Persons and Family Relations - Course Outline
Persons and Family Relations - Course Outline
Persons and Family Relations - Course Outline
Course Outline
Applicable laws:
1) Effectivity of laws
2) Prospective application of laws
3) Repeal of laws
4) Effect of judicial decisions
5) Obligatory force of penal laws
6) Principle of Nationality
7) Principle of Lex Situs (governing real properties)
8) Principle of Lex Loci Celebrationes)
B) Human relations
C) Persons
II. The Family Code of the Philippines (Executive Order No. 209)
A) Marriage
1) Requisites of Marriage
2) Marriages Exempt from License Requirement
3) Void and Voidable Marriages
- conjugal properties
- status of children
- custody of children
- presumptive legitime of children
B) Legal Separation
1) Grounds
2) Procedure
3) Effects of a Decree of Legal Separation
4) Effects of Reconciliation
1) General Provisions
a) Requirements
b) Effects of Donation
c) Effects on the donation in case marriage is not
celebrated, judicially declared void and in case of
legal separation
d) Void donations
E. The Family
a) Importance
b) Exemption from criminal liability in crimes against
a) Constitution
b) Beneficiaries
c) Disposition
1) Legitimate children
2) Illegitimate Children
a) Proofs required
b) Rights of an illegitimate child
c) Parental authority over an illegitimate child
3) Legitimated Children
a) Requirements
b) Effects of legitimation
c) Registration
d) Benefit to descendants
G. Adoption
H. Support
1) Nature
2) Support between -
a) Spouses
b) Ascendants and Descendants
c) Legitimate ad illegitimate brothers and sisters
d) Support pendent elite
e) Order of priority
f) Contractual and testamentary support
I. Parental Authority
1) General provisions
a) Nature
b) Preferential Right of the Father
c) Renunciation and Transfer of Parental
d) Effects of-
1) Parental consent
2) Tort liability of parents and guardians
1) Nature
2) Scope of application
L. Funerals
1) Kinds
2) Arrangements
3) Liability of conjugal partnership
N. Use of surnames
- grounds
- effects
- nature of proceedings
O. Absence
P. Civil Registry