2019 - BC&G - SB - Crack Width Reduction in FRC
2019 - BC&G - SB - Crack Width Reduction in FRC
2019 - BC&G - SB - Crack Width Reduction in FRC
Erik S Bernard
Associate Director, BG&E Pty Ltd, Sydney
Abstract: Introduction of fibres to produce a hybrid conventional and fibre-based reinforcement system is
a useful means to effectively reduce crack widths under service loads, and possibly produce an increase
in flexural strength and rigidity. A reduction in crack widths leads to better protection of the conventional
reinforcement from aggressive agents. Both steel and synthetic fibres can influence crack widths, and can
increase the surface roughness and tortuosity of cracks, thereby reducing permeability to gas and water,
but these issues depend on the characteristics of the chosen fibre type. When selecting a fibre to use in
hybrid RC/FRC members, there are many issues to consider in order to estimate in-service performance.
This paper examines how crack width, flexural performance, and permeability of cracks in conventionally
reinforced concrete members are affected by the addition of different types of fibre, and examines the cost
competitiveness of fibres compared to conventional reinforcement for crack width control.
1. Introduction
In recent decades the cost of maintaining and repairing deteriorated concrete structures has heightened
awareness of the role of cracks in facilitating corrosion of reinforcing bars, and the importance of
maintaining narrow in-service crack widths to limit the initiation of corrosion. Causes of cracks in hardened
concrete may include: early-age thermal contraction, autogenous and drying shrinkage of the concrete,
and imposed structural stresses. Explicit control of the width of cracks during the process of design has
therefore become an issue.
While there are several other advantages to reducing crack widths, the most important is improving the
durability of a member by limiting the ingress of aggressive ions such as chloride ions to the reinforcing
steel. Limiting the ingress of aggressive species depends in part on controlling permeability to water, so
the focus of much recent research related to crack widths in RC structures has been measurement of
water permeability in cracks and assessing factors that affect water permeability. Enhancing the durability
and water-tightness of concrete members will be the main objectives examined in this paper, so issues
that influence water permeability through cracks will be examined in detail.
There are three broad approaches to improving durability and controlling the water permeability of cracks
in concrete members. The first is by limiting the maximum tensile stress in reinforcing steel by including
additional rebar over and above that required to satisfy strength requirements. The second is through the
provision of pre- or post-tensioning. The third is through inclusion of fibres within the concrete, which can
be undertaken in combination with the first or second approaches. Inclusion of fibres in combination with
reinforcing steel may simplify the design of reinforcement in a way that is usually not possible by other
means, and is effective both with and without post-tensioning.
modification factor to account for the influence of numerous factors on reducing the flow of water through
a crack compared to the ideal case of smooth parallel plates. The magnitude of ξ has been assessed in
several investigations and found to equal about 0.2 for plain concrete (8). Ding et al (7) and Picandet et al
(10) found that ξ falls much further, to values of between 0.032 for 50 MPa concrete with 55 kg/m of
hooked-end steel fibres, and 0.01 for 130 MPa concrete with 79 kg/m of steel fibre. This means that in
terms of water permeability, the effective width of a crack in SFRC is much lower than that of a crack of
the same observed width in plain concrete (about 50-95% lower). Polypropylene macro-synthetic fibres
also reduce the magnitude of ξ, and even micro-synthetic fibres can effect a reduction in permeability by
this mechanism (7), but to a lesser degree than steel fibres. The contribution that a fibre makes to
tortuosity and roughness will depend on many factors and therefore needs to be assessed on a case-by-
case basis.
Tension stiffening leads to the generation of regular surface cracks in members of observable mean width
b at the surface, and fibres reduce the width of these observable surface cracks compared to plain
concrete. Due to the process of progressive stress transfer from bars to concrete, crack widths in both
plain and fibre reinforced concrete tend to be narrower near the bar surface than at the surface of a
member (11). The effect of fibres on permeability reduction through increases in roughness and tortuosity
is independent of the tension stiffening effect and is multiplicative in its contribution to reduced water
permeability. Both steel and synthetic fibres are known to reduce crack widths and increase roughness
and tortuosity, thus introduction of either type will reduce water permeability.
3. Corrosion Resistance
In relation to corrosion resistance, there are two issues to consider. The first is the enhancement in
corrosion resistance of the conventional reinforcement due to the reduction in crack widths associated
with inclusion of fibres. The second is the corrosion resistance of the fibres themselves. A large body of
evidence exists describing the effect of crack widths on corrosion potential for conventional and post-
tensioned steel reinforcement (23). As described by Shaikh (24), susceptibility to corrosion generally
increases as the width of cracks at the surface of bars increases up to a width of 0.3 mm, but results are
highly variable and are sensitive to other factors such as the depth of cracks and properties of the
concrete. While some documents have concluded that crack width is unrelated to corrosion rates (eg.
Concrete Institute of Australia, 25), several European codes specify a maximum allowable crack width that
is more restrictive for more aggressive exposure environments than benign environments (4).
As the severity of exposure increases, the maximum allowable width of cracks is generally reduced in
order to limit the ingress of aggressive agents such as chloride ions and acidic species to the
reinforcement. It has been found that in aggressive conditions, including marine and underground
environments, if cracks can be limited to no more than 0.15 mm width (and an adequate cover of
impermeable concrete maintained) the potential for corrosion of the reinforcing bars is diminished (24) but
this depends on the quality of the concrete used in construction.
Corrosion of the carbon steel fibres themselves at crack locations is also related to crack width, but the
existence of synthetic, amorphous metallic, and stainless steel fibres means that it is possible to reduce
the issue of fibre corrosion in cracks. While corrosion of a steel fibre at a crack will generally not lead to
the spalling and the associated acceleration of deterioration that occurs with bars, the fibre will lose its
tensile capacity as cross-sectional area is lost to corrosion. The resulting loss of tensile stress in the
section will push the neutral axis toward the compression zone and increase the tensile force in the
reinforcing bars, thereby leading to a steady increase in crack width that may result in corrosion of the
conventional reinforcement. Marcos-Meson et al (26) summarised the results of numerous investigations
and found that crack widths in excess of 0.15 mm in SFRC generally led to steady reductions in post-
crack performance with the passage of time. In the local context, Bernard (27) examined the rates of
corrosion of SFRC at the North Head STP in Sydney and found that the residual strength of cracked
SFRC suffered a 50-60% loss after only three years of coastal exposure for a crack of 0.3 mm width, even
in the absence of percolating water. Rates of corrosion were found to be greatly diminished if crack widths
could be limited to no more than 0.10 mm. These results are supported by similar long-term tests on
SFRC undertaken in Swedish tunnels by Nordström (28).
a) b)
Figure 1. a) Stress distribution through the section of a tunnel lining subject to high bending and
hoop stresses, and b) through a typical post-tensioned girder section in the short and long term.
Crack widths are important in tunnel linings both from the perspective of durability and water-tightness.
Groundwater in most locations will contain chloride ions, sulfates, and other aggressive agents that can
pose a threat to the steel reinforcing bars (and steel fibres, if used). In addition, percolation under
pressure will force such water to flow through cracks more readily than is the case for above-ground
structures, thus crack width limits are usually more onerous in underground environments than above
ground. The potential for autogenous healing in cracks is improved across narrower cracks, but cannot be
completely relied upon, especially if acidic water if present. The damaging effects of percolation will be
more common in the case of through-cracks, although these are less frequent than flexural cracks which
generally only extend part way through a lining.
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