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Insulin Therapy

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Review Article

Insulin Therapy the most clinically viable non-invasive system to date

may be pulmonary delivery.
Key words: Intensive insulin therapy, Insulin
analogs, Noninvasive insulin delivery.
S. Yadav
Ankit Parakh
Children with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1
DM) require proper insulin therapy, regular
monitoring of blood glucose (including HbA
Optimal glycemic control in type 1 diabetes mellitus 1c) and an optimal diet. Insulin therapy began
(T1DM) requires Intensive Insulin Therapy. Imple-
with beef/pork insulin, followed by an era of
mentation of intensive therapy should be early and
prolonged as suggested by the results of Diabetes recombinant human insulin and now we are in
control and complications trial and Epidemiology of the third phase of insulin therapy where insulin
Diabetes Interventions and Complications (EDIC) analogs are used. This review focuses on details
study. Proper implementation of intensive therapy of insulin therapy with special emphasis on
requires a course teaching flexible intensive insulin newer analogs and noninvasive insulin
treatment combining dietary freedom and insulin
adjustment as shown by the Dose adjustment for
normal eating (DAFNE) randomized controlled trial. A. Conventional insulin therapy
Pen injectors appear to be feasible for routine use
although pumps may be required in special situations. Conventional therapy, the most commonly
Various types of insulin are available in the market, used, refers to 1-2 daily insulin injections. The
including newer analogs (Iispro, aspart, glargine). total daily dose is divided into 2/3 pre-breakfast
Although insulin analogs seem to be more and 1/3 pre-dinner. Ratio of short acting
physiological, controlled studies suggested either
similar efficacy to regular insulin or only a minor
(human regular): intermediate acting (NPH,
benefit in favor of insulin analogs. The primary Lente) = 30:70. Insulin is started at 60-70% of
concern in developing countries like India is the cost- the full replacement dose. Further adjustments
benefit ratio of short acting insulin analogs in the are made as per pre-meal sugars (usually
treatment of diabetic children but this still remains 10-15% of dose or approximately 0.5 U for
unclear. It would be premature to recommend toddlers and 1U for an older child). After initial
switching patients to newer analogs especially those
who are well controlled, especially when the long-term
stabilization of blood glucose the patient does
data is still awaited. The choice of post-meal short not alter the daily dose of insulin as per pre-
acting insulin in toddlers may be decided by the care meal sugars, exercise and expected diet.
provider if deemed appropriate. Noninvasive insulin
deliveries are now in development. It does appear that B. Intensive insulin therapy (IIT)
Intensive therapy includes the
From the Department of Pediatrics, Maulana Azad
administration of insulin 3 times daily by
Medical College & Lok Nayak Hospital, New
Delhi 110 002, India. multiple daily injections (MDI) or pen, or an
external pump. Every dose of insulin is
Correspondence to: Dr. Sangita Yadav, 16-LF, Tansen
Marg, Bengali Market, New Delhi 110 001, adjusted according to the pre-meal blood
India, India. E-mail: sangita_yadav@hotmal.com, glucose performed at least four times daily,
sangeetayadava@gmail.com dietary intake, and anticipated exercise. It does



not refer to the type of insulin(1). Total daily (HbA 1c) and reduces the risk of develop-
dose is divided as follows: ment and progression of microvascular
complications(1); the major drawback being
• Basal dose: 25-30% of the total dose in
2-3 fold increase in severe hypoglycemic
toddlers and 40-50% in older children,
given at bedtime. This suppresses the
glucose production between meals and Dose adjustment for normal eating
overnight. (DAFNE). The intensive approach used in the
• Bolus doses: Remaining dose is divided DCCT trial involved frequent outpatient
into 3 pre-meal doses. The meal time visits with close supervision of insulin dose
(prandial) doses limit post-prandial hyper- adjustment and has not been incorporated into
glycemia. Every bolus dose of insulin is general diabetes practice. Current treatment of
adjusted as per the scale in Table I(2). T1DM fails to engage many patients in
intensive self-management, which is essential
Sliding scale refers to basing an insulin
to successful treatment of T1DM. DAFNE trial
dose as per the premeal sugars. Thinking scales
has shown that, a course teaching flexible IIT
are replacing this concept, where the amount of
combining dietary freedom and insulin
exercise (recent and expected) and the
adjustment, significantly improves glycemic
expected diet intake are also taken into
control at 6 months (mean HbA1c 8.4% vs
consideration along with the pre meal sugars.
9.4%, P <0.0001), however severe hypo-
The pre-meal blood glucose should never be
glycemia, weight, and lipids remained
the only factor considered. The inherent
unchanged. Despite an increase in the number
advantage is that sugar monitoring has to be
of insulin injections and blood glucose
done 3-4 times a day to follow the scale. IIT
monitoring there was sustained positive effects
imposes extra demand on the family in terms of
on quality of life, satisfaction with treatment,
number of injections per day, blood glucose
and psychological well-being. The DAFNE
monitoring and financial costs.
approach has the potential to reduce the
Diabetes control and complications trial incidence of microvascular complications(3).
(DCCT) has conclusively proven that intensive Patients need to fit diabetes into their life and
therapy improves long-term glycemic control not their life into diabetes. It requires huge

TABLE I–Subcutaneous Basal-Bolus Insulin Dosing and Glycemic Targets

Age Target Target Dose**

group pre-meal HbA 1c (U/kg/d)
(years) blood sugar* (mg%)
0-6 100-180 7.5-8.5%+ 0.6-0.7
6-12 90-180 <8% 0.7-1.0
13-19 80-130 <7.5% 1.0-1.2
* These are only target values. If 50-60% of the values are in the target range then the HbA 1c will be in the
target range.
+ To minimize the risk of hypoglycemia as well as excessive hyperglycemia, both lower and upper targets for
this age group are provided(3).
** The dose also varies with pubertal status–Pre-pubertal–0.7-0.8 /kg/day, Mid-pubertal–1-1.5 /kg/day,
Post-pubertal–1-1.1 /kg/day, Honeymoon period–0.2-0.5 /kg/day.



commitment from the individual and family to Cochrane meta-analysis comparing the
check blood glucose several times daily and effect of SAI analogs with regular insulin
adjust insulin dose accordingly. Dietary concluded that use of a SAI analog in
flexibility and DAFNE approach can only be continuous subcutaneous insulin therapy
offered if the family is committed to an (CSII) provides a small, but statistically
intensive monitoring regime, which is psycho- significant improvement in glycemic control
logically, and financially demanding. [weighted mean difference (WMD) –0.19%
(95% CI: –0.27 to –0.12)]. The effect on
C. Types of insulin
glycemic control was even smaller with the use
The pharmocokinetic details of available of MDl [WMD –0.08% (95% CI: –0.15 to
insulins are shown in Table II. Conventional –0.02)]. The rates of overall hypoglycemic
insulins were beef/pork pancreas extract. episodes were not significantly reduced with
Intermediate/long acting preparations were SAI analogs in either injection regimen. No
prepared by adding zinc (Lente, ultralente) study was however designed to investigate
or other proteins e.g., protamine (NPH). possible long-term effects (e.g., mortality,
Recombinant human insulin has lesser diabetic complications)(4). Other meta-
antigenic reactions and side effects, better analysis and reviews have also shown similar
subcutaneous absorption, earlier and a more results(5-9). In one meta-analysis and one
defined peak, and have replaced older insulins. systematic review no differences were
Modifying the amino acid sequence of insulin observed in children between treatments, while
molecule has developed newer analogs. others have not separately evaluated the data
in children(4,5). Studies have demons-
Short acting insulin analogs (SAI)
trated that lispro can be administered even after
Insulin lispro and aspart are the available meals in toddlers(9), hence allowing more
SAI analogs. They have a faster rate of accurate titration of doses for an erratic
absorption because of the reduced tendency to eater and can minimizing the potential for
self-associate into dimers and hexamers. Peak hypoglycemia.
plasma concentrations about twice as high
Intermediate acting insulin
and within approximately half the time
compared to regular insulin. Both are identical Neutral protamine lispro (NPL) Insulin.
pharmacokinetically. This preparation is intended primarily as an

TABLE II–Types of Insulin

Insulin Onset of Peak Duration

action (Hrs) (Hrs)
Short acting Human Regular 30-60 min 2-4 6-10
Lispro, Aspart 5-15 min 1-2 4-6
Intermediate NPH, NPL 1-4 hrs 5-10 10-16
Acting Lente 3-4 hrs 6-12 12-18
Ultra Lente 2-4 hrs 8-16 16-20
Long acting Glargine 1-2 hrs Flat 24
Detemir 1-2 hrs Flat 18-24



alternative to human insulin 30/70. NPL was levels (LIS/GLAR versus R/NPH: 8.7 vs 9.1%,
developed for use within insulin lispro P = 0.13) and rates of self-reported sympto-
mixtures because an exchange between insulin matic hypoglycemia(18).
lispro and NPH insulin precludes prolonged
In an Indian study a novel combination of
storage of mixtures of these insulins. To avoid
short acting and NPH insulin before breakfast
this problem, NPL insulin (intermediate -acting
and combination of short acting and glargine
insulin), an insulin lispro formulation, was
insulin before dinner was used. It helped to
developed, which is an analog of the NPH
reduced the number of injections, avoid pre-
lunch insulin, reduce cost while achieving
Compared with human insulin mixtures, better glycemic control. Mean HbA 1C reduced
twice-daily administration of insulin lispro from 9.5 to 7.3%, incidence of hypoglycemias
mixtures resulted in similar overall glycemic from 1.6 to 0.8 over a six-month observation
control, improved postprandial glycemic period(19).
control(10,11), and less nocturnal hypo-
Insulin Detemir: Insulin detemir has a more
glycemia, as well as offering the convenience
predictable, protracted and consistent effect on
of dosing closer to the meals(10).
blood glucose than NPH insulin(20-22). It is as
Long acting insulin effective as NPH insulin in maintaining overall
glycemic control(23), with a similar/lower risk
Insulin glargine: It is less soluble at neutral pH
of hypoglycemia(21,22). Insulin detemir is,
because of shift in the isoelectric point from pH
therefore, a promising new option for basal
5.4 to 6.7. It is supplied as a clear solution at
insulin therapy.
acidic pH. After injection, the acid in the
vehicle is neutralized and glargine precipitates, Insulin injection
thereby delaying absorption and prolonging
(a) Where to Inject? Insulin is injected into the
subcutaneous tissue of the upper arm,
Studies comparing insulin glargine versus anterior and lateral aspects of the thigh,
NPH insulin have consistently shown signi- buttocks, and abdomen. Insulin is absorbed
ficantly lower fasting plasma glucose(12-15) more rapidly from the abdomen>
and a significant decrease in the variability of arm>thigh>buttock. Rotating within one
fasting blood glucose values in glargine- area recommended (e.g. rotating injections
pooled groups(12). Some studies have shown systematically within the abdomen) rather
no differences in the glycemic control than rotating to a different area with each
(HbA1c)(12,13,16) while others have injection because it decreases day-to-day
demonstrated a small statistically significant variability in absorp-tion. Any two sites can
improvement with glargine(14). Symptomatic be chosen as per preference and the areas,
hypoglycemia was reduced in some(13,14,16), which are not liked, can be skipped. More
but similar in others(12). A RCT of glargine consistency in insulin levels may be
versus ultralente showed that glargine obtained by giving all shots in the same
resulted in slightly but significantly lower parts for a week at a time e.g., in the arm
HbA 1c, less nocturnal variability, and less area for a week and then in the leg sites for a
hypoglycemia(17). RCT of insulin glargine week or choose one area for the morning
plus lispro vs NPH plus regular insulin on IIT and one for the evening. Exercise increases
showed no significant difference in HbA1c the rate of absorption from injection sites;



therefore, if one is playing tennis do not D. Modalities of injectable insulin delivery

inject insulin in that arm(24).
Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion
(b) How to draw? Draw an amount of air equal (CSII)
to the dose of insulin required and inject
The advantages of pumps are that multiple
into the vial to avoid creating a vacuum.
daily doses are not required, decreased
Inject air into the long acting first keeping
nocturnal hypoglycemia and improved control
the vial upright. Then inject air into the
of Dawn’s phenomenon with the use of
short acting insulin. Turn the vial upside
variable basal rate and better freedom in
down and withdraw the short acting insulin,
timings of meals and snacks.
followed by long-acting insulin.
(c) How to inject? Grasp a fold of skin between Meta-analysis of 12 RCT’s comparing CSII
the thumb and index finger and push the with MDI showed improved glycemic control
needle at 90° angle. Thin individuals or with CSII [WMD HbA1c 0.44 (0.2-0.7)]. The
children can use short needles or may need relative frequencies of potential side effects,
to pinch the skin and inject at a 45º angle to particularly severe hypoglycemia, keto-
avoid intramuscular injection, especially in acidosis, and weight gain could not be assessed
the thigh area. Needle should go all the way due to poor reporting and short duration of
into the skin. Release the pinch before studies(25).
injecting or else insulin would be squeezed The position statement by the American
out. The needle should be embedded within diabetes association have suggested(26):
the skin for 5s after complete depression of
• Pumps are relatively costly, and special
the plunger to ensure complete delivery
expertise and adequate educational
of the insulin dose. Insulin is available as
facilities are needed by the medical team to
40 U/mL and 100 U/mL vials. Syringes of
initiate and supervise pump patients. If,
40 U/mL and 100 U/mL marking are
then, patients are doing well on optimized
available making dose calculations easier
multiple insulin injection regimens, CSII is
and reducing errors.
not indicated.
(d) How to store? Vial should be refrigerated • After a 2- to 3-month trial of modern
and warmed to room temperature to limit optimized insulin injection therapy, a trial
local irritation at the injection site. Extreme of CSII is appropriate if poor control
temperatures (<36 or >86ºF, <2 or >30ºC) persists because of (1) frequent unpredict-
and excess agitation should be avoided to able hypoglycemia or (2) a marked dawn
prevent loss of potency, clumping, frosting, blood glucose rise.
or precipitation. Specific storage guidelines
• Patients with erratic swings of blood
provided by the manufacturer should be
glucose concentration or an erratic lifestyle
followed. Patients should always have
with delayed or missed meals and
available a spare bottle of each type of
unpredictable activity will fall into the first
insulin used. Inspect before each use for
category when attempts to improve control
changes like clumping, frosting, preci-
with insulin injections lead to frequent
pitation, or change in clarity or color that
may signify a loss in potency. Rapid/short-
acting/glargine insulin should be clear and Insulin pen injectors
all other insulin type uniformly cloudy. Premixed insulin preparations in pen



syringes maintain glycemic control(27). They 40 cm2 would provide the daily basal insulin
are small and convenient, use smaller gauge needs(30).
needles and can facilitate compliance. They are
Intranasal approach
preferred by patients(27,28), more discreet for
use in public, overall easier to use, insulin dose Intranasal insulin have a low bioavailability
scale on the pen is easier to read(28). The use of and the dose needed for glycemic control is 20
premixed insulin decreases the errors that occur times higher than that of subcutaneous
while mixing the insulins and also the administration(31). Permeability enhancers
contamination if any(29). (lecithin, laureth-9) are incorporated in most
nasal formulations to augment the low
E. Noninvasive insulin delivery bioavailability(32). High rate of treatment
There is a long history of attempts to failure and propensity to cause nasal irritation
develop novel routes of insulin delivery that makes them a less feasible option(33).
are both clinically effective and tolerable. Buccal
However, despite significant research, the first
effective noninvasive delivery systems for A buccal system delivering a liquid aerosol
insulin are only now in development, marking a formulation of insulin via a metered dose
new milestone in effective management of inhaler has been developed by Generex
diabetes. It does appear that the most clinically Biotechnology (Toronto, Canada). The buccal
viable system to date may be pulmonary insulin preparation is human recombinant
delivery . insulin with added enhancers, stabilizers,
and a non-chlorofluorocarbon propellant.
Intradermal approach Data on efficacy and adverse effects is still
Jets: These devices administer insulin without
needles by delivering a high-pressure stream Inhaled insulin
of insulin into subcutaneous tissue. The
Lung is an ideal route for the administration
discomfort associated is the same as with
of insulin due to a vast and well-perfused
insulin injections. Insulin is absorbed faster and
absorptive surface(34). The lung lacks
hence glycemic control can be altered. It should
certain peptidases that are present in the
not be viewed as a routine option but may
gastrointestinal tract, and “first pass meta-
benefit selected cases; such as those with
bolism” is not a concern. Action after
severe insulin-induced lipoatrophy or phobia
inhalation is 15 to 20 min(35). Exubera, AERx
for needles. They are rather expensive.
iDMS, Dura’s Spiros, are some of the inhaled
Transferosomes: These are lipid vesicles made insulin delivery systems. Cochrane Review of
of soybean phosphatidylcholine loaded with 6 RCT’s including 1191 participants concluded
insulin that are flexible enough to pass through that inhaled insulin taken before meals, in
pores much smaller than themselves, despite conjunction with injected basal insulin, to
being much larger. Transferosomes transport maintains glycemic control comparable to that
the insulin with at least 50% of the of MDI’s with no difference in total
bioefficiency of a subcutaneous injection. hypoglycemic episodes between the groups.
These are not rapid enough for bolus regimen The key benefit appears to be patient
but useful for basal regimen. The application of satisfaction and quality of life, presumably due
insulin-laden transferosomes over a skin area to the reduced number of daily injections



Key Messages
• Improved glycemic control requires early and prolonged implementation of intensive insulin
therapy. Psychological and economic demand is the major constraint in the Indian perspective.
• Pen injectors appear to be a more feasible option to MDl, whereas CSII is useful only in some
special situations.
• All diabetics would need a short course teaching flexible intensive insulin treatment.
• The cost -benefit ratio of short acting insulin analogs in the treatment of diabetic patients is
still unclear.
• It would be premature to recommend switching patients to newer analogs especially those
who are well controlled, especially when the long-term data is still awaited.

required. No adverse pulmonary effects were T1DM will wish to undertake IIT, even without
observed, but longer follow-up is required(36). dietary restrictions; some will prefer a simpler
regimen with routine meal timing and fewer
Gastrointestinal delivery:
injections. Such options will still be needed.
Hexyl-insulin monoconjugate 2 (HIM2) is Nevertheless, as the only way of reducing
recombinant insulin with a small polyethylene microvascular disease currently is by main-
glycol 7-hexyl group attached to protein 828 taining tight glycemic control, we need better
amino acid lysine. Theoretical advantage that it ways of enabling patients to intensify their
would mimic the enterohepatic circulation insulin treatment. All diabetics would need a
of endogenous insulin is limited by low short course teaching flexible intensive insulin
bioavailability (<0.05%) and extensive treatment, as suggested by the DAFNE study
degradation in the gut mucosa. The results of for proper implementation of intensive insulin
phase I/II clinical trials suggests that oral therapy.
HIM2, when added to a basal insulin regimen, Insulin analogs seem to offer more
was safe and may prove effective in controlling physiological management for our patients.
postprandial hyperglycemia. Further clinical Despite this theoretical superiority, the cost-
investigation is necessary(37). benefit ratio of short acting insulin analogs in
Conclusions the treatment of diabetic patients is still unclear,
which is the prime concern in developing
Improved glycemic control can prevent countries, like India. Most of the controlled
or delay the progression of diabetes studies suggested either similar efficacy to
complications(1). This requires early and regular insulin or only a minor benefit in favor
prolonged implementation of intensive insulin of short acting insulin analogs. Whether this
therapy [proper insulin therapy either by statistical significance would be clinically
multiple daily subcutaneous injections, CSII or significant is unclear, especially when the long-
pen injectors, regular monitoring of blood term data is still awaited. It would be premature
sugar (including HbA 1c) and an optimal diet]. to recommend switching patients to newer
Pen injectors appear to be a more feasible analogs especially those who are well
option to MDI, whereas CSII is useful only in controlled.
some special situations. Not everyone with Contributors: SY conceptualized the idea, edited and



approved the final version. She will act as guarantor. Walravens PA, Slover RH, Garg SK.
AP contributed towards literature search and prepared Effectiveness of postprandial humalog in
the manuscript. toddlers with diabetes. Pediatrics 1997; 100:
Competing interests: None. 968-972.
Funding: None. 10. Roach P, Trautmann M, Arora V, Sun B,
Anderson JH Jr. Improved postprandial blood
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