Water Analysiscvpart 1 DR Walaa
Water Analysiscvpart 1 DR Walaa
Water Analysiscvpart 1 DR Walaa
Determination of hardness
i. EDTA titration:
-Total hardness (Ca2+ + Mg2+): by titration using
eriochrome black-T indicator and ammonia buffer at pH 10.
- Calcium hardness: by titration using murexide indicator and
2N NaOH at pH 12.
- Magnesium hardness: = total - calcium hardness.
ii. Palmitate method (for total hardness):
Based on precipitation of calcium and magnesium palmitate,
at the end point, potassium palmitate (titrant) is hydrolysed to
give KOH (which changes ph. ph. colour).
iii. Soap method:
Depends on titration with soap solution (sodium oleate), end point is detected
by the formation of foam after precipitation of all Ca2+ and Mg2+.
iv. Soda reagent method:
Soda reagent is a mixture of equal volumes of 0.1N NaOH and 0.1N Na2CO3.
CaCl2 + Na2CO3 CaCO3 + 2 NaCl
Applications of coagulation:
Chemical Coagulation is used for removing of the
Turbidity, organic and inorganic substances.
Harmful bacteria and pathogens.
Taste and odour-producing substances.
Phosphates, which serve as nutrients for growth of
4. Filtration: Achieved by flow through porous media,
usually sand. It is an important stage in the treatment
of potable water.
5. Disinfection: It is necessary to ensure the death
of harmful micro-organisms. This can be achieved by:
Disinfection in absence of ammonia:
Cl2 + H2O HCl + HClO
H+ OH-
H+ + Cl- H+ + ClO-
(Free residuals) Ineffective
Disinfection in presence of ammonia:
Cl2 + NH3 NH2Cl + HCl
NH2Cl + Cl2 NHCl2 + HCl (dichloramine)
NHCl2 + Cl2 NCl3 + HCl
The combined residuals are more stable than the free residual
but less effective. Therefore, ammonia may be added to give
prolonged action.
II. Disinfection by ozone: is a powerful oxidizing agent,
efficient disinfectant and much more expensive than
III. Disinfection by other disinfectants: include heat,
ultraviolet/nuclear radiation, or bromine.
IV. Small scale disinfection (household-purification):
when pure water may not be obtainable, in emergency cases,
or during epidemic diseases.
- Boiling for 15 min., alum is added before boiling if water is
- Chemical disinfection by very dilute KMnO4 solution.
- Using 2 drops of strong iodine solution (7 % per liter).
Using chloramine (3-4 mg/L) and allowed to stand for 30 min.
R-NH-Cl + H2O RNH2 + HOCl