Electric Machinery Fundamentals, 4th Edition
Electric Machinery Fundamentals, 4th Edition
Electric Machinery Fundamentals, 4th Edition
is collinear with the internal generated voltage EA' Since E; is determined by the
current at the terminal s of the generato r, the angle {) can be detennined with a
know ledge of the annature current. Once the angle 0 is known, the annature cur·
rent can be broken down into direct and quadrature components, and the internal
generated voltage can be detennined.
IA = 12~A = 693 A
The power factor of the current is 0.8 lagging, so the impedance angle () of the
load is
() = cos- l 0.8 = 36.87°
Therefore, the internal generated voltage is
EA = V4> + jXSIA
= 480 L 0° V + j(O.1 nX693 L - 36.87° A)
= 480 L 0° + 69.3 L 53.13° = 524.5 L 6.1° V
Notice that the torque angle 8 is 6.1°.
(b) Asswne that the rotor is salient. To break down the current into direct- and
quadrature-axis components, it is necessary to know the direction of EA. This di-
rection may be detennined from Equation (C- 8):
p = _3~
- -;A,"'_i_
" ~S
(5- 20)
TIlis equation assumed that the annature resistance was negligible. Making the
same assumption, what is the output power of a salient-pole generator as a func-
ti on of torque angle? To find out, refer to Fig ure C--6. TIle power out of a syn-
chronous generator is the sum of the power due to the direct-axis current and the
power due to the quadrature-axis current:
v~ cos {j
90 - ,'
, •
""GURE C-6
Determining the power output of a salient-pote synchronous generator. Both I~ and I. contribute to
the output power. as shown.