Acc Visual-Guidelines EVERYDAY

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Visual Guidelines
May 2022

Accenture is one of the world’s leading consultancies helping

clients harness powerful innovation to fundamentally transform
their businesses.

Our brand has always been clear, focused and strong. We are
building on that foundation with new directives to allow for
a more flexible approach to creative storytelling. With this brand
evolution, we have introduced a wide-ranging spectrum of assets
that serve as an expanded toolkit. We’ve coupled these new tools
with simple, easy-to-adhere-to guardrails that guide, inspire, and
ultimately enhance creative development.

This document serves as your guide to building powerful stories.

Accenture Visual Guidelines – May 2022 2


Overview Color Photography

Brand attributes 4 Overview 23 Overview 45
Brand voice 6 Use percentages 24 Categories
Design principles 7 Specifications 25 Authentic portraiture 46
The parts of our organization 8 Accessibility 26 Life at work 48
Use 27 User-generated content 50
Logo Secondary color use 28 Dynamic place 52
Core logo 10 Incorrect use 30 Powerful innovation 54
Position 11 Key points 31 Visible impact 56
Co-branding 12 Categories in use 62
Gradients Do’s and don’ts 63
Greater Than symbol Overview 32
Overview 13 Variations 33 Illustration
Styles and colors 14 Cropping 34 Overview 65
Keyline size versions 15 Use as backgrounds 35
Backgrounds 16 Incorrect use 36 Iconography
Cropping 17 Gradients and color use summary 37 Overview 66
Use range 18
Use as brand reinforcement 19 Typography Imagery
Use as container shape for photography 20 Overview 38 Photography vs. Illustration vs. Iconography 67
Use 21 Substitutes / equivalents 39
Incorrect use 22 Hierarchy and considerations 40 Motion
Headline punctuation 41 Overview 68
Color in headlines and second-level text 42
Incorrect use 43 Merchandise
Overview 69

Gallery 70

Accenture Visual Guidelines – May 2022 3

Brand attributes

Brand attributes guide brand expression, voice,
experiences, activations, and behaviors. They act
as our aspirational “north stars” against which to
drive creative expression and measure the brand
appropriateness of marketing efforts. Brand

attributes are rooted in who we are but should
also direct us toward who we want to become.
They’re meant for internal use by the M+C team
and agency partners to build creative briefs and
help guide and evaluate creative choices.

Accenture Visual Guidelines – May 2022 4
Brand attributes

Bold Optimistic
Our brand attributes come to life in what we
say, how we act, and how we appear as an
organization. Summarized here are some of
the ways our brand attributes come to life Design elements push boundaries in imaginative Emphasis on the human element allows for natural,
in our visual identity.
and unexpected ways. Strong visual elements draw clear expressions of positive emotion. Bright colors
the eye. People appear confident and assured with appear to advance and suggest progress.
their world and with the viewer.

Agile Human
Design elements have a range of flexibility that The flexibility of our visual system allows for unique
allows for creative solutions rather than rigid formulas. expressions and individual creativity. Expressive
Type and photography are expressive and dynamic. type reflects the modulation in the human voice.
Vibrant color combined with generous amounts of Photography features people who are real and have
white appears light, bright, and energetic, never heavy spirit. Color is vibrant and lively.
or saturated.

Flexible elements allow for innovative solutions to
unique design challenges. Expressive type feels
fresh and unexpected.

Accenture Visual Guidelines – May 2022 5

Brand voice

Our purpose is the north star that defines who What we do How we write
we are, why we exist, and what makes us different.

Bold We celebrate progress, the change we We back our statements with solid
It affects every part of the organization, from
guiding how we do business to how we inspire
bring, the value we create, and the success proof points. We use the active voice
and motivate our people. Our brand voice is the
expression of our purpose in everything we share. whenever possible.
we write.

Just like our visual identity system, our voice is
dynamic, differentiated, and instantly recognizable We look forward with confidence We look for ways to flip negative
as Accenture. and resolve. constructs to affirmative ones. We
Our Brand Voice Guidelines, available separately don’t attack competitors.
on Brand Space, provide direction on how to
channel our purpose and brand attributes into

effective writing, from a single social post
to an iconic piece of thought leadership.
We adapt to our audiences to focus on We are succinct. We make our points
what matters to them. We make the fast with graphics and visuals.
complex simple.

Human We look for the human side in everything.

We celebrate ideas, creativity, knowledge,
We write the way people speak and
avoid industry jargon. We celebrate
and expertise. We champion diversity of ingenuity. We write to include.
thought and of voices.

Inventive We look for the new and bring it to light;

we refresh the familiar.
We prefer engaging and relevant to dry
and bland. We avoid tired and trendy.

Accenture Visual Guidelines – May 2022 6

Design principles

A set of core design principles serves as a thread 01 04

Lean into vibrancy and emotion. Show don’t tell.
of continuity through all our visual touchpoints.
Use them to get started on a project, to help
make decisions along the way, and to use as a We incorporate moments of humanity, treating When we think about telling stories in the new brand system,
frame of reference when evaluating creative work.
foundational brand elements as if they were extensions we want to lean into showing our people, our innovations, and
of ourselves — having qualities that are almost human. the powerful everyday outcomes of our work. Whenever
Color that feels vibrant and alive, reflecting the diversity possible, use compelling imagery to help tell these stories,
of experience in our ever-changing world. Typography allowing pictures to convey another layer of meaning that
that modulates as if it were a human voice, contextually extends beyond the words on the page.
changing in personality and tone.
02 Embrace change.
Show authentic humanity. Tying neatly back to the expression of the new brand, the
Our people are our power. In the new brand system, updated system has an embedded ethos around change.
we hero the human behind the technology, leaning into Progress is not possible without the ability to pivot, reinvent,
portraiture that dials up the eminently personal. In our and change perspective. As we create with the new brand
new photographic system, we rely heavily on showing assets, we look for ways in which change can be emphasized
real people, with real expressions, having real interactions in concept, form, and materiality.
in real places.
03 Be flexible, not fixed.
Become a brand in motion. The entire visual identity system has been built around this
Brands are no longer static. They are able to receive idea that modern brands are no longer solely consumed by
inputs, change and adapt to cultural conditions, and governance and guidelines. In this new era, brands have a
provide opportunities for personalization. The updated much more flexible approach — providing guardrails but not
Accenture brand is a living, breathing brand that is in being overly prescriptive. Co-creation and collaboration are
motion — both literally via a new motion library and encouraged and celebrated.
principles; and conceptually, in the pursuit of progress
and change.
Accenture Visual Guidelines – May 2022 7
The parts of our organization

Understanding the parts of our organization is

essential before expressing our brand visually.

To support our Next Generation Growth Model and

our focus on one Accenture, we have shifted away
from individual businesses and color palettes.

Accenture Security

Accenture Applied Intelligence

+ others

Logo Top-level services Networks and offers

The Accenture logo is the primary visual identifier of the The five top-level services are identified through service All other Accenture networks and offers are identified
company in an external environment and is used to marks that are visually differentiated from the other in type using Graphik Regular in title case. These
represent the company as a whole, including all services, networks and offers by the use of the color purple. networks and offers only appear in black or white.
networks and offers.
Artwork for these service marks is available on
Brand Space.

Note: In touchpoints that reference Accenture Song

alone—not with other Accenture services—Accenture
Song uses a unique gradient service mark. See the
Accenture Visual Guidelines – May 2022 8
Accenture Song Style Guide for details.
The parts of our organization

The examples on this page provide a summary of

how to visually communicate the parts of our
organization. For additional guidance and details,
see the Service Marks Guidelines available on
Brand Space.

Technology Vision 2020 #Techvision 2020

We, the
post-digital Rethink.
How to successfully
scale digital innovation
to drive growth

Getting to Equal 2020 people Reinvent.

The hidden
Can your enterprise survive
the tech clash?

value of culture
Provocative thinking,
Where culture makers lead, transformative insights,
organizations grow twice as fast. tangible outcomes Accenture Applied Intelligence

Focus on the company and all of its offerings Focus on a single top-level service Focus on a network or offer
The Accenture logo continues to represent the company To focus on a single top-level service, a service mark is used To focus on a single network or offer, the name of the network or
as a whole, including all services, networks, and offers. along with the Accenture logo. offer is manually typed following a defined type treatment, in
Graphik Regular in title case.
It’s what you see when you visit our homepage or our Note: Service marks are not a substitute for the Accenture logo
headquarters, and it’s what you use to visually express in an external environment. Note: Networks and offers always appear with the Accenture
the range of our services and offers. logo in an external environment.

Accenture Visual Guidelines – May 2022 9

Core logo

The core Accenture logo appears in black or white

with the option for the Greater Than symbol to
appear in purple.

Choose the color version that best suits the layout

in which it appears, taking into consideration
background, overall color use, and other brand
and visual elements.

Accenture Visual Guidelines – May 2022 10


The position of the logo is consistent yet flexible,

to adapt to different media and layout proportions.

1 Primary position
In most instances the logo sits in one of the four
corners of a layout.

2 Secondary position
In layouts with center-aligned content, or with
extreme vertical layouts, the logo can sit in the
center top or bottom.
1 Primary logo position: one of the four corners
3 Special-use position
In content-heavy layouts or extreme horizontal
layouts, the logo can sit in the center left or right.

2 Secondary logo position: center top or bottom

3 Special-use logo position: center left or right

Accenture Visual Guidelines – May 2022 11


Co-branding on Accenture materials Co-branding on non-Accenture materials

On materials that are produced by Accenture and On materials that are not produced by Accenture and
designed in our look and feel: not designed in our look and feel:

– Both logos appear equally weighted and side by – Ensure there is sufficient contrast and clear space for our
side with sufficient contrast for both logos. The logo so that other visual elements do not appear
Accenture logo or lockup is first in reading order. affiliated with Accenture.
– A vertical line between the two logos is used to – Always ensure that the relationship between Accenture
denote a degree of separation for client partners and the other party is clearly defined.
and sponsorships. – The other party may use the Accenture name in
Client Partner or Sponsorship co-branding
– However, in an Alliance / Ecosystem Partner materials they create, but only if Accenture is positioned
situation, two or more logos appear side by positively and with equal prominence.
side without a vertical line separating them to – If multiple companies are listed, ensure all are among
indicate a feeling of collaboration. Accenture’s peer group and ask for a prominent position
– If the Greater Than symbol is used, ensure that (ideally first or last in the list).
it does not appear visually affiliated with our – Use a high-resolution version of the Accenture logo
co-branding partner(s). provided by Accenture.
– Specify the level of exposure and agreement length
to ensure the Accenture brand is not over-leveraged.
Note: For guidance on logo sizing, spacing, and
Please reach out to the Legal team for assistance.
other details of visually expressing our co-branding
Alliance / Ecosystem Partner co-branding
situations, see Accenture Co-branding Guidelines – Accenture reserves the right to revoke permission
available on Brand Space. to use its name and logo with reasonable notice
Co-branding is different from acquisition branding,
for which guidance can also be found on Brand Space.

Alliance / Ecosystem Partner co-branding

Accenture Visual Guidelines – May 2022 12

Greater Than symbol

The Greater Than symbol is a powerful brand

symbol that encapsulates our emphasis on a
future-forward outlook.

Before, it was used as the primary brand element

and visual system hinged on it. Now, we have
released it from that burden of being everything
to everyone. With the addition of new visual
elements such as expressive type, authentic
portraiture, and living color, the visual expression
is no longer reliant solely on the Greater Than,
allowing the Greater Than space to breathe, flex,
and evolve from its traditional role.

Accenture Visual Guidelines – May 2022 13

Greater Than symbol
Styles and colors

There are four styles of the Greater Than symbol:
solid, keyline, gradient, and dimensional. One style
is not preferred over another. Choose the style
that fits best with the type, imagery, and
messaging in the layout.

The solid and keyline Greater Than symbol can
appear in any of the three core purples, or black
or white. Always ensure there is sufficient contrast
with the background so the symbol appears

Use the Greater Than symbol artwork as supplied

in the digital files available on Brand Space. Do not
alter the artwork in any way.

Note: Do not extract the Greater Than symbol

from the Accenture logo. The symbol used in the
logo has been optimized for use specifically in
the logo.

Solid Keyline Gradient Dimensional

NOTE: The Greater Than symbol has been redrawn to be more robust and to better align
with our brand attributes and our new visual system. Please ensure that you download the
new artwork from Brand Space. Do not continue to use the previous artwork.

Accenture Visual Guidelines – May 2022 14

Greater Than symbol
Keyline size versions

To ensure an optically consistent stroke weight

for the keyline Greater Than symbol, three size
versions have been developed: small, regular,
and large.

Each size version has a defined range of sizes

at which it should be used.

Sizes are measured by the height of the symbol.

0.25"–2" >2"–10" >10"

Small version size range Regular version size range Large version size range

Note: When the symbol appears smaller than 0.25", use a solid Greater Than symbol to ensure legibility.

Some examples are at reduced size for illustration purposes.

Accenture Visual Guidelines – May 2022 15

Greater Than symbol

The Greater Than symbol can be used on solid

color, gradient, or photographic backgrounds.

Always choose a Greater Than symbol in a style

and color version that provides strong contrast
and legibility with the background.

The examples here show the approach to

considering backgrounds with Greater Than
symbols. Not every style, color, and background
combination is shown.

Accenture Visual Guidelines – May 2022 16

Greater Than symbol

The Greater Than symbol can be cropped in

certain prescribed ways to extend its range of
use in layouts.

Cropping is an option and not a requirement.

Legibility is always the top priority when using
a cropped symbol in a layout.

Never combine the two cropping options.

Top-and-bottom crop Left-and-right crop

Crop = 1/4 thickness of the symbol, as shown. Crop = 1/10 thickness of the symbol, as shown.

When cropping, always crop both the top and bottom. When cropping, always crop both the left and right,
as shown.

The cropped edges should always align with the

edges of the layout.

Accenture Visual Guidelines – May 2022 17

Greater Than symbol
Use range

Confident Greater Than Container Greater Than Heroic Greater Than

Size Size Size

Small-scale Medium-scale Large-scale

Tone Tone Tone

Quiet and determined Active and inventive Bold and assertive

Function Function Function

Used as a sign-off or Used to show content Used to evoke awe or

punctuated statement in sequence or succession create a spectacle


Digital screens Website homepage Experiential moments

Swag Content storytelling Large-scale screens
Social media Employee activations Launch microsite

Accenture Visual Guidelines – May 2022 18

Greater Than symbol
Use as brand reinforcement

The Accenture logo does not need to be included

on every application and touchpoint. Doing so can
lessen its impact through overuse.

To prevent overuse, and also to add variety and

flexibility to our visual identity, the Greater Than
symbol can be used as a reinforcing brand mark
in lieu of the logo.
The change
you see
First, consider the context and the environment.
Will the piece be seen, for example,

within a physical Accenture universe?

– in an Accenture office?
– at an Accenture space at a multi-company event?

within a digital Accenture experience?

– in an Accenture social feed?
– on an Accenture site?
– in an Accenture video?

In instances like these, after the initial appearance

of the logo the viewer understands that they are
in an Accenture experience or universe. Once this
is established, the Greater Than can be used as a
reinforcing brand mark (if desired), as shown in the

The use of the Greater Than symbol like this is not

mandatory. This an optional approach that can be
used to reinforce our identity in lieu of using the
logo on every touchpoint. As with the logo, the
Greater Than symbol can be overused, so careful
consideration should be given to where and when
it appears.

Accenture Visual Guidelines – May 2022 19

Greater Than symbol
Use as container shape for photography

The Greater Than symbol can function as a container

for photography either in static layouts or as part of a
motion sequence.

The primary consideration when using this approach

is the legibility of the image within the frame of the
Greater Than symbol.

Optimizing legibility
Careful scaling and cropping are often needed to
make an image read well within the shape. If you
need to study the image in order to identify the
content, consider adjusting the size and position
of the image within the shape. If the image still
doesn’t read well, the image may not be ideally
suited to use with the Greater Than symbol.
Use images with a subject that fits comfortably Show images with some action and include Use images with subjects in a real-world
A simple subject and background will also make
in the frame and is easily recognizable. people rather than just things. context, rather than a studio setting.
an image more legible.

Image style
Dynamic, real-world images typically work better
with the forward momentum of the Greater Than
shape than inherently static or studio shots.

Photos should always align with the photography

standards in these guidelines.

Don’t use uncomfortable or Don’t use crops that turn the Don’t crop or scale images so that Don’t add color to a Greater
awkward crops on faces or bodies. Greater Than symbol into a pointer. the subject is unclear or ambiguous. Than symbol containing an image.

Accenture Visual Guidelines – March 2021 20

Greater Than symbol

Accenture | Automative

Insights Services Industries Careers About Accenture SIGN IN

Become the
impact you want
When businesses unlock the power of
human potential, they access a new level

Become the
of workforce transformation

impact you want

Change is everywhere; it’s a powerful force. But, most importantly,
change is a force you can harness. Accenture has the technology and
the human ingenuity to turn any kind of change into meaningful
impact and to help you create positive change of your own.

Read More

Accenture | Leadership

Helping leadership
drive talent
Sarah Parker
In these unprecedented times, businesses are Client Account Lead
working together at record speed and scale to take on Growth Market

the enormous challenges that now touch everyone,

Creating shared workforce resilience
While many leaders believe innovative technology is the
answer, we know its only part of the solution, with the
most successful organizations elevating their people
and harnessing human potential to create sustainable Workforce resilience is being tested like never
competitive advantage. before. We help CHROs meet the challenge
with 5 ways to help organizations rise,
Responsible leaders are at the heart of these people-rich recover and respond.
and highly effective growth strategies, helping
businesses move confidently through unchartered
territory and rise to the new norm where respect,
compassion and care for workforces and customers are See more
among the prerequisites for success.

Accenture Visual Guidelines – May 2022 21

Greater Than symbol
Incorrect use

The examples shown here illustrate some incorrect

uses of the Greater Than symbol.

Do not crop both the Greater Than symbol on Do not create new color versions of the Greater Do not fill the Greater Than symbol with
both the top and bottom and the sides. Than symbol. decorative patterns or textures.

Metro Detroit

Do not use the Greater Than symbol to pierce, Do not use the Greater Than symbol as a bullet or Do not make awkward or uncomfortable crops when
trap, or obstruct other design elements. directional indicator. using the Greater Than symbol to mask photos.

Accenture Visual Guidelines – May 2022 22


Our approach to color is simple: the three core Core

purples remain, equally, our primary colors, while the purples
range of our palette has been extended through the
introduction of accent purples and a vivid palette of
secondary colors. Our palette differentiates us from
our competition while reflecting the wonderfully rich
and complex diversity of the human experience.

Core purples
The three core purples are used across all our
services, networks, and offers. They appear in
backgrounds, text, the logo, and the Greater
Than symbol. One of the core purples should
always appear in layouts, either in a leading or
supporting role.

Accent purples
The five accent purples provide a harmonious
extension of the core purples. They always support Accent
the core purples and help broaden their range. purples
Overall, their use should be subordinate to the
core purples.

Neutral colors complement the other colors in the
palette and help provide a counterpoint to the
palette’s vibrancy when used in text, backgrounds,
and other foundational design elements.

The secondary colors add variety to the palette
and help prevent “purple fatigue” in our touchpoints. Secondaries
The use of secondary colors is not a requirement in
layouts. These colors are available as options to
allow design variation and visual pacing.

Accenture Visual Guidelines – May 2022 23

Use percentages

The diagrams below provide a general color balance guide for our communications.
They are intended as a quick visual reference rather than a prescriptive formula or ratio.

Moments of impact: Key, high-profile touchpoints that activate the brand Everyday use: Day-to-day communications that serve to reinforce
in a big, bold way with unique or keystone messaging the core brand elements and messaging

purples 50% Neutrals 45%


Neutrals 30%

Core 35%


Accent 5% Accent 5%
purples purples
Secondaries 5% Secondaries 5%

Accenture Visual Guidelines – May 2022 24


To ensure the consistency and memorability

of the Accenture brand, always use the color
formulas listed here for all applications and

RGB Hex Pantone CMYK RGB Hex Pantone CMYK

Core Purple 1 161 / 0 / 255 #a100ff 7442 C / 2592 U 52 / 82 / 0 / 0 Blue 0 / 65 / 240 #0041f0 2388 C / U 100 / 66 / 0 / 0

Core Purple 2 117 / 0 / 192 #7500c0 267 C / 2597 U 74 / 100 / 0 / 0 Light Blue 0 / 255 / 255 #00ffff 311 C / U 68 / 0 / 13 / 0

Core Purple 3 70 / 0 / 115 #460073 2685 C / 2091 U 85 / 100 / 0 / 0 Green 100 / 255 / 80 #64ff50 2287 C / U 61 / 0 / 93 / 0

Blue Green 5 / 240 / 165 #05f0a5 2239 C / U 59 / 0 / 39 / 0

Accent Purple 1 180 / 85 / 170 #b455aa 2352 C / U 29 / 69 / 0 / 0

Accent Purple 2 160 / 85 / 245 #a055f5 2083 C / U 46 / 58 / 0 / 0 Red 255 / 50 / 70 #ff3246 Red 032 C / U 0 / 86 / 63 / 0

Accent Purple 3 190 / 130 / 255 #be82ff 2645 C / U 40 / 44 / 0 / 0 Pink 255 / 80 / 160 #ff50a0 2038 C / U 0 / 68 / 0 / 00

Accent Purple 4 220 / 175 / 255 #dcafff 264 C / U 26 / 37 / 0 / 0 Orange 255 / 120 / 0 #ff7800 1495 C / U 0 / 46 / 78 / 0

Accent Purple 5 230 / 220 / 255 #e6dcff 7443 C / U 9/8/0/0 Yellow 255 / 235 / 50 #ffeb32 108 C / U 0 / 5 / 98 / 0

Black 0/0/0 #000000 n/a 0 / 0 / 0 /100

Dark Gray 150 / 150 / 140 #96968c 7538 C / U 24 / 11 / 24 / 33

Light Gray 230 / 230 / 220 #e6e6dc 2330 C / U 13 / 9 / 13 / 0

White 255 / 255 / 255 #ffffff n/a 0/0/0/0

Accenture Visual Guidelines – May 2022 25


Color accessibility
Core purples
Strong color contrast is essential in ensuring T EXT
the legibility and accessibility of text in layouts.
Color accessibility
Core purples
The wide range of colors in our palette offer Purple 01
161 / 0 / 255
Purple 02
117 / 0 / 192
Purple 03
70 / 0 / 115
00 / 00 / 00
255 / 255 / 255
Purple 01
161 / 0 / 255
Purple 02
117 / 0 / 192
Purple 03
70 / 0 / 115
00 / 00 / 00
255 / 255 / 255
#a100ff #7500c0 #460073 #000000 #ffffff #a100ff #7500c0 #460073 #000000 #ffffff
options for both variety and for potential pitfalls Purple 01
abc abc abc abc abc
abc abc abc abc abc
for onscreen legibility. abc abc abc abc abc
161 / 0 / 255

1 1.57 2.63 3.96 5.3

Purple 01

abc abc abc abc abc

161 / 0 / 255
Purple 02

abc abc abc abc abc

To assist in the development of online touch-
117 / 0 / 192

1.57 1 1.67 2.52 8.34
1 1.57 2.63 3.96 5.3
points that follow the official Accenture CIO Purple 03
70 / 0 / 115
abc abc abc abc abc
accessibility standard (AA), the contrast ratios 2.63 1.67 1 1.51 13.93

Purple 02

for the most commonly anticipated color

117 / 0 / 192
abc abc abc abc abc

abc abc abc abc abc

00 / 00 / 00
3.96 2.52 1.51 1 21

combinations of font and background colors in

1.57 1 1.67 2.52 8.34
255 / 255 / 255
abc abc abc abc abc
the Accenture color palette have been evaluated

5.3 8.34 13.93 21 1

and documented. Purple 03

70 / 0 / 115
abc abc abc abc abc
These ratios are available in the Accenture Accenture Color Accessibility — October 2021 3
2.63 1.67 1 1.51 13.93

Color Accessibility PDF available on Brand Space.


abc abc abc abc abc

Color accessibility Color accessibility 00 / 00 / 00

The contrast ratios are presented through a

Accent purples
Secondaries: Blue
TEXT #000000
Purple 01 Purple 02 Purple 03 Black White Purple 01 Purple 02 Purple 03 Black White
161 / 0 / 255 117 / 0 / 192 70 / 0 / 115 00 / 00 / 00 255 / 255 / 255 161 / 0 / 255 117 / 0 / 192 70 / 0 / 115 00 / 00 / 00 255 / 255 / 255
#a100ff #7500c0 #460073 #000000 #ffffff #a100ff #7500c0 #460073 #000000 #ffffff

3.96 2.52 1.51 1 21

abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc

matrix showing one background color in each 180 / 85 / 170

0 / 65 / 240

row and one text color in each column. Rows of

160 / 85 / 245 76 / 122 / 244

abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc
#a055f5 #4c7af4
This row: Background color
is 70% tint of top row

1.29 2.03 3.39 5.11 4.11 1.36 2.14 3.58 5.4 3.89


abc abc abc abc abc

190 / 130 / 255 102 / 141 / 246

abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc

background colors are grouped by color family.

#be82ff #668df6 This row: Background color
is 60% tint of top row

1.98 3.11 5.19 7.83 2.68 1.69 2.66 4.45 6.71 3.13
255 / 255 / 255
220 / 175 / 255
abc abc abc abc abc
128 / 160 / 247
abc abc abc abc abc This row: Background color
is 50% tint of top row

Text colors in the columns are consistent across

2.93 4.62 7.71 11.62 1.81 2.09 3.29 5.5 8.29 2.53

5.3 8.34 13.93 21 1

230 / 220 / 255 153 / 179 / 249

abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc
#e6dcff #99b3f9 This row: Background color
is 40% tint of top row

4.05 6.37 10.64 16.05 1.31 2.57 4.04 6.74 10.17 2.06

all of the background colors tested. The following

178 / 198 / 250

abc abc abc abc abc

#b2c6fa This row: Background color
is 30% tint of top row

3.12 4.91 8.19 12.35 1.7

text colors have been explored: the three core

Accenture Color Accessibility — October 2021 4 Accenture Color Accessibility — October 2021 5

Accessibility is assessed by a contrast ratio of two colors: the text

Accenture purples, black, and white. Color accessibility
Secondaries: Light blue
Color accessibility
Secondaries: Orange
color and the background color. In each matrix, the contrast ratio

for text and background colors are shown in the lower right of
Purple 01 Purple 02 Purple 03 Black White Purple 01 Purple 02 Purple 03 Black White
161 / 0 / 255 117 / 0 / 192 70 / 0 / 115 00 / 00 / 00 255 / 255 / 255 161 / 0 / 255 117 / 0 / 192 70 / 0 / 115 00 / 00 / 00 255 / 255 / 255

The AA standard requires a minimum 4.5:1 color

#a100ff #7500c0 #460073 #000000 #ffffff #a100ff #7500c0 #460073 #000000 #ffffff
abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc

00 / 255 / 255 255 / 120 / 00

abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc
#00ffff #ff7800

each color block. For simplicity, only the first number in the ratio is
4.23 6.65 11.11 16.75 1.25 2.0 3.15 5.26 7.94 2.65

contrast ratio for normal text.

128 / 255 / 255 255 / 160 / 76
abc abc abc abc abc This row: Background color
is 50% tint of top row
abc abc abc abc abc This row: Background color
is 70% tint of top row

shown. For example, a ratio of 5.3:1 is shown as 5.3. Diagonal cross


4.46 7.02 11.71 17.67 1.19 2.62 4.12 6.89 10.38 2.02

153 / 255 / 255 255 / 174 / 102

abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc
#99ffff This row: Background color #ffae66 This row: Background color
is 40% tint of top row is 60% tint of top row

4.57 7.19 12.0 18.1 1.16 2.9 4.57 7.62 11.5 1.83

Note: These color combinations are shown to outs in each matrix indicate a contrast ratio less than 3:1.
178 / 255 / 255 255 / 187 / 128

abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc
#b2ffff This row: Background color #ffbb80 This row: Background color
is 30% tint of top row is 50% tint of top row

4.71 7.4 12.36 18.64 1.13 3.2 5.03 8.4 12.67 1.66

204 / 255 / 255 255 / 201 / 153

abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc

test for accessibility; they are not intended as

#ccffff This row: Background color #ffc999 This row: Background color
is 20% tint of top row is 40% tint of top row

4.88 7.67 12.81 19.32 1.09 3.55 5.59 9.33 14.07 1.49

WCAG 2.0 level AA requires a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1 for

229 / 255 / 255

abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc
255 / 214 / 178
#e5ffff This row: Background color #ffd6b2 This row: Background color
is 10% tint of top row is 30% tint of top row

design recommendations.
5.07 7.98 13.32 20.08 1.05 3.92 6.16 10.29 15.51 1.35

Accenture Color Accessibility — October 2021 6 Accenture Color Accessibility — October 2021 11

normal text and 3:1 for large text. Large text is defined as 14 point
(typically 18.66px) and bold or larger, or 18 point (typically 24px)
or larger.

Accenture Visual Guidelines – May 2022 26


the impact
you want
With Accenture as your
partner, change becomes the
most dynamic, powerful
source of progress you have.
Accenture sparks and
harnesses powerful change
for clients across every
industry on earth.

impact Above: Example of an ad, where the individual layouts
would be seen in sequence. The opening and closing
layouts feature purple, while the secondary colors are
used only on the in-between layouts.

Accenture Visual Guidelines – May 2022 27

Secondary color use

The use of secondary colors with icons is flexible

within certain parameters. Always consider the
context in which icons appear and choose colors
02 Social-emotional skills
are vital for management 02 Social-emotional skills
are vital for management

based on how they fit in the layout.

Digital and analytical skills were Current skills in focus of existing Digital and analytical skills were Current skills in focus of existing
already highly sought-after pre-pandemic. reskilling/upskilling programs 4 already highly sought-after pre-pandemic. reskilling/upskilling programs 4
With an increased reliance on remote With an increased reliance on remote
and virtual work, CHROs are now Analytical thinking and innovation and virtual work, CHROs are now Analytical thinking and innovation

emphasizing the need for softer, emphasizing the need for softer,
In general, use either one color (a core or accent social-emotional skills, as well.
Leadership and social influence
social-emotional skills, as well.
Leadership and social influence

purple or a secondary color) or two colors CHRO of a multinational mining company CHRO of a multinational mining company

attributes that mining companies’ reskilling or attributes that mining companies’ reskilling or

(a core purple and one secondary color) with

Technology use, monitoring and control Technology use, monitoring and control
upskilling programs are focused on. This is important, upskilling programs are focused on. This is important,
because the pandemic has led to an increase because the pandemic has led to an increase
in mental health issues as employees respond in mental health issues as employees respond

a group of icons. to the isolation and pressures of remote work,

requiring leaders to demonstrate greater empathy.
Quality control and safety awareness
to the isolation and pressures of remote work,
requiring leaders to demonstrate greater empathy.
Quality control and safety awareness

As managers move from managing manual workers As managers move from managing manual workers
to analyzing data and managing remote teams, to analyzing data and managing remote teams,
they will also require superior communication skills they will also require superior communication skills

Avoid using more than two colors with a group

Critical thinking and analysis Critical thinking and analysis
and project and change management experience. and project and change management experience.

of icons unless there is a functional or design How the pandemic is accelerating mining’s workforce transformation 12 How the pandemic is accelerating mining’s workforce transformation 12

reason for doing so.

Always consider the overall balance of color in a layout. Because To differentiate the icons and broaden the color range in
of the predominant use of purple here, the icons can appear in a the layout, the icons can appear in a core purple and one
secondary color. secondary color.

02 Social-emotional skills
are vital for management 02 Social-emotional skills
are vital for management
Digital and analytical skills were Current skills in focus of existing
Digital and analytical skills were Current skills in focus of existing reskilling/upskilling programs 4
already highly sought-after pre-pandemic.
already highly sought-after pre-pandemic. reskilling/upskilling programs 4
With an increased reliance on remote
With an increased reliance on remote
and virtual work, CHROs are now Analytical thinking and innovation
and virtual work, CHROs are now Analytical thinking and innovation
emphasizing the need for softer,
emphasizing the need for softer,
social-emotional skills, as well.
social-emotional skills, as well.
Leadership and social influence
Leadership and social influence CHRO of a multinational mining company
CHRO of a multinational mining company

attributes that mining companies’ reskilling or

attributes that mining companies’ reskilling or Technology use, monitoring and control
upskilling programs are focused on. This is important,
Technology use, monitoring and control
upskilling programs are focused on. This is important, because the pandemic has led to an increase
because the pandemic has led to an increase in mental health issues as employees respond
in mental health issues as employees respond to the isolation and pressures of remote work,
to the isolation and pressures of remote work,
Quality control and safety awareness
Quality control and safety awareness requiring leaders to demonstrate greater empathy.
requiring leaders to demonstrate greater empathy. As managers move from managing manual workers
As managers move from managing manual workers to analyzing data and managing remote teams,
to analyzing data and managing remote teams, they will also require superior communication skills Critical thinking and analysis
they will also require superior communication skills Critical thinking and analysis and project and change management experience.
and project and change management experience.

How the pandemic is accelerating mining’s workforce transformation 12

How the pandemic is accelerating mining’s workforce transformation 12

Icons can also be used as a means to introduce purple Avoid using several secondary colors with icons in the
into a layout. same layout.

Accenture Visual Guidelines – May 2022 28

Secondary color use

In charts, graphs and infographics, purple should Retail ( excl. eCommerce ) Retail ( excl. eCommerce )
Restaurants and hotels Restaurants and hotels
always be the color starting point.
Commercial real estate Commercial real estate
Public transport Public transport
To differentiate information, core purples can -72 -15 Health and fitness centre -72 -15 Health and fitness centre
be combined with other core or accent purples,
or with a secondary color.

Avoid using only secondary colors without

any purple. Retail ( excl. eCommerce )
-446 -446 Restaurants and hotels

-2,066bn -2,066bn
Commercial real estate
Public transport
-15 Health and fitness centre
-659 -659 -72

of value which may be lost of value which may be lost

-874 -874 -446

-659 -2,066bn
of value which may be lost


Home improvements Home improvements

Digital entertainment Digital entertainment Home improvements
Digital entertainment
Food and drink Food and drink Food and drink
eCommerce eCommerce

Two core purples Core purple with a secondary color Avoid using only secondary colors in
charts and graphs.

Accenture Visual Guidelines – May 2022 29

Incorrect use

The examples shown here illustrate some

incorrect uses of color.
Accenture | Automative

Become the
impact you want
When businesses unlock the power of
human potential, they access a new level
of workforce transformation

Do not use the secondary colors as an alternative Do not use colors to code or identify a service, Do not colorize photography.
to the core purples. network, or offer.

The change
Blockchain Cloud
Accenture | Leadership

you see
Helping leadership
drive talent
Sarah Parker
In these unprecedented times, businesses are Client Account Lead
working together at record speed and scale to take on Growth Market

the enormous challenges that now touch everyone,

Industry X Future Future everywhere.

Creating shared workforce resilience

Systems Workforce
While many leaders believe innovative technology is the
answer, we know its only part of the solution, with the
most successful organizations elevating their people
and harnessing human potential to create sustainable Workforce resilience is being tested like never
competitive advantage. before. We help CHROs meet the challenge
with 5 ways to help organizations rise,
Responsible leaders are at the heart of these people-rich recover and respond.
and highly effective growth strategies, helping
businesses move confidently through unchartered
territory and rise to the new norm where respect,
compassion and care for workforces and customers are See more
among the prerequisites for success.

Avoid using too many colors in the same page, Do not use so much color that designs feel heavy Do not use secondary colors for primary visual
screen, or layout. and over-saturated. elements such as headlines without the support
of one of the core purples.

Accenture Visual Guidelines – May 2022 30

Key points

The essence of our approach to color use can be 01

Purple is primary
summarized in five key points.

Purple is our primary color and is always present.

Purple first and last
Ideally, purple is the first and/or last color that you see in a touchpoint,
for example, on a front and back cover or first and last in a motion sequence.

Secondaries play a supporting role
Secondary colors extend the range of the color palette and complement,
rather than replace, the purples

Limit the use of secondaries
Use a limited number of secondary colors at the same time in order
to avoid an excessively multicolored look.

Legibility is essential
The use of expressive and dynamic color in text and backgrounds should
always be balanced with content legibility and accessibility.

Accenture Visual Guidelines – May 2022 31


The idea of expressive movement comes to life in

our color palette through the use of gradients.
Meaningful From the seismic to the small
We’ve created a library of gradient artwork that
impact From the seismic
Join our diverse group of innovators—working
to solve industries’ and organizations’ most

captures the magical interaction of the

challenging problems together.

to the small
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectuer
technological (cooler colors) with the human adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh
euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna
(warmer colors), and integrates them with the core aliqu am erat volutpat fjdoes.Lorem ipsum
dolor sit amet, con secttuer adipiscing elit, sed
diam nonu mmy nibh euismod tincidunt ut
Accenture purples. laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut
wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud
exerci tation ullamcrper suscipit lobortis nisl ut
Fusing technology and human ingenuity
aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis
This artwork is intended to be cropped (and never autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in. As we continue to outmaneuver the
uncertainty caused by the global pandemic,

used in its entirety) to allow an almost endless cloud has become the urgent business
imperative. We have uncovered the five
essential elements to maximizing its value.
variety of options. This allows gradients to feel
fresh and dynamic while remaining visually
consistent across all touchpoints.
Data Actions Outcomes
Note: Our gradients are intended for use in digital,
rather than print applications to best showcase
their vibrant colors.

Intelligent supply Migrating to Microsoft

chain boosts productivity Teams
Learn how SynOps for Supply Chain helped Learn how we are working at speed to deploy
a global healthcare technology company and adopt a new way of collaborating in
reimagine its supply chain through digital the New.

Change is everywhere; it’s a powerful force.

But, most importantly, change is a force
you can harness.

Accenture Visual Guidelines – May 2022 32


Gradient artwork is available in three tonal ranges:

light, medium, and dark.

Artwork is available in Adobe Illustrator format on

Brand Space.

Use dark and medium versions first

The dark and medium versions contain more
purple and should be used first to establish the
connection with Accenture. The light versions can
be used subsequently to provide additional range
and creative flexibility.

Top: light
Middle: medium
Bottom and
far left: dark

Accenture Visual Guidelines – May 2022 33


The gradient artwork has been developed to

be cropped rather than used at its full artboard

Fueling digital
dimensions. This allows for an almost limitless
range of color variations and artwork proportions.

Whenever possible, try to include a significant
amount of purple when cropping the artwork
to maintain a clear connection to the
Accenture brand.

Lorem ipsum dolor

Consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh
euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat
volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud
exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip
ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure
dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie conse-
quat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros
et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent
luptatum delenit augue dolore te feugait nulla facilisi.

Accenture Visual Guidelines – May 2022 34

Use as backgrounds

The gradient artwork can be used as backgrounds

Insights Services Industries Careers About Accenture
in a variety of ways. Always carefully consider the The change
legibility of logos, type, and other content that you see
Join our diverse group of

appears against a gradient background. innovators—working to solve

industries’ and organizations’ most
challenging problems together.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,

consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed
diam nonummy nibh euismod
tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna
aliquam erat volutpat fjdoes.

Join our diverse group of innovators—working Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
to solve industries’ and organizations’ most adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh
challenging problems together. euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna
aliquam erat volutpat fjdoes.Lorem ipsum
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit,
adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt
euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat
aliquam erat volutpat fjdoes.Lorem ipsum volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis
dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit
sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo
ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor
volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis in hendrerit in Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam
lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet
consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi
in hendrerit in Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud
consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam
nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet
dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi
enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud

Accenture Visual Guidelines – May 2022 35

Incorrect use

The examples shown here illustrate incorrect

use of gradients. Rethink.
Change is a force
you can harness.

In these unprecedented times,

Artificial Blockchain Cloud

businesses are working together at

Fueling digital
record speed and scale to take on

the enormous challenges that now
touch everyone, everywhere. While
many leaders believe innovative

technology is the answer, we know
its only part of the solution, with the

most successful organizations
elevating their people and
harnessing human potential to
create sustainable competitive

Change is a force Industry X Future Future

you can harness.
In these unprecedented times,
Systems Workforce
businesses are working together at
record speed and scale to take on
the enormous challenges that now
touch everyone, everywhere. While
many leaders believe innovative
technology is the answer, we know
its only part of the solution, with the
most successful organizations
elevating their people and
harnessing human potential to
create sustainable competitive

Do not use the gradient artwork in its entirety. Do not apply effects or alter the gradient artwork. Do not combine multiple gradients in the
Always use a cropped section of it. same layout.

Do not combine gradients with photography. Do not create new or derivative gradients. Do not layer elements with gradients on top
of each other.

Accenture Visual Guidelines – May 2022 36

Gradients and color use summary

Core purples Accent purples Gradients

Ever-present Supplement to the core purples Use for emphasis or

to add visual motion
Use for brand recognition Use to ensure a “purple-world”
design fatigue doesn’t occur
Moments of impact
and everyday use


Events Animated video stories Event backgrounds / signage

Digital properties Illustrations Animated banners
Core corporate communications 3D Environments Animated OOH

Accenture Visual Guidelines – May 2022 37


Type style Primary typeface

Our overall typographic approach is strong and
bold. Whenever possible, we use short headlines
at large sizes.

Black text on white backgrounds is our default, but

we add variety, interest, and emphasis by selectively Bold Semibold Medium Regular Light
and deliberately using color with text. Clarity and

AaBbCc AaBbCc AaBbCc AaBbCc AaBbCc

legibility inform all type choices.

Our primary typeface is Graphik, a bold, straight-
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
forward sans serif. Graphik expresses our messages
with boldness, clarity, and personality. It works well
VWXYZ 1234567890?&+@#!% VWXYZ 1234567890?&+@#!% VWXYZ 1234567890?&+@#!% VWXYZ 1234567890?&+@#!% VWXYZ 1234567890?&+@#!%
at both headline and body copy sizes.

GT Sectra Fine
Our secondary typeface is GT Sectra Fine
(referred to simply as “Sectra”), a contemporary Secondary typeface
serif face with details reminiscent of calligraphy
strokes. Sectra is used for second-level headings
and adds warmth and a human touch to
our typography.
GT Sectra Fine
Graphik and GT Sectra Fine fonts can be
downloaded from Brand Space. Bold Medium Regular Book

AaBbCc AaBbCc AaBbCc AaBbCc

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
VWXYZ 1234567890?&+@#!% VWXYZ 1234567890?&+@#!% VWXYZ 1234567890?&+@#!% VWXYZ 1234567890?&+@#!%

Accenture Visual Guidelines – May 2022 38

Substitutes / equivalents

Substitute fonts have been identified for use when Graphik substitute Graphik equivalents
Graphik and GT Sectra Fine are not available or

cannot be used such as online email marketing
platforms or editable documents that will be abcdefghijklmnop
shared outside of Accenture.

Equivalent fonts have been identified for a core

set of languages that do not use the Latin
character set: Japanese, Chinese, and Arabic. ABCDEFG12345
Substitutes Arial Japanese Chinese Arabic
The substitute font for Graphik is Arial and the Hiragino Gothic* Source Han Sans Graphik Arabic
substitute font for GT Sectra Fine is Palatino.
*If this font is not available, please use
Reach out to [email protected] Source Han Sans as the alternative.
for information on equivalent fonts for
specific languages.
GT Sectra Fine substitute GT Sectra Fine equivalents
Monospaced font
Courier is our designated monospaced font.
It is available on both PCs and Macs. It works abcdefghijklmnop
well in both code and tables or other applications
that require a monospaced font.
Note: Courier should be used only when a abcdefghijklmn
monospaced font is required for a particular ABCDEFG12345
Palatino Japanese Chinese Arabic
Yu Mincho FZ ShiDaiSongS Greta Text Arabic

Accenture Visual Guidelines – May 2022 39

Hierarchy and considerations

The basic type hierarchy for all our

communications is simple and straightforward,

The change
as illustrated here.

To ensure the legibility of type and the

accessibility of information, always carefully Headline
Graphik Bold

you see
consider the following when designing and
styling type. Sentence case

– Color
– Point size
– Line height (leading)
– Spacing between paragraphs
– Letter spacing (tracking) Change is a force Subhead
GT Sectra Fine Regular
– Word spacing
– Length of paragraphs
you can harness Sentence case

– Text styling (bolding, underlining, italicizing)

– Alignment (justification)
Some agencies have embraced change and are seeing the Body copy
– Section headings and TOCs benefit of disruptive models to deliver their missions and better Graphik Light
outcomes in new ways—from predicting pandemic outbreaks Sentence case
For details on the best practices for online
before they happen to 3-D printing parts of military flight-critical
accessibility, refer to the Web Content
components. And they are creating more value for citizens and
Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1.
empowering employees with exciting new ways to serve. Other
less agile agencies fall behind in applying the latest technologies
and approaches to re-imagine the mission and business. When
this gap widens, public trust declines and workforce engagement
drops—and external adversaries may stoke these instabilities.

Accenture Visual Guidelines – May 2022 40

Headline punctuation

We use punctuation in headlines only when

needed to avoid ambiguity or confusion.

The change you see

As a general rule, we do not use periods at
the end of headlines.
Simple phrase. The meaning
The examples shown here demonstrate some
is clear without punctuation.
common styles of headlines and how punctuation
is applied or not applied to each..

What change is next? Punctuation needed to

express a question.

Change is a force
you can harness Complete sentence.
The meaning is clear
without punctuation.

Rethink. Reinvent. Realize. A series of verbs requires

periods between each
word for clarity.

Revolutionize A single verb (or any single

word) does not require a
period for clarity.

Accenture Visual Guidelines – May 2022 41

Color in headlines
and second-level text

Color in headlines is limited to the core and

accent purples.
#TechVision2020 #TechVision2020
Technology Vision 2020 Technology Vision 2020
Color can be applied to the entire headline or
to only key words for emphasis. We, the We, the
Use only one purple per headline, in addition post-digital post-digital
to black or white. people people
Can your enterprise survive Can your enterprise survive
While secondary colors should not be used the tech clash? the tech clash?
in headlines, they can be applied to expressive
typography, subheads, and body copy to
extend the range of design options.

However, avoid using color in both headlines

and subheads or other secondary text. Using Accenture Technology Accenture Technology

more than one color (in addition to black or white)

with text creates a multi-colored effect which Entire headline is set in one of the core or accent purples. Headline set in black with key phrase set in purple for emphasis.
dilutes the impact of individual colors.

Technology Vision 2020

We, the
Can your enterprise survive
the tech clash?

Accenture Technology

Entire headline is set in black with subhead set in secondary color.

Accenture Visual Guidelines – May 2022 42
Incorrect use

The examples shown here illustrate incorrect

Fueling digital
use of typography.
transformation THE CHANGE
Change is a force
Change is a force
you can harness. you can harness.
In these unprecedented times, In these unprecedented times,
businesses are working together at
record speed and scale to take on
businesses are working together at
record speed and scale to take on
Change is a force
the enormous challenges that now
touch everyone, everywhere. While
the enormous challenges that now
touch everyone, everywhere. While
you can harness.
many leaders believe innovative many leaders believe innovative In these unprecedented times,
technology is the answer, we know technology is the answer, we know businesses are working together at
its only part of the solution, with the its only part of the solution, with the record speed and scale to take on
most successful organizations most successful organizations the enormous challenges that now
elevating their people and elevating their people and touch everyone, everywhere. While
harnessing human potential to harnessing human potential to many leaders believe innovative
create sustainable competitive create sustainable competitive technology is the answer, we know
advantage. advantage. its only part of the solution, with the
most successful organizations
elevating their people and
harnessing human potential to
create sustainable competitive

Do not use Sectra for headlines or primary Do not set headlines in Graphik Black, all caps. Do not lock up headlines with the
messages. Greater Than symbol.

Rethink. Rethink,
Reinvent. Reinvent,
Realize. Realize.
Do not apply outlines or other stylized Do not combine different type weights in Do not use fonts other than those specified
effects to type. headlines and primary messages. in these guidelines.

Accenture Visual Guidelines – May 2022 43

Incorrect use

The examples shown here illustrate incorrect

use of typography.
From the seismic
to the small
Rethink. Accenture has the technology and the human ingenuity
to turn any kind of change into meaningful impact

Getting to Equal 2020

The hidden
Realize. value of culture
How to successfully scale digital
innovation to drive growth Where culture makers lead,
organizations grow twice as fast #Equal2020

Do not use secondary colors in headlines. Do not use color in both headlines and subheads Do not use multiple secondary colors to highlight
and secondary text. secondary text.

Accenture Visual Guidelines – May 2022 44


Our photography celebrates authentic humanity

while simultaneously expressing the concept of
human ingenuity combining with technology to
create something transformative.

To help delineate the various facets of this idea,

we created six image categories:

– Authentic portraiture
– Life at work
– User-generated content
– Dynamic place
– Powerful innovation
– Visible outcomes

The first three categories focus on genuine

humanity, while the last three focus on the effect
of technological advancement on the world
around us. From bold portraiture to highlighting
innovation in our everyday lives, everything
coalesces around a sense of honest human

Remember to consider ability and inclusivity

when choosing imagery.

Accenture Visual Guidelines – May 2022 45


Authentic portraiture
Subjects should be inclusive in terms of age, ethnicity, and
gender, and should be shot at medium to close range, in a
way that suggests a level of intimacy and understanding.

Subjects don’t need to always have direct eye contact with

the camera, but the focus should be on the eyes and upper
portion of the face.

Artificial light should be avoided. Lighting should always be

from a strong natural source, preferably used in a way that
adds visual interest (such as high-contrast shadows).

Accenture Visual Guidelines – May 2022 46

Authentic portraiture

Accenture Visual Guidelines – May 2022 47


Life at work
These images highlight the wide range of professional
needs that Accenture’s offerings can help fulfill. As with
all our photography, people should be inclusive in terms
of age, gender, and ethnicity, and as diverse as possible
in terms of industry and location. Technology should
be included whenever possible, so long as its inclusion
is accurate.

Regardless of industry, subjects should always be shown

as active participants. Images should feel energetic and
in-the-moment, rather than passive or static. This approach
also extends to lighting (natural, so long as activity is clear),
and cropping (medium- to wide-range shots), to further
help depict life at work clearly and comprehensively.

Accenture Visual Guidelines – May 2022 48

Life at work

Accenture Visual Guidelines – May 2022 49


Use-generated content (UGC) allows more personal,
genuine, and relatable imagery to be featured as part
of our visual system. These images should evoke candid
shots of individuals who personally benefit from their
interactions with Accenture. They should be consistently
natural in terms of lighting and composition.

The goal of this content is to highlight genuine

experiential moments and should therefore be candid
rather than posed. Subjects should appear at ease in
their environments. Images should evoke a sense of
spontaneity and never feel overly considered.

Accenture Visual Guidelines – May 2022 50


Accenture Visual Guidelines – May 2022 51


Dynamic place
Photography that focuses on place should always
emphasize the three-dimensional nature of the image
being depicted. These shots should include elements
in the foreground, middle-ground, and background,
and feature a strong sense of perspective. While it’s
not imperative that humanity be featured in these
shots, the inclusion of people can help to give a
sense of scale and to increase the visual impact of
an image.

The places featured in these images should never

feel stagnant or staged and should always have a
sense of inherent motion. Whether the focus is on
a specific architectural feature or an all-inclusive
landscape, these shots should have a raw authenticity
that speaks to the location’s unique energy.

Accenture Visual Guidelines – May 2022 52

Dynamic place

Accenture Visual Guidelines – May 2022 53


Powerful innovation
Images that feature technology on a large-scale are an
opportunity to imbue our photography with vibrant color
and high-impact graphics. These technological elements
can range from meticulously precise to purely atmospheric.

Whenever possible, humanity should be featured in a

way that suggests an interaction between the subjects
and the technology. This interaction will promote a sense
of curiosity and discovery, while also emphasizing the fact
that technological innovation comes in a wide variety of
colors, shapes, textures, and experiences.

These images should always be high-contrast and visually

dramatic. The technological aspect should always be the
main focus of the composition, regardless of whether
humanity is included.

Accenture Visual Guidelines – May 2022 54

Powerful innovation

Note: Some photography on this page is for inspiration only.

Usage rights have not been secured for all images.
Accenture Visual Guidelines – May 2022 55

Visible impact
Accenture sparks and harnesses powerful change for
clients across every industry on earth, with the goal of
optimizing insights and technology to drive visible impact.

The images in this category are divided into sub-sections

that directly relate to ten of the most prominent industries
that Accenture influences on a daily basis. Whether
Accenture’s partnership leads to more a profitable business
model in financial services, allows for farther-reaching
global exploration for sustainable energy, or results in more
planet-friendly harvesting practices in agribusiness, this
photographic concept should highlight real-world clients in
the interest of showcasing Accenture’s innovative practices.

– Automotive / mobility – Healthcare

– Capital markets – Industrial
– Communications / media – Natural resources
– Energy / utilities – Retail
– Financial services – Travel

Accenture Visual Guidelines – May 2022 56

Visible impact

Automotive / mobility Capital markets

The next iteration of the automotive industry is a mobility ecosystem. This sub- As capital markets enter a new era, firms in this industry must lead with
category explores the implications of sustainable mobility and autonomous technology-driven innovation. This sub-category visualizes this ongoing digital
technology, as well as how traditional auto makers can create a new value chain transformation and emphasizes how Accenture can leverage data-driven
by re-imagining their business structures, services, and experiences. insights to help capital markets firms manage risk, redefine workplace strategies,
and improve operational efficiency for the digital future.

Accenture Visual Guidelines – May 2022 57

Visible impact

Communications / media Energy / utilities

From consumer products to Communication Service Providers, next-generation With the energy transition in full-swing, suppliers of all kinds must optimize their
IP services are dependent on open-platform models. This sub-category operating models in order to develop or maintain a competitive edge. This sub-
highlights how the shift towards personalized, experience-led platforms can help category showcases Accenture’s range of offerings, from managing trading risk
clients build customer engagement, improve network services, and leverage in the energy industry to leveraging cloud services in the utilities industry in the
applied intelligence to stay ahead of the competition. interest of accelerating innovation at all levels.

Accenture Visual Guidelines – May 2022 58

Visible impact

Financial services Healthcare

As challenger banks and Big Tech gain traction within the financial services industry, The expectations of the healthcare system boil down to access, experience,
technological innovation has become indispensable in terms of maintaining a competitive and outcomes. This sub-category focuses on humanity as an essential aspect of
advantage. This sub-category emphasizes the various ways that consumers interact with fulfilling these expectations, as well as Accenture’s ability to leverage intelligent,
financial institutions, simultaneously reinforcing how critical it is for the banking sector to cloud-based solutions in the interest of improving healthcare services for all.
rediscover their human purpose.

Accenture Visual Guidelines – May 2022 59

Visible impact

Industrial Natural resources

As new technologies emerge and customer behaviors shift, we are entering an industrial Modern natural resource companies must employ safer, cleaner, and more
renaissance. This sub-category reframes the industrial sector through the lens of the intelligent operating practices to maintain profitability and relevancy. This sub-
technological, macroeconomic, and societal change that our clients must navigate in category highlights the breadth and depth of clients that our natural resource
order to enter a new phase of accelerated growth practice provides solutions for when it comes to enhancing safety, empowering
workers, and supporting sustainability.

Accenture Visual Guidelines – May 2022 60

Visible impact

Retail Travel
The near future of retail is one that requires constant reevaluation. This sub-category Even as travel embarks on its journey back to a place of profitable growth, the
showcases the five imperatives that retailers must focus on: digital, fulfillment, sourcing, industry must be held to increasingly high standards in terms of safety and
talent, and data. Along with commitments to ESG principles and modern digital sustainability. This sub-category visualizes the many facets of global travel and
technology, Accenture can help retail clients achieve profitable growth in an ever- emphasizes the role that Accenture can play when it comes to adapting to a
changing consumer landscape. dramatically different post-pandemic landscape.

Accenture Visual Guidelines – May 2022 61

Categories in use

CASE STUDY Fusing technology

Change comes
Intelligent supply and human ingenuity
chain boosts

in many forms
Accenture’s SynOps for Supply Chain
helped a global healthcare technology
company reimagine its supply chain through
digital innovation.

Operational agility
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conse
tetuer adipiscng elit, sed diam nonum
my nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet
dolore magna aliquamrper suscipit
lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex eala.

Adapting the supply chain for $47m

a world where nothing stands still Labor and material cost savings through
customer service analytics co-innovation
With both technological and medical advances occurring workshops.
at an ever-faster rate, today’s healthcare technology industry
is a complex and dynamic place in which to operate. $45m
Corrective maintenance savings by reducing When businesses unlock the power of human potential,
By standardizing, centralizing, and optimizing global supply service parts costs.
chain processes, and creating a culture of continuous they access a new level of workforce transformation.
improvement, Accenture helped this global healthcare $17m
technology company boost overall back-office productivity Inventory reduction by reducing supplier
by up to 12% annually. lead times.
In these unprecedented times, businesses are working together at record speed and scale
What’s more, the company’s previous fragmented, poor-
visibility inventory management model is a thing of the $6m to take on the enormous challenges that now touch everyone, everywhere. While many leaders
past. Thanks to the SynOps for supply chain human-machine Profit and loss (P&L) impact through inventory believe innovative technology is the answer, we know its only part of the solution,
growth engine, Accenture has worked to continuously planning models. with the most successful organizations elevating their people and harnessing human potential
improve service parts fill rates – one of the company’s most
to create sustainable competitive advantage.
critical measures of success. $5m
Reverse supply chain inventory reduction.
In total, the relationship has delivered more than $130 million
in combined business impact.

A significant upgrade in
back-office productivity

The challenge So, they asked Accenture to help boost their

agility and responsiveness through technolo-
gy-led innovation.
Fusing human ingenuity
and technology
Adapting the supply chain for a world

be change
where nothing stands still
What we did
With both technological and medical
In these unprecedented times, businesses
Let there
advances occurring at an ever-faster rate, Switching on the intelligent supply
today’s healthcare technology industry is a chain with SynOps are working together at record speed and
complex and dynamic place in which
to operate. Over a ten-year relationship, Accenture scale to take on the enormous challenges
has helped this company centralize and that now touch everyone, everywhere.
standardize inventory management, while
A decade ago, one big-ticket global medi-
boosting productivity through intelligent
While many leaders believe innovative
cal technology company found this era of
constant change was stretching its spare operations and Accenture’s unique SynOps technology is the answer, we know its only
parts supply chain to the limit. Dispersed and growth engine. part of the solution, with the most
fragmented legacy systems weren’t provid-
Accenture’s decision model incorporates successful organizations elevating their
ing the total visibility into inventory it needed
numerous downstream impacts – people and harnessing human potential to By standardizing, centralizing, and $47m
adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh

in all its markets around the world. optimizing global supply chain Labor and material cost savings
magna aliquam t volutpat. Ut wisi enim
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetuer

retraining needs, inventory costs, knock- processes, and creating a culture of

tation ullamcorper suscipit ltis nisl ut.
ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci

create sustainable competitive advantage.

through customer service analytics
continuous improvement, Accen-
euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore

co-innovation workshops.
ture helped this global healthcare
on changes to other parts and more – technology company boost overall
That was impacting the company’s ability to back-office productivity by up to 12% $45m
ensuring technicians make more informed annually. Corrective maintenance savings by
achieve acceptable fill rates for the vast array reducing service parts costs.
decisions and avoid potentially costly and What’s more, the company’s previous
of parts needed to maintain and service the fragmented, poor-visibility inventory $17m
disruptive choices. management model is a thing of the Inventory reduction by reducing
healthcare-critical products its customers – past. Thanks to the SynOps for supply
chain human-machine growth engine,
supplier lead times.

and their patients – relied on every day. Accenture has worked to continu-
ously improve service parts fill rates
To stay in front of the competition, this – one of the company’s most critical
measures of success.
Profit and loss (P&L) impact through
inventory planning models.

healthcare technology leader recognized the In total, the relationship has delivered $5m
need to rethink its supply chain. more than $130 million in combined
business impact.
Reverse supply chain inventory

Life at work Visible outcomes (top) Powerful innovation UGC (top)

Authentic portraiture (bottom) Dynamic place (bottom)

Accenture Visual Guidelines – May 2022 62

Do’s and don’ts

Do this: Emotionally charged; natural Not this: Stiff; artificial studio lighting; Do this: Intimate; natural lighting; shot at Not this: Posed; artificial studio lighting;
lighting; shot at close range cropped after the fact close range; emphasis given to eyes cold

Do this: In-the-moment; active; balance Not this: Posed; stereotypical office Do this: Impactful; inspiring; natural; Not this: Staged/posed; lacks gravitas;
of tech and humanity setting; passive demonstrates outcome stereotypical representation of success

Accenture Visual Guidelines – May 2022 63

Do’s and don’ts

Do this: Warm; spontaneous; subject Not this: Overly staged; artificial Do this: Vibrant; active; atmospheric Not this: Muted colors; artificial graphics;
shown in natural environment lighting; emotion is forced passive; uses technology tropes

Do this: Dynamic angle; strong sense of Not this: Disconnected/removed; Do this: Full-color, vibrant photography Not this: Colorized or heavily
motion; tangible energy stagnant; flat composition manipulated photography

Accenture Visual Guidelines – May 2022 64


Along with iconography and photography,

illustration is one of our main tools for visual
storytelling. Illustration is well suited for visualizing
complex or abstract ideas that can’t be captured
well with photography or that need more detail
and context than iconography.

Illustration is a key component of our visual

system. It supports ourTypes of
brand attributes and allows us to visualize ideas in
An Illustration
An Illustration
for Every
a unique and ownable way. Because of this, it’s for Every
Need Need
important to be consistent in how we create
illustrations. We’ve developed an illustration house
style that aligns with our visual identity and the
Accenture brand, and will helpare
There usThere
threeof illustrations:
types of illustrations:
from broadfrom
broad storytelling
to highly to
highly visuals.
focused visuals.
illustration development.

For detailed guidance, see the Illustration

Broad Storytelling
Broad Storytelling
Guidelines PDF available on Brand Space.
Highly Focused
Highly Focused
Visuals Visuals

Primary Primary
Illustrations Secondary
Illustrations Spot Illustrations Accenture Visual Guidelines – May 2022
Spot Illustrations 65

These illustrations
These illustrations
tell complex
tell complex
stories. They
usually feature These illustrations
These illustrations
tell focused
tell stories.
feature less These are
are illustrations
showing a showing
single thing.
a single
They don’t

Icons extend our graphic language and allow us

to express both abstract and concrete concepts
quickly, succinctly, and effectively.

Select icons that reinforce your message and

help tell your story. Do not add icons for
decorative purposes.

Note: The functional icons shown here will be

supplemented by a set of expressive icons that
are currently in development.

Accenture Visual Guidelines – May 2022 66

Photography vs. Illustration vs. Iconography

Photography Illustration Iconography

Use when a concept or idea Use when a concept or idea Use when a quick-read is required
can be clearly communicated needs to be communicated for more functional scenarios, such as
through a real-world through an abstract or hypothetical wayfinding or informational design.
scenario or interaction. scenario or interaction.


Client case studies Services imagery PowerPoint slides
Employee profiles Social media content UI / UX interactions

Accenture Visual Guidelines – May 2022 67


Motion is a key aspect of the Accenture brand and

is one of the most important and engaging ways
the brand comes to life. Guidance for the brand in
motion has been developed in the following areas:

– General motion principles and attitudes

– Living gradients
– Typographic effects
– Greater Than symbol
– Transitions
– Lower thirds

For guidelines, assets, and examples related

to the expression of the brand through motion,
reach out to [email protected]

Accenture Visual Guidelines – May 2022 68


Branded merchandise is a platform to feature the

new brand elements as well as to create employee A flexible logo system
excitement and pride.
When designing merchandise, use the core Accenture logo as well as
Our goal with merchandise is to build a covetable
collection that projects a feeling of bold, vibrant
the Greater Than symbol to provide a greater range of collection items.
confidence. The approach is to treat merchandise
as if it were a fashion line, creating beautiful
everyday gear as well as special drops for
launches and potential collaborations.
Impactful treatments
The gradients and expressive type should be reserved for merchandise drops
tied to special moments in time. Ensure that the materials selected
are able to show off these elements in a vivid way.

Changing materials
For special situations, and if possible, use treatments and materials
that physically change in their colorways to pay off the idea of motion
and change. Think heat-sensitive inks, holographic materials, etc.

Accenture Visual Guidelines – May 2022 69


Accenture Visual Guidelines – May 2022

Accenture Visual Guidelines – May 2022 71


Let there
be change

Moving Let there be change

Accenture Visual Guidelines – May 2022 72
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Accenture Visual Guidelines – May 2022 77
© 2022 Accenture. All Rights Reserved.

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