Paper 1 Accepted
Paper 1 Accepted
Paper 1 Accepted
Corresponding author
Email address: [email protected] (G. Ntourmas)
1. Introduction
the patches.
During the optimisation process, a large set of constraints must be taken
into account. First of all, design rules regulating the stacking characteristics
of each patch in the structure should be followed. Secondly, to ensure struc-
tural integrity and manufacturability, the stacking sequence of neighbouring
patches needs to be integrated into a design that follows specific rules, re-
ferred to as manufacturing rules, in which blending or continuity of the plies
is of significant importance. Finally, the structure needs to fulfil a large set
of physical constraints, related to strength, buckling, aeroelasticity, damage
tolerance and other requirements.
The problem of composite stacking sequence optimisation has been stud-
ied thoroughly by many researchers over the last decades. A review of dif-
ferent approaches to stacking sequence optimisation can be found in Ghiasi
et al. [15, 14]. Two particularities of the problem dominate the nature of the
proposed optimisation approaches. Firstly, the problem contains mostly inte-
ger design variables but both discrete and continuous constraints. Secondly,
many of the continuous constraints require computationally expensive Finite
Element (FE) model evaluations. Therefore, although metaheuristics have
been widely employed to perform the optimisation [26, 46, 34, 9, 4, 42, 22, 3],
their usage becomes prohibitive for large-scale problems due to the increased
number of optimisation cycles required, combined with the computational
expense of the FE evaluations. Furthermore, gradient-based optimisation
methods [45, 31, 44, 6, 13, 25] are very well suited for the continuous part of
the problem, combined with the solution cost of the FE model, but fail to
efficiently handle the discrete part of the problem.
In an attempt to incorporate the benefits and eliminate the drawbacks
of both gradient and stochastic algorithms, a two-stage optimisation process
has been employed by several researchers, previously. During the first stage,
a weight minimisation is performed [18, 36] using either lamination [19, 32]
or polar parameters [35, 37] to describe the structural stiffness. The result
of this stage is an optimal, continuous distribution of thickness and stiffness
characteristics. The continuous thickness is usually rounded up to the near-
est integer number of layers in order to achieve a manufacturable design.
This discretisation is performed since the thickness of the pre-impregnated
tape that will be used in manufacturing, is decided a priori and is treated as
a constant parameter during the sizing optimisation. This discrete thickness
and the aforementioned stiffness distribution, can be used as targets by the
second stage of the optimisation process which is usually a stochastic algo-
rithm [28, 20, 7, 23] that can handle design and manufacturing rules more
The principal novelty of this work is the formulation of the composite
manufacturing rules as two different Mixed Integer Linear Programming
(MILP) models. Although potential structural engineering applications of
operational research have been identified [27], a complete MILP formulation
of the stacking sequence optimisation has not yet been presented to the best
of the authors’ knowledge with the exception of some composite design rules
which have been previously formulated in such a way [2]. Additionally, Kang
& Blom [24] have worked towards that direction, having however treated
the blending rules in the context of compliance with pre-computed lami-
nates, which is not the case for the present study. Other studies focusing on
tree structures, branch and bound algorithms and beam search algorithms
[40, 39, 50, 29, 30, 10, 11], are algorithmic approaches built around the spe-
cific nature of the stacking sequence optimisation problem in question. In
this work, two complete formulations accounting for all composite design
and manufacturing rules which can be used in any optimisation solver able
to handle a MILP problem formulation are presented.
The rest of this paper is structured as follows: In Section 2 composite
guidelines relevant to the stacking sequence retrieval for aeronautical struc-
tures are presented. The two MILP formulations of the blended stacking
sequence optimisation are formulated in Section 3. Results from the two
formulations are demonstrated in Section 4 and the findings of this work are
summarised in Section 5.
2. Composite rules
1. Symmetry. Symmetric laminates about the mid-plane are commonly
used to avoid bending-extension coupling.
1. Continuity/blending. Continuity, also commonly referred to as blend-
ing, ensures manufacturability and structural integrity of the laminated
composite. Various definitions of blending are available in the litera-
ture. Adams et al. [1] used two simplified blending definitions, i.e.
outward (Fig. 1a) and inward (Fig. 1b) blending, in which only outer-
most or innermost plies, respectively, are allowed to be dropped. A ply
drop indicates that a ply stops and does not continue on to the next
patch of the structure. Campen et al. [8] introduced generalised (Fig.
1c and Fig. 1d) and relaxed generalised (Fig. 1e) blending. These two
definitions allow for significantly greater design freedom since they do
not limit the ply drop position to an outer or inner ply. Generalised
blending requires all plies in a thinner patch to continue in the adjacent
thicker panels, while in relaxed generalised blending two neighbouring
panels are considered to be blended if no dropped edges are in physi-
cal contact. In the current work, generalised blending is used instead
of the relaxed generalised blending, as the latter leads to high stress
delamination initiation zones are avoided.
Other manufacturing rules concerning the exact transitions within the taper
area are not considered, because this level of detail is not in the scope of the
current work. It should be mentioned that the taper area refers to the zone
formed by the plies of two neighbouring patches merging into each other.
The full potential of the generalised blending definition is exploited in the
current work (Fig. 1d), in a sense that the set of plies used in the thinnest
patch must not necessarily extend to the rest of the patches in the struc-
ture. This is not the case for other implementations of generalised blending,
such as the Stacking Sequence Tables (SSTs) [21], the Global Shared Layer
Blending [23] or the modified Shepard’s method [33], in which plies present
in the thinnest patch must be continued across all other patches and not only
the neighbouring ones (Fig. 1c). However, it should be noted that recent
studies using the Ply Drop Sequence concept [49], multiple SSTs [51] and a
general resolution scheme [38] have managed to eliminate some or all of the
aforementioned drawbacks, offering increased design freedom.
(a) Outward blending (b) Inward blending
3.1. Lamination parameters
1 ξ1A ξ3A 0 0
A 1 −ξ1A ξ3A 0 0
0 0 1 0
= h U3 (1)
A66 0 0 −ξ3A 0 1
A 0 ξ2A /2 ξ4A 0 0
A 0 ξ2A /2 −ξ4A 0 0
0 ξ1B ξ3B 0 0
B 0 −ξ1B ξ3B 0 0
B12 2 0 0 0 0
= U3 (2)
4 0 0 −ξ3B 0 0
B 0 ξ2B /2 ξ4B 0 0
B 0 ξ2B /2 −ξ4B 0 0
1 ξ1D ξ3D 0 0
D 1 −ξ1D ξ3D 0 0
D12 3 0 0 1 0
= U3 (3)
0 0 −ξ3D 0 1
D 0 ξ2D /2 ξ4D 0 0
D 0 ξ2D /2 −ξ4D 0 0
In the above equations, U denotes the material constants and h the thickness
of the laminate. The lamination parameters are defined as:
A 1 Z 2i
ξ[1,2,3,4] = [cos(2θ), sin(2θ), cos(4θ), sin(4θ)]dz (4)
h − z2i
B 4 Z 2i
ξ[1,2,3,4] = 2 z [cos(2θ), sin(2θ), cos(4θ), sin(4θ)]zdz (5)
h − 2i
D 12 Z 2i
ξ[1,2,3,4] = 3 z [cos(2θ), sin(2θ), cos(4θ), sin(4θ)]z 2 dz (6)
h − 2i
where − z2i and zi
stand for the distance of the bottom and top surface of the
ith ply with respect to the midplane of the laminate.
does not fundamentally differ between the two formulations. The distinctive
difference between the two is how blending and ply drops are modelled. Nev-
ertheless, both the explicit and implicit formulation make use of the same
principles of generalised blending described in Section 2. Therefore, the re-
sulting structure from each formulation is expected to be the same if the
same input and constraints are used for each optimisation.
In brief, the explicit formulation considers all patches having the same
number of layers, with that number being equal to the number of layers in
the thickest patch of the structure. Since each patch has a different optimum
number of layers, some of the patches will consist of plies that correspond to
ply-voids as displayed in Fig. 2a. The implicit formulation demonstrated in
Fig. 2b takes into account the fact that each patch has a different, known
number of optimum layers, and defines the appropriate number of layers for
each individual patch. The benefit of the explicit formulation is that the
blending of the structure is rather straightforward, as continuity is ensured
by placing plies of the same orientation one next to the other. The disadvan-
tage of this formulation is that the locations of the ply drops are not known
and therefore there are many possible ‘positions’ one specific ply could have
within the laminate. Therefore, since the order at which plies will appear is
not known, the calculation of the lamination parameters for such a stack is
cumbersome. The advantage of the implicit formulation is that the calcula-
tion of lamination parameters is straightforward as the position of each ply is
clearly defined. The downside of the method is the fact that formulating the
manufacturing rules and most importantly the continuity of the structure is
more challenging.
(a) Schematic representation of the explicit formu- (b) Schematic representation of the implicit formu-
lation. lation.
Figure 2: An illustrative example of the same blended stack for two neighbouring patches
as represented by the explicit and implicit formulation. Each colour represents a different
fibre orientation, ply-voids are illustrated using hatched plies and arrows indicate ply
Table 1: Summary of indexes used to denote the various design variables in the explicit
Name Description
i Layer
j Patch
θ Fibre orientation
k Lamination parameter
wkA,B,D |ξkj
min − (ξkj )optimal | ∀k (7)
where ξkj ∈ [−1, 1] are the lamination parameters calculated for a spe-
cific stack, whereas, (ξkj )optimal are the optimal parameters delivered by
the gradient-based optimisation. Weight coefficients wkA,B,D may be used
to emphasise specific parts of the objective function. Two new sets of de-
sign variables need to be introduced to assist with the linear formulation of
the objective function. The first one is gkj ∈ [0, 1], defined as gkj =
|ξkj − (ξkj )optimal |. The objective function is not linear in its current
form, because of the absolute value, therefore, a simple linearisation needs
to be performed. The additional set of design variables fkj ∈ {0, 1}, is
also introduced to enable the linearisation described by the following set of
ξkj − (ξkj )optimal ≤ fkj ∀j, k
(ξkj )optimal − ξkj ≤ 1 − fkj ∀j, k
ξkj − (ξkj )optimal ≤ gkj ∀j, k
(ξkj )optimal − ξkj ≤ gkj ∀j, k
gkj ≤ ξkj − (ξkj )optimal + 2(1 − fkj ) ∀j, k
gkj ≤ (ξkj )optimal − ξkj + 2fkj ∀j, k
To make the formulation of the problem possible, the binary design vari-
ables xijθ ∈ {0, 1} defining the orientation of a specific layer within a certain
patch are introduced. More specifically, every layer consists of Θ design vari-
ables, each one representing whether the corresponding fibre orientation is
used or not. Each layer may only have one orientation, or none, in the case
the ply is dropped. Therefore, the following feasibility constraints need to
be defined.
xijθ ≤ 1 ∀i, j (9)
xijθ = nj
∀j (10)
i=1 θ=1
xijθ = x(I−i+1)jθ ∀i{1, 2, ..., I/2}, j, θ (11)
xijθ1 = xijθ2 ∀i, j, θ1 = −θ2 , {0, 90} (12)
i=1 i=1
xijθ ≥ pnj
∀j, θ (13)
The damage tolerance rule is demonstrated below for the case that the outer-
most ply is equal to 45o . This layer also has to be continuous over all patches
according to the external covering ply manufacturing rule. The following
constraints fulfill both requirements.
The grouping design rule for the case of symmetric laminates is formulated
In order to define the continuity manufacturing constraint between neigh-
bouring patches, further design variables need to be introduced. A set of
them is yij ∈ {0, 1}, defining the presence or absence of a specific ply within
a patch. The continuity constraint is expressed as:
yij = nj
∀j (18)
skθ aA,B,D
ξkj = ij xijθ ∀j, k (19)
i=1 θ
bij = ymj ∀i, j (20)
ij = ∀i, j (21)
4 2nj + 2
ij = − b ij + ∀i, j (22)
(nj )2 (nj )2
integer variables is cumbersome and involves piecewise linearisations, a trick
is employed to calculate cij ∈ {0, 1, 2, ..., (M1 )2 } as:
(bij )2 = cij = (
2dmj ) − bij ∀i, j (24)
In the above equation, a new set of design variables dij ∈ {0, 1, 2, ..., M1 }
was introduced. These are defined as dij = bij yij and once again need to be
linearised. The linearisation of the product of two variables, one of which
is binary and the other an integer with an upper bound of M1 and a lower
bound of 0, is defined by the following four inequalities [16].
dij ≥ 0 ∀i, j
two new sets of design variables uijθ ∈ {0, 1, 2, ..., M1 }, zijθ ∈ {0, 1, 2, ..., (M1 )2 }
need to be introduced and are defined as uijθ = bij xijθ and zijθ = cij xijθ . The
linearisation of these design variables follows the principles of equation 25.
The lamination parameter values can eventually be expressed as:
X 4 2nj + 2
(ξkj )= skθ (− uijθ + xijθ ) ∀k, j (26)
i=1 θ=1 (nj )2 (nj )2
X 12 12nj + 12 3(nj )3 + 6nj + 4
(ξkj )= skθ ( zijθ − uijθ + xijθ ) ∀k, j
i=1 θ=1 (nj )3 (nj )3 (nj )3
The internal covering ply manufacturing constraint is formulated using
the bij design variables as:
formulation, each patch is assigned with as many Ij layers as needed. All
design rules (equations 11-15) are formulated similarly with the only thing
changing being the number of maximum layers per patch Ij . An additional
minor alternation applies for equation 9 in which the inequality sign needs
to be replaced by the equality one, since the design variables xijθ in this
approach cannot correspond to a ply drop.
Additionally, the two design rules which have not been formulated for
the explicit approach can now be implemented. The contiguity constraint
limits the number of consecutive layers having the same fibre orientation to
a maximum of N . In a mathematical formulation this is expressed as:
the interface h examined and can easily be determined during the setup of
the optimisation problem. A representation of the different plies that could
blend between two patches is given in Fig. 3a. More specifically, for any of
the interfaces h, the maximum number of possibilities per ply (Ph ) can be
calculated as:
In the above equation, patches j1 and j2 denote the two patches which con-
stitute an interface h, with j1 being the thickest of the two, in case there
is a difference in thickness between them. The number of interfaces H is
easily calculated prior to setting up the optimisation problem based on the
arrangement of the patches. In Fig. 3b, an example of the interfaces between
a specific patch geometry is given.
(a) Knowing the number of ply drops between two neigh- (b) The interfaces between patches are
bouring patches, the different blending possibilities can be marked with red ticks for the given patch
determined for each ply independently. geometry.
binary variables is similar to the one presented in equation 17.
The continuity manufacturing rule is then defined as:
xij2 θ = rihθp (32)
t(i−p+1)h(Ph −p+1) ≤ 1 ∀i, h (33)
Secondly, a right hand-side ply must blend with exactly one of the left hand-
side plies.
tihp = 1 ∀i, h (34)
X Ph
t(i−1)hp (Ph − p + 1) ≤ tihp (Ph − p + 1) ∀i, h (35)
p p
+N X
t(i−p+1)h(Ph −p+1) ≤ 1 ∀i, h (36)
j1 p
fixed and the next neighbouring patch is added in the structure along with
all the relevant design and manufacturing rules. In cases where the newly
added patch borders two or more of the pre-existing patches whose stacking
sequence is fixed, the optimisation problem might become infeasible. Conse-
quently, the fixation constraints applied to the patch being the latest addi-
tion, are removed. This operation is repeated until a feasible solution can be
retrieved by the optimisation. Once all of the patches have been introduced
in the optimisation sub-problem, the procedure is applied for the next user-
defined path. The decomposition method based on the path which resulted
to the stacking sequence with the lowest objective function value, is used to
initialise the complete optimisation problem which considers all constraints
simultaneously, without the stacking sequence of any of the patches being
Even if all possible paths are considered in this decomposition strategy,
there is no guarantee that the optimal solution will be obtained in the end.
A way to improve the quality of this local minimum would be to add two or
more patches in each sub-problem at a time, instead of one. This increased
overlapping allows the optimisation process to overcome the issue of getting
stuck at local minima, since stiffness requirements of more ‘free’ patches
would be considered in the objective function of each sub-problem. The
drawback of this strategy would be the increased computational time for
each sub-problem, since the number of plies free to change and the number
of interfaces between the patches increases. It should also be noted that
the quality of the solution achieved by the decomposition strategy highly
depends on the target stiffnesses provided by the gradient-based optimisation
Problem decomposition
Define paths
Optimise 2
neighboring patches
Optimise sub-problem
No Remove fixation
constraints in last fixed
All paths explored Initialise solution
Figure 4: Flowchart of the optimisation using decomposition developed for the implicit
algorithm applied in the first stage. The accuracy of the formulation of the
composite rules, especially the formulation of the blending rule in the first
stage, highly impacts how close the resultant solution obtained from the
decomposition strategy will be to the the global optimum.
4. Numerical case studies
Initially, the explicit and implicit formulations are studied using some
illustrative cases and then a well studied benchmark problem from the scien-
tific literature is used to assess the proposed discrete optimisation approach.
Moreover, the MILP formulations are also compared against two previous
Both explicit and implicit formulations for discrete optimisation were able
to produce fully blended composite designs satisfying all specified design and
blending rules. In this section, we first present the results applying the ap-
proaches to some methodology demonstration problems. More specifically,
blended stacking sequences that fulfil a prescribed set of design and manufac-
turing rules are manually defined and the accordant lamination parameters,
which are used as target values during the optimisation, are calculated for
each individual patch. Therefore the optimal objective function value for this
set of problem instances is known a priori and is equal to zero. All design
and manufacturing rules described in Section 2 are used, with the exception
of contiguity, and disorientation which is omitted because grouping is used
instead. The fibre orientations for the demonstration cases are limited to
0o , 90o , ±45o . The demonstration problem instances are comprised of a dif-
ferent number of patches (2 or 4), maximum number of layers in the thickest
patch (40 or 80) and number of ply drops between adjacent patches (4 or
8). In all demonstration cases, patches are placed sequentially one after the
Table 2: Comparison of the MILP size for selected demo problems between the explicit
and implicit formulation.
In Table 2, the final MILP problem size in terms of the number of de-
sign variables, constraints and percentage of non-zero elements in the MILP
optimisation matrix is presented for a subset of the cases. The final MILP
size does not directly correspond to the size one would theoretically calculate
given the problem definition, because Gurobi, like other commercial solvers,
applies pre-solve algorithms that might reduce the size of the problem. It can
be observed that the size grows significantly for large instances, as expected.
Moreover, using the implicit formulation results in slightly larger problem
instances. Finally, it is worth noting that an increased number of ply drops
increases the problem size of the implicit formulation, while the size of the
explicit formulation stays the same. This is due to the fact that the design
variables and therefore the constraints of the implicit formulation depend on
the number of blending possibilities between neighbouring patches, which is
analogous to the number of ply drops.
In Fig. 5, the runtimes of the two approaches for all the different demon-
stration problem instances are presented. The individual runtimes are de-
picted using half circles of logarithmically scaled radiuses. More specifically,
the maximum radius in Fig. 5 represents a runtime of 442s while the smallest
one 0.8s. All runs have been performed on a PC with an Intel Core i5-8250U
@1.60GHz (4 cores, 8 threads) CPU. The algorithm is stopped if an objective
value less than 10−2 ×(number of patches) is found.
80 s
60 f la
2 3 4 40 b er o
Number of patches N um
Figure 5: Illustration of run-times for the implicit and explicit formulations for the initial
set of problem instances as the number of patches, layers and ply drops change.
Fig. 6 illustrates the 18 panel horseshoe benchmark problem. Nx and
Ny force resultants are given in lbf/in (×175.1 to convert into N/m). The
modulus of elasticity across the fibre direction is E1 = 141GPa and E2 =
9.03GPa across the transverse direction, the shear modulus is G12 = 4.27GPa
and the principal Poisson’s ratio is ν12 = 0.32. The ply thickness is 0.191mm.
18 in. 20 in.
1 2 3 4 5
12 in.
Nx = -270 Nx = -250 Nx = -210
Ny = -325 Ny = -200 Ny = -100
24 in.
Nx = -700 Nx = -375
Ny = -400 Ny = -360
6 7 8
Nx = -305 Nx = -290 Nx = -600
Ny = -360 Ny = -195 Ny = -480
9 10
Nx = -1100 Nx = -900
Ny = -600 Ny = -400
11 12 13 14 15
Nx = -330 Nx = -190 Nx = -300
Ny = -330 Ny = -205 Ny = -610
Nx = -375 Nx = -400
Ny = -525 Ny = -320
16 17 18
Nx = -815 Nx = -320 Nx = -300
Ny = -1000 Ny = -180 Ny = -410
is known due to the the branch and bound based algorithm being employed.
Optimality of the solution is proven when the value of the best possible
objective is equal to that of the best known objective. The optimisation is
stopped after 600s because proving optimality becomes time consuming. As
observed earlier, the implicit formulation outperforms the explicit one, since
the maximum number of layers is rather small for this problem, as shown in
Table 3. This is not necessarily the case for larger problems for which the
explicit approach can converge to better solutions in less computational time.
The disadvantage of the explicit formulation though is the lack of providing
a good theoretical bound for the objective (Fig. 7), which in turn results in
bigger computational times until proving convergence.
Figure 7: Convergence comparison between the explicit and implicit formulation for the
18 panel horseshoe problem.
Table 3: Number of layers for the patches of the 18-panel horseshoe problem.
Patch 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Layers 34 28 22 20 16 22 20 26 38 36 30 28 22 20 26 32 20 22
Table 4: Paths containing the sequence of patches used for the optimisation using decom-
position of the 18 panel horseshoe problem.
Fig. 8 illustrates the progress plot for the objective value using the ap-
proaches with and without decomposition, where the three triangles mark the
objective value of each local minimum discovered by using the three different
paths. The one used to initialise the optimisation without the decomposition
is that of the best found solution which corresponds to the second path. For
the specific manufacturing rules used, the average run-time of each individ-
ual run for the different paths is approximately 10 seconds, including the
overhead of setting up each of the many sub-problems.
Path 3
Figure 8: Convergence comparison between the implicit formulation and the decomposition
strategy for the 18 panel horseshoe problem.
The fact that the path which resulted to the best solution of the optimisa-
tion with the decomposition is the one starting from the thinnest patch and
moving to the thinnest neighbour is not incidental. This can be attributed
to the fact that in thinner patches, the placement of a layer influences the
stiffness more compared to a thicker panel. Therefore, allowing the thinner
patches to be optimised first can prevent the decomposition from getting
stuck at a local minimum favouring some of the thickest patches. Finally,
as for the actual convergence, no significant speed up is observed for the ex-
amined case. The optimisation with no decomposition actually converges to
what appears to be a global minimum faster than the optimisation approach
using decomposition. However, the benefit of using decomposition becomes
more evident as the size of a problem grows which is the case for realistic
aircraft structures.
To demonstrate this effect, the loads applied to the original formulation
of the horseshoe panel problem are multiplied by a factor of 8. The material
and dimensions of the panels remain the same. After performing the first
optimisation stage again, this increase in loads leads to a doubling of the pan-
els’ thicknesses. Fig. 9 depicts the improvement of the value of the objective
function with respect to time, for the modified horseshoe problem when ap-
plying the optimisation with and without the decomposition technique. For
this bigger optimisation problem, applying the optimisation with the decom-
position yields a much better solution in a considerably shorter time frame.
A second observation is that each of the 3 different paths now requires an
average of approximately 30 seconds to optimise compared to 10 in the orig-
inal problem definition. This is expected, since the number of layers have
doubled and the size of the optimisation problem has increased accordingly.
As the number of layers increases, the design space of the laminate becomes
wider. A wider design space also means that the current thinnest patch in
the structure does not influence the quality of the decomposition that much.
Indeed, in the this modified problem, the path which results to the lowest
objective function is the third one which starts from the thickest patch in the
structure. What is more, the deviation between the objective function val-
ues of the three paths is now considerably smaller compared to the original.
Finally, because the layers increase, the potential to match the same target
stiffness increases which leads to a lower global optimum for this modified
Decomposition strategy convergence modified problem
Objective function value
10 No decomposition
Decomposition, 3 paths
Path 1
Path 2
Path 3
Figure 9: Convergence comparison between the implicit formulation and the decomposi-
tion strategy for the modified 18 panel horseshoe problem in which the applied loads are
multiplied by a factor of 8.
Overall, both the explicit and implicit formulations provide stacking se-
quences that are fully compliant with respect to the specified design and
manufacturing rules. Based on the observations and experience gained up
to now, the explicit formulation can outperform the implicit one for large
industrial problems. However, the explicit formulation still lacks the im-
plementation of the disorientation and contiguity constraint as well as the
decomposition technique.
for single patches. Table 5 compares the results obtained from the presented
methodology against the published results for various problems introduced
by Liu et al. [29]. Each example uses a different set of design rules when
matching the lamination parameters. In Liu et al. [29] two runtimes are
provided for each instance; one is the time when the optimum solution (t. to
opt.) is found and the other one is the time (Total t.) until the search of
the tree is completed and hence optimality is proven. The time shown for
the implicit MILP formulation of this work is the time spent until optimality
is proven. In the overall, using a mathematical programming algorithm to
achieve the same task is shown to outperform the logic-based method. This
is due to the fact that a search of the entire tree is not necessary to prove
optimality and because more sophisticated techniques such as presolving,
cutting planes and heuristics are used to assist the optimisation convergence.
It should also be noted that for example 1 in Table 5, an objective function
with a lower value was calculated using Gurobi. The provided runtimes for
the current work have been produced using 1 thread on a 1.6GHz computer
compared to a 4GHz computer used in the work of Liu et al. [29].
Finally, the open source genetic algorithm developed by Vicente [48] is
used to optimise the horseshoe problem described in the previous section.
The genetic algorithm uses the Stacking Sequence Table encoding. All de-
sign and manufacturing rules are used, except for the grouping rule, because
the disorientation design rule is activated instead. The settings used for the
runs of the genetic algorithm are summarised in Table 6. The convergence
history of various genetic algorithm runs and of the implicit formulation are
presented in Fig. 10. All algorithm runs have been performed on the same
Table 5: Single patch optimisation results, comparison against the work of Liu et al. [29].
1.6GHz CPU using only one core. The implicit formulation converges to a
much better solution. This can be attributed to two reasons. First of all,
the blending formulation in this work allows for more design freedom, as
explained in section 2, which leads to a smaller feasible objective function.
Secondly, the mathematical programming algorithm used to solve the prob-
lem formulation, as presented in the current work, can consistently lead to
the optimal value of the objective function, while the genetic algorithm gets
trapped in different local minima, based on the contextual random number
generator seed. However, the genetic algorithm is able to provide decent
feasible solutions in less time.
5. Conclusions
Table 6: Settings used in the genetic algorithm of Vicente [48].
Parameter Value
Population size 200
Maximum number of generations 1000
Elitism percentage 4%
Probability of mutation 15%
Probability of crossover 75%
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Time (s)
Figure 10: Convergence comparison between the implicit formulation and a guide-based
genetic algorithm [48] for the 18 panel horseshoe problem.
which fulfil a set of prescribed design and manufacturing rules. The objec-
tive function of this optimisation involves the minimisation of the absolute
difference between the stiffness of the computed design and a set of target
stiffness characteristics provided by the first stage of the optimisation.
The derived formulations, namely explicit and implicit, mainly differ in
the way blending is treated. The explicit formulation offers a much more
direct approach to the representation of blending, which however increases
the complexity of defining the objective as a linear function of the available
design variables. The derivation of blending constraints for the implicit for-
mulation is more complex, however other composite rules and the objective
function can be easily derived. Finally, a decomposition technique has been
developed for the implicit formulation to assist with the discovery of good
local optima in a much shorter time frame.
The results presented show that both formulations are able to tackle a
widely used benchmark in a reasonable time frame. The explicit formula-
tion is able to tackle problems of larger size in a shorter time. However,
the utilisation of the decomposition technique on the implicit formulation is
very promising for applications in industrial composite parts of much larger
scales. Compared to an open-source genetic algorithm, the current formu-
lations lead to better discrete stacks in a given time frame. This can be
partly attributed to the fact that the current formulations offer more design
freedom than most available blending representations and partly to mathe-
matical programming algorithms, offering a more robust convergence towards
the global optimum compared to heuristics. Comparison of the current MILP
formulation against a custom-made Branch and Bound algorithm focusing on
the stacking sequence optimisation of single patches, shows that optimality
of the solution can be proven faster for all examined cases.
The present paper offers two novel formulations of the thoroughly exam-
ined discrete blending and stacking sequence optimisation problem. Future
work may involve the incorporation of manufacturing cost requirements and
objectives in the formulation. The explicit formulation might be better suited
for such an addition, but the drawbacks of its implementation must first be
dealt with. Improvements on the quality of the solution retrieved by the de-
composition technique can also be achieved by overlapping more patches for
each sub-problem at an extra computational cost, or by exploring more ad-
vanced techniques of removing fixation constraints is the case a sub-problem
becomes infeasible.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant
agreement No 764650.
6. Declaration of Interests
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial inter-
ests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work
reported in this paper.
7. Data availability
The data that support the findings of this study are available on request
from the corresponding author.
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