Tender Document

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Tender Document




5 Floor, Arfa Software Technology Park (ASTP)
346-B, Main Ferozepur Road, Lahore, Pakistan.
Phone: +92 42 99028000 Fax: +92 42 9923 2541
Table of Contents
Important Note ........................................................................................................................................... 1
Important Dates .......................................................................................................................................... 2
Request for Proposal................................................................................................................................... 3
1. Invitation to Bid............................................................................................................................... 3
2. Bidding Details (Instruction to Bidders) .......................................................................................... 4
3. Definitions ....................................................................................................................................... 5
4. Headings and Titles ......................................................................................................................... 6
5. Notice .............................................................................................................................................. 6
6. Tender Scope .................................................................................................................................. 6
7. Overview and Objectives ................................................................................................................ 7
8. Contract Type and duration .......................................................................................................... 12
9. Services Required .......................................................................................................................... 12
10. Key Service-level parameters ........................................................................................................ 15
11. PMA's Responsibilities .................................................................................................................. 15
12. Tender/Bidder’s Eligibility ............................................................................................................. 15
13. Tender Cost ................................................................................................................................... 16
14. Joint Venture/ Consortium ........................................................................................................... 16
15. Examination of the Tender Document .......................................................................................... 16
16. Amendment of the Tender Document ......................................................................................... 16
17. Preparation/ Submission of Tender/ Bid ...................................................................................... 17
18. Tender Price .................................................................................................................................. 20
19. Tender/ Bid Security...................................................................................................................... 21
20. Tender Validity .............................................................................................................................. 21
21. Modification/ Withdrawal of the Tender ...................................................................................... 22
22. Opening of the Tender .................................................................................................................. 22
23. Clarification of the Tender by the Client ....................................................................................... 22
24. Determination of Responsiveness of the Tender/Bid ................................................................... 22
25. Correction of Errors/ Amendment of Tender ............................................................................... 23
26. Rejection & Acceptance of Tenders/ Bids ..................................................................................... 23
27. Letter of Acceptance (LOA) ........................................................................................................... 24
28. Performance Security.................................................................................................................... 24
29. Redressal of Grievances ................................................................................................................ 25
AGREEMENT .............................................................................................................................................. 27
GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT .............................................................................................. 31
30. CONTRACT..................................................................................................................................... 31
31. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND INFORMATION ............................................................................. 31
32. CONTRACT LANGUAGE ................................................................................................................. 31
33. STANDARDS................................................................................................................................... 31
34. PATENT RIGHTS AND RIGHTS TO THE CONTENTS OF THE PROGRAM .......................................... 31
35. PACKING ........................................................................................................................................ 32
36. INSURANCE ................................................................................................................................... 32
37. WARRANTY.................................................................................................................................... 32
38. OWNERSHIP OF SPARE PARTS/REPLACED COMPONENTS............................................................ 33
39. EXECUTION SCHEDULE .................................................................................................................. 33
40. INVOICING ..................................................................................................................................... 33
41. PAYMENT ...................................................................................................................................... 33
42. CONTRACT PRICE (Z) ..................................................................................................................... 34
43. CONTRACT AMENDMENT ............................................................................................................. 35
44. ASSIGNMENT/ SUBCONTRACT ...................................................................................................... 35
46. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES ................................................................................................................. 35

IT-Systems (Video Wall and Controller with Allied Equipment) for MMBS
47. FORFEITURE OF PERFORMANCE SECURITY................................................................................... 36
48. TERMINATION FOR DEFAULT ........................................................................................................ 36
49. TERMINATION FOR INSOLVENCY .................................................................................................. 36
50. TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE ............................................................................................... 37
51. TERMINATION ............................................................................................................................... 37
52. FORCE MAJEURE ........................................................................................................................... 37
53. DISPUTE RESOLUTION ................................................................................................................... 38
54. STATUTES AND REGULATIONS ...................................................................................................... 38
55. TAXES AND DUTIES........................................................................................................................ 38
56. BIDDER TO INFORM HIMSELF ....................................................................................................... 38
57. CONTRACT COST ........................................................................................................................... 39
58. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE .................................................................................................... 39
59. WAIVER ......................................................................................................................................... 39
60. TRAINING ...................................................................................................................................... 39
61. COMMERCIAL AVAILABILITY ......................................................................................................... 39
62. LABELING....................................................................................................................................... 40
63. STANDARDS................................................................................................................................... 40
64. DELIVERY ....................................................................................................................................... 40
65. INSTALLATION AND IMPLEMENTATION ....................................................................................... 41
66. SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE........................................................................................................... 41
67. SOFTWARE UPDATES .................................................................................................................... 41
68. SITE PREPARATION ........................................................................................................................ 41
69. POWER .......................................................................................................................................... 42
70. SAFETY ........................................................................................................................................... 42
71. SUPPORT AND MAINTENANCE ..................................................................................................... 42
72. TEST EQUIPMENT AND TOOLS ...................................................................................................... 42
73. SPARE PARTS AND SUPPORT......................................................................................................... 42
74. INSPECTION AND TESTING ............................................................................................................ 43
75. BLACKLISTING................................................................................................................................ 43
76. TAKING-OVER CERTIFICATE........................................................................................................... 44
77. SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT (SLA) ................................................................................................ 44
78. NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT (NDA) ......................................................................................... 44
79. SPECIAL STIPULATIONS ................................................................................................................. 45
TECHNICAL PROPOSAL SUBMISSION - STANDARD FORMS ...................................................................... 69
FINANCIAL PROPOSAL SUBMISSION - STANDARD FORMS ....................................................................... 79

ANNEXURE - A: TECHNICAL EVALUATION CRITERIA ................................................................................... 48

ANNEXURE - B: SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT............................................................................................... 51

ANNEXURE - C: REFERENCE SPECIFICATIONS .............................................................................................. 60
ANNEXURE - D: COMMAND AND CONTROL CENTRE LAYOUT.................................................................... 64

ANNEXURE - E: EQUIPMENT LIST ................................................................................................................. 65

ANNEXURE - F: PERFORMANCE SECURITY FORMAT ................................................................................... 66
ANNEXURE - G: RESPONSIBILITY MATRIX.................................................................................................... 68

IT-Systems (Video Wall and Controller with Allied Equipment) for MMBS
Important Note
• Registered companies and Joint Ventures complying with criteria given in this document are eligible
for this tender, hereafter referred to as Bidders.
• All Systems described hereafter are required for Command and Control Center of Multan Metrobus
System (MMBS) from BZU to Chowk Kumharan and Integrated Multan Feeder Routes (MFR).
• The Successful bidder shall be required to carry out Provision, Installation, Testing, Calibration,
Commissioning and Integration of IT-Systems (Video Wall and Controller with Allied Equipment) For
Command and Control Center of Multan Metrobus System on Single Stage Two Envelope (SSTE) basis
including warranty and Operation & Maintenance (O&M) as per SLA for the period of 03 Three years
• The successful bidder shall supply all necessary equipment mentioned in this tender document which
are accordingly annexed as Annexure-C (Reference Specifications).
• The Bidder scope shall include furnishing, installing and operating all hardware, software etc. on SSTE
basis at its own cost. In addition, the successful bidder shall configure, customize, deploy, manage and
maintain the equipment by fully utilizing the deployed IT-Systems.
For more elaborate list of roles and responsibilities, please refer to Clause 9 (“Services Required”) in
this document.
• The Purchaser, would award accordingly as per rules and while the Purchaser reserves exclusive rights
to cancel/annul or reject all bids submitted at any time before issuance of Acceptance Letter (LOA)
without giving any reason thereof.
• Bidders must ensure that they submit all the required documents indicated in the Bidding Documents
without fail. Bids received without, undertakings, valid documentary evidence, supporting documents
and various requirements mentioned in the Bidding Documents or test certificates are liable to be
rejected at the initial stage. The data sheets, valid documentary evidences for the critical components
as detailed hereinafter should be submitted by the Bidder for scrutiny. It is intimated that no
objection/revisions/supplement shall be entertained regarding the terms and conditions of the Bidding
Document submitted by the bidder.
• The Bidders are requested to access the website of Punjab Procurement Regulatory Authority
(http://www.ppra.punjab.gov.pk) or the Punjab Masstransit Authority (www.pma.punjab.gov.pk) for
all updates on this RFP such as addendums etc. if any. For minutes of meeting the bidders are requested
to frequently visit the PMA website.
• This Bidding Process will be governed under Punjab Procurement Rules, 2014, as amended from time
to time; and instructions of the Government of the Punjab (GoPb) received during the completion of
the procurement process.

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Important Dates

Clarification meeting: 5th April 2024 at time 1100 Hours -

5th floor Arfa Software Technology Park, Ferozepur Road, Lahore.

Last date of Bid Submission: 18th April 2024 at time 1500 Hours -
5th floor Arfa Software Technology Park, Ferozepur Road, Lahore.

Opening of Bids shall take place on Date: 18th April 2024 at time 1530 Hours - 5th floor Arfa
Software Technology Park, Ferozepur Road, Lahore.

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Request for Proposal

1. Invitation to Bid
The Punjab Masstransit Authority (PMA), Government of the Punjab (the Client) invites bids for
1.1 PPRA Rules to be followed
Punjab Procurement Rules 2014, as modified from time to time, will be strictly followed. These
may be obtained from PPRA’s website:
In this document, unless otherwise mentioned to the contrary, "Rule" means a Rule under the
Punjab Procurement Rules 2014.
1.2 Mode of Advertisement(s)

As per PPRA Rule 12, this Tender is being placed online at PPRA's website, as well as being
advertised in print media.
The bidding document carrying all details can be downloaded from PPRA’s website
www.ppra.punjab.gov.pk, and PMA’s website http://www.pma.punjab.gov.pk.
1.3 Type of Open Competitive Bidding
As per PPRA Rule 38(2)(a), Single Stage - Two Envelope Procedure shall be followed such that
Technical and Financial Proposals are submitted separately. This is as follows:
The bid shall comprise of a single package containing two (2) separate envelopes. Each envelope
shall contain separately the financial proposal and the technical proposal;
The envelopes shall be marked in bold and legible letters to avoid confusion, as follows:
Initially, only the ENVELOPE-NO. 1 marked TECHNICAL PROPOSAL shall be opened;
ENVELOPE NO. 2 shall be retained in the custody of the Client without being opened;
The technical proposal will be evaluated in a manner as per the clauses mentioned in this
document; and proposals which do not conform to the specified requirements as listed in said
document will be rejected.
During the technical evaluation no amendments in the technical proposal shall be permitted;
The ENVELOPE-NO. 2: FINANCIAL PROPOSAL of technically qualified bidders shall be opened
publicly at a time, date and venue announced and communicated to the bidders in advance;
After the evaluation and approval of the technical proposal, the Client shall, at a time within the
bid validity period, publicly open the ENVELOPE-NO. 2: FINANCIAL PROPOSAL of the technically
accepted and qualified bids only. The financial proposal of bids found technically non-responsive
shall be returned un-opened to the respective bidders.

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The technically qualified bidder with lowest financial bid will be the successful bidder,
subject to approval of the Competent Authority.
PMA will invite the successful bidder to enter into an Agreement.

2. Bidding Details (Instruction to Bidders)

All bids must be accompanied by a tender security as part of financial proposal in favor of “Punjab
Masstransit Authority” issued by a scheduled bank allowed carrying financial transactions in
PAKISTAN. (As per provisions of Tender / Bid Security Clause 19 of this document).
The bids along with the Tender Security, Tender Forms, Affidavits, etc., must reach Punjab
Masstransit Authority’s office located at 5th Floor, Arfa Software Technology Park (ASTP), Main
Ferozepur Road, Lahore, PAKISTAN, on or before 1500 hours on 18th April 2024. The Technical bids
will be publicly opened in the Committee Room of the Punjab Masstransit Authority, 5th Floor, Arfa
Software Technology Park (ASTP), Main Ferozepur Road, Lahore, at 1530 hours on 18th April 2024.

The Punjab Masstransit Authority shall hold a clarification meeting at 1100 hours on
5th April 2024; in the Committee Room, Punjab Masstransit Authority, 5th Floor, Arfa Software
Technology Park (ASTP), Lahore, PAKISTAN. Bidders in case of any queries for seeking clarifications
regarding the specifications of the services may send their queries in writing at the office of Punjab
Masstransit Authority, 5th Floor, Arfa Software Technology Park (ASTP), Main Ferozepur Road,
Lahore, PAKISTAN, or email to the designated address on or before 5th April 2024 or raise them
during the Clarification Meeting. All queries shall be responded to within due time. No query shall
be responded if received after the clarification meeting. The minutes of Clarification Meeting shall
be considered as part of this RFP.
The bidder must submit bids in full conformity of the requirements mentioned vide this document.
Failure to meet this condition will cause disqualification of the bidder and subsequent rejection of
the relevant bid. Alternative bids will not be considered. The attention of bidders is drawn to the
provisions of Clauses 17, 24 & 26 on “Preparation/Submission of Tender/Bid”, “Determination of
Responsiveness of Tender/Bid” and “Rejection & Acceptance of Tenders/Bids” respectively
before preparing and submitting their bids.
Any Bid received by the Client after the abovementioned deadline for submission of Bids shall be
returned unopened to such Bidder. Delays in the mail, delays of person in transit, or delivery of a
Bid to the wrong office shall not be accepted as an excuse for failure to deliver a Bid at the proper
place and time. It shall be the Bidder’s responsibility to determine the manner in which timely
delivery of his Bid will be accomplished either in person, by messenger, courier service or by mail.
The contact details for all correspondence in relation to this bid are as follows:

Email: [email protected]
Punjab Masstransit Authority (PMA)
5th Floor, Arfa Software Technology Park,
346-B, Ferozepur Road, Lahore, Pakistan.

The Bidders should note that during the period from the advertisement of the tender till the receipt
of the bid, all queries should be communicated in writing via e-mail at the above contact detail.
The Bidders are also required to state, in their proposals, the name, title, fax number and e-mail
address of the bidder’s authorized representative through whom all communications shall be
directed until the process has been completed or terminated.

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The Client will not be responsible for any costs or expenses incurred by bidders in connection with
the preparation or delivery of bids.
As authority competent to accept the tender, Client reserves the right to cancel the tender, or
reject all bids without assigning any reason thereof prior to acceptance of bid as per PPRA Rule 35.

3. Definitions
3.1 “PMA” is a Punjab Masstransit Authority, established by the Government of the Punjab.

3.2 “MMBS” is Multan Metrobus System.

3.3 “IT-Systems” means Provision, Installation, Testing, Calibration, Commissioning and Integration of
IT-Systems (Video Wall and Controller with Allied Equipment) including warranty and Operation &
Maintenance (O&M) as per SLA for three (03) years for Command & Control Center of PMA on
Single Stage Two Envelope (SSTE) basis.
3.4 “Client/ Procuring Agency/ Purchaser” means Punjab Masstransit Authority (PMA), Government
of the Punjab (GoPb) or any other person/entity for the time being or from time to time duly
appointed in writing by the Client to act as Client.
3.5 “IT-Systems Service Provider” or “Successful Bidder”: The technically qualified bidder with
lowest financial bid, who has the probability of award of contract for IT-Systems Project, subject
to approval of the Competent Authority.
3.6 “Confirmation” means confirmation in writing.

3.7 “Bidder/Tenderer” means a Registered Company or Joint Venture that has submitted its bid as per
the criteria/specifications listed.
3.8 “Contractor” means successful Bidder/Tenderer.
3.9 “Contract” means the contract proposed to be entered into between the Client and the Bidder,
including all attachments, appendices, and all documents incorporated by reference therein.
3.10 “Contract Price” means the price payable to the Contractor under the Contract for the full and
proper performance of its contractual obligations.
3.11 "Clarification Meeting" means the meeting conducted by the Client on given date and time prior
to actual date of bid opening.
3.12 “Procurement Methods” means any one of the procurement modes / methods as provided in the
Punjab Procurement Rules 2014 published by the Punjab Procurement Regulatory Authority
(PPRA), Government of Punjab.

3.13 “RFP” means Request for Proposals, including any amendments that may be made by the Client
for the selection of bidder.
3.14 “Proposal” means the Technical Proposal and the Financial Proposal for the provision of the
Services submitted by a bidder in response to RFP.
3.15 “SBD” means Standard Bidding Documents.
3.16 “SCC” means the Special Conditions of Contract.

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3.17 “Services” means the tasks to be performed by the bidder pursuant to the Contract as mentioned
vide this document.
3.18 “TEC” means the Technical Evaluation Committee, constituted for the purpose of evaluating the
Proposals received.
3.19 “Terms of Reference” or “TOR” means the document which explains the objectives, scope of work,
activities, task to be performed, respective responsibilities of the Client and the bidder, and
expected results and deliverables of the assignment.
3.20 "Works” or “Services " means work to be done by the Contractor under the Contract.
3.21 “GoPb” means Government of the Punjab.

3.22 "Corridor" means MBS Corridor.

3.23 “MBS” Metrobus System.
3.24 “CCC” Command and Control Center located at Chungi No. 9 Multan.

4. Headings and Titles

In this document, headings and titles shall not be construed to be part thereof or be taken into
consideration in the interpretation of the document and words importing the singular only shall
also include the plural and vice versa where the context so requires.

5. Notice
5.1 In this document, unless otherwise specified, wherever provision is made for exchanging notice,
certificate, order, consent, approval or instructions amongst the Contractor and the Client, the
same shall be:
in writing;
issued within reasonable time;
served by sending the same by courier or registered post to their principal office in Pakistan or such
other address as they shall notify for the purpose; and
The words "notify", "certify", "order", “consent”, “approve”, "instruct", shall be construed

6. Tender Scope
6.1 Punjab Masstransit Authority (PMA), Government of Punjab (The Client), invites/requests
Proposals (hereinafter referred to as “the Tenders”) for the Provision, Installation, Testing,
Calibration, Commissioning and Integration of IT-Systems (Video Wall and Controller with Allied
Equipment) including warranty and Operation & Maintenance (O&M) as per SLA for three (03)
years for PMA Command & Control Center on Single Stage Two Envelope (SSTE) basis.
6.2 The Integrated IT-Systems solution needs to be rolled out in Command and Control Center for 21
MBS stations and Corridor and integrated feeder Routes. Eventually the IT-Systems solution would
be extended for other Routes Phase wise.
6.3 The IT-Systems comprises the following core components along with associated equipment and

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o Video Wall & Controllers
o Connectivity and integration with other IT-Systems to be deployed and already deployed.
6.4 High-level requirements for the IT-Systems are outlined in the relevant sections in this document.
It is mandatory that interested bidders propose only reliable, proven, deployed solutions,
incorporating industry best practices. Bidder is responsible to transfer all implementation
including equipment, skill set to the Purchaser upon contract termination/completion.

7. Overview and Objectives

Multan is the 3rd largest city in the Province Punjab. It is located on National Highway (N-5) leading
to Bahawalpur and Muzaffargarh/Dera Ghazi Khan enroute to Karachi.

Multan has enormous intra city and intercity movement of passengers through conventional
transportation modes. The road network is sharing the major load, and is overburdened, thus
causing numerous problems to the residents of Multan.

PMA realizes the importance of providing safe, efficient, comfortable, and affordable transport to
the public and commissioned the Metro Bus Corridor in Multan in 2017. MBS initially spans over
approximately 18.5 KM running from BZU to Chowk Kumharan via BCG Chowk. 21 metro bus
stations are built throughout the entire route of MMBS and nineteen (19) integrated feeder routes
which are to be extended phase wise. The pictures below highlight general metrobus stations,
corridor and under construction command and control center building layout and its perspective

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7.1 Multan Metrobus System
The objective of providing mass transit system is to overcome growing problems of urban transport
such as increasing congestion, accidents, safety, air quality etc. The figure below shows long
term mass transit network for Multan:

The priority corridor identified initially for implementation is Red Line from BZU to Chowk
Kumharan via BCG Chowk. The route detail of the corridor is as under:

Length of Route: 18.50 KM

i. At Grade 6 KM
ii. Elevated 12.5 KM

Metrobus Stations:

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i. At Grade 07
ii. Elevated 14
Total 21
7.2 Salient Features of the Multan Metrobus System

• Total length of the corridor from BZU to Kumharan Wala Chowk 18.5 Km.
• Two lane - limited access corridor with passing lane at stations
• 21 Stations (07 at-grade and 14 elevated)
• Platform Sliding doors (252)
• Escalators (62)
• Elevators (60)
• Generators (42)
• Off board ticketing
• Automated Fare Collection (AFC)
• Bus Scheduling System (BSS)
• Vehicle Location System (VLS)
• Passenger Information System (PIS)
• 35 Articulated air-conditioned buses (seating capacity 38+1, total capacity 160 per bus)
• Precision docking
• Level boarding
• Surveillance System (303 Camera’s)
• Typical Length of Station – 72 Meter
• Typical Length of Pedestrian Bridge – 50 Meter
• Typical Length of Underpass – 46 Meter
• The pedestrian bridges and underpasses are used for stations access as well as road crossing.
• Station power is backed up by 100 KVA and 200 KVA gensets whose fueling is done during non-
operational hours (11:00 PM – 5:30 AM).
• Bus Operational hours are from 6:15 AM to 11:00 PM according to the prevalent schedule and
is subjected to change when desired by the Authority.
• Automated Fare Collection (AFC): Two types of electronic fare media are used i.e. token and
smart card which are validated at turnstiles before entering into the platforms
• 35 Articulated air-conditioned buses (seating capacity 38+1, total capacity 160 per bus). Depot
is located near BZU Station, Band Bosan Road, Multan.
• Terminal stations i.e. BZU and Kumharanwala Chowk have bus turnarounds and bus parking
• The whole operation is being monitored and controlled by Punjab Masstransit Authority from
its Temporary Command and Control Centre established at Chungi No. 9, Multan.
Subsequently, it will be shifted to Permanent Command and Control Center at Chungi No. 9
after completions. However, IT-Systems solution required in this document will be deployed at
permanent Command and Control Center.
7.3 Scope of Work

PMA invites applications from bidders/Consortium (herein after called " Bidder") for the execution
and completion of the IT-Systems project on a Turnkey basis involving the Provision, Installation,
Testing, Calibration, Commissioning and Integration of IT-Systems (Video Wall and Controller with
Allied Equipment) complete in all respect including on-site Warranty and Operation & Maintenance

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(O&M) as per SLA for three (03) years.
Note: Major components and their quantities along with specifications are listed in Annexure-C;
Bidder must provision any other/more equipment required for the system to make it functional.

7.4 Key Components of the Project

The overall objective of the project is to have an Integrated Command and Control Centre with
modernize Video Wall infrastructure, systems and capabilities to proactively monitor the
stations/MBS corridor and effectively respond to incidents on a real time basis. Integrated
Command and Control Centre will bring the innovative concept of operations to provide a solution
that delivers:
a) New technology and process infrastructure to provide real-time information and intelligence
to facilitate operational staff for making evidence-based decisions.
b) Provision of information to ensure that informed decisions are made with regard to priority
and allocation of the most appropriate resources.
c) Delivery of flexible operational systems that can evolve and expand with the evolving needs.
The system will operate as a receiving and view point for real-time CCTV video feed, playback and
statistical/ graph etc. of AFC-BSS System etc. that are available for viewing at work-stations and/or
for display on the video-wall.
Video Wall
The general scope of work includes site assessment, planning, turnkey solution procurement of
video wall system, design, installation, customization, commissioning, wiring/electrical cabling,
integration with other IT-Systems, testing, security and access control implementation,
documentation, maintenance, training for personnel, ongoing maintenance and support,
compliance with regulations and project completion on turnkey basis.
This turnkey approach will streamline the project by sourcing a complete solution, ensuring
seamless integration, and delivering a fully operational and compliant video wall system without
any compromise on the quality of video, delay in frame rates etc. for 24 hours a day, 365 days a
year operational requirement.
Video Wall Controller and Software
The scope of work includes need assessment, procurement of hardware and software, design and
configuration, physical installation, integration with displays, testing, calibration, user training,
documentation, security implementation, maintenance and support planning, compliance with
standards, project completion, and post-installation evaluation. This comprehensive approach
ensures a seamless and secure integration of the video wall controller and software, meeting the
project objectives and providing ongoing support for optimal performance.
Connectivity and Integration
The Service Provider shall ensure and will be responsible to support and integrate/ maintain
connectivity of Video Wall and Controller with other IT-Systems such GPON, based fiber Optic
Network, Switches, NVRs, CCTV Cameras, AFC-BSS System, UPS etc. in Command and Control
Center to ensure connectivity of all points on 24x7x365 basis.
Earthing Requirement
The bidder shall be responsible to ensure the Earthing of the equipment deployed under the

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project. All equipment shall be installed with proper earthing. The earthing cable shall be used
using a single core copper cable. The earthing shall be tested to achieve a resistance to ground.
However, it is clarified that the Contractor will connect the equipment’s with the established
earthing system without responsibility of conducting earthing bore.
System availability
IT-Systems equipment must be maintained to function on a 24x7x365 basis.
Electricity and Power Backup
The Goods/Equipment/Items supplied under the Contract, unless otherwise specified, shall be
capable of operating normally with single phase AC power, within the range of 220-240V, and
should be protected from over-voltage, over-heating and out-of-tolerance current surges. The
Bidder must ensure that project equipment, as installed in the Command and Control Center is
connected to the UPS; that are supplied by another supplier. Purchaser will be Responsible for the
provisioning of power at Command and Control Center. It is also clarified that, UPS of appropriate
capacity will be installed at Command and Control Center by PMA to ensure backup power supply
to the deployed equipment. The bidder will be responsible for operation and maintenance of
connectivity of deployed IT-Systems with the UPS.
Cabling requirement
Appropriately rated electrical and signal cables shall be used for this project. Cables to be provided
shall consist of soft copper conductors (solid or stranded) protected by a suitable material (core
insulation and Jacket combination). The bidder shall specify the type of conductors and the material
used for the core insulation and the jacket. Each insulated conductor shall be coded in accordance
with a coding scheme to be defined by the contractor in consultation with the Purchaser prior to
cable procurement/manufacture. The cable construction shall be such that the conductors shall be
laid concentrically and fillers (shall be of a non-metallic moisture-resistant material) shall be used
where necessary to form a firm and uniformly rounded core. The cross section of the cable shall
have all layers of conductors in concentric circles. Each conductor in each layer shall maintain its
position relative to every other conductor in the layer throughout the entire length of the cable.
The Contractor shall carry out trainings for PMA staff as under:
a. Essential training to the operational staff of Purchaser shall be provided locally.
b. Essential training to the technical staff of Purchaser shall be provided locally.
c. The bidders are required to submit a comprehensive detailed system and network
architectures of proposed solution as well as the detailed specifications of proposed hardware
Communication Standards
The system shall support internationally accepted standards for data transmission between the
system components at the central level, between the central and other levels as well between the
units operating at each level.

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7.5 Other high-level requirements
7.6 Equipment Maintenance and Software Support
Maintenance and operations of all equipment as listed in relevant sections of this tender
Continuous support of all software and hardware components associated with IT-Systems solution
by placing dedicated maintenance & support staff in the control room during the O&M services
period including extended period (s) thereof, if any. All services must be provided based on the
service-level parameters defined in this document.
7.7 Human Resources
The successful bidder must deploy adequate, well-trained staff to perform all duties and
responsibilities stated in this tender document – including all roles/duties to be performed at the
stations and to support PMA authorized staff on IT-Systems solution.

8. Contract Type and duration

The Contract of IT-Systems will be for a period of three (03) years from the commencement of
O&M Services after its deployment and commissioning. This duration may be extended beyond
three (03) years with mutual consent of both parties based on needs, compliance to defined
Service Level Agreement (SLA), satisfactory performance reports, and compliance to other
requirements stated in this Tender Document, and formal contract.

9. Services Required
Contractual obligations of the successful bidder’s (Service Provider’s roles, responsibilities and
scope of work) shall be as under:

Service Provider / Contractor’s roles, responsibilities and onsite technical support:

9.1 Provision, Install, configure, customize, deploy, integrate, thoroughly test, maintain and operate all
IT-Systems components - including all related equipment and software necessary for the smooth
running of the system, in accordance with provisions of this tender document, good industry
practices, applicable laws, and technical specifications of components stated in this document.
9.2 Provision, Install, maintain and operate a robust, scalable, secure and efficient Video Wall System
along with Controller at PMA Command & Control Centre at Chungi No.9.
9.3 Deploy suitably skilled personnel (dedicated team) for configuration/customization, installation,
prompt and efficient technical support/maintenance of all IT-Systems components in Command
and Control Center.
9.4 Adequate spare parts must be in place, in order to ensure uptime defined in the Service Level
Agreements. Timely repair, maintenance and replacement of components/ spare parts must be
ensured and cost shall be borne by the Contractor.
9.5 Submit detailed design, specifications, documentation and manuals (also in soft copy) of related
IT-Systems components being implemented.

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9.6 Adhere to time lines of the IT-Systems project implementation specified in this Tender Document.
9.7 Provide monthly/ weekly reports on progress of IT-Systems implementation as per scope defined
in this Tender Document.

9.8 Ensure quality, robustness, security and functionality of all hardware, software components
associated with the IT-Systems.
9.9 Implement and maintain a secure and protected access control system to IT-Systems software and
limiting access to authorized personnel only.
9.10 Implement appropriate security measures for the information and data generated from operations
of IT-Systems, and deploy standard disaster management procedures, contingency plans and back-
up plans to cope with any system failure to ensure business continuity.
9.11 For all software and hardware related components impart meaningful, timely and comprehensive
training to all staff associated with IT-Systems and ensure that its staff acquires a good working
knowledge of supply of such Services to be supplied under the Contract as well as to the selected
staff of PMA.
9.12 Develop/document detailed equipment and IT-Systems component maintenance plan, in
consultation with PMA, and implement it. The plan must cover procedures and parameters for
preventive and break-down maintenance, as well as maintenance review procedures.
9.13 Guarantee up-time and adequate performance of IT-Systems components at Command and
Control Centre.
9.14 Guarantee smooth operations and functioning of all IT-Systems components during the entire
contract period and any extension thereof.
9.15 Coordinate all equipment and software maintenance activities well in advance with authorized/
designated personnel at PMA Multan Office.
9.16 Replace faulty equipment, hardware, software etc. at its own cost so as to ensure adherence to
stated service-level parameters.
9.17 Regularly check, timely upgrade and maintain all the IT-Systems infrastructure including hardware,
software and network infrastructure and ensure adherence to stated service-level parameters.

9.18 Integrate/ Connect with other IT-Systems i.e. with NVR, CCTV Surveillance System, AFC-BSS,
Switches, Command & Control Center computers etc. and add-ons, if any.
9.19 Ensure that only authorized personnel of PMA should have secure access to add or change key
configuration parameters.
9.20 Provide authorized PMA staff secure, 24x7 access to Management Information System reports and
features -covering all critical aspects of IT-Systems operations, alerts, faults, and audit logs.
9.21 Obtain all necessary permits under all applicable Laws required to proceed with IT-Systems Project
implementation, and comply with applicable laws, regulations, and permits during the contract

9.22 Cooperate with all other service providers and facilitate their operations in the PMA. In case of
damages to PMA or other Service Provider property on the part of the IT-Systems Service Provider
the damages shall be recovered from the IT-Systems Service Provider by the Purchaser.

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9.23 Be responsible for the conduct and functioning of all staff employed on the IT-Systems project
towards passengers and PMA staff as well as authorized staff of other relevant government
agencies. The service provider shall ensure efficient services, polite and courteous behavior of its
employees. The Service Provider shall be liable for any misconduct or unreasonable offense of its
employees and shall take prompt and appropriate action.
9.24 Participate in all meetings, committees, etc., as directed by PMA from time to time.

9.25 Ensure prompt and efficient 'response time' related to all service delivery aspects.
9.26 Timely raise alerts to the PMA control center staff or designated PMA IT officials in case of issues
with equipment or system functioning.

9.27 Ensure scalability of the IT-Systems to cater to the future requirements and needs.
9.28 Engage and deploy suitably skilled personnel for development, installation, operation and
maintenance of the IT-Systems project, and maintenance/replacement of all related
equipment/component in a timely manner and at its own cost.
9.29 Take prompt and reasonable action for resolution of each complaint, received from PMA, related
to IT-Systems operations and generate log of each complaint along with the details of the
9.30 Adequate resources from the contractor’s side must be available to ensure smooth operations of
IT-Systems equipment.

9.31 Engage a suitable and renowned third-party inspection for qualitative verification of the deployed
IT-Systems solution and hardware.
9.32 Plan and conduct regular recovery drills, security audits, and performance tuning activities. Timely
submit associated plans, schedules, and results for review.
9.33 A dedicated resource from the contractor’s side must be available at PMA C&CC to ensure smooth
operations of IT Systems.
9.34 The Contractor is liable to cooperate fully with the assigned Information System Auditor’s and shall
extend all necessary access, support & cooperation for the completion of said audits (as and when

9.35 The Contractor is responsible for operating the entire IT-Systems including all its components and
peripherals, reliably and securely at all times during the course of the contract. After completing
the initial system deployment, User Acceptance Testing (UAT) and Commissioning of the system,
the Contractor shall not make any changes to the system configuration parameters and security
settings without prior written approval of the Client in a timely manner.
9.36 Contractor must hand over all hardware/software components in fully operational condition upon
expiry of the Contract/ any extension(s) thereof. The clearance will be dependent upon seeking
Taking Over Certificate (TOC) from concerned authorities. Detailed trainings must be imparted by
the Contractor to the staff of incoming Contractor as well as staff of PMA, before expiry of the
Contract which will have direct implications on issuance of TOC.
9.37 Clarification related to Services required
It is clarified that the cables which need replacement during O&M will be provided and replaced
by the Contractor at its own cost. However, in case new path / conduit is required for the cabling
due to any infrastructural issue the conduit / duct will be provided by the Purchaser.

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To further understand the responsibilities of the Contractor regarding minimum interface requirements
with other IT-Systems, please refer to “Responsibility Matrix” (Annexure-G) of the Bidding document.

10. Key Service-level parameters

Services are required 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year. Any breach of defined
service level will entail penalties; service level parameters are outlined in Annexure-B.

11. PMA's Responsibilities

11.1 The Responsibilities of Client shall to:
Provide the Service Provider necessary project site so that he can perform its obligations in a timely
Grant timely approvals and make payments timely.
Contract signing, Contract Payments and monitoring project and operations.
Implement the Service Level Agreement and levy penalties in case of deficiencies in performance.
Not hold the Service Provider responsible for delays, if any, in deploying equipment due to
improper/ incomplete construction by the Civil works contractor engaged by Multan Development
Authority (MDA). Improper construction shall be deemed to include all equipment/ material
deployed by the Civil Works Contractor, that does not meet the design specifications subject to
rejection of such equipment/ material by the design/ supervision Consultant engaged by the MDA.

12. Tender/Bidder’s Eligibility

12.1 An eligible Tenderer/ Bidder is a Tenderer/Bidder who:
is a provider of Equipment and Services as outlined in the document.
Services can only be supplied/ sourced/ routed from “origin” in “eligible” member countries.
a) “Eligible” is defined as any country or region that is allowed to do business in Pakistan
by the law of Government of Pakistan.
b) “Origin” shall be considered to be the place where the company/ firm is incorporated.
has a registered office in the respective country of origin.
has been registered for at least 5 years in country of origin and has proven experience of deploying
solution (applicable to all partners in case of Joint Venture/ Consortium).
has the required relevant qualified personnel and adequate financial and technical strength to
fulfill the requirements.
Conforms to the clause of “Responsiveness of Bid” and “Preparation/ Submission of Tender” given
herein this tender document.
Verifiable proof for all the above shall be required.
Local companies forming part of the joint venture must be registered under the prevailing related
rules or Companies Ordinance and Punjab Revenue Authority (PRA).
has not been blacklisted by any of Provincial or Federal Government Department, Agency,
Organization or autonomous body anywhere in Pakistan and country of origin (Submission of
undertaking (FORM TECH-8)), failing which will cause rejection of the bid.

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12.2 The Successful Bidder shall be required to open an office in Multan upon award of the Contract in
case it has no office in Multan.

13. Tender Cost

The Tenderer/ bidder shall bear all costs/ expenses associated with the preparation and submission
of the bid and the Client shall in no case be responsible / liable for those costs / expenses.

14. Joint Venture/ Consortium

Joint venture/ Consortium is also eligible for this tender, as long as the joint venture complies
with the following conditions:
14.1 The Tenderers may form a joint venture of maximum four Tenderers/ Bidders. An Agreement Deed
legally executed to that effect, or a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), signed by all the
partners shall be submitted with the bid.
14.2 One partner of formulated joint venture will be designated the lead partner and would be get into
legal contract with Client and would be liable to incur liabilities, receive payments and receive
instructions for and on behalf of any or all partners. A power of attorney to that effect, legally
executed, signed by all the partners shall be submitted with the Tender/ bid.
14.3 There must be at least one locally registered company (Partner) of good repute, with relevant
experience and proven track record, in the joint venture.
14.4 All the partners shall be jointly and severally liable for the execution of the Contract in accordance
with the terms and conditions of the Contract. The Tender, and in case of successfully qualifying
both technical and financial evaluation, the Contract Deed, to that effect, shall be signed by the
lead partner.

14.5 Partners other than the lead would also be bound by the terms and conditions of the contract.
14.6 No partner of the formulated Joint Venture can be replaced or removed without the prior approval
of the Client. The Client shall perform proper due diligence before granting any such
14.7 Specific information about each member of consortium / JV is required as per format given at

15. Examination of the Tender Document

The Tenderer is expected to examine the Tender Document, including all instructions and terms
and conditions thereof.

16. Amendment of the Tender Document

16.1 The Client may, at any time prior to the deadline for submission of the Tender, at its own initiative
or in response to a clarification requested by the Bidder(s), amend the Tender Document, on any
account, for any reason. All amendment(s) shall be part of the Tender Document and binding on
the Bidder(s).
16.2 The Client shall advertise the amendment(s) in the manner as was originally done in line with PPRA
Rule 25(4).

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16.3 The Client may, at its exclusive discretion, amend the Tender Document to extend the deadline for
the submission of the Tender, in which case all rights and obligations of the Client and the
Tenderers previously subject to the deadline shall thereafter be subject to the deadline as

17. Preparation/ Submission of Tender/ Bid

17.1 The Tenderer is allowed to submit a bid for complete services only.

17.2 The Tenderer is not allowed to bid for partial services.

17.3 The Tender and all documents relating to the Tender, exchanged between the Tenderer/ bidder
and the Client, shall be in English. Any printed literature furnished by the Tenderer/ bidder in
another language shall be accompanied by an English translation, duly verified/ Attested from a
reputable organization, which shall govern for purposes of interpretation of the Tender.
17.4 The Tender shall be submitted accompanied by the prescribed Forms, Annexes, Schedules, Charts,
Drawings, Documents, Brochures, Literature, detailed design, operations and maintenance plan
and detailed project plans with milestones etc. which shall be typed, completely filled in, stamped
and signed by the Tenderer or his Authorized Representative. In case of copies, signed and stamped
photocopies may be submitted.
17.5 The Technical and Financial proposals shall be submitted in two separate envelopes and the
envelopes will be clearly marked “ENVELOPE-NO.1: TECHNICAL PROPOSAL” and
“ENVELOPE-NO.2: FINANCIAL PROPOSAL”. Scanned soft copy (DVD/ USB) in PDF/ Microsoft
Word/Excel file format (as applicable) of offered bid documents (technical section only) prepared
by the bidder (not manufacturer) must be furnished. Each proposal shall be in two (2) sets bid i.e.
the original and the duplicate.
17.6 In the event of any discrepancy between the original and the duplicate, the original shall govern.
17.7 Further required information as part of the bid is listed below, as in continuation to other
requirements listed in the documents: -
List of firm’s major national/ international clientele.
Details related to experience in implementing, maintaining and supporting such Projects/ Solutions
with all supporting documents and documented proofs.
Complete details of similar type of projects executed/ completed/ carried out or in progress by the
bidder with all supporting documents such as Contract Documents/ LOA/ Work Order and/ or
Completion Certificates or any other valid documentary evidence to establish relevant experience.
Details/ Profile of Staff (Management/ Technical) team with project wise experience.
Valid Sales Tax, Income Tax and NTN company registration certificates (for local company and the
same prevalent documents as applicable in the region/origin of operations of enterprise operating
outside Pakistan).
SECP Registration Certificate or registration with Registrar of Firms.
Registered Contractor with Punjab Revenue Authority (PRA).
Disaster Recovery and Mitigation Plan

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Details of proposed solution with logical diagrams, functionality and features and the proposed
deployment plan with timelines.
Detailed quality assurance plan including methodology.
Details of hardware/ equipment to be provisioned and deployed along with warranty.
Detail features of the Video Wall software and Controller systems.
Availability confirmation of all resources which will be used in the proposed solution.
Detailed Project Plan highlighting timelines, resource allocations and deliverables for each
milestone leading to solution roll out.
All documents must be duly signed and stamped by authorized representative of Bidder.
17.8 The Technical Proposal shall contain the following, without quoting the price:
Covering letter duly signed and stamped by authorized representative (Form TECH-0)
Technical Proposal Submission Form (Form TECH-1)
Joint Venture Details / MOU in case of JV (Form TECH-2)
Details required for Technical Evaluation (Form TECH-3)
Financial Strength of Bidder/ Tenderer (Form TECH-4)
Power of Attorney, if an authorized representative is appointed (Form TECH-5)
Undertaking (All terms & conditions and qualifications listed anywhere in the RFP have been
satisfactorily vetted) (Form TECH-6)
Integrity Pact (Form TECH-7)
Affidavit for non-blacklisting (Form TECH-8)
Authorization Certificate/ document from the principle/ manufacturer.
Technical Brochures/ Literature of the proposed IT-Systems Solution.
Tender Security (as per Clause 19 (Tender/ Bid Security) of this document).
Evidence of eligibility of the tenderer and the services.
Evidence of conformity of the Services to the Tender Document.
Valid Registration Certificate for Income Tax, Sales Tax and/ or other allied agencies/ organizations/
regulatory authorities (Principal, Local Representative Company).
Income Tax & Sales Tax Returns for the last three tax years.
17.9 The Financial Proposal shall comprise the following:
Financial Proposal Submission Form (Form FIN-1)
Price Table/ Bid Price/ Price Schedule (Form FIN-2)
Tender Security Form (Form FIN-3) as per Clause 19 of this tender document.
17.10 The Bidder shall follow the instruction laid down as under:
The Tenderer shall seal the Original Technical Proposal in an envelope duly marked as under:
Envelope No. 1A: Original Technical Proposal for
Tender Name. [Number / Name of Tender]

[Name of the Client]

[Address of the Client]
[Name of the Tenderer/Bidder]
[Address of the Tenderer/Bidder]
[Phone No. of the Tenderer/Bidder]

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The Tenderer shall seal the Duplicate Technical Tender in an envelope duly marked as under:
Envelope No. 1B: Duplicate Technical Proposal for
Tender Name. [Number / Name of Tender]

[Name of the Client]

[Address of the Client]

[Name of the Tenderer/Bidder]

[Address of the Tenderer/Bidder]
[Phone No. of the Tenderer/Bidder]
The Bidder shall seal the Original Financial Proposal in an envelope duly marked as under:
Envelope No. 2A: Original Financial Proposal for
Tender Name. [Number / Name of Tender]

[Name of the Client]

[Address of the Client]

[Name of the Tenderer/Bidder]

[Address of the Tenderer/Bidder]
[Phone No. of the Tenderer/Bidder]
The Tenderer shall seal the Duplicate Financial Tender in an envelope duly marked as under:
Envelope No. 2B: Duplicate Financial Proposal for
Tender Name. [Number / Name of Tender]

[Name of the Client]

[Address of the Client]

[Name of the Tenderer/Bidder]

[Address of the Tenderer/Bidder]
[Phone No. of the Tenderer/Bidder]

The Tenderer shall again seal the sealed envelopes of Original Technical Proposal and the Original
Financial Proposal in an outer envelope, duly marking the envelope as under:
Envelope No. (1+2) A: Original Tender for
Tender Name. [Number / Name of Tender]
Strictly Confidential
Open on [Last Date of submission of the Tender]

[Name of the Client]

[Address of the Client]

[Name of the Tenderer/Bidder]

[Address of the Tenderer/Bidder]
[Phone No. of the Tenderer/Bidder]
The Tenderer shall again seal the sealed envelopes of Duplicate Technical Proposal and the
Duplicate Financial Proposal in an outer envelope, duly marking the envelope as under:
Envelope No. (1+2) B: Duplicate Tender for

IT-Systems (Video Wall and Controller with Allied Equipment) for MMBS Page 19
Tender Name. [Number / Name of Tender]

Strictly Confidential
Open on [Last Date of submission of the Tender]

[Name of the Client]

[Address of the Client]

[Name of the Tenderer/Bidder]

[Address of the Tenderer/Bidder]
[Phone No. of the Tenderer/Bidder]

17.11 As applicable, the Tenderer shall again seal Envelope Nos. (1+2)A and (1+2)B in a single envelope
with title of the Tender Document stated on front of the envelop.
17.12 The Tenderer shall enclose soft copies of the Technical Proposal, including all Forms, Annexes,
Schedules, Charts, Drawings, Documents, Brochures, Literature, etc., in the form of PDF, MS Word
Documents, MS Excel Worksheets and Scanned images, with the hard copies.
17.13 This is made obligatory to affix authorized signatures with official seal on all original and duplicate
(copies) documents, annexures, copies, certificates, brochures, literature, drawings, letters, forms
and all relevant documents as part of the bids submitted by the tenderer. Non-compliance with
the same may cause the rejection of bid at the time of opening.
17.14 The Tender shall be mailed through a registered courier or hand-delivered to reach at the Client’s
office before the closing date and time (last day of application). Any Bid received by the Client after
the deadline prescribed in Clause 2 shall be returned unopened to such Bidder. Delays in the mail,
delays of person in transit, or delivery of the Bid to the wrong office shall not be accepted as an
excuse for failure to deliver the Bid at the prescribed place and time. It shall be the Bidder's
responsibility to determine the manner in which timely delivery of his Bid is accomplished.

18. Tender Price

18.1 The quoted price shall be:
best / final / fixed and valid until completion of all obligations under the Contract i.e. not subject
to variation / escalation other than as specified in Clause 42 of this document;
Inclusive of all charges up to the delivery point at the Project site in Multan for IT-Systems related
in Pak Rupees (PKR);
Is inclusive of all applicable taxes, duties, levies, insurance, freight, etc. as per Laws of the
Government of Pakistan, but shall be exclusive of Sales Tax on Services which shall be added by
the Client over and above the quoted amount, as applicable/ required under the relevant Tax
Laws, to arrive at the Contract Price. Accordingly, the Contract Price shall be subject to
adjustments for change in rate of Sales Tax on Services as and when applicable.
18.2 If not specifically mention in the Tender(s), it shall be presumed that the quoted price is as per the
above requirements.
18.3 Where no prices are entered against any item(s), the price of that item shall be deemed to have
been distributed among the prices of other items, and no separate payment shall be made for that

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18.4 The price hereby quoted by the Bidders would cover the whole scope of works/ services for the
contract period.

19. Tender/ Bid Security

19.1 The Tenderer shall furnish the Tender Security failing which will cause rejection of bid; the original
tender security should be submitted as part of financial bid envelope (and a copy with technical

19.2 Tender security, would be submitted by the Bidder;

In the form Demand Draft/ Pay Order/ Bank Guarantee, issued by a scheduled bank operating in
Pakistan, in the name of the Client, as per the format provided in the Tender Document [Form Fin-
3] or in form of Demand Draft;
for a sum PKR Four Million only (PKR 4,000,000/-);
Denomination in Pak Rupees (PKR);
to ensure a minimum bid validity period of 180 days from the last date for submission of the Tender
or until furnishing of the Performance Security, whichever is earlier.
19.3 The proceeds of the Tender Security shall be payable to the Client, on the occurrence of any/ all of
the following conditions:
If the Tenderer withdraws the Tender during the period of the Tender validity specified by the
Tenderer on the Tender Form; or
If the Tenderer does not accept the corrections of his Total Tender Price; or
If the Tenderer, having been notified of the acceptance of the Tender by the Client during the
period of the Tender validity, fails or refuses to furnish the Performance Security, in accordance
with the Tender Document.
If the Tenderer fails to provide the performance security in stipulated timeframe, format, amount
and currency.
The Tenderer refuses or fails to submit the Performance Security as per agreed timelines, amount
and format.
If the Tenderer submits any forged/ fake/ false information or document to qualify for the bid.
If the Tenderer or any of its JV partner is blacklisted in the country of its origin.
19.4 The Tender security shall be returned to the technically unsuccessful Tenderer with unopened/
sealed financial bid while the unsuccessful bidders of financial bid opening procedure will be
returned the tender security only. The Tender Security shall be returned to the successful Tenderer
on furnishing the Performance Security.

20. Tender Validity

The Tender shall have a minimum validity period of one hundred and eighty days (180) days
from the last date for submission of the Tender. Any extension in the Tender validity period shall
be carried out in compliance to PPRA Rule 28.

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21. Modification/ Withdrawal of the Tender
21.1 The Tenderer may, by written notice served on the Client, modify or withdraw the Tender
after submission of the Tender, prior to the deadline for submission of the Tender.

21.2 The Tender, withdrawn after the deadline for submission of the Tender and prior to the expiration
of the period of the Tender validity, shall result in forfeiture of the Tender/ Bid Security.

22. Opening of the Tender

22.1 Tenders shall be opened, at the given place, time and date (in Important Dates) above, in the
presence of the Tenderer(s). If available, all Bidders shall ensure their presence without further

22.2 The Tenderer's name, modifications, withdrawal, security, attendance of the Tenderer and such
other details as the Client may, at its exclusive discretion, consider appropriate, shall be
announced and recorded.

22.3 No tenderer or its representative shall be allowed to keep any digital device (camera, audio
recorder, cell phone etc.) during tender opening meeting at given time and location.

23. Clarification of the Tender by the Client

The Client shall have the right, at his exclusive discretion, to require, in writing, further information
or clarification of the Tender, from any or all the Tenderer(s). No change in the price or substance
of the Tender shall be sought, offered or permitted except as required to confirm the corrections
of arithmetical errors discovered in the Tender. Acceptance of any such correction is sole
discretion of the Client.

24. Determination of Responsiveness of the Tender/Bid

24.1 The Client shall determine the substantial responsiveness of the Tender to the Tender Document,
prior to the Tender evaluation, on the basis of the contents of the Tender itself without recourse
to extrinsic evidence. A substantially responsive Tender is one which:
meets the eligibility criteria for the Tenderer for the Services;
meets the Technical Specifications for the Services;
meets the delivery period/ point for the Services;
meets the rate and limit of liquidated damages;
offers fixed price quotations for the Services;
is accompanied by the required Tender Security as part of financial bid envelope;
is otherwise complete and generally in order;
Conforms to all terms and conditions of the Tender Document, without material deviation or
24.2 A material deviation or reservation is one which affects the scope, quality or performance of the
Services or limits the Client's rights or the Tenderer's obligations under the Contract.
24.3 The Tender determined as not substantially responsive shall not subsequently be made responsive
by the Bidder by correction or withdrawal of the material deviation or reservation.

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25. Correction of Errors/ Amendment of Tender
25.1 The Tender shall be checked for any arithmetic errors which shall be rectified, as follows:
if there is a discrepancy between the unit rate and the total price entered in the price Schedule,
resulting from incorrect multiplication of the unit rate by the quantity, the unit rate as quoted shall
govern and the total price shall be corrected, unless there is an obvious and gross misplacement
of the decimal point in the unit rate, in which case the total price as quoted shall govern and the
unit rate shall be corrected.
if there is a discrepancy in the actual sum of the itemized total prices and the total tender price
quoted in the Price Schedule, the actual sum of the itemized total prices shall govern.
25.2 The Tender price as determined after arithmetic corrections shall be termed as the Corrected Total
Tender Price which shall be binding upon the Tenderer.
25.3 Adjustment shall be based on corrected Tender Prices. The price determined after making such
adjustments shall be termed as Evaluated Total Tender Price.

25.4 No credit shall be given for offering delivery period earlier than the specified period.
25.5 The Tenderer shall state the Tender Price for the payment terms outlined in the Conditions of
Contract which will be considered for the evaluation of the Tender.

26. Rejection & Acceptance of Tenders/ Bids

26.1 The Client shall have the right, at his exclusive discretion, to increase/ decrease the quantity of any
or all item(s) of services required without any change in unit prices or other terms and conditions,
accept a Tender (lowest evaluated bid), reject all tender(s), cancel/ annul the Tendering process at
any time prior to award of formal Contract, without assigning any reason or any obligation to
inform the Tenderer of the grounds for the Client’s action, and without thereby incurring any
liability to the Bidder and the decision of the Client shall be final.
26.2 The Tender shall be rejected if it is:
substantially non-responsive; or
submitted in other than prescribed forms, annexes, schedules, charts, drawings, documents/ by
other than specified mode; or
incomplete, un-sealed, un-signed, printed (hand written), partial, conditional, alternative, late; or
subjected to interlineations / cuttings / corrections / erasures / overwriting; or
the Tenderer submits more than one Tenders against; or
the Tenderer fails to meet the minimum passing score of 60% i.e. 51 in the Technical Evaluation
Criteria (Annexure-A); or
the Tenderer refuses to accept the corrected Total Tender Price; or
the Tenderer has conflict of interest with the Client; or
the Tenderer tries to influence the Tender evaluation/ Contract award; or
the Tenderer engages in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the Contract award.
there is any discrepancy between bidding documents and bidder’s proposal i.e. any non-conformity
or inconsistency or informality or irregularity in the submitted bid.
the Tenderer submits any financial conditions as part of its bid which are not in conformity with
tender document.

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the Tenderer refuses or fails to submit the Performance Security as per agreed timelines,
amount, currency and format.
the tenderer including any of its JV/ Consortium partner has been blacklisted by any public sector
organization in Pakistan or Country of origin.

27. Letter of Acceptance (LOA)

The Client shall, send the Letter of Acceptance (LOA) to the successful Tenderer, prior to the
expiry of the validity period of the Tender, which shall constitute a contract, until execution of the
formal Contract.

28. Performance Security

28.1 The successful Tenderer shall furnish a main Performance Security as under:
For the amount equivalent to 10% of Contract Price (Z) (FORM FIN-2 PRICE TABLE) valid for a period
of one year.
within ten (10) working days of the receipt of the Acceptance Letter from the Purchaser;
in the form of a Bank Guarantee/ Pay-order issued by a scheduled bank operating in Pakistan, as
per the format provided in the Tender Document [Annexure - F];
denominated in Pak Rupees;
Have a minimum validity period of one year from the date of Award Notification or until the date
of expiry of yearly support period.
with an undertaking to renew the Bank Guarantee on a yearly basis, before the end of each year,
one month before the expiry period of the submitted bank guarantee.
28.2 The proceeds of the Performance Security shall be payable to the Purchaser, on occurrence of any
/ all of the following conditions:
If the Contractor commits a default under the Contract;
If the Contractor fails to submit the bank guarantee for the next year one month before the expiry
of already submitted bank guarantee.
If the Contractor fails to fulfill any of the obligations under the Contract
If the Contractor violates any of the terms and conditions of the Contract.
If the Tenderer refuses or fails to submit the Performance Security as per agreed timelines, amount
and format.
28.3 The Contractor shall cause the validity period of the performance security to be extended for such
period(s) as the contract performance may be extended. The Performance Security shall be
returned to the Tenderer within thirty working days after the expiry of its validity on written
request from the Contractor.
28.4 In order to effect release of main Performance Security, the successful Tenderer shall be required
to submit a request in writing along with a fresh Bank Guarantee/Pay-order for the amount of 10%
of annual amount of quoted O&M services. However, the Purchaser shall not release the main
Performance Security until three year after the commencement of the O&M services and only
subject to satisfactory performance of the system.

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29. Redressal of Grievances
29.1 The Client shall constitute a committee comprising of odd number of persons, with proper
powers and authorizations, to address the complaints of bidders that may occur prior to the
entry into force of the procurement contract.
29.2 Any bidder feeling aggrieved by any act of the Client after the submission of his bid may lodge a
written complaint concerning his grievances not later than ten days after the announcement of the
bid evaluation report.
29.3 The committee shall investigate and decide upon the complaint within fifteen days of the receipt
of the complaint.
29.4 Mere fact of lodging of a complaint shall not warrant suspension of the procurement process.
29.5 Any bidder not satisfied with the decision of the committee of the procuring agency may follow
the process mentioned vide Statutes and Regulations.

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Draft Contract for

Provision, Installation, Testing, Calibration, Commissioning,
and Integration of IT-Systems (Video Wall and Controller with
Allied Equipment) For Multan Metrobus System (BZU to Chowk






IT-Systems (Video Wall and Controller with Allied Equipment) for MMBS Page 26
Table of Contents
GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT .............................................................................................. 31
30. CONTRACT..................................................................................................................................... 31
31. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND INFORMATION ............................................................................. 31
32. CONTRACT LANGUAGE ................................................................................................................. 31
33. STANDARDS................................................................................................................................... 31
34. PATENT RIGHTS AND RIGHTS TO THE CONTENTS OF THE PROGRAM .......................................... 31
35. PACKING ........................................................................................................................................ 32
36. INSURANCE ................................................................................................................................... 32
37. WARRANTY.................................................................................................................................... 32
38. OWNERSHIP OF SPARE PARTS/REPLACED COMPONENTS............................................................ 33
39. EXECUTION SCHEDULE .................................................................................................................. 33
40. INVOICING ..................................................................................................................................... 33
41. PAYMENT ...................................................................................................................................... 33
42. CONTRACT PRICE (Z) ..................................................................................................................... 34
43. CONTRACT AMENDMENT ............................................................................................................. 35
44. ASSIGNMENT/ SUBCONTRACT ...................................................................................................... 35
46. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES ................................................................................................................. 35
47. FORFEITURE OF PERFORMANCE SECURITY................................................................................... 36
48. TERMINATION FOR DEFAULT ........................................................................................................ 36
49. TERMINATION FOR INSOLVENCY .................................................................................................. 36
50. TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE ............................................................................................... 37
51. TERMINATION ............................................................................................................................... 37
52. FORCE MAJEURE ........................................................................................................................... 37
53. DISPUTE RESOLUTION ................................................................................................................... 38
54. STATUTES AND REGULATIONS ...................................................................................................... 38
55. TAXES AND DUTIES........................................................................................................................ 38
56. BIDDER TO INFORM HIMSELF ....................................................................................................... 38
57. CONTRACT COST ........................................................................................................................... 39
58. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE .................................................................................................... 39
59. WAIVER ......................................................................................................................................... 39
60. TRAINING ...................................................................................................................................... 39
61. COMMERCIAL AVAILABILITY ......................................................................................................... 39
62. LABELING....................................................................................................................................... 40
63. STANDARDS................................................................................................................................... 40
64. DELIVERY ....................................................................................................................................... 40
65. INSTALLATION AND IMPLEMENTATION ....................................................................................... 41
66. SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE........................................................................................................... 41
67. SOFTWARE UPDATES .................................................................................................................... 41
68. SITE PREPARATION ........................................................................................................................ 41
69. POWER .......................................................................................................................................... 42
70. SAFETY ........................................................................................................................................... 42
71. SUPPORT AND MAINTENANCE ..................................................................................................... 42
72. TEST EQUIPMENT AND TOOLS ...................................................................................................... 42
73. SPARE PARTS AND SUPPORT......................................................................................................... 42
74. INSPECTION AND TESTING ............................................................................................................ 43
75. BLACKLISTING................................................................................................................................ 43
76. TAKING-OVER CERTIFICATE........................................................................................................... 44
77. SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT (SLA) ................................................................................................ 44
78. NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT (NDA) ......................................................................................... 44
79. SPECIAL STIPULATIONS ................................................................................................................. 45

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This CONTRACT AGREEMENT (hereinafter referred to as “Contract”) is made on the [day] of [month],


The Punjab Masstransit Authority (PMA), established under the Punjab Masstransit Authority Act 2015
(ACT XXXIII of 2015), 5th Floor, Arfa Software Technology Park, 346-B, Ferozepur Road, Lahore (hereinafter
referred to as “The Client”), which expression shall, wherever the context so permits or requires, mean
and include its successors-in-interest, nominees, legal representatives, executors, administrators,
transferees, attorneys and permitted assigns, on the ONE PART;


[full legal name of Contractor/Successful Bidder] through its [Designation of Signatory from
Contractor’s/Successful Bidder’s side] having its registered office at [Address of Contractor/Successful
Bidder] (hereinafter referred to as “The Contractor”), which expression shall include its successors-in-
interest, legal representatives, executors, administrators, transferees, attorneys and permitted assigns) on
the OTHER PART severally liable to the Client for all of the Contractor’s obligations under this Contract and
is deemed to be included in any reference to the term “Contractor.”
The Client and the Contractor are hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Parties" and individually as
the "Party"”.

a) The Government of Punjab (GoPb) through the Client intends to spend a part of its budget /
funds for making eligible payments under this contract. Payments made under this contract will
be subject, in all respects, to the terms and conditions of the Contract in lieu of procurement of
services as described in the contract;

b) The Client has requested the Contractor/Service Provider to provide certain IT-Systems services
as described in Tender Document; and

c) The Contractor having represented to the Client that it has the required professional skills,
personnel and technical resources, has agreed to provide such IT-Systems services on the terms
and conditions set forth in this Contract.

NOW THEREFORE, the Parties to this Contract agree as follows:

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1) The Contractor hereby covenants with the Client to provide the IT-Systems services in conformity
in all respects with the provisions of the Contract, in consideration of the payments to be made by
the Client to the Contractor.

2) The Client hereby covenants with the Contractor to pay the Contractor, the Contract Price or
such other sum as may become payable, at the times and in the manner, in conformity in all
respects with the provisions of the Contract, in consideration of provision of supply of the
Services and remedying of defects/damage.
Documents relevant to the Contract
The following shall be deemed to form and be read and construe as part of this Contract:
The Tender Document /RFP
Bidder’s Complete Proposal
Letter of Acceptance (LOA)
Terms and Conditions of the Contract
Special Stipulations
The Technical bid / Specifications
Tender Forms
Price Schedule
Authorized Dealership / Agency Certificate
Performance Security
Service Level Agreement (SLA)
Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA), if required
Any Standard Clause acceptable for the Client
This Contract shall prevail over all other documents. In the event of any discrepancy / inconsistency within
the Contract, the above Documents shall prevail in the order listed above.

Key Service Level Parameters

Any breach of defined service levels in the Service Level Agreement will entail penalties to the Contractor.
Service Level Agreement (SLA) is further elaborated in Annexure-B of this RFP documents.

Signing of the Agreement

IN WITNESS whereof the Parties hereto have caused this Contract to be executed in accordance with the
laws of Pakistan as of the day, month and year first indicated above.

For: Punjab Masstransit Authority (PMA) For: Legal Name of the Contractor/Successful Bidder

Signature__________________________ Signature_________________________________

Name:_____________________________ Name:__________________________________

IT-Systems (Video Wall and Controller with Allied Equipment) for MMBS Page 29
Witnessed By: Witnessed By:


Signature Signature

CNIC # __ CNIC # __

Name __ Name __

Designation __ Designation __

Address _ Address _

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The Client shall, after receipt of the Performance Security from the successful Tenderer, send
the Contract provided in the Tender Document with any modification mutually agreed between
the Client & successful Tenderer, to the successful Tenderer. Within ten working days of the receipt
of such Contract, the Tenderer shall sign and date the Contract and return it to the Client.


The Contractor shall not, without the Client's prior written consent, make use of the Contract, or
any provision thereof, or any document(s), specifications, drawing(s), pattern(s), sample(s) or
information furnished by or on behalf of The Client in connection therewith, except for purposes
of performing the Contract or disclose the same to any person other than a person employed by
the Contractor in the performance of the Contract. Disclosure to any such employed person shall
be made in confidence and shall extend only as far as may be necessary for purposes of such


The Contract and all documents relating to the Contract, exchanged between Contractor and the
Client, shall be in English. The Contractor shall bear all costs of translation to English, wherever
required, and shall be responsible for all risks of the accuracy of such translation.

a) The Goods and Services supplied under this Contract shall conform to the authoritative
latest/leading industry standards and best practices.
b) The replaced goods shall not generate interference that could adversely influence the
operation of other hardware, whether or not directly interfaced to it. The Service Provider shall
ensure that all replaced parts under this contract work on open communication standards /
protocols enabling connection to central control systems from different manufacturers.
c) The Service Provider shall submit an undertaking to guarantee the availability of the spare parts
for all systems and sub-systems offered under this contract for a period of ten (10) years from
the date of expiry of initial warranty period of all hardware, software, and goods forming part
of the IT-Systems to the Client.
d) The Service Provider shall be responsible to take all necessary permissions, no objection
certificates, clearances, etc. with the regional departments and relevant authorities.


The Contractor shall indemnify and hold the Client harmless against all third-party claims of
infringement of patent, trademark or industrial design rights arising from use of the Service or any
part thereof. The Client will hold the exclusive rights to the contents of this program.

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The Contractor shall provide such packing of the IT-Systems as is sufficient to prevent their damage
during storage / transit to their final destination as indicated in the Contract.
Packing case size and weights shall take into consideration, where appropriate, the remoteness of
the final destination and withstand, without limitation, rough handling, exposure to extreme
temperatures, salt and precipitation at all points in storage / transit. The Contractor shall arrange
and pay for the packing of the IT-Systems to the place of destination as specified in the Contract,
and the cost thereof is included in the Contract Price.

The Contractor shall provide such insurance of the Goods as is sufficient to protect against their
damage or deterioration, storage/ transit to their final destination as indicated in the Contract till
commencement of the project. The Contractor shall arrange and pay for the insurance of the Goods
to the place of destination and time, as required by the Client.

a) All warranties of the Goods/ Services and spare parts furnished to the Purchaser shall be
transferable to the Client.
b) The Contractor shall warrant to the Purchaser that the Goods/ Services and spare parts
supplied under this contract are genuine, brand new, non- refurbished, un-altered in any way,
of the most recent or current model, imported through proper channel, and incorporate all
recent improvements in design and materials, unless provided otherwise in the Contract.
c) The Contractor shall further warrant that the Goods/Services supplied under this Contract shall
have no defects, arising from design, materials, workmanship or from any act or omission of
the Contractor that may develop under normal use of the supplied Goods/Services.
d) The Contractor shall provide the Manufacturer’s warranty for a period which shall not be less
than three (3) years (hereinafter referred as Warranty Period), after commissioning in respect
of all Goods.
e) The Contractor shall be responsible for onsite warranty for all components, repair or
replacement of defective or damaged Goods or parts thereof, on its own cost and expense.
f) All replacement Goods supplied under this contract shall include full warranty for the
remaining period of original warranty period. The Contractor shall ensure that adequate spares
are made available at all times to affect any repairs or replacement of components within the
warranty period.
g) All spare parts and component parts that are furnished shall be new, unused and otherwise
meet all requirements of the Contract Documents. All spare parts shall be of high-quality
workmanship and no part or attachment shall be applied contrary to the manufacturer's
recommendations or standard practice.
h) The Contractor is encouraged to maintain inventory control of all spare parts. The spare part
inventory preferably should include all the types and quantities of parts identified as spare
parts in the "Equipment Manuals/Records" accompanying the equipment. As a bare minimum,
the spare parts' inventory should consist of critical items whose failure would cause a system
failure and items of high cost and/or long lead-time, i.e. over thirty (30) working days. The spare
part quantities determined by the Service Provider to be below the required/recommended
levels may be procured on immediate basis.

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Spare parts to be supplied to the Purchaser, pursuant to this Contract, shall become the property
of the Client when the Goods are taken over by the Purchaser upon expiry of the contract. All
defective components, to be replaced by the Contractor pursuant to the Contract, shall also
become the property of the Purchaser.


The Contractor shall submit an Execution Schedule, giving details of services rendered, as required
under the Contract, to the Client, within five (5) days of the signing of the Contract.

The Contractor shall issue invoices to the Purchaser on quarterly basis, subject to payment Clause
No. 41 of the Contract.

41.1 The Payment will be released for each component (as mentioned in financial bid Performa
mentioned in tender document filled by the Contractor) on the submission of invoices by the
Contractor, however payment schedule for each component except Operation and Maintenance
(O&M) Services part would be made in following manner after satisfactory inspection report:

a) Delivery of Items/Goods/Equipment etc. : 40%

b) Deployment, Installation : 30%
c) Testing, & Commissioning, Training & Handing Over : 30%
d) Operations & Maintenance (O&M) payment will be made on quarterly basis.
41.2 The release of payments is subject to clearance of qualitative inspection.

41.3 The Contractor shall ensure submission of invoice exclusive of Sales Tax on Services (Pro-Forma
Invoice) in prescribed form to the Purchaser for release of payment. The invoice shall be
accompanied by such invoices, receipts or other documentary evidence as the Purchaser may
require; stating the amount claimed;

41.4 The Purchaser shall make payment for the Services provided, to the Contractor, as per payment
schedule through crossed cheque. All payments shall be subject to all taxes applicable under the
laws of Pakistan.
41.5 The Purchaser shall deduct the amount of penalties that may be levied in accordance with the SLA
(Annexure-B), from the amount mentioned in the Pro-forma Invoice and issue a Certificate of
Payment (COP) with a copy to the Contractor, so as to determine/verify/approve the amount due
exclusive of Sales Tax on Services, within fifteen (15) days of receipt of the pro forma invoice. Upon
receipt of the COP, The Contractor shall, within three (03) working days, issue the Sales Tax Invoice
equal to the amount verified/determined/approved in the COP plus Sales Tax on Services.

41.6 The Purchaser may withhold a Certificate of Payment on account of defect(s)/ short coming(s) in
the services provided. The Purchaser may make any correction or modification in a Certificate of
Payment that properly be made in respect of any previous Certificate of Payment.

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41.7 The Purchaser shall pay the amount verified and approved in the Certificate of Payment within
twenty-one (21) days of receipt of a Sales Tax Invoice. Payment shall not be made in advance. The
Client shall make payment for the Services provided, to the Contractor, as per payment schedule
through crossed cheque.
41.8 No advance payments will be made. Quarterly payments will be made on a prorated basis by the
Purchaser taking into account the successful delivery of services against the IT-Systems in the
Command and Control Center.


The Contractor shall not charge prices for the services provided and for other obligations
discharged, under the Contract, varying from the prices quoted by the Contractor in the Financial
Proposal (Form of Bid/Financial Proposal Submission Form) or not agreed by the Client for this
The quoted price, in the financial bid, is inclusive of all applicable taxes, as per Laws of the
Government of Pakistan, but is exclusive of Sales Tax on Services which shall be added by the Client
over and above the quoted amount, as applicable/required under the relevant Tax Laws, to arrive
at the Contract Price. Accordingly, the Contract Price shall be subject to adjustments for change in
rate of Sales Tax on Services as and when applicable.
Moreover, the bidder need not to include escalation in the Operations & Maintenance (O&M)
cost for the contract period because the bid price is completely indexed with consumer price
index (CPI). All changes in CPI will be passed on the bidder as per the mechanism given below.
The quarterly O&M bid price P shall be adjusted at the end of each fiscal year for the change in
consumer price index (CPI) since the bid submission date.
The quarterly O&M price (exclusive of sales tax on services) 𝑷𝒏 shall be as follows:
𝑷𝒏 = 𝑷 + 𝑬 𝒏
𝑬𝒏 = 𝑷 × ( − 𝟏)
P is the quarterly O&M bid Price.
𝑬𝒏 is the cumulative escalation in quarterly O&M price in PKR since the bid submission date.
𝑪𝑷𝑰𝒏 is the value of consumer price index (CPI) on the last date of the previous fiscal year as
published by Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, i.e. 30th June 2024 for invoices submitted for the period
of 1st July 2024 and onwards and 30th June 2025 for invoices submitted for the period 1st July 2025
and so on.
𝑪𝑷𝑰𝟎 is the value of consumer price index on the date of bid submission.

Accordingly, the quarterly O&M price shall be subject to adjustment for changes in:-

i. Sales Tax on Services rate as and when applicable

ii. CPI from every new financial year

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43.1 The Client may, at any time, by written notice served on the Contractor, alter, amend, omit,
increase, decrease or otherwise change the nature, quality, quantity and scope, of all / any of the
Services / the Works, in whole or in part.
43.2 The Contractor shall, within ten working days of receipt of such notice, submit a cost estimate
and execution schedule of the proposed change (hereinafter referred to as the Change), to the
43.3 The Contractor shall not execute the Change until and unless the Client has allowed the said
Change, by written order served on the Contractor.
43.4 The Change, mutually agreed upon, shall constitute part of the obligations under this Contract,
and the provisions of the Contract shall apply to the said Change.

43.5 No variation in or modification in the Contract shall be made, except by written amendment signed
by both the Client and the Contractor.


44.1 The Contractor will not assign or sub-contract its obligations under the Contract, in whole or in
part, except with the Client's prior written consent. The Client shall perform proper due diligence
before granting any such consent/permission.

44.2 The Contractor shall guarantee that any and all assignees/subcontractors of the Contractor shall,
for performance of any part/whole of the work under the contract, comply fully with the terms and
conditions of the Contract applicable to such part/whole of the work under the contract.


If the Contractor encounters conditions impeding timely performance of any of the obligations,
under the Contract, at any time, the Contractor shall, by written notice served on The Client,
promptly indicate the facts of the delay, it’s likely duration and its cause(s). As soon as practicable
after receipt of such notice, The Client shall evaluate the situation and may, at its exclusive
discretion, without prejudice to any other remedy it may have, by written order served on the
Contractor, extend the Contractor's time for performance of its obligations under the Contract.


46.1 In case of non-compliance of delivery schedule as per the tender document/LOA/Contract or if the
Contractor fails / delays in performance of any of the obligations, violates any of the provisions
commits breach of any of the terms and conditions mentioned vide subject tender document, the
Purchaser may, without prejudice to any other right of action / remedy it may have, deduct from
the Contract Price, as liquidated damages, a sum of money as per following schedule:
LD per day = (Factor F x Performance Guarantee/100)
i). For 0 – 10 days Factor F = 0.25
ii). For 11– 20 days Factor F = 0.50
iii). For 21 – 30 days Factor F = 0.75
iv). For 31 days and above, Factor F =1.00

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46.2 The amount so deducted as LDs shall not exceed, in the aggregate, the amount of the performance

46.3 LDs shall be attributable to such part of the Services/Works as cannot, in consequence of the
failure/delay, be put to the intended use, between the scheduled delivery date(s), with any
extension of time thereof granted by the Purchaser, and the actual delivery date(s) (This penalty
may also be invoked on the commitments given by the Contractor in the Technical proposal).
However, LDs shall be levied only if the Purchaser; for Command & Control Center; hands over the
site to the Contractor and allows a period of no less than 15 days for execution of services; and that
the said period of 15 days has elapsed.


47.1 If the Contractor fails/delays in performing any of the obligations under the Contract or violates
any of the provisions of the Contract or commits breach of any of the terms and conditions of the
Contract or declines to comply with any requirements of the relevant Tender Document and
formal contract or fails to renew bank guarantee; The Client may, without prejudice to any other
right of action/remedy it may have, forfeit Performance Security of the Contractor.
47.2 Failure to supply required IT-Systems services within the specified time period shall invoke penalty,
as specified in (reference to penalty clauses/Annexure-B) of this document. In addition to that, the
Performance Security amount may also be forfeited and the Contractor may not be allowed to
participate in the Client’s future tenders as well.


48.1 If the Contractor fails/delays in performance of the any obligations under the Contract, or violates
any of the provisions of the Contract or commits breach of any of the terms and conditions of the
Contract or engages in any illegal activities; The Client may, at any time, without prejudice to
any other right of action / remedy it may have, by written notice served on the Contractor, indicate
the nature of the default(s) and terminate the Contract, in whole or in part, without any
compensation to the Contractor. Provided that the termination of the Contract shall be resorted
to only if the Contractor does not cure its failure / delay, within fifteen (15) working days (or such
longer period as The Client may allow in writing), after receipt of such notice.
48.2 If the Client terminates the Contract for default, in whole or in part, The Client may procure, upon
such terms and conditions and in such manner as it deems appropriate, IT-Systems, similar to those
undelivered, and the Contractor shall be liable to the Client for any excess costs for such similar
Services/Works. However, the Contractor shall continue performance of the Contract to the extent
not terminated.


If the Contractor becomes bankrupt or otherwise insolvent, the Client may, at any time, without
prejudice to any other right of action or remedy it may have, by a written notice served on the
Contractor, indicate the nature of the insolvency and terminate the Contract, in whole or in part,
without any compensation to the Contractor.

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50.1 The Client, at any time, by written notice of a thirty (30) days served on the Contractor, may
terminate the Contract in whole or in part, for convenience, without paying any compensation to
the Contractor.
50.2 The Services which are complete or to be completed by the Contractor, within thirty working days
after the receipt of such notice, shall be accepted by the Client. For the remaining services, the
Client may elect:
to have any portion thereof completed and delivered; and
to cancel the remainder and pay the Contractor by making payments for services already rendered
(if any are outstanding).

51.1 The Contractor may, at any time, through six (06) month written notice served upon the Client,
shall terminate the Contract in whole, for its convenience. The amount due till the notice period
will be paid by the Client.

51.2 The Contractor is bound to serve written notice to the Client at least six (06) months prior to the
expiry of the Contract if the Contractor is not interested in contract extension. Mere expiry of the
contract without explicit declaration of intention to disengage or terminate the Contract shall not
be admissible.
51.3 In case of termination of Contract, the Contractor is bound to render the services till the hiring of
new Contractor. The amount due for the services rendered by the Contractor till the hiring of the
new Contractor will be paid by the Client.


52.1 Force majeure shall mean any event, act or other circumstance not being an event, act or
circumstance under the control of the Client or of the Contractor. Non-availability of
materials/supplies/spare parts or of import license or of export permit shall not constitute Force
majeure. If by reasons of Force Majeure supplies or services cannot be delivered by the due delivery
date, then the delivery date may be extended appropriately by the Client keeping in view all the
circumstances and requirements of the Client.

52.2 The Contractor shall not be liable for liquidated damages, forfeiture of its Performance Security,
blacklisting for future tenders, termination for default, if, and to the extent, his failure/delay in
performance/discharge of obligations under the Contract is the result of an event of Force Majeure.

52.3 If a Force Majeure situation arises, the Contractor shall, by written notice served on the Client,
indicate such condition and the cause thereof. Unless otherwise directed by the Client in writing,
the Contractor shall continue to perform under the Contract as far as is reasonably practical, and
shall seek all reasonable alternative means for performance not prevented by the Force Majeure
52.4 Force Majeure shall not include (i) any event which is caused by the negligence or intentional action
of a Party or Agents or Employees, nor (ii) any event which a diligent Party could reasonably
have been expected to both (A) take into account at the time of the conclusion of this Contract
and (B) avoid or overcome in the carrying out of its obligations here under.

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52.5 Force Majeure shall not include insufficiency of funds or failure to make any payment required


53.1 The Client and the Contractor shall make every effort to amicably resolve, by direct informal
negotiation, any disagreement or dispute arising between them under or in connection with the
53.2 If, after thirty (30) working days, from the commencement of such informal negotiations, the
Client and the Contractor have been unable to amicably resolve a Contract dispute, either party
may, require that the dispute be referred for resolution by arbitration under the Pakistan
Arbitration Act, 1940, as amended, by arbitrators selected in accordance with said Law. The place
for arbitration shall be Lahore, Pakistan. The award shall be final and binding on the parties. In
case the Contractor decides to pursue arbitration through court, he/she will be required to submit
a draft of 10% additional Performance Guarantee in shape of demand draft/pay order in favor of
employer for the duration of arbitration.


54.1 The Contract shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Pakistan. The
Contractor shall, in all matters arising in the performance of the Contract, conform, in all respects,
with the provisions of all Central, Provincial and Local Laws, Statutes, Regulations and By-Laws in
force in Pakistan, and shall give all notices and pay all fees required to be given or paid and shall
keep the Client indemnified against all penalties and liability of any kind for breach of any of the
54.2 The Courts of Law at Lahore shall have the exclusive territorial jurisdiction in respect of any dispute
or difference of any kind arising out of or in connection with the Contract.


The Contractor shall be entirely responsible for the payment of all taxes except Sales Taxes on
Services, duties and other such levies imposed by the concerned Local, Provincial and Federal
authorities in Pakistan, throughout the currency of the contract, and the financial bid price
mentioned in "Financial Proposal Submission Form"/"Price Table" shall be deemed to cover all such


The Bidder is advised to obtain for himself, at his own cost and responsibility, all information that
may be necessary for preparing the Bid and entering into a Contract for execution of the
Works/Services. This shall include but not be limited to the following:
a) relevant laws, rules, and regulations of Pakistan including Income Tax and Sales Tax

b) customs duties and other import taxes applicable in Department, Government of


c) information regarding port clearance facilities, loading and unloading facilities, storage
facilities, transportation facilities and congestion at Pakistan seaports.

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Investigations regarding transport conditions and the probable conditions which will exist at the
time the Equipment will be actually transported.


The Contractor shall bear all costs / expenses associated with the preparation of the Contract and
the Client shall in no case be responsible / liable for those costs / expenses e.g. Contract Stamp
duty charges etc.


58.1 The Client or the Contractor may, at their exclusive discretion, appoint their Authorized
Representative and may, from time to time, delegate any / all of the duties / authority, vested in
them, to their authorized Representative(s), including but not limited to, signing on their behalf to
legally bind them, and may, at any time, revoke such delegation.

58.2 The Authorized Representative shall only carry out such duties and exercise such authority as may
be delegated to him, by the Client or the Contractor.
58.3 Any such delegation or revocation shall be in writing and shall not take effect until notified to the
other parties to the Contract.
58.4 Any decision, instruction or approval given by the Authorized Representative, in accordance with
such delegation, shall have the same effect as though it had been given by the Principal.

58.5 If the Contractor questions any decision or instruction of the Authorized Representative of the
Client, the Contractor may refer the matter to the Client who shall confirm, reverse or vary such
decision or instruction.
58.6 Notwithstanding above Clause, any failure of the Authorized Representative to disapprove Services
or Works shall not prejudice the right of the Purchaser to disapprove such Services or Works and
to give instructions for the rectification thereof.

Failure of either party to insist upon strict performance of the obligations of the other party, under
the Contract, shall in no way be deemed or construed to affect in any way the right of that party to
require such performance.

60.1 The Contractor shall arrange and undertake an essential training program locally for the staff
nominated by The Client to ensure that they shall acquire a good working knowledge of supply of
such Services to be supplied under the Contract.
60.2 In case of non-compliance with instructions, non-cooperation or other difficulties experienced by
the Contractor with regard to any of these personnel, the Contractor shall apprise The Client and
proceed to implement suitable remedial measures after consultation with them.


The IT-Systems supplied under this Contract shall be commercially available at the time of signing
of the contract. Commercial availability means that such IT-Systems shall have been sold, installed
and operationalized in at least one (01) installations globally and comply to open standards as listed

IT-Systems (Video Wall and Controller with Allied Equipment) for MMBS Page 39
in the tender document.

The Goods/Equipment/Software/Items maintained under the Contract shall be clearly labeled such
that no Goods/Equipment/Software/Items remain without labeling during the Contract period, so
as to correspond with the delivered documentation, with proper labeling scheme. All equipment,
cables, connectors, ports, boxes shall be clearly labeled.

63.1 The Goods and Services supplied under this Contract shall conform to the authoritative
latest/leading industry standards and best practices.
63.2 The replaced goods shall not generate interference that could adversely influence the operation of
other hardware, whether or not directly interfaced to it. The Contractor shall ensure that all
replaced parts under this contract work on open communication standards / protocols enabling
connection to central control systems from different manufacturers.
63.3 The Service Provider shall submit an undertaking to guarantee the availability of the spare parts for
all systems and sub-systems offered under this contract for a period of ten (10) years from the date
of expiry of initial warranty period of all hardware, software, and goods forming part of the IT-
Systems to the Client.

63.4 The Service Provider shall be responsible to take all necessary permissions, no objection
certificates, clearances, etc. with the regional departments and relevant authorities.

64.1 The IT-Systems setup delivery time is One Hundred Twenty (120) calendar days for delivery of
hardware and software from the issuance of Acceptance Letter (LOA) with complete deployment,
installation and commissioning. The Contractor shall deliver the services at Multan, as specified by
the Purchaser.
64.2 The Goods/ Equipment/ Software/ Items shall remain at the risk and under the physical custody of
the Contractor until the delivery/commissioning in the live environment is completed.
64.3 The Contractor shall ensure that the Goods/ Equipment/ Software/ Items shall be delivered
complete to enable the testing to proceed without interruption. If it shall appear to The Purchaser
that the Goods/ Equipment/ Software/ Items have been or are likely to be delayed by reason of
incomplete delivery or for any other reasons, he may require the Contractor to dispatch the missing
items of the IT-Systems or suitable replacements thereof, at the Contractor's expense, to the site
of delivery by the fastest available means including air freight.
64.4 The Contractor will deliver all the equipment in the contractor warehouse and intimate the
Purchaser to inspect the Goods/ Equipment/ Software/ Items. Purchaser will nominate the
inspection team and will issue a certificate subject to satisfactory report of the inspection team. All
the expenses related to the warehousing and inspection will be borne by the Contractor. The
Contractor shall notify in writing to the Purchaser regarding its readiness for such inspection and
the Purchaser shall complete the inspection within 15 days of the receipt of such notice.

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65.1 The Contractor shall ensure that the implementation design of connectivity conforms to an open
standard by which new Goods/Equipment/Software/Items can be added without disruption to
existing Goods/Equipment/Software/Items.
65.2 The Contractor shall deploy a set of programs and procedures to ensure system recovery or
roll back, when a fault is detected.
65.3 The Contractor shall provide all the recent patches and updates for Software
Firmware/Hardware, on a reliable media, with proper labeling, during the installation to The
Purchaser on free of Charge basis.
65.4 The Contractor shall configure the system for high availability and reliability, of hardware as
per Acceptance Letter (LOA) and specifications given in this Contract.

65.5 The Contractor shall submit detailed and complete installation, transition and cutover plan for the
new system, installation procedures for the new components specifying equipment checkout,
installation constraints, operational cutover, maintenance prior to The Purchaser acceptance and
if special security and/or access arrangements are required.


Where applicable, All the release patches and updates related to deployed software will be
maintained free of charge throughout the Contract period by the Contractor/Subcontractor with
existing features without any implications on cost. This is to assure that the Project IT-Systems
Solution will stay operational within the existing scope. The Contractor shall be responsible for
Operations and Maintenance of the Software during SLA/Operations and Maintenance Period
under the Contract.


Where applicable, the Service Provider throughout the currency of the contract will provide free of
charge (FOC) software updates, including but not limited to, any software changes required due to
operational needs of the Purchaser related to the IT-Systems.


68.1 The Contractor shall be responsible to survey the central site, determine power, air conditioning
and floor space requirements etc., identify, for the proposed equipment (if required).
68.2 The Purchaser shall facilitate the Contractor in discharge of the above responsibilities and
indemnify the Contractor for any delays in making such arrangements. Deployment time
mentioned in this Contract will be accordingly adjusted (if required).

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The Goods/Equipment/Software/Items supplied under the Contract, unless otherwise specified,
shall be capable of operating normally with single phase AC power, within the range of 220-
240V at 50/60 Hz, and should be protected from over-voltage, over-heating and out-of-tolerance
current surges.

Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) equipment will be supplied by another supplier. Contractor
must facilitate integration of IT-Systems with Station UPS. Purchaser will be responsible for the
provisioning of electric power at Control Room of CCC.

70.1 The Contractor shall be responsible for security of all IT-Systems equipment installed in the
Command & Control Center, prior to deployment and commissioning.

70.2 The Contractor shall be responsible for the embedding of safety features in the inherent design
of the replaced goods for rectifying the cause of the malfunction and for elimination of identified
hazards, including but not limited to high voltage, electromagnetic radiation, sharp points and
edges, etc., and reduction of associated risk to personnel and Goods.
70.3 The Contractor shall be responsible for the detailed survey and submission of the report in
regards to the protection of the power sources, controls, and critical components of the
redundant systems and subsystems by shielding or physical separation when possible.


The Contractor will support and maintain IT-Systems for the period of contract including all
renewals if applicable.


The Contractor to provide automated mechanism for real time alerts/reports viewable via
centralize dashboard to determine downtime of relevant equipment installed at Command and
Control Center.


73.1 The Contractor shall warrant to the Client that that the Goods/Equipment/items supplied by the
Contractor, under the Contract are genuine, brand new, non- refurbished and un-altered in any
way, unless provided otherwise in the Contract.
73.2 The Contractor shall further warrant that the Goods/Equipment/items provided by the Contractor,
under the Contract shall have no defects, arising from design, materials, installation, configuration,
or from any act or omission of The Contractor that may develop under normal use of the Goods.
73.3 The Contractor shall maintain sufficient backup stock of spare parts and tools, for the maintenance
of the supplied and deployed IT-Systems Goods/Equipment/items, to be replaced/ repaired at
contractor’s cost for the time of contract including all renewals.

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73.4 The Contractor will be responsible and to ensure the following:
a) Items to perform on site repair/ replacement of defective/ damaged parts, consumable
supplies and labor at its own cost, needed to maintain operational performance, reliability and
availability standards prescribed in the Technical Specifications. The quantity of spare parts and
consumable items provided and must have sufficient operating stock for the period of contract
subsequently applying to all renewal years.
b) Critical items, whose failure would cause a system failure.
c) Items of high cost and/or long lead time over thirty (30) working days.

73.5 Engage and deploy suitably skilled personnel for operation and maintenance of the IT-Systems
solution, and maintenance/replacement of all related equipment/components in a timely manner
at its own cost during the course of the contract.


74.1 The Purchaser shall conduct the quantitative inspection of the Goods/Equipment/Software/Items
and Services supplied under the Contract, to ensure the complete delivery as per the Contract.

74.2 The Contractor shall engage a third-party (internationally recognized & competent firm) for the
qualitative inspection and testing of the Goods/Equipment/Software/Items and Services supplied
under the Contract, to verify their conformity to the Technical Specifications.

74.3 The Purchaser’s post-delivery right to inspect, test and, where necessary, reject the IT-Systems
shall in no way be limited or waived by reason of pre-delivery inspection, testing or passing of the

74.4 The inspections and tests shall be conducted at the premises of the Contractor/ its subcontractor(s)
at the final destination. Where conducted at the premises of the Contractor/its subcontractor(s),
the final destination shall provide all-reasonable facilities and assistance, including access to
drawings, production data and online verification from official web site of the Manufacturer, to
the Inspectors, at no charge to The Purchaser.
74.5 The Purchaser may reject the Goods/Equipment/Software/Items and Services if they fail to
conform to the Technical Specifications/Requirements, in any test(s) or inspection(s) and The
Contractor shall either replace the rejected Goods/Equipment/Software/Items and Services or
make all alterations necessary to meet the Technical Specifications/Requirements, within seven (7)
working days, free of cost to The Purchaser.

75.1 If the Contractor fails/ delays in performance of any of the obligations, under the Contract/ violates
any of the provisions of the Contract/commits breach of any of the terms and conditions of the
Contract the Client may, at any time, without prejudice to any other right of action/remedy it may
have, blacklist The Contractor in accordance with PPRA Rules 2014, either indefinitely or for a
stated period, for future tenders in Public Sector.

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75.2 The Contractor/ Bidder is found to have engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing
for the award of contract or during the execution and currency of the Contract, The Client may, at
any time, without prejudice to any other right of action/ remedy it may have, blacklist The
Contractor/ Bidder in accordance with PPRA Rules 2014, either indefinitely or for a stated period,
for future tenders in public sector.


76.1 The Contractor shall, by written notice served on the Client, apply for a Taking-Over Certificate
at the voluntary or involuntary expiry of the contract.

76.2 The Client shall, within thirty days of receipt of Contractor's application, either issue the Taking-
Over Certificate to the Contractor stating the date of successful inspection / testing of the IT-
Systems or any portion thereof, for their intended purposes; or reject the application giving the
reasons and specifying the work required to be done by the Contractor to enable the Taking-
Over Certificate to be issued.


The Client will sign a Service Level Agreement (SLA) attached at Annexure-B to this Contract, with
the Contractor; which will be read as part of this Contract. The Client has the right to amend the
Service Level Agreement at any time with mutual consent of the Contractor. The changes will be
communicated to the Contractor and shall binding on it.
The Client shall share with the Contractor documentary evidences of all infractions leading to levy
of penalties. The Contractor shall be accorded an opportunity to explain its position and present
compelling counter-evidences. The Client shall consider the Contractor’s explanation and render
its decision, which shall be final and binding upon the Contractor, prior to finalizing the Certificate
of Payment (COP). A Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) mutually agreed between both parties
shall be devised pursuant to signing of the Contract so as to ensure judicious implication of


The contractor is bound to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA), with the Client.

IT-Systems (Video Wall and Controller with Allied Equipment) for MMBS Page 44


For ease of Reference, certain special stipulations are as under:

Tender Security The Contractor shall furnish the Tender security as under:
i). In the form of Demand Draft/ Pay Order/ Bank Guarantee,
issued by a scheduled bank operating in Pakistan, in the
name of the Client, as per the format provided in the
Tender Document or in another format acceptable to the
Purchaser; for a sum of PKR Four Million only (PKR
ii). Denominated in Pak Rupees;
iii). Have a minimum validity period of one hundred and
eighty days (180) from the last date for submission of the
Tender or until furnishing of the Performance Security,
whichever is later.

Main Performance The successful Tenderer shall furnish Performance Security as

Security under:
i). Within ten (10) working days of the receipt of the
Acceptance Letter from the Client;
ii). For the amount equivalent to 10% of annual Contract Price
(Z) valid for a period of one year.
iii). In the form of a Bank Guarantee, issued by a scheduled bank
operating in Pakistan, as per the format provided in the
Tender Document to the Client;
iv). Denominated in Pak Rupees;
v). Having a minimum validity period of one year from the date
of Award Notification or until the date of expiry of yearly
support period.
vi). With an undertaking to renew the Bank Guarantee on a
yearly basis, before the end of each year, one month before
the expiry period of the submitted bank guarantee.

In order to effect release of main Performance Security, the

successful Tenderer shall be required to submit a request in writing
along with a fresh Bank Guarantee/ Pay-order for the amount of
10% of annual amount of quoted O&M services. However, the
purchaser shall not release the main Performance Security until
three years after the commencement of the O&M services and only
subject to satisfactory performance of the system.

IT-Systems (Video Wall and Controller with Allied Equipment) for MMBS Page 45
Signing of Contract The Client shall, after receipt of the Performance Security from the
successful Bidder, send the Contract provided in the Tender
Document, to the successful Bidder. Within ten working days of the
receipt of such Contract, the Bidder shall sign and date the Contract
and return it to the Client.

Start operation of Fully functional IT-Systems setup for Command and Control
Services after Center Multan Metrobus System of PMA within One Hundred
Provision, Twenty (120) Calendar Days from the issuance of LOA.
testing, and training

Liquidated damages a) In case of non-compliance of delivery schedule as per the tender

for failure / document/ LOA/ Contract or if the Contractor fails/ delays in
configuration of performance of any of the obligations, violates any of the
Services by the provisions commits breach of any of the terms and conditions
mentioned vide subject tender document, the Purchaser may,
without prejudice to any other right of action/ remedy it may
have, deduct from the Contract Price, as liquidated damages, a
sum of money as per following schedule:
LD per day = (Factor F x Performance Guarantee/100)
For 0 – 10 days Factor F = 0.25
For 11– 20 days Factor F = 0.50
For 21 – 30 days Factor F = 0.75
For 31 days and above, Factor F =1.00
b) LDs shall be attributable to such part of the Services/Works as
cannot, in consequence of the failure / delay, be put to the
intended use, between the scheduled delivery date(s), with any
extension of time thereof granted by the Purchaser, and the
actual delivery date(s) (This penalty may also be invoked on the
commitments given by the Contractor in the Technical
proposal). However, LDs shall be levied only if the Purchaser; for
Command & Control Center; hands over the site to the
Contractor and allows a period of no less than 15 days for
execution of services; and that the said period of 15 days has

IT-Systems (Video Wall and Controller with Allied Equipment) for MMBS Page 46
Legal Status to The Tenderer must be allowed and meet all conditions set forth by
Work in Pakistan the Government to work with all concerned parties.

Contract Duration The duration of this Contract will be initially for three (03) years,
starting from the commencement of O&M Services and is
extendible based on needs and requirement of the Client with
mutual consent of both parties.

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A point system will be used for technical qualifying for the Bidder/ Tenderer.
PASS MARKS: A technically eligible bidder, based on conditions listed in Section below, not meeting the
60% pass mark limit will be rejected in Technical evaluation, and its Financial Proposal will be returned to
it unopened. All bidders scoring greater than or equal to 60% of the marks will be accepted in technical
proposal, and their respective financial bids will be opened as per rules and regulations.
The Client reserves exclusive rights to cancel/annul or reject all bids submitted at any time without
giving any reason thereof.
According to the Technical Proposal, the Technical bids will be rated as follows. Bidders may fill in the
below evaluation sheet and do their own evaluation for submission, but the evaluation done by the
Client/ Evaluator shall be the valid evaluation and shall hold:
For each component listed below, provide detailed specifications with relevant materials including
information on standards compliance.
Note: Major components and their quantities are listed below; Bidder may list (Sr. No. 4) any other/ more
equipment required to integrate the system and to make it functional.

Sr. Requirements
Components Estimated Quantity
No. Met (Y/N)

1 Video Wall 02

2 Controller for Video Wall 02

3 Support & Maintenance of the IT-Systems As per requirements

for three (3) years (Hardware/ Software of RFP
Support, Maintenance of equipment, Spare
parts with overall responsibility of solution)

4 Any other allied Hardware/ software/ As per actual

component(s)/ item(s) required in addition
to the above mentioned equipment.

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Technical Evaluation Criteria:
References and supporting documentation required as evidence for each:
It is mandatory to score minimum 60% marks.
In case of JV, marks shall be evaluated jointly for all members unless stated otherwise.
The requirement of documents for evidence as indicated in the table below is applicable to all members of
JV unless specified otherwise.

Max. Documents
Sr Criteria Comment/Description
Marks Required

Number of similar Contract Document OR

successful Projects of 25 5 Points per project but no more than Letter of Award OR
Video Wall system 25 Points. Completion Certificate OR
1 implemented in last Any other valid document
15 years. for evidence

Number of Completion Certificates,

Cumulative Project Y=∑ (No. of years of O&M) O&M Contract Document
Years of Experience
Y>15 years (20 points) OR Any other valid
of Maintenance and 20
Support (M&S) of Y>10 up to 15 years (15 points) document for evidence
Video Wall system
Y>05 up to 10 years (10 points) (In case of JV, applicable to
2 commencement date Y>03 up to 05 (5 points) any single member with
of project(s). maximum years of
Y=0 (zero point)
Where Σ is sum of all projects experience)

No. of Project 1.CVs of PMs outlining

2 or more PMs = 10 Points
Managers (PM) with 10 Project wise experience
1 PM = 05 Points
at least 3 years of and
Project Else = 0 points
2. Certification of
3 Management’s

4 Team members in 1.CVs of staff

06 or greater = 10 Points
the equipment outlining the maintenance
10 05 = 8 points
maintenance team experience and
with more than 3 02 to 04 = 6 Points
years of experience 01 to 02 = 3 Points
2. Certification of
in the related field Else = 0 Points

IT-Systems (Video Wall and Controller with Allied Equipment) for MMBS Page 49
≥ PKR. 100 M =10 Points
Financial Strength of Audited Financial
≥ PKR. 80 M & < PKR. 100 M = 8 Points
the bidder: Statements for the last
≥ PKR. 60 M & < PKR. 80 M = 5 Points
10 three (03) Years
Average Annual ≥ PKR. 40 M & < PKR. 60 M = 2 Points
Turnover of Business ≥ PKR. 20 M & < PKR. 40 M = 1 Points
in last three years in Else = 0 Points
Millions (PKR)

≥ PKR. 50 M =10 Points

Financial Strength of Same as of criteria for
≥ PKR. 40 M & < PKR. 50 M = 6 Points Average Annual Turnover at
the bidder:
≥ PKR. 30 M & < PKR. 40 M = 3 Points Sr No. 5 above
Average Net Worth 10 ≥ PKR. 20 M & < PKR. 30 M = 2 Points
in Last three Year in ≥ PKR. 10 M & < PKR. 20 M = 1 Points
Millions (Total Assets Else = 0 Points
- Total Liabilities)

TOTAL 85 Minimum Passing Marks = 60% i.e. 51 Marks

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This SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT (SLA) is made on the [day] of [month], [year] (hereinafter referred to as

NOTE: SLA as listed below will be reviewed by PMA periodically and may be updated accordingly with
mutual consent. The amendments as made at the time of review will be binding on the contractor.
1. Scope
The SLA describes target performance levels which the contractor must aim to deliver for the Services
outlined in tender document/contract. It also lists the procedures for managing unavailability of Services,
and associated penalties which will be applied if contractor fails to deliver any service performance
targets in accordance with this Agreement.
2. Service Monitoring
The PMA of the Government of Punjab will set-up a service monitoring cell, dedicated to monitoring
service level compliance. Contractor must provide the mechanisms, data, online system/Call logging
system with access rights through which personnel authorized by Government of Punjab/PMA will check
Service Level Compliance.
An overall uptime of 99.9% is expected from all components and services associated with IT-Systems
(Components/Modules/Services as listed in tender document/contract).
The contractor will put in place a monitoring mechanism to monitor all components of the Services
(including but not limited to all Video Wall and Controller etc.). Contractor will give PMA, the access rights
to view online status and reports associated with the monitoring system.
The contractor, through its monitoring system must provide the data that is sufficient to allow analysis
and reporting of performance and availability of components, equipment, modules – to the detail and
frequency described in this Agreement.
The contractor must use already available helpdesk/complaint management system i.e. ITMIS with access
to PMA authorized personnel.
Periodic reviews will be scheduled by the Government of the Punjab via its concerned departments and
organizations. The reports from the Contractor’s service monitoring system shall form an agenda for such
3. Schedule Maintenance
Scheduled maintenance should fall outside normal working hours, and not exceed a total of 4 hours per
month. The contractor must seek approval from PMA for all pre-planned/scheduled maintenance work
by submitting a detailed maintenance work plan along with reasons for scheduled maintenance, and
impact on services (if any), and on service levels - at least one week prior to planned execution of the
scheduled maintenance work. After completion of the planned work, the contractor will report the
outcome to the concerned official / authority of PMA in writing and by updating contractor’s call
management system and associated website. PMA will have access to complaint Management System
i.e. ITMIS to log calls and to assign categories.

i). The contractor will be responsible for providing a mechanism to the client for taking reliable
ii). The contractor will ensure use of licensed software and products, where applicable.
iii). The contractor must ensure that the support personnel are properly qualified to support all
software/hardware related issues.
iv). The contractor will be responsible for providing timely and comprehensive analysis and reports
to PMA or the concerned department based upon the information/data gathered in the system.
v). The contractor would be responsible for security of the data being entered into and processed
by the applications.

IT-Systems (Video Wall and Controller with Allied Equipment) for MMBS Page 51
vi). The contractor will provide trainings to the PMA. The training should cover all operations of the
system. The contractor will also document all the training material and provide it to the client in
any format requested by the client.
vii). The contractor will be responsible for timely resolution of reported issues. The contractor will
also ensure timely escalation of issues to the client and concerned government department as
and when required.
viii). The contractor must ensure effective and efficient support via online complaint management
system i.e. ITMIS, phone, email and onsite presence as and when needed throughout the period
of contract.
ix). Accurately and thoroughly logging service request into complaint management system i.e.
x). The focal person at the client is notified about the creation of all critical service requests through
email, SMS, and phone call and intimation on complaint management system.
xi). Documenting all technical inquiries and developing solutions for the knowledge base.
xii). Updating service requests in the complaint management system i.e. ITMIS with detail analysis of
the issue, documenting each step as it was solved.
xiii). Responding to service request via email, phone or in person.
xiv). Raising issues in the timely manner before they become critical show stoppers.
xv). Escalating issues at the appropriate level in a timely and efficient manner.
xvi). Resolving issues both on site and remotely.
xvii). The contractor will be responsible for providing support throughout the period of contract.
Application support should cover aspects such as performance / load management, system
/security hardening, system configuration, patch management etc.
xviii). Contractor must submit and conform to a detailed, agreed upon quality management plan. The
contractor will follow up all closed tickets along with response time and quality services
delivered to ensure level of services provided to the client in reaching resolution.
xix). The Contractor shall provide a step-by-step procedure for application recovery and take all
necessary actions to restore the system in a timely manner.
xx). Ownership of all data entered into the system along with any customizations in addition to the
licensed product (where applicable), configuration and other components of the system stays as
the property of Client and shall be transferred in fully operational condition on completion of
support contract. It is pertinent to mention here that no further payment will be made in lieu of
xxi). No further payment will be made in lieu of upgradation support, patches etc. at any time during
the course of contract.
xxii). With the change in the need of the PMA Contractor is bound to support the maximum possible
configuration of the system without any additional cost.
xxiii). The Contractor is bound to support the integration of IT-Systems with existing and future
systems of PMA. Any up gradation and rectification in IT-Systems should not affect its ability to
integrate with other systems.
4. Fault Level Categories
Fault Level Categories as described below will be assigned by the Client; however, the Client may
amend based on factors as present on the ground.

Fault levels
Definition Initial Response Resolution

The system is unable to be used.

Critical There is no viable workaround. Within 15 minutes Within 90 minutes
Downtime will lead to service loss.

IT-Systems (Video Wall and Controller with Allied Equipment) for MMBS Page 52
There is a problem with a part of the
system which impacts decision
Urgent Within 1 hour Within 3 hours
making and there is a likelihood of
service loss.

The efficiency of the system users is

High being impacted, but a viable Within 2 hours Within 6 hours
workaround exists.

A fault with low impact and no

Normal possibility of service loss. A viable Within 6 hours Within 12 hours
workaround exists.

5. Issues Reported by Contractor

Every issue reported by contractor’s designated operational staff must be logged against the fault level
category as mentioned above; in centralized complaint management system available to all stakeholders.
Client may disagree to the fault level assigned by the contractor based on the factors as present on the
ground. For equipment/scenarios where automated alert system is not available, issues will be reported
via phone call to contractor’s helpline. Pertaining to issues reported on helpline by operations staff of
contractor, all must be entered into centralized complaint management system.
6. Issues Reported by Surveillance Teams
Issues as occurred on the ground may also be reported by PMA officials or Surveillance teams of PMA.
Such an interface to report any of these issues must be provided. PMA officials or Surveillance teams may
report via phone call to contractor’s helpline and/or logging complaint into complaint management
system. PMA officials or Surveillance teams will log complaint but may not assign fault level category
which will be assigned initially by the contractor. Client may disagree/amend to the fault level assigned
by the contractor based on the factors as present on the ground.
7. Initial Response
Time taken by the contractor’s qualified representative to arrive at the premises where the failure
occurred, after the problem is reported by the automated alert system where applicable.
8. Resolution
Time it takes to resolve the problem. Issues as reported must be visible to all stakeholders involved via
complaint management system. In addition, contractor must notify the fault to the Authority, via email,
fax, and/or telephone, as soon as it becomes aware of the fault, and must also keep the monitoring cell
informed of progress towards resolution in a timely manner. Any fault that is not fixed within the stated
resolution time will be escalated to the executive management of the contractor.
Faults/Issues/Complaints will not be closed until resolution is verified on the ground by PMA.
In case of breach of SLA parameters, penalties will apply. Depending upon the nature, severity, and
duration of the breach, penalties in the form of stated percentage of monthly service charges will be
imposed. Further to this client may invoke forfeiture of any amount of performance guarantee deemed

IT-Systems (Video Wall and Controller with Allied Equipment) for MMBS Page 53
9. Service Level Parameters
Minimum service levels associated with various key aspects of the services, components, and
operations related to the IT-Systems project, are defined below:

Sr. Service Parameter Service Validation Penalty


Minutes of meeting
2% of monthly
Project Submission of Weekly (approval of status
1 100% charges for every
Management Status Report reports by project

If 95%-98.99% calls
resolved on-time,
then 2% penalty on
monthly charges,
Resolution of issues 90%-94.99% calls
Report generated
logged as per fault level resolved on-time,
2 Helpdesk 99% from complaint
categories definitions then 5% penalty on
management system
above monthly charges.
<90% of complaints
being resolved on
time 10% of monthly

If 95%-98.99%
are resolved on-time,
System System Configuration and 2% penalty on
Configuration Required Report monthly charges.
, Change Generation Resolution 90%-94.99%
3 99% Report
Requests and logged as per fault level resolved on time,
Report categories definitions then 5% on monthly
Generation above charges.
<90% resolved on
time, 10% of monthly

Provide monthly MIS 0.2% of monthly

95% Report
Asset Inventory Reports charges
ory Stock not being
Management available/fault must
System Satisfaction report
Conduct Bi-annual be fixed/provided
100% to be signed off by
physical asset verification /settled by
contractor. 0.5% of 6
monthly charges.

IT-Systems (Video Wall and Controller with Allied Equipment) for MMBS Page 54
Evaluation of contractor’s approval of
Quarterly 0.5% of quarterly
5 performance on quarterly 100% contractor’s
Evaluation charges
basis performance
evaluation report

5% penalty on
Contractor shall provide a 100% monthly charges if
root- cause report every timely the contractor does
month if there are more submissio not submit a problem
Root cause report
than 10 incidents of the n covering report for that
Problem Incident report
6 same type. Contractor all month. Another 5%
Management Document detailing
must take appropriate incidents penalty if contractor
and timely corrective logged in
corrective action does not perform
action to prevent further that corrective action for
issues from same cause. month more than one
calendar month.

5% of monthly
Reports generated charges, if
Resolution of change standardized change
from change
Change management ticket management
7 99% management
Management logged in change patches are not
management system
updated onto IT-

1% penalty on
Video Wall can be monthly charges for
considered as mal- less than 99.8%,
functioning under 3% penalty on
the condition like monthly charges for
portion of screen is
Video Wall Not less than 99.5%,
Video Wall not displaying data,
8 Operational / Mal- 99.8% 5% penalty on
Equipment unable to split the
functioning monthly charges for
video wall, non-
operational less than 99%. The
software etc. penalty will be
increased with 2% of
PMA Record monthly charges for
each subsequent
0.5% drop.
of Service
Provider Staff
with PMA Rs. 25,000/-
9 N/A N/A PMA Record Report
staff, on each instance
and staff of
other service

IT-Systems (Video Wall and Controller with Allied Equipment) for MMBS Page 55
Failed to
Rs. 30,000/- on each
10 invoice in N/A N/A N/A
first 10
working days
of the month
Any act of non-
on each incident
Violation of conformance to PMA
where A = [1 - 100]
Scope of rules, regulations,
11 N/A PMA Record depending on the
work/ instructions, scope of
sensitivity of the non-
services services if not covered in
conformance as per
decision of the Client

10. Calculation of Uptime

[{(Actual Uptime + Scheduled Downtime)/total number of operation hours in a month} x 100]

"Total Operation Hours" means the total hours over the measurement period i.e. one month (24x
number of days in the month for 24 hours operation and 18 x number of days in the month for 18 hours
"Actual Uptime" means, of the Total Operation Hours, the aggregate number of hours in any
month during which each equipment is actually available for use.

"Scheduled Downtime" means the aggregate number of hours in any month during which each
equipment, is down during Total Operation Hours, due to preventive maintenance, scheduled
maintenance, infrastructure problems or any other situation which is not attributable to the
Contractor’s (or Contractor’s) failure to exercise due care in performing Contractor’s responsibilities.
The PMA would provide a maximum of 04 hours of planned downtime for the preventive maintenance
(as part of scheduled downtime) per month per equipment/service.
The downtime for scheduled maintenance (patch application, upgrades etc.) would need to be
mutually agreed between PMA and the Contractor for 24/7 hours operation. To reduce this time,
various maintenance activities can be clubbed together with proper planning. The Scheduled
Downtime is 0 if we are not having 24/7 hours operation.

11. Downtime Calculation

The recording of downtime shall commence at the time of registering it with Contractor for any
downtime situation for the equipment. The registration could be done through auto alert, complaint
logging etc. Downtime shall end when the problem is rectified and the application/ service is available
to the user. Downtime will not be considered for Pre-scheduled preventive maintenance and
health checks (Scheduled Downtime).
If the PMA elects to continue the operation of the machine / equipment, when a part of the machine
is giving problem and leading to downtime, the commencement of downtime shall be deferred until
the PMA releases the machine / equipment to the Contractor for remedial action.
a. The compliance report shall be submitted monthly, by the Contractor.
b. These compliance reports shall be verified by PMA officials or the nominated
representatives of PMA. Any disputes on the compliance report shall be escalated to a
nominee of the senior management of PMA and the decision of that nominee shall be
binding on both the parties.
c. The compliance to the SLA metrics as listed above shall be monitored on the monthly
d. If PMA finds that the Contractor has breached any of the SLA Metrics more than three

IT-Systems (Video Wall and Controller with Allied Equipment) for MMBS Page 56
(3) times in a year then PMA, in its sole discretion, may terminate the Agreement in
accordance with the provisions thereof. Such termination of the Agreement shall be
without prejudice to any other rights available to PMA.
e. The compliance report shall be submitted along with the quarterly invoice by the
12. Breach of SLA
In case the Contractor does not meet the service levels mentioned in document, for three (3) continuous
time periods, it will be treated as a breach of the Service Level Agreement. The following steps will be
taken in such a case:
1. A show cause notice will be issued.
2. Contractor must respond to the notice within 3 working days
3. If PMA is not satisfied with the reply, it may initiate contract termination process.

13. Exclusions:
The Contractor will be exempted from delays or slippages on SLA parameters arising out of delays in
execution due to delay in approval or review from PMA side. Any such delays will be notified in writing.
14. Monitoring and Auditing:
PMA will review the performance of Contractor against the SLA parameters each month, or at any
periodicity defined in the contract document. The review/ audit report will form basis of any action
relating to imposing penalty or breach of contract.
Any such review/ audit can be scheduled or unscheduled. The results will be shared with the Contractor
as soon as possible. PMA reserves the right to appoint a third-party auditor to validate the SLA.
15. Reporting Procedures:
The Contractor will prepare and distribute to PMA the SLA performance reports in an agreed upon format
by the 3rd working day of subsequent month of the reporting period. The reports will include “actual
versus target” SLA performance, a variance analysis and discussion of appropriate issues or significant
Issue Management Procedures:
This process provides an appropriate management structure for the orderly consideration and resolution
of business and operational issues in the event that quick consensus is not reached between PMA and
Contractor. It is expected that this pre-defined process will only be used on an exception basis if issues
are not resolved at lower management levels.
Issue Management Process:
Either PMA or Contractor may raise an issue by documenting the business or technical problem,
which presents a reasonably objective summary of both points of view and identifies specific points of
disagreement with possible solutions.
PMA and Contractor’s representative will determine which committee or executive level should
logically be involved in resolution.
A meeting or conference call will be conducted to resolve the issue in a timely manner. The
documented issues will be distributed to the participants at least 24 hours prior to the discussion if the
issue is not an emergency requiring immediate attention.
Management of PMA and Contractor will develop a temporary, if needed, and the permanent solution
for the problem at hand. The Contractor will then communicate the resolution to all interested parties.
SLA Change Control:
It is acknowledged that this SLA may change as PMA’s business needs evolve over the course of the
contract period. The PMA reserves the right to unilaterally review the SLA periodically and update it

IT-Systems (Video Wall and Controller with Allied Equipment) for MMBS Page 57
accordingly with mutual consent. The review amendments will be binding on the Contractor. As such,
this document also defines the following management procedures:
1. A process for negotiating changes to the SLA.
2. An issue management process for documenting and resolving particularly difficult issues.
3. PMA and Contractor management escalation process to be used in the event that an issue is not
being resolved in a timely manner.
SLA Change Process:
Both the parties may amend this SLA by mutual agreement in accordance. Changes can be proposed
by either party. Normally the forum for negotiating SLA changes will be PMA monthly review meetings.
Version Control:
All negotiated SLA changes will require changing the version control number. As appropriate, minor
changes may be accumulated for periodic release (e.g. every quarter) or for release when a critical
threshold of change has occurred.
16. Management Escalation Procedures:
The purpose of this escalation process is to provide a quick and orderly method of notifying both
parties that an issue is not being successfully resolved at the lowest possible management level.
Implementing this procedure ensures that PMA and Contractor management are communicating at the
appropriate levels. Escalation should take place on an exception basis and only if successful issue
resolution cannot be achieved in a reasonable time frame.
1. All issues would be raised to the project management team, which is completely responsible for the
day to day aspects of the implementation. The project management team shall classify the issues based
on their severity level and resolve them within appropriate timelines.
2. If project management team is unable to resolve an issue, the issue would be escalated to the top
management with options/risks detailed for decision. Top management will make decisions based on
the options/risks presented by the PMA.
17. Training Requirements
Training is an important activity for the successful implementation of Work. To make the Work a
success, the following training programs shall be arranged by the Contractor from time to time depending
on the requirement and understanding of the PMA, operators, participating users, etc. For all these
training programs, the Contractor shall provide adequate course material documents. The following are
the trainings to be imparted by the Contractor:
1. Contractor shall impart training to PMA nominated staff, so that they are aware of the operations of
the solution and further impart training to the relevant staff of PMA ensuring smooth running of System
at the selected sites.
2. Contractor shall also be responsible for re-training the PMA nominated trainers’ staff whenever
changes are made in the System and it shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to ensure that the
operators are familiar with new versions of system and its allied services.
18. Service Levels for System
System Availability
The System is required to be functional round the clock, and the availability of the System should be in
excess of 99% of the operations time.
Service Monitoring
1. The Contractor will put in place a monitoring mechanism to monitor all Components. The Contractor
through its monitoring System should provide data which is sufficient to allow analysis and reporting
of Component performance and availability to the detail and frequency described in these Conditions.
2. The Contractor will additionally use data gathered from its monitoring of the Components to
inform & take approval from competent authority for its decisions in respect of any changes to its
infrastructure which in its sole discretion, deems necessary to maintain or improve the availability and
performance of the services delivered to PMA.
19. Performance Reporting

IT-Systems (Video Wall and Controller with Allied Equipment) for MMBS Page 58
The Contractor shall record performance and availability of each of the Client Components and
report this information to the Client. Where periodic account reviews are agreed by both parties to be
held between the Client and the Contractor, these reports will form an agenda for such reviews. The
Contractor will enable the Client to view the reports via the Contractor’s service system.
20. Complaints Procedure
If the Client has any complaints about the way in which the Contractor support facilities are being
managed, the Client Representative should contact the Contractor.
21. General Maintenance Conditions:
• The maintenance shall include both Preventive Maintenance and Corrective Maintenance.
• This Service Level Conditions shall cover each and every part/component of the System. The
Contractor shall examine, clean, lubricate and adjust various components/parts of the entire
System including all parts and components every month and shall take necessary measures to
maintain the units in proper working conditions in accordance with the Specifications in the
Service Level Conditions.
• The Contractor shall supply and replace any part/components which are discovered to be
potentially detrimental to the safety of the user and/or to the efficient and cost-effective
operation of the units and which require immediate replacement.
• In case of need to replace any part/component, the Contractor shall provide original make
genuine non-refurbished parts/components of similar/higher quality.
• In case of emergencies, the Contractor shall respond immediately to take the necessary
actions irrespective of the provisions regarding time limits.
• The Contractor shall be liable for any kind of damage to the user of the units caused by poor
maintenance, delay in any repair/maintenance works and shall pay for the damage.
• Repairs may be carried out generally during non-operational hours.

In addition to the above, for any non-availability of the System below 99% of total operations time in hours,
damages shall be recoverable separately on a pro rata basis per every hour of non-operations below 99%.

IN WITNESS whereof the parties here to have caused this Contract to be executed in accordance with their
respective laws the day and year first above written.








IT-Systems (Video Wall and Controller with Allied Equipment) for MMBS Page 59

Referenced Specifications of the Major components are listed below. Bidder should Provision,
Commission and integrate the complete solution on Turnkey basis.
i). All hardware equipment supplied as part of IT-Systems must carry industry standard certifications
to ascertain that the equipment has been manufactured and certified based on international
ii). The Equipment supplied shall withstand the harsh working conditions of vibration, heat, dust,
moisture, rough usage, Radio interference etc.,
iii). The Equipment supplied shall provide with all software licenses and required accessories & parts.

The minimum requirements of indoor LED Video Wall along with Controller etc. are given below. The
quoted system specifications should be equal or higher.

Video Wall and Video Wall Controller along with Software and Allied Equipment/Items Turnkey Solution complete
in all respect.

Video Wall

Requirement Description Qty

Item Description Yes No 2 Nos.

Diagonal Size Diagonal Size of the display modules shall be 55”

Matrix (8) Eight Horizontal by (3) Three Vertical matrix (8X3)

Screens in Each Video Wall.
Screens 24 Screens for each Video Wall

Description Specifications Yes No

Display Screen Size 55"

Resolution Full HD (1920 x 1080) of each
screen minimum

Bezel Width Ultra-Narrow Bezel to Bezel

(min 3.5mm or less)
Backlight Direct LED
Brightness 700 (cd/m2 or nits) or higher
Contrast Ratio 1000:1 or higher
Viewing Angle 178° / 178°
Response Time 8ms
Display Colors 8 bit (16.7M)
Backlight lifespan 50,000h or Greater
Connectivity Input HDMI×1, DVI×1, RS232×1

IT-Systems (Video Wall and Controller with Allied Equipment) for MMBS Page 60
Output 1×HDMI or 1xDP or 1×RS-232
Power Power Supply AC 115 - 240 V~ (+/- 10 %),
50/60 Hz
Power ≤ 250
Consumption (W)
Mechanical Installation Mode Floor-standing, wall-mounted
Operation Temperature 0℃ ~ 40 ℃
Humidity 10% ~ 80%

Video Wall Controller for above Screens with Control Software

General Features Yes No Qty

• The controller shall allow users to place windows of any size 2 Nos.
anywhere on the video wall, without any compromises on quality,
• Multi-screen segmentation: Support multi-screen split display, set
any desired window layout,
• The controller should support the display of real-time IP Camera
video sources through operator workstations,
• The controller shall feature redundant, hot- swappable critical
components for high overall system, availability/reliability including
Redundant hot- swap power supplies, Redundant Ethernet / Fiber
Optic adapter,
• The redundancy components shall be continuously monitored;
alarms shall be triggered in case of failure,
• The controller should provide real-time source display,
• The controller shall be equipped with latest processor technology,
• The controller should support Network and other inputs,
• The controller should have Outputs for above screen matrix.
Control Software:
• Simple GUI for the configuration of the wall management
• Administration: Privileges, hierarchical
• administration and division of the large screen wall into different
areas can be defined for every user,
• Multiple display walls can be controlled simultaneously.
• Multiple users can operate the large screen system
• Enable operators to access and display the screen contents of any
Windows Workstation in the LAN as well as control it with the
local keyboard and mouse without a need for special hardware.

IT-Systems (Video Wall and Controller with Allied Equipment) for MMBS Page 61
• Software has to allow comfortable desktop management:
• Dynamic GUI / window administration Definition of presets
• The software must provide certain alarm management tools, i.e.
incoming alarm messages and business critical alarms can be
detected and visualized automatically. Operating systems:

Features Description Yes No

System Main Processor Powerful Processor or Higher

Operating System Windows/ LINUX
Slot 2-main control slots
Mainframe Power module (Redundant
power supplies), Main control
board, control board,
Temperature controlled fan
HDMI Input 12 input and 24 output
/Output interfaces
Network Interface 2 X RJ-45 ports 10 M/100
M/1000 M
Serial Port 2 X RS232 ports for console
and control
Resolution Input Resolution 1920 x 1080 @60 Hz
Output Resolution 1920 x 1080 @60 Hz
Control Mode PC Client/GUI

Environment Power Supply AC 115 - 240 V~ (+/- 10 %),

50/60 Hz
Power Mode Redundant Power Supply

Working 0 ℃ ~ 45 ℃

Any other Hardware/Software/Equipment including

mounting on floor with standard fitting & fixtures i.e.
Stands and Brackets etc. essential for Video Wall
System and Rack for Controllers (Please provide
detailed list along with justification)
Installation & Onsite Cabling electrical along with Installation/
Commissioning Calibration/ Testing with accessories including Piping/
of Video Wall Ducting, electrification, racks, stands and brackets etc. 2 Nos.
and Controller Testing & Commissioning, integration of entire Site

IT-Systems (Video Wall and Controller with Allied Equipment) for MMBS Page 62
Video Wall and Front/Rear access to ensure easy maintenance &
Controller service of Video Wall, Stands & Brackets, Controllers,
Maintenance Racks & PDUs and Software etc. complete in every
aspect including installation, cabling, calibration etc.

Offered Brand Provide Name

(Attachments): Yes No

Make / Brand Name:

Model Name:
Sub-Model (if any):
Country of Origin:
Brochure / Technical Datasheet with Make, Model (Sub-Model (if any)):
Direct / Authorized Distributor/Dealership certificate (Offered Brand)
Agreed to provide the requisite quantity with in time frame:
Agreed to provide the required warranty of the equipment:
Agreed with other terms & conditions:
Signed & Stamped documents:

1. Maximum down time for all components including replacement of the whole unit as per SLA.
2. Please mention the country of origin/manufacturing/assembly of the quoted brand/model.
3. Vendor/Assembler to provide verification of serial numbers of all products.

IT-Systems (Video Wall and Controller with Allied Equipment) for MMBS Page 63

IT-Systems (Video Wall and Controller with Allied Equipment) for MMBS Page 64



Sr. Particulars Estimated Manufacturer Model Specification

Quantity Reference

1 LED Video Wall (Indoor)

Turnkey Solution

(8) Eight Horizontal by 02

(3) Three Vertical matrix
(8X3) Screens in Each
Video Wall

2 Video Wall Controller 02

3 Any other allied

Hardware/ Accessories
considered mandatory
As per
by the bidder for
deployment of the
Video Wall Turnkey

IT-Systems (Video Wall and Controller with Allied Equipment) for MMBS Page 65

Issuing Authority:
Date of Issuance:
Date of Expiry:
Claim Lodgment Date:

WHEREAS [Name and Address of the Contractor] (hereinafter called "the Contractor") has
agreed to supply the Services and render the Services against Tender Name (hereinafter
called "the Contract") for the Contract Value of PKR (in figures ________________ ) (in
words ________________________________ ).
AND WHEREAS it has been stipulated in the Tender Document that the successful Contractor shall
furnish Performance Security, within ten (10) working days of the receipt of the Acceptance
Letter from the Client, in the form of a Bank Guarantee, issued by a scheduled bank operating
in Pakistan, as per the format provided in the Tender Document to the Client, for a sum
equivalent to Rs. ________________________ (to 10% of the one (01) year contract value,
on a yearly basis, with an undertaking to renew the Bank Guarantee before the end of each
year, one month before the expiry period of the submitted bank guarantee) valid from the date
of issue until all obligations have been fulfilled in accordance with the Contract; AND WHEREAS
[Name of the Bank] having registered office at [Address of the Bank] (hereinafter called "the
Guarantor") has agreed to give the Contractor a Guarantee;

THEREFORE the Guarantor hereby affirms to bind himself, his successors and his assigns to the
Client, for the sum of PKR (in figures ) (in words

) and undertakes to pay to The Client, upon receipt of his written demand(s), any
sum(s) as specified by him, not exceeding the above
limit in aggregate, without cavil / argument and without the Client having to substantiate / prove
or to show grounds / reasons for such claim(s), on the occurrence of any / all of the following
1. If the Contractor commits a default under the Contract;
2. If the Contractor fails to fulfill any of the obligations under the Contract;
3. If the Contractor violates any of the provisions of the Contract.
Provided that the Client shall specify the occurred condition(s) owing to which the said sum is
due to him.
Provided further that any demand(s) / claim(s) from the Client shall reach the

IT-Systems (Video Wall and Controller with Allied Equipment) for MMBS Page 66
Guarantor within thirty working days after the expiry of the Guarantee.

This guarantee shall remain valid up to or all obligations have been fulfilled in accordance
with the Contract, whichever is later.

Date this ___________ day of 20__ .

Signature ________
CNIC # ________
Name __________________________
Designation _____________________
Address _________________________

IT-Systems (Video Wall and Controller with Allied Equipment) for MMBS Page 67
The responsibility matrix provides the bare minimum interface requirement. The successful bidder shall
ensure interface with other vendors in accordance with the responsibility matrix as under:

Command &
Responsibilities CCTV UPS System Network
Switches Control Center
w.r.t Other Surveillance Monitoring
Service System & AFC- System (NMS)
Providers BSS System

1) Integration of 1) Integration of Connection/ 1. Facilitate

Video Wall and 1) Integration with
Video Wall with Video Wall with integration of Integration
Controller Data Center and Command and Video Wall
Stations, of Video
Command & Control Center with UPS
Corridor and Wall System
Control Center computer to System.
Feeder Routes with NMS
Switches. display and through
manage entire
Surveillance SNMP
Systems. protocol.
System Video
Streams from all
2) Integration the cameras on
of Video Wall Video Wall
with AFC-BSS

IT-Systems (Video Wall and Controller with Allied Equipment) for MMBS Page 68
Technical Proposal Standard Forms shall be used for the preparation of the Technical Proposal as required
in this Request for Proposal. The Bidder has to provide information using the forms provided in this section
along with other requirements where mentioned. The Client reserves the right to request additional
information for clarification or further establishment of information provided.










IT-Systems (Video Wall and Controller with Allied Equipment) for MMBS Page 69

(Name and address of Client)

Sub: ________________________________________________.

Dear Sir,

a) Having examined the tender document and Appendixes we, the undersigned, in conformity
with the said document, offer to provide the said items on terms of reference to be signed
upon the award of contract for the sum indicated as per financial bid.

b) We undertake, if our proposal is accepted, to provide the items/services comprise in the

contract within time frame specified, starting from the date of receipt of notification of award
from the Client Department / Office.

c) We agree to abide by this proposal for the period of ___days (as per requirement of the
project) from the date of bid opening and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted
at any time before the expiration of that period.

d) We agree to execute a contract in the form to be communicated by the (insert name of the
Client), incorporating all agreements with such alterations or additions thereto as may be
necessary to adapt such agreement to the circumstances of the standard.

e) Unless and until a formal agreement is prepared and executed this proposal together with
your written acceptance thereof shall constitute a binding contract agreement.

f) We understand that you are not bound to accept a lowest or any bid you may receive, not to
give any reason for rejection of any bid and that you will not defray any expenses incurred by
us in biding.

g) We would like to clearly state that we qualify for this work as our company meets all the pre-
F criteria indicated on your tender document. The details are as under:

Authorized Signatures with Official Seal

IT-Systems (Video Wall and Controller with Allied Equipment) for MMBS Page 70

[Location, Date]

To _(Name and address of Client/Evaluator)_

Dear Sir,

We, the undersigned, offer to provide the (insert title of assignment) _ in

accordance with your Request for Proposal/Tender Document dated _(insert date)_ and our
Proposal. We are hereby submitting our Proposal, which includes the Technical Proposal and
the Financial Proposal sealed in two separate envelopes.

We undertake, if our Proposal is accepted, to provide supply of _related to

the assignment.

We also confirm that the Government of Pakistan / Punjab has not declared us, or any,
ineligible on charges of engaging in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive or coercive practices. We
furthermore, pledge not to indulge in such practices in competing for or in executing the
Contract, and we are aware of the relevant provisions of the Proposal Document.
We understand you are not bound to accept any Proposal you receive.

We remain,
Yours sincerely,

Authorized Signature with Official Seal

(In full and initials)

Name and Designation of Signatory

Name of Firm


IT-Systems (Video Wall and Controller with Allied Equipment) for MMBS Page 71

To be filled in case of Joint Venture only

Sr. Lead Member / Associate Short description of Role of

Name of Member / Partner
No. Member Member

IT-Systems (Video Wall and Controller with Allied Equipment) for MMBS Page 72

The following data form shall be filled out by the Bidder; and by all partners in case of a Joint Venture, with
supporting documents for evidence as described in Annexure - A. The Client reserves the right to request
additional information for values/information entered by the Bidder against any criteria.

Sr. Criteria Enter Value/information

Number of similar successful Projects of

1 Video Wall system implemented in last 15 years.

Number of Cumulative Project Years of Experience of

2 Maintenance and Support (M&S) of Video Wall system from
commencement date of project(s).

No. of Project Managers (PM) with at least 3 years of Project

3 Management’s Experience

Team members in the equipment maintenance team with

more than 3 years of experience in the related field

Average Annual Turnover of Business in last three Years in

Millions (PKR)

Average Net Worth in Last three Year in Millions

(Total Assets - Total Liabilities)

Authorized Signatures with Official Seal

IT-Systems (Video Wall and Controller with Allied Equipment) for MMBS Page 73

The following financial data form shall be filled out by the Bidder; and by all partners in case of a Joint
Venture and along with one summary form for all partners. The Client reserves the right to request
additional information about the financial capacity of the Bidder. A Bidder that fails to demonstrate
through its financial records that it has the financial capacity to perform the required Supply/Services may
be disqualified.

Historical information for the previous three years

Financial Information
(most recent to oldest in (PAK Rupees)
Year 1 (Year) Year 2 (Year) Year 3 (Year)
Information from Balance Sheet:
(1) Total Assets (TA)
(2) Current Assets (CA)
(3) Total Liabilities (TL)
(4) Current Liabilities (CL)

Information from Income Statement:

(5) Total Revenue (TR)
(6) Profits before Taxes (PBT)

Net Worth (1) – (3)

Current Ratio (2) / (4)
Provide information on current or past litigation or arbitration over the last three (3) years as
shown in the form below.
Litigation or arbitration in the last three (3) years: No: _Yes: (See below)
Litigation and Arbitration During Last three (3) Years

Year Matter in Dispute Value of Award Against

Contractor in PAK Rupees

Authorized Signatures with Official Seal

IT-Systems (Video Wall and Controller with Allied Equipment) for MMBS Page 74

(On a Legal / Revenue Stamp Paper of PAKISTAN / of the bidder’s country in the relevant value OR on the
bidder’s letter head officially signed and stamped)

We (name of the company and address of the registered office) do hereby appoint and
authorize Mr. / Ms. (full name and residential address) bearing Pakistan’s Computerized
National Identity Card (CNIC) no. (complete CNIC no.) who is presently engaged with us and
holding the position of ________________, as our attorney, to do in our name and on our
behalf, all such acts, deeds and things necessary in connection with or incidental to our proposal
for (Name of the Tender) in response to the tenders invited by the Punjab Masstransit
Authority (PMA) including signing and submission of all documents and providing
information/responses to Punjab Masstransit Authority (PMA) in all matters in connection with
our Bid.
We hereby agree to ratify all acts, deeds and things lawfully done by our said attorney pursuant
to this Power of Attorney and that all acts, deeds and things done by our aforesaid attorney
shall and shall always be deemed to have been done by us.

Dated this______day of_______________20____


(Signature with Official Seal)

(Name, Designation and Address)


(Signature with Official Seal)

(Name, Title and Address of the Attorney)
Instructions for preparation of power of attorney
a) To be executed by an authorized representative of the bidder.
b) The mode of execution of the Power of Attorney should be in accordance with the procedure, if any, laid down by
the applicable law and the charter documents of the executants and when it is so required the same should be
under common seal affixed in accordance with the required procedure.
c) Also, wherever required, the Bidder should submit for verification the extract of the charter documents and
documents such as a resolution/power of attorney in favor of the Person executing this Power of Attorney for the
delegation of power hereunder on behalf of the Bidder.
d) In case the Application is signed by an authorized Director / Partner or Proprietor of the Applicant, a certified copy
of the appropriate resolution / document conveying such authority may be enclosed in lieu of the Power of

IT-Systems (Video Wall and Controller with Allied Equipment) for MMBS Page 75

(On a Legal / Revenue Stamp Paper of PAKISTAN in the relevant value)

It is certified that the information furnished here in and as per the document submitted is true
and correct and nothing has been concealed or tampered with. We have gone through all the
conditions of tender and is liable to any punitive action for furnishing false information /

Dated this ________ day of___________ 20___


(Company Seal)

In the capacity of

Duly authorized to sign bids for and on behalf of:

IT-Systems (Video Wall and Controller with Allied Equipment) for MMBS Page 76

(On a Legal / Revenue Stamp Paper of PAKISTAN in the relevant value.)


We (Name of the bidder / supplier) being the first duly sworn on oath submit, that Mr. / Ms.
___________________(if participating through agent / representative) is the agent / representative duly
authorized by _(Name of the bidder company)_ hereinafter called the Contractor to submit the attached
bid to the (Name of the Client/Evaluator). Affiant further states that the said M/s (Bidding Firm/Company
Name) has not paid, given or donate or agreed to pay, given or donate to any line officer or employee of
the _(Name of the Client/Evaluator)_ any money or thing of value, either directly or indirectly, for special
consideration in the letting of the contract, or for giving undue advantage to any of the bidder in the
bidding and in the evaluation and selection of the bidder for contract or for refraining from properly and
thoroughly maintaining projects implementations, reporting violation of the contract specification or
other forms of non-compliance.

Signature & Stamp

Subscribed and sworn to me this day of 20 __

________________________________________________________Notary Public

IT-Systems (Video Wall and Controller with Allied Equipment) for MMBS Page 77

(On a Legal / Revenue Stamp Paper of PAKISTAN in the relevant value.)


In response to the Tender Document for [Tender Name] We hereby solemnly declare that presently [Name
of Bidder / Supplier] is having unblemished record and is not presently blacklisted on any grounds
whatsoever by any Government entity (Federal, Provincial, Local Body) or Public Sector Organization in the
country of origin and Pakistan.
It is understood that if this declaration is found to be incorrect for [Name of Bidder / Supplier] or any
member in case of Joint Venture, then without prejudice to any other action that may be taken, our Tender
Security shall be forfeited in full and our bid shall be cancelled.

Dated this _____ day of ____________________ 20__

(Company Seal)
In the capacity of

Duly authorized to sign bids for and on

behalf of:

IT-Systems (Video Wall and Controller with Allied Equipment) for MMBS Page 78
Financial Proposal Standard Forms shall be used for the preparation of the Financial Proposal as required
in this Request for Proposal.




IT-Systems (Video Wall and Controller with Allied Equipment) for MMBS Page 79

Financial Proposal Submission Form (Part of Financial Bid Envelope)

[Location, Date]

To _(Name and address of Client/Evaluator)_

Dear Sir,

We, the undersigned, offer to provide the _(Insert title of assignment)_ in accordance
with your Request for Proposal dated _(insert date)_ and our Technical Proposal. Our attached
Financial Proposal is for the sum of _(insert amount in words and figures)_.This amount is
inclusive of all applicable taxes, as per Laws of the Government of Pakistan, but is exclusive of
all Sales Taxes on Services which shall be added by the Client over and above the quoted amount,
as applicable/required on O&M Services under the relevant Tax Laws, to arrive at the contract
price. Accordingly, the Contract Price shall be subject to adjustments for change in rate of Sales
Tax on Service as and when required.
Our Financial Proposal shall be binding upon us subject to the modifications resulting
from Contract negotiations, up to expiration of the validity period of the Proposal, i.e.
before the date indicated in _________ of the Proposal Data Sheet.

We also declare that the Government of Pakistan / Punjab has not declared us or any Sub-
Contractors for any part of the Contract, ineligible on charges of engaging in corrupt,
fraudulent, collusive, or coercive practices. We furthermore, pledge not to indulge in such
practices in competing for or in executing the Contract, and are aware of the relevant provisions
of the Proposal Document.

We understand you are not bound to accept any Proposal you receive.


In the capacity of:

Duly authorized to sign the proposal on behalf of the Applicant.


IT-Systems (Video Wall and Controller with Allied Equipment) for MMBS Page 80


Price Table / Form of Bid / Price Schedule
Technically qualified tenderer / bidder with the lowest value in “Z” will be considered successful.
Price Table:

Sr. Particulars Tentative Unit Price* Total Price*

No. Quantity (Inclusive of (Inclusive of all
all taxes) taxes)
1 Video Wall (Indoor) 8x3 matrix and Allied
Equipment with 3 Years Warranty on Turnkey
Basis including but not limited to provision,
installation, calibration, commissioning,
integration, testing and execution of IT- 2 Nos.
Systems services as per scope of
work/services mention in tender document
complete in all respect.

2 Controller for Video Wall & Control Software

and allied equipment with 3 Years Warranty
on Turnkey Basis including but not limited to
provision, installation, calibration,
commissioning, integration, testing and 2 Nos.
execution of IT-Systems services as per scope
of work/services mention in tender
document complete in all respect.
Total Price (Supplies) X

3 Quarterly Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Cost P

Total O&M Cost for Three (3) Years Y=12 x P

Total Bid Price (Supplies & Three (3) Years O&M Cost) U= X + Y
Z (To be Filled by
Total Contract Price the Purchaser as
Listed Below)

Total Bid Price (PKR) (In words) _________________________________________________

Important Note to the Price Table:
i). The financial bid price is inclusive of all applicable taxes, as per Laws of the Government of Pakistan,

IT-Systems (Video Wall and Controller with Allied Equipment) for MMBS Page 81
but is exclusive of all Sales Tax on Services which shall be added by the Client over and above the
quoted amount, as applicable/required under the relevant Tax Laws, to arrive at the contract
price. Accordingly, the Contract Price shall be subject to adjustments for change in rate of Sales
Tax on Services as and when applicable.
ii). Z = X + (Y + Y x Rate of Sales Tax on Services)
iii). No advance payments will be made. Quarterly O&M payments will be made on a prorated basis by
the Client taking into account the number of components for which IT-Systems Services has been
successfully provisioned and/or subject to un- availability of systems or portion thereof.
iv). The bidder need not include escalation in the O&M cost for the contract period because the quarterly
O&M bid price is completely indexed with consumer price index (CPI). All changes in CPI will be
passed on the bidder as per the mechanism given below.
The quarterly O&M bid price P shall be adjusted at the end of each fiscal year for the change in consumer
price index (CPI) since the bid submission date.
The quarterly O&M bid price (exclusive of sales tax on services) 𝑷𝒏 shall be as follows:

𝑷𝒏 = 𝑷 + 𝑬 𝒏
𝑬𝒏 = 𝑷 × ( − 𝟏)

P is the Quarterly O&M Bid Price.

𝑬𝒏 is the cumulative escalation in quarterly O&M price in PKR since the bid submission date.
𝑪𝑷𝑰𝒏 is the value of consumer price index (CPI) on the last date of the previous fiscal year as
published by Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, i.e. 30th June 2024 for invoices submitted for the period
of 1st July 2024 and onwards and 30th June 2025 for invoices submitted for the period 1st July 2025
and so on.

𝑪𝑷𝑰𝟎 is the value of consumer price index on the date of bid submission.
Accordingly, the quarterly O&M bid price shall be subject to adjustment for changes in:-

i. Sales Tax on Services rate as and when applicable

ii. CPI from every new financial year


Signature of authorized person

(Company Seal)

In the capacity of Duly authorized by

Note: No cutting or overwriting is allowed. Any cutting or overwriting will lead to rejection of the financial bid.

IT-Systems (Video Wall and Controller with Allied Equipment) for MMBS Page 82

WHEREAS [Name and Address of the Contractor] (hereinafter called "the Contractor") has submitted
Tender against Tender Name (hereinafter called "the Tender") to the [Name and Address of the Client]
(hereinafter called "the Client").
AND WHEREAS [Name of the Bank] having registered office at [Address of the Bank] (hereinafter
called "the Guarantor") has agreed to give the Contractor a Guarantee;
THEREFORE, the Guarantor hereby affirms to bind himself, his successors and his assigns to the
Client, f o r the sum of PKR (in figures _____________________________ ) (in words
____________________ ) and undertakes to pay to the Client / Purchaser, upon receipt
of his written demand(s), any sum(s) as specified by him, not exceeding the above limit in aggregate,
without cavil / argument and without the Client having to substantiate / prove or to show grounds /
reasons for such claim(s), on the occurrence of any / all of the following conditions:
1. If the Contractor withdraws the Tender during the period of the Tender validity specified by the
Contractor on the Tender Form; or
2. If the Contractor does not accept the corrections of his Total Tender Price; or
3. If the Contractor, having been notified of the acceptance of the Tender by the Client during
the period of the Tender validity, fails or refuses to furnish the Performance Security, in
accordance with the Tender Document.
Provided that the Client/ Purchaser shall specify the occurred condition(s) owing to which the said
sum is due to him.
Provided further that any demand(s) / claim(s) from the Client shall reach the Guarantor within thirty
working days after the expiry of the Guarantee.

This guarantee shall remain valid up to or until furnishing of the

Performance Security, whichever is earlier.

Date this day of 20 ___.



IT-Systems (Video Wall and Controller with Allied Equipment) for MMBS Page 83

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