Lista 03 - Pronomes Interrogativos e Demonstrativos

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Licensed to Ronaldo Alves Campos - [email protected] - 034.854.


Inglês para Concursos

Lista de Exercícios 03
Professor Sérgio Gama - @gama.concursos

>>> PRONOMES INTERROGATIVOS E Portuguese phrases that may be part of a

DEMONSTRATIVOS telephone conversation:

1) Assinale a pergunta correta para a resposta I – "Como vai você?"

apresentada: II – "Quem está falando?"
For two weeks. III – "Ele não está. Quer deixar recado?"

a) How long have you had it? a) (I) How do you do? – (II) What's your name? –
b) How many times do you have it? (III) He's out. Can I give him a messages?
c) How long did you had it? b) (I) How have you been? – (II) Who's speaking?
d) How much time you have got it? – (III) He's off. Are there any messages?
e) There is how long you've got it? c) (I) How are you? – (II) Who's this? – (III) He's
not in. Do you want to leave a message?
2. (Vunesp 93) ... is your hat? d) (I) Are you okay? – (II) Who are you? – (III)
a) When He left. Do you want to leave him a note?
b) Who e) (I) What's up? – (II) Who's talking? – (III) He's
c) Whose not here right now. Would you like to leave a
d) Where message?
e) How many
6. (Fuvest 77) Qual a pergunta que não segue a
3. (Fuvest 96) Choose the question for the afirmação I know that you are the winner?
statement: Plague also cropped up in 1994, in a) Whom said I am the winner?
India. b) Which one told you that I am the winner?
a) How long did plague crop up in India? c) Who did told you so?
b) How did plague crop up in 1994? d) Who told that to you?
c) When did plague crop up in India? e) Who said that I am the winner?
d) What did plague crop up in India?
e) Why did plague crop up in India? 7. (Personal 00) Complete corretamente a
sentença abaixo:
4. (Cesgranrio 95) A compulsive shopper told ... course do you think is the best one of this
a researcher that she could never go to a university: Engineering or Architecture?
supermarket and buy just one bottle of milk. a) What b) Whose c) How d) Which
Mark the question to which this sentence is an e) Why
a) Where a compulsive shopper buys her milk? 8. (Vunesp 83) Assinale a alternativa correta:
b) What did a compulsive shopper tell a -These blue jeans are mine. ... are those on the
researcher? sofa?
c) Who did a compulsive shopper tell her habits -They're Peter's.
to? a) Which b) What c) Where d) Whom
d) Why has a compulsive shopper told a e) Whose
researcher about her habits?
e) How has a compulsive shopper told a 9. (Vunesp 83) Assinale a alternativa que
researcher her routine? completa corretamente a sentença abaixo:
Do you know ... ?
5. (Cesgranrio 94) Mark the item which contains a) where your brother bought that car
a suitable English equivalent for the following b) where did your brother buy that car

Inglês Militar Professor Sérgio Gama @gama.concursos

Licensed to Ronaldo Alves Campos - [email protected] - 034.854.892-39

c) where does your brother buy that car b) When

d) where will your brother buy that car c) Whatever
e) where has your brother bought that car d) How long
e) Which time
10. (Vunesp 84) Assinale a alternativa correta:
a) Who did discovered America? 15. __________ are these shoes and __________
b) Who discovered America? is this hat ?
c) Did who discover America? a) Who, whom
d) What Columbus discovered? b) Those, that
e) What did Columbus discovered? c) These, this
d) Whose, whose
11. (Vunesp 85) Assinale a alternativa que e) What, which
completa corretamente a sentença abaixo:
Can you tell me ... ? 16.
a) how much does a box of matches cost - "__________ tall students are there in your
b) how much a box of matches costs school ?"
c) how much did a box of matches cost - "There are 50 tall students."
d) how much has a box of matches cost a) How much
e) how much costs a box of matches b) How old
c) How many
12. (Pucpr 96) Choose the alternative that best d) How high
completes the dialogue below: e) How long
Mr. Wilson is applying for a job. Right now, he
is being interviewed by Mrs. Taylor, head of 17.
the personnel department: Peter: __________ shall we go? By bus or by
Mrs. Taylor: ... is your full name, please? train ?
Mr. Wilson: Thomas Wilson. Fred: By train. __________ do you want to know
Mrs. Taylor: ... are you from? ?
Mr. Wilson: Canada. Peter: __________ do you call your family on ?
Mrs. Taylor: ... were you born? Fred: Twice a year.
Mr. Wilson: I was born on March 7, 1956. a) When - Where – Why
Mrs. Taylor: ... did you know about our job b) What - Where - When
offer? c) How - What else - How often
Mr. Wilson: Through the ad you put in the d) How far - What about - How many
a) How – Where – Why – Who 18) The sentence “That ox is strong”, in plural,
b) What – Where – How – Why is:
c) Who – How – Where – When
d) What – Where – When – How a) That oxes are strong.
e) What – Who – When – How b) That oxes are strongs.
c) Those oxen are strong.
13. Here are the boys! __________ is yours ? d) Those oxes are strong
a) What e) That oxen is strong.
b) Who
c) Whose 19) Mark the option where there is a
d) Which demonstrative pronoun:
e) Whom a) Brazilians are happy people. They are great.
b) This candy is Delicious.
14. c) The yellow house is mine.
Bob: __________ have you worked here? d) The old man is my father.
Ann: For about three months. e) Her hair is so beautiful.
a) Why

Inglês Militar Professor Sérgio Gama @gama.concursos

Licensed to Ronaldo Alves Campos - [email protected] - 034.854.892-39

- _____ for this shirt?
- US$ 22.00.
a) How many did you pay?
b) How much did you pay?
c) How long did you pay?
d) How far did you pay?


1. A
2. D
3. C
4. B
5. C
6. C
7. A
8. E
9. A
10. B
11. B
12. D
13. D
14. D
15. D
16. C
17. C
18. C
19. B
20. B

Inglês Militar Professor Sérgio Gama @gama.concursos

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