI and XmaI together, what size DNA fragments will you

Note: The following questions all refer to the DNA sequence shown in the Table 1, which is
structured to resemble results you might see on a DNA gel.
5. Suppose you have a 10-kb piece of DNA and you cut it with the restriction enzyme XhoI. You get
two fragments: 2500 bp and 7500 bp, as shown in the table below. Draw a restriction map of
this DNA showing only the XhoI restriction site (or sites).

6. Suppose you have a 10-kb piece of DNA and you cut it with the restriction enzyme HinDIII. You
get two fragments: 2000 bp and 8000 bp, as shown in the table below. Draw a restriction map
showing only the HinDIII site(s).

7. Referring to the table, draw a restriction map showing both the XhoI sites and the HinDIII sites.

8. Referring to the table, draw a restriction map showing all the restriction sites: XhoI, HinDIII, and

Table 1: Table showing restriction fragment sizes. Each column represents a lane on a gel.
All lanes have the same starting DNA, cut with various restriction enzymes alone or in combination.
Numbers refer to the size (bp) of the DNA fragments in that band.

EcoRI + XhoI + EcoRI +

Uncut EcoRI HinDIII XhoI



6,000 6,000


3,000 3,000
2,500 2,500 2,500
2,000 2,000 2,000

1,000 1,000 1,000


9. Given the restriction map you prepared in question 8 above, draw the restriction fragment pattern
you predict on the gel if you cut a piece of this DNA with all three restriction enzymes.

S 3 : M O V E M E N T A C R O S S C E L L M E M B R A N E S

Cells are surrounded by a water solution that contains food molecules, gases, salts, and other
substances. This is the external environment for the cell. The cell's outer surface of the
plasma membrane is in contact with this external environment, while the inner surface is in
contact with the cytosol. Thus, the plasma membrane controls what enters and leaves the cell.
Small molecules may pass through the membrane. However, the cell membrane is selectively
permeable. That is, the membrane permits passage of some materials and does not permit
passage of others. If no additional energy is required for substances to pass through the
membrane, the process is called passive transport.



Concentration Gradient

High Low
Can you remember walking into the front or from one side of a membrane to another.
door of your home and smelling a pleasant This unequal distribution of molecules is
aroma coming from the kitchen? It was called a concentration gradient. When
diffusion of molecules from the kitchen the molecules become uniformly distributed,
through the air to the front door that dynamic e q u i l i b r i u m exists. The
allowed you to detect the odors. Diffusion equilibrium is dynamic because molecules
is passive transport and is defined as the net continue to move, but there is no net
movement of molecules from an area of change in concentration over time. The
greater concentration to an area of lesser process of diffusion occurs in both living and
concentration. To better understand how nonliving systems. In living systems,
diffusion works, let us consider some diffusion is responsible for the movement of
information about molecular activity. a large number of substances, such as
gases and small-uncharged molecules, into
The molecules in a gas, a liquid, or a solid
and out of living cells.
are in constant motion due to their kinetic
energy. Moving molecules are constantly Osmosis is a specific type of diffusion; it is
colliding with each other. These collisions the movement of a solvent through a
cause the molecules to move randomly. differentially permeable membrane. In
Over time, however, more molecules will be biology, we are concerned with water
propelled into the less concentrated area. solutions. When water is mixed with other
Thus, the net movement of molecules is molecules, this mixture is called an
always from more tightly packed to less aqueous solution. Water is the solvent
tightly packed areas. and the dissolved substances are the
solutes. A solution is characterized by the
Diffusion occurs when there is a difference
solute. For example, water and sugar would
in concentration from one region to another,
be characterized as a sugar solution.

M o v e m e n t a c r o s s C e l l M e m b r a n e s

P A R T 1 : O S M O S I S I N E R Y T H R O C Y T E S

Since both the solute and solvent molecules take up space in the solution, the higher total
concentration of all solutes (osmolarity [Osm]) corresponds with a lower concentration of
water in that solution.
If a membrane separating two solutions is impermeable to all solutes, but is permeable to the
water, the water will diffuse across the membrane according to its own concentration gradient.
If both of these solutions have the same osmolarity (i.e., they are isosmotic), water will move
equally in both directions across the membrane and neither will gain water from the other (i.e.,
they are isotonic). But if one solution has a higher
osmolarity (hyperosmotic) than the other, it has a lower
water concentration and will therefore water will move
faster into the hyperosmotic solution from the hyposmotic
solution than water moving in the reverse direction. The
attraction of water by osmosis is called osmotic pressure.
In the situation descibed, the hyperosmotic solution has a
greater osmotic pressure (i.e., it is hypertonic) and
therefore pulls water from the hyposmotic solution with a
lower osmotic pressure (i.e., is hypotonic). Semipermeable membrane

In the same way, since cell membranes are fairly permeable to water, cells placed in aqueous
solution will gain and lose water with their external environment. If the solution is isotonic to the
cytoplasm, the cells will gain and lose water at an equal rate (in dynamic equilibrium) and the
cells with maintain their normal form. If however, cells are placed in hypertonic solution, water
will leave the cells faster than it enters and the cells will dehydrate and shrivel — a process called
crenation. Conversely, if cells are placed in a hypotonic solution, water will move into the cell
faster than it exits and the cells will swell as the cytosol is diluted. For cells with no cell walls, if
the osmotic pressure exceeds the tensile strength of the plasma membrane, the cells will swell
until they burst (lysis).


Erythrocytes contain hemoglobin, a soluble protein pigment. Suspensions of intact red blood cells
thus appear cloudy red. The bursting of erythrocytes is called hemolysis. When the cells lyse,
their ruptured membranes
collapse and the hemoglobin is
released into the surrounding
solution. Thus a suspension of
RBCs that undergoes hemolysis
appears as a clear red solution. ERYTHROCYTE

• Hold a test tube with a Normal Hemolyzed Crenated

suspension of red blood
cells in front of lined paper or printed type. If the cells are intact — normal or crenated — the
cloudy solution will obscure the lines or type. But if the cells have hemolyzed, the solution
will be red, but clear enough to see the print.

Sheep blood carries a significantly lower health risk than working with human
blood. But there is always the remote possibility that any blood product may contain
a potential human pathogen. Therefore blood or blood-derived material should
always be handled with caution as a potentially infectious agent.

M o v e m e n t a c r o s s C e l l M e m b r a n e s

 Gloves and goggles are of course required whenever working with blood or anything in
contact with blood. Avoid mixing or pipetting techniques that are likely to cause spills or produce
aerosols of blood-containing fluids. Avoid placing or touching blood-contaminated pipettes or
tubes onto non-work areas or passing persons. Dispose of blood-contaminated disposables only
in the biohazard waste container. Thoroughly disinfect your work area and all glassware and
other equipment after use.

• sheep whole blood or washed red blood cells
• 3.6% NaCl stock solution
• distilled/deionized water
• rack with 5 small screw cap test tubes and caps
• disposable 5-ml pipettes
• disposable droppers

1. Prepare a two-fold dilution series of the 3.6% NaCl stock solution in the five test tubes so
that each tube contains 5 ml ranging from 3.6% down to 0.225% NaCl.
2. (Mix the sheep blood gently but thoroughly before taking samples.)
To each tube add two drops of sheep blood and immediately cap the tube, mix gently by
inversion, and record the time the blood is added in the Data Table column.
3. The tubes should be cloudy immediately after the addition of blood. As hemolysis occurs, the
solutions will become transparent.
4. Record the time when the tubes become transparent in the third column of the Data Table.
5. Calculate the "Hemolysis Time" by subtracting the time the blood was added from the time
the tube became transparent and record the number of minutes and seconds.

solution Hemolysis
Tube Solution Molarity Osm Time blood Time
(M) was added became

1 3.6 % NaCl

2 1.8 % NaCl

3 0.9 % NaCl

4 0.45 % NaCl

5 0.225 % NaCl

9 1
M o v e m e n t a c r o s s C e l l M e m b r a n e s


 Which solution(s) is/are definitely hypotonic to the erythrocytes? How do you know?

 Which solution(s) is/are definitely hypertonic to the erythrocytes? How do you know?

 Which solution(s) is/are probably isotonic to the erythrocytes? How do you know?

 What is the estimated osmolarity of the normal erythrocyte cytoplasm? How do you know?

 Could you discern an effect of concentration gradient upon the diffusion rate of water across
the cell membrane? Explain.

 The 3.6% NaCl solution is approximately the concentration of seawater. From your
observations today, what would be the effect on your cells if you (or a sheep) drank seawater?

M o v e m e n t a c r o s s C e l l M e m b r a n e s

P A R T 2 : P E R M E A B I L I T Y O F C E L L M E M B R A N E S

A selectively permeable barrier is one of the defining features of a living cell. The cell
membrane and the associated transport proteins found in the membrane are responsible for
regulating the movement of hundreds, if not thousands, of different types of molecules into and
out of the cell. All molecular motion is influenced by diffusion, which is the tendency for particles
to spread from higher concentrations to lower concentrations until they are evenly distributed.
Simple diffusion refers to the passive transport of substances across the phospholipid bilayer of
the cell membrane without requiring a transport protein.
In this exercise we will investigate the movement of several different types of molecules across a
cell membrane and we will examine the physical properties of these different molecules to see
how they relate to the relative permeability of the cell membrane to these substances.


Recall that we stated that if Solution A and Solution B have the same total concentration of
solutes, they also have the same concentration of water and are therefore isosmotic (same
osmolarity). We also stated that if these two isosmotic solutions are separated by a membrane
permeable to water but not permeable to the solutes, water would diffuse equally to and from
each solution and thus the two solutions are also isotonic (equal osmotic pressure).
But consider what happens if the membrane is permeable to water and to the solutes in Solution
A, but not permeable to the solutes in Solution B. The Solution A solutes would diffuse across
the membrane into Solution B according to their concentration gradient, thereby increasing the
total amount of solute in Solution B and decreasing the amount of solute in Solution A. To
maintain the isosmotic state, some water would follow the Solution A solutes into Solution B.
Hence, even though Solutions A and B are isosmotic, Solution B pulls water from Solution A and
therefore the two solutions are not isotonic.
In summary:
 All isotonic solutions must be isosmotic. But not all isosmotic solutions are isotonic.
 Isosmotic solutions are isotonic only if they are separated by a membrane that is permeable
to water and is equally permeable or equally impermeable to the solutes in both solutions. (If
the solutions are separated by a barrier not permeable to water, no osmosis can occur and
they cannot have osmotic pressure.)
 If the two isosmotic solutions are separated by a membrane permeable to water and to the
solutes of one solution but not the solutes of the other, the solution with the diffusible
solutes is hypotonic to the solution with the non-diffusing solutes.
Since the water is following the diffusion of the solute, if the permeability of the membrane is
greater to water than to the solutes, the rate of diffusion of the solutes determines the rate of
diffusion of the water.
Recall that if we place red blood cells in a hypotonic solution, they will swell until they lyse. If the
hypotonic solution is isosmotic to the cell cytoplasm, the time it takes for the cells to undergo
hemolysis is proportional to the permeability of the erythrocyte membrane to the solute in the

 From part 1 of this exercise, what did you determine to be the osmolarity of an isotonic
solution with respect to erythrocytes?

9 3
M o v e m e n t a c r o s s C e l l M e m b r a n e s

Membrane Permeability: The Effect of Molecular Size

In order to study the effect of molecular size on membrane permeability, you will place red blood
cells into various solutions of alcohols of increasing molecular size. If the alcohol molecules are
small enough to cross the membrane, the alcohol molecules will diffuse through the membrane
due to a concentration gradient, the cell will expand and eventually burst open and hemolyze.
The amount of time required for hemolysis to occur is relative to the size of the alcohol molecule.
Smaller molecules will diffuse quicker
and the cells will hemolyze sooner.
The membrane can be permeable to
larger molecules, but it will take these
molecules longer to cross the
membrane and cause hemolysis.
Since these solutions are also
isosmotic, if the alcohol molecules are
not able to cross the membrane at all,
the cells will not change volume and
hemolysis will not occur.
We will use three different alcohols:
methanol, glycerol, and mannitol
(Figure 1). They differ in size, having
1, 3 and 6 carbon atoms (and -OH
groups) respectively. Any difference
in observed hemolysis time must be
due to differences in size.

Membrane Permeability: The Effect of Molecular Polarity

Polarity is a chemical property that affects a molecule's solubility. Remember that polar molecules
are more water soluble because water is itself a polar molecule. The uneven distribution of
electrons create some areas on a molecule that are more negative which are balanced by other
areas on a molecule that are more positive. The more negatively charged areas tend to associate
with the –H side of H2O, while the more positively charged areas tend to associate with the –OH
side of H2O.
What does water solubility have to do with membrane permeability? Remember that cell
membranes are composed of a lipid bilayer. A lipid bilayer is more permeable to hydrophobic, or
fat soluble molecules. Conversely, a lipid bilayer is less permeable to hydrophilic, or water soluble
Molecules with –OH groups, like alcohols, tend to be polar because oxygen is such an
electronegative atom. The number of –OH groups on a molecule affects the degree of polarity a
molecule will exhibit. Examine the
structures of Glycerol and Propanol (iso-
Propyl Alcohol) in Figure 2. Note that both
have a backbone of three carbon atoms
and about the same overall size. The main
difference between them is the number of
polar –OH groups: Propyl Alcohol has only
one (C3H7OH), while Glycerol has three
(C3H5OH3), one for each carbon atom. This
makes Glycerol a much more polar
molecule than Propyl Alcohol. One would
predict then, the more polar or hydrophilic
a molecule, the less permeable it will be
and the longer its hemolysis time.

M o v e m e n t a c r o s s C e l l M e m b r a n e s

• sheep whole blood or washed red blood cells
• isosmotic Alcohol solutions (0.3M): Methanol; Glycerol; iso-Propanol and D-Mannitol.
• isosmotic solutions of 0.3M D-Glucose and 0.15M NaCl.
• rack with 6 small screw cap test tubes and caps
• disposable 5-ml pipettes
• disposable droppers
Reagent List
# Carbon # Polar Molarity
Solute Molecule Atoms -OH Osmolality g%
Weight (M)
(size) Groups
NaCl 58.4 300 mOsm
Methanol 1 1 32.0 300 mOsm
Glycerol 3 3 92.1 300 mOsm
Propanol 3 1 60.1 300 mOsm
Mannitol 6 6 182.2 300 mOsm
Glucose 6 6 180.2 300 mOsm

 Make a prediction, ranking the alcohol solutions in order of expected hemolysis times.

 Mannitol and glucose are of similar size and polarity. (Both have six carbons and six oxygens
per molecule.) Why might glucose cause a more rapid hemolysis rate than mannitol?


1. Pipet 5 ml of each isosmotic solution into a separate tube.
2. (Mix the sheep blood gently but thoroughly before taking samples.)
To each tube add two drops of sheep blood and immediately cap, mix by inversion, and
record the time the blood is added in the Data Table column.
3. The tubes should be cloudy immediately after the addition of blood. As hemolysis occurs,
the solutions will become transparent.
4. Record the time when the tubes become transparent in the third column of the Data Table.
5. Calculate the "Hemolysis Time" by subtracting the time the blood was added from the time
the tube became transparent and record the number of minutes and seconds

9 5
M o v e m e n t a c r o s s C e l l M e m b r a n e s

Data Table. Hemolysis Times

Tube Solute Molecule Time blood was Time solution Hemolysis Time
# added became transparent (min:sec)

1 NaCl

2 Methanol

3 Glycerol

4 Propanol

5 Mannitol

6 Glucose


 Describe the difference between methanol, glycerol, and mannitol molecules.

 Describe the difference between propyl alcohol and glycerol molecules.

 What is the purpose of having all of these solutions isosmotic?

 What causes a blood solution to go from cloudy to clear?

 Based on your data, how does a molecule’s size affect its ability to cross a cell membrane?

 Based on your data, how does a molecule’s polarity affect its ability to cross a cell

 Sodium ions and chloride ions are smaller than methanol molecules. How did the hemolysis
time of isosmotic NaCl solution compare to that of methanol solution? Explain.

 How did the hemolysis time of the glucose solution compare with that for the mannitol
solution? Did it agree with your prediction? Why or why not?

M o v e m e n t a c r o s s C e l l M e m b r a n e s

P A R T 3 : R E V I E W P R O B L E M S & Q U E S T I O N S

1. Each of these drawings represents an artificial cell with a phospholipid bilayer membrane with
permeability characteristics similar to the erythrocytes in your experiment, but filled with the
solution indicated. The environment surrounding the cell is also indicated.
• Draw arrows to indicate which way the material moves --- into the cell, or out of the cell.
• Be sure to read the question carefully --- am I asking about the WATER or the SOLUTE.

Movement Movement
1% of water? 10% of water?
NaCl NaCl

pure water 1% NaCl

Movement Movement
1M of water? 1M of
NaCl Methanol methanol

1M Mannitol 1M Mannitol

Movement Movement
1M of water? 1M of water?
NaCl Methanol

2M Mannitol 1M Mannitol

Movement Movement
1% of water? 1M of
NaCl Methanol glycerol?

2% Mannitol 1M Glycerol

Movement Movement
1M of water? 1M of water?
NaCl Methanol (Change
over time?)
1M Mannitol
1M Glucose 1M Glycerol

9 7
M o v e m e n t a c r o s s C e l l M e m b r a n e s

2. Indicate whether the following statements apply to simple diffusion, facilitated diffusion,
osmosis or active transport. If the statement applies to more than one process, indicate
which ones.
___________________ involves a pump
___________________ carbon dioxide moves out of the cell in this way
___________________ requires binding to a specific protein in the cell membrane
___________________ the terms hypotonic and hypertonic refer to this
___________________ movement “down” the concentration gradient (from high to low)
___________________ requires energy
___________________ does not require energy but does require a channel

3. When food is pickled, it is placed in a very salty solution. What does this do to the cells?
Pickling is an effective way to preserve food; that is, it protects food from microbial
contamination and spoiling. Why?

4. If, for some reason, you needed to analyze animal cells, why is it standard practice to suspend the
cells in 0.9% saline? What would happen to the cells if you suspended them in water instead?

5. Sorbitol is used as an “osmotic laxative”. It is not absorbed from the intestine. What is the effect
of sorbitol and why is it effective as a laxative? (Mannitol may also be used. Does your data
show why?)

6. Diarrhea is a leading cause of death worldwide in infants. It is the excessive loss of water in
feces. Besides interfering with nutrition, it can cause severe dehydration and shock (Why?)
Oral rehydration therapy, the administration of a solution containing glucose and NaCl, is a
lifesaving treatment. Knowing what you know about the transport of glucose and salt, why does
this solution promote rehydration?

7. Certain types of microbes maintain an internal pH of approximately 7, yet live in water with a
pH of 3. How do they do that?

S4: PV92 — Analysis a nd Int erpret ation of Res ults
(modified from Technical Bulletin 4110052, Bio-Rad 2004)
Remember that this Alu sequence is inserted into a noncoding region of the PV92 locus on chromosome
16 and is not related to a particular disease, nor does it code for any protein sequence. It is simply a
sequence that can be used to study human genotypic frequencies.
Because Alu repeats appear in the general population at random, the Alu insert in chromosome 16 is very
useful for the study of gene frequencies in localized human populations. Theoretically, in some small,
geographically isolated populations, all individuals may be homozygous +/+. In others, the individuals
may all be homozygous –/–. In a “melting-pot” population, the three genotypes (+/+, +/–, –/–) may
exist in equilibrium.
The frequencies of genotypes and alleles are basic characteristics that population geneticists use to
describe and analyze populations. The results you obtain in this exercise provide a real-life opportunity to
calculate genotypic and allelic frequencies of the Alu insert in your class and to use the Hardy-
Weinberg equation.

C L A S S D A T A / G E N O T Y P E F R E Q U E N C I E S :

The results of the PCR reactions reveal your and your classmates’ genotypes: +/+, +/–, and –/–.
Knowing your genotypes, you can count up the alleles of your class “population” and determine their
frequencies. You can then compare the allelic and genotypic frequencies of your class population to
published reports of larger population sizes.
1. What is your genotype for the Alu insert in your PV92 region?
2. What are the genotypic frequencies of +/+, +/–, and –/– in your class population? Fill in the table
below with your class data.
Table 1. Observed Genotypic Frequencies for the Class
Category Number Frequency
(# of Genotypes/Total)
Homozygous (+/+)
Heterozygous (+/–)
Homozygous (–/–)
Total = = 1.00

A L L E L I C F R E Q U E N C I E S :

Allelic frequencies can be calculated from the numbers and frequencies of the genotypes in the
population. Population geneticists use the terms p and q to represent the frequencies of the (+) and (–)
alleles, respectively. Allele frequencies can be calculated from either the numbers or the frequencies of
the genotypes (since they are related to each other).
number of (+) alleles .
p = frequency of (+) allele =
total number of alleles (both + and –)

2(# of +/+ students) + 1(# of +/– students)

total number of alleles (both + and –)

= frequency of (+/+) students + 1/2 (frequency of (+/–) students)

number of (–) alleles .

q = frequency of (–) allele =
total number of alleles (both + and –)

2(# of –/– students) + 1(# of +/– students)

total number of alleles (both + and –)

= frequency of (–/–) students + 1/2 (frequency of (+/–) students)

3. What is the frequency of each allele in your class sample? Fill in the table below with your class data.
Remember, since each individual has two copies of chromosome 16, a class of 28 students (N) will have
a total of 56 (2N) instances of each locus.
Table 2. Calculated Allelic Frequencies for the Class
Category Number Frequency
(#/Total alleles)
(+) alleles p =
(–) alleles q =
Total alleles = = 1.00

U . S . A . P O P U L A T I O N D A T A :

4. The following table presents data from a USA-wide random population study.
Table 3. Genotypic Frequencies for Alu in a USA Sample
Category Number Genotypic Frequency
Homozygous (+/+) 2,422 0.24
Heterozygous (+/–) 5,528 0.55
Homozygous (–/–) 2,050 0.21
Total = 10,000 = 1.00

Now, using the data above, calculate the allelic frequencies for the USA data as you did for your class
population in Table 2.
Table 4. Calculated Allelic Frequencies for USA
Category Number Frequency
(+) alleles p =
(–) alleles q =
Total alleles = 20,000 = 1.00

5. How do your actual class data for genotypic and allelic frequencies compare with those of the random
sampling of the USA population? Would you expect them to match? What reasons can you think of to
explain the differences or similarities?

H A R D Y - W E I N B E R G E Q U I L L I B R I U M :

The Hardy-Weinberg equation, p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1, is one of the foundations of population genetics.

It is the algebraic expansion of (p + q)2 = 1, where p + q = 1. The equation describes the frequencies
of genotypes in a population that is at “genetic equilibrium”, meaning that the frequencies are stable
from generation to generation. The Hardy-Weinberg theory states that, for a population to achieve this
equilibrium, the population must be quite large, the members must mate randomly and produce offspring
with equal success, and there must be no migration of individuals into or out of the population, or an
excessive mutation converting one allele to another. Given these conditions, and the allelic frequencies p
and q, the Hardy-Weinberg equation says that
p2 = the expected frequency of the (+/+) genotype in the population
2pq = the expected frequency of the (+/–) genotype in the population
q2 = the expected frequency of the (–/–) genotype in the population
It is important to understand that p2, 2pq, and q2 are expected, theoretical genotype frequencies of a
population under Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium conditions, and they may not be realized in real-life
population samples if one of the conditions is not met. These theoretical frequencies are calculated using
the observed values for p and q; they may or may not be the same as the observed genotypic
frequencies such as those shown in Table 1. If the observed and expected genotypic frequencies are the
same, this indicates that the population is in Hardy-Weinberg genetic equilibrium.

6. Using the values for p and q that you calculated in Table 2 for your class population, calculate p2, 2pq,
and q2. Do they come out to be the same as the genotype frequencies that you found in Table 1? If they
do, your class resembles a Hardy-Weinberg genetic equilibrium. If your observed (actual) genotype
frequencies are not the same as the expected values, what might be some of the reason(s) for the
Table 5. Predicted Genotypic Frequencies for the Class
Category Value Frequency Number
Homozygous (+/+) p2 =
Heterozygous (+/–) 2pq =
Homozygous (–/–) q2 =
Total = = 1.00 = 1.00

7. Using the values for p and q that you calculated in Table 4 for the USA population sample, calculate p2,
2pq, and q2. Do they come out to be the same as the genotype frequencies that you found in Table 3?
Does this USA-wide sample suggest that the population of the USA is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium?
Table 6. Predicted Genotypic Frequencies for Alu in the USA Sample
Category Value Frequency Number
Homozygous (+/+) p2 =
Heterozygous (+/–) 2pq =
Homozygous (–/–) q2 =
Total = = 1.00 = 1.00 = 10,000

S5: Patte rns of Inher itance : Coat Color in Ca ts
Melanin is a dark pigment located in the skin, hair and eyes of vertebrates. Color variations arise from
differences in the amount and distribution of melanin in these structures, which in turn is dependent
upon a number of metabolic and developmental pathways. Cat fanciers in particular have documented a
large number of genetic variations in several of the genes regulating the coloration of cat fur. Some of
these genes have been subsequently localized on specific chromosomes, but many are identified only by
their pattern of Mendelian inheritance. Study of the inheritance and variation of these traits has helped us
understand more fully the development of the skin and associated structures in mammals.
Melanin is a water-insoluble product derived from the oxidation of the amino acid tyrosine and
polymerized into irregular granules. It is synthesized inside membrane-bound vessels called melanosomes
within specialized cells called melanocytes. The melanocytes may pass the melanosomes by dendritic
processes to adjacent keratinocytes forming the epidermis or hair follicles. The intensity and hue of
pigmentation is directly related to the number, size and distribution of melanosomes in the melanocytes
or keratinocytes. Mammals lacking melanin have white, unpigmented fur and are called albino. Animals
having an atypically increased amount of melanin are black and called melanistic. Malignancy of
melanocytes can produce a hyperpigmented mass called a melanoma.
The following list is by no means exhaustive for genes regulating coat color in cats. But it does include
many of the relevant processes in coloration. The particular mutant alleles may be specific to cats, but
the wild type genes are operative for fur pigmentation in most mammals.
C (tyrosinase) gene. The C gene codes for the enzyme tyrosinase, the enzyme catalyzing the
oxidation of tyrosine to DOPA — the first step in melanin synthesis. The dominant C allele is the wild
type, expressed as functional tyrosinase enzyme. The recessive c allele is a loss of function mutation
expressed as a nonfunctional protein. The homozygous cc genotype results in an inability to produce
melanin and results in albino phenotype. Hence the cc genotype is epistatic to the other color-related
genes, since a lack of pigment precludes any variation in pigmentation. A third allele possible for this
t t t
locus, c , is expressed as a temperature sensitive version of tyrosinase. Cats homozygous c c , such as
Siamese as Burmese breeds, have lightly pigmented fur on their bodies close to their core, but darker
pigmented fur on the cooler tips of their snout, ears, and extremities.
O (orange) gene. Two major classes of melanins are produced in most melanocytes: the black/brown
eumelanin and the red/orange phaeomelanin. The dominant wild type O results in predominantly
black eumelanin. The recessive o allele causes almost entirely phaeomelanin production. The O gene is
sex-linked on the X chromosome. Hence homozygous OO female cats and hemizygous OY male cats
produce black fur, but homozygous oo female cats and hemizygous oY male cats produce orange fur.
Because of X-inactivation, heterozygous Oo female cats demonstrate a pattern called tortoiseshell with a
mosaic of patches of melanocytes producing either black or orange fur.
B (browning) gene. The B gene expresses the tyrosinase-related-protein-1 (TRP-1), another protein
in the metabolic pathway for variation in the structure of eumelanin. The dominant wild type B results in
the usual black eumelanin. The recessive b allele results in a dark brown (“chocolate”) form and another
recessive bl allele cause a light brown (“cinnamon”) phenotype.
D (dense pigment) gene. Sometimes called a diluter gene, D gene codes for melanophilin, a factor
needed to transfer melanosomes from the melanocytes to the keratinocytes in the hair follicles. Recessive
mutant forms result in reduced transfer and thus more muted colors. With the homozygous dd at this
locus, black becomes gray, chocolate becomes lilac, cinnamon becomes fawn, and orange becomes
cream colored.
S (piebald-spotting) gene. During embryogenesis, the precursor melanocytes must migrate from
their site of origin to the basement layer of the epidermis. The S gene is somehow related to this
migration. The dominant S allele results in patches of melanocyte-free epidermis and thus spots with
white fur. This gene has incomplete dominance. Homozygous SS cats have large white patches such as a

white blaze across the face or the tuxedo or bib pattern on the chest (“piebald”). Heterozygous Ss cats
have fewer, smaller white patches. Wild type homozygous recessive ss cats lack any white spots.
Mc (tabby) gene. In cats, when the embryonic melanocytes are migrating to the epidermis, they
accumulate along the edges of the developing somites. This results in relatively darker horizontal stripes
along the cat’s body and face. With the dominant wild type Mc allele, the stripes are thin (“mackerel-
striped”) and often broken into rows of thin spots or bars. The recessive mc allele results in broader dark
bands or whorls.
T (unstriped) gene. Epistatic to the Mc gene, the dominant TA allele results in an unstriped coloration.
The wild type recessive t allele allows the expression of the Mc phenotype.
W (white-masking) gene. Another epistatic gene, the dominant W allele triggers apoptosis in the
embryonic melanocyte precursor cells before their migration. Hence the fur is almost all white despite the
genotype of the other color-related genes. Since these cats can produce melanin, they are not considered
true albinos. Some embryonic melanocytes often survive and may migrate to form a few isolated islands
of colored fur amidst the white background. The color of the spots depends upon the C, O, B & D loci.
Cats must be homozygous ww for the normal melanocyte migration and the uniform pigmentation
phenotype to be expressed.
Problem Set
1. The ancestor of cats was presumably homozygous for wild type at all of the above loci.
a. What was the genotype of this ancestral cat at each of these loci?

b. What was the phenotype of this presumed ancestral cat?

2. Describe the phenotype of the cats with these genotypes (If allele not specified, assume wild type.):
a. CC ss OO BB dd McMc tt ww

t t
b. c c ss OY bb TAt


d. CC Ss oY bb dd tt

3. Describe the genotype of cats with the following phenotypes (Describe only the genes that are not
homozygous for the wild type allele.):
a. A grey cat with small white patches.

b. A white cat with orange spots.

c. A pale colored cat with brown tips to its tail, ears, paws, and snout.

d. A cream-colored cat with darker cream color forming broad bands and whorls along its body.

Use Punnett squares to solve the following mating predictions.

Inheritance of a single gene:

4. A “chocolate” cat mates with a cat heterozygous at the gene for TRP-1:
a. What is the probability of their kitten having brown coat color?
b. What is the probability of their kitten having black coat color?
c. What is the probability of their brown kitten being homozygous for this gene?
d. What is the probability of their black kitten being homozygous for this gene?
5. A pure-bred uniform-color cat (homozygous for the TA gene) mates with a mackerel-striped cat:
a. What is the probability of their kitten having uniform coloration?
b. What is the probability of their kitten having mackerel-striped coloration?
c. If two of these kittens grow up and mate, what is the probability of their second-generation (F2)
kitten having uniform coloration?
d. What is the probability of their second-generation (F2) kitten being mackerel-striped?
e. What is the probability of their F2 uniform-color kitten being homozygous for this gene?
f. What is the probability of their F2 mackerel-striped kitten being homozygous for this gene?
6. A uniformly colored black cat mates with a black cat having small white patches:
a. What are the possible phenotypes of their kittens?
b. For each of these phenotypes, what is their probability and genotype?
7. A tortoiseshell cat mates with an orange cat:
a. What is the probability of their kitten having all-orange fur?
b. What is the probability of their kitten having tortoiseshell coloration?
c. What is the probability of their kitten having all-black fur?
d. What is the probability that their black kitten will be male?
e. What is the probability that their orange kitten will be male?
f. What is the probability that their tortoiseshell kitten will be male?
Inheritance of multiple genes:
8. A pure-bred grey cat mates with a chocolate cat:
a. What are the possible phenotypes of their kittens?
b. For each of these phenotypes, what is their probability and genotype?
9. An all-black cat gives birth to a mostly white kitten with black spots:
a. If the only three male cats around were all-brown, all-black, and white with brown spots, which
one sired this kitten?
b. If this white kitten with black spots matures and mates with an all-brown cat, what are the
possible phenotypes of their kittens?
10. A cat with broad pigmented bands and whorls mates with a cat heterozygous for the tabby gene.
Their first kitten is albino.
a. What is the probability that their next kitten will also be albino?
b. What is the probability that their next kitten will be mackerel-striped?


A1. C A L C U L A T I O N S A N D C O N V E R S I O N S

There are only a few kinds of calculations you’ll need to do for this course, but you’ll need to do
them over and over. If you work in a lab, you need to pay attention to units of measurement. For
the labs in this course, there are only a few kinds of units, and the prefixes that go with them.
 distance: meters (m)
 mass: grams (g)
 volume: liters (l)
Concentration can be given several ways:
 molar (M), defined as moles of solute per liter of solution
 percent (%) usually means mass/volume: 10% NaCl= 10 g NaCl in 100 ml aqueous
 g/l, or µg/µl, or similar units.
The prefixes we normally use in this course are in multiples of 1000:
 1 mg = 1 milligram = 10 g
-3 -6
 1 µg = 1 microgram = 10 mg = 10 g
-3 -9
 1 ng = 1 nanogram = 10 µg = 10 g
-3 -12
 1 pg = 1 picogram = 10 ng = 10 g
Remember: m > µ > n > p. For each step, you multiply or divide by 1000. If you don’t
remember that a nanogram is 10-9 grams, just remember that there are 1000 ng in 1 µg and
1000 µg in 1 mg and 1000 mg in 1 g.
Enzyme activity units are different. It doesn’t matter exactly how many molecules of an
enzyme you have; it matters how much reaction they can catalyze. So each enzyme has its own
unit definition. For example, a unit of a restriction enzyme might be defined as: 1 unit of enzyme
is enough to completely cut 1 µg of lambda DNA in 1 hour at 37°.
The basic equation for figuring out how to make dilutions is:

C1V1 = C2V2
C1 = the initial concentration of your stock solution
V1 = the amount of stock solution you need to add. Usually this is what you are solving for.
C2 = the final concentration
V2 = the final volume – includes the volume in V1 plus the amount of water or buffer you add.
So if you want to dilute the stock solution, just rearrange the equation to: V1 = C2V2/C1
Always write down the units when you do these calculations. A microliter is definitely not the
same as a milliliter.

Suppose I give you 1 ml of a liquid bacterial culture. The concentration of the bacteria is
unknown, so we’ll have to call it 1x. You need 1 ml of 10-6x solution. How do you do the dilution?
Using C1V1 = C2V2 , you could do it like this:
(1x)(1 ml) = (10-6x)(106 ml)
Your final volume is 1,000,000 ml, or 1,000 liters. Can you see how this would be a problem? (If
not, go to the glassware cabinet and try to find a 1,000 liter graduated cylinder.)
You could also try the dilution this way:
(1x)(10-6 ml) = (10-6x)(1 ml)
Fine. Now get your pipetman and set it to 10-6 ml, or 0.001 µl (1 nl). Let me know when you’re
ready. Can you see why this might be difficult?
The only practical way to do large dilutions is to do serial dilutions: make a 10-2 x solution; then
use this 10-2x solution to make a 10-4x solution; then dilute the 10-4x solution to make 10-6 x.
The math would be like this:
(1x)(10 µl) = (10-2x)(1000 µl)
→ (10-2x)(10 µl) = (10-4 x)(1000 µl)
→ (10-4x)(10 µl) = (10-6 x)(1000 µl)
Suppose you’re doing a restriction digest. You know you want 1µg of DNA. How many µl is that?
Write down what you know:
1 µg = ? µl
To do the conversion, you need to know the concentration of your starting DNA solution in µg/µl.
Suppose it turns out to be 0.5 µg/µl. To plug in the concentration the right way, just make sure
your units come out right:
(1µg)/(0.5 µg /µl) = (1µg)(1 µl/0.5 µg) = ? µl
The µg cancel out, and you’re left with µl on each side. Now just solve the equation, and you’re
Key point: write out the equation with the units. Do this every time. It’s how you check to
see if you’re doing it right. Don’t reach for the calculator until you’re sure the equation is right.
Enzyme activity units are different. It doesn’t matter exactly how many molecules of an
enzyme you have; it matters how much reaction they can catalyze. So each enzyme has its own
unit definition. For example, a unit of a restriction enzyme might be defined as: 1 unit of enzyme
is enough to completely cut 1 µg of lambda DNA in 1 hour at 37°.
Again, suppose you’re doing a restriction digest. If you have 1 µg of DNA, and 1 Unit of enzyme
will cut 1 µg of DNA, then you need 1 Unit of enzyme. Now how much is that in µl? Suppose the
enzyme concentration is 10 Units/µl. Your calculation is:
(1 Unit)/(10 Units/µl) = 0.1 µl
Always write down the units when you do a calculation. If the units come out right, the number
generally does, too.

A 2 : Q U A N T - I T F L U O R E S C E N C E A S S A Y S

Quant-iT protein assay

Electrophoresis works best when you load an appropriate amount of
sample on the gel. If you load too much material, the bands will be
smeared; if you load too little, you may not see your bands at all. In
order to get the amount right, you’ll use a fluorescent assay to measure,
or quantitate, your concentration before loading your gel.
This assay uses a device called the Qubit fluorometer, from Invitrogen
Corporation. In general, fluorometers work by illuminating a sample
with ultraviolet light and then measuring the amount of visible light
given off as fluorescence. You’ll use the Qubit fluorometer with the
Quant-iT assay kits (also from Invitrogen). You’ll mix your sample with a
special reagent that becomes fluorescent only when it is bound to a
specific substrate (protein or DNA, depending on the reagent used).
Next, you’ll place your sample in the fluorometer. If there is no protein in your sample, there will be very
little fluorescence, and the fluorometer will give a low reading. The higher the concentration of
protein in your sample, the higher the reading will be. Since the fluorometer measures fluorescence
very precisely, it will give you a precise reading of protein concentration.
The fluorometer can also be used to assay DNA concentration by using fluorescing reagents that bind
DNA instead of protein. You’ll learn the procedure for that in a later lab described in part ii.

i . M E A S U R I N G P R O T E I N C O N C E N T R A T I O N

The protein samples for Lab 1

Almost any biological tissue can be used for SDS-PAGE, because tissues always contain proteins. You
don’t need to start with a purified protein sample.
We’ll use fish muscle tissue for today’s lab, because it’s mostly protein and easy to grind up. Before the
lab, the lab technician will h o m o gen i ze 15g of the sample by spinning it in a blender with 100 ml of
iced buffer. This breaks down the tissue structure and lyses (or breaks open) the cells, releasing the
proteins and other cell contents. The resulting suspension is called a h o m o gen a t e or a l ysa t e. Then
SDS is added to the lysate to help dissolve and denature the proteins. The lysate should be kept cold to
keep the proteins from becoming degraded.

Assay overview:
This procedure is simple. You mix the protein samples with the working solution, calibrate
the fluorometer, and measure the protein concentration of your samples.
Calibrating the fluorometer
Before running your assay with a sample containing an unknown protein concentration, you’ll
need to calibrate the device by running three samples with known protein concentration. These
samples have already been prepared for you (they come with the assay kit).
When you start up the fluorometer for the protein assay, it will first ask you to insert protein

standard #1, then #2, and then #3. After it has read the three standards, you may insert your
unknown sample.
Measuring your protein concentration
After you calibrate the fluorometer, it will simply read the fluorescence of your unknown
sample, compare it with its readings of the standards, and tell you the concentration of your
sample in µg/ml.
The protein concentration you read on the screen is the concentration in the assay tube inside
the fluorometer — the sample that you have diluted with working solution. In order figure out
the concentration of protein in your sample tube (undiluted), you may need to do a little
math, as described below.
Safety Considerations
o Wear gloves and safety glasses throughout this lab.
o Quant-iT protein buffers and protein standards: the possible hazards of these
reagents have not been fully tested. Use standard laboratory procedures to avoid eye and
skin contact.
Materials for protein assay
Note: this list assumes that we’ll have three different fish protein samples to assay.
For each lab group (usually 4 people), obtain the following:
• Qubit fluorometer with power cord
• Pipetters and tips
• Beaker for waste tips
• 6 Assay tubes. You’ll need three for the calibration standards and one for each of the three
protein samples you’re going to assay. (These are special tubes for the fluorometer; the
instructor will show you the correct tubes to use.)
• 1 1.5-ml micro tube for the Quant-iT working solution
• 3 tubes homogenized fish muscle: these are your unknown protein samples
• 1 tube Quant-iT protein reagent (component A)
• 1 tube Quant-iT protein buffer (component B)
• 1 tube Quant-iT protein standard #1 (component C)
• 1 tube Quant-iT protein standard #2 (component D)
• 1 tube Quant-iT protein standard #3 (component E)
• Ice bucket with ice for protein samples

Sample preparation
Protein samples for quantitation or SDS-PAGE need to be completely homogenized – no chunks.
The easiest way to do this is to throw the piece of tissue in a blender with some water or
buffer. For today’s lab, a large sample for the whole class will be homogenized in a blender.
Keep it on ice so the proteins don’t degrade. You’ll take a small amount of this protein sample
and mix it with other reagents to perform your assay.

Prepare the Quant-iT working solution (WS)
You’ll need to prepare the appropriate amount of working solution by mixing Quant-iT protein
buffer and Quant-iT protein reagent (two different things!) as follows:

995 µl 1.492 ml 4.98 ml 9.95 ml Quant-iT protein buffer (component B)

5 µl 7.5 µl 25 µl 50 µl Quant-iT protein reagent (component A)

1.00 ml 1.50 ml 5.00 ml 10.00 ml Total working solution

You’ll need approximately 200 µl of working solution for each sample. If you’re going to run
three standard samples and three unknown samples, you’ll need about 1.2 ml working solution;
make 1.5 ml to be sure you’ll have enough.
1. Obtain an empty tube of the appropriate size; label it “WS” for working solution.
2. Pipet the Quant-iT protein buffer into the tube. (It’s always best to start with the larger
3. Add the Quant-iT protein reagent. Vortex or invert the tube to mix. The working solution is
now complete.
Mix your samples with the Quant-iT working solution
Each protein sample (including the standard samples provided with the kit) needs to be mixed
with the Quant-iT working solution in a transparent, thin-walled 500-µl assay tube. The final
volume in each tube must be 200 µl.
4. Label your 500-µl assay tubes (1,2,3 for the standards, and a 1-letter abbreviation for each
sample of fish).
5. Pipet 190 µl working solution into each tube.
6. Add 10 µl of protein standard #1 to tube 1.
7. Add 10 µl of protein standard #2 to tube 2
8. Add 10 µl of protein standard #3 to tube 3
9. Add 10 µl of your unknown protein samples to the remaining tubes.
10. Vortex all four tubes briefly. These are your assay tubes. Allow these tubes to incubate
at room temperature for 15 minutes before using them in the fluorometer.
Calibrate the fluorometer and perform the assay
11. Plug in the Qubit fluorometer and turn it on by pressing any button. You should see the
HOME screen.
12. On the HOME screen, use the up or down arrows to select the Quant-iT Protein Assay.
Press GO.
13. Insert assay tube 1. Press GO. The reading will take about 5 seconds. Remove the tube.
14. Repeat with assay tubes 2 and 3. When all three readings are done, the calibration is

15. Insert assay tube 4. The fluorometer should display the concentration of your protein
sample in µg/ml. Write this number down:

___________________ µg/ml in the assay tube

That’s the concentration of the sample in the assay tube. However, what you are really
trying to find out is the starting concentration of your sample tube, before you diluted it
with working solution in the assay tube. In step 8 above, you diluted your protein sample by
adding 190 µl working solution to 10 µl protein sample. You can calculate the starting
concentration of your protein sample with this equation:
C V =C V
1 1 2 2

In this case, C2 is the number you just read from the fluorometer, V2 is 200 µl (the volume in
the assay tube), and V1 is 10 µl the volume of protein sample that went into the assay tube).
Now just solve for C1 (initial concentration), and you have the concentration of protein in
your sample tube.
Write down your calculations here:

Alternatively, if you’re too lazy to do the math yourself, you can select CALCULATE
SAMPLE CONCENTRATION on the fluorometer and follow the instructions. However, you
won’t be able to do that on the test!
If necessary, prepare more assay tubes
16. If your readings were out of range, perform the assay again with a larger or smaller
amount of protein sample. For the first set, you used 10 µl of protein sample with 190 µl of
working solution; this time, choose a different amount of protein sample and add enough
working solution to make a final volume of 200 µl in the assay tube.
17. Record your assay results and calculate your starting protein concentration again.

18. Now that you have calculated the protein concentration in each of your samples, you need
to calculate how much protein you loaded onto your gel well — or, what volume you need
to load.

i i . M E A S U R I N G D N A C O N C E N T R A T I O N

The Quant-iT DNA assay method is almost identical to the protein assay you performed earlier.
You mix the DNA samples with the working solution, calibrate the fluorometer, and measure the
DNA concentration of your samples.
Safety Considerations
o Wear gloves and safety glasses throughout this lab.
o Quant-iT protein buffers and protein standards: the possible hazards of these
reagents have not been fully tested. Use standard laboratory procedures to avoid eye and
skin contact.
Materials for DNA assay
For each lab group (usually 4 people), obtain the following:
• Qubit fluorometer with power cord
• Pipetters and tips
• beaker for waste tips
• 6 Assay tubes. You’ll need three for the calibration standards and one for each of the three
DNA samples you’re going to assay. (These are special tubes for the fluorometer; the
instructor will show you the correct tubes to use.)
• 1 1.5-ml micro tube for the Quant-iT working solution
• Your pGLO plasmid DNA sample from the previous lab
• 1 tube Quant-iT dsDNA reagent (component A)
• 1 tube Quant-iT dsDNA buffer (component B)
• 1 tube Quant-iT dsDNA standards #1 (component C)
• ice bucket with ice for DNA samples
Prepare the Quant-iT working solution (WS)
You’ll need approximately 200 µl of working solution for each sample, including the two DNA
standards. You may be able to share the standards and working solution with other groups.
1. Label a micro tube “WS” for working solution. Dilute the Quant-iT dsDNA reagent 1:200 in
the Quant-iT dsDNA buffer (for example, 5 µl Quant-iT dsDNA reagent + 995 µl Quant-iT
dsDNA buffer). Vortex briefly after pipeting. If everyone is feeling cooperative, one group
could make enough working solution for the whole class.
Mix your samples with the Quant-iT working solution
Each DNA sample (including the standard samples provided with the kit) needs to be mixed
with the Quant-iT working solution in a transparent, thin-walled 500-µl assay tube. Be sure
you use the special Quant-iT assay tubes, not regular micro tubes. The final volume in
each tube must be 200 µl.
2. Label your 500-µl assay tubes (1,2, and 3). Label the lids, not the sides of the tubes. Don’t
use tape.

3. Pipet 190 µl working solution into each tube.
4. Add 10 µl of DNA standard #1 to tube 1.
5. Add 10 µl of DNA standard #2 to tube 2
6. Add 10 µl of your plasmid DNA sample to tube 3.
7. Vortex or flick each tube briefly. These are your assay tubes. Allow these tubes to
incubate at room temperature for at least 2 minutes before using them in the
Calibrate the fluorometer and perform the assay
8. Plug in the Qubit fluorometer and turn it on by pressing any button. You should see the
HOME screen.
9. On the HOME screen, use the up or down arrows to select the Quant-iT dsDNA Assay (ds
means double-stranded). Press GO.
10. Insert assay tube 1. Press GO. The reading will take about 5 seconds. Remove the tube.
11. Repeat with assay tubes 2. When two calibration readings are done, the calibration is
12. Insert assay tube 3. The fluorometer should display the concentration of your DNA sample
in µg/ml. Write this number down:

___________________ µg/ml in the assay tube

Remember, that’s the concentration of the sample in the assay tube. You also need to find
the concentration of DNA in your sample tube using the same method you used in the
protein assays. Write the sample concentration here:

___________________ µg/ml in the sample tube

If necessary, prepare more assay tubes
13. If your readings were out of range, perform the assay again with a larger or smaller
amount of DNA sample. For the first set, you used 10 µl of DNA sample with 190 µl of
working solution; this time, choose a different amount of DNA sample and add enough
working solution to make a final volume of 200 µl in the assay tube.
14. Record your assay results and calculate your starting DNA concentration again.

15. Now that you have calculated the DNA concentration in each of your samples, you need to
calculate what volume you need to load into your gel wells.

A 3 . G E L & G E L - P H O T O S C A N N E R P R O T O C O L

Canon Scanner Protocol

To ensure that every student gets a copy of their group’s gels and photos, we have a
scanner in the lab. From this computer workstation you can email yourself (and the
rest of your group) a picture of your gel or photo. Before you scan your gel, you need
to complete a couple of preparatory steps:
1. On a strip of separate paper, label your lanes for your gels.
a. Write Clearly!
b. Do not overlay the paper on top of your gel as it will obscure your results
2. Your gel must NOT come in direct contact with the scanner, either on the glass
plate or the plastic top.
a. Use vinyl film both beneath your gel and on the top of your gel before
placing it onto the scanner
b. Place the label for the gel either above or below your gel.
c. Do NOT put tape directly on the scanner to label your gel. This will leave
adhesive residue on the scanner bed.

Now that your gel/photo is ready, carefully carry it over to the scanner and place it on
the scanner bed.
1. Once your gel is in place on the scanner, close the cover and press the Email
button on the front of the Canon scanner.
2. The Canoscan Toolbox will launch automatically.
3. An Email window will launch, the scanner will adjust the lamp and will scan the
gel/photo automatically. This will take a minute, Be Patient!
4. After the gel/photo has been scanned, a preview window will launch.
d. To see a fullscale preview of your gel/photo, double click on the thumbnail
e. If necessary, you can choose to rotate your image 90 degrees on this
f. If satisfied with your picture, click Forward.
5. A new Mail message window will launch. Enter each group member’s email
address. Be certain to include a Subject line before sending. It is helpful to
specific WHICH gel/photo you are sending either in the subject line or the body
of the message. Click Send.
g. A yellow Sending… message will briefly appear in the bottom right corner
of the screen.
6. A window listing the image directory will appear. Close by clicking on the red X
in the top right hand corner.
7. Remove your gel/photo from the scanner and wipe off the scanner glass surface
with the microfiber cloth if necessary. Do not leave the scanner top open.

A4. W R I T I N G Y O U R L A B R E P O R T S

The lab reports for this class should be modeled on typical scientific research papers,
with a few modifications. Each lab report must include the following sections:

I. Title

Start with a descriptive title. Research reports are not novels with vague or cutesy titles.
The title should state clearly what the paper is about.
Also include a list of authors (full names of your lab group members) with your lab
section and group number, and the date of submission.

II. Introduction

The Introduction section should progress from general background to specific details.
Begin with an opening paragraph stating what you are doing and what is the objective
of these experiments. Use this area to define key concepts and new terms. Then
proceed to describe the particular hypothesis or hypotheses you are testing and how
you intend to accomplish these objectives.
Conclude the Introduction with specific predictions of your expected results, and how
these results will answer your questions or support/refute your hypotheses. Remember
— these are predictions: If your hypothesis is correct, what specific results would you
expect to see? If you are testing alternative hypotheses, how would the expected results
differ depending upon which is correct?
Keep your Introduction focused on the objectives. Be concise! The Introduction should
only be ~1 page long.

III. Methods

The methods sections of your lab reports will not resemble those of typical scientific
papers. Normally, a scientific paper would include enough information to allow a reader
to duplicate the experiment. In this lab, you’ll be following the lab manual, so you don’t
need to write out the whole protocol.
Instead, draw a flow diagram showing all the parts of the lab and how they connect with
each other (e.g., the DNA goes from the restriction digest to the ligation to the gel). You
don’t need to show the amounts; just show what goes into each tube.
In a flow diagram, all the components must connect with each other by a sequence of
arrows. Even if the experiment took several lab periods, show how the components of
one day lead into the next.
Indicate how the data in the Results section were obtained. For example, if a step on
the methods diagram said “count the colonies on each plate”, it should also say “See
Table X”. So Table X would be in your Results section with those counts.
The entire flow diagram must fit on one page, no matter how complex the
experiment is.

IV. Results

The purpose of a scientific research paper is to present results. Everything else in the
paper is there to help readers understand the results. The results section includes only
what you saw, not what you think it means.
Experimental results are usually presented in the
form of tables or figures labeled with appropriate
captions and keys. For many labs, your results
section will include a picture of a gel. You’ll use
digital photography in the lab; insert your gel image
in the report. Label your gel photo carefully. The
wells always go at the top. Generally, you should
label each lane with a short descriptive label, as in
the picture shown here. If you number the wells, the
numbering should go from left to right. You should
also include a separate table with more detail, such
as the amount of DNA or protein (in µg or ng, not
µl) in each lane. Don’t include a description or
interpretation of the gel image; that belongs in the
In most of your reports, you’ll also need to include tables of other results, such as the
number of colonies or plaques you observed on plates. Be sure to include a title for each
table and units for all the numbers in the table.
To review what is required for a scientific figure or table, see the BIOL 6A Scientific Inquiry
exercise at

V. Discussion

This section is a discussion of what your results mean. The discussion format is typically
the reverse of the introduction format: begin with specific details about your results and
end with a general concluding statement.
For example, you might start with a lane-by-lane discussion of the above gel. Did your
DNA get cut? Did it get ligated? Remember that you normally have controls for each of
your experiments. The control for EcoRI digestion of the DNA is the uncut DNA.
Therefore, you should discuss your results in terms of comparing experimental results to
control results.
Finish the discussion with an overall summary. Did it all come out as you expected?
Refer to your Introduction statements: Was your hypothesis supported or refuted? How
strong is the evidence? If it was not supported, why not? Come up with a hypothesis
about what might have gone wrong, and state how you would test this hypothesis.
Finish with a summary comment regarding the overall accomplishment of the stated

Style Tips

• Keep your writing simple and clear. Don’t write things that you don’t understand.

• You’ll be writing your report after you do the experiment, so use the past tense. Don’t
write, “we will use lambda DNA,” because you already did it. It’s OK to refer to
yourselves as “we,” because the report is written by a group of people.

• Scientific names of organisms must be written using correct scientific format like this:
Escherichia coli — the name should be in italics, with the genus name capitalized and
the specific epithet not capitalized. After you’ve used a name once, you can abbreviate
the genus — E. coli — subsequently in that same document.

• Number the pages in your report.

• Use real greek letters where appropriate; 25 ul is not the same thing as 25 µl. In MS
Word, you can find these by using Insert > Symbol. You can also find a degree symbol
(e.g., 37°) this way.

• Use superscripts or subscripts where appropriate. In MS Word, you can apply

superscripts with Format > Font.

Strategies for good reports

• Include all the results. This may include experiments done over several lab periods.

• Remember that your report is about your results. The most important aspect of your
report is showing that you understand what your results mean. If you write an excellent
discussion explaining how your results are exactly as expected, but your results show
the opposite, you won’t get a good grade.

• Somebody should read the whole report before you turn it in. If each person in your
group writes a section of the report, and you all show up and staple it together the day
it’s due, you probably won’t have a very good report. If your section is outstanding and
someone else’s is weak, then you’ll all share a low score.

A 4 . E L E C T R O P H O R E S I S M A R K E R S A N D L A D D E R S


Sigma® Protein Markers

Promega® Protein Molecular Weight Marker

A 4 . E L E C T R O P H O R E S I S M A R K E R S A N D L A D D E R S





1,000 bp






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