Be Summer 2023
Be Summer 2023
Be Summer 2023
Q.1 (a) What are the advantages of non-conventional machining 03
processes over conventional machining processes?
(b) What are the different modes of operation of plasma torches? 04
Explain any one.
(c) List and explain the various factors to be considered for selecting 07
machining processes.
Q.2 (a) What are the requirements of dielectric fluid in EDM? Mention 03
any two dielectric fluids used in EDM process.
(b) What is ultrasonic machining? Explain the ultrasonic machining 04
process with a schematic diagram.
(c) With a neat sketch, explain the principal of water jet machining. 07
(c) Find out the approximate time required to machine a hole of 07
diameter 6 mm in a Tungsten carbide plate. (Flow strength of
work material 6.9x109 N/mm2) of thickness equal to one and half
time of hole diameter. The mean abrasive grain size is 0.015 mm
diameter. The feed force is equal to 3.5 N.
The amplitude of tool oscillations is 25 micron. And the frequency
is equal to 25 KHz. The tool material is copper having flow
strength 1.5x109 N/mm2. The slurry contains one part of abrasives
to one part of water. Take the values of different constant as
k1=0.3, k2=1.8x10-6 in SI Units and K3=0.6 and abrasive slurry
density=3.8 gm/cm3. (Use grain hammering model)
Q.4 (a) Define STL file format.What are the issues associated with STL 03
file formate?
(b) Explain photo-polymerization phenomenon of stereo lithography 04
(c) Explain with sketch Fusion Deposition Modeling (FDM) 07
principle, process parameter and applications.
Q.4 (a) What are the difference between STL, OBJ and AMF file 03
(b) List down five most commonly used polymers in Additive 04
manufacturing. Explain their advantages and limitations.
(c) Explain Laminated Object Manufacturing (LOM) principle, 07
process parameter and applications.